Sustainability Initiatives of AICTE
Sustainability Initiatives of AICTE
Sustainability Initiatives of AICTE
3. AICTE implements a one student, one tree initiative every year during the
month of July and August under which students are required to plant one
tree during the event. Every student takes care of the tree planted by
themselves and builds the environment.
5. Clean and Smart Campus award aims to seek engagement with all
stakeholders, primarily the student community to draw their attention
towards immense scope and potential that the Technology offers for
abstract objectives such as cleanliness, sustainability, environment etc.
AICTE had launched the “Clean Campus Award” in the year 2017. In 2019, it is
renamed the “CLEAN AND SMART CAMPUS AWARD 2019”, to recognise the efforts
of the institutes and its stake holders for attaining the intended objectives of
cleanliness and smartness.
The main objective of this award is not only to bring attention of the students, faculty
and institutions towards the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan but also to realize them that
how smartly they can reduce the consumption or exploitation of natural resources
such as paper, water, energy by deployment of digital technology. Other aspects such
as effective waste management, sustainable transport, air pollution etc can also be
achieved by ‘smart’ use of technologies