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Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

Government of India



Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-
Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal



March, 2024

Chief Engineer-RO,Kolkata,MoRT&H,GoI


Sl. PageNo.
1 Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) 3
2 Letter of Invitation 4
3 Annexure-I:Details of the Proposed Stretch 19

4 Annexure-II:Procedure of Assessment of Least Cost MoRT&H,GoI 20

Under special circumstances
5 Data Sheet 26
6 Appendix-IA:Manning Schedule 35
7 Appendix-IB:Qualification Requirements of Key Personnel 37
8 Appendix-II:Formats for Proof of Eligibility 46
9 Appendix-III:Formats forTechnical Proposals 53
10 Appendix-IV:Formats for Financial Proposals 79
11 Appendix-V:Detailed Evaluation Criteria 97

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Government of India
1. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H), Government of India (GOI) represented by The Chief
Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I,
Saltlake,Kolkata-700064 has been assigned the work of “Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder fromKm 0.000 to
52.100of NH-10 (Sevoke-Rangpo section)in the State of West Bengal.”(as Annexure-I).
2. Proposals are hereby invited from eligible PMC for preparation ofDetailed Project Report, Pre construction
activity and Project supervision of Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10
Sevoke-Rangpo sectionin the State of West Bengal. The Letter of Invitation(LOI) and Terms of Reference (ToR)
including Request for Proposal (RFP) is available online one-tender portal of https://eprocure.gov.in The
document can also be downloaded from https://infracon.nic.in Cost of the Document must be furnished in the form
of a non-refundable fee of INR 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) by way of online payment only (payment
through other modes shall not be accepted), through Bharat Kosh (payable to PAO: 034756-PAO (NH), Kolkata and
DDO: 234759- Chief Engineer – Civil Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Kolkata). The online payment
receipt shall be submitted while submitting the proposal. The application form without proof of payment of
application fee will be rejected without any intimation.Brief particulars of the work are as follows:-

State Name of the NH Tentative length in Estimate PMC Assignment

Km Cost in Cr. Period
West Bengal NH 10 52.10 km Rs. 35 Cr 104 months

3. The RFP has also been uploaded on “INFRACON” (www.infracon.nic.in). As such before submitting the
proposal the PMC shall mandatorily register and enlist themselves (the firm and all key personnel), on the MoRTH
portal “INFRACON” and furnish registration details along with its RFP. A copy of Infracon Operation Procedure
may be downloaded from Infracon portal for bidder’s reference.
4. All the bidders registered on Infracon shall form a Team on Infracon and which would be assigned unique
Infracon TeamID. Bidders while submitting the proposal shall quote the Infracon TeamID.
5. Bid must be submitted online at e-tender portal of Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, https://eprocure.gov.in
on or before 03:00 PM on 04/06/2024.
6. The following schedule is to be followed for this assignment:
i) Deadline for downloading of bid :03:00PM on 04/06/2024
ii) Last date for submission of queries : 03:00 PM on 14/05/2024
iii) Pre-bid meeting : 03:00 PM on 14/05/2024
iv) Deadline for Submission of bids :03:00 PM on 04/06/2024

7. Hardcopies of complete bid documents need to be submitted at the following address:-

Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India
Room No106, C Wing, CGO Complex,
DF Block, Sector-I,SaltLake
Kolkata-700064, WestBengal

Yours sincerely,

Chief Engineer-RO, MoRTH, Kolkata

Letter of Invitation (LOI)

Bid/Package no.: MORTH/ROKOL/NIT/PMC/2023-24/01 Dated: 07.03.2024

Dear Sir,
Sub: Project Management Consultancy for Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to
52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.
1. Introduction
1.1 The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H), Government of India (GOI)
represented by the Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No.
106,‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064 has been
entrusted with the assignment of Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to
52.100 of NH-10 (Sevoke-Rangpo section) in the State of West Bengal.Chief Engineer-RO,
Kolkata, MoRTH now invites proposal from Technical consultants for carrying out detailed
Project report, Pre construction and supervision as per details given in Annexure‐I.
1.2 A brief description of the assignment and its objectives are given in the Appendix-I, “Terms
of Reference”.

1.3.1 The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, invites Proposals (the “Proposals”) through e‐tender
(on-line bid submission) for selection of Technical Consultant (the“Consultant”)who shall prepare
detailed project report (DPR) Pre construction activities and construction supervision. The
consultant should have expertise in carrying out similar kind of job, insimilar geographical
location (particularly for hill road projects). Consultants are hereby invited to submit proposal in
the manner as prescribed in the RFP document.

A Consultant with “a Particular Team” may submit proposals form or than one package .
However, a Consultant is not allowed to bid for a package with more than one team. For the sake
of clarity, it is mentioned that one consultant cannot submit two proposals/ bids for the same
A Consultant with “a Particular Team” may submit only one “proof of eligibility (Part1)” and
“Technical Proposal (Part II)” for any number of packages applied for by them. However, the
packages for which a Consultant with “a Particular Team” applies should be clearly mentioned.
Financial proposal for each package are to be submitted separately. Financial proposal are only to
be submitted online and no hard copy of the financial proposal should be submitted. The most
preferred bidder (H-1) for each package would be determined on the basis of Quality and Costs
mentioned in the RFP.
Award of work to a Consultant with “a Particular Team” either as sole or as in JV shall be limited
to one package only. Joint venture shall not have more than two firms.
In case, a Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in
more than one package, the package which is to be awarded to this Consultant with “a
Particular Team” shall be determined on the basis of least cost to MoRT&H, GoI considering
the financial quote of H-1 bidder and H-2 bidder limited to those packages, which shall be
worked out as per the procedure given in the RFP. The consultants are hereby invited to
submit proposals in the manner prescribed in the RFP.
1.3.2 The consultant (s) shall meet the requirement of available bid capacity i.e. at least equal to the
estimated PMC cost (as indicated in NIT). The available bid capacity will be
Calculated as under:

Available bid capacity= (A*N*2.5) B


A= Average Annual turn over (year means Financial year) during the last five years
updated to the price level of the year based on factors indicated in table below:
Form T3‐A of Appendix‐III.
Year Year-1 Year-2 Year -3 Year-4 Year-5
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20

N = Number of years prescribed for [(DPR- 8 months) + (Pre-Construction activities- 6

months) + (Construction Period- 30 months)] the PMC consultancy for which these bids are
being invited, i.e. 3.67 years
B = Value of existing commitments (only allotted works) on the last date of submission of bids as
per bidding document and on-going works to be completed during the period of [(DPR- 8
months) + (Pre-Construction activities- 6 months) + (Construction Period- 30 months)] for
the PMC consultancy for which these bids are being invited.
In case of JV, the lead partner shall fulfil minimum 60% requirement of bid capacity and
other partner shall fulfil minimum 40% requirement of bid capacity and the Consultant as a
whole shall meet the requirement of bid capacity as above.
Note: The statement (FormT3‐A of Appendix‐III) showing the value of existing
commitments and on-going consultancy works as well as the stipulated period of completion
remaining for each of the works listed should be attached along with certificates duly
signedby the Engineer-in-Charge, not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent O
or the fees received statement certified by CA can also be submitted as a certificate for
ongoing works.

1.4 The consultants shall submit proposals either in sole capacity or in JV. In case of Joint
Venture, the maximum number of Joint Venture partners is limited to 2 (i.e. one lead + 1 JV
partner) and one associate. Any entity which has been barred by the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways (MoRT&H) or its implementing agencies for the works of
Expressways, National Highways, ISC and EI Works and the bar subsists as on the date of
application, would not be eligible to submit the bid, either individually or as a Member of a
Joint Venture.

1.5 The Applicant, whether a sole applicant or lead member with joint venture may include an
Associate for providing key personnel. In suchcase, the applicant should submit an MOU with
associate regarding role and responsibility of Associate Company. However, the maximum no.
of keypersonnel from Associate firm during whole consultancy should be limited to maximum
two(2) i.e. one at DPR stage and one at Supervision stage

1.6 To obtain first-hand informationon the assignment and on the local conditions, the
consultants are encouraged to pay a visit to the client, local State PWDs and the project site
before submitting a proposal and attend a pre-proposal conference. They must fully in form
themselves of local and site conditions and take them in to account in preparing the

1.7 Financial Proposals will be opened only for the firms found to be eligible and scoring
qualifying marks in accordance with Para 5 hereof. The consultancy services will be
awarded to the highest ranking consultant on the basis of Quality and Cost.

1.8 Please note that (i) costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including
visits to the Client, etc., are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment; and (ii)
Clientis not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted and reserve the right to reject any
or all proposals without assigning any reasons.

1.9 The proposals must be properly digitally signed as detailed below (submission with DSC)

1.9.1 i. By the proprietor in case of aproprietary firm

ii. By the partner holding the Power of Attorney in case of a firm in partnership (A
certified copy of the Power of Attorney on a stamp paper of Rs.100 and duly
notarized shall accompany the Proposal).
iii. By a duly authorized person holding the Power of Attorney in case of a Limited
Company or a corporation (A certified copy of the Power of Attorney on a stamp
paper of Rs.100 and duly notarized shall accompany the proposal).
iv. By the authorized representative in case of Joint Venture.

1.9.2 In case of a Joint Venture, the proposal shall be accompanied by a certified copy of legally
binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on a stamp paper of Rs.100, signed by all
firms to the joint venture confirming the following therein:

i. Date and place of signing

ii. Purpose of Joint Venture (must include the details of contract works for which the
joint venture has been invited to bid)
iii. A clear and definite description of the proposed administrative arrangements for the
management and execution of the assignment. Name of Lead Firm and other partner of
JV should be clearly defined in the MOU
iv. Delineation of duties/ responsibilities and scope of work to be undertaken by each
firm along with resources committed by each partner of the JV for the proposed
v. An undertaking that the JV firms are jointly and severally liable to the Employer for
the performance of the services
vi. The authorized representative of the joint venture shall give a Letter of
Association, MOU as in (i) to (vi) above except (v), letter of Authorization, copies
of GPA/SPA for the person signing the documents and a certificate of incorporation.
1.9.3 In case of Joint venture, one of the firms which preferably have relatively higher experience will
act as the lead firm representing the JointVenture. The duties, responsibilities and powers of such
lead firm shall be specifically included in the MOU/agreement. It is expected that the lead partner
would be authorized to incurliabilities and to receive instructions and payments for and on behalf
of the Joint Venture. Payment to be made to the JV can also be made to the account of the JV.
For a JV to be eligible for bidding, the experience of lead partner and other partner should be as
indicated in datasheet.

1.9.4 A firm can bid for a project either as a sole consultant or in the form of joint venture with other
consultant. However, alternative proposals i.e. one as sole or in JV with other consultant
for the same package will be summarily rejected. In such cases, all the involved
proposals shall be rejected.

1.10 Pre-proposal conference shall be held on the date, time and venue given in DataSheet.

1.11 The Applicant, by submitting its Application pursuant to this RFP, shall be deemed to have
acknowledged that without prejudice to MoRTH, GoI any other right or remedy here
under or in law or otherwise, the Applicant shall be debarred from participating in
the future projects of MoRT&H,GoI in the following situations:

(a) If an Applicant withdraws its Proposal during the period of its validity as
specified in this RFP and as extended by the Applicant from time to time.
(b) In the case of a Selected Applicant, if the Applicant fails to sign the Agreement.

2. Documents
2.1 To enable you to prepare a proposal, please find and use the attached documents listed in
the Data Sheet.

2.2 Consultants requiring a clarification of the documents must notify the Client, inwriting, by
Any request for clarification in writing or by telefax/e-mail must be sent to
03:00 PM on 14/05/2024.
the Client’s address indicated in the Data Sheet. The Client will upload replies to pre-bid
queries on it swebsite.

2.3 At any time before the submission of proposals, the Client may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a Consulting firm, modify the Documents
by amendment or corrigendum. The amendment will be uploaded on https://eprocure.gov.in. The
Client may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals and the same shall
also be uploaded on https://eprocure.gov.in.

3. Preparation of Proposal
The proposal must be prepared in three parts viz.

Part 1: Proof of eligibility

Part 2: Technical Proposal
Part3: Financial Proposal

3.1 Document in support of proof of eligibility

3.1.1 The minimum essential requirement in respect of eligibility has been indicated in the DataSheet.
The proposal found deficient in any respect of these requirements will not be considered for
further evaluation. The following documents must be furnished in support of proof of eligibility
as per Formats givenin Appendix-II:

(i) Forwarding letter for Proof of Eligibility in the Form‐E1.

(ii) Firm’s relevant experience and performance for the last 7 years: Project sheets in
support of relevant experience as per Form-E2/T3 supported by the experience
certificates from clients in support of experience as specified in datasheet for the project
size preferably in terrain of similar nature as that of proposed project shall be submitted
on Infracon portal in input data sheet. Certificate should indicate clearly the firms
Design/ DPRExperience/ Supervision/ AuthorityEngineer, in 2/4-/6- laning of highway,
Structures like bridges, Viaducts, tunnels, hill slope stabilization, rock bolting, ground
improvement, etc. Scope of services rendered by the firm should beclearly indicated in
the certificate obtained from the client. The information given in Form E2/T3 shall also
be considered as part of Technical Proposal and shall be evaluated accordingly. The
Consultants are therefore advised to see carefully the evaluation criteria for Technical
Proposal and submit the Project Sheets accordingly.
The above details are to be submitted through INFRACON only.
(iii) Firm’s turnover for the last 5 years: A tabular statement as in Form E3 showing
theturn over of the applicant firm(s) for the last five years beginning with the last
financial year certified by the Chartered Account along with certified copies of the audit
reports shall be submitted in support of the turnover shall be submitted on Infracon
Portal in input datasheet.
The above details are to be submitted through INFRACON only.
(iv) Document fee: Cost of the Document must be furnished in the form of a non-
refundable fee of INR 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) by way of online
payment only (payment through other modes shall not be accepted), through
BharatKosh (payable to PAO: 034756- PAO (NH), Kolkata and DDO: 234759-
Chief Engineer – Civil Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Kolkata). The
online payment receipt shall be submitted while submitting the proposal. The
application form without proof of payment of application fee will be rejected
without any intimation.

(v) BID Security: ‐

a) The Applicant shall furnish as part of its Proposal, a bid security of Rs
1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) in the form of a Bank Guarantee (as per the
format specified in Annexure-III (Form T-12) of this RFP document)
(the“Bid Security”), refundable not later than 150 (One Hundred & fifty)
days from the BID Due Date, except in the case of the Selected Bidder
whose BID Security shall be retained till it has provided a Performance
Security and Additional Performace Security (if any) as per the provision of
this RFP and LOA. The bank guarantee shall be issued by nationalized bank,
or a Scheduled Bank in India having a net worth of at least Rs. 1,000 crore
(Rs.one thousand crore), in favour of the Authority in the format at
Appendix-B-11 (the “Bank Guarantee”) and having a validity period of not
less than180 (one hundred eighty) days from the BID Due Date, inclusive of
a claim period of 60 (sixty) days, and may be extended as may be mutually
agreed between the Authority and the Bidder from time to time. This Bank
Guarantee shall be transmitted through SFMS Gateway to Ministry’s Bank.
In case the Bank Guarantee is issued by a foreign bank outside India,
confirmation of the same by any nationalised bank in India is required. For
the avoidance of doubt, Scheduled Bank shall mean a bank as defined under
Section 2(e) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. A scanned copy of the
Bank Guarantee shall be uploaded on e-procurement portal while applying to
the tender.
b) The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be returned when the Bidder
has signed the Contract Agreement with the Employer and has furnished the
required Performance Guarantee as specified in the document within 15 days
from the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.
c) The BID Security shall be for feited and appropriated by the Authority as
damages payable to the Authority for, inter-alia, time cost and effort of the
Authority without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to the Authority under the bidding documents:
I. If a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity. Or
II. If the Bidder fails to accept the Employer’s corrections of
arithmetic errors in the Bidder’s bid (ifany), Or
III. If the Successful Bidder fails to sign and return the duplicate copy of
LOA or to sign the contract agreement with the Employer within the
prescribed period, Or
IV. If the Successful Bidder fails to furnish the Performance Security
within the stipulated time.
V. If a Bidder engages in a corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice as specified in
this RFP;
d) Unqualified bidders would be informed regarding their non qualification,
without any explanation and there after Bid Security would be returned un
opened after the evaluation of the financial proposal and signing the contract
agreement with the successful bidder.

(vi) Power of Attorney on a stamp paper of Rs.100 and duly notarized authorizing to
submit the proposal (scanned copies to be uploaded).
(vii) In case of Joint Venture the proposal shall be accompanied by a certified copy of
legally binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on a stamp paper of Rs.100,
signed by all firms to the joint venture as detailed at para 1.9.2 above. (Scanned
copies to be uploaded).

3.1.2 The minimum essential requirement in respect of eligibility has been indicated in the
datasheet, the proposal found deficient in any respect of these requirements will not be
considered for further evaluation.

3.2 Technical Proposal

3.2.1 You are expected to examine all terms and instructions included in the Documents. Failure to
provide all requested information will be at your own risk and may result in rejection of your

3.2.2 During preparation of the technical proposal, you must give particular attention to the

Total assignment period is as indicated in the enclosed TOR. A manning schedule

inrespect of requirement of key personnel is also furnished in the TOR which shall be the
basis of the financial proposal. You shall make your own assessment of support
Personnel both technical and administrative to undertake the assignment. Additional
support and administrative staff need to be provided for timely completion of the project
within the total estimated cost. It is stressed that the time period for the assignment
indicated in the TOR should strictly adheredto.

3.2.3 The technical proposal shall be submitted strictly in the Formats given in Appendix-III
and shall comprise of following documents:

i) Forwarding letter for Technical proposal duly signed by the authorized person
on behalf of the bidder, as in Form-T-1.
ii) Details of projects for which Technical and Financial Proposals have been
submitted by the PMC with a particular Team as in Form-T-2.
iii) Firm’s references-Relevant Services carried out in the last seven years as per Form-
E2/T-3. This information submitted as part of Proof of Eligibility shall be evaluated
and need not be submitted againas apart of the Technical proposal. The above
details are to be submitted through INFRACON only.
iv) Site Appreciation: limited to four A4 size pages in 1.5 space and 12 font including
photographs, if any (Form-T-4).
v) The composition of the proposed Team and Task Assignment to individual
personnel: Maximum three pages (Form-T-5).
vi) Proposed methodology for the execution of the services illustrated with bar charts of
activities, including any change proposed in the methodology of services indicated in
the TOR, and procedure for quality assurance: The proposed methodology should be
accompanied by the consultants initial view, key challenges they fore see and potential
solutions suggested regarding:
a) Proposed alignment and by pass required,
b) Land acquisition requirements,
c) Access control, rehabilitationof existing road, drainage and
d) Adoption of superior technology along with proof

e) Quality control and assurance

f) Faster execution of the project: limited to six A4 size pages in 1.5 space
and 12 font including photographs, if any foritemsatoc, (Form-T-6)
And information in Form-T-8 (as covered in para viii below) foritemd.
vii) The proposal should clearly identify and mention the details of Material Testing lab
facilities to be used by the PMC for the project (Form-T-7). In this connection, the
proposals of the Consultants to use in-house lab facilities up to a distance of maximum
400 km from the project site being feasible would be accepted. For all other cases
suitable nearby material Testing Laboratory shall be proposed before Contract
Agreement is executed.
viii) A. The proposal shall indicate as to whether the firm is having the facilities for
carrying out the following field activities or these are proposed to be outsourced to
specialized agencies in the Form-T-8.
(a) Pavement Investigation
(b) Geo-technical Investigation

In case the consultant envisages outsourcing any or all of the above services to the expert
agencies, the details of the same indicating the arrangement made with the agencies need
to be furnished. These agencies would however, be subject to approval of the client to
ensure quality input by such agencies before award of the work.For out-sourced services,
proposed firms/consultants should have such experience on similar projects
B. The proposal shall indicate as to whether the firm is having the facilities for
carrying out the following field activities during the supervision phase or these are
proposed to be outsourced to specialized agencies.

• Surfaced effects detection and roughness measurement using Network Survey


• Pavement strength measurement using FWD

• Bridge in section using Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit or technology

• Road signs inspection using Retro Reflectometer

C. Proposed Quality Audit Methodology including Quality Assurance Plan

ix) Details of office equipment and software owned by the firm in Form-T9

x) a CVs of following 4 (four) Key Personnels may be submitted only

through Infracon in Form–T-10

i) Team Leader cum Senior Highways Engineers,

ii) Senior Bridge Engineer,
iii) Highway cum Pavement Engineer,
iv) Road/Traffic Safety Expert in case of Normal Highway

For remaining key personnel’s during the DPR/Preconstruction activity, the CVs need to be
submitted for approval prior to signing of contract. Moreover, other key personnel to be
deployed during supervision phase, their CVs also need to be submitted for approval prior to
start of construction/supervision. The CV of the all Key Personnel’s who is proposed to be
engaged at anystage of the consultancy should score at least 75% marks

b. It would be preferred that the Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer shall
continue during all the Phase 1, 2 & 3 of the agreement. Authority also expects all the key
personnel specified in the proposal to be available during implementation of Phase 1 & 2(DPR
& Pre construction activities). During phase3 the team leader shall be equal or better
qualification in case the replacement is necessitated. Moreover, the combined technical
score of these 3 key personnel’s

(i) Resident cum Highway Engineer

(ii) Senior Bridge Engineer

(iii) Highway cum Pavement Engineer

to be deployed during phase 3 (Construction Supervision & Maintenance) should be

equal or more then the Technical score of 3 key personnel (except team leader)as assessed
during the technical evaluation. This would ensure that the evaluated preferred bidder during
the evaluation stage remain the preferred bidders even in the phase 3 stage (Construction
Supervision & Maintenance).

xi) INTEGRITY PACT (Form–T-11)

xii) BANK Gurantee format for Bid security (Form-T-12)

3.2.4 CVs of Key Persons:

i) The CVs of the four key personnel as mentioned in para 3.2.3 (x) above in the format as per
Form T-10 is to be furnished on Infracon portal. It may please been sured that the format is
strictly followed and the information furnished therein is true and correct. The CV must
indicate the work in hand and the duration till which the person will be required to be
engaged in that assignment. The Firm shall ensure that details furnished in the CV by the
personnel are correct. If any information is found incorrect, at any stage, action including
termination and debarment from future MoRTH, GoI/ PWD, Go WB projects for a minimum
period of 2 years may be taken by MoRTH,GoI/ PWD, Go WB on the personnel and the Firm.

ii. The minimum requirements of Qualification and Experience of all key personnel are listed
in Enclosure-II of TOR. CV of a person who does not meet the minimum experience
requirement as given at enclosure-II of TOR shall be evaluated and the marks obtained shall be
taken into consideration during evaluation of Technical Proposal (except Team leader).
However, if a firm with such key personnel is declared the“most preferred bidder” for a
particular package, such key personnel should be replaced before signing of contract with a
person meeting requirements of Qualification and Experience as givenat enclosure-II of TOR
and whose CV secures 75 % marks and above. If a proposed key personnel does not possess the
minimum (essential) educational qualification as given at enclosure- II of TOR, Zero marks
shall be assigned to such CV and such CV shall not be evaluated further. The CV of the
proposed Team Leader should score atleast 75 % marks otherwise the entire proposal
shall be considered to have failed in the evaluation of Technical Proposals and shall not
be considered for opening of Financial Proposals.

iii. Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer, Highway cum Pavement Engineer, Senior Bridge
Engineer, Road/Traffic Safety Expert in case of Normal Highway should be available from
beginning of the project. Other Key Personnel with intermittent input are allowed to be
deployed/proposed in 3 teams at a time. Further the key personnel required during supervision
should also be available as per the requirement/manning schedule. If same CV is submitted
by two or more firms, zero marks shall be given for such CV for all the firms.

iv. The availability of key personnel must be ensured for the duration of project as perproposed
work programme. If a firm claims that a key personnel proposed by them is a permanent
employee of the firm (the personnel should have worked in the firm continuously for a
period of atleast1year), a certificate o the effect be furnished by the firm.

v. The age limit for key personnel is 65 years as on the date of bid submission. The proof of age
and qualification of the key personnel must be furnished in the technical proposal.

vi. An undertaking from the keypersonnel must be furnished that he/she will be available for entire
duration of the project assignment and will not engage himself/herself in any other assignment
during the period of his/her assignment on the project. After the award of work, in case of non-
availability of key personnel in spite of his/her declaration, he/she shall be debarred for a period
of two years for all projects of MoRTH, GoI.

vii. Age limit for supporting staff to be deployed on project is 65 years as on the date of bid

viii. A good working knowledge of English Language is essential for key professional staff on
this assignment. Study reports must be in English Language.

ix. Photo, contact address and phone/mobile number of key personnel should be furnished in the

x. Availability of key personnel engaged for the phase of pre-construction activities and
construction supervision shall also been sured by the consultant.

xi. It may please be noted that in case the requirement of the ‘Experience’ of the firm/consortium as
mentioned in the “Proof of Eligibility’ is met by any foreign company, their real involvement for
the intended project shall be mandatory. This can be achieved either by including certain man-
months input of key experts belonging to the parent foreign company, or by submitting atleast the
draft feasibility report and draft DPR duly reviewed by the parent firm and their paying visit to
the site and interacting with MoRTH, GoI. In case of key personnel proposed by the foreign
company, they should be on its payroll for atleast last six months (from the date of submission).

xii. In case a firm is proposing key personnel from educational/research institutions, a ‘No

Objection Certificate’ from the concerned institution should be enclosed with the CV of the
proposed key personnel committing his services for the instant project.

3.2.5 The technical proposal must not include any financial information.

3.3 Financial Proposal

3.3.1 The Financial proposal should include the costs associated with the assignment. These shall
normally cover: remuneration for staff (foreign and local, in the field, office etc.),
accommodation, transportation, equipment, printing of documents, surveys, geotechnical
investigation setc. This cost should be broken down into foreign and local costs. Your financial
proposal should be prepared strictly using, the formats attached in Appendix–IV. Your financial
proposal should clearly indicate the amount asked for by you without any assumptions of
conditions attached to such amounts. Conditional offer or the proposal not furnished in the
format attached in Appendix‐IV shall be considered non- responsive and isliable to be
3.3.2 The financial proposal shall take into account all types of the tax liabilities and cost of
insurance specified in the DataSheet.
3.3.3 Costs shall be expressed in Indian Rupees in case of domestic as well as for foreign
Consultant. The payments shall be made in Indian Rupees by Regional Office Kolkata,
MoRT&H, GoI and the Consultant them selves would be required to obtain foreign currency to
the extent quoted and accepted by Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRT&H at the rate established
involving actual transaction in foreign currency. No compensation done to fluctuation by RBI of
currency exchange rate shall be made.

3.3.4 Consultants are required to charge only rental of equipments/ software(s) use so as to
economize in their financial bid.

3.3.5 Goods & Service tax as applicable shall be paid to the Consultant while making payment for
services rendered. The consultants shall then deposit the same with the tax authorities and
provide a proof of having done so within next 90 days in line with policy circulars issued by
Employer. Employer shall pay only the Goods & service tax.

3.3.6 Beginning 13 months from the bid due date, billing rates shall be increased to cover all items of
contract i.e. remuneration, vehicle hire, office rent, consumables, furniture etc. @5% every 12
months. However, for evaluation and award of the Bid proposals, the quoted initial rate (as
applicable for first 12months from last date of submission of bid) shall be multiplied by the total
time input for each position on this contract, i.e. without considering the increase in the billing

4. Submission of Proposals

4.1 The Applicants shall submit the proposal (Proof of Eligibility and Technical Proposal) comprising
the documents as mentioned under clause 3.1.1 and 3.2.3 respectively to meet the requirements of
‘Proof of Eligibility’ and ‘Technical Proposal’ online. However, documents listed in para
3.1.1 (iv), (v) (vi) & (vii) shall be submitted in original by the successful bidder
before issue of LOA in case of non compliance the bidder shall be debarred for two
year from the bid due date of this work and shall be declared non performing. A
Consultant with “a Particular Team” may submit only one proposal of “proof of
eligibility (Part 1, para 5.1)” and “Technical Proposal (Part II)” to Chief Engineer-RO,
MoRTH, GoI for all the packages applied by them with a particular team on or before
the deadline of submission of bids. A consultant can apply for a particular package with
one Team only. The packages for which a Consultant with “a Particular Team” applies
should be clearly mentioned in their proposal. However, Consultants are required to
submit a copy of Proof of Eligibility and Technical Proposal online separately for each
package. Financial proposal for each package are to be submitted separately. Financial
proposal are to be submitted online and no hard copy of the financial proposal should be

The document listed in para 3.1.1 (iv),(v) (vi), (vii) shall be digitally submitted by all the
bidders to the Authority while submitting the proposal.

4.2 The proposal must be digitally signed by the authorized representative of the consultants.
Theletter of authorization must be confirmed by a written power of attorney accompanying the
proposals. All pages of the Proof of Eligibility and Technical Proposal must be initialed by the
person or persons signing the proposal.

4.3 The proposal must contain no interlineations or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors
made by the Consultants themselves, in which cases such corrections must be initialed by the
person or persons signing the proposal.

4.4 Your proposal must be valid for the number of days stated in the Data Sheet from the
closing date of submission of proposal.

5. Proposal Evaluation

5.1 Stage I‐Proof of Eligibility

The proposals would be evaluated by a Committee constituted by MoRT&H, GoI. A three- stage
procedure will be adopted inevaluating the proposal. In the first stage-Proof of Eligibility, it will
be examined as to whether:
i) The proposal is accompanied by Document fee
ii) The proposal is accompanied by Bank Guarantee for Bid Security as per Form-T-
12 of Annexure-III.
iii) The firms(s) have required experience
iv) The firms(s) have required turnover
v) The documents are properly digitally signed by the authorized signatories and
whether the proposal contains proper POA (digitally) as mentioned at para
1.9.1 above.
vi) The proposals have been received on or before the deadline of

vii) In case a Joint Venture of firms, the proposal shall be accompanied by a digitally
signed certified copy of legally binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on
a stamp paper of Rs.100, signed by all firms to the joint venture as detailed at para
1.9.2 above.

In case answers to any of the above items is ‘No’ the bid shall be declared as non-responsive
and shall not be evaluated further.

A Consultant satisfying the minimum Eligibility Criteria as mentioned in the Datasheet and who

had submitted the above-mentioned documents shall be declared “pass” in Proof of Eligibility
and the Technical Proposals of only those consultants shall be opened and evaluated further.

5.2 Stage II‐Technical evaluation

In the second stage the Technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the detailed evaluation
criteria given in Data Sheet.

A proposal securing 75 marks shall be declared pass in the evaluation

Technical Proposal: The technical proposal should score at least 75 marks out of 100
to be considered for financial evaluation. The CV of the proposed Team Leader should
score at least 75 % marks otherwise the entire proposal shall be considered to have failed
in the evaluation of Technical Proposal and shall not be considered for opening of Financial
Note: During Technical evaluation process if there is any difference/conflict in criteria/marks
between RFP and that shown in Infracon Portal, the criteria/ marks of the RFP will be
taken into consideration,provided that all necessary documents/updated information of
firm/keypersonnel/highwaypersonal etc. of the bidder are available in INFRACON Portal.

5.3 Stage III‐ Evaluation of Financial Proposal

5.3.1 In case for a particular package, only one firm is eligible for opening of Financial Proposals, the
Financial Proposal shall not be opened, the bids for that package shall be cancelled and fresh bids
for this package shall be invited. For financial evaluation, total cost of financial proposal
excluding Goods & Service tax shall be considered. Goods & Service tax shall be payable

5.3.2 The evaluation committee will determine whether the financial proposals are complete (i.e.
whether they have included cost ofall itemsof the corresponding proposals; if not,then their cost
will be considered as NIL but the consultant shall however be required to carry out such
obligations with out any compensation. In case, if client feels that the work cannot be carried out
within overall cost of financial proposal, the proposal can be rejected. The client shall correct
any computational errors and correct prices in various currencies to the single currency
specified in Data Sheet. The evaluation shall exclude those taxes, duties, fees, levies and
other charges imposed under the applicable law & applied to foreign components/resident

5.3.3 For a package in which 2 firms are eligible for opening of financial proposals, the
procedure as mentioned at Clauses 5.3.4, 5.4 and, 5.5 as mentioned below shall be followed
for determining the “most preferred bidder (H-1bidder)” for this package.

5.3.4 The lowest financial proposal (FM) will be given a financial score (SF) of 100 points.
The financial scores of other proposals will be computed as follows:


(SF=Financial Score, FM=Amount of lowest bid, F=Amount of financial proposal converted in

the common currency)

5.4 Combined evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals.

Proposals will finally be ranked according to their combined technical (ST) and Financial
(SF) scores using the weight sindicated in the DataSheet:

S=Combined Score,
ST=Technical Scoreout of 100
SF=Financial Scoreout of 100
T and fare values of weight age for technical and financial proposals respectively as given in
the DataSheet.
5.5 Most Preferred Bidder (H‐1).
For a particular package, a Consultant with a “particular Team” having the Maximum
Combined score (S) shall be declared as the most preferred bidder (H-1).

5.6 In case work has to be awarded for multiple packages, award of work to a Consultant with
“a ParticularTeam” either as sole or as in JV shall be limited to one package only.
At first, Consultants who become H-1 in one package each shall be assigned the respective
package. Then packages in which a Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most
preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package shall be considered. In case, a Consultant with “a
Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package, the
package which is to be awarded to this team of a consultant shall be determined on the basis of
least cost to MoRT&H,GoI considering the Financial Quote of H-1 bidder and H-2 Bidder
limited to those packages. Procedure to be followed forawarding work based on QCBS including
assessment of least cost to MoRT&H, GoI under special circumstances i.e. When a Consultant
with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package
is given at Annexure-II.

