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Grade 9 - Week 1

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Grade 9


Week 1- Period 1 Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Extend and practice vocabulary related to traditional crafts and places of interest in an
- Interact a conversation about traditional crafts and places of interest.
a. Vocabulary: related to traditional crafts and places of interest.
b. Grammar: Phrasal verbs.
c. Skills: Listening, reading and speaking, making a notes, writing sentences, talk a
2. Competence development:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Attitude: Students will be aware of protecting traditional crafts, or places of
interest in their area.
1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents

1. Warm up- 5’
a.Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b. Content : Guessing
c. Outcome: Ss can talk guess the contents of the unit.
d. Performance:

T writes the unit title on the board ‘Local *Introduction.

environment’. Ask Ss to guess the contents of
the unit. Listen to their answers. Finally, tell ‘Local environment’
them that the unit is not about environmental
issues such as pollution, deforestation, or
global warming, but it is about the physical
conditions in an area such as its features,
traditional crafts, or places of interest. Now
start the lesson.
2. Presentation- 10’
a.Aim: Help Ss can know some vocabulary related to the topic : local environment.
b. Content : Do the following tasks:
+ Work independently to find the words/phrases with the given meanings in the dialogue.
c. Outcome: Ss can know some vocabulary related to the topic : local environment.
d. Performance:

T asks Ss to look at the picture and answer the 1. Listen and read
questions • Who and what can you see in the
Ss answer the question picture?
• Where are they?
• What do you think the people in the
picture are talking about?
T lets Ss listen to the dialogue and read
Ss read the dialogue in groups.

T asks Ss to work independently to find the

words/phrases with the given meanings in the a. Can you find a word/phrase that
dialogue. means:
Ss share their answers before asking them to Key:
discuss as a class. 1. craft
Ss write the correct answers on the board. 2. set up
T corrects 3. take over
4. artisans
T asks Ss to read words and phrasal verbs. 5. attraction
6. specific region
T explains: “As far as I know” and Tell them 7. remind
that there are some similar expressions such as 8. look round
‘as far as I can remember’, ‘as far as I can
see’, or ‘as far as I can tell’.
Ss listen and remember
3. Practice- 15’
a.Aim: Help Ss understand a dialogue about a visit to a traditional craft village and answer
the question, know and use some words and phrasal about traditional handicrafts.
b. Content :
+ Ss read and answer the questions and then share their answers with classmates
+ Ss match some traditional handicrafts of different regions in the box under the pictures.
c. Outcome: Ss can understand a dialogue about a visit to a traditional craft village and
answer the question they also can know and use some words and phrasal about traditional
d. Performance:
b. Answer the following questions.
T asks Ss to read the questions to make sure Key:
they understand them. Ask them firstly to 1. They are at Phong’s grandparents’
answer the questions without reading the workshop in Bat Trang.
dialogue again. Ss exchange their answers with 2. It is about 700 years old.
classmates. 3. His great-grandparents did.
Ss read and answer the questions and then 4. Because people can buy things for
share their answers with classmates their house and make pottery themselves
T corrects there.
5. It’s in Hue.
6. Because the handicrafts remind them
of a specific region.

T asks Ss to match some traditional handicrafts 2. Write the name of each traditional
of different regions in the box under the handicraft in the box under the picture.
pictures. Key:
Ss match and compare their answers in pairs. A. paintings
B. drums
T asks Ss to read words and phrasal verbs. C. marble sculptures
D. pottery
E. silk
F. lacquerware
G. conical hats
H. lanterns
3. Complete the sentences with the words/
phrases from 2 to show where in Viet Nam
the handicrafts are made. You do not have
T asks Ss to complete the sentences with the to use them all.
words/phrases in 2. Key:
Ss to write their answers on the board. 1. conical hat
T confirms the correct answers. 2. lanterns
3. silk
4. paintings
5. Pottery
6. marble sculptures
T may check Ss’ short-term memory by asking
some questions to know information about the *Questions
places where the handicrafts are made 1. Where is the birthplace of bai tho
Have Ss close their books. conical hat?
2. Where can you enjoy the lights of
many beautiful lanterns?
3. Which village in Ha Noi produces
4. On the Tet holiday, What do
Hanoians buy at Dong Ho village?
5. Where is the famous pottery?

