Post Test - Normal Ob - Mr. Archie Alviz (SC)

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Prepared By: Mr. Archie Alviz, RM, RN
NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review
1. Which drug category may be safely administered during 9. Which of the following would be appropriate to teach the
pregnancy? pregnant woman regarding exercise?
A. Category A A. Avoid any physical activity during the second
B. Category B trimester
C. Category C B. Contact sports are allowed during the first trimester
D. Category D C. Extremely active women should reduce the level of
2. Which of the following is a positive indication of D. Relaxation and stretching exercises should be
pregnancy? discontinued.
A. Quickening
B. Chadwick’s sign 10. One of the functions of the amniotic fluid is to:
C. Auscultation of fetal heart sounds A. exchange nutrients from mother to fetus placenta
D. Ballottement B. immobilize the fetus
C. protect the woman’s uterus fetus
3. During the last months of pregnancy, the nurse should D. regulate temperature
instruct the client to:
A. rest on her left side for at least 1 hour in the morning 11. A feeling of ambivalence about the pregnancy is:
and afternoon A. a sign of unwanted pregnancy
B. sleep on her back during the night and during naps B. normal in early pregnancy
C. start nipple exercises and stimulation twice a day C. rare at any stage of pregnancy
D. start to cut back on water intake, especially at night D. typical in late pregnancy

4. When teaching a pregnant woman about traveling during 12. Which assessment relates most directly to rupture
the pregnancy, it is important to focus on which of the membranes and release of amniotic fluid?
following? A. Bloody show
A. If traveling by car, stop every 2 hours for 10 minutes B. Fluid with a pH of 7.0 to 7.5 with nitrazine test
B. Get plenty of rest before long trips made in C. Fluid with a pH of 5.0 with nitrazine test
automobiles D. Woman complains of urge to push
C. Travel in any type of aircraft is acceptable
D. Travel can be completed anytime throughout the 13. When the placenta is delivered with the dull side out
pregnancy (Duncan presentation), the woman is at risk for:
A. excessive bleeding
5. Which of the following is recommended for all women B. hemorrhoids
during the childbearing age? C. increased lacerations of the perineum
A. Additional B vitamins D. sterility
B. Additional vitamin A
C. Folic acid supplement 14. To assess the uterine contraction during labor, the nurse:
D. Vitamin C supplement A. asks the woman if she is having a contraction.
B. palpates above the symphysis pubis.
6. An 18-year old girl visits to obtain a contraceptive. She C. palpates just below the xyphoid process of the
elected to use the intrauterine device (IUD) as a method of sternum.
birth control. The major concern with the use of the IUD is: D. performs a sterile vaginal examination.
A. thrombophlebitis.
B. pain on intercourse. 15. The nurse knows that a postpartum client’s susceptibility to
C. infection. hemorrhage is most likely related to a:
D. abnormal bleeding and hemorrhage. A. boggy uterus
B. firm fundus
7. The client begins to question the nurse about sexuality and C. long labor
becoming sexually active. During sexual counseling, the D. negative Homan’s sign
nurse should place a major point of emphasis on:
A. douching after sexual intercourse. 16. Between 24 and 28 weeks, all pregnant women should be
B. sex during menstruation. screened for: High in Hpl (Human Placental Lactogen -
C. performing Kegsl exercises. Single: abstinence A. Anemia anti-insulin)
D. safe and responsible sex. Couple: monogamous rs B. Bladder infections - Di naeffect sa months na 'to
C. Diabetes - Tataas glucose, magkakaroon ng
8. Using Naegle’s Rule, calculate the estimate date of delivery D. Neural tube defects diabetes
if the woman’s LMP was October 1.
A. June 23 Jan-Mar = +9 + 7 17. Which of these measures would be helpful for the pregnant
B. July 8 April-Dec = -3 + 7 + 1 client complaining of sleeplessness?
C. December 23 A. Eat evening meal close to bedtime
D. January 8 B. Sit in a sitz bath before bedtime
C. Try to remain in one position when sleeping
D. Use pillows to help find a comfortable position


18. Why is the first 8 weeks of pregnancy known as the critical
period of human development?
A. By the time this period ends, the embryo is
completely safe from any damage
B. Many embryos die during this period
C. The infant’s sex is determined at the end of the eight
D. The major structures of the embryo are forming, and
damage can result in major birth defects

19. Which of these statements is most accurate about the

A. The blood of the baby mixes with the mother’s blood
to permit exchange of nutrients and oxygen.
B. The blood of the baby and the mother do not mix;
exchange occurs across blood vessels and the walls of
the villi.
C. The placenta lets the blood from the fetus cross to the
mother, but the mother’s blood does not cross to the
D. The placenta serves as a complete barrier between
the baby and mother so that any drugs the mother
takes do not cross the baby.

20. Which of the following is the best recommendation about

taking medicines during pregnancy?
A. All over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are safe during
B. All herbal preparations are safe during pregnancy
C. Don’t take anything during pregnancy without asking
your health care provider
D. Take an OTC diuretic if you have swelling during the

21. When providing postpartum teaching about self-care, one

of the danger signs that a lactating woman should know to
report to the birth attendant is:
A. breast engorgement to a degree that the baby can’t = this shows Mastitis
latch on.
B. breast fullness just before feeding .
C. nipple soreness after feedings.
D. nipple dryness before feedings.

22. “Show” is usually present in:

A. Braxton Hicks contraction.
B. false labor.
C. true labor.
D. Second stage of labor only.

23. APGAR score assessments are completed at:

A. birth and 10 minutes. 1-5 mins = status of the newborn
B. 1 and 5 minutes. After 5 mins = adjustment in new life
C. 5 minutes and upon arrival to the nursery.
D. the time of birth.
= emergency!
24. A newborn of 4 hours displays grunting respirations and a
respiratory rate of 70 breaths/minute. The priority nursing
intervention would be to:
A. begin resuscitative measures and call for help.
B. continue to monitor respiratory status variations are
C. obtain vital signs every 15 minutes.
D. transfer the newborn to the mother’s room for

25. Which measure would be used to prevent loss of heat in

the newborn?
A. Immediately give the baby a bath NSD = Unang yakap ay sa stomach
B. Place the baby on the mother’s bare stomach CS = Unang yakap sa chest kasi may tahi
C. Offer the baby warm glucose water
D. Wrap the baby in room-temperature blankets


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