6. Performance Security

6.1 The consultant will furnish within 15 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA), A nun
conditional Bank Guarantee equivalent to 2.0% of the total contract value from a Nationalized
Bank, IDBI or ICICI/ICICIBank /ForeignBank /EXIM Bank /Any Scheduled Commercial Bank
approved by RBI having anet worth of not less than Rs.1000 crore as per latest Annual Report of
the Bank. In the case of a Foreign Bank (issued by a Branch in India) the net worth in respect of
Indian operations shall only be taken into account. In case of Foreign Bank, the BG issued by
Foreign Bank should be counter guaranteed by any Nationalized Bank in India. In case of JV, the
BG shall be furnished on behalf of the JV or by the lead member of the JVs towards Performance
Security valid initially for a period of two year which can be extendable from time to time. The
Bank Guarantee will be released by Chief Engineer-RO, MoRT&H, GoI upon expiry of
contract. However, if contract is foreclosed/terminated by MoRT&H,GoI at any Stage,
with nofault of Consultant, Performance Security shall be released within three
months from date of foreclosure/ termination.

6.2 In the event the PMC fails to provide the security within 15 days of date of LOA, it may seek
extension of time for a period of 15 (Fifteen) days on payment of damages for such extended
period in a sum of calculated at the rate of 0.05% (Zero Point Zero Five Percent) of the Bid price
for each day until the performance security is provided. For the avoidance of doubt the agreement
shall be deemed to be terminated on expiry of additional 15 days time period.

6.3 Not with standing anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Parties agree that in
the event of failure of the PMC to provide the Performance Security in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 6.1 within the time specified there in or such extended period as may be

provided by the Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 6.2, all rights, privileges,
claims and entitlements of the Consultant under or arisingout of this
Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by, and to have ceased with the
concurrence of the Consultant and the LoA shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by
mutual agreement of the Parties. Authority may take action to debar such firms for future
projects for a period of 2 years.

7. Penalty

The consultant will indemnify for any direct loss or damage that accrue due To deficiency
inservices. Penalty shall be imposed on the consultants for poor performance/ deficiency in
service as expected from the consultant and as stated in General Conditions of Contract &
as per clause of Agreement.

8. Deleted.
9. Signing of Contract Agreement

After having received the performance security and verified it, the Client shall invite the selected
bidder for signing of Contract Agreement on a date and time convenient to both parties within
15 days of receipt of valid Performance Security.

10. The Client shall keep the bidders informed during the entire bidding process and shall
host the following in formation on its website:

i) Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)

ii) Request For Proposal (RFP)
iii) Replies to pre- bidqueries, ifany
iv) Amendments/corrigendum to RFP
v) List of bidders who submitted the bids upto the deadline of submission
vi) List of bidders who did not pass the eligibility requirements, stating the broad
vii) List of bidders who did not pass the Technical Evaluation stating the reasons.
viii) List of bidders along with the technical score, who qualified for opening the
financial bid
ix) Final Score of qualified bidders
ix) Name of the bidders who is awarded the Contract

11. It is the MoRT&H, GoI policy that the consultants observe the highest standard of ethics
during the selection and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the
MoRT&H, GoI.

(a) Defines,for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the
selection process or in contract execution;
(ii) “fraudulent practice” means a mis representation or omission of facts in order

to influence a selection process or the execution of a contract;
(iii) “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more
consultants with or without the knowledge of the Client, designed to establish
prices at artificial, non-competitive levels;

(iv) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or

indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a
procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract.

(b) will reject a proposal forward if it determines that the Consultant recommended foraward
has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in-competing for the contract in question;
(c) will declares firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded
a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract; and

(d) Will have the right to require that a provision be included requiring consultants to
permit the Employer to inspect their account and records relating to the performance
of the contract and to have them audited by authorized representatives of Employer.”
(e) Any defaulting bidder who fails to sign the aggrement after issuance of LOA or found
practicing fraudulent activity may be declared non-performerfor a period of 2 years,
which will not be allowed to bid in project/tenders called by Ministry and its

12. Confirmation

We would appreciate you informing us by facsimile/e-mail whether or not you will

submit a proposal.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

Encl. as above

Chief Engineer-RO, MoRTH, Kolkata


Details of the stretch proposed for PMC

Project Management Consultancy Serivices for Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000
to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.

Sl.No. NH No. Section State Tentative Length (in km) Package

1 2 3 4 5 6
NH 52.10 -
01 Km 0.000 to 52.100 WestBengal


Procedure of Awarding Work based on QCBS including Assessment of Least Cost

to MoRT&H, GoI under Special Circumstances i.e. When a Consultant with a
particular team becomes H‐1 bidder in more than one package.

A Consultant with a particular Team can apply for any number of packages with one team.
However, Award of work to a Consultant with “a Particular Team” either as sole or as in JV shall be
limited to one package only. Following procedure shall be followed for the selection of the most preferred
bidder for the consultancy assignment:

1. At first, Consultants who become H‐1 in one package each shall be assigned the
respective package. Then packages in which a Consultant with “a Particular Team”turns out to
be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package shall be considered.In case, a
Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder(H-1) in more
than one package, the package which is to be awarded to this team of a consultant shall be
determined on the basis of least cost to MoRT&H, GoI considering the Financial Quote of H-
1 bidder and H-2 Bidder limited to those packages which shall be worked out as per
procedure illustrated with an example as mentioned below .

2. Suppose there are 8 packages namely Package-1, Package-2, Package-3, Package-4, Package-5,
Package-6, Package-7 and Package-8 respectively. It is also assumed that 10 consultants namely
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y has applied for these packages. It is also assumed that three
Consultants namely P, R and U have applied with two Teams and the remaining Consultants have
applied with only one team. It is also assumed that the following is the position of various firms
after opening of the Financial proposals (and after arithmetic corrections if any of the Financial
bids) of the packages and after applying QCBS

H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6

Packageno. Name of Consultants and Financial Quotes (Rsin lakhs)
P(team-1) Q W X T Y
230 lakhs 200 lakhs 240 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs 230 lakhs
V U(team-1) X P(team-2) T Y
240 lakhs 210 lakhs 240 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs 230 lakhs
V P(team-1) U(team-1) R(team-2) X Y
200 lakhs 230 lakhs 250 lakhs 230 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs
R(team-1) T U(team-2) P(team-2) Y X
250 lakhs 220 lakhs 250 lakhs 260 lakhs 220 lakhs 245 lakhs
R(team-1) V S U(team-2) W T
220 lakhs 240 lakhs 260 lakhs 250 lakhs 220 lakhs 240 lakhs
Q T S P(team-2) W
Package-6 2)
210 lakhs 240 lakhs 250 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs 230 lakhs

R(team-1) U(team-1) Q S W Y
200 lakhs 220 lakhs 240 lakhs 255 lakhs 230 lakhs 240 lakhs
V R(team-1) W S P(team-1) Y
190 lakhs 250 lakhs 220 lakhs 240 lakhs 255 lakhs 240 lakhs

The different packages shall be awarded to consultants as mentioned below:

2.1 Step‐1:

In this case, Consultants P (team-1) and Q are the H-1 in only one package each namely
package-1 and package-6 respectively. Consultant V is H-1 in 3 packages namely Package- 2,
Package-3 and Package-8 respectively. Consultant R (team-1) is H-1 in 3 packages namely
Package-4, Package-5 and Package-7 respectively. Since Consultant P (team-1) is H-1 in
Package-1 only and Consultant Q is H-1 in Package-6 only, Consultant P (team‐1) shall be
awarded Package‐1 and Consultant Q shall be awarded Package‐6.

2.2 Step‐2:

After Consultant P (team‐1) is awarded Package‐1and Consultant Q is awarded

Package‐6, the scenario for the remaining 6 packages is as given below. P (team-1) and Q
occurring any where else stands deleted as they have already been awarded one work each

H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6

PackageNo. Name of Consultants and Financial Quotes (Rsin lakhs)
V U(team-1) X P(team-2) T Y
Package-2 230
240 lakhs 210 lakhs 240 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs
V U(team-1) R(team-2) X Y
200 lakhs 250 lakhs 230 lakhs 220 lakhs 200 lakhs
R(team-1) T U(team-2) P(team-2) Y X
Package-4 245
250 lakhs 220 lakhs 250 lakhs 260 lakhs 220 lakhs
R(team-1) V S U(team-2) W T
Package-5 240
220 lakhs 240 lakhs 260 lakhs 250 lakhs 220 lakhs
R(team-1) U(team-1) S W Y
200 lakhs 220 lakhs 255 lakhs 230 lakhs 240 lakhs
V R(team-1) W S Y
190 lakhs 250 lakhs 220 lakhs 240 lakhs 240 lakhs

Consultant V shall be awarded only one package out of the 3 packages for which it is H-1 namely
Package-2, Package-3 and Package-8 respectively. Similarly, Consultant R (team-1) shall be
awarded only one package out of the 3 packages for which it is H-1 namely Package-4, Package-5
and Package-7 respectively. The determination of package to be awarded to Consultant V and
Consultant R (team-1) shall be worked out in a

Single step (i.e. one at a time). New H-1 for there maining packages (4 packages) shall be worked
out only after determination of packages to be awarded to the H-1 bidders at this stage
[i.e.Consultant V and R (Team-1) in the instant case] in one step. Determination of Package to be
awarded to each of Consultant V and Consultant R (team-1) shall be worked out as follows:

(i) After the award of Package-1 to Consultant–P (team-1) and Package-6 to Consultant –Q and also
considering that a Consultant with a particular team can be awarded only one work, the details of
H‐1 and H‐2 /New H‐2 in the remaining 6 packages are as mentioned below. Since V is H‐1
in more than one package and shall be awarded one of these packages, V has been deleted
from all other packages. Similarly, since R (Team‐1) in more than one package and shall be
awarded one of these packages,
R (Team‐1) has been deleted formal l other packages

H-1 H-2/NewH-2 Remarks

V U(team-1)
240 lakhs 210 lakhs
V U(team-1) Since Consultant P (Team-1) is awarded
Package-3 Package-1, Consultant U (team‐1) becomes
200 lakhs 250 lakhs the new H‐2
R(team-1) T
250 lakhs 220 lakhs
R(team-1) S
220 lakhs 260 lakhs
R(team-1) U(team-1)
200 lakhs 220 lakhs
V W Consultant-R (team-1) has not been
Consideredas H-2 since Consultant–
C(team-1) is to beawarde done
190 lakhs 220 lakhs Package out of the packages 4, 5 and 7 in
which it is H-1. Hence Consultant
–W is the new H‐2

(ii) Package to be awarded to Consultant –V who is H-1 in three packages namely Package-2, 3 and
8 respectively shall be determined on the basis of least cost to MoRT&H, GoI considering
the Financial Quote of H-1 bidder and H-2 Bidder limited to those packages The situation
for least cost to MoRT&H, GoI shall be when the firm with Consultant–G is awarded the
package for which Financial Bid of second ranked team (H‐2) minus Financial Bid of
the first ranked team (H‐1) is maximum. The same is illustrated as given below

H- Financial Bid of H-2/New

H-1 2/NewH- H-2 minus Financial Bid Remarks
2 of H-1
Package-2 V 210-240=(-)30 lakhs

210 lakhs

U(team-1) H-2minusH-
V 1isMaximum.
Package-3 HenceConsultant
200 lakhs V
250 lakhs
shall be
lakhs awardedPackage‐
Package-8 V W

In a similar way, Package to be awarded to Consultant – R (team‐1) who is H‐1 in three

packages namely Package‐4, 5 and 7 respectively shall be determined as illustrated below:

H-1 H-2/NewH-2 2/NewH-2 minus Remarks
Financial BidofH-1

R(team-1) T
Package-4 220-250=(-)30 lakhs
250 lakhs 220 lakhs

R(team-1) S H-2minusH-
Package-5 260–220=(+)40 lakhs
220 lakhs 260 lakhs 1)shallbeawardedPa

R(team-1) U(team-1)
Package-7 220–200=(+)20 lakhs
200 lakhs 220 lakhs

2.3 Step‐3

(i) After the award of the above mentioned 4 packages namely, Package-1 to Consultant– P(team-
1), Package-6 to Consultant–Q, Package-3 to Consultant–V, Package-5 to Consultant –R (team-1)
and also considering that a Consultant with a particular team can be awarded only one work, the
details of new H‐1 and New H‐2 in the remaining 4 packages are as mentioned below

H-1(NewH-1) H-2(NewH-2) Remarks

U(team-1) X Since Consultant V is awarded Package-3,
Consultant U (team‐1) becomes the new
210 lakhs 240 lakhs H‐1and Consultant X becomes the new H‐2

T U(team-2) Since Consultant-R (team-1) is awarded

Package-5, Consultant T becomes the new
220 lakhs 240 lakhs H‐1 and Consultant U (team‐2) becomes
the new H‐2
Package-7 U(team-1) S Since Consultant R(team-1) is awarded

Package-5, Consultant U (team‐1) becomes
220 lakhs 255 lakhs the new H‐1 and Consultant S becomes the
new H‐2
W S Since Consultant V is awarded Package-3,
Package-8 Consultant W becomes the new H‐1and
220 lakhs 240 lakhs Consultant S becomes the new H‐2

(ii) Consultant T is the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-4. Similarly, Consultant W is
the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-8. Accordingly Package‐8 shall be awarded
to Consultant–W and Package‐4 shall be awarded to Consultant–T.


Consultant U (team‐1) is the new H‐1 for package‐ 2 and Package‐7 respectively and
ConsultantU (team-1) shall be awarded only one package out of this 2 packages. Package to be awarded
to Consultant–U (team‐1) shall be determined as illustrated below

Financial Bid of H-
H-1 H-2/NewH-2 2/ New H-2minus Remarks
Financial Bid of H-1
U(team-1) X 240-210
210 lakhs 240 lakhs =(+)30 lakhs

U(team-1) S H-2 minus H-1 is Maximum.

255–220=(+) Hence Consultant – U (team‐ 1)
220 lakhs 255 lakhs 35 lakhs shall be awarded Package‐7


(i) After the award of the above mentioned 7 packages namely, Package-1to Consultant–P
(team-1), Package-6 to Consultant–Q, Package-3 to Consultant–V, Package-5 to
Consultant–R (team-1), Package-4 to Consultant-T, Package-8 to
Consultant-W, package-7 to Consultant–U (team-1) team and also considering that a
Consultant with a particular team can be awarded only one work, the details of new H‐1 and
/New H‐2 in the remaining package i.e. package‐2 is as mentioned below

H-1 (New H-
H-2(New H-2) Remarks
X A(team-2) Since Consultant V is awarded Package-3 and
Consultant U (team‐1) is awarded package‐ 7 ,
240 lakhs 220 lakhs Consultant X becomes the new H‐1 and
Consultant P (team‐2) becomes the new H‐2

(ii) Consultant X is the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-2. Accordingly, Package
‐2 shall be awarded to Consultant–X.
3. Thus as per the above mentioned procedure the 8 packages are awarded to the following
Consultant at the Financial Quoted (after arithmetic Corrections) by them for the
respective packages

PackageNo. Name of Consultants awarded packages

Package-1 Consultant-P (team-1)

Package-2 Consultant-X

Package-3 Consultant-V

Package-4 Consultant-T

Package-5 Consultant-R (team-1)

Package-6 Consultant-Q

Package-7 Consultant-U (team-1)

Package-8 Consultant-W


I (References to corresponding paragraphs of LOI are mentiond alongside)

1. The Name of the Assignment and description of project as mentioned in Annexure‐I

Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-
Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.
2. The name of the Clientis: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H),
Government of India (GOI) represented by the Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH,
having its office at “Room No.106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake,
3. Duration of the Project: 104 months (8 months for DPR+6months for pre-construction
activity+30 months for the construction years+5 years for Maintenance). However if after
finalization of DPR, if the project has not been awarded within 2.5 years then the consultant
is free to exit from the PMCwork.)
4. Date, Time and Venue of Pre‐Proposal Conference
Date: 14/05/2024
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106, ‘C’
Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064

5. The Documentsare:

i. Appendix-IA: Manning Schedule for Project (PhaseI,II&III)
ii. Appendix-IB: Qualification and Experience requirement (PhaseI,II&III)
iii. Appendix-II: Formats for Proof of Eligibility
iv. Appendix-III: Formats for Technical Proposal
v. Appendix-IV: Formats for Financial Proposal
vi. Appendix-V: Detailed Evaluation Criteria
vii. Appendix-VI: Terms of Reference
viii. Appendix–VII: Draft Contract Agreement
ix. Appendix–VIII: DPR Checklist
x. Appendix–IX: Sample Executive Summary
(Ref. Para2.1)

6. Deleted
7. Tax and Insurance (Ref. Para3.3.2)

(i) The Consultants and their personnel shall pay all taxes (including Goods & servicetax),
custom duties, fees, levies and other impositions levied under the laws prevailing seven
days before the last date of submission of the bids. The effects of any increase /decrease of
any type of taxes levied by the Government shall be borne by the Client /Consultant,
(ii) Limitations of the Consultant’s Liability towards the Client shall be as Per Clause3. 4
of Draft Contract Agreement.
(iii) The risk and coverage shall be as per Clause3.5 of Draft Contract Agreement.
8. Deleted

9. Deleted

10. The date, time and Address of proposal submission are

Date 04/06/2024
Time up to 03:00 PM

Address Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106,
‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064

11. Proposal Validity period (Number of days): 120days (Ref. Para4.4)

12. Evaluation criteria: (Ref.Para3&5)

12.1 First stage evaluation–eligibility requirement. (Ref. Para3.1&5.1)

Table‐1: Minimum Eligibility Requirements

Minimum experience and performance of Preparation of DPR/Supervision of

Sr. construction of Highways / Bridges in the last 7 years (NH/SH/Equivalent) Annual average
No. (for past performance attach undertaking for any litigation history/ and turnover
A Firm applying for a package should have Experience of preparation of
Detailed Project Report of two/four/six lane / Feasibility of Two/ four/ sixlane
projects in mountainous and steep terrain of aggregate length equal to the
indicative length of the package i.e 52.10 km

Firm should have also prepared DPR for at least one project of 2/4/6 laning in
mountainous and steep terrain of minimum 40% of the indicative length of the
package i.e 20.84 km or Feasibility Study of two/four/six laning in mountainous
and steep terrain of minimum 60% of the indicative length of the package, i.e,
31.26 km
Annual average
turn over for last 5
Note: The experience of affirm in preparation of DPR for a private
years of the firm
concessionaire/contractor shall not be considered unless certified by the client
should be equal to
(Road owning authority).
or more than
The firm should have minimum experience of Authority Engineer/Independent
Rs.10.00 Crores.
Engineer/Construction supervision/PMC of 2/4/6** - laning project in
(Updated to the
mountainous and steep terrain of aggregate length equal to the indicative length of
factor as
the package i.e 52.10km or more of similar category**.
perclause 1.3.2
2 of LOI)
Firm should also have experience of Authority Engineer/Independent
Engineer /Construction supervision/PMC of at least one project of similar
category of 2/4/6** laningin mountainous and steep terrain of minimum 40% of
the indicative length of the package i.e. 20.84km.
Note: The experience of a firm in preparation of DPR for a private concessionaire/contractor shall
notbe consider edunless certified by the client (Road owning authority)

(i) The sole applicant shall fulfill all the requirements given in Table-1.

(ii) In case of JV, the Lead Partner should fulfill at least75% of all eligibility requirements and the
other partner shall fulfil atleast 50% of all eligibility requirements.

(iii) For weightage of experience in any past Consultancy assignment, experience certificate from
the client shall be submitted. If the applicant firm/member of JV has/have prepared the
DPR/FS/Supervision projects solely on its own, 100% weightage shall be given. If the
applicant firm/member of JV has prepared the DPR/FS/Supervision projects as a
partner in a JV, weightage shall be given as per its share in JV. If the applicant
firm/member of JV have prepared the DPR/FS/Supervision projects as an associate,
25% weightage shall be given.

(iv) Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP isinvited. For2-
lane projects experience of 4/6lane also to be considered with a multiplication factor of
1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall be considered interchangeably for 4/6laning projects. For 4/6
laning projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication factor of 0.5

12.2 Second stage technical evaluation (Refer 5.2)

Description Marks
A1 Firm’s Profile, turn over and professionals working with the firm 20
A2 Firm's relevant experience in last7 years for DPR work 15
A3 Firm's relevant experience in last 7 years for Supervision work 15
Material testing, survey & investigation, equipment and software proposed to beused for DPR
B1 10
Experience in use of technology for road inspection in supervision
B2 10
work/quality/safety audit
C Qualification and Relevant experience of the proposed key personnel 30
Total 100

Further break-up of each criteria has been detailed out below:

A1. Firm’s Profile, turnover and professionals working with the firm(20M)

1 Specific experience of firms in terms of year 7

1.1 Less than 5 year 2.5
1.2 5 year to 15 year. 5.0
1.3 15 year to 25 year 6.0
1.4 More than 25 years 7.0
2 Profile of the Firm 3
2.1 Partnership/others(Solo/Joint) 1.0
2.2 Private Limited Company and Joint applicant 2.5
2.3 Private Limited Company and sole applicant 3.0
2.4 Public Limited Company and Joint applicant 2.5
2.5 Public Limited Company and sole applicant 3.0
Specific experience of firms interms of turnover (Updated to the factor as per
3 6
clause1.3.2 of LOI)

Firm Average Turn over of last 5 years>10but<20crore
3.1 4.0
Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years20-50crore
3.2 5.0
3.3 Firm’s Average Turn over of last 5 years>50crore 6.0
4 Highway Professionals *working with the firm 4
4.1 <10nos. 0
4.2 10-20nos. 2.0
4.3 >20-30nos. 3.0
4.4 >30nos. 4.0

*The Highway professionals who possess degree in Civil Engineering/Transport Planning/Transport

Economics/Traffic Management/Geology/Environment Science or Engineering and 8 years Experience in
highway/bridge/tunnel with employment in the firm for more than one year. The current Employment
Certificate/Payroll details shall be uploaded by Key Personnelon INFRACON.

A2. Firm's relevant experience in last 7 year for DPR work (15M)

For standard highways, the following is the break-up:

S. Maximum Sub-
No. Description
Marks Marks
Specific experience of the DPR consultancy related to the
1 assignment 15
Aggregate Length of DPR / Feasibility study of 2/4/ 6 lane
1.1 projects in mountainous and steep terrain 5

1.1.1 More than theindicative Length of the package applied for 3.75
1.1.2 More than 2 times the indicative length of the package applied for 4.5
1.1.3 More than 3 times the indicative length of the package applied for 5.0
1.2 DPR for 2/4/6 laning projects in mountainous and steep terrain 5
each equal to or more than 40 % of indicative length of a
package applied for (or Feasibility Study for 2/4/6 laning
projects in mountainous and steep terrain each equal to or
more than 60 % of indicative length of a package applied for)
1.2.1 1 project 3.75
1.2.2 2 projects 4.5
1.2.3 ≥3 projects 5.0
2.0 DPR of Bridge having length more than 200 m 5
2.1 1 bridge 1.0
2.2 2 bridge 2.0
2.3 3 bridge 3.0
2.4 4 bridge 4.0
2.5 ≥5 bridges 5.0

Note: In case feasibility study is apart of DPR services the experience shall be counted in
DPRonly. In case bridge is included as part of DPR of highway the experience will be (1) and (2)

A3:Firm's relevant experience in last 7 years for Supervision work (15M).
S. Description Marks Sub‐Marks

Specific Experience as Authority Engineer/Independent

1 Engineer/Construction supervision/PMC in aggregate length of
Highway Projects of 2/4/6‐laning in mountainous and steep
1.1 More than the indicative Length of the package applied for- 3.75
1.2 More than 2.0 timesthe indicative length of the package applied for
1.3 More than 3 times the indicative length of the package applied for- 5.00
Specific Experience as Authority Engineer/Independent
Engineer /Construction supervision/PMC in Number of
2 Projects of 2/4/6-laning**in mountainous and steep terrain 5
of length (40%of project length) or more in last 7 years.
2.1 1project
2.2 2Project
2.3 3Project
2.4 4Project
2.5 5Project or more 5.00
Experience in Construction Supervision of major structures
3 having length of more than 200 meter in last 7 years. 5
3.1 1project 3.75

3.2 2Project 4.00

3.3 3Project 4.25

3.4 4Project 4.50

3.5 5Project or more 5.00

Note1: In case of JV the turn over and experience details of Lead and JV partners to be added.
Note2: Employer’s certificate/certificate from Statutory Audit or should be submitted substantiating
the experience/turnover claimed by the firm.

B1. Material testing, survey and investigation, equipment and software proposed to be used (10M)
S. MaximumM Sub‐
No. arks Marks
Availability of Material Testing Facilities with persons/resources
1 1.5
having operational skills of the equipment
1.1 Owned*(Available InHouse) 1.5
1.2 Outsourced (Hire basis) 1.5
*Shall be as certained through the ownership/hiring evidence uploaded on INFRACON in regard to
major equipments required for testing of materials to be used for construction of Highway Project.
Availability of Field Investigation Facilities with persons/resources
2 1
Having operational skills of the equipment
2.1 Owned**(Available InHouse) 1
2.2 Outsourced(Hire basis) 1
**Shall be ascertained through ownership/hiring evidence uploaded on INFRACON for
construction of Highway Project.
Availability of Office Equipment and Software with persons/resources
3 1.5
Having operational skills of the equipment
3.1 Owned***(Available InHouse) 1.5
3.2 Outsourced(Hire basis) 1.5
*** Shall be ascertained through ownership/hiring evidence uploaded on INFRACON for key
hardware/software required for Highway consultancy assignment.
Experiencein LiDAR or equivalent technology for topographic survey
4 2.5
(Infrastructure sector)
4.1 1project 0.5
4.2 2projects 1
4.3 3projects 1.5
4.4 4projects 2
4.5 ≥5projects 2.5
Experience in using GPR and Induction Locator or equivalent
5 technologies for detection of sub‐surface utilities (Infrastructure 2
5.1 1project 0.5
5.2 2projects 1
5.3 3projects 1.5
5.4 ≥4projects 2
6 Experience in digitization of cadastral maps for land surveys 1.5
6.1 Area upto100ha 0.5
6.2 Area between100-500ha 1
6.3 Area>500ha 1.5
Note: The experience of firm/associate inLidar orequivalent technology, GPR and Induction Locator or
equivalent technologies and Experience in digitization of cadastralmaps for land acquisition shall be
supported by experience certificate. The experience of a firm/associate in Lidar or equivalent technology,
GPR and Induction Locator or equivalent technologies and Experience in Digitization of cadastral maps for
land acquisition for a private concessionaire/ contractor (client) shall be considered onself-certification along
with the client certificate of Government agencies not below the rank of EE/PD/GM or eqivalant officer.
Any false certification shall attract provisions of Clause1.8, Section-2 (letter of Invitation) read with
Clause2.9.1 (g) of GCC

B2: Experience in use of technology for road inspection in supervision work (10M)
Sl. Description
Experiencein Network Survey Vehicle(NSV) or equivalent technology for
1 3.5
Pavement inspection
1.1 Equipment 2
(a)Equipment on MOU on hiring basis 2
(b)Own Equipment 2
1.2 Experience 1.5
(i) 1-2projects 0.5
(ii) 3-5projects 1.0
(iii) >5projects 1.5
Experiencein Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) or equivalent
2 2
Technology for pavement strength measurement
2.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipment on MOU on hiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
2.2 Experience 1
(i) 1-3Projects 0.5
(ii) >3Projects 1
Experience in Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit or better technology for
3 2.5
bridge inspection
3.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipmenton MOU on hiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
3.2 Experience 1.5
(i) 1-2Projects 0.5
(ii) 3-5Projects 1
(iii) >5Projects 1.5
4 Experiencein Retro Reflectometer technology 2
4.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipmenton MOU onhiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
4.2 Execution with owned/hired Equipment 1
(i) 1-3Projects 0.5
(ii) >3Projects 1
Total 10


(i) The Consultants owning the equipment shall be required to submit proof of ownership.

(ii) The experience of firm/associate in NSV or equivalent technology, FWD or equivalent

technology, MBIU or equivalent technology and Retroreflectometer or equivalent
Technology shall be supported by experience certificate. The experience of a firm/associate for
aprivate concessionaire/ contractor (client) shall be considered on self-certification along with
the client certificate of Government agencies not below the rank of EE/PD/GM or
equivalant officer. Any false certification shall attract provisions of Clause 1.8, Section -2
(letter of Invitation) read with Clause2.9.1 (g) of GCC.

C. Qualification and relevant experience of the proposed key personnel (30M)

The weightage for various key staff is as under:

Normal Highway Project:

S.No. Keypersonnel Marks
1 Team Leader cumSenior Highway Engineer 10
2 Senior Bridge Engineer 8
3 Highway cum Pavement Engineer 6
4 Road/TrafficSafety Expert 6
Total 30

The number of marks assigned during the evaluation of qualification and competence of key staff
are as given below:
Maximum Sub‐
S.No. Description
Marks Marks
1 GeneralQualification 25
1.1 Essential education qualification 20
1.2 Desirable education qualification 5
2 Relevant experience and adequacy for the project 70
2.1 Total professional experience 15
2.2 Experience in Highway/Bridge/Tunnel Projects 25
2.3 Experiencein Similar Capacity 30
3 Employment with the Firm 5
3.1 Less than1Year 0
3.2 1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
Maximum of 2 marks
12.3 Detailed evaluation criteria which is to be used for evaluation of technical bids is as indicated
at Appendix‐V.

The Consultant should carryout self‐evaluation based on the evaluation criteria at

Appendix‐V.While submitting the self‐evaluation along with bid, Consultant shall make
references to the documents submitted in their proposal which have been relied upon
inself‐evaluation Result of technical evaluation shall be made available on the website giving
opportunity to the bidders to respond within 7 days in case they have any objection

12.4 Third stage–Evaluation of Financial proposal

Financial Proposals of all Qualified Consultants in accordance with clause 5.2 and 5.3 of
Letter of Invitation shall be opened.

The consultancy services will be awarded to the consultant scoring highest marks
incombined evaluation of Technical and Financial proposals in accordance with clause1.3 and
5.4 hereof.

The Factors are:

The weight given toTechnical Proposal(T)=0.80.The weight given to Financial Proposal(f)


13. The common currency is “IndianRupee”. (Ref.Para3.3.3)

Consultant have to quote in Rupees both for domestic Consultant as well as Foreign

14. Commencement of Assignment (Date, Location): The Consultants shall commence the Services
within fifteen days of the date of effectiveness of the contract at locations as required for the
project stretch stated in TOR. (Ref. Para1.2 of LOI and 2.3 of GCC/SC)


MANNING SCHEDULE for phase 1&2 (project preparation and pre‐construction activity).

A.Normal Highway Projects

Project Preparation 240 Pre-construction activity

Sr.N days 180 days
Key Personnel At site At design Total Time At site At design Total Time
(man office (man Period (man office (man Period
month) month) (man month) month) (man
month month

1 Team Leader Cum Senior Highway 5 3 8 4 2 6

2 Senior Bridge Engineer 2 2 4 0 0 0

3 Highway cum Pavement Engineer 4 2 6 0 0 0

4 Material Engineer 4 2 6 0 0 0

5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 4 2 6 0 0 0

6 Senior Geologist 2 2 4 0 0 0

7 Senior Survey Engineer 4 2 6 4 2 6

8 Road/Traffic Safety expert 2 2 4 0 0 0

9 Environmental Specialist 2 2 4 2 2 4

10 Quantity Surveyor / Documentation 4 2 6 1 1 2

11 Land Acquisition Expert 2 2 4 4 2 6
12 Utility Expert 2 2 4 4 2 6
Total 37 25 62 19 11 30
1. Consultants have to provide a certificate that all the key personnel as envisaged in the contract
Agreement have been actually deployed in the projects. They have to furnish the certificate at the time
of submission of their bills to Regional Office, MoRTH, Kolkata from time to time.
2. The Consultant shall provide one Land Acquisition Expert along with allied team and supporting
logistic as envisaged in Clause of TOR:-
If delay in LA processoccurs beyond thereas on able control of consultant, the extension of LA team
staff/s along with logistic support/transportation shall be granted by the concerned Project
Director/Executive Enginner and beyond further 6 months, Chief Engineer-RO, MoRT&H, GoI from
time to time. is empowered to grant extension to LA team staff/s subject to condition that the original
contract period shall remain unchanged.