4. Application- 13’
a. Aim: Helps Ss know some places of interest by doing the quiz
b. Content : Ss do the quiz in pair.
c. Outcome: Ss can do the quiz and know some places of interest.
d. Performance:
T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the quiz. The INTEREST?
pair which has the answers the fastest is invited a. Work in pairs to do the quiz.
to read out their answers. Elicit feedback from Key:
other pairs. Confirm the correct answers. 1. park
2. museum
3. zoo
4. beach
*Groupwork: 5. beauty spot
- Divide the class into 6 groups
- Write 3 similar quiz about places of interest. b. Work in groups. Write a similar quiz
- Time: five minutes. about places of interest. Ask another group
- When time is up, ask the first group to read to answer the quiz.
out a question in their quiz. Ss from other
groups give the answer. The group confirms the
correct answer. The second group then reads out
a question in their quiz. This question should be
different from the one of the first group.
Continue the activity until all the groups have
read out all of their questions or when time is

* Homework. – 2’
- Learn new words.
- Find some traditional crafts which they know.
- Find some places of interest in your area.
- Prepare: A closer look 1
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary related to traditional crafts and places of interest.
- Practice Stress on content words in sentences.
a. Vocabulary: related to traditional crafts and places of interest.
b. Pronunciation: Stress on content words in sentences
c. Skills: Improve their listening skill, writing skill and pronunciation.
2. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic
competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Behavior: Students will be aware of protecting traditional crafts, or places of
interest in their area.
1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up:- 5’
a, Aims: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b, Contents: Network.
c, Outcome: SS can call out some traditional crafts which they know.
d, Organization:
T asks Ss call out some traditional crafts * Network.
which they know
embroider carve
traditional crafts

T introduces the lesson: in this lesson we

are going to learn some verbs that are used
to talk about producing o creating a craft.
2.Presentation- 15’
a, Aims: Help Ss know stress on content words in sentences
b, Contents: Ss do the following tasks:
+ Listen and answer the questions.
+ Underline the content words in the sentences.
c, Outcome: Ss can know stress on content words in sentences and do exericses well.
d, Organization:
T explains how to stress in English (Part b). 1. Pronunciation
5a. Listen and answer the questions.
T lets Ss listen to the tape and answer the Key:
questions. 1. Sentence 1: craft, village, lies, river, bank
T calls some Ss to give the answers and give Sentence 2: painting, embroidered
feedback. Play the recording again for Ss to Sentence 3: what, region, famous
repeat the sentences. Sentence 4: drums, aren’t, made, village
Sentence 5: famous, artisan, carved, table,
2. They are: nouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, wh-question words, and negative
3. Sentence 1: the, on, the
Sentence 2: this, is
Sentence 3: is, this, for
Sentence 4: in, my
Sentence 5: a, this
4. They are: articles, prepositions, pronouns,
and possessive adjectives.
6a. Underline the content words in the
T asks Ss to listen to the tape and underline Key + Audio script:
the content words in the sentences. 1. The Arts Museum is a popular place of
Ss listen to the tape and underline the interest in my city.
content words in the sentences. 2. This cinema attracts lots of youngsters.
T corrects 3. The artisans mould clay to make
Ss listen and repeat. traditional pots.
4. Where do you like going at weekends?
5. We shouldn’t destroy historical buildings.
3, Practice- 15’
a, Aims: Help Ss know more the verbs to talk about crafts and know places of interest in
their area.
b, Contents: Ss do the following tasks:
+ Write the verbs in the box under the pictures. One of them should be used twice.
+ Match the verbs in column A with the groups of nouns in column B, write the correct
verb forms for these verbs.
+ Complete the word web.
+ Complete the passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box.
c, Outcome: SS can Ss know more the verbs to talk about crafts and know places of
interest in their area and they can understand more deeply and use the verbs correctly.
d, Organization:
2. Vocabulary
T asks Ss to write the verbs in the box under 1. Write the verbs in the box under the
the pictures. pictures. One of them should be used
Ss work individually to do this exercise and twice.
then compare their answers with a Key:
classmate. and quickly write them on the A. cast
board. B. carve
T corrects C. embroider
D. weave
T asks Ss to read the words. E. mould
F. weave
G. knit
T asks Ss to match the verbs in column A 2a. Match the verbs in column A with the
with the groups of nouns in column B. groups of nouns in column B.
Ss work in pairs to do the exercise. Key:
T corrects 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. c

