2-201B Registration and Withdrawal

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COLLEGE POLICY: Registration and Withdrawal

Policy ID: #2-201B

Manual Classification: Academic Affairs
Approved by Board of Governors: June 28, 2017
Effective Date: September 1, 2017
Next Policy Review Date: 2022
Administrative Contact for Policy Interpretation: Vice-President Academic
Linked to an Operating Procedure: # OP 2-201B, Registration and Withdrawal

Policy Statement
Registration is the official process of selecting specific courses and having enrolment confirmed
based on necessary fee payment, meeting course and program eligibility requirements, and course
space availability. For eligible students, registration requires the completion of payment of necessary
fees and the subsequent selection and enrolment in courses. Upon completion of these steps eligible
students are able to attend classes, use College facilities and resources, and receive academic credit
if academic requirements are met. Withdrawal is a student status that occurs when a student is no
longer enrolled in a course or program that was previously in progress.

The purpose of the Registration and Withdrawal policy is to describe registered student statuses, and
basic requirements of course registration, graduation and withdrawal.

The Registration and Withdrawal Policy applies to all full and part-time post-secondary students.

Academic Year: The annual Academic Year occurs from September through to August. A period of
study for two successive academic terms normally reflects an academic year for study purposes.

Term/Semester: Reflects a period of study in the academic year which is normally about fifteen (15)
weeks – Fall, Winter, Spring

Withdrawal: A student status that occurs when a student is no longer enrolled in a course or program
that was previously in progress.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLAR): A process that gives the student an opportunity to obtain
academic credit for one or more courses in a certificate or diploma. The student is required to
demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge according to the PLAR
Pre-requisite: A term used to describe a specific course that a student must successfully complete
before registering in another course.

Co-requisite: A term used to describe a course that has to be completed concurrently with another
General Principles
1.0 Full and Part-time Status

1.1 A student is considered to be a full-time student if officially enrolled in at least 66 2/3 percent of
the courses, or if the student is enrolled in at least 70% of the hours prescribed for the
semester, in the student’s current program. A student who is registered in less than 66 2/3
percent of the courses, or less than 70 percent of the hours prescribed for the program in the
current semester, will be considered to be a part-time student.

2.0 Course Registration Requirements

2.1 A diploma, or certificate program of study prescribes the number and types of courses required
to complete the specific credential. Upon receipt of the necessary fee payment a registered
student is entitled to receive instruction up to the maximum number of courses/hours of
instruction as set out in the official schedule of studies for each semester of the program.
Should a student wish to take one or more additional courses over the course limit for the
semester, or repeat a course taken previously, additional tuition fees will be charged for the

2.2 Some courses have prerequisites and /or co-requisites. Where a prerequisite is specified, the
prerequisite must be successfully completed prior to taking the course in question. Where a co-
requisite is specified, the co-requisite must be successfully completed prior to or taken at the
same time as the course in question. Prerequisites and co-requisites may be waived with the
Dean or designate permission in exceptional circumstances. A student who requests such a
waiver is responsible to ensure that he / she is adequately prepared to proceed with the level of
study required in the course. Inadequate preparation is not a basis for appeal of a final grade in
a course for which a student requested a waiver of a prerequisite or co-requisite. Successful
completion of a course without having achieved a passing grade in a prerequisite or co-requisite
course does not negate the requirement to complete the prerequisite or co-requisite course.

2.3 To be eligible to graduate from all certificate and diploma programs offered by the College, a
student must successfully complete all courses within a program either by evaluation,
exemption or PLAR. A minimum of 25% of the required program course-load through study with
Fleming College is necessary. Program requirements need to be completed within five years.
Students taking longer than five years to complete all requirements will be considered on an
individual basis by the Dean or designate.

3.0 Course and/or Program Withdrawal

3.1 To withdraw from a particular course, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of the
Registrar or drop the course via the Student Information System in the Student Centre. If the
student’s status remains full-time after the course(s) is dropped, full-time fees will apply and no
refund will be provided. If the student’s status changes to part-time, fees for all remaining
courses will be charged at a part-time rate.

3.2 To officially withdraw from Fleming College, a student must notify the Office of the Registrar as
per the related procedure. Students withdrawing from the College before the final date for
registration in a semester will have all of that semester's courses deleted from their record.
Students withdrawing from the College after the final date for registration for that semester will
retain the course(s) on their student record and be assigned a withdrawal grade according to
the Academic Schedule.

College Policy 2-201B: Registration and Withdrawal Page 2 of 3

Related Documents
• Administrative Operating Procedure #OP 2-201B, Registration and Withdrawal


History of Amendments/Reviews:
Section(s) Date Comments
Elements that formed the 2017 New policy
original Academic • Board approval of policy
Regulations Policy #2-201 (Resolution BoG June28-2017 #8)
were separated into four
distinct policies and
operating procedures

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