MANNING SCHEDULE for phase 3 (Construction supervision and maintenance work).
A. Normal Highway Project
Man-month in Man-month in
Construction Defect
S.No. Key Personnel Period of 30 Liability
months Period of 60

1 Team Leader Cum Senior Highway Engineer 30 15
2 Resident cum Highway Engineer 30 60
3 Senior Bridge Engineer 24 10
4 Highway cum Pavement Engineer 30 0
5 Senior Quality cum Material Expert 24 0
6 Road/Traffic Safety expert 30 10
7 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 24 6
SubTotal 192 101
Total for Construction and Maintenance 293
A Survey Engineer 30 10
B Assistant Highway Engineer (2 nos.) 2X30 1X60
C CAD Expert 6 4
D Environmental Engineer 8 0
E Assistant Bridge Engineer 24 0
F Assistant Quality cum Material Engineer 2X30 0
(2 nos.)
G Electrical Engineer 6 3
H HTMS/Toll expert 3 0
I Quantity surveyor 30 8
J Horticulture cum Landscaping Expert 6 0
SubTotal 233 85
Total for Construction and Maintenance 318
GrandTotal 611


1. The other inputs like support staff shall be provided by the Consultant of an acceptable type
commensurate with the roles and responsibilities of each position

2. In case of project having different construction period, Man Month Input shall be adjusted

3. The Financial Expert or Legal expert or Contract Specialist may be required for the project for
specific needs. Their deployment shall be arranged by the Consultant on specific requisition from
the Authority and the payment shall be made as per the actual deployment. The Financial Expert
or Legal expertor Contract Specialist shall be paid at the rates quoted for Senior Pavement


Qualification and Experience Requirement of Key Personnel for Phase1&2


i) Educational Qualification
Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent as
approved by AICTE
Desirable Post graduate in Civil Engineering (highways /
structures / traffic and transportation / soil
mechanics and foundation engineering/
Construction Management /Transportation)
{AICTE Approved}
ii) Essential Experience
a)Total Professional Min.15 years
b) Experience in Highway Min. 6 years in Planning, project preparation
projects and design of Highway projects, including
2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/ expressways. The
person should also 6 years experience in
construction/construction supervision. At least
two year experience in Planning/project
preparation/design/construction supervision of
Highway projects in mountainous and steep
In Feasibility/DPR of two / Four/Six Laning
c) Experience in similar works of major highway projects
capacity (Either as Team (NH/SH/Expressways) of minimum aggregate
Leader or in Similar capacity ) length of 40 km AND IC/ Construction
Supervision of Two/Four/six laning of major
highway projects (NH/SH/Expressways) of
minimum aggregate length of 40 km. Experience
in Planning/ project preparation/ design/
construction supervision of Highway projects
in mountainous and steep terrain in at least
10.42 km aggregate length.
65 years on the date of submission of proposal
iii) Age Limit


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent
Masters in Bridge Engineering / Structural
Desirable Engineering

ii) Experience
a)Total Professional Min. 10years
b) Experience in Bridge Min. 08 years in project preparation and design of
projects bridge projects.
c) Experience in similar Bridge Engineer in highway design consultancy
capacity projects (2/4/6 lane NH/SH/ Expressways)
involving design of minimum two major bridges
(length more than 200 m)
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Degree in Civil Engineering
Masters in highway engineering/ Transportation
Desirable Engineering

ii) Essential Experience

a)Total Professional Min.08years
b) Experience in Highway Minimum 06years’ experience in pavement design
projects and maintenance of NH/SH/Expressways.
c) Experience in similar Pavement design for major highway projects
capacity (2/4/6lane NH/SH/Expressways) of minimum
aggregate length of 80 km
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering
Masters in Traffic Engineering /Transportation
Desirable Engineering / TransportPlanning
ii) EssentialExperience
a)Total Professional Min. 06 years
b) Experience in Highway Min. 05 years on similar projects of
projects NH/SH/Expressways
Traffic Engineer in highway Projects (NH/SH/
c) Experience in similar Expressways) involving 2/4/6 laning of
capacity minimum aggregate length of 80 km.

iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Post Graduate Degree in Geology/Related field.
Desirable Phd in Geology/Related fields.
ii) Essential Experience
a)Total Professional Min. 15 years
b) Experience in Highway He should have a minimum 10 years of
projects professional experience and should have
involved in project preparation/ DPR of similar
projects of NH/SH/Expressways/tunnel
He should have experience in similar capacity per
c) Experience in similar five years on Design/ Construction/ Supervision
capacity of highway in mountainous and steep terrain/tunnel
Projects. The minimum cost of the project
handled in the similar capacity should be 2500
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Civil Engineering/Mining Engineering/ Engineering
Desirable Geotechnical Engineering /Foundation
Engineering/Rock Mechanics/Geo science or
ii) Essential Experience
a)Total Professional Experience Min. 15 years
b) Experience in Highway (i) Professional experience in handling major
projects highway /tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro).
(ii) Experience in major highway/tunnel
construction/construction supervision projects
(iii)Experience in preparation of DPR or Feasibility
report of major highway/tunnel projects
(i) Professional Experience as Senior Geotechnical
c) Experience in similar Engineer.
capacity (ii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or
similar capacity in major highway in mountainous
and steep terrain/tunnel construction/construction
supervision projects (Road/Rail/Metro).
(iii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or
similar capacity inpreparation of DPR or Feasibility
report of major highway in mountainous and steep
terrain/tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro).
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering/Material Science
and Engineering or equivalent.
Desirable Post-graduation in Material Science and
Engineering or equivalent.
ii) EssentialExperience
a)Total Professional Min. 15 years
b) Experience in Highway Minimum 8 years on Highway/Tunnel projects in
projects design and /or construction.
Material Engineer on highway projects (2/4/6
c) Experience in similar lane NH/SH/Expressway) of minimum aggregate
capacity length of 80 km.
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal


The expert shall be continuously interacting with the Concessionaire, for the review of highway
designs and drawings using sophisticated computer software and also construction and O&M
works and to ensure lifecycle cost effectiveness and viable design of pavement including
appropriate rehabilitation / strengthening of the existing pavement. He shall also be responsible
for ensuring complete adherence to maintenance standards during Construction and Operation
period. Thus, the position requires a pavement specialist with thorough knowledge and
understanding of international ‘best practices’ in the field of Design, Construction and
maintenance of flexible/rigid type of pavements including latest Codal stipulations
He should have the following qualification / experience.

1. Essential Qualifications.
a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized University.
b) Professional Experience of at least 12years
c) Experience of at least 5 years in similar capacity in Construction / Construction Supervision of
2/4/6 laning** of major highwayprojects.
d) Experience in similar capacity in handling at least 2 major highway projects (of length 40% of
project length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Not more than 65 years of age

2. Preferential Qualifications.
Post Graduate Degree in Highway Engineering / Construction Management / Geotechnical
Engineering / Transportation Engineering / Structural Engineering
Experience in similar capacity in Highway project construction/ construction supervision on
EPC mode (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**)
and above).


The Bridge & Structural Engineer shall be responsible for checking the designs of bridges, ROBs,
interchanges and any other structure to be constructed in the Project highway and supervising the
works of bridges, interchanges and any other structure to be constructed by the Concessionaire for
this project. He shall also inspect the bridge rehabilitation and repair works to be undertaken by
the Concessionaire. He should have thorough understanding and experience with international `best
practices’ of modern bridge construction technology.
He should have the following qualification / experience.

1. Essential Qualifications.
a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized Univer sity.

b) Professional Experience of at least 10 years in handling Highway/Bridge projects.

At least 5 years experience in Construction/Construction Supervision of bridge/interchange
/any other structures.
c) Experience in similar capacity in supervision of at least 2 Major Highway Bridges.
d) Experience in supervision of Rehabilitation and repair of 2 nos Major Bridges.
e) Not more than 65 years of age.

2. Preferential Qualifications.
a) Post Graduate Degree in Structural Engineering.
b) He should have thorough understanding and experience of modern bridge construction
technology. viz., Precast Segmental, Balanced Cantilever Construction, Extradosed Bridge,
Full Span Launching, Incremental Launching


The expert shall be continuously interacting with the Concessionaire, for the review of
highway designs and drawings using sophisticated computer software and also construction and O&M
works and to ensure life cycle cost effectiveness and viable design of pavement including
appropriate rehabilitation / strengthening of the existing two lane pavement which is significantly
distressed. He shall also be responsible for ensuring complete adherence to maintenance standards
during Construction and Operation period. Thus, the position requires a pavement specialist with
thorough knowledge and understanding of international ‘best practices’ in the field of Design,
Construction and maintenance of flexible/rigid type of pavements including latest Codal
stipulations and specifications.
He should have the following qualification / experience.

1. Essential Qualifications.
a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized University.
b) Professional Experience of at least 10 years in Pavement Design / Pavement Construction
/ Pavement Maintenance of Highways / Roads / Airfield Runways

c) Experience of at least 5 years in similar capacity in Construction / Construction

Supervision of 2/4/6 laning** of major highway projects.
d) Experience as Pavement Specialist/Pavement Engineer in Construction/Construction
Supervision of at least 2 major highway projects (of length 40% of project length or more of
similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).

2. Preferential Qualifications.
a) Post Graduate Degree in Highway Engineering / Pavement Engineering /Transportation
b) Experience as a Pavement Specialist/Pavement Engineer in Highway EPC project (of
length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).


Shall be responsible for the overall Road/Traffic Safety aspect of the Project. He shall ensure that
safety provisions as per relevant codes are strictly followed at site during Construction of Road and
also during the Maintenance Period

1. Essential Qualifications.
a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized University.
b) Professional Experience of at least 10 years in handling Highway projects.

c) Minimum5years experience in Road Safety works of Major Highway Projects (4/6 laning

d) Experience in similar capacity in Road Safety Audit of at least 2 nos. 2/4/6 lane**
highway / expressway project including 1 nos. at design stage

e) Experience in similar capacity in the field of Road Safety Management Plan.

f) Not more than 65 years of age.

2. Preferential Qualifications
a) Post Graduate Degree in Traffic Transportation/Safety Engineering.

b) Experience in similar capacity in identification and improvement of black spots on Major Highway
c) Experience in similar capacity in Preparation of Road Safety Management Plan for inter urban

Senior Quality cum Material Expert

The Quality/Material Expert shall review the test results of bore holes, quarry and borrow area
material to find out their strength characteristics and suitability for using them in construction.
He shall inspect the Concessionaire’s field laboratories to ensure that they are adequately
equipped and capable of performing all the specified testing requirements of the contract. He
shall look into the quality assurance aspect of the construction works and supervise the setting-
up of the various Concessionaire’s rock crushers and bituminous mixing plants to ensure that
the specified requirements for such equipment are fully met. Experience in latest Quality
Management techniques in highway projects shall have added advantage.
He should have the following qualification / experience.

1. Essential Qualifications.
a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized University.
b) Professional Experience of at least 10 years in handling Highway projects.
c) Experience of at least 5 years as Senior Quality/ Material Expert or in similar capacity in
Construction / Construction Supervision /major highway projects
d) Experience as Senior Quality/ Material Expert or in similar capacity in handling of at least 2
similar highway projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration
(2/4/6 laning**) and above)
e) Not more than 65 years of age.

2. Preferential Qualifications.
Post Graduate Degree in Geotechnical Engineering / Foundation Engineering / Soil Mechanics.


Duties: He will be deployed in working season in stages for cumulative duration of period
mentioned in Enclosure-A for obtaining his expert opinion on emerging contractualissues. His
key responsibilities will be to guide and assist Team Leader/Employer in all aspects of contract
management in proper implementation of contract provisions including controlling the project
cost of the construction package. He will also be required to offer his advice on contractual
complications arising during the implementation as per the request of the employer. He will be
required to prepare manuals/schedules for the consultants team/employer based on the
provisions of the contract document. He will be responsible for giving appropriate suggestions
in handling claims of the contractors and any dispute arising thereof.

1. Essential Qualifications.

a) Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized University.

b) Professional Experience of 15 years in Contract Management.
c) Experience of at least 4 years as Contract Specialist on any National/State Highway
project/Bridge Project.

d) Contract Management of a large Highway/Bridge contract say over Rs.150 crore including
experience of handling Variation orders, claims of the contractor and there appropriate disposal
for at least 2projects.
e) Handled at least one Arbitration cases in respect of any Highway/Bridge projects.
f) Not more than 65 years ofage.

2. Preferential Qualifications.

(a) Degree in Law/PG in management/certificate course in management/ certificate course in

construction management/certificate course in contract management.



The candidate should be Diploma in Civil Engineering Firm may field Survey Engineer with diploma
in Civil Engineering/Survey having at least 5 years experience in the field of surveying out of which atleast 3
years should be in highway projects and they should have also dealt with at least 1 project of similar
nature. This position requires thorough understanding of modern computer based method of surveying with
total station digital level etc.


The Candidate should be Diploma in Civil Engineering.


He should be Diploma in Civil Engineering/Computer Science having experience in computer related

design method for highway engineering.


The Candidate should be Diploma in Civil Engineering/Environmental Engineering or other relevant

qualification. He should have at least 6 years experience out of which 2 years in highway projects.
He should have good knowledge of MOEF guidelines/requirements for mitigation measures.


The Candidate should be Graduate in Civil Engineering with 3 years experience. He should have
handled at least 1 major bridge project.


The Candidate should be Graduate in Civil Engineering or diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 years


The Candidate should be Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognised institute. He should
have at least 6 years experience


He should be Diploma or equivalent in Civil Engineering having Min. 5 years of professional

experience in preparation of highway project estimates. He should have Min. 3 years experience in
Preparation of Bill of Quantities/estimates for major highway projects costing Rs.100 Crore or


He should be a Diploma/Graduate in Agriculture with specialization in Horticulture/Arboriculture

having minimum 5 year of field experience in Horticulture/Arboriculture and landscaping. He should
have minimum 5 years field experience.

Note: Upto 2 sub-professional can be a fresh graduate (zero/ less than minimum required work
experience) with first class in graduation stream. Eligibility requirement in terms of minimum years
of experience shall not be applicable for this sub professional.

Proof of Eligibility
Letter of Proposal (On Applicant’s letter head)

(Date and Reference)

To, *********



Sub: Appointment of Consultant for Project Management Consultancy for……………...

Dear Sir,

With reference to your RFP Document dated………, I/we i.e.M/s----------------------------

----------------------------------------------- (Name of Bidder) having examined all relevant
documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Proposal for selection as
Consultant. The proposal is unconditional and unqualified.

2. All information provided in the Proposal uploadedon INFRACON and in the Appendices is
true and correct and all documents accompanying such Proposal are true copies of their
respective originals.

3. This statement is made for the express purpose of appointment as the Consultant for the
aforesaid Project.

4. I/We shall make available to the Authority any additional information itmay deem
necessary or require for supplementing or authenticating the Proposal.

5. I/We acknowledge the right of the authority to reject our application without assigning any
reason or otherwise and here by waive our right to challenge the same on any account whats

6. I/We certify that in the last three years, we or any of our Associates have neither failed to
perform on any contract, as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial
authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the Applicant, nor been
expelled from any project or contract by any public authority nor have had any contract
terminated by any public authority for breach on ourpart.

7. I/We understand that you may cancel the Selection Process at any time and that you are neither
bound to accept any Proposal that you may receive nor to select the Consultant, without
incurring any liability to the Applicants in accordance with Clause 1.7 of the RFPdocument.

8. I/We declare that we/any member of the consortium, are/is not a Member of any Other
Consortium applying for Selection as a Consultant.

9. I/We certify that inregard to matters other that security and integrity of the country, we or any of
our Associates have not been convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or
Adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which would cast a doubt on our ability to
Undertake the Consultancy for the Project or which relates to a grave offence that out rage
s them oral sense of the community.
10. I/We further certify that inregard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country, we
have not been charge-sheeted by any Government organization including PSU/Autonomus
body for and behalf of the Governor of West Bengal of the Government or convicted by a
Court of Law for any offence committed by us or by any of our Associates.

11. I/We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against
us or against our Associates or against our CEO or any of our

12. I/We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at law or
howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the Authority
[and/or the Government of India] in connection with the selection of Consultant or in
connection with the Selection Process itself in respect of the above mentioned Project.

13. Deleted.

14. I/Weagree and understand that theproposal is subject to theprovisionsof the RFPdocument.
In no case, shall I/we have any claim or right of whatsoever nature if the Consultancy for
the Project is not awarded to me/us or our proposal is not opened orrejected.

15. I/We agree to keep this valid for 120 (One hundred and twenty) days from the Proposal Due
Date specified in the RFP.

16. A Power of Attorney in favor of the authorized signatory to sign and submit this Proposal
and documents is attached herewith.

17. In the event of my/our firm/consortium being selected as the Consultant, I/we agree to enter
into any Agreement in accordance with the form Appendix V of the RFP. We agree not to
seek any changes in the aforesaid form and agree to abide by the same.

18. I/We have studied RFP and all other documents carefully and also surveyed the Project site.We
understand that except to the extent as expressly set for thin the Agreement, we shall have no
claim, right or title arising out of and documents or information provided to us by the
Authority or in respect of any matter arising out of or concerning or relating to the Selection
Process including the award of Consultancy.

19. The Proof of Eligibility and Technical proposal are being submitted inseparate covers in hard
copy (as per clause 4.1 of LoI) and INFRACON Team I.D no.. Financial Proposal is being
submitted online only. This Proof of Eligibility read with Technical Proposal and
Financial Proposal shall constitute the Application which shall be bindingonus.

20. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP Document. In
witness there of, I/we submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the RFP

Yours faithfully,
(Signature, name and designation of the authorized signatory)
(Name and seal of the Applicant/Lead Member)


The following information related to the firm should be provided in the proposal.
i. Name of the package applied for:-
ii. Year of establishment of firm*

Year of Type of Organization

Consultant Country
Establishment Partnership Private Public Other
Individual/Lead limited Limited

norPartner ofJV

NOTE:-Year of Establishment of Lead Partner of JV shall be considered.

*Copy of Certificate of incorporation shall be submitted.

iii. Office/BusinessAddress/Telephonenos./CableAddress.
iv. Narrative description of firm (Not more than 2 sheets)
v. Name of two (2) principals who may be contacted with title and telephone number/ fax
number /e-mail.

vi. Relevant Services Carried out in the Last SevenYears,Which Best Illustrate

The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major
companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:

Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by your firm:
Name of Client: No.of Staff:
Address: No.of Staff Months:
Start Date Completion Date Approx.Value of
(Month / Year) (Month/Year) Services: (in INR/current USD):
No. of Months of Professional Staff provided by
Name of JV Firm(s) ifany:
Associated Firm(s)
Status of your Company in the Assignment i.e.,Sole/LeadMember/OtherMember
Narrative Description of Project:
Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

Signature of Authorized Representative

(Certificate from Employer regarding experience should be furnished)

(i). Experience in DPR/Feasibility Study preparation of 2/4/6 laning/Bridge Highway
Projects separately for the PPP and non-PPP projects during the last 7 years.***

Projects Name
Type Complete Total Fee Fee received
Sole Length % age of
address, for the by Applicant
Consultant/Prime of total fee
SNo of contact Consultancy (in case of Period
Consultantof JV Project received
Services person, Assignment JV/)
/minor (kms) by the firm
Rendered telephone (INR)
Engineer of JV
And Fax
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(ii). Experience as Authority Engineer/Independent Consultant/Construction supervision

of Highway projects, separately for PPP and non-PPP Projects during the last 7years.***

S Projects Type of Descriptio Client Total Fee Fee received % age Approx. Perio
No Name/ Service n of (with for the by Applicant of total Cost of d
Sole rendered Highway complete Consultanc (in case of JV) fee Highwa
Consultant Project/ address, y receive y
/Prime Length contact Assignment D by Project
Consultant (kms) person,Tel (INR) The
Of JV/ ephone firm
minor Nos.and
Authority’ Fax
S Engineer Nos.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. Completed/Substantially completed projects:
B. Projects in progress:

***a) similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is invited.
For 2-lane projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered with a multiplication factor of
1.5 Experience of 4/6 lane shall be considered interchangeably for 4/6 laning projects. For 4/6
laning projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication factor of 0.5.

b) Only those projects, to be included in the table which are Highways Projects and for which
clients certificates from the concerned Government agencies are enclosed with the proposal.

c) The details of bridges having length more than 200 mtr the listed projects are to be
specifically mentioned. Details of special bridges to Cablestayed Bridge/extradosed bridge
/suspension bridge/ segmental of lengthat least 250 meter (ExcludingViaduct) to be specifically

d) For weightage of experience in any past Consultancy assignment, experience certificate

from the client shall be submitted. If the applicant firm/member of JV has /have
prepared the DPR/FS/Supervision projects solely on its own, 100% weightage
shallbe given. If the applicant firm/member of JV has prepared the
DPR/FS/Supervision projects as a partner in a JV, weightage shall be givenas per
its share in JV. If the applicant firm/member of JV have prepared the
DPR/FS/Supervision projects as an associate, 25% weightage shall be given.
e) For weightage of experience in anypast Consultancy assignment, experience certificate from the
client shall be submitted. Inabsence of clear demarcation of JV share in client certificate, the
weightage will be treated as 60% for leadpartner and 40% for minor partner. Annual turnover
duly certified by Chartered Accountant shall be accepted. Incase of non-availability of such
documents no weightage of turnover/experience will be considered.

(vii) Assignments on hand including those for which the Letter of Acceptance from the clients
received as on 7 days prior to due date for submission of proposals: The details shall be given in
the following format.

Role of the firm Team Members

Date of Date of Present provided by the firm
S. Name of
Client Sole, lette of Agreement status o
No Assignment
Lead/Other r Acceptan ce if signed Assignme nt
in JV Name DO Position
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)



Financial Capacity of the Applicant

Average Annual turnover of the Bidder

(Refer to Clauses1.3.2of the RFP)

(In Rs. crore)

Bidd rtype AnnualTurnover

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Annual
(Rs.) Updation Updation Updation Updation Updation
factor (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (In Rs.
factor factor factor factor
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Single entity
Bidder or
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20
members of

Name & address of Bidder’s Bankers:

$The conversion rate of USD into Rupees shall be the daily representative exchange rates published by
the Reserve Bank of India for the relevant date. Where relevant date should be as on the date 28 (twenty
eight) days prior to the Application Due Date.


1. The Bidder shall attach copies of the balancesheets, financial statements and Annual
Reports for 5(five) years preceding the Bid Due Date. The financial statements shall:
(a) Reflect the financial situation of the Bidder;

(b) Be audited by a statutoryauditor;

(c) Be complete, including allnotes to the financial statements; and

(d) Correspond to accounting period salready completed andaudited (no

statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).
2. Year 1 will be the latest completed financial year, preceding the bidding. Year 2 shall be the
year immediately preceding Year 1 and so on. In case the Bid Due Date falls within 3(three)
months of the close of the latest financial year of a Bidder, it shall ignore such financial year
for the purposes of its Bid and furnish all its information and certification with reference to the
5 (five) years or 1 (one) year, as the case may be, preceding its latestfinancial year. For the
avoidance of doubt, financial year shall, for the purposes of a Bid here under, mean the
accounting year followed by the Bidder in the course of its normal business.

3. In the case of a Joint Venture, a copy of the Jt. Bidding Agreement shall be submitted.

4. The Bidder shall also provide the name and address of the Bankers to the Bidder.



To: (Name and Address of Client)

Subject: Submission of Technical Consultant and Financial Proposal for engagement of PMC

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in accordance with
your Request for Proposal dated (Date), and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our
Proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal for the above mentioned work.

My/Our registration No. on Infracon is…….And my/our Infracon Team ID is…………….

Our Proposal is binding upon us. We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you

We remain,
Yours sincerely,

Managing Director/Head of the firm/Authorised Representative of

The firm+ *Name of the firm
*Lead Member in case of JV


Details of projects for which Technical and Financial Proposals have been submitted

Sl. Name of Project Consultancy Package No. Names of Proposed Key

No. Personnel


The following information related to the firm should be provided in the proposal.
i. Name of the package applied for:-
ii. Year of establishment of firm*

Year of Type of Organization

Consultant Country
Establishment Partnership Private Public Other
Individual/Lead limited Limited

Partner (of JV)/

Minor Partner of

NOTE:-Year of Establishment of Lead Partner of JV shall be considered.

*Copy of Certificate of incorporation shall be submitted.

iii. Office/Business Address/Telephone nos/Cable Address.

iv. Narrative description of firm (Not more than 2 sheets)
v. Name of two (2) principals who may be contacted with title and telephone
number /fax number/ e-mail.

Relevant Services carried out in the Last Seven Years, Which Best Illustrate

The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major
companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:

Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by your firm:
Name of Client: No.of Staff:
Address: No.of Staff Months:
Start Date Completion Date Approx.Value of
(Month / Year) (Month/Year) Services: (inINR/currentUSD):
No. of Months of Professional Staff provided by
Name of JV Firm(s) if any:
Associated Firm (s)
Status of your Company in the Assignment i.e., Sole/Lead Member/Other Member
Narrative Description of Project:
Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

Signature of Authorized Representative

(Certificate from Employer regarding experience should be furnished)

(iii) Experience in DPR/Feasibility Study preparation of 2/4/6 laning/Bridge Highway
Projects separately for the PPP and non-PPP projects during the last 7 years.***

Projects Name
Type Complete Total Fee Fee received
Sole Length % age of
address, for the by Applicant
Consultant/Prime of total fee
SNo of contact Consultancy (in case of Period
Consultant of JV Project received
Services person Assignment JV/)
/minor (kms) by the firm
Rendered ,telephon (INR)
e Nos.
Engineer of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(iv) Experience as Authority Engineer/Independent Consultant/Construction supervision of

Highway projects, separately for PPP and non-PPP Projects during the last 7 years.***

S Projects Type of Descriptio Client Total Fee Fee received % age Approx. Perio
No Name/ Service n of (with for the by Applicant of total Cost of d
Sole rendered Highway complete Consultanc (in case of JV) fee Highwa
Consultant Project/ address, y receive y
/Prime Length contact Assignment D by Project
Consultant (kms) person, (INR) The
Of JV/ Telephone firm
minor Nos.and
Authority’ FaxNos.)
S Engineer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. Completed/Substantially completed projects:

B.Projects in progress:

***a) Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is invited. For
2-lane projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered with a multiplication factor of
1.5.Experience of 4/6 lane shall be considered interchangeably for 4/6 laning projects. For4/6
laning projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication factor of 0.5.

b) Only those projects, to be included in the table which are Highways Projects and for which
clients certificates from the concerned Government agencies are enclosed with the proposal.
c) The details of bridges having length more than 200 mtr the listed projects are to be
specifically mentioned. Details of special bridges to cablestayed bridge/extradosed
bridge/suspension bridge/segmental bridge of length at least 250 meter (Excluding Viaduct)
to be specifically mentioned
d) For weightage of experience in any past Consultancy assignment, experience certificate
from the client shall be submitted. If the applicant firm/member of JV has /have prepared
the DPR/FS/Supervision projects solely on its own, 100% weightage shall be given. If
the applicant firm/member of JV has prepared the DPR/FS/Supervision projects as a
partner in a JV, weightage shall be given as per its sharein JV. If the applicant
firm/member of JV has prepared the DPR/FS/Supervision projects as an associate, 25%
weightage shall be given.
e) For weightage of experience in any past Consultancy assignment, experience certificate from the
client shall be submitted. In absence of clear demarcation of JV share in client certificate, the
weightage will be treated as 60% for lead partner and 40% form in or partner. Annual
turnover duly certified by Chartered Accountant shall be accepted. In case of non-
availability of such documents no weightage of turnover/experience will be considered.

(ii) Assignments on hand including those for which the Letter of Acceptance from the clients
received as on 7 days prior to due date for submission of proposals: The details shall be given in
the following format.

Role of the firm Team Members

Date of Date of Present provided by the firm
S. Name of
Client Sole, letterof Agreement status o
No Assignment
Lead/Other r Acceptan ce if signed Assignme nt
in JV o Name DO Position
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Signature of Authorised Representative

(Certificate from Employer regarding experience should be furnished)


Information required to evaluate the BID Capacity under clause 1.3.2:

To calculate the value of “A”

Average Annual turnover of the Bidder

(Refer to Clauses 1.3.2 of the RFP)

(In Rs.crore)

Bidder type Annual Turnover Average

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Turnover

Updatio Updatio Updatio Updatio Updatio (In Rs.

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
n factor n factor n factor n factor n factor crore)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6x7+8x9+1

Single entity
Lead Member
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20
including other

Name & address of Bidder’s Bankers:

$The conversion rate of USD into Rupees shall be the daily representative exchange rates published by the Reserve
Bank of India for the relevant date .Where relevant date should be as on the date 28 (twenty eight) days prior to the
Application Due Date.


1. The Bidder shall attach copies of the balance sheets, financial statements and Annual
Reports for 5 (five) years preceding the Bid Due Date. The financial statements shall:

(a) Reflect the financial situation of the Bidder;

(b) Be audited by a statutory auditor;

(c) Be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and

(d) Correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no

statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

2. Year 1 will be the latest completed financial year, preceding the bidding. Year 2 shall be
the year immediately preceding Year 1 and soon. In case the Bid Due Date falls within 3
(three) months of the close of the latest financial year of a Bidder, it shall ignore such
financial year for the purposes of its Bid and furnish all its information and certification
with reference to the 5 (five) years or 1 (one) year, asthe case maybe, preceding its latest
financial year. For the avoidance of doubt, financial year shall, for the purposes of a Bid
here under, mean the accounting year followed by the Bidder in the course of its normal

3. In the case of a Joint Venture, a copy of the Jt.Bidding Agreement shall be submitted.

4. The Bidder shall also provide the name and address of the Bankers to the Bidder.


To calculate the value of “B”

A table containing value of all the existing commitments and on-going works to becompleted during
the next 44 months [(DPR- 8 months)+(Pre-Construction activities- 6 months)+ (Construction
Period- 30 months)] is as follows:

Sl. Nam Percentage Daterofstart Consult Value of contract as Value of Balance value Anticipat
No. E of of / ancy Per work Of work tobe Ed date
Participatio appointed period Agreement/LOAβ
Cons n of as per completed completed of
ultan completi
Bidder in the ect Agree
cy of on
Road project ment Balance value of
/LOA work at 2023
- 24/2023

Rs.inCrore Rs.inCrore Rs.inCrore Rs.In

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8=(6-7) 9 10

The Statement showing the value of all existing commitments, anticipated value of consultancy work to be
completed in the period of next 44 months [(DPR- 8 months)+(Pre-Construction activities- 6 months)+
(Construction Period- 30 months)] of PMC consultancy work for which bid is invited and ongoing works
as well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the consultancy works mentioned above
is verified from the certificate issued that has been countersigned by the Clientor its Engineer-in-charge not
below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent. No awarded/ongoing works has been left in the
aforesaid statement which has been awarded to M/s………………individually/and other memberM/s
………………..andM/s……………….,as on bid due date of this RFP.

…………………….. …………………………
Signature, name and designation of
Authorised Signatory Name of the Statutory Auditor’s firm:
Date: Seal of the audit firm: (Signature,
β In case balance period of Consultancy is less than 3.67 years, then full value of Consultancy work as per
Agreement/LOA to be mentioned, else, anticipated value of Consultancy work to be completed in 3.67 years. In
the absence of the anticipated value of Consultancy work to be completed, the proportionate value shall be
considered while evaluating the Assessed Available Bid Capacity.
##Multiplication Factors for previous years are to be taken from Form–T-3A




Shall give detailsof site as per actual site visit and data provided in RFP and collected from site
supported by photographs to demonstrate that responsible personnel of the Consultant have
actually visited the site and familiarized with the salient details/complexities and scope of


Composition of the Team Personnel and the task which would be assigned to each Team
Member For DPR work

I. Technical/Managerial Staff
Sr.No. Name Position Task Assignment






II. Support Staff

Sr.No. Name Position Task Assignment










The approach and methodology will be detailed precisely under the following topics.

1) Methodology for services, surveying, data collection [not more than 2 pages] and analysis

2) Quality Assurance system for consultancy assignment [not more than 1 page]

3) The key challenges fore seen and proposed solutions will be

detailed precisely under the following topics

a) proposed alignment and bypass required

b) land acquisition requirements

c) access control, rehabilitation of existing road, drainage and utilities

d) adoption of superior technology along with proof (to be submitted in Form T9)

e) Clearances for the preconstruction activities.

f) Utility shifting, Tree cutting etc.

g) Methodology for Following Additional specialized studies :

(i) Detailed and appropriate study of folded lithology and stratigraphy of Rock and Soil layers
(ii) Analysis for the stability and shear strength of the rocks/soils through electrical resistivity
(iii) Detection of unstable zones in rocks through compression and shear wave velocity test in
laboratory as well as through surface and borehole geophysical methods to establish the
parameters like soundness of rock, degree of weathering and Geological strength Index
(iv) Detection of failure planes within rock mass with respect to the direction of Slope (favorable
joint set/unfavorable joint set/fracture rock);
(v) Detection of instability within the rock mass during monsoon through non-intrusive tests for the
entire stretch;
(vi) Field tests such as Rock Mass Classification, Rock Mass Parameters like RMR, Q and GSI,
collecting Rock Core Bits, Field logging soil, rock borings etc., shall be carried out for
analyzing stability of slopes.
(vii) Ground Water Movements/ Sub-surface drainage mapping need to be completed for the
entire stretch of the road and 3D Electrical Resistivity Test for the entire stretch.

Replies to items3) a) toc) should be limited to six A4 size pages in 1.5

space and 12 font including photographs, if any


Details of Material Testing Facility

1. State whether the Applicant has in-house Material Testing Facility Available
/Outsourced/Not Available

2. In case answer to 1 is Available, attach a list of Lab equipment and facility for testing
of materials and location of laboratory

3. In case laboratory is located at a distance of more than 400 km from the project site,
state arrangements made/proposed to be made for testing of materials

4. In case answer to 1 is Outsourced/Not Available state arrangements made/proposed to be

made for testing of materials.


Facility for Field investigation and Testing

1. State whether the Applicant has in-house Facility for

a) Geo-technical investigation (including specialized studies) Available (created in-

house at site)/Outsourced/Not Available

b) Pavement investigation Available (created in-houseatsite)/Outsourced/Not


2. In case answer to 1 is Available (created in-house at site) a list of field investigation and
testing equipments availablein-house

3. In case answer to 1 is Outsourced/ Not Available arrangements made/proposed to be

made for each of above Field investigation and testing

4. For experience in LIDAR or better technology for topographic survey, GPR and
Induction Locator or better technologies for detection of sub-surface utilities and
digitization of cadastral maps for land acquisition, references need to be provided in
following format:


Relevant Services Carried Out Which Best Illustrate Qualifications

The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference assignment
for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity oras one of the major companies within a
consortium, was legally contracted by the client:

Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by your firm:
Name of Client: No.of Staff:
Address: No.of Staff Months:
Technology Used:
Start Date (Month Completion Date Approx.Value of Services: (inINR/current USD):
/Year) (Month/Year)
Name of JV Firm (s) ifany : No.of Months of Professional Staff provided by
Associated Firm (s)
Status of your Company in the Assignment i.e., Sole/LeadMember/OtherMember/Associate
Narrative Description of Project:
Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

Signature of Authorised Representative

(Certificate from Employer regarding experience should be furnished)
Also to provide details of following facilities to be used during construction supervision
1. State whether applicant has in-house (created in house at site)/outsourced/not
available facility for
• Surface defects detection and roughness measurement using Network Survey
• Pavement strength measurement using FWD
• Bridge inspection using Mobile Bridge Inspection Unitor Drone technology
• Road signs inspection using Retro-Reflectometer
2. In-case answer to 1 is available (created in house at site) a list of field investigation
and testing equipmentis to be attached
3. In case answer to 1 is out sourced/not available–arrangements made or proposed to
be made for each of the above field investigations is to be attached
4. For experience in NSV,FWD,MBIU and reflectometer, references need to be provided
in the following format:

Relevant Services Carried Which Best Illustrate Qualifications

The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the
major companies with in a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:

Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by your firm:
Name of Client: No.of Staff:
Address: No.of Staff Months:
Technology Used:
Start Date Completion Date
(Month/Year) (Month/Year)
No.of Months of Professional Staff provided by
Name of JV Firm (s) if any:
Associated Firm(s)
Status of your Company in the Assignment i.e., Sole/LeadMember/Other Member/Associate
Narrative Description of Project:
Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

Signature of Authorised Representative

(Certificate from Employer regarding experience should be furnished)


Office Equipment and software

Attach a list of office equipment and software owned by the Applicant


(Curriculum Vita PMC as per INFRACON)

CVs of the Key Personnel should be uploaded on INFRACON and the hardcopies of the CV s
as uploaded on the INFRACON is to be submitted along with the Technical Proposals.