T asks Ss to write the correct verb forms in b. Now write the correct verb forms for
the past and past participle. these verbs.
Ss write their answers on the board. Key:
T corrects 2. cast; cast
3. wove; woven
4. embroidered; embroidered
5. knitted; knitted
6. moulded; moulded

*Groupwork 3. Complete the word web.

- Divide the class into 6 groups
- Organize a competition for this activity. Suggested answers:
- Time: five minutes. - Entertaining: cinema, department store,
- T may prepare some large pieces of paper restaurant, café, theatre, opera house, club,
for the groups to write their answers on. park, zoo...
- Ss write down as many places of interest - Cultural: opera house, museum, craft
in the word web as possible. village, historical building, theatre, market,
- The group with the most places is the craft village...
winner. - Educational: library, museum, theatre...
- The winning group presents their - Historical: building, temple, shopping
words/phrases. Other groups tick the similar district, market, beauty spot, craft village...
words/phrases they have and add more if
they can. 4. Complete the passage by filling each
blank with a suitable word from the box.
T asks Ss to complete the passage by filling Key:
each blank with a suitable word from the 1. historical
box. 2. attraction
Ss individually do the exercise. 3. exercise
T corrects 4. traditional
5. culture
6. handicrafts
4. Application – 7’
a, Aims: Help Ss can talk about crafts and places of interest in their area.
b, Contents: Speaking
c, Outcome: Ss can talk about crafts and places of interest in their area.
d, Organization
T asks Ss to talk about crafts and places of
interest in their area.
Ss do it
T corrects the mistakes

3. Guides for homework- 2’

- Learn new words by heart.
- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation again.
- Guide Ss how to do EX in WB.
- Prepare: A closer look 2


Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to traditional crafts and places of interest.
- Use complex sentences and phrasal verbs
- Practice doing exercises with verbs of liking.
a. Vocabulary: Review
b. Grammar: complex sentences and phrasal verbs
c. Skills: Writing.
2. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic
competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Behavior : Students will be aware of protecting traditional crafts, or places of
interest in their area.
1. Teacher: Text book or softbook, projector.
2. Students’: Books and notebooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents

1.Warm up: 5’
a, Aims: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b, Contents: Ss remember the subordinator.
c, Outcome: SS can attract to the lesson and remember the subordinator.
d, Organization:
- Ask Ss to remember the subordinator. *Network.
- Divide Ss into 4 groups, which groups
write more in 2’ is winner. although while