Proposed Position............................................................................ Photograph

Name of Firm: ........................................................................................

Name of Staff: ........................................................................................
Profession: ..............................................................................................
Date of Birth:
Years with Firm/Entity: ........................................... Nationality.................................. Membership
Of Professional Societies: .........................................................................
Detailed Task Assigned: Please attach printout of CV along with all the relevant details
uploaded on Infracon portal.



I, the undersigned, (Name and Address) undertake that this CV correctly describes my self, my
qualifications and my experience and Employer would be at liberty to debar me if any information
given in the CV, in particular the Summary of Qualification & Experience vis-à- vis the requirements
as per TOR is found incorrect. I further undertake that I have neither been debarred by MORT&H or
its implementing agencies or any other central/stage government organization nor left any assignment
with the consultants engaged by Employer / contracting firm (firm to be supervised now) for any
continuing work of Employer without completing my assignment. I will be available for the entire
duration of the current project (named…..). If I leave this assignment in themiddle of the work,
Employer would be at liberty to debar me from taking any assignment in any of the Employer works
for an appropriate period of time to be decided by the Employer. I have no objection if my services
are extended by the Employer for this work in future.

I further undertake that my CV is being proposed for this project by ------------------ (the applicant
firm) and I have not given consent to any other consultant(s) to propose my CV for any position for
this project.

I further undertake that if due to my inability to work on this project due to unavoidable
circumstances, due to which consultant’s firm is forced to seek replacement. In such unavoidable
circumstances, I shall not undertake any employment in Employer projects during the period of
assignment of this project and Employer shall consider my CV in valid till such time.

I undertake that I have no objection in uploading/hosting of my credentials by Employer in public


For Key Personnel having intermittent inputs, add the following:

I further certify that I am associated with the following assignments as on date (as on 7 days prior to
due date for submission of proposal) including those for which LOA has been received by the firm and
the inputs in these assignments shall not effect the work of the current assignment.

Name of Assignment Client Date of LOA Likely start Likely end Total input of the
(Month/Year) (Month/Year) person (man-

Date (Signature of Key Personnel)
The PMC should carryout self-evaluation based on the evaluation criteria at Appendix-EC and furnish
the same here. While submitting the self-evaluation along with bid, Authority’s Engineer shall make
references to the documents which have been relied upon in his self-evaluation.



The undersigned on behalf of ---------- (name of consulting firm) certify that Shri--------
(name of proposed personnel) to the best of our knowledge has neither been debarred by
MORT&H or its implementing agencies or any other Central/State Government organization nor
left his assignment with any other consulting firm engaged by the Employer/Contracting firm (firm
to be supervised now) for the ongoing projects. We also confirm the truthful ness of the credentials
uploaded by our firm/JV Member/Associate and all the Key Personnel proposed in our team on

We understand that if any information about our firm/JV Member/Key Personnel is found
contrary to what has been uploaded on INFRACON, the Client would be at liberty to remove the
concerned personnel from the present assignment and debar our firm/JV Member/Associate / Key
Personnel for an appropriate period to be decided by the Client, if the information is submitted by
the consultant wil fully.

We understand that if the information about leaving the past assignment is known to the Employer,
Employer would be at liberty to remove the personnel from the present assignment and debar him for
an appropriate period to be decided by the Employer.

…………………………………………………………..Date (Day/Month/Year)

[Signature of authorized representative of the Firm]



(To be executed on plain paper and submitted along with Technical Bid/Tender documents for tenders
having a value between Rs.5 Cr and 100Cr. To be signed by the bidder and same signatory
competent/authorized to sign the relevant contract on behalf of the MORT&H)

Tender No.

This integrity Pact is made at on this day of 2018. Between

MORT&H here in after referred to as “The Principal”, which expression shall unless
repugnant to the meaning or contract there of include its successors and permitted assigns.


Here in after referred to as “The Bidder/Contractor

/Concessionaire/Consultant” and which expression shall unless repugnant to be meaning or context
there of include its successors and permitted assigns.


Whereas, the Principal intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, contract/s
for “Authority Engineer Services for the project of‐‐‐‐Project name”. The Principal values
full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules of land, regulations,economic use of
resources and of fairness/ transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s)

And where as to meet the purpose afore said, both the parties have agreed to enterin to this Integrity
Pact (hereafter referred to as Integrity Pact) the terms and conditions of which shall also beread as
integral part and parcel of the Tender documents and contract between the parties. Now, therefore, in
consideration of mutual covenants stipulated in this pact, the parties hereby agree as follows and this
pact witnesses as under:-

Article‐1 Commitments of the Principal

1. The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:-
a. No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in
connection with the tender for, or the execution of a contract, demand, take a promise
for or accept, for self, or third person, any material of immaterial benefit which the
person is not legally entitled to.
b. The Principal will, during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
reason. The Principal will in particular, before and during the tender process,
provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any
Bidder(s) confidential/additional information through which the Bidder(s) could
obtain an advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution.
c. The Principal will exclude all known prejudiced persons from the process, whose
conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

2. If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act or any other Statutory Acts or if there be a
substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will in form the Chief Vigilance Officer
and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions as perits internallaid down

Article–2 Commitments of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s).

The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s)commit himself to take all measures

necessary to prevent corruption. He commits him self to observe the following principles during his
participation in the tender process and during the contract execution.

(a) The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) will not, directly or through
any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal’s employees
involved in the tender process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any
material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled o, in order to obtainin exchange
any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the execution of
the contract.
(b) The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) will not enter with other
Bidders into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This
applies inparticular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission
or non-submission or bids or any other action store strict competitiveness or to introduce
cartelization in the biddin gprocess.
(c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s)will not commitany offence
under the relevant IPC/PC Act and other Statutory Acts; further the
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s)willnot use improperly, for
purposes of completion or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document
provided by the Principalas part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical
proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted
(d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s) of foreign-origin shall
disclose the name and address of the Agents/ Representatives in India, if any. Similarly the
Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s) of Indian Nationality shall
furnish the name and address of the foreign principle, ifany.
(e) The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) will, when presenting
his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make
to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the
contract. He shall also disclose the details of services agreed upon for such payments.

(f) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s) will not instigate third persons
to commit offences outlined above or be a necessary to such offences.
(g) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s) will not bring any outside
influence through any Govt. bodies/quarters directly or indirectly on the bidding
process in furtherance of his bid.

Article–3D is qualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts.

1. If the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s), before award or during

execution has committed atransgression through haviolation of any provision of
Article-2, above or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility in
question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s) from the tender process.

2. If the Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer has committed at

ransgression through a violation of Article-2 such as to put his reliability or credibility
into question, the Principal shall be entitled to exclude including blacklist and put on
holiday the Bidder/ Contractor/ Concessionaire/ Authority’s Engineer for any future
tenders/ contract award process. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be
determined by the severity of the transgression. The severity will be determined by the
Principal taking in to consideration the full facts and circumstances of each case
particularly taking into account the number of transgressions, the position of the
transgressors within the company hierarchy of the Bidder/ Contractor/
Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer and the amount of the damage. The exclusion
will be imposed for a minimum of 1 year.
3. Atransgression is considered to have occurred if the Principal after due consideration of
the available evidence concludes that “On the basis of facts available there are no
material doubts”.
4. The Bidder/ Contractor/ Concessionaire/ Authority’s Engineer with its free consent and
without any influence agrees and undertake storespect and up hold the Principal’s
absolute right store sort to and impose such exclusion and further accepts and undertakes
not to challenge or question such exclusion on any ground, including the lack of any
hearing before the decision to re sort to such exclusionis taken. This undertaking is
given freely and after obtaining independent legal advice.

5. The decision of the Principal to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this
Integrity Pact has been committed by the
Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer shall be final and binding on
the Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Consultant.
6. On occurrence of any sanctions/disqualification etc. arising out from violation of integrity
pact, the Bidder/ Contractor/ Concessionaire/ Authority’s Engineer shall not been titled
for any compensation on this account.
7. Subject to full satisfaction of the Principal, the exclusion of the Bidder/
Contractor/Concessionaire/ Authority’s Engineer could be revoked by the Principal if
the Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer can prove that he has
restored/recouped the damage caused by him and has installed a suitable corruption
prevention system in his organization.

Article–4 Compensation for Damages.

1. If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the award
according to Arcticle-3, the Principal shall been titled to for feit the Earnest Money
Deposit/Bid Security or demand and recover the damages equivalent to Earnest Money
Deposit/ Bid Security (equivalent to 1% of Contract Price) apart from any other legal
right that may have accrued to the Principal.

2. In addition to 1 above, the Principal shall be entitled to take recourse to the relevant
provisions of the contract related to Termination of Contract due to
Contractor/Concessionaire/Consultant’s Default. In such case, the Principal shall be
entitled to forfeit the Performance Bank Guarantee of the
Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer and/ or demand and recover
liquidated and all damages as per the provisions of the contract/concession agreement
against Termination.

Article–5 Previous Transgression

1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other Company in
anycountry conforming to the anti corruption/ Transparency International (TI)
approachor with any other Public Sector Enterprise/ Undertaking in India or any
Government Department in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender

2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process or action for his exclusion can be taken as mentioned under Article-3
above for transgressions of Article-2 and shall be liable for compensation for damages as
per Article-4 above.

Article‐6 Equal treatments of all Bidders/Contractors/Concessionaires/Consultants/Sub


1. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) undertake(s) to demand

from all sub-contractors a commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact, and to
submit it to the Principal before contract signing.
2. The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this onewith all
Bidders/Contractors/Concessionaires/Consultants and Sub contractors.
3. The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all Bidders who do not sign this
Pactor violateits provisions.

Article – 7 Criminal charges against violating Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/

Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s)/ Sub‐contractor(s).

If the Principal obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s

Engineer or Subcontractor, or of an employee or a representative oranassociate of
aBidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineeror Sub contractor, which constitutes
corruption, or if the Principal has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will in form the
same to the Chief Vigilance Officer.

Article–8 Pact Duration

This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. (In case of EPC i.e. for projects
funded by Principal and consultancy services). It expires for the Contractor/Authority’s
Engineer 12 months after his Defect Liability period is over or 12 months after his last payment
under the contract which ever is later and for all other unsuccessful Bidders 6 months after this
Contract has been awarded. (In case of BOT Projects) It expires for the concessionaire 24
months after his concession period is overand for all other unsuccessful Bidders 6 months after this
Contract has been awarded.
If any claim is made/ lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to bevalid
despite the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged/ determined by MoRT&H.

Article–10 Other Provisions.

1. This pact is subject to Indian Law. Placeof performance and jurisdictionis the
Registered Office of the Principal, i.e.........
2. Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to bemade in writing.
3. If the Bidder/Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer is a partnership or a
consortium, this pact must besigned by all partners or consortium members.
4. Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder
of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to
anagreement to their original intentions.
5. Any disputes/ differences arising between the parties with regard to term of this pact,
any action taken by the Principal in accordance with this Pact or interpretation there of
shall not be subject to any Arbitration.

6. The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other
legalaction that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in for
cerelating to any civil or criminal proceedings.
In witness whereof the parties have signed and executed this Pact at the place and date first
done mentioned in the presence of following witness:-

(For & On behalf of the Principal) (For & Onbehalf of the Bidder/
Contractor/Concessionaire/Authority’s Engineer)
Place Date
(Name & Address):

(Name & Address):

(Form- T12)
Form of Bank Guarantee for Bid Security
(Refer Clauses 3.2.3)

( To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act if any, of the country of issuing bank)

1. In consideration of you, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India represented
by the Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary acting through the Regional Officer,
Kolkata, Ministry of Road Transport & Highway having its office at “Room No 106, C Wing, CGO
Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064 (“the Authority”), (here inafter referred to as the
“Authority”, which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its,
successors and assigns) having agreed to receive the BID of …………………… and having its registered
office at ……………………… (and acting on behalf of its JV) (herein after referred to as the “Bidder” which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its/their executors,
administrators, successors and assigns), for the "Consultancy Services For Authority’s Engineer For
Supervision of “Project Management Consultancy services for” Construction of Additional Major
Bridge and its approaches across river Teesta (at Sevoke) starting around km 591.60 of NH‐31(New
NH-17) in the District of Darjeeling, West Bengal "(the “Project”) pursuant to the RFP Document dated
......... issued in respect of the Project and other related documents including without limitation the draft
contract Agreement (herein after collectively referred to as “Bidding Documents”), we (Name of the
Bank) having our registered office at………………… and one of its branches at …………………….. (herein
after referred to as the “Bank”), at the request of the Bidder, do hereby in terms of the RFP Document
,irrevocably, unconditionally and without reservation guarantee the due and faithful fulfilment and
compliance of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents (including the RFP Document) by
the said Bidder and unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay forthwith to the Authority an
amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only (herein after referred as the “Guarantee”) as our
primary obligation without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest and without reference
to the Bidder if the Bidder shall fail to fulfil or comply with all or any of the terms and conditions
contained in the said Bidding Documents.

2. Any such written demand made by the Authority stating that the Bidder is in default of the due and
faithful fulfilment and compliance with the terms and conditions contained in the Bidding Documents
shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank.

3. We, the Bank, do hereby unconditionally undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this
Guarantee without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest and without any reference to
the Bidder or any other person and irrespective of whether the claim of the Authority is disputed by
the Bidder or not, merely on the first demand from the Authority stating that the amount claimed is
due to the Authority by reason of failure of the Bidder to fulfil and comply with the terms and
conditions contained in the Bidding Documents including failure of the said Bidder to keep its BID open
during the BID validity period as set forth in the said Bidding Documents for any reason whatsoever.
Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards amount due and payable by the
Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs. 1, 00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only.

4. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and remain in full force for a period of 180 (one hundred and
eighty) days from the BID Due Date inclusive of a claim period of 60 (sixty) days or for such extended
period as may be mutually agreed between the Authority and the Bidder, and agreed to by the Bank,
and shall continue to be enforceable till all amounts under this Guarantee have been paid.

5. We the Bank, further agree that the Authority shall be the sole judge to decide as to whether the
Bidder is in default of due and faithful fulfilment and compliance with the terms and conditions
contained in the Bidding Documents including, inter alia, the failure of the Bidder to keep its BID open
during the BID validity period set forth in the said Bidding Documents, and the decision of the
Authority that the Bidder is in default as aforesaid shall be final and binding on us, not with standing
any differences between the Authority and the Bidder or any dispute pending before any Court,
Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other Authority.

6. The Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or winding up of the Bidder or
the Bank or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Bidder or the Bank with any other person.

7. In order to give full effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to treat the Bank as the
principal debtor. The Authority shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of
the Bank under this Guarantee from time to time to vary any of the terms and conditions contained in
the said Bidding Documents or to extend time for submission of the BIDs or the BID validity period or
the period for conveying acceptance of Letter of Award by the Bidder or the period for fulfilment and
compliance with all or any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Bidding Documents by the
said Bidder or to postpone for any time and from time to time any of the powers exercisable by it
against the said Bidder and either to enforce or for bear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions
contained in the said Bidding Documents or the securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall
not be released from its liability under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty
with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the said Bidder or any other
for bearance, act or omission on the part of the Authority or any indulgence by the Authority to the said
Bidder or by any change in the constitution of the Authority or its absorption, merger or amalgamation
with any other person or any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its such liability.

8. Any Notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder shall be sufficiently given or made if
addressed to the Bank and sent by courier or by registered mail to the Bank at the address set forth

9. We undertake to make the payment on receipt of your notice of claim on us addressed to [name of
Bank along with branch address] and delivered at our above branch which shall be deemed to have
been duly authorized to receive the said notice of claim.

10. It shall not be necessary for the Authority to proceed against the said Bidder before proceeding
against the Bank and the guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank, not with
standing any other security which the Authority may have obtained from the said Bidder or any other
person and which shall, at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder, be
outstanding or un-realized.

11. We, the Bank, further undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing.

12. The Bank declares that it has power to issue this Guarantee and discharge the obligations
contemplated herein, the undersigned is duly authorised and has full power to execute this Guarantee
for and on behalf of the Bank.

13. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank’s liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to Rs.
1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh) only. The Bank shall be liable to pay the said amount or any part thereof
only if the Authority serves a written claim on the Bank in accordance with paragraph 9 hereof, on or
before [*** (indicatedate falling 180 days after the BID Due Date)] (expiry date plus claim date if any).

14. This guarantee shall also be operatable at our……………….. Branch at ______, from whom, confirmation
regarding the issue of this guarantee or extension / renewal thereof shall be made available on
demand. In the contingency of this guarantee being invoked and payment thereunder claimed, the said
branch shall accept such invocation letter and make payment of amounts so demanded under the said

15. The guarantor/bank hereby confirms that it is on the SFMS (Structural Finance Messaging System)
platform & shall invariably send an advice of this Bank Guarantee to the designated bank of Ministry,
details of which is as under:

S. No. Particulars Details

1. Name of Beneficiary Morth
2. Name of Bank Canara Bank, Manicktolla Branch, Kolkata
3. Account No. 95083170000015
4. IFSC Code CNRB0019508

Signed and delivered by ………………………. Bank

By the hand of Mr./Ms…………………….., its ………………….. and authorized official.

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory) (Official-Seal)




FROM: (Name of Firm) TO:

Address of Employer

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in accordance with your Request for
Proposal dated [Date], and our proposal. Our attached financial proposal is for the sum of [Amount in words and
figures]. This amount is inclusive of the taxes except Goods and Services Tax which shall be reimbursed by the authority.

Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us upto the expiration of the validity period of the proposal, i.e.,

We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will
strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act

Commission and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agentsrelating to this proposal and contract
execution, if we are awarded the contract, are listed below:

Name and Address Amount and Purpose of Commission

of Agents Currency or Gratuity

............................... ........................... ……..…………………

............................... ........................... ……………………….

We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

We remain, yours sincerely,

Managing Director/Head of the firm/ Authorised

Representative of the firm* Name of the firm
*Lead Member in case of JV


Format of Financial Proposal

Summary of Cost in Local Currency


No. Description Amount (LC)*(INR)

I Local Consultants
Remuneration for Local Staff (inclusive of perdiem allowance)
II Support Staff (inclusive of perdiem allowance)
III Transportation
IV Duty Travel toSite
V Office Rent
VI Office Supplies,Utilities and Communication
VII Office Furniture and Equipment (Rental)
VIII Reports and Document Printing
IX Surveys & Investigations
A Topographical Survey
B Investigations
C NetWork Survey and GPR
X Cost of supply and fixing Boundary Pillars
XI Land Acquisition Team including support staff and
Sub total Local Consultants:
Foreign Consultants
F-I Remuneration for Expatriate Staff
F-II Mobilization and Demobilization
Total cost net of Goods & servicetax**

A.For Phase 3(Construction Supervision and Maintenance)

No. Description Amount(Rs.)

I Remuneration forLocal ProfessionalStaff

II Supporting Staff

III Transportation

IV Duty Travel to Site

V Office Rent

VI Office Supplies, Utilities and Communication

VII Office Furniture and Equipment

VIII Reports and Document Printing

IX Road Survey Equipment

X Contingencies
Total cost net of Goods & service tax**

Total for Phase 12&3

Grand Total net of Goods and Service tax (for all 3 phases)
Goods and Service tax
Grand Total including goods and service tax (for all 3phases)

Note: Payments will be made as per stipulations of the Conditions of Contract.

LC*Local Currency

** Total Cost Net of Goods &Service Tax shall be considered for financial evaluation

Note: Escalation shall be paid @ of 5% after each 12 months from the bid due date.

Insurances shall not be allowed separately.These will be incidental to main items.

Rates for allitems shall be quotedin figures as well as in words.


Estimate of Local Currency Cost


I. Remuneration for Local Staff (including perdiem allowance)

Sr.No. Position Name Rate(INR) StaffMonth Amt.(INR)

Team Leader Cum Senior Highway
1 Engineer 14

2 Senior Bridge Engineer 4

3 Highway cum Pavement Engineer 6
Material Engineer
4 6
5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 6
6 Senior Geologist 4
Senior Survey Engineer 12
Road/Traffic Safety expert 4
Environmental Specialist
9 8
Quantity Surveyor / Documentation
10 Expert 8
Land Acquisition Expert
11 10
Utility Expert
12 10
Sub-Total: 92
(To be assessed by Consultant as per requirement of assignment
and one sub-professional be a fresh graduate)

II.Support Staff

Staff BillingR Amount

No. Position Name
Months ate(INR) (INR)
1 Office
2 ManagerTypist
3 OfficeBoy
4 NightWatchman

III. Transportation (Fixedcosts)

S.No Description Qty. Month Amount(INR)
The vehicles provided by the Consultants shall
include the cost for rental, drivers, operation,
1 maintenance, repairs, insurance,etc. 2 14
A. For use of consultants

IV. Duty Travel to Site (FixedCosts)

Trips NO Rate(INR) Amount(INR)

Project Site to RO Office 8
Project Site to Delhi HQ 8

V. OfficeRent(FixedCosts)

Rate( Amount
No. Description Unit Quantity
1 Office rent Monthly 14

The rent cost includes maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc.


VI. Office Supplies, Utilities and Communication (FixedCosts)

Monthly Amount
No. Item Months
Rate(INR) InINR.
Office Supplies Drafting
Supplies Computer
Running Costs 14
Domestic and International

TOTAL: ---------------------------

VII. Office Furniture and Equipment (Rental)

Rate( Amount
No. Description Unit Quantity
1 OfficeFurniture and Equipment Monthly LS

VIII. Reports and Document Printing

Rate per Copy Amount

No. Description No.of Copies
(INR. ) (INR)
1 Monthly Report 3 PerMonth
2 Inception Report & QAP 3
3 Environment and Social Impact Screening 4
4 Draft Feasibility Report 4
5 Final Feasibility Report 6
6 Strip Plan with L.A. Reports 6
7 Draft LA and Clearances Report 4
8 Final LA and Clearances Report 4
Draft Environmental Assessment
9 4
report & RAP
Final Environmental Assessment
10 6
report & RAP
Draft Detailed Design Report & Drawings etc. 4
Draft EMP 4
12 Draft Bidding Documents 4

Final Detailed Project Report with Bill of 6
Quantities, Cost Estimates, Updated Drawings

Rate per Copy Amount
No. Description No.of Copies
(INR. ) (INR)

Final EMP 6
14 Final Bidding Documents 6
Draft 3(a) , 3(A) and 3(D)notification for
15 9
land acquisition (3copies each)
16 LA& Clearances II Report 6

IX. Survey and Investigation

A. Topographical Survey (Fixed Rate)

Rate per
No. Item Kms Amount (INR)
Topographic Survey including hire charges for
equipment and supply of survey teams comprising of
project survey filed staff etc. inclusive of cost of
materials, labourer
Detailed topographic surveys using mobile/aerial LiDAR
or better technology

B. Investigation (Fixed cost)

No. Description Quantity Amount(INR)

1 Road and Bridge Inventory
2 FWD Test andPavement Evaluation
3 Roughness Survey
4 Axle Load Survey
5 Material Survey and Investigation
6 Sub-grade Investigation
7 Traffic Survey
8 Socio-economic & Census Survey/Studies
9 Land AcquisitionStudies
10 Any other investigations/surveys including
(i) Detailed and appropriate study of folded
lithology and stratigraphy of Rock and Soil
layers respectively.
(ii) Analysis for the stability and shear strength of
the rocks/soils through electrical resistivity
(iii) Detection of unstable zones in rocks through

compression and shear wave velocity test in
laboratory as well as through surface and
borehole geophysical methods to establish the
parameters like soundness of rock, degree of
weathering and Geological strength Index
(iv) Detection of failure planes within rock mass
with respect to the direction of Slope (favorable
joint set/unfavorable joint set/fracture rock),
(v) Detection of instability within the rock mass
during monsoon through non-intrusive tests for
the entire stretch,
(vi) Field tests such as Rock Mass Classification,
Rock Mass Parameters like RMR, Q and GSI,
collecting Rock Core Bits, Field logging soil,
rock borings etc., shall be carried out for
analyzing stability of slopes.
(vii) Ground Water Movements/ Sub-surface
drainage mapping need to be completed for the
entire stretch of the road and 3D Electrical
Resistivity Test for the entire stretch.

*Sub-Soil Investigation (Boring) Rate Qty. Amount(Rs)

a)Boring in all type of soils(other
1500m (for
11 than hard rock)

(for projects of
length>110 km)
b)Boringin hardrock 200m (for
or 300m
length>110 km)

Note:*Quantities of borings shall be taken from Financial Proposal Form No.V. For financial evaluation, these
quantities and rates quoted by the consultant will be considered. However, Payment shall be made on the
actualquantity of boring at rates quoted above by the Consultant, which may be substantially more or less than the
estimated quantities.

C. Network Survey and GPR

Rate Amount
No. Description Unit Quantity
(INR) (INR )
Network Survey of the existing Highways as are
1 pository for civilwork as per directions from Job 1
2 GPR Survey for detection of under ground utilities Job 1

X. Cost of supply and fixing Boundary Pillars

Procuring and fixing boundary pillars and its installation, complete in all respect as per IRC:
25, 1967: Wherever the proposed alignment follows the existing alignment, the boundary
pillars shall be fixed at an interval of 200 mo neither side of proposed Right of Way.
Wherever there is a proposal of realignment of the existing Highway and/orconstruction of
New Bypasses, Consultant shall fix boundary pillars along the proposed alignment on the
extreme boundary one it her side of the project Highway at 50m interval. (lumpsum )

XI Land Acquisition Team including support staff and logistics/transportation

(A) Land acquisition Team including support staff:

S.No. Position Name Number Rate (INR) ManMonths Amount (INR)

Ex-Land Revenue
1 Inspector/Officer or TBN 1 6
Ex-Kanoogo/Girdwar or
2 TBN 1 6
3 Ex-Patwari or equivalent TBN 1 6

4 Typist TBN 2 6
5 Peon TBN 1 6
Number of Land acquisition Teams
Grand Total for All Land acquisition Teams (A)

(B) Logistics for Land acquisition Team:

S.No. Item particulars Number Months Rate(INR) Amount(INR)

Computer including necessary
1 2 6
2 Printers 2 6
Vehicles (Bolero or equivalent) with
3 1 6
monthly running limit of 1500 km
Number of Land acquisition Teams
Grand Total(B)
Grand Total for All Land acquisition Teamsand Logistics (A)+(B)

Note: The Consultant shall provide one Land Acquisition Expert along with allied team and supporting logistic
asenvisaged in Clause of TOR for each 100 km stretches proposed forDPR preparation or part there of (For
example total length of package is 343km, there will be four team).

Estimate of Local Currency costs



For Normal Highway Project:

Construction Period 30 months + DLP

60 months
No. Position Name
No.of man-
Rate months* Amount

Professional Staff
Team Leader Cum Senior Highway 45
1. Engineer
2. Resident cum Highway Engineer 90
3. Senior Bridge Engineer 34
4. Highway cum Pavement Engineer 30
5. Senior Quality cum Material Expert 24
6. Road/Traffic Safety expert 40
7. Senior Geotechnical Engineer 30
Sub–Total 293

1. Survey Engineer 40
Assistant Highway Engineer (2 nos.)
2. 120
3. CAD Expert 10
4. Environmental Engineer 8
Assistant Bridge Engineer
5. 24
Assistant Quality cum Material Engineer
6. (2 nos.) 60
Electrical Engineer
7. 9
HTMS/Toll expert
8. 3
Quantity surveyor
9. 38
Horticulture cum Landscaping Expert
10. 6
SubTotal 318
Total 611

II. Support Staff

No. Position Name Staff Months Amount()
1. Office Manager TBN 90
2. Accountant cum Cashier TBN 90
Steno cum Computer Operator
3. TBN 90

4. Office Boy (1no) TBN 90


III. Transportation (Fixed rate on rental basis)

The vehicles provided by the Consultants shall include the cost for rental, drivers, operation, maintenance, repairs, insurance,
etc. for all complete approx. 3000km/month run
(No.of vehicle-month) Rate/
Description of
Sr.No Total Vehicle- Amount
Vehicles During Construction During Development Month
Period and O&M Period
Vehicle (2,400cc and 30 60
above) (not more
1 than 1 years old) (02
no.) [during
period & O&M


IV. Duty Travel to Site (Fixed Costs) (For all Lengths of projects): Professional and Sub-Professional

Trips Number of Trips Rate* Amount

Project Site to RO Office 25
Project Site to Delhi HQ 25

* Rate quoted includes Hotel charges, travel cost etc. complete.

V. Office Rent (Fixed Costs)–

During Construction Period: Minimum 200 sqm area of office shall be rented.
The rent cost includee’s electricity and water charges, maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc. complete.

During Maintenance Period: Minimum 100 sqm area of office shall be rented.
The rent cost includes electricity and water charges, maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc. complete.

Period Nos.of Rate/ Amou

Months month nt

Construction 24
Maintenance 60

The rent cost includes electricity and water charges, maintenance, cleaning, repairs,etc.complete.

VI. Office Supplies, Utilities and Communication (Fixed Costs)

Monthly Amount
No Item Months
Rate inRs.
1. Office Supplies 90
2. Drafting Supplies 90
3. Computer Running Costs 90

4. Domestic and International Communication 90

VII. Office Furniture and Equipment (Rental)

The cost shall include rental charges towards all such furniture and equipment as required for proper functioning of office.
Office furniture shall include executive tables, chairs, visitor chairs, steel almirahs, computer furniture, conference table
etc.Office equipment shall include as a minimum of telephone (2external &10 internal lines), photocopier (15ppm, 12000
copies per month with A3 & A4 input) fax machine, PCs(5 No., Intel Core 2 Duo E8300, 19’’ colour TFT, Cache-6MB, RAM-2 GB,
HDD-250 GB, DVD Writer, Key board, optical scroll mouse, MS- Windows Vista Business, pre-loaded anti-virus etc.), laser
printers(2 no., 14 ppm, 266 MHZ, 5000 pages per month, 600x600 dpi or better etc., Engineering Plan printer (1 no.), binding
machine(1no.), plotter A 0 size, over head projector, AC(4no., 1.5Ton), Water Coolers (asrequired)etc.

Nos.of Months Rate/month Amount


VIII. Reports and Document Printing

No.of Total Rate

No. Description Copies per Nos. of Per Amount
Report copies Copy ()
Monthly reports
1 90 3 252
(Design and Construction)
2 Half yearly Reports 15 3 42
Various others reports as 5 3 15
3 provided in the Concession
Agreement such as Completion

IX. Road Survey Equipment

The cost shall include carrying out survey using equipment, manpower, software and report processing.

No of times Amount
Rate per
Item Kms survey to be
km(INR) (INR)
Surface defects detection and roughness measurement 8
Using Network Survey Vehicle
Pavement strength measurement usingFWD 4
Bridge inspection using Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit 8
orDrone technology
Road signs inspection using Retro Reflectometer 8

a. Contingencies

A fixed amount of Indian Rupees ONE MILLION shall be included in the Financial Proposal. The provisions of Contingency
shall be operated with the specific approval from the Competent Authority in MORTH.


Estimate of Costs for Expatriate Consultants (in Indian Rupees)

I. Remuneration of Expatriate Staff including per Diem allowances

II. Mobilization and Demobilization

1. International Airfares (Fixed costs)

2. Inland Travel in Home Country (Fixed Costs)

LumpSum ……

3. Other Miscellaneous expenses (like DA, internal travel expenses other


Lump Sum…….



Stretch Proposed
S.No NHNo. Package No. State
Length (inKm.) ( in m)
for DPR
In Soils other
In hard
than hard rock

For projects of
length < As per List at As per List at As perList at As perList at
1 1500 200
110km<Detail Annexure-I Annexure-I Annexure-I Annexure-I
s of packages>

For projects of
length>110km- As per List at As per List at As per List at As per List at
2 2000 300
<Details of Annexure-I Annexure-I Annexure-I Annexure-I

1. First Stage Evaluation‐Proof of Eligibility (Para12.1 of DataSheet)
1.1 Eligibility criteria for sole applicant firm.
The sole applicant firm shall satisfy the following criteria.
(a) Firm should have experience of preparation of DPR/Feasibility of 2/4/6 lane in
mountainous and hilly terrain of aggre gate length as given below. The firm should have also
prepared DPR/Feasibility of at least one project of 2/4/6 laning in mountainous and hilly terrain
of minimum lengthas in dicated below in the last7 years.

Package Tentative Minimum Aggregate Minimum length of a Eligible

No. Length Length required Project (2/4/6lane)
DPR/ Feasibility = Feasibility = 0.6
Tentative Length x Tentative
1 2 3 4 5 6

(b) Firm should also have experience of project Authority Engineer/Independent

Engineer/Construction supervision of 2/4/6 lanning / Bridge project in mountainous and hilly
terrain of aggregate length as given below in the last 7 years.

PackageNo Tentative Minimum Aggregate Length Minimum length of a Eligible

. Length required Project (2/4/6lane)
Project Supervision/in
dependent Engineer =
Tentative Length
Engineer (Tentative
1 2 3 4

Note: Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is invited. For 2-lane
projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered with a multiplication factor of
1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall be considered inter changeably for 4/6 laning projects. For 4/6 laning
projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication factor of 0.4, but only for
those 2 lane projects whose cost of consultancy services was more than Rs.1.0 crore for
DPR/feasibility study and Rs. 3.0 Crore for supervision.

(a) Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years

{In cases where, Audited/Certified copy of Balance Sheet for the FY 2022-23 is available, last five
years shall be counted from 2018-19 to 2022-23. However, where audited/certified copy of the
Balance Sheet for the FY 2022-23 not available (as certified by the Statutory auditor) then in such cases
last five years shall be considered from 2017-18 to 2021-22}of the firm from Consultancy services
should be equal to more than Rs.10 crore.
(In Rs. crore)

Annual Turnover
type Average
Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Turnover

Updati Updati (In Rs.

Updation Updation Updatio
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) on (Rs.) on (Rs.) crore)
factor factor n factor
factor factor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bidder or
including 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20
of the

Name & address of Bidder’s Bankers:

$The conversion rate of USD into Rupees shall be the daily representative exchange rates published by the
Reserve Bank of India for the relevant date.Where relevant date should be as on the date 28(twenty eight) days
prior to the Application Due Date.

1.2 Eligibility criteria for Lead Partner/Other Partner in case of JV.

In case of JV, the Lead Partner should ful fill at least 75% of all eligibility requirements and the other
partner shall fulfill at least 50% of all eligibility requirements as given at 1.1 above. Thus a Firm
applying as Lead Partner/Other Partner incase of JV should satisfy the following
(a) & (b). Firm should have experience of preparation of DPR/Feasibility of 2/4/6 lane in
mountainous and hilly terrain of aggregate length as given below. The firm should have also
prepared DPR/Feasibility of at least one project of 2/ 4/6 laning in mountainous and hilly terrain
of minimum length as in dicated below in the last 7 years (i.e. from 2016-17 onwards)

(a) Preparation of DPR/ Feasibility of 2/4/6 lane of aggregate length as given below.

S. Package Tentative
Aggregate Minimum length of a Eligibl eProject (2/4/6 lane)
No. No. Length
Length required
Feasibility DPR = 0.4 x Tentative Feasibility = 0.6 x
=Tentative Length Tentative Length
1 2 3 4 5 6
Other Other partner Lead in Other
Lead Lead in
partner in partner in
in JV in JV JV

(b) Authority Engineer / Independent Engineer /Construction supervision of 2/4/6 lanning/Bridge

project to faggregate length as given below

Tentative Minimum Aggregate Minimum length of a Eligible

S.No PackageNo.
Length Length required Project(2/4/6lane)
Supervision/independent Project Supervision/independent
Engineer=Tentative Engineer=0.4xTentative
Length Length
1 2 3 4

Other Lead in
Leadin JV partner
partner in JV JV
in JV

c) Minimum Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years

In cases where, Audited/Certified copy of Balance Sheet for the FY 2022-23is available, last five
years shall be counted from 2017-18 to 2022-23. However, where audited/certified copy of the
Balance Sheet for the FY 2022-23 not available (as certified by the Statutory auditor) then in
such cases last five years shall be considered from 2016-17 to 2021-22 of a firm applying as Lead
Partner/Other Partner in case of JV from Consultancy services should beas given below:

(Financial Year to be modified as applicable)

No. Mode of Submission by a firm Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years
1 Lead Partner in a JV Rs.7.5crore
2 Other Lead partner in a JV Rs.5crore

Note: (i) Weightage to be given when experience by a Firm as Sole Firm/Lead

Partner in a JV/Other Partner in a JV/As Associate

Weightage for
No. Status of the firmin carry in gout DPR/ Feasibility Study Experience

1 Sole firm 100%

2 Lead partner in a JV 75%
3 Other partner in a JV 50%
4 As Associate 25%

(i) The experience of a firm in preparation of DPR for a private Concessionaire /contract or
shall not be considered, unless certified by the client (Road owning authority)

2. Second Stage Evaluation‐Technical Evaluation (Para 12.2 of Data Sheet)

A1. Firm’s Profile, turn over and professionals working with the firm 20M)

1 Specific experience of firms in terms of year 7

1.1 Lessthan 5 year 2.5
1.2 5year to15 year. 5
1.3 15year to 25year 6
1.4 More than 25 years 7
2 Profile of the Firm 3
2.1 Partnership/others (Solo/Joint) 1
2.2 Private Limited Company and Joint applicant 2.5
2.3 Private Limited Company and sole applicant 3
2.4 Public Limited Company and Joint applicant 2.5
2.5 Public Limited Company and sole applicant 3
Specific experience of firms interms of turn over (Updated to the factor
3 6
as per clause 1.3.2 of LOI)
Firm Average Turn over of last 5years>10but<20 crore
3.1 4
Firm Average Turn over of last 5years20-50 crore
3.2 5
3.3 Firm’sAverage Turn over of last 5years>50 crore 6
4 Highway Professionals *working with the firm 4
4.1 <10nos. 0
4.2 10-20nos. 2
4.3 >20-30nos. 3
4.4 >30nos. 4
*The highway professionals who possess degree in Civil Engineering /Transport Planning /Transport
Economics /Traffic Management /Geology/Environment Science or Engineering and 8 years Experience in
highway /bridge /tunnel with employment in the firm for more than one year.The current Employment
Certificate /Payroll details shall be uploaded by Key Personnel on INFRACON.

A. In case feasibility study is a part of DPR services the experience shall be counted in DPR only In case
bridges included as part of DPR of highway the experience will be (1) and (2)

B. Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is invited. For 2-lane projects
experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered with a multiplication factor of 1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall be
considered inter changeably for 4/6 laning projects. For 4/6 laning projects, experience of 2 lane will be
considered with a multiplication factor of 0.4, but only for those 2 lane projects whose cost of consultancy
services was more than Rs.1.0 crore for DPR/feasibility study and Rs.3.0 crore for supervision.

Note: (i) Weightage to be given when experience by a Firm as Sole Firm/Lead Partner in a JV/Other Partner in a
JV/As Associate

Status of the firm in carrying out

No. Weightage for experience
DPR/Feasibility Study

1 Sole firm 100%

2 Lead partner in a JV 75%

3 Other partner In a 50%
4 As Associate 25%

(ii) The experience of a firm in preparation of DPR for a private Concessionaire /contractor shall not
be considered, unless certified by the client (Road owning authority)

A2. Firm's relevant experience in last 7 years for DPR work (15M)

For standard highways, the following is the break-up:

S. Maximum Sub-
No. Marks Marks
Specific experience of the DPR consultancy related to the
1 assignment 15
Aggregate Length of DPR / Feasibility study of 2/4/ 6 lane
1.1 projects in mountainous and steep terrain 5

1.1.1 More than the in dicative Length of the package applied for 3.0
1.1.2 More than 2 times the indicative length of the package applied for 4.0
1.1.3 More than 3 times the indicative length of the package applied for 5.0
1.2 DPR for 2/4/6 laning projects in mountainous and steep terrain 5
each equal to or more than 40 % of indicative length of a
package applied for (or Feasibility Study for 2/4/6 laning
projects in mountainous and steep terrain each equal to or
more than 60 % of indicative length of a package applied for)
1.2.1 1 project 3.0
1.2.2 2 projects 4.0
1.2.3 ≥3 projects 5.0
1.3 DPR of Bridge having length more than 200 m 5
1.3.1 1 bridge 1.0
1.3.2 2 bridge 2.0
1.3.3 3 bridge 3.0
1.3.4 4 bridge 4.0
1.3.5 ≥5 bridges 5.0

Note:In case feasibility study is apart of DPR services the experience shall be counted in DPR
only.In case bridge is included as part of DPR of hig hway the experience will be(1)and(2)

A3: Firm's relevant experience in last 7 years for Supervision work (15M).
S. Description Sub‐Marks

Specific Experience as Authority Engineer /Independent

1 Engineer/ Construction supervision/ PMC in aggregate length
of Highway Projects of 2/4/6‐laning in mountainous and steep
1.1 More than the in dicative Length of the package applied for- 3.0
1.2 More than 2 times the in dicative length of the package applied for
1.3 More than 3 times the in dicative length of the package applied for- 5.00
Specific Experience as Authority Engineer/Independent
Engineer /Construction supervision/PMC in Number of
2 Projects of 2/4/6-laning** in mountainous and steep terrain 5
of length (40%of project length) or more in last 7 years.
2.1 1project
2.2 2Project
2.3 3Project
2.4 4Project
2.5 5Projector more 5.00
Experience in Construction Supervision of major structures
3 having length of more than 200 meter in last 7 years. 5
3.1 1project 3.75

3.2 2Project 4.00

3.3 3Project 4.25

3.4 4Project 4.50

3.5 5Projector more 5.00

Note1: In case of JV the turn over and experience details of Lead and JV partners to beadded.
Note2: Employer’s certificate/ certificate from Statutory Auditor should be submitted
substantiating the experience/turn over claimed by the firm.

B1.Material testing, survey and investigation, equipment and software proposed to be used
S.No. Description um
Availability of Material testing Facilities with persons/ resources having
1 1.5
operational skills of the equipment
1.1 Owned*(Available In House) 1.5
1.2 Outsourced (Hire basis) 1.5
* Shall be as curtained through the ownership evidence uploaded on INFRACON in regard to major
equipments required for testing of materials to be used for construction of Highway Project.

Availability of Field Investigation Facilities with persons / resources

2 1
Having operational skills of the equipment
2.1 Owned**(Available In House) 1
2.2 Outsourced (Hire basis) 1
**Shall be ascertained through ownership evidence uploaded on INFRACON for construction of
Highway Project.
Availability of Office Equipment and Software with persons/
3 1.5
Resources having operational skills of the equipment
3.1 Owned***(Available In House) 1.5
3.2 Outsourced (Hire basis) 1.5
*** Shall be ascertained through ownership evidence uploaded on INFRACON for key
hardware/software required for Highway consultancy assignment.
Experience in LiDAR or better technology for topographic survey
4 2.5
(Infrastructure sector)
4.1 1project 0.5
4.2 2 projects 1
4.3 3 projects 1.5
4.4 4 projects 2
4.5 ≥5projects 2.5
Experience in using GPR and Induction Locatoror better
5 technologies for detection of sub‐surface utilities(Infrastructure 2
5.1 1project 0.5
5.2 2 projects 1
5.3 3 projects 1.5
5.4 ≥4projects 2
6 Experience in digitization of cadastral maps for land surveys 1.5
6.1 Area upto100ha 0.5
6.2 Area between100-500ha 1
6.3 Area>500ha 1.5

Note: The experience of firm/ associate in Lidar or equivalent technology, GPR and Induction Locator or
equivalent technologies and Experience in digitization of cadastral maps for land acquisition shall be
supported by experience certificate. The experience of a firm/ associate in Lidar or equivalent technology,
GPR and Induction Locator or equivalent technologies and Experience in Digitization of cadastral maps for
land acquisition for a private concessionaire/contractor (client) shall be considered on self-certification along
with the client certificate of Government agencies not below the rank of EE/PD/GM or eqivalant officer.
Any false certification shall attract provisions of Clause 1.8, Section -2 (letter of Invitation) read with
Clause2.9.1 (g) of GCC

B2: Experience in use of technology for road inspection in supervision work(10M)
S. MaximumMa
No Description rks
Experiencein Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) or better
1 Technology for pavement inspection 3.5
1.1 Equipment 2
(a)Equipmenton MOU on hiring basis 2

(b)Own Equipment 2
1.2 Experience 1.5
(i) 1-2projects 0.5
(ii) 3-5projects 1
(iii) >5projects 1.5

Experience in Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) orbetter

2 technology for pavement strength measurement 2
2.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipmenton MOU on hiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
2.2 Experience 1
(i) 1-3Projects 0.5
(ii) >3Projec 1
3 Experience in Mobile Bridge In section Unit or better 2.5
3.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipmenton MOU on hiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
3.2 Experience 1.5
(i) 1-2Projects 0.5
(ii) 3-5Projects 1
(iii) >5Projects 1.5
4 Experience in Retroreflecto meter technology 2
4.1 Equipment 1
(a)Equipmenton MOU on hiring basis 1
(b)Own Equipment 1
4.2 Execution with owned/hired Equipment 1
(i) 1-3Projects 0.5
(ii) >3Projects 1
Total 10
(iii) The Consultants owning the equipment shall be required to submit proof of ownership.
(iv) The experience of firm/ associate in NSV or equivalent technology, FWD or equivalent
technology, MBIU or equivalent technology and Retroreflecto meter or equivalent technology
shall be supported by experience certificate. The experience of a firm/associate for a private
concessionaire/ contractor (client) shall be considered on self-certification along with the client
certificate of Government agencies not below the rank of EE/PD/GM or eqivalant officer.
Any false certification shall attract provisions of Clause1.8, Section-2 (letter of Invitation) read
with Clause2.9.1 (g) of GCC

C1.Qualification and Competence of the Key Staff for adequacy of the Assignment for phase 1&2 (Project
preparation and preconstruction activity). (Para 12.2 of Data Sheet and Enclosure II of TOR)

S. No. Description Max.Marks

I General Qualification 25
i) Degreein Civil Engineering or equivalent [AICTE approved] 20
Post Graduation in Highway Engg. /Structures/Traffic and Transportation/Soil
ii) 5
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering/Construction
Management/Transportation [AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<15years 0
15-18years 11
>18-21years 13
>21years 15
Experience in Highway Projects-Experience in Planning, project
(b) 7.5
preparation and design of Highway (2/4/6 laning of
NH/SH/Expressways) And, Atleast two year experience in
Planning/project preparation/design/construction supervision of
Highway projects in mountainous and steep terrain.
<6years 0
6-8years 5.5
>8-10years 6.5
>10years 7.5
Experience in Highway Projects-Experience in Construction 7.5
Supervision/AE/IEfor Projects (2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways)
<6years 0
6-8years 5.5
>8-10years 6.5
>10years 7.5
d) Experience in Similar Capacity 40
In Feasibility of 2/4/6 laning works or DPR of major highway projects i.e.
(i)a. 2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity (Minimum 10
Aggregate length of 40 km). And, also have Experience in Planning/
project preparation/ design/ construction supervision of Highway
projects in mountainous and steep terrain in aggregate length of at least
10.42 km.
<40km 0
40km-80km 4
80km-150km 8
150km-250km 9
>250km 10
In Construction Supervision/IC of major highway projects i.e. 2/4/6
(i)b. laning of NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity (Minimum Aggregate 10
length of 40 km)
<40km 0
40km-70km 8
>70km-100km 9
>100km 10
(ii)a. In Feasibility of 2/4/6 laning works or DPR of major highway projects (of 10
length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration) i.e. 2/4/6
laning of NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity- Number of Projects
(full time)
< 2 projects 0
2 projects 8
3- 5 projects 9
> 5 projects 10
(ii)b. In Construction Supervision/IC of major highway projects (of length 40% of 10
project length or more of similar configuration) i.e. 2/4/6 laning of
NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity- Number of Projects (full time
<1 projects 0
1 project 4
2 projects 8
3-5 projects 9
>5 projects 10
III Employment with Firm 5
<1Year 0
1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100


S.No. Description Max.Marks

I General Qualification 25
i) Degreein Civil Engineering or equivalent [ AICTE Approved] 20
Post graduation in Highway Engg/ Transportation Engineering [AICTE
ii)Approved] 5

II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70

a) Total Professional Experience 15
<8years 0
8-12years 11
>12-15years 13
>15years 15
Experience in Highway Projects‐Experience in Design/Pavement
b) Design of Highway Projects(2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways) 25
<6years 0
6-10years 19
>10-15years 22
>15years 25
C) Experience in Similar Capacity 30
In Design / Pavement Design of Highway Projects (2/4/6 laning of
(i) NH/SH/ Expressways) in Similar Capacity (Minimum aggregate 20
length 80km)
<80km 0
80km-150km 15
>150km-250km 17
>250km 20
In Design/Pavement Design of Highway Projects (2/4/6 laning of
(ii) NH/SH/Expressways) in Similar Capacity–Number of Projects 10
2projects 8
3-5projects 9
>5projects 10
III Employment with Firm 5
Lessthan 1Year 0
1year 3
Add0. 5 marks for each
Subsequent year subject to maximum of 2. 0 marks
Total 100


Description Max.Marks
I General Qualification 25

Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent [AICTEApproved]
i) 20
ii) Post Graduation in Structural Engineering/Bridge 5
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<10years 0
10-12years 11
>12-15years 13
>15years 15
b) Experience in Bridge Projects 25
(i) Experience in project preparation and design of bridge 20
<8years 0
8-10years 15
>10-12years 17
>12years 20
(ii) Experience of 2/ 4 lane configuration bridges 5
<2Projects 0
2-4Projects 4
>4projects 5
Experienceas Senior Bridge Engineeror Similar Capacity in
Highway Design Consultancy Projects (2/4/6 laning of
c) NH/SH/Expressways) involving design of Major Bridges (minimum 30
2 nos. of length more than 200m)
<2numbers 0
2-4numbers 24
5-6numbers 27
>6numbers 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than1Year 0
1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject
to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100

C1.4 Road/Traffic Safety Expert

S.No. Description Max.Marks

I General Qualification 25
i) Degree in Civil Engineering [AICTE Approved] 20
Post graduationin Traffic Engineering/Transportation Engineering
ii) 5
/Transportation Planning [AICTE Approved]
Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project
II 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<6years 0

6-10years 11
>10-15years 13
>15years 15
Experiencein Highway Projects–Experienceon Similar Projects
b) 25
(2/4/6 laning of NH /SH / Expressways)
<5years 0
5-6years 19
>6-10years 22
>10years 25
Experienceas Traffic and Safety Expert/Traffic Engineerorin Similar
c) Capacity in Highway Projects (2/4/6 laning of NH /SH / Expressways) 30
(Minimum aggregate length 80 km)
<80km 0
80km-150km 24
>150km-250km 27
>250km 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than1Year 0
1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks

Total 100

C1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer

S. No. Description Max.Marks

I General Qualification 25
Degreein Civil Engineering / Mining Engineering / Engineering
i) 20
Post Graduation in Geotechnical Engineering / Foundation Engineering /
ii) 5
Rock Mechanics / Geo-science or equivalent
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 65
Total Professional Experience
a) 10

<15years 0
15-20years 8
>20-25years 9
>25years 10
(b) Experience in highway/tunnel Projects 24
(i)Professional experience in handling major highway /tunnel 8
projects (Road/Rail/Metro)

<10years 0
>=10-12years 6
>12-14years 7
>14years 8
(ii)Experience in major highway /tunnel construction/ 8
construction supervision projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
<10years 0
>=10-12years 6
>12-14years 7
>14years 8
(iii)Experience in preparation of DPR or Feasibility report
of major highway /tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
<10years 0
>=10-12years 6
>12-14years 7
>14years 8
c) Experience in SimilarCapacity 31
(i) Professional Experience as S e n i o r G e o t e c h n i c a l 8
E n g i n e e r / Tunnel Design Engineer(Structural)
<8 years 0
>=8-10 years 6
>10 – 12 years 7
>12 years 8
(ii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or similar capacity
in major highway in mountainous and steep terrain/tunnel 11.5
construction/construction supervision projects (Road/Rail/Metro)

<8 years 0
>=8 – 10 years 9.5
>10-12 years 10.5
>12 years 11.5
(iii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or similar
capacity in preparation of DPR or Feasibility report of major 11.5
highway in mountainous and steep terrain/tunnel projects
<8 years 0
>=8 – 10 years 9.5
>10-12 years 10.5
>12 years8 11.5
III Employment with Firm 10

Less than 1 Year 0
1-2 years 7.5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of
2.5 marks

Total 100


S.No Description Max.Marks
I General Qualification 25
Degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering/Diplomain Civil
i) 20
Engineering/Diplomain Surveying [AICTE Approved]
Post Graduation in Survey Engineering/Surveying/Remote
ii) 5
Sensing [AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<10years 0
10-12years 11
>12-15years 13
>15years 15
b) Experience in Highway Projects 25
Experiencein Similar Projects (2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways) in
i) project preparation/ Construction/ Construction Supervision 20

<8years 0
8-10 years 15
>10-12years 17
>12years 20
Knowledge and under standing of modern Computer based method of
ii) 5
Yes 5
No 0
Experienceas Survey Engineeror in Similar Capacity for project
c) preparation of highway project (2/4/6 laning of NH / SH / Expressways) 30
(Minimum Aggregate Length 80 km)
<80km 0
80km-150km 24
>150km-250km 27
>250km 30
III Employment with Firm 5

Lesst han1Year 0
1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
maximum of 2 marks
Total 100

C1.7 Senior Geologist

Description Max.Mar

I General Qualification 25
Masters in Geology / Applied Geology from
i) 25
recognized university.
II Adequacy for the Project 75
a) Total Professional Experience 20
<20years– 0
20years– 15

Add 1 mark extra for each additional year of

experience subject to maximum 5(five) marks.
Experience in major highway/Tunnel
b) construction/construction supervision Projects 15
<5years 0
5years 12

Add1.5 marks extra for each additional year

subject to maximum3 (three) marks.
III Experience in Similar Capacity 15
Experience in highway in mountainous and steep
terrain/tunnel (Road/Rail/Metro)
Construction works in similar capacity
<7years 0
7years 12
Add 1 mark extra for each additional year of
experience subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.

Experience in similar capacity in project preparation /

DPR involving of highway in mountainous and steep
b) 10
terrain/tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro). (Min 1 year
experience in a project)
<2projects 0
2projects 7
Add1.5 marks extra for each additional projects
subject to maximum 3(three) marks.

Experience in similar capacity in highway in

c) mountainous and steep terrain/tunnel construction/ 10
construction supervision with minimum length of 4

<2projects 0
2project 7
Add 1. 5marks extra for each additional projects
subject to maximum 3(three) marks.

IV Employment with the Firm 5

<1year 0
1year 3
Add0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum
2 marks

Total: 100


S. Max.Mar
Description ks
I General Qualification 25
Degreein Civil Engineering /Environmental 20
Engineering or Post Graduate in Environmental Sciences
[AICTE Approved]
ii) Post-Graduationin Environmental 5
Engineering [AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the 7
Project 0
a) Total Professional Experience 1
<6years– 0
6-8years– 11



Experience in Highway Projects‐Experience in

b) Environment Impact assessment of Highway Projects 2
(2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways) 5

<5years 0
5–7years 19
>7–10years 22
>10years 25
c) Experienceas Environmental Specialist or in 3
Similar Capacity in Highway Projects (2/4/6 0
laning of NH /SH/Expressways)

<2projects 0
2–4projects 24

5–7projects 27
>7projects 30
III Employment with the Firm 5

<1year 0

1year 3

Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to

maximum 2 marks
Total: 100


Description Max.Marks
I General Qualification 25
i) Graduation or equivalent in Civil Engineering/ Certificate 20
Course from‘Institution of Quantity Surveying’[AICTE Approved]

Graduation or equivalent in Civil Engineering

ii) 5
[AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<10years 0
10-12years 11
>12-15years 13
>15years 15
Experience in Highway Projects‐Experience in preparation
b) Of Bill of Quantities, Contract documents and documentation for 25
major highway projects (2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/ Expressways)

<8years 0
8-10years 19
>10-12years 22
>12years 25
Experienceas Quantity Surveyor / Documentation Expertor in
c) Similar Capacity in Highway Projects(2/4/6 laning of 30
NH/SH/ Expressways ) (Minimum Aggregate length of 80km)
<80km 0

80km-150km 24
>150km–250km 27
>250km 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than1Year 0
1year 3
Add0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
maximum of 2 marks
Total 100


S.No. Description Max.Marks
I General Qualification 25
i) Graduation or equivalent 20
ii) Post Graduation 5
Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project
II 70

a) Total Professional Experience 15

<15years 0
15-17years 11
>17-20years 13
>20years 15
Experiencein Land Acquisition works of Government/Authority
b) 20

<10years 0
10-12years 15
>12-15years 17
>15years 20
c) Experiencein Land Acquisition works in Highway/road sector 25
Nil project 0
1 project 19
2projects 22
3projects 25
Retired Revenue officer at the level of ADM/SDM/
d) 10
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than1Year 0
1year 3

Add 0.5 marks for each
subsequent year subject to
maximum of 2 marks
Total 100


S. No. Description Max.Marks
I General Qualification 25
i) Graduation or equivalent 20
ii) Post Graduation 5
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<10years 0
10-12years 11
>12-15years 13
>15years 15
b) Experience in Utility estimation and its laying /erection 30
<8years 0
8-10years 24
>10-12years 27
>12years 30
Experiencein Utility shifting estimation and its laying/erection along
c) 25
Highway/ roads
Nil project 0
1 project 19
2projects 22
3projects 25
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than1Year 0
1year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each
subsequent year subject
to maximum of 2 marks

Total 100

Assumptions to be made regarding Similar Capacity for various positions

1. Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer

i) On behalf of Consultant / Contractor: Team Leader/Resident Engineer/
Project Manager/Senior Highway Engineer.
ii) In Government Organizations: Superintending Engineer (or equivalent) and above

2. Senior Bridge Engineer

i) On behalf of Consultant: Senior Bridge Engineer/Bridge

Engineer/Bridge Design Engineer

ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer(or equivalent)

And above

3. Senior Geotechnical Engineer

i) On behalf of Consultant: Senior Geotechncial

Expert/GeoTechnical Engineer/Tunnel
Design Engineer
ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer(orequivalent)

And above

4. Road/Traffic Safety Expert

i) On behalf of Consultant: Traffic Engineer/Transportation

Engineer/Road Safety Expert

i) In Government Organizations : Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above

iii) On behalf of Contractor: Traffic Engineer/Transportation

Engineer/Road Safety Expert

5. Senior Survey Engineer

i) On behalf of Consultant: Senior Survey


r Surveyor

ii) In Government Organizations: Surveyor/Engineer(orequivalent)

iii) On behalf of Contractor: Senior Survey Engineer /Survey

Engineer /Senior Surveyor

6. Land Acquisition Expert

i) On behalf of Consultant/ Contractor: LandAcquisitionExpert

(ii) In Government Organizations: ADM, SDM, Tehsildar,

7. UTILITYE xpert

i) On behalf of Consultant /Contractor: Utility Expert

(ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above.

8. Senior Geologist:

i) On behalf of the Consultant/Contractor: Geologist

ii) In Government Organizations: Geologist

9. Material Engineer

i) On behalf of the Consultant/Contractor: Material Engineer/Material Expert

ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer(orequivalent)and

10. Highway cum Pavement Engineer

i) On behalf of Consultant: Highway Engineer/Highway Design

Engineer/Pavement Engineer.

ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer(or equivalent)

and above

11. Environmental Specialist

i) On behalf of Consultant: Environmental Engineer/

Environmental Specialist/
Environmental Expert
ii) In Government Organizations: Officers who has dealt
environment/forest matter

12. Quantity Surveyor/Documentation

Quantity Surveyor
i) On behalf of Consultant:

ii) In Government Organizations: Assistant Engineer (or equivalent)

Consultant has to assess the major utility shifting involved and propose the CV accordingly.

Note: While carrying out evaluation of key personnel, the experience in similar capacity is also a
criteria of evaluation and assumptions to be made regarding similar capacity have been mentioned
above. However, if a key personnel has worked in next lower category to the similar capacity, the

marks allotted to key personnel in the category ‘experience in similar capacity’ shall be reduced to two
thirds of marks in this category. This shall be applicable for evaluation of all key personnel.

C2. Evaluation Criteria for assessment of score of Key Staff for adequacy of the
Assignment for phase 3 Construction Supervision and Maintenance

C2.1 Resident cum Highway Engineer

S.No. Description Max. of projects
Marks Claimed for self-
by the
1 General Qualification 25

i) Graduatein Civil Engineering 21

Post Graduation in Highway Engineering

ii) 04
/ Construction Management /
Geotechnical Engineering /
Transportation Engineering / Structural
2 Adequacy for the Project 70
Professional Experience
Total Professional Experience in handling
Highway projects
< 12 years -0
12 years -8 marks 20
i) Add 1 mark extra for each additional year of
experience subject to maximum 2 (two)
Experience as Resident Engineer/Project
Director/Project Manager/Superintending
Engineer or equivalent/Executive Engineer or
equivalent on construction works/Authority
Engineer/Independent Engineer Projects
(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning*) and
above). 20
ii) < 5 years -0;
5 years -15 marks
Add 1 marks extra for each additional year of
experience subject to maximum 5 (five) marks.
Experience in similar capacity in handling
major 2/4/6-laning** projects (of length 40% of
project length or more of
similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and
iii) < 2 nos. -0 25
2 nos. -19 marks
Add three marks extra for each additional
project subject to maximum 6 (Six) marks.

Experience in similar capacity of Highway
Project of Construction/Construction
Supervision/IC on EPC Mode (of length 40% of
project length or more of similar configuration 5
(2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iv) 1 Project- 4 marks
Add 1 (one) mark extra for each additional
project subject to maximum 1 (one) mark
Employment with the Firm
1year-3 marks
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year
3 subject to maximum 2 marks
Total: 100


(1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

i) On behalf of Consultant: Resident / Highway Engineer

ii) On behalf of Contractor: Resident Engineer/ Highway Engineer / Project Manager

(Construction/Construction Supervision)

iii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above

(2) Only those projects (in numbers) will be considered for evaluation above, where the input
of the personnel is not<12months

In case of experience on behalf of Authority’s Engineer or Contractor, the experience shall be duly
endorsed by the respective Government agency. In case of non- availability of endorsement from Govt.
Agency, the experience uploaded on INFRACON Portal will be taken into consideration. However,
the key personnel/ bidder will be solely responsible for any fake information/ CV, which may result in

C2.2 H i g h w a y c u m P a v e m e n t E n g i n e e r

Reference/Details of Marks self-

S.No. Description Max.
projects Claimed for assessed by
self-assessment the bidder
1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduatein Civil Engineering 21

Post-Graduation in
Transportation/Highway Engineering/
Pavement engineering or equivalent 4

2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

Total Professional Experience of Pavement

Design/Construction and Maintenance of
Highways/Roads/Air Field Runway
i) < 10 years -0 20
10 years -15 marks
Add one mark extra for each additional year of
experience subject to maximum 5 (five) marks.
Experience in Similar capacity in
Construction/Construction Supervision of
2/4/6-laning** of major Highway Projects
ii) (similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and 20
< 5 years -0; 5 years -15 marks
Add one mark extra for each additional year of
experience subject to maximum 5 (five) marks.
Experience in similar capacity as Pavement
specialist/pavement engineer in construction/
construction supervision of Major Highway
projects (of length 40% of project length or
iii) more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) 25
and above)
< 2 nos. -0
2 nos. -20 marks
Add 2.5 marks extra for each additional project
subject to maximum 5 marks.

Reference/Details Marks self-
S.No. Description of projects Claimed assessed by
forself-assessment the bidder

Experience in similar capacity on EPC Projects

(of length 40% of project length or more of
similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and
iv) above) 5
1 Project- 4 marks
Add 1 (one) mark extra for each additional
project subject to maximum 1 (one) mark
Employment with the Firm
3 1year –3marks
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year
subject to maximum 2 marks
Total: 100


(1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Pavement Specialist/ Pavement

Engineer/Pavement Expert/Highway Engineer

ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer

(2) Only those projects (in numbers) will be considered for evaluation above, where the input
of the personnel is not<6 months

(3) In case of experience on behalf of Authority’s Engineer or Contractor, the experience shall be
duly endorsed by the respective Government agency. In case of non-availability of endorsement from
Govt. Agency, the experience uploaded on INFRACON Portal will be taken in to consideration.
However, the key personnel/bidder will be solely responsible for any fake information/CV,which may
result in debarment.


Reference/Detail Marks self-

s of projects assessed by
S. Description Max.
Claimed for self- the bidder
No. Marks

1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduatein Civil Engineering 21

Post-Graduation in Structural Engineering

II) 04
2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

Total Professional Experience in handling

Highway/Bridge projects
i) < 10 years -0
10 years -11 marks 15
Add one mark extra for each additional 2 year subject to
maximum 4(four) marks
Experience in similar capacity in
Design/Construction/Construction Supervision of
Bridges/ROB/Flyover/Interchanges/any other such
ii) structures (similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and
above) 20
< 5 years -0;
5 years -15 marks
Add 1 (one) mark extra for each additional completed
year of experience subject to maximum 5 (five) marks
Experience in similar capacity in supervision of Major
Highway Bridges/ROB/Flyover/ Interchanges/ any
other structures
iii) < 2 Bridges -0 20
02 Bridge -15 marks
Add 2.5 mark extra for each additional bridge subject
to maximum 5 marks
Experience in similar capacity in supervision of
Rehabilitation and repair of Major
Bridges/ROB/Flyover/ Interchanges/ any other
iv) structures 10
< 2 nos. – 0
2 nos. -8 marks
> 3 nos.- 10
Experience in similar capacity of modern bridge
construction technology viz., Precast Segmental,
Balanced Cantilever Construction, Extra dosed Bridge,
v) 5
Full Span Launching, Incremental Launching.
Experience in 1 project – 4 marks
More than one project – 5 marks
Employment with the Firm
<1 year- 0
3 1 year – 3 marks 5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
maximum 2 marks

Total: 100

(1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions
i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Bridge Engineer/Project Manager (Bridges)
ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer
(2) Only those projects (in numbers) will be considered for evaluation above, where the input of the personnel is not <
12 months
(3) In case of experience on behalf of Authority’s Engineer or Contractor, the experience shall be duly endorsed by the
respective Government agency. In case of non-availability of endorsement from Govt. Agency, the experience uploaded on

C2.4 Road/Traffic Safety Expert

Reference/Detail Marks self-

s of projects assessed by
S. Description Max.
Claimed for self- the bidder
No. Marks

1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduatein Civil Engineering 21

II) 04
Traffic/Transportation/Safety Engineering
or equivalent
2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

Total Professional Experience in handling

Highway/Bridge projects
i) < 10 years -0
10 years -11 marks 15
Add one mark extra for each additional year of experience
subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.
Experience in similar capacity in Road Safety works on
Major Highway Project (similar configuration (2/4/6
laning**) and above).
ii) < 5 years -0
5 years -11 marks 15
Add one mark extra for each additional year of experience
subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.
Experience in similar capacity in Road Safety Audits of
2/4/6-laning** Highway projects at different stages
including at least one at design stage
< 2 nos. -0
2 nos. -15 marks
iii) Add 2.5 marks extra for each additional project 20
subject to maximum 5 marks.

Experience in similar capacity in identification and
improvement of black spots on Major Highway Project
(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
< 2 nos. -0
2 nos. -8 marks
iv) Add 2 marks extra for each additional improvement of 10
black spots subject to maximum 2 marks.
Experience in similar capacity of preparing Road Safety
Management Plans for Inter Urban Highway
1 project -4 marks
v) 5
2 or more -5 marks
Experience in similar capacity in field of Road Safety
Management Plan
1 project -4 marks
vi) 5
1 2 or more -5 marks
Employment with the Firm
<1 year- 0
3 1 year – 3 marks 5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
maximum 2 marks
Total: 100


(1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Road Safety Expert
ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above
(2) Only those projects (in numbers) will be considered for evaluation above, where the
input of the personnel is not<6 months

C2.6 Senior Quality/Material Expert

Reference/Details Marks self-
S.No. Description of projects Claimed assessed by
For self-assessment The bidder
1 General Qualification 25
I)Graduatein Civil Engineering 21
II)Post Graduationin Geotechnical
Engineering/Soil 04
2 AdequacyfortheProject 70
Total Professional Experience in handling
Highway/Bridge projects
i) 10years-11
Add one mark extra for each additional
Year of experience subject to maximum 4
(four) marks.

Experience in similar capacity in
Construction/Construction Supervision of major
Highway Projects ((similar configuration
(2/4/6laning**) and above))
ii) <5years-0; 25
Add 2.0 (two) marks extra for each
additional year of experience subject to
maximum 6 (Six) marks.
Experience in similar capacity in handling
Similar Highway projects (of length equal to
project length or more of similar configuration
(2/4/6laning**) and above)
iii) 30
Add 2.5 marks extra for each additional
project subject to maximum 5 (five) marks.
Employment with the Firm
3 5

Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year

subject to maximum 2marks
Total: 100

(1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Quality Expert/ Material

Engineer/Material Expert/Quality Engineer/Geo-Technical Expert.

ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer

(2) Only those projects (in numbers) will be considered for evaluation above, where the input
of the personnel is not<12months

(3) In case of experience on behalf of Authority’s Engineer or Contractor, the experience shall be
duly endorsed by the respective Government agency. Incase of non-availability of
endorsement from Govt. Agency, the experience uploaded on Infracon Portal will be taken
into consideration. However, the key personnel/ bidder will be solely responsible for any fake
information/CV, which may result in debarment.

C2.7 Senior Geotechnical Engineer:

Reference/Detail Marks self-
s of projects assessed by
S. Description Max.
Claimed for self- the bidder
No. Marks

1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering / Masters in 21

Engineering Geology or equivalent from a
recognized university

Post Graduate in Rock Mechanics

II) 04
/Foundation Engineering/ Tunnel
2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

Total Professional Experience

< 20 years -0
i) 20 years -11 marks
Add one mark extra for each additional year of experience 15
subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.
Experience in Construction/ Construction Supervision
of major tunnel/highway projects (Road/Rail/Metro
< 10 years – 0
ii) 10 years – 7 marks
Add 1 mark extra for each additional year of experience 10
subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.
Experience in similar capacity
Experience as Geotechnical engineer or similar capacity
in construction/ construction supervision of at least 4
tunnel/highway projects (Road/Rail/Metro) of length
equal to or more than 4 km
< 4 projects – 0
iii) 4 projects -17 marks 25
Add 2 mark extra for each additional project subject
to maximum 8 (eight) marks
Experience as Geotechnical engineer or similar capacity
in Construction/ Construction Supervision of
mountaneous or hilly area/tunnel
1 project – 4 marks
iv) 2 or more projects – 5 marks. 5
Experience as Geotechnical engineer or similar
capacity in design/project preparation of Highway in
mountaneous/hilly area or tunnel projects
v) 15
(Road/Rail/Metro) of at least 4 km length
< 2 projects – 0
2 projects – 11 marks
Add 2 marks extra for each additional projects subject to
maximum 4 (four) marks.
Employment with the Firm
<1 year- 0
3 1 year – 3 marks 5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to
maximum 2 marks
Total: 100


[Ministry of Road Transport & Highways]

Government of India



Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo
section in the State of West Bengal.





March, 2024

Regional Office, Kolkata


Content PageNo.
Terms of Reference (TOR) for Project Preparation and Pre
Construction Activity‐Appendix‐VIA

3 Supplement-I:Additional Requirements for Hill Roads 205

4 Supplement-II:Additional Requirements for Bridges 209
5 Supplement-III:Additional requirement for safety audit 212
Terms of reference for phase3: Construction supervision and maintenance–
6 Appendix‐VI B

Enclosure-I: Schedule for Submission of Reports and Documents and format

7 232
of submission of reports and documents.
8 Enclosure-II: Format for submission of reports and documents 336
9 Appendix-VII: Draft Contract Agreement 343
Appendix-VIII: DPR Checklist for 8 stages [Stage 1: Inception Report, Stage 2: 399
Feasibility Report, Stage 3: LA & Clearances I, Stage 4 : Detailed Project Report,
10 Stage 5: Technical Schedules, Stage 6: LA & Clearances II]: Stage 7 : Award
Determination (Structures), Stage 8: Land Possession Report (Structures)

11 Appendix-IX:Sample Executive Summary of Detailed Project Report 491



Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H), Government of India (GOI) represented by
the Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO
Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064 has been assigned the work of Consultancy
Services for Project Management Consultancy services for“Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder
from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.”

Terms of Reference (TOR) for PMC

1. General

1.1 The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, GoI has been entrusted with the assignment of Project
Management Consultancy services for” Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km
0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengalwho now
invites proposal from Technical consultants for PMC as per details given in Annexure‐I.

1.2 The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, GoI will be the employer and executing agency for the
consultancy services and the standards of output required from the appointed consultants are of
international level both interms of quality and adherence to the agreed time schedule. The
consultancy firm will solely be responsible for submission of quality work instipulated period.

1.3 Ministry has recently awarded work of consultancy services for construction of ROB s for
replacing level crossings in various states. In case a level crossing exists ina project reach,
consultant is required to co-ordinate with those consultants and finalizes the alignment &
configuration of road accordingly. However, if the same is not covered in the above assignment
of DPR/feasibility study awarded by Ministry, the consultant under this assignment shall be
responsible for preparing DPR for such level crossings along with pre-construction activities and
construction supervision of the entire project.

2. Objective

2.1 The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical, and
financial vi ability of the project and prepare feasibility report, detailed project report,
carrying out pre-construction activity and also construction supervision to ensur equality
work for rehabilitation and upgradation of the existing road to<2lane+PS>configuration.

2.2 The vi ability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements with regard to
rehabilitation, upgrading and improvement based on highway design, pavement design,provision
of service roads wherever necessary, type of intersections, rehabilitation and widening of existing
and/or construction of new bridges and structures, road safety features, quantities of various items
of works and cost estimates and economic analysis within the given time frame.
2.3 The Detailed Project Report (DPR) would inter-alia include detailed highway design, design of
pavement and overlay with options for flexible or rigid pavements, design of bridges and cross
drainage structures and grade separated structures, design of service roads, quantities of
various items, detailed working drawings, detailed cost estimates, economic and financial
viability analyses, environmental and social feasibility, social and environmental action
plansas appropriate and documents required for tendering the project on commercial basis for
international/local competitive bidding.

2.4 The PMC consultant should ensure detailed project preparation incorporating aspects of value
engineering, quality audit and safety audit requirement in design and implementation. The
Consultant shall ensure to carry out Road Safety Audit at various stages as per supplement-
III (Additional Requirement for Safety Audit) of TOR.

2.5 The consultant should, along with Feasibility Report, clearly bring out through financial
analysis the preferred mode of implementation on which the Civil Works for the stretches are to
be taken up. The consultant should also give cost estimates along with feasibility
report/detailed Project Report.

2.6 If at inception stage or feasibility stage, employer desires to terminate the contract, the
contract will be terminated after payment upto that stage. Like wise the contract may also be
terminated/ foreclose at any stage/phase and payment due up to that stage only would
be payable.

3. Scope of Services
The PMC consultancy shall be carried out into following phases:

Phase Description Sub‐Phase Report/deliverable

Key activities
1A (Feasibility Project planning and Inception Report and
Study) mobilization QAP
1 Projec
preparation Alignment Alignment
finalization, Options
preliminary surveys Report and Feasibility
LA, utilities Strip Plan, LA Report
identification; creation of (3a,3A), Clearances and
draft notifications and Utility Shifting proposals
Detailed design of Draft DPR Report, Final
highway,preparation of DPR Report, documents
detailed project report and drawings
with drawings
Preparation of bid Civil Works Contract
documents Agreement
and and
technical schedules Schedules
Land acquisition process, JMS and 3D Report, Final
obtaining final utilities Project Clearances and
estimates and required Utilities Report
2 construction
activities Land acquisition award 3G Report
Obtaining possession of Land Possession Report
Courtcases, arbitration Courtcases, arbitration
including mutation including mutation
3 Construction A.During Construction
activity and 1. Review and approval
maintenance of design
2. Supervision of
construction work,
3. Review of
progress work
4. Quality assurance
monitoring and

Phase Description Sub‐Phase Report/deliverable
Key activities
Supervision test,
5. Arrangement of
safety of
6. Progress of pre-
construction activities
7. Clearances from
different agencies
B.During maintenance
1) Performance
Monitoring through
Network Survey Vehicle
2) Inspection of defect
and deficiencies
3) Maintenance of the
road work
4) Quality assurance
during project life
5) Safety aspects

Detailed TOR for Project Preparation and Pre Construction activity shall be as per Appendix VI A
and for construction Supervision as per Appendix VI B. wherever the consultant is stated in the
TOR or elsew here

(i) As DPR, it shall mean the Project Management consultant in the Phase 1 and Phase 2
(Project Preparation and Pre Construction activity) and

(ii) As Authority Engineer, it shall mean the Project Management consultant in Phase 3
(Construction Supervision and maintenance)


Terms of Reference (TOR) for Project Preparation and Pre Construction Activity

1. General

1.1 The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H), Government of India (GOI)
represented by The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room
No. 106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064 has
been entrusted with the assignment of Project Management Consultancy services for”
Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10
Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.”. The Chief Engineer-RO,
Kolkata, MoRTH, GoI now invites now invites proposal from Technical consultants for
carrying out detailed project report as per details given in Annexure‐ I.

1.2 The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, GoI will bethe employer and executing
agency for the consultancy services and the standards of output required from the
appointed consultants are of international level both in terms of quality and adherence to
the agreed time schedule. The consultancy firm will solely be responsible for submission
of quality work instipulated period.

1.3 Ministry has recently awarded works of consultancy services for construction of
ROBs for replacing level crossings in various states. In case a level crossing exists in
a project reach, consultant is required to co-ordinate with those consultants and
finalizes the alignment & configuration of road accordingly. However, if the same is
not covered in the above assignment of DPR/feasibility study awarded by Ministry,
the consultant under this assignment shall be responsible for preparing DPR for such
level crossings.

2. Objective

2.1 The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical,
and financial viability of the project and prepare detailed project reports for
rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing road to <2 lane+PS> configuration.

2.2 The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements
with regard to rehabilitation, upgrading and improvement based on highway design,
pavement design, provision of service roads wherever necessary, type of
intersections, rehabilitation and widening of existing and/or construction of new
bridges and structures, road safety features, quantities of various items of works and
cost estimates and economic analysis within the given time frame.

2.3 The Detailed Project Report (DPR) would inter-alia include detailed highway
design,design of pavement and overlay with options for flexible or rigid pavements,
design of bridges and cross drainage structures and grade separated structures, design of
serviceroads, quantities of various items, detailed working drawings, detailed cost
estimates, economic and financial viability analyses, environmental and social
feasibility, social and environmental action plans as appropriate and documents required
for tendering the project on commercial basis for international/local competitive bidding.

2.4 The DPR consultant should ensure detailed project preparation incorporating aspects of
value engineering, quality audit and safety audit requirement in design and
implementation. The Consultant shall ensure to carry out Road Safety Audit at
various stages as per supplement-III (Additional Requirement for Safety Audit) of
2.5 The consultant should, along with Feasibility Report, clearly bring out through
financial analysis the preferred mode of implementation on which the Civil Works for
the stretches are to be taken up. The consultant should also give cost estimates along

with feasibility report/detailed Project Report.
2.6 If at inception stage orfeasibility stage, employer desires to terminate the contract,
the contract will be terminated after payment upto that stage.

3. Scope of Services

The general scope of services is given in the sections that follow. However, the entire scope
of services would, inter-alia, include the items mentioned in the Letter of Invitation, terms of
reference, general contract and any supplements and appendices to these documents

3.1 RoW and Land related aspects

3.1.1 The Right of Way norms for National Highways should be as under:

(i) Expressways 90m

(ii) Economic Corridors and major National Highways requiring 70m
provisions for Service Roads and planned for expansion to 8-lanes
(iii)National Highways with planed capacity to 6-lane Configuration 60m
(iv National Highways with planned capacity to 4-lane 45m
(v) NH with planned capacity to two-lane + PS configurati on requiring 30m
provision of Service Roads

3.1.2 In case of up-gradation of an existing two lane Highway to a 4/6/8 lane

configuration, a comparative cost-benefit analysis shall necessarily be carried out
while recommending development of existing route/alignment vis-à-vis alternate
option of a green –field alignment. While carrying out the cost benefit analysis of
both the options, the following factors shall be considered:
(i) Extant of land acquisition and the associated costs;
(ii) Number of structures required to be acquired along their extant and costs.
(iii) The quantum of utilities and costs required for their shifting.
(iv) The extent of tree –felling and the associated cost & time for
obtaining the requisite permissions.
3.1.3 However, green-field option may not be resorted to in cases where growth of traffic
is such that ultimate capacity doesnot require widening beyond 4 lanes in future.
3.1.4 In case the green field alignment option worksout to be apreferred option, then-
(i) Entire ROW (60m-70m) may be acquired for a maximum capacity of 8
lane main carriageway with provision for service roads.
(ii) Initially 4 lane carriage-way with 4 lane structures shall be
developed with additional land left in the median for future
(iii) The highway shall have provision for service roads ininhabited areas,
preferably of 10mtrs width, with maximum access–control for the main
(iv) Access to the towns/cities/establishments located on the existing
National Highway, may be provided through spurs from the
Greenfield route.
3.1.5 All efforts shall be made to avoid any road alignment through National Parks and
Wildlife Sanctuaries, even if it requires taking a longer route / bypass. However,
where it becomes absolutely unavoidable and necessary to keep the alignment
through such reserve forest /restricted areas, land would be acquired with RoW of not

more than 30mtrs.
3.1.6 Similarly, though it may be difficult, while determining the alignment for any bypass,
efforts bemade to see if these could be along the revenue boundaries of two revenue
estates there by minimizing the compulsions of land owners / farmers for cross-overs to
the other side. In case such analignment is not found feasible, it should been sured that
access to common facilities for the local people (e.g. schools, Health care facilities etc.)
is maintained only on one side of the alignment, there by minimizing the need for cross-
over for day-to-day life.
3.1.7 Protection of the acquired RoW against any possible encroachments is extremely
important. Boundary stones be provided at the end of the RoW as per provisions of
IRC: SP:84 and also supplemented as per Circular dated 08.12.2015 issued by
MoRTH,GoI. The boundary pillars alone, which are subject to removal with passage
of time, maynot be enough to save against encroachments. As such, the typical cross-
section of a Highway Road is being re-visited separately with the intention of
providing permanent features in this behalf. For a typical RoW of 60 mtrs, starting
from one end, these will require the following:

(a) Use barricading of the RoW with plantation of hedge-like species (Ficus /
Poplars) withina 3m wide strip area, dug up to 0.6 to 0.9 mtrs, of which 2.0 mtrs
to serve as a UtilityCorridor.

(b) Provision of a Service Road (along the inhabited area) with its drainage
slope towards the drain/area reserved for Strip Plantation, for a width of 9.0

(c) Earmark width of 1.5 mtrs for construction of a drain so as to be able to capture
the rain water flow from the Service Road (wher ever provided) and the main

(d) Three lane with paved shoulders : Main carriageway–10.5mtrs, paved shoulder–
2.5mtr and earthen shoulder–1.5mtr.

(e) Median–5.0mtrs (effective width 4.5m), and

(f) A Mirror Image on the other end.

3.1.8 With regard to land acquisition, tree felling, utility shifting across the alignment,
Ministry’s Guidelines issued vide letter no. NH-15017/21/2018-P&M dated 10th May,
2018, or any amendment thereof, may be adheredto.
3.2 Provisions of short bypasses, serviceroads, alignment corrections, improvement of
intersections shall be made wherever considered necessary, practicable and cost
effective. However, bypasses proposals should also be considered, wherever inurban are
as, improvement to<2lane+PS> of the existing road is not possible.

3.3 Role and Responsibilities at different stages of Land Acquisition

The Consultant in the process of his deliverables, is expected to:

(i) To delineate and propose the most optimal alignment and take care of
geometrics of the road to meet safety parameters while finalizing the DPR;
(ii) Identify and avoid (to the extent feasible) all such structures (religious
structures, public utilities cremation grounds, private structures) in the
RoW of the road project that could become major hindrancesat the time
of project execution;
(iii) Procure or create digitized, geo referenced cadastral/land revenue maps for
the purpose of land acquisition activities. Where state governments of
local agencies have already digitized cadastral maps, the consultant
shall arrange to procure such maps. The digitized map should exactly

match the original map so that the dimensions and area of plots can be
extracted from the map itself.
(iv) Co ordinate collection of all relevant land revenue records (including Khasra
maps, Khatiyan, Jamabandi etc.) from the local land revenue administration
office required for preparation of Draft notification under Section 3A of the NH
(v) Identify and list all land parcels that need to be acquired as part of project road.
Conduct Joint measurement survey inconjunction with CALA, The Executing
Agency, National Highway Planning & Design Circle, P.W. (Roads) Directorate,
Govt. of West Bengal and the Land Revenue Department to verify land records.

(vi) Assist the CALA and the , The Executing Agency, National Highway
Planning &Design Circle, P.W. (Roads) Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal in
preparation of statutory notification under Sections3A, the CALA during
hearing of objections received under Section 3C, recording of hearings and
completion of this process, preparation of draft notification under Section 3D
and completion of the LA process atevery stage, timely publication of
notifications and public notices in newspapers at everystage;

(vii) Clear identification and preparation of aninventory of the assets attached to the
land under acquisition (e.g. Structures, trees, crops or any such assets which
should be valued for payment of compensation);
(viii) Co-ordination with offices of various departments like Land Revenue Office
(or Tehsil), Registrar office and other State departments (public works
department, horticulture department, forest department etc.) for evaluation of
assets (Structures, tree, crops etc.) attached to the land and liaison with
respective State authority for authentication of the valuation.
(ix) Prepare an inventory ofall the utilities (electrical/watersupply lines/gas
pipelinesetc.-both linear and cross overs ) and all such structures (religious
structure, public utilities, cremation grounds, private structures) in the RoW of
the road project that could be come major hindrancesat the time of project
(x) Carefully avoid location of any Flyover/VUP/elevated structure where a high
tension electricity line (66/132/220/400 KV etc.) is crossing over so as to
avoid raising of such line at such point, while designing the road projects;
(xi) Assistin demarcation of the acquired land and installation of the boundary
stones/pillars/peg makings along the RoW of the alignment;
(xii) Identification of land parcels missed out from acquisition in the first round
and assistthe Authority and the CALA in preparation of Draft Notification
for acquisition of the land under missing plots.

3.4 Approach to the provision and specifications for Structures:

3.4.1 The structures on roads viz. Bridges, ROBs (Road Over Bridges, and Flyovers), RUBs
(Road under Bridges) etc. are designed for more than 50 years. It is difficult to increase
the width of the structures at alater date which may also have larger financial
implications apart from construction related issues in running traffic. There fore, it has
been decided to keep provision for all the structures including approaches comprising of
retaining structures as 6-lane (length of such approaches shall, in no case, be less than
30m on either side) on all the four-lane highways except in the following cases (i)
Reserve Forest (ii) Wild life Areas (iii) Hilly Areas (iv) Urban Areas where site
condition donot permit this. Wherever elevated sections are designed through any
inhabite dareas, these should be six-lane structures supported on single piers so that

the road underneath servesas effective serviceroads on boths ides.
3.4.2 Highway projects shall be designed for separation of local traffic especially for
Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), for longitudeinal movements and crossing facilities
through viaduct (s) located at convenient walking distance. Provision of PUP sand CUPs
‐ with size of 7.0m x 4.0m, asspecified in para 2.10 of the IRC specifications, has
proved to be insufficient keeping in view the increased use of mechanizati on in
agriculture practices. These structures donot support the easy passage/crossing forth etr
actors with trolleys so often used for agricultural operations. Astrafficon cross roads is
increasing day-by-day, it has been decided to substitute the provision of Pedestrian
Underpass (PUP)/Cattle Underpass (CUP) [for para 2.10 of IRC specifies the
dimensions of 7.0m x 3.0m] with a LVUP with a minimum size of 12 (lateral
clearance) x 4m (vertical clearance).Out of 12m lateral width, 2.5m width on
one side shall be raised for pedestrian side walks with grills to make
pedestrian movement convenient and safe. Athird smaller dimension VUP-
SVUP (4m*7m) for all cross roads carriage way width lesser than 5.5m may
also be considered. Thus VUPs would be of three grades i.e.VUP- 5.5m x
20m; LVUP -4 m x12m; and SVUP -4m x 7m. These structures shall be
located at the most preferred place of pedestrian / cattle / day-to-day
crossings. Depending on the site conditions, feasibility of clubbing the
crossing facilities through service roads shall also be explored. Further, the
bed level of these crossings shall not be depressed as any such depression, in
the absence of proper drainage facilities becomes water-logged rendering
the same unusable. Ideally, the bed level of the crossings should be a bit
higher with proper connectivity to a drain, which could serve the drainage
requirements of the main carriageway, the under pass and the service road as
3.4.3 Wherever the alignment of 4-lane Highway road project is retained in-situ while
passing through in habited areas (e.g. villages), it should be ensured that Service
Roads are provided on both sides of the carriageway, connected under neath with
across-over structure (VUP/LVUP/SVUP). Thus each habitation should preferably
have crossing facility at the highways with a vertical clearance of 4mtrs.
3.4.4 To ensure that by pass once constructed serves the intended purpose during its life, all
the bypasses shall be well designed and access controlled. The entry / exit from / to side
roads shall be controlled such that they are grade separated at major roads or at spacing
not less than 5 kms.Side roads at closer spacing shall be connected to the service roads
on either side and taken to major roads for provision of grade separated interchange.
3.5 The provision of embankments shall be kept minimum so as to save land as well as
earth which are scarce resources. This can be decided on case to case basis with due
deliberations. However, economic considerations may also be given due weightage
before deciding the issue.
3.6 The Consultant shall study the possible locations and design of toll plaza if applicable to
the project. Wayside amenities Land (minimum 5 acres, length and depth preferably in
the ratio of 3:2) shall also be acquired for establishment of Way-side amenities at
suitable locations at distances varying between 30 to 50 kms on both sides of the
Highway. The local and slow traffic may need segregation from the main traffic and
provision of service roads and fencing may be considered, wherever necessary to
improve efficiency and safety.
3.7 The Consultant will also make suitable proposals for widening/improvement of the
existing road and strengthening of the carriageways, as required at the appropriate time
to maintain the level of service over the design period. The Consultants shall
Documents for EPC/PPP contracts for each DPR assignment.
3.8 All ready to implement ‘good for construction’ drawings shall be prepared/reviewed
incorporating all the details.
3.9 Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plan and
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Studies shall be carried out by the Consultant meeting
the requirements of the lending agencies like ADB/WorldBank/JICA, etc.
3.10 Wherever required, consultant williaise with concerned authorities and arrange all
clarifications. Approval of all drawings including GAD and detail engineering
drawings will be gotd one by the consultant from the Railways. However, if Railways
require proof checking of the drawings prepared by the consultants, the same will be
got done by MoRT&H, GoI and payment to the proof consultant shall be made by
MoRT&H,GoI/directly. Consultant will also obtain final approval from Ministry of
Environment and Forest for all applicable clearances. Consultant will also obtain
approval for estimates for shifting of utilities of all types from the concerned authorities
of MoRT&H,GoI. Consultant is also required to prepare all Land Acquisition papers
(i.e. all necessary schedule and draft 3a, 3A, and 3D, 3G notification as per L.A.act) for
acquisition of land either under NH Actor State Act.
3.11 The DPR consultant shall be required to prepare the Bid Documents, based on the
feasibility report, due to exigency of the project for execution if desired by
3.12 Consultant shall obtain all types of necessary clearances required for implementation of
theproject on the ground from the concerned agencies. The client shall provide the
necessary supporting letters and any official fees as per the demand note issued by
such concerned agencies from whom the clearances are being sought to enable
3.13 The consultant shall prepare separate documents for BoT as well as EPC contractsat
Feasibility stage / DPR stage. The studies for financing options like BoT, Annuity,
EPC will be undertakenin feasibility study stage.
3.14 The consultant shall be guided in its assignment by the Model Concession/Contract
Agreements for PPP/EPC projects, as applicable and the Manual of Specifications and
Standards for two/ four/ six laning of highways published by IRC (IRC:SP:73 or
IRC:SP:84 or IRC:SP:87, as applicable) along with relevant IRC codes for design of long
3.15 The consultant shall prepare the bid documents including required schedules (as
mentioned above) as per EPC/PPP documents. For that it is suggested that consultant
should also go through the EPC/PPP documents of ministry before bidding the project.
The Consultant shall assist the MoRTH And the Legal Adviser by furnishing
clarifications as required for the financial appraisal and legal scrutiny of the Project
Highway and Bid Documents.
3.16 Consultant shall be responsible for sharing the findings from the preparation stages
during the bid process. During the bid process for a project, the consultant shall support
the authority in responding to all technical queries, and shall ensure participation of
senior team members of the consultant during all inter action with potential bidders
including pre-bid conference, meetings, site visits etc. In addition, the consultant shall
also support preparation of detailed responses to the written queries raised by the
4. General

4.1 PrimaryTasks

General Scope of Services shall cover but be not limited to the following major tasks
(additional requirements for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Hill Roads and
Major Bridges are given in Supplement I and II respectively):

i. Review of all available reports and published information about the project road and
the project influence area;
ii. Environmental and social impact assessment, including such as related to cultural
properties, natural habitats, in voluntary resettle ementetc.

ii(a). Public consultation, including consultation with Communities located along the road, NGO
s working in the area, other stake-holders and relevant Government department satall the
different stages of assignment (such as inception stage, feasibility stage, preliminary
design stage and once final designs are concretized).

iii. Detailed Reconnaissance;

iv. Identification of possible improvements in the existing alignment and by passing
congested locations with alternatives, evaluation of differenti alternatives comparison
non techno-economic and other considerations and recommendations regarding most
appropriate option;

v. Traffic studies including traffic surveys and Axle load survey and
demandfore casting for next thirty years;
vi. Inventory and condition surveys for road;
vii. Inventory and condition surveys for bridges, cross-drainage
structures, other Structures, river Bank training/Protection works
and drainage provisions;

viii. Detailed topographic surveys using LiDAR equipped with minimum engineering
grade system or any other better technology having output accuracy not less than (a)
specified in IRCSP 19(b) Total Station (c) GPS/DGPS. The use of conventional high
precision instruments i.e Total Station or equivalent can be used at locations such as
major bypasses, water bodies etc. where it may not be possible to survey using LiDAR.
Use of mobile/PMC rial LiDAR survey is preferable.

ix. Pavement investigations;

x. Sub-grade characteristics and strength: investigation of required sub-grade and
sub-soil characteristics and strength for road and embankment design nand sub
soil investigation;

xi. Identification of sources of construction materials;

xii. Detailed design of road, its x-sections, horizontal and vertical alignment and design
of embankment of height more than 6m and also in poor soil conditions andwhere
density consideration require, evenlesser height embankment. Detailed design of
structure spreparation of GAD and construction drawings and cross-drainage
structures and under passesetc.
xiii. Identification of the type and the design of intersections;
xiv. Design of complete drainage system and disposal point for storm water
xv. Value analysis/value engineering and project costing;
xvi. Economic and financial analyses;
xvii. Contract packaging and implementation schedule.
xviii Strip plan indicating the scheme for carriageway widening, location of all existing
utility services (both over-and underground) and the scheme for their relocation,
trees to befelled, transplanted and planted and land acquisition requirements
including schedule for LA:reports documents and drawings arrangement of estimates
for cutting/transplanting of trees and shifting of utilities from the concerned

xix Develop 3D engineered models of terrain and elevation, as-is project highway,
proposed and project highway along with all features, current and proposed
structures, current and proposed utilities and land acquisition plans.

xx To find out financial viability of project for implementation and suggest the
preferred mode on which the project is to be taken up.

xxi. Preparation of detailed project report, cost estimate, approved for construction
Drawings, rate analysis, detailed bill of quantities, bid documents for execution of
civil works through budgeting resources.

xxii. Design of toll plaza and identification of their numbers and location and
office cum residential complex including working drawings
xxiii. Design of weighing stations, parking areas and rest areas.
xxiv. Any other user oriented facility en-route toll facility.
xxv. Tie-inof on-going/sanctioned works of MoRT&H,GoI/other agencies.
xxvi. Preparation of social plans for the project affected people as per policy of the
lending agencies/Govt.of India R&R Policy.
xxvii. Following Additional specialized studies are required: -
a. Detailed and appropriate study of folded lithology and stratigraphy of Rock and Soil layers
b. Analysis for the stability and shear strength of the rocks/soils through electrical resistivity
c. Detection of unstable zones in rocks through compression and shear wave velocity test in
laboratory as well as through surface and borehole geophysical methods to establish the
parameters like soundness of rock, degree of weathering and Geological strength Index (GSI);
d. Detection of failure planes within rock mass with respect to the direction of Slope (favorable
joint set/unfavorable joint set/fracture rock);
e. Detection of instability within the rock mass during monsoon through non-intrusive tests for
the entire stretch;
f. Field tests such as Rock Mass Classification, Rock Mass Parameters like RMR, Q and GSI,
collecting Rock Core Bits, Field logging soil, rock borings etc., shall be carried out for
analyzing stability of slopes.
g. Ground Water Movements/ Sub-surface drainage mapping need to be completed for the entire
stretch of the road and 3D Electrical Resistivity Test for the entire stretch.

4.2 While carrying out the field studies, investigations and design, the development plans
being implemented or proposed for future implementation by the local bodies, should be
taken into account. Such aspect should be clearly brought out in the reports and drawings.
4.3 The consultant shall study the possible locations and design of toll plaza, way side
amenities required and arbori culture along the highway shall also be planned.
4.4 The local and slow traffic may need segregation from the main traffic and provision
of service roads and physical barrier including fencing may be considered, wherever
necessary to improve efficiency and safety.
4.5 Standards and Codes of Practices

1. All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done as per
the latest guidelines/ circulars of MoRT&H and relevant publications of the Indian
Roads Congress (IRC) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For aspects not covered
by IRC and BIS, international standards practices, maybe adopted.The Consultants,
upon award of
The Contract, may finalize this in consultation with MoRT&H, GoI and reflect the
same in the inception report.

2. All notations, abbreviations and symbols used in the reports, documents and
drawings shall be as per IRC:71.

4.6 Quality Assurance Plan(QAP)

1.(i) The Consultants should have detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for all field
studies including topographic surveys, traffic surveys, engineering surveys and
investigations, design and documentation activities.The quality assurance
plans/procedures for different field studies, engineering surveys and investigation, design
and documentation activities should be presented as separate sections like engineering
surveys and investigations, traffic surveys, material geo- technical and sub-soil
investigations, road and pavement investigations, investigation and design of bridges &
structures, environment and R&R assessment, economic & financial analysis, drawings
and documentation, preparation, checking, approval and filing of calculations,
identification and tract ability of project documents etc. Further, additional information as
per format shall be furnished regarding the details of personal who shall be responsible for
carrying out/preparing and checking/verifying various activities forming part of feasibility
study and project preparation, since inception to the completion of work. The detailed
Draft QAP Document must be discussed and finalized with the concerned
MoRTH/StatePWD officers immediately upon the award of the Contract and submitted as
part of the inception report.

(ii) It is imperative that the QAP is approved by MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD before the
Consultants start the field work.

2. Data formats for report and investigation results

i. Required data formats for some reports, investigations and

documents are discussed in ENCLOSURE-II
ii. Formats for submission of Reports and Documents.
iii. The consultants will need to propose data formats for use in all other field
studies and investigations not covered in enclosure II.
iv. The proposed data forms will need to be submitted for the approval
of MoRTH/State PWD after the commencement of services.
4.7 Review of Data and Documents

1. The Consultants shall collect the available data and information relevant for the Study.
The data and documents of major interest shall include, but not be limited to,the

i. Climate;
ii. Road inventory
Iii Road condition, year of original construction, year and type
of major maintenance/rehabilitation works;
iv. Condition of bridges and cross-drainage structures;
v. sub-surface and geo-technical data for existing bridges;
vi. Hydro logical data, drawings and details of existing bridges;
vii Existing geological maps, catch mentarea maps,contour plans etc. for the project are a
viii Condition of existing river bank/protection works, if any.
ix. Details of sanctioned/on-going works on the stretch
by MoRT&H/other agencies for Tie-in purposes
x. Survey and evaluation of locally available construction materials;
xi. Historical data on classified traffic volume (preferably for 5 years or more);
xii. Origin-destination and commodity movement characteristics; if available
xiii. Speed and delay characteristics; if available;

xiv. Commodity-wisetrafficvolume;if available;
xv. Accident statistics;and,
xvi. Vehicle loading behavior (axle load spectrum),if available.
xvii. Type and location of existing utility services (e.g.Fibre Optical
Cable,O/Hand U/G Electric,Telephone line,Water mains,Sewer,Trees
xviii. Environmentalsettingandsocialbaselineoftheproject.

4.8. Social Analysis

The social analysis study shall be carried out in accordance with the MORT&H/
World Bank/ ADB Guidelines. The social analysis report will ,among other things,
provide as cocci-economic profile of the project area and address in
particular,indigenous people,communicable disease particularly HIV/AIDS poverty
alleviation, gender, local
population,industry,agriculture,employment,health,education,health,child labour
,land acquisition and resettlement .
4.9 Traffic Surveys

All traffic surveys and studies will be completed in feasibility studies.

4.9.1 Number and Location of Survey Stations

1. The type of traffic surveys and the minimum befor survey stations shall normally
beasunder, unless otherwise specifically mentioned.

Sl.No. Description Number of Survey

1. Classified Traffic Volume Count 3
2. Origin-Destination and Commodity Movement Minimum2
3. Axle Loading Characteristics 2
4. Intersection Volume Count All Major Intersections
5. Speed-Delay Characteristics Project Road Section
6. Pedestrian /animal cross traffic count All major inhabitations
along the highway
7. Turning movement surveys For all major intersections

2. Then umber of survey location syndicated in the table above are indicative only for
each road stretch under a package.The Consultants shall,immediately upon award
of the
work, submit MoRTH/StatePWD proposals regarding the total number as well as the
locationsofthetrafficsurveystationsasofinceptionreport.Suitable map sand charts
shouldac company the proposals clearly indicating the rationale for selecting the
location of survey Station.

3. The methodology of collection and analysis of data, number and location of traffic
survey stations shall be finalized in-consultation with MoRTH/State PWD prior to start
of the traffic survey.

4.9.2 Classified Traffic Volume Count Survey

1. Consultant shall make use of traffic survey done by Indian Highways Management

Company Limited (IHMCL) using ATCC systems. However in isolated locations where there are
site constraints, manual counting can be done.If required,especially incases where a particular
stretch is not covered by IHMCL, DPR consultant should carry out classified traffic volume count
survey using ATCC systems or latest modern technologies.

2. Consultant shall use ATCC systems that can meet the following accuracy level after
(a) Classification of vehicles:better than 95%

(b) Counting of vehicles:better than 98%

Before validation and calibration, the ATCC system shall meet the following accuracy levels:
(a) Classification of vehicles: better than 90%

(b) Counting of vehicles: better than 95%

For verification of above accuracy levels, audit of raw ATCC shall be done by the consultant
on a sampling basis and should submits certificate in this regard.

3. ATCC systems such as Pneumatic Tube Detector, Inductive Detector Loop,Video Image
Detection, and Infrared Sensor latest technologies shall be adopted.

4. The classified traffic volume count surveys shall be carried out for 7 days (continuous,direction-
wise) at these lected survey stations.The vehicle classification system as given in-relevant
IRC code may be followed.However, the following generalized classification system is suggested
in-view of the requirements of traffic demand estimates and economic analysis:

Moto rised Traffic Non-MotorisedTraffic

2-Wheeler Bi-Cycle
3-Wheeler Cycle-Rickshaw
Passenger Car Animal Drawn Vehicle (ADV)
Utility Vehicle (Jeep,Van etc.) Hand Cart
Other Non-Motorized Vehicle
Bus Mini Bus
Standard Bus
LCV- Freight
Truck MCV:2-AxleRigidChassis
MAV Semi Articulated

5. All results shall be presented in tabular and graphical form.The survey data shall be analyzed to
bring out the hourly and daily variations. The traffic volume count per day shall be averaged to
show a weekly average daily traffic (ADT)by vehicle type. The annual average daily traffic
(AADT) shall be worked out by applying seasonal factors.

6. The consultant shall compile the relevant traffic volume data from secondary sources also.

The salient features of traffic volume characteristics shall be brought out and variations if
any,from the traffic census carried out by the State PWD shall be suitably explained.
4.9.3 Origin Destination and Commodity Movements Surveys

1. The consultants shall carryout 1-day (24hour, both directions) O-D and commodity movement
survey sat-locations finalized in consultation with MoRTH/StatePWD These will be essentially
required around congested towns to delineate through traffic.The road side interviews shall be
carried out on random sample basis and coverall four-wheeled vehicles.
The location of the O-D survey and commodity movement surveys shall normally be
same as for the classified traffic count.
2. The location of origin and destination zones shall be determined in relation to each individual
station and the possibility of traffic diversion to the Project Road from/to other road routes
including bypasses.
3. The trip matrices shall be worked out for each vehicle type information on weight for trucks
should be summed up by commodity type and the results tabulated, giving total weight and
average weight per truck for the various commodity types. The sample size for each vehicle type
shall be indicated on the table and also in the graphical representations.
4. The data derived from surveys shall also be analyzed to bring out the lead and load
characteristics and desire line diagrams.The data analysis should also bring out there
requirement for the construction of bypasses.
5. The distribution of lead and load obtained from the surveys should be compared. The axle load
surveys shall normally be done using axle load pads or other sophisticated instruments. The
location (s) of count station(s) and the survey with those derived from the axle load studies.
6. The commodity movement data should be duly taken into consideration while making the traffic
demand estimates.
4.9.4 Turning Movement Surveys

1. The turning movement surveys forest imation of peak hour traffic for the design of major and minor inter
sections shall be carried out for the Study. The details regarding composition and directional movement of
traffic shall be furnished by the Consultant.
2. The methodology for the surveys shall be as per IRC: SP:41-1994.The details including location
and duration of surveys shall be finalized in consultation with MoRTH/ State PWD officials. The proposal in
response to this TOR shall clearly indicate number of locations that the Consultants wish to conduct turning
movement surveys and the rationale for the same.
3. The data derived from the survey should be analyzed to identify requirements of suitable remedial measures,
such as constructio no funder passes ,fly-overs ,inter changes ,grade- separated inter sections along the project
road alignment. Intersections with high traffic volume requiring special treatments either presently or in future
shall be identified.
4.9.5 Axle Load Surveys

1. Axle load surveys in both directions shall be carried out at suitable location(s) in the project road stretch
on a random sample basis normally for trucks only (both empty and loaded trucks) for 2 normal days-(24
hours) at special count stations to be finalized in consultation with MoRTH/StatePWD However,a few
buses maybe weighed in order to get an idea about their loading behavior.While selecting the location (s)
of axle load survey station(s),the locations of existing bridges with load restrictions, if any, should be
taken into account and such sites should be avoided.
2. Axle load surveys shall normally bed one using axle load pads or other sophisticated instruments. The
location(s) of count station(s) and the survey methodology including the data formats and the instrument type
to be used shall be finalized before taking up the axle load surveys

3. The axle load data should be collected axle configuration-wise. The number of equivalent standard axles
per truck shall be calculated on the basis of results obtained. The results of the survey should bring out the
VDF for each truck type (axle configuration, if the calculated VDF is found to be below the national
average, then national average shall be used.Furthermore, the data from axle load surveys should be
analyzed to bring out the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Single Axle Load (SAL) Distributions by
truck type (axle configuration).

4. The Consultant shall ascertain from local enquirers about the exceptional live loads that have used the
highway in the past in order to assess the suitability of existing bridges to carry such loads.

4.9.6 Speed‐Delay Surveys

The Consultants shall carry out appropriate field studies such as moving car survey to determine
running speed and journey speed. The data should be analyzed to identify sections with typical traffic
flow problems and congestion. The objective of the survey would be to recommend suitable measures
for segregation of local traffic, smooth flow of through traffic and traffic safety. These measures would
include the provision of bypasses, under-passes, fly-overs, interchanges, grade-separated inter sections
and service roads.

4.9.7 Pedestrian/ animal cross traffic surveys:

1. These shall be conducted to determine if provision of viaduct for pedestrians/animals is necessary to

improve the traffic safety.

2. Consultant shall leverage information from local consultations, inputs from local governmental/ non-
governmental agencies in selecting sites for checking pedestrian/animal crossing traffic surveys.

3. Surveys for provision of pedestrian crossings shall minimum be conducted at all junctions being replaced by
grade separators.

4.9.8 Truck Terminal Surveys

The data derived from the O-D, speed-delay, other surveys and also supplementary surveys should be
analyzed to assess requirements for present and future development of truck terminals at suitable
location sen route.

4.10. Traffic Demand Estimates

1. The consultants shall make traffic demand estimates and establish possible traffic growth rate sin respect of all
categories of vehicles, taking into account the past trends, annual population and real per capita grow threat,
elasticity of transport demand inrelationtoincomeandestimatedannualproductionincrease.The other aspects
including socio-economic development plans and the land use patterns of the region having impact on the
traffic growth, the projections of vehicle manufacturing industry in the country, development plans for the
other modes of transport, O-D and commodity movement behavior should also be taken into account while
working out the traffic demand estimates.

2. The values of elasticity of transport demand shall be based on the prevailing practices in the country. The
Consultants shall give complete background including references for selecting the value of transport
demand elasticity.
3. It is envisaged that the project road sections covered under this TOR would be completed and opened to
trafficafter3years.The traffic demand estimates shall be done for a further

period of 30 years from completion of two/four lane. The demand estimates shall be done assuming three
scenarios, namely, optimistic, pessimistic and most likely traffic growth. The growth factors shall be
worked out for five-yearly intervals.

4. Traffic projections should be based on sound and proven forecasting techniques. In case traffic demand
estimated is to be made on the basis of a model,the application of the model in the similar situation with the
validation of the results should be established. The traffic projections should also bring out the possible impact
of implementation of any competing facility in the near future.The demand estimates should also take into
account the freight and passenger traffic along the major corridors that may inter connect with the
project.Impact of toll charges on the traffic estimates should be estimated.

5. The methodology for traffic demand estimates described in the preceding paragraphs is for normal traffic only.
In addition to the estimates for normal traffic, the Consultants shall also work out the estimates for
generated,induced and diverted traffic.

6. The traffic forecasts shall also be made for both diverted and generated traffic.

7. Overall traffic forecast thus made shall form the basis for the design of each pavement type and other
facilities/ ancillary works.

4.11. Engineering Surveys and Investigations

4.11.1. Reconnaissance and Alignment

1. The Consultants should makeanin- depth study of the available and width (ROW) topographic
maps, satellite imageries and air photographs of the project area, geological maps,catchment area
maps, contour plans, flood flow data and seismological data and other available relevant
information collected by them concerning the existing alignment.Consultant himself has to arrange
the required maps and the information needed by him from the potential sources. Consultant should
make efforts for minimizing land acquisition. Greater use of technology for LA be adopted by the
consultant at the DPR stagesoas to have a precise land acquisition process.
2. The detailed ground reconnaissance may be taken up immediately after the study of maps and
other data.The primary tasks to be accomplished during the reconnaissance surveys include;

(i). Topographical features of the area;

(ii). Typical physical features a long the existing alignment within and outside ROW
i.e.land use Pattern;
(iii). possible alignment alternatives, vis-a-vis, scheme for the construction of
additional lanes parallel to the existing road;
(iv). Realignment requirements including the provision of bypasses, ROBs/ Flyovers and
via-duct for pedestrian crossings with possible alignment alternatives;
(v). Preliminary identification of improvement requirements including treatments and
measures needed for the cross-roads;
(vi). Traffic pattern and preliminary identification of traffic homogenous links;
(vii). Sections through congested areas;
(viii). inventory of major aspects including land width, terrain, pavement type, carriageway
type, bridges and structures (type, size and location), intersections (type, cross-road
category,location) urban (location,extent), geologically sensitive areas,
environmental features:
(ix). Critical areas requiring detailed investigations; and,

(x). Requirements for carrying out supplementary investigations.
(xi). Soil (textural classifications) and drainage conditions
(xii). Type and extent of existing utility services along the alignment (within ROW).
(xiii). Typical physical features along the approach roads

Possible bridge locations,land acquisition problems,nature of crossings, likely length of

approaches and bridge, firmness of banks,suitability of alignment of approach roads.

3. The data derived from there connaissancesurveysarenormallyutilizedforplanningandprogramming

the detailed surveys and investigations. All field studies including the traffic surveys should be
taken upon the basis of information derived from the reconnaissance surveys.

4. The data and information obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be
documented.The data analysis and the recommendations concerning alignment and the field
studies should be included in the Inception Report. The data obtained from the reconnaissance
surveys should form the core of the database which would be supplemented and augmented
using the data obtained from detailed field studies and investigations.

5. The data obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be compiled in the tabular as well
as graphical (chart) form indicating the major physical features and the proposed widening
scheme for MoRTH/StatePWD’s comments. The data and the charts should also
accompany the rationale for the selection of traffic survey stations.
4.11.2. Topographic Surveys

1. The basic objective of the topographic survey would be to capture the essential ground
features along the alignment in order to consider improvements
and for working out improvements, rehabilitation and
upgrading costs. The detailed topographic surveys should normally be taken up after the
completion of reconnaissance surveys.
2. The carrying out of topographic surveys will be one of the most important and crucial field
tasks under the project. Technologies which can meet the following accuracy levels shall be
adopted. For land based surveys (a) Fundamental horizontal accuracy of 5 cm or better
(b) Fundamental vertical accuracy of 5 cm or better © More than 50
Points shall be measured per sq.m and for PMCrial based surveys (a) Fundamental horizontal
accuracy of 5 cm or better (b) Fundamental vertical accuracy of 5 cm or better
(c) More than10 points shall be measured per sq.m.To establish accuracy,a
Check point survey using Dual frequency DGPS ( for horizontal accuracy) and Auto Level
(for vertical accuracy) shall be carried out to establish the fundamental horizontal and
vertical accuracy.A minimum of 25 checkpoints, or checkpoints once every 4 km should be
established, and these should be strictly different from any Geo-referencing or control
network points.
3. The following are the set of deliverable which should be submitted after completion of
(a). Raw DGPS data for the entire highway length and adjoining areas of interest
(b). Point cloud data or equivalent for the entire highway length and adjoining areas of
interest in a format/platform as per industry good practice which shall be a men
able to operations by MoRTH/State PWD/ Consultant.
MoRTH/StatePWD may decide about format/platform of point cloud data
(c). Topographic map of scale 1:1000 of the entire highway length and adjoining

Areas of interest
(d). Contour map of 50 cm of entire highway length and adjoining areas of interest
(e). Cross section of the highway at every 50 m in drawing format.
(f). Develop a digital elevation/surface model (bare earth model from survey data) digital
terrain model combining topographic data from LiDAR ,road inventory and other
available sources of data for use while modeling the road alignment and road and
structure design.
(g). For land based surveys, Mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or better
technology that can meet above requirements shall be adopted. For PMCrial based
surveys, PMCrial Mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or better technology that
can meet above requirements shall be adopted.Where possible, mobile/terrestrial LiDAR
and total station or better studies should be used to supplement PMCrial LiDAR for the
final alignment chosen. PMCrial based surveys shall be used as the primary source of
topographical data only in cases where a new/greenfield alignment is being planned
and/or major junctions are being planned where it is necessary to significantly increase the
survey corridor beyond the capabilities of mobile LiDAR. In shadow are as such as invert
levels below culverts, terrestrial LiDAR shall be used where LiDAR or better
technologies cannot survey accurately, traditional methods of Total Station/ Auto Level
shall be used to complete the study.
(h). In case of mobile LiDAR or better technology, 360 degree panoramic images of the entire
highway length and adjoining areas of interest shall be submitted. Incase of PM Crial
LiDAR or better technology, or tho-images of the entire highway length and adjoining
areas of interest shall be submitted.
(i). The detailed field surveys would essentially include the following activities:
i. Topographic Surveys along the Existing Right of Way (ROW): Carrying out
topographic survey using LiDAR or better technology along the existing road and
realignments, wherever required and properly referencing the same with reference
pillars fixed on either side of the centre-line at safe places within the ROW
ii. The detailed field surveys would essentially include the topographic surveys
along the proposed location of bridge and alignment of approach road.
iii. The detailed topographic surveys should be carried out along the approach
roads alignment and location of bridge approved by MoRTH/State PWD
iv. Collection/Extraction of details for all features such as structures (bridges,culverts
etc.) utilities ,existing roads, electric and telephone installations (both O/ Haswellas
underground), huts, buildings ,fencing and trees (with girth greater than 0.3 metre)
oil and gas lines etc. Falling with in the extent of survey.
4. The width of survey corridor will generally be as given under:

(i). The width of the survey corridor should take into account the layout of the approved
alignment for bridge proper and viaduct with the improvement of junction at the
entry and exit point and also removal of adjacent level crossing.
While carrying out the field surveys, the widening scheme (i.e. right, left or
symmetrical to the centre line of the existing carriageway) should be taken into
consideration so that the topographic surveys cover sufficient width
beyond the centre line of the proposed divided carriageway. Normally the surveys
should extend a minimum of 30 m beyond either side of the centre line of the proposed
divided carriageway or land boundary which ever is more.

(ii). In case the reconnaissance survey reveals the need for bypassing the congested locations,
the traverse lines would be run along the possible alignments in order to identify and select
the most suitable alignment for the bypass. The detailed topographic surveys should be
carried out along the bypass alignment approved by MoRT&H, GoI/StatePWD At
locations where grade separated intersections could be the obvious choice, the survey area
will be suitably increased. Field notes of the survey should be maintained which would
also provide information about traffic, soil, drainage etc.
(iii). The width of the surveyed corridor will be widened appropriately where
developments and / or encroachments have resulted in a requirement for adjustment
in the alignment, or where it is felt that the existing alignment can be improved upon
through minor adjustments.
(iv). Where existing roads cross the alignments, the survey will extend minimum of 100 m
eitherside of the road centreline and will be of sufficient width to allow improvements,
includingat grade inter section to be designed.

8. The surveyed alignment shall be transferred on to the ground as under:

i. Reference Pillar and Bench Mark / Reference pillar of size 15 cm X 15 cm X 45cm

shall be cast in RCC of grade M 15 with a nail fixed in the centre of the top
surface.The reference pillar shall be embedded in concrete up-to a depth of 30cm with
CC M10(5 cm wide all around). The balance 15 cm above ground shall be painted
yellow. The spacing shall be 250m apart, in case Bench Mark Pillar coincides with
Reference Pillar ,only one of the two need be provided.
ii. Establishing Bench marks at site connected to GTS Bench marks at an interval of
250metres on Bench mark pillar made of RCC as mentioned above with RL and BM
No.marked on it with red paint.
iii. Boundary Pillars-Wherever the proposed alignment follows the existing alignment,the
boundary pillars shall be fixed by the DPR consultantatan interval of 200 m one ither side
of proposed Right of Way. Wherever there is a proposal of realignment of the existing
Highway and/or construction of New Bypasses,Consultant shall fix boundary pillars along
the proposed alignment on the extreme boundary on either side of the project Highway at
50 m interval. Boundary pillars shall be strictly provided as per IRC:25:1967. Longitudinal and Cross‐Sections

The topographic surveys for longitudinal and cross-sections shall cover the following:

i. Longitudinal section levels along final centre line shall be taken at every 10 m interval. The
levels shall be taken at closer intervals at the curve points, small streams, and intersections and
at the locations of change in elevation. The interval shall also be modified as per IRC:SP-19 for
rolling, mountainous & steep terrain.
5 Cross sections at every 50 m interval in full extent of survey covering sufficient number of
spot levels on existing carriageway and adjacent ground for profile correction course and
earth work calculations. Cross sections shall be taken at closer interval at curves.
The interval shall be modified as per IRC SP 19 for rolling, mountainous & steep
i. Longitudinal section for crossroads for length adequate for design and quantity
estimation purposes.
ii. Longitudinal and cross sections for major and minor streams shall cover Cross section of
the channel at the site of proposed crossing and few cross sections at suitable distance
both up stream and down stream, bed level upto top of bank sand

ground levels to a sufficient distance beyond the edges of channel, nature of existing
surface soil in bed,banks&approaches, longitudinal section of channel showing site of
bridge etc.These shall be as per recommendations contained in IRC Special Publication
No.13(Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridge sand Culverts) and provisions of IRC:5
(“Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section1–General
Features of Design”).

2. At feasibility study stage cross sections at 50 m interval may be taken.

3. Consultants shall also develop an as-is map of the road including:

i. Geo-referenced digital map of as-is project highway

ii. Earth surface, road layers, utilities, buildings and trees with featured at a extracted and
mapped in layers, marked on the map and tabulated data provided separately.
iii. All road, surface, subsurface inventory, pavement investigation and soil survey data
to be super-imposed as layers using geo -referencing data Details of utility Services and Other Physical Features

1. The Consultants shall collect details of all important physical features along the alignment. These
features affect the project proposals and should normally include building sand structures,
monuments, burl grounds, cremation grounds, places of worship,railway
lines,stream/river/canal,water mains,sewers,gas/oil pipes,crossings,trees,plantations, utility services
such as electric, and telephone lines (O/H &U/G) and poles,optical fibre cables (OFC) etc.The
survey would cover the entire right-of-way of the road

2. Consultant shall also map out sub-surface utilities. Accurate mapping and resolution of all
sub-surface utilities up to a depth of 4 m shall be carried out. Differentiation between sub- surface
utilities such as live electric cables, metallic utilities and other utilities shall be indicated and
sub-surface utilities radar grams further processed into utility maps in formats such as
PDF,JPEG and Auto Cad shall be furnished. To meet the accuracy levels, consultant shall use
Ground Penetrating Radar,Induction Locator or better technologies.
3. The information collected during reconnaissance and field surveys shall be shown on a strip
plan so that the proposed improvements can be appreciated and the extent of land acquisition
with LA schedule, utility removals of each type etc. assessed and suitable actions can be
initiated.Separate strip plan for each of the services involved shall be prepared for
submission to the concerned agency.

4.11.3. Road and Pavement Investigations

The Consultants shall carryout detailed field studies in respect of road and pavement.The
data collected through road inventory and pavement investigations should be sufficient to
meet the input requirements of HDM-IV. Road Inventory Surveys

1. Detailed road inventory surveys shall be carried out to collect details of all existing road
and pavement features along the existing road sections using the technology
i.e.Network Survey vehicles. The inventory data shall include but not limited to the

i. Terrain (flat, rolling, mountainous);
ii. Land-use (agricultural, commercial, forest, residential etc)@every kilometre;
iii. Carriageway width,surfacing type @ every 500m and every change of feature
which ever is earlier;
iv. Shoulder surfacing type and width @ every 500m and every change of feature
which ever is earlier;
v. Sub-grade/local soil type(textural classification) @ every 500 m and every
change of feature which ever is earlier;
vi. Horizontal curve; vertical curve
vii. Road intersection type and details,at every occurrence;
viii. Retaining structures and details, at every occurrence;
ix. Location of water bodies(lakes and reservoirs), at every occurrence;
x. Height of embankment or depth of cut @ every 200m and every change of feature
which ever is earlier.
xi. Land width i.e.ROW
xii. Culverts,bridges and other structures (type,size,span arrangement and location)
xiii. Roadside-arboriculture
xiv. Existing utility services on either side within ROW. There shall be a provision of
utility corridor for appropriate categories/combination of utilities in the
construction of new 4/6 laning of National Highways. Such structures shall be
located at appropriate location preferably as close to the extreme edge of Right of Way
(RoW).In this connection, guidelines contained in IRC:98 shall be followed.
xv. General drainage conditions
xvi. Designs peed of existing road
2. The data should be collected in sufficient detail.The data should be compiled and presented in
tabular as well as graphical form. The inventory data would be stored in computer files using
simple utility packages, such as EXCEL. Pavement Investigation

1. Pavement-composition

i. The data concerning the pavement composition may be already available with the
PWD.However, the consultants shall make trial pits to as certain the pavement
composition.The test pit interval will be as per Para 4 below.
ii. For each test pit, the following information shall be recorded:
• Test pit reference (Identification number, location):
• Pavement composition (material type and thickness);and
• Sub grade type( textural classification)and condition(dry,wet)
• Embankment (composition and geometry)

2. Road and Pavement Condition Surveys

i. Detailed field studies shall be carried out to collect road and pavement surface
conditions.The data should generally cover:

• pavement condition(surface distress type and extent);
• shoulder condition;
• embankment condition;and
• drainage condition

Pavement Condition

• cracking(narrow and wide cracking),% of pavement area affected;

• raveling,% of pavement area affected;
• potholing,%of pavement area affected;
• edge break,length(m);and,
• rut depth,mm

Shoulder Condition

• Paved:Same as for pavement

• Unpaved:material loss,rut depth and corrugation,
• Edge drop,mm.

Embankment Condition

• general condition;and
• Extent of slope erosion
ii. The objective of the road and pavement condition surveys shall be to identify defects and
sections with similar characteristics. All defects shall be systematically referenced,
recorded and quantified for the purpose of determining the mode of rehabilitation.

iii. In addition to visual means, the pavement condition surveys shall be carried out using
Network Survey vehicles mounted with equipment's such as high resolution
cameras,digital laser profilo meter,transverse profiler - the data from which should be Geo-
referenced using a DGPS receiver and in vehicle data processing software or equivalent
technology to accurately measure the pavement surface properties covered earlier. This
pavement condition survey shall also be used as a repository for civil work and shall be
carried out as per the directions of StatePWD/MoRT&H,GoI

iv. Supplemented by actual measurements and in accordance with the widely accepted
methodology(AASHTO,IRC,OECD,TRL and World Bank Publications)adapted to meet
the study requirements. The measurement of rut depth would be made using standard
v. The shoulder and embankment conditions shall be evaluated by visual means and
the existence of distress modes(cuts,erosion marks,failure,drops)
and extent (none, moderate, frequent and very frequent) of such distress manifestations
would be recorded.
vi. For sections with severe distresses, additional investigations as appropriate shall be
carried out to determine the cause of such distresses.
vii. Middle 200 m could be considered as representative sample for each one km.of

Road and in case all other things are considered similar.

Drainage Condition

• General condition
• Connectivity of drainage turn outs into the natural topography
• Condition in cut sections
• Condition at high embankments

The data obtained from the condition surveys should be analyzed and the road segments of more
or less equal performance may be identified using the criteria given in IRC:81- 1997.

3. Pavement Roughness

i. The roughness surveys shall be carried out using a network survey vehicle mounted laser
profilo meter or better technology with specifications as described in para 2 above

i(a) In addition, the following criteria should be met by the process of defect

• Roughness measurement with outputs of both raw longitudinal profiles and

IRI calculation shall be reported at 100m referenced to the preceding
LRP.The roughness must meet ASTM-E950 ( equivalent to Class I road

• The IRI shall be determined for both wheel paths over a minimum length
of250m for a minimum of 6 calibration sites with a roughness range
between2m/km and 8m/km. Calibration shall be made for speeds of 20, 30,
40, 50, 60km/h.
ii. The surveys shall be carried out along the outer wheel paths. The surveys shall cover
a minimum of two runs along the wheel paths for each direction.

iii. The results of the survey shall be expressed in terms of BI and IRI and shall be
presented in tabular and graphical forms. The processed data shall be analyzed using
the cumulative difference approach to identify road segments homogenous with
respect to surface roughness.

4. Pavement Structural Strength

1. The Consultants shall carry out structural strength surveys for existing pavements using
Falling Weight Deflecto meter (FWD) in accordance with IRC 115 or IRC 117 as the case

i. Itissuggestedthatthedeflectionsurveysmaybecarriedoutaspertheschemegivenbelow:

• Main line testing; and,

• Control section testing.
ii. The deflection tests for the mainline shall be carried out at every 500 m along the road
sections covered under the study. The control section testing shall involve carrying out
deflection testing for each 100 m long homogenous road segment

along the road sections. The selection of homo genous segment shall be based on the data
derived from pavement condition surveys. The total length of such homogeneous segments
shall not be less than 100 m per kilo metre. The deflection measurements for the control
section testing should beat an interval of not more than10m.
iii. Test pits shall bedugat every 500 m and also along each homogeneous road segment to
obtain pavement composition details (pavement course, material type and thickness) so as
to be able to study if a correlation exists between deflection and composition. If so, the
relationship may be used while working out the overlay thickness for the existing
iv. Falling weight deflecto metre surveys may not be carried out for severely
Distressed section softhe road reconstruction. The Consultants,immediately upon the
award of the contract, shall submit to MoRTH/StatePWD the scheme describing the testing
schedule including the interval. The testing scheme shall be supported by data from
detailed reconnaissance surveys.
v. It is mandatory for the consultant to use Falling weight deflectometre or
alternative better technique for the evaluation of pavement strength, details of such
methods or innovative features for deflection testing using Falling weight deflecto
metre along with the methodology for data analysis, interpretation and the use of
such data for pavement over lay design purposes using IRCor any Other widely used
practices, such as AASHTO guidelines, should be got approved by MoRT&H, GoI/
PWD, GoWB. The sources of such methods should be properly referenced. Sub grade Characteristics and Strength

1. Based on the data derived from conditions (surface condition,roughness) and structural strength
surveys, the project road section should be divided into segments homogenous with respect to
pavement condition and strength.The delineation of segments homogenous with respect to
roughness and strength should be done using the cumulative difference approach (AASHTO,

2. The data on soil classification and mechanical characteristics for soils along the existing
alignments may already be available with the PWD. The testing scheme is, therefore,
proposed as given under:

(i). For the widening (2-Laning) of existing road within the ROW, the Consultants shall test at
least three sub-grade soil samples for each homogenous road segment or three samples for
each soil type encountered,whichever is more.
(ii). For the roads along new alignments, the test pits for sub grade soil shall be@ 5km or for
each soil type, whichever is more. A minimum of three samples should be tested
corresponding to each homogenous segment.

3. The testing for subgrades oil shall include:

(i). in-situdensity and moisture contentat each testpit

(ii). Field CB Rusing DCPat each test pit
(iii). Characterization (grainsize and Atterberg limits) at each test pit and,

(iv). Laboratory moisture-density characteristics (modified AASHTO compaction);

(v). Laboratory CBR (unsoaked and 4-day soak compacted at three energy levels) and

4. For proble matic soils, the testing shall be more rigorous.The characteristics with regard

To permeability and consolidation shall also be determined for these soils.The frequency of
sampling and testing of theses oils shall be finalized in consultation with
The MoRTH/ State PWD officers after the problematic soil types are identified along the
road sections.

5. The laboratory for testing of material should be got approved from MoRT&H, GoI/
StatePWD before start of work.

4.11.4 Investigations for Bridges and Structure

Inventory of Bridges, Culverts and Structures

The Consultants shall make an inventory of all the structures (bridges, viaducts,
ROBs/RUBand other grade separated structures, culverts, etc.) along the road under the
project. Theinventory for the bridges, viaducts and ROBs shall include the parameters
required as per the guidelines of IRC-SP:35. The inventory of culverts shall be presented in a
tabular form covering relevant physical and hydraulic parameters. Hydraulic and Hydrological Investigations

1. The hydro logical and hydraulic studies shall be carried out in accordance with IRC Special
Publication No.13(“Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts”)and
IRC:5(“Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section I General Feature
ofDesign”). These investigations shall be carried out for all existing drainage structures along the
road sections under the study.

2. The consultant shall also collect information on observed maximum depth of scour.

3. In respect of major bridges, history of hydraulic functioning of existing bridge, if any, under flood
situation,general direction of river course through structure, afflux, extended magnitude off
load,effect of back water,if any, aggradation/ degradation of bed,evidence of scour etc. Shall be
used to augment the available hydrological data. The presence of flood control/ irrigation
structures, if affecting the hydraulic characteri stics like causing obliquity, concentration of
flow,scour, silting of bed, change in flow levels, bed levels etc.shall be studied and considered in
design of bridges. The details of any future planned work that may affect the river hydraulics shall
be studied and considered.

4. The Consultants shall make a desk study of available data on topography (topographic maps, stereo
scopic PMCrial photography),storm duration, rainfall statistics, top soil characteristics,
vegetation cover etc. so as to assess the catchment areas and hydraulic parameters for all existing
and proposed drainage provisions. The findings of the desk study would be further supplemented
and augmented by are connaissancea long the area.All-important hydrological features shall be
noted during this field reconnaissance.
5. The Consultants shall collect information on high flood level(HFL),low water levels (LWL), high
tide level (HTL), low tide level (LTL) where applicable, discharge velocity etc. From available past
records,local in quiries and visible signs, if any, on the structural component sand embankments.
Local inquiries shall also be made with regard to the road sections getting over topped during
6. ConductingModel studies for bridges is not covered in the scope of consultancy services.IfModel
study is envisaged for any bridge, requirements of the same shall be spelt out in the RPF documents
separately indicating the scope and time frame of such study.Salient features of the scope of
services to be included for model study are given in the supplement-II Terms of Reference.

159 Condition Surveys for Bridges, Culverts and Structures

1. The Consultants shall thoroughly inspect the existing structures and shall prepare a report about
their condition including all the parameters given in the Inspection pro-forma of IRC-SP:35. The
condition and structural assessment survey of the bridges/ culverts /structures shall be carried out
by senior experts of the Consultants.

2. For the bridge sidentified to be in a distressed condition based upon the visual condition survey,
supplementary testing shall be carried out as per IRC-SP:35 and IRC-SP:40. Selection of tests may
be made based on the specific requirements of the structure.

3. The assessment of the load carrying capacity or rating of existing bridges shall be carried out
under one or more of the following scenarios:

i. when the design live load is less than that of the statutory commercial vehicle plying
or likely to plyon bridge;
ii. if during the condition assessment survey and supplementary testing, the bridge is found
to indicate distress of serious nature leading to doubt about structural and / or functional
iii. Design live load is not known no rare there cord sand drawings available.

4. The evaluation of the load carrying capacity of the bridge shall be carried out as per IRC-
SP:37 (“Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges”).The analytical
and correlation method shall be used for the evaluation of the load carrying capacity as far as
possible. When it is not possible to determine the load carrying capacity of the bridge using
analytical and correlation method, the same shall be carried out using load testing.The
consultanth as toexhau stall other methods of evaluation of strength of bridges before
recommending to take upload testing of bridges .Road closure for testing
If unavoidable shall be arranged byMoRTH/StatePWD for limited duration say 12 hours or so.
5. Consultant shall carryout necessary surveys and investigations to establish the remaining
service life of each retainable bridge or structure with and without the proposed strengthening
and rehabilitation according to acceptable international practice in this regard. Geo‐technical Investigations and Sub‐Soil Exploration

1. The Consultants shall carryout geo-technical investigations and sub-surface explorations for the
proposed Bridges/ Road over bridges/tunnels/viaducts/inter changes etc.,along high embankments
and any other location as necessary for proper design of the works and conduct all relevant
laboratory and field tests on soil and rock samples.The minimum scope of geo-technical
investigations for bridge and structures shall be as under:

S.No. Description Location of Boring

1 Overalllength=6–30m One abutment location and at least one
Intermediate location
Between a butments for structures having more
Than one span
2 Overalllength=30–60m One abutment location and at leastone
intermediate location between a butments for
Structures having more than one span.
3 Over all length>60m Each abutment and each pier locations.

2. The deviation (s), if any, by the Consultants from the scheme presented above should be
approved by MoRTH/StatePWD
3. However, where a study of geo-technical report sandin formation available from adjacent
crossings over the same water way (existing highway and railway bridges) indicates that
subsurface variability Is such that boring at the suggested spacing willbe in sufficient to
adequately define the conditions for designpurposes ,the Consultants shall reviewand finalize the
bore hole locations in consultation with the MoRTH/StatePWD officers.

4. Geo technical Investigations and Sub-soil Exploration shall be carried out to determine the nature
and properties of existing strata in bed,banksand approaches with trial pits and bore hole sections
showing the levels, nature and properties of various strata to a sufficient depth below the level
suitable for foundations, safe intensity of pressure on the foundation strata, proneness of site to
artesian conditions, seismic disturbance and other engineering properties of soil etc.Geo technical
investigation and Sub-soil Exploration will be done as per IRC78.

5. Following Additional specialized studies are required: - Detailed and appropriate study of
folded lithology and stratigraphy of Rock and Soil layers respectively. Analysis for the stability
and shear strength of the rocks/soils through electrical resistivity tomography/imaging. Detection
of unstable zones in rocks through compression and shear wave velocity test in laboratory as well
as through surface and borehole geophysical methods to establish the parameters like soundness of
rock, degree of weathering and Geological strength Index (GSI).Detection of failure planes within
rock mass with respect to the direction of Slope (favorable joint set/unfavorable joint set/fracture
rock).Detection of instability within the rock mass during monsoon through non-intrusive tests for
the entire stretch. Field tests such as Rock Mass Classification, Rock Mass Parameters like RMR,
Q and GSI, collecting Rock Core Bits, Field logging soil, rock borings etc., shall be carried out for
analyzing stability of slopes. Ground Water Movements/ Sub-surface drainage mapping need to
be completed for the entire stretch of the road and 3D Electrical Resistivity Test for the entire
6. The scheme for the borings location sand the depth of boring shall be prepared by the
Consultants and submitted to MoRTH/StatePWD for approval.These may be finalized in
consultation with MoRTH/State PWD
7. The sub-soil exploration and testing should be carriedout through the Geotechnical
Consultants empanelled by MORT&H. The soil testing reports shall be in the format
prescribed in relevant IRC Codes.
8. For the approach road pavement, bore holes at each major change in pavement conditioner in
deflection readings or at 2 km intervals whichever is less shall be carried out to a depth of at
least 2 m below embankment base or to rock level and are to be fully logged.
Appropriatetests to be carried out on samples collected from these bore holes to determine the
suitability of various materials for use in widening of embankments or in parts of new
pavement structure.

4.11.4. Material Investigations

1. The Consultants shall identify sources (including use of fly-ash/ slag), quarry site sand borrow
areas, under take field and laboratory testing of the material stode termine their suitability for
various components of the work and establish quality and quantity of various construction
materials and recommend their use on the basis of techno-economic principles. The Consultants
shall prepare mass haul diagram for haulage purposes giving quarry charts indicating the location
of selected borrow are as, quarries and the respective estimated quantities.

“Environment friendly materials”

“As per MoRTH circular No .RW/NH-33044/53/2013-S&R® dated 20 November, 2013,


alternative pavement materials and technologies for road construction shall be assessed and
compared in the design stage. The alternative resulting in substantial reduction in GHG emission
and with least life cycle cost shall be recommended for implementation.
Technical and economic feasibility of using industrial by products, recyclable and waste
materials shall be assessed depending on their availability in the concerned region.

2. It is to been sured that nomaterial shall be used from the right-of-way except by way of levelling the
ground as required from the construction point of view, or for landscaping and planting of trees
etc.or from the cutting of existing ground for obtaining the required formation levels.

3. Environmental restrictions , if any, and feasibility of availability of these sites to prospective civil
works contractors, should be duly taken into account while selecting new quarry locations.

4. The Consultants shall make suitable recommendations regarding making the borrow and
quarry areas after the exploitation of materials for construction of works.

5. The Material Investigation aspect shall include preparation and bituminous mixes
for various layers and concrete mixes of different design mix grades using suitable materials
(binders, aggregates, sand filler etc.) as identified during Material Investigation to conform tolatest

4.12 Detailed Design of Road and Pavements, Bridges, Structures

4.12.1 General

1. The Consultants are to carry out detailed designs and preparework ing drawings for the
i. High speed highway with divided carriageway configuration complete in all
respects with service road sat appropriate locations;
ii. Design of pavement for the additional lanes and overlay for the existing road,
paved shoulders,medians,verges;
iii. Bridges, viaduct/subways and other grade separated structures
including ROBs/RUB setc.
iv. At-grade and grade-separated intersections, interchanges (if required);
v. ROB for railway crossings as per there quirement and the standards of the Indian
Railways; and,
vi. Prepare alignment plans, longitudinal sections and cross-sections @ 50 m intervals;
vii. Designs for road furniture and road safety/ traffic control features;
viii. Designs and drawings for service road/under passes/overpass/cattle passes tree
planting/ fencing at locations where necessary/required
ix. Tollplazas and office-cum-residential complex.
x. Short by passes at congested locations
xi. Drainage design showing location of turnouts, out falling structures, separate
drawings sheet for each 5km. stretch.
xii. Bridges and structures rehabilitation plan with design and drawings
xiii. Traffic amenities( Parking Areas, Weighing Station and Rest Areas,etc.).
xiv. Design of pavement for approach road
xv. Design of river bank protection/training works. Innovative type of structures with
minimum joints, PMCs thetically, pleasing and appropriate to the topography of the
region shall be designed wherever feasible.

4.12.2 Design Standards

1. The Consultants shall evolve Design Standards and material specifications for the Study
primarily based on IRC publications,MoRT&H Circulars and relevant recommendations
Of the international standards for approval by MoRTH/StatePWD

2. The Design Standards evolved for the project shall cover all aspects of detailed design
including the design of geometric elements, pavement design, bridges and structures, traffic
safety and materials.

4.12.3 Geometric Design

1. The design of geometric elements shall, therefore, take into account the essential
requirements of such facilities.

2. Based on the data collected from reconnaissance and topographic surveys, the sections with
geometric deficiencies, if any, should be identified and suitable measures for improvement
should be suggested for implementation.

3. The data on accidents statistics is should be compiled and reported showing accident type and
frequency so that black spots are identified along the project road section. The possible causes
(such as poor geometric features, pavement conditions etc.) of accidents should be investigated into
and suitable cost-effective remedial measures suggested for implementation.

4. The detailed design for geometric elements shall cover, but not be limited to the following
major aspects:

i. horizontal alignment;
ii. longitudinal profile;
iii. cross-sectional elements,including refuge lane (50m) ate very 2kms.
iv. junctions,intersections and interchanges;
v. bypasses;and,
vi. Service roads as and when required.e.built up area.

5. The alignment design shall be verified for available sight distances as per the standard
norms.The provision of appropriate markings and signs shall be made wherever the existing
site conditions do not permit the adherence to the sight distance requirements as per the standard

6. The consultants shall make detailed analysis of traffic flow and level of service for the
existing road and workout the traffic flow capacity for the improved project road. The
analysis should clearly establish the widening requirements with respect to the different
horizon period staking into account special problems such as road segments with isolated
steep gradients.

7. In the case of closely spaced cross roads the Consultant shall examine differen top tions such as,
providing grade separated structure for some of them with a view to reduce number of at-grade
crossings, services roads connecting the cross-roads and closing access from some of the inter
sections and prepare and furnish appropriate proposals for this purpose keeping inview the cost of
improvement, impact on traffic movement and accessibility to cross roads.The detailed drawings
and cost estimate should include the

Provisions for realignments of the existing crossroads to all owsuch arrangements.
8. The Consultant shall also prepare design of grade separated pedestrian crossings (viaducts) for
large cross traffic of pedestrians and / oranimalson the basis of passenger and animal cross traffic
surveys conducted.

9. The Consultant shall also prepare details for at-grade junctions, which may be adopted as
alternative to the grade separated structures. The geometric design of inter changes shall take into
account the site conditions, turning movement characteristics, level of service, overall
economy and operational safety.

10. The Consultants shall prepare design and other details in respect of the parallel service roads
in urbanized locations and other locations to cater to the local traffic, their effect of the
viability of the project on commercial basis if service roads are constructed as part of the
project and the implications of not providing the service roads.

11. The consultant shall prepare complete road and pavement design including drainage for new
bypass option identified as around congested townen-route.

4.12.4 Pavement Design

1. The detailed design of pavement shall involve:

i. strengthening of existing road pavement and design of the new pavement if any, if the
findings of the traffic studies and life-cycle costing analysis confirm the requirement
for widening of the road beyond 2 lane undivided carriage way standard;
ii. Pavement design for bypasses; and,
iii. Design of shoulders.

2. The design of pavement shall primarily be based on IRC publications.

3. The design of pavement shall berig orousandshallmakeuseofthelatestIndianandInternational

practices. The design alternatives shall include both rigid and flexible designoptions. The
most appropriate design, option shall be established on life‐ cycle cost ingand
techno‐economic consideration.

4. For the design of pavement, each set of design input shall be decided on the basis of rigorous
testing and evaluationo fits suitability and relevance in respect of in-service performance of the
pavement.The design methodology shall accompany the design proposals and shall clearly bring
out the basic assumptions, values of the various design inputs, rationale behind the selection of
the design inputs and the criteria for checking and control during the implementation of works. In
other words, the design of pavement structure should take due account of the type, characteristics
of materials used in the respective courses, variability of their properties and also the liability of
traffic predictions.Further more,the methodology adopted for the design of pavement shall be
complete with flowcharts indicating the various steps in the design process,their interaction with
one another and the input parameters required at each step.

5. For the design of overlays for the existing 2-lane pavement,the strengthening
Requirements shall duly take into account the strength of the existing pavement vis-à-vis the
remaining life.The overlay thickness requirements shall be worked out for each road segment
homogeneous with respect to condition,strength and sub-grade characteristics. The
rehabilitation provisions should also include the provision of regulating layer.For existing
pavement with acceptable levels of cracking, provision of a crack inhibiting layer should also be

5 (a) For rehabilitation and strengthening, consultant should consider the alternatives of rehabilitating the
existing pavement,overlaying with the same or alternate pavement type (e.g.white/black topping)
and also the option of removal and replacement of existing pavement layers and chose the best
alternative basis life cycle costing, and any local considerations such as material availability, time
available for construction etc.

6. Latest techniques of pavement strengthening like provision of geo-synthetics and cold/hot

pavement recycling should be duly considered by the consultant for achieving
economy. The use of technology particularly environment-friendly technology viz.
Recycling of bituminous mixes ,warm mixes and soil stabilization etc.should be
Wherever feasible. Clause 519 of the“ Specifications for Road and Bridge Works” (Fifth
Revision) covers specifications for recycling of existing bituminous pavement materials
to upgrade the pavements. These provisions not with standing, recycling of
existing bituminous materials is yet to be implemented in most of the MoRT&H, GoI
projects.The reclaiming and reprocessing of pavement materials involve both design
(how the pavement should be design edusingre claimed materials with the
Given properties) and technology (the methods to reclaim and reprocess, equipment, know
how and quality) issues. After addressing these issues,there cycling of pavements will been
viron mentally and economically better option for rehabilitation,repair or reconstruction
compared to the use of fresh or virgin materials.Indian Road Congress has published
IRC:120-2015 on“ recommended practice for recycling of bituminous
pavements”giving a detailed procedure for its implementation.

7. The paved shoulders shall be designed as integral part of the pavement for the main carriage
way.The design requirements for the carriageway pavement shall, therefore,be applicable for
the design of shoulder pavements. The design of granular shoulder should take in to account the
ddrainage considerations besides the structural requirements.

8. The pavement design task shall also cover working out the maintenance and
strengthening requirements and periodicity and timing of such treatments.

4.12.5. Design of Embankments

1. The embankments design should provide for maximum utilization of locally available
materials consistent with economy. Use of fly ash wherever available with in economical
leads must be considered. In accordance with Government instructions, use of flyash within
300km from Thermal Power Stations is mandatory as per extraordinary Gazette
Notification No. S.O. 254 (E) Part Section – III – Sub Section (ii) dated 25th January, 2016 and
subsequent amendment, if any of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change,

2. The Consultants shall carry out detailed analysis and design for all embankments of
height greater than 6 m based on relevant IRC publications.

3. The design of embankments should include the requirements for protection works and traffic
safety features.

4.12.6. Design of Bridges and Structures

1. The data collected and investigation results shall be analyzed to determine the following:

i. HFL

ii. LWL
iii. LBL
iv. Erodibility of bed/scour level
v. Design discharge
vi. Linear water way and effective linear water way
vii. Likely foundation depth
viii. Safe bearing capacity
ix. Engineering properties of subs oil
x. Artesianconditions
xi. Settlement characteristics
xii. Vertical clearance
xiii. Horizontal clearance
xiv. Free board for approach road
xv. Severity of environment with reference to corrosion
xvi. Data pertaining to seismic and wind load
xvii. Requirement of model study etc.

2. The Consultant shall prepared General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) and Alignment Plans the
salient features of the bridges and structures proposed to be constructed/
Reconstructed along the road sections covered under the study.These salient features
Such as alignment,overall length,span arrangement,cross section,deck level,founding
level,type of bridge components (superstructure,substructure,foundations,bearings,
Expansion joint,return walls etc.) shall be finalized based upon hydraulic and geo-technical
studies,cost effectiveness and ease of construction.The GAD shallbe supplemented by
preliminary designs. In respect of span arrangement and type of bridgea few alternative swith
cost-benefit implications should be submitted to enable MoRTH/State PWD to approve the best
alternative.After approval of alignment and GAD, the Consultant should prepare a detailed
designs as per IRC codes/guidelines and working drawings for all components of bridges and
3. The location of all at-grade level crossings shall be identified falling across the existing level
crossings for provide ROB at these locations.The Consultants shall prepare preliminary GAD for
necessary construction separately to the Client. The Consultant shall pursue the Indian Railways
Authorities or/and any statutory authority of State/Central Government for approval of the GAD
from the concerned authorities.

4. GAD for bridges/structures across irrigation/waterway channels shall be got approved by

the concerned Irrigation/Waterway Authorities.Subsequent to approval of GAD
and alignment plan by MoRTH/StatePWD, the Consultants will prepare detailed design as per IRC
codes/guidelines for all components of the bridges and structures.

5. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and Alignment Plan by MoRTH/StatePWD and Railways,
the Consultant shall prepare detailed design as per IRC and Railways guidelines, and working
drawings for all components of the bridges and structures.The consultant shall furnish the design
and working drawings for suitable protection works and/or river training works wherever required.

6. Dismantling/reconstruction of existing structures shall be avoided as far as possible except where

considered essential in view of their poor structural conditions/in adequacy of the provisions etc.

7. The existing structures having inadequate carriageway width shall be widened/reconstructed
in part or fully as per the latest MoRT&H guidelines. The Consultant shall furnish the
detailed design and working drawings for carrying out the above improvements.

8. Suitable repair/rehabilitation measures shall be suggested in respect of the existing

structuresas per IRC-SP:40 along with their specifications, drawings and cost estimate in the form
of areport. The rehabilitation or reconstruction of the structures shall be suggested based on
broad guidelines for rehabilitation and strengthening of existing bridges contained in IRC-
SP:35 and IRC-SP:40.

9. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and the alignment plan by MoRTH/State PWD, detailed
design shall also be carried out for the proposed underpasses, overpasses and interchanges.
10. The Consultants shall also carry out the design and make suitable recommendations for
protection works for bridges and drainage structures.

11. In case land available is not adequate for embankment slope, suitable design for RCC
retaining wall shall be furnished. However, RES wall may also be considered depending upon
techno-economic suitability to be approved by MoRTH/State PWD
12. All the bridge structures having a length of 100 m or less can be used for tapping of water for
serving dual purpose i.e., to cross the water body or to storewater, if technically feasible.
Therefore, such structures shall be designed as bridge cum barrage structures (bridge cum
bandhara). Ministry’s guidelines in this regard issued vide letter no. RW/NH- 34066/89/2015-
S&R(B) dated 18.04.2017 may be referred.

4.12.7. Drainage System

1. The requirement of roadside drainage system and the integration of the same with
proposedcross-drainage system shall be worked out for the entire length of the project road

2. In addition to the roadside drainage system, the Consultants shall design the special drainage
provisions for sections with super-elevated carriageways, high embankments and for road
segments passing through cuts. The drainage provisions shall also be worked out for road segments
passing through urban are as.

3. The designed drainage system should show locations of turn outs/outfall points with details of out
fall structures fitting into natural contours. A separate drawing sheet covering every 5 km. stretch
of road shall be prepared.

4. The project highway shall be designed to have well designed efficient drainage system, which
shall be sub surface, as far as possible. While constructing the underpasses, the finished roadlevel
shall be determined so as to ensure that the accumulation of rain water does not take placeandrun-
off flows at the natural ground level. The drains, wherever constructed, shall be provided with
proper gradient and connected to the existing outlets for final disposal.

5. The rain water harvesting requirements be assessed taking into consideration the Ministry of
Environment & Forest Notification Dt. 14.01.1997 (as amended on 13.01.1998, 05.01.1999 &
06.11.2000). The construction of rain water harvesting structure is mandatory in and around
waterscarce/crisis are as notified by the Central Ground Water Board. The provisions for
rain water harvesting be executed as per the

Requirements of IRC:SP:42-2014(Guidelines for Road Drainage) and IRC:SP:50-2013
(Guidelines on Urban Drainage).

6. All the bridge structures having a length of 100m or less can be used for tapping of water for
serving dual purpose i.e. to cross the water body and to store water, if technically feasible.
Therefore, such structures should be designed as bridge cum barrage structures (bridge cum
bandhara). Ministry’s guidelines in this regard issued vide letter no. RW/NH- 34066/59/2015-
S&R(B) dated 18.04.2017 may be referred.

7. The locations of the culverts should be planned in such a way that the proposed culvert covers
optimum catchment area & the location shall be decided on the basis of topographical survey,
local rainfall data, gradient of natural ground and enquiry from thelocal habitants. All culverts
should preferably be boxculverts as pipe culverts get fill edup withsilt, which is rarely cleared.

4.12.8 Traffic Safety Features, Road Furniture and Road Markings

1. The Consultants shall designsuitable traffic safety features and road furniture including traffic
signals, signs, markings, overhead sign boards, crash barriers, delineators etc. The locations of
the sefeatures shall be given in the reports and also shownin thedrawings.

2. The Consultant should make the provisions for “the overhead (gantry-mounted) signs on
roads with two or more lanes in the same direction” as per provisions of IRC-67. The
minimum height of gantry mounte dsign be 5.5m above the highest point at the carriageway.

3. Road safety shall be the focus of design. The roads shall be forgiving, having self- explaining
alignment, safe designed intersections/interchanges segregation and safe crossing facilities for
VRUs with crash barriers at hazardous locations. The details of traffic signs and pavement
markings with their locations, types and configuration shall be shown on the plan so that they are
correctly provided.

4. DPR shall undergo the exercise of Road Safety Audit through the Road Safety Auditor
(separate from design team) and recommendations mentioned be incorporated.

5. Road markings and proper signage constitute another important aspect of the
Roadsafety. The DPR shall containa detaile dsignage plan, indicating the places, directions,
distances and other features, duly marked on the chainage plan. It shall specify the
suitable places where FoBs are to be provided. Road marking and signage plan shall be
included in DPR and shall be specifically approved by the MoRTH/State PWD
6. Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) shall be in place for all 4/6 lane roads Of
MoRT&H being put to tolling. This would provide real time information, guidance and
emergency assistance to users. ATMS would include outdoor equipment including
emergency call boxes, variable message sign systems, meteorological data system, close
circuit TV camera (CCTV) system in addition to any other equipment required to meet the
objective. In door equipment would include large display board, central computer with
Network Management System, CCTV monitor system and management of callboxes
System with uninterrupted powersupply, all housed in a central control centre. In this
connection, MoRT&H’s policy circular no.11041/218/2007-Admn dated 15.09.2016 may be
7. As availability of suitable sight distance has alarge effect on roadsafety, the alignment of all the
NHs should be finalized in such away so as to have double the stopping sight distance available to
the road users at all locations.
4.12.9 Arboriculture and Land scaping

The Consultants shall work out appropriate plan for planting of trees (specifying type of
plantation), horticulture, floriculture on the surplus land of the right-of way with a view to
beautify the highway and making the environment along the highway pleasing. These
activities should be included in the TOR for contractor/concessionaire and the cost of these
activities shall also be added to the total project cost for civil works.The existing trees/plants
shall be retained to the extent possible. The Transplantation of trees shall also be proposed
wherever feasible.

4.12.10 Toll Plaza

1. The Consultants shall identify the possible toll plaza location(s) based on the data and
information derived from the traffic studies and a study of the existing physical features
including the availability of land. The location of the plaza should keep in view that the
project road is to be developed as a partially access controlled highway facility and it is
required to collect toll on rational basis from as much of the vehicular traffic as possible
consistent with economy of collection and operations. The location of the toll plaza
should be finalized in consultation with MoRTH/State PWD The minimum number of toll
lanes at the toll plazas should be carefully designed taking into consideration the projected
peak hour tollable traffic, permissible service time, adopted toll collection system and the
capacity of service lanes. The number of lanes at any toll plaza would, however, be not less
than four times the number of lanes for which the highway has been designed. Eventually,
all the lanes have to be designed / equipped with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems
and one lane at the extreme outerside for Over Dimensioned Vehicles (ODV) should be
earmarked in each direction.

2. Car lanes and lanes for commercial vehicles shall be earmarked at the toll plaza with outer lanes
earmarked for the commercial vehicles. At least 50% of the total lanes on each side shall be
equipped with weigh-in-motion facility for dedicated use by commercial vehicles followed by a
static weigh bridge on either side. Number of lanes with weigh-in-motion facility may be suitably
increased depending on proportion of commercial vehicles in total traffic Provision should be kept
for acquisition and earmarking of about one acre area for parking of the overloaded vehicles.

3. Toll Plaza shall be designed as per IRC84.

4.12.11 Weighing Station, Parking Areas and Rest Areas

1. The consultant shall select suitable sites for weighing stations, parking areas and rest areas and
prepare suitable separate designs in this regard. The common facilities like petrol pump, first-aid
medical facilities, police office, restaurant, vehicle parking etc. should be included in the
generallay out for planning. For petrol pump, the guidelines issued by OISD of Ministry of
Petroleum shall be followed. The facilities shouldbe planned to be at approximately 50 km
interval. At least each facility (1no.) is fore seen to be provided for this project stretch. Weighing
stations can be located near toll plazas so that overloaded vehicles can be easily identified and
suitably penalized and unloaded before being allowed to proceed further. The type of weighing
system suitable for the project shall be brought out in the report giving merits of each type of the
state-of-the art and basis of recommendations for the chosen system.
2. The Consultant should take into consideration the provisions for persons with disabilities
(PwD) in way side amenity centres / rest areas and provide ramp facilities, exit / entrance
doorwith minimum clear opening of 900 mm and special toilet facilities for use of
handicapped persons. The consultant shall also take into consideration, the provisions for
Pedestrians facilities as per IRC-103.

4.12.12 Miscellaneous Works

1. The Consultants shall make suitable designs and layout for miscellaneous works
including rest areas, bus bays, vehicle parking areas, telecommunication facilities etc.
wherever appropriate.

2. The Consultants shall prepare the detailed scheme and lay out plan for the works
mentioned inPara 1.

3. The Consultants shall prepare detailed plan for the traffic management and safety during
the construction period.

4.13 Environment and Social Impact Assessment

The consultant shall undertake the detailed environmental and social impact assessment
in accordance with the standard set by the Government of India for projects proposed to be
funded MoRTH/State PWD In respect of projects proposed to be funded By ADB loan
assistance, Environmental Assessment Requirements, Environmental Guidelines for
selected infrastructure projects, 1993 of Asian Development Bank shall be followed.
Similarly, for projects proposed to be funded by World Bank loanassistance, World
Bank Guidelines shall be followed.
4.13.1 Environmental Impact Assessment

Environment impact assessment or initial environment examination be carriedout in accordance

with ADB’s Environmental Assessment Requirements of ADB 1998 guidelines for selected
infrastructure projects 1993 as amended from time to time/World Bank Guidelines /Government
of India Guidelines, asapplicable

1. The consultant should carry out the preliminary environmental screening to assess
the direct and induced impacts due to the project.
2. The consultant shall ensure to document baseline conditions relevant to the project
with the objective to establishthe benchmarks.
3. The consultant shall assess the potential significant impacts and identify the
mitigation measures to address these impacts adequately.
4. The consultant shall do the analysis of alternatives incorporating environmental
concerns. This should include with and withouts cenario and modification
incorporated in the proposed project due to environment considerations.
5. The consultant shall give special attention to the environmental enhancement
measures in the project for the following:
(a) Cultural property enhancement along the highways
(b) Bus bays and busshelters including are view of their location,
(c) Highway side landscape and enhancement of the road junctions,
(d) Enhancement of highway side waterbodies, and
(e) Redevelopment of the borrow are also catedon public land.
6. The consultant shall prepare the bill-of-quantities (BOQ) and technical specifications
for all items of work in such a way that these may be readily integrated to the
construction contracts.
7. The consultant shall establish a suitable monitoring network with regard to air, water and
noise pollution. The consultant will also provide additional inputs in the are as of
performance indicators and monitoring mechanisms for environmental components
during construction and operational phase of the project.
8. The consultant shall provide the cost of mitigation measures and ensure that
environmental related staffing, training and institutional requirements are

Budgeted in project cost.
9. The consultant shall prepare the application forms and obtain forestry and
environmental clearances from the respective authorities including the SPCBs
And the MOEF onbehalf of MoRTH/State PWD. The consultants will make
presentation, if required, in defending the project to the MOEF Infrastructure
10. The consultant shall identify and plan for plantation and Transplantation of the
suitable trees along the existing highway in accordance with IRC guidelines.
11. The consultant shall assist in providing appropriate input inpreparation of
relevant environment and social sections of BPIP.
12 Provision should be made for Noise Barriers wherever (especially where project highway
passes through densehabitation) required as a mitigation measure against noise pollution
and nuisance. Their location, dimension, type, material and shapes should be determined
and defined in environment impact assessment studies forming part of DPR.
4.13.2 Social Assessment

1 The consultant would conduct base line socio-economic and census survey to assess the impacts on
the people, properties and loss of livelihood. The socio economic survey will establish the
benchmark form monitoring of R&R activities. A social assessment is conducted for the entire
project to identify mechanisms to improve project designs to meet the needs of different stake
holders. A summary of stakeholder discussions, issue raised and how the project design was
developed to meet stake holders need would be prepared.

2 The consultant shall prepare Land Acquisition Plan and assist MoRTH/State PWD in
acquisition of land undervarious Acts.

4.13.3 The Consultant would prepare Resttlement and Rehabilitation Plan and assess feasibility and
effectiveness of in come restoration strategies and suitability and availability to
Relocation sites. There settlement plan which accounts for land acquisition and
resettlement impacts would be based on a 25% socio-economic survey and 100 % census
survey of project affected people which provides the complete assessmentof the number of
affected households and persons, including common property resources. All untitled
occupants are recorded at the initial stages and identify cards will be issued to ensure there is
no further influx of people in to the project area. All consultations with affected persons (to
include list of participants) should be fully documented and records made available to

• Assessment on the impact of the project on the poor and vulnerable groups along the
project road corridor.
• Based on the identified impacts, developing entitlement matrix for the project
affected people.
• Assessment on social issues such as indigenous people, gender, HIV/AIDS,
labourers including child labour.
• Implementation budgets, sources and timing off unding and schedule of tasks.
• Responsibility of tasks, institutional arrangements and personnel for delivering
entitlement and plans to build institutional capacity.
• Internal and external monitoring plans, key monitoring indicators and grievance
redress mechanism.
• In corporating any other suggestions of the ADB/World Bank MoRTH/StatePWD,
till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/WorldBank/MoRTH/StatePWD

4.13.4 Reporting Requirements of EIA

• The consultant would prepare the stand-alone reports as per the requirement of the
ADB/World Bank MoRTH/State PWD, as applicable, with contents as per the
• Executive Summary
• Description of the Project
• Environmental setting of the project.
• Identification and categorization of the potentialim pacts (during pre-
construction, construction and operation periods).
• Analysis of alternatives (this would include correlation amongst the finally selected
alternative alignment/ routing and designs with the avoidance and environmental
management solutions).
• The public consultation process.
• Policy, legal and administrative framework. This would include mechanisms at the states
and national level for operational policies. This would also include a description of the
organizational and implementation mechanism recommended for this project.
• Typical plan or specific designs for all additional environmental items as described in the
scope of work.
• Incorporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB/World
Bank/MoRTH/StatePWD, till the acceptance of the reports by the
ADB/WorldBank MoRTH/StatePWD, as applicable.
• EMP Reports for Contract Package based on uniform methodology and processes. The
consultant will also ensure that the EMP has all the elements for it to be alegal document.
The EMP reports would include the following:
• Brief description of the project, purpose of the EMP, commitments on in corporating
environmental considerations in the design, construction and operations phases of the
project and institutional arrangements for implementing the EMP.
• A detailed EMP for construction and operational phases with recourse to the
mitigation measures for all adverse impacts.
• Detailed plans for highway-side tree plantation (as part of the
compensatory afforestation component).
• Environmental enhancement measure would be incorporated.
• Enhancement measures would include items described in the scope of work and shall
be complete with plans, designs, BOQ and technical specifications.
• Environmental monitoring plans during and after construction including scaling and
measurement techniques for the performance indicators selected for monitoring.
• The EMP should be amendable to be included in the contract documents for the
• In corporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB/WorldBank/
MoRTH/StatePWD, till the acceptance of the reports by the
ADB/WorldBankMoRTH/State PWD, asapplicable.

4.13.5 Reporting requirements of RAP

Analysis on the resettlement plan be conducted based on ADBs Hand Book on Resettlement,
A Guide to Good practice 1998 as amended time to time/World Bank
Guidelines/Government of India Guidelines, as applicable.

• Executive summary
• Description of project
• Objectives of the project.
• The need for Resettlementin the Project and evaluation of measures to minimize
• Descriptionand results of public consultation and plans for continued
participation of PAPs.
• Definition of PAPs and the eligibility criteria.
• Census and survey results-number affected, howare they affected and what
impacts will they experience.
• Legal and entitlement policy frame work-support principles for
different categories of impact.
• Arrangements for monitoring and evaluation (internal and external)
• Implementation schedule for resettlement which is linked to the civil works
• A matrix of scheduled activities linked to land acquisition procedures to indicate
clearly what steps and actions will be taken at different stages and the time frame
• The payment of compensation and resettlement during the acquisition process
• Anitemized budget(replacement value for all assets) and unit costs for different
5.1 Land Acquisition

5.1.1 Over all program management of all activities pertaining to Land Acquisition Coordinate all activities necessary for accurate and timely publication of notifications
as per NH Act including but not limited to

i. Identify all landparcels that need tobe acquired as part of project highway

ii. Conduct Joint Measurement Survey inconjunction with CALA,State PWD and
state revenue department to verify land records
iii. Conduct valuation of land and associated assets (structures, trees, crops etc.) and
liaison with authorities of State Government for authentication of the valuation Liaison with relevant state departments throughout land acquisition process

i. Liaison with State Government departments including but not limited to Land
Revenue Office (or Tehsil), Sub-Registrar office, Directorate of Surveys and with

Other State departments (like Public works department, horticulture department etc.) to
expedite the landacquisition process
ii. Co-ordinate collection of all the necessary land record documents and information
required to support CALA/CALA staff during the LA process Facilitate communication between State PWD (PIU) and CALA through out land acquisition

i. Ensure prompt official communication (including delivery of documents and

notifications) between the office of Competent Authority for Land Acquisition (CALA)
and State PWD Support CALA and PIU with manpower and resources CALA throughout land
acquisition process

i. Ensure presence of adequate manpower like surveyors, revenue inspectors, assistants,

peons, computer operators as required to support CALA, PIU, RO in the LA process
corresponding to respective project
ii. Ensure comprehensiv equality checks (4Eye Checks) for all the notifications
prepared before submission in the BhoomiRashi