*Complex sentences: review

2.Presentation – 13’
a, Aims: Help Ss review complex sentences and do exercises.
b, Contents: Ss do the following tasks:
+ Ss remind the complex sentences
+ Underline the dependent clause in each sentence below. Say whether it is a dependent
clause of concession (DC), of purpose (DP), of reason (DR), or of time (DT).
+ Make a complex sentence. Use the subordinator provided and make any necessary
c, Outcome: SS can remind complex sentences and do the related exercises correctly.
d, Organization:
T explains types of dependent clause. Give
example with although, when, so that, and 1. Complex sentences
Ss listen and copy
T asks Ss to do exercise 1: Underline the 1. Underline the dependent clause in each
dependent clause with these subordinators. sentence below. Say whether it is a
Ss do this exercise individually. Name the dependent clause of concession (DC), of
dependent clauses on the board. purpose (DP), of reason (DR), or of time
T corrects (DT).
1. When people talk about traditional
paintings → DT
2. so that she could buy some bai tho conical
hats → DP
3. Although this museum is small → DC
4. because we have space to skateboard →
5. before they make the drumheads → DT
2. Make a complex sentence. Use the
subordinator provided and make any
T asks Ss write the complex sentences necessary changes.
individually and then compare them with a Key:
partner. Have two Ss write their sentences 1. The villagers are trying to learn English in
on the board. order that they can communicate with
- Each student writes two or three foreign customers.
sentences. 2. After we had eaten lunch, we went to Non
- Ask other Ss to give feedback. Nuoc marble village to buy some souvenirs.
- Confirm the correct answers. 3. Even though this hand-embroidered
picture was expensive, we bought it.
4. This department store is an attraction in
my city because the products are of good
5. This is called a Chuong conical hat since it
was made in Chuong village.
3. Practice- 15’
a, Aims: Help Ss know and use phrasal verbs and use them correctly.
b, Contents: Ss do the following exercises:
+ Read and answer the questions.
+ Match the phrasal verbs in A with their meaning in B.
+ Complete each sentence.
+ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given.
c, Outcome: SS can know and use phrasal verbs , they can practise more using phrasal verbs
d, Organization:
3. Read and answer the questions.
T asks Ss to read the sentences taken from
the conversation in GETTING STARTED, Key:
paying attention to the two verb phrases. 1. set up: start something (a business, an
Have them answer the two questions orally organisation, etc.)
as a class. take over: take control of something (a
business, an organisation, etc.)
2. No, the individual words in the verb
phrase do not help with comprehension. This
is why they are sometimes considered
- Divide the class into 4 groups 4. Match the phrasal verbs in A with their
- Organize a competition for this activity. meaning in B.
- Time: five minutes. Key:
- Call out any phrasal verbs they know and 1. c 2. g 3. f 4. a
have them explain the meaning of these 5. h 6. b 7. e 8. d
- The group with the most phrasal verbs is
the winner. 5. Complete each sentence.

T asks Ss to match the phrasal verbs in A Key:

with their meaning in B. 1. face up to
Ss do this exercise individually, and then 2. turned down
compare their answers with a classmate. 3. passed down
Check Ss’ answers and confirm the correct 4. live on
ones. 5. close down
T asks Ss to complete each sentence using 6. did ... come back
the correct form of a phrasal verb in 4.
Ss do this exercise individually. Elicit the
answers and give correction.
T asks Ss to do exercise 6. Tell Ss that all the
6. Complete the second sentence so that it
phrasal verbs used in this exercise have been has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
presented in this lesson. using the word given.
Ss write the sentences individually and then Key:
compare their answers with a classmate. 1. Where did you find out about Disneyland
T calls on five Ss to write their sentences onResort?
the board. Other Ss and T give feedback. 2. When did you get up this morning?
3. I’ll look through this leaflet to see what
activities are organised at this attraction.
4. They’re going to bring out a guidebook to
different beauty spots in Viet Nam.
5. I’m looking forward to the weekend!
4. Application (5’)
a, Aims: Help Ss can make sentences with phrasal verbs
b, Contents: Ss make sentences with phrasal verbs
c, Outcome: SS can make sentences with phrasal verbs which they have learnt correctly.
d, Organization:
T asks Ss make sentences with phrasal verbs
Ss do it
T corrects the mistakes

3.Guides for homework- 2’

- Make 7 sentences to use complex sentences and find 10 phrasal verbs
- Complete the exercises part writing in exercise’sbook.
- Prepare: Communication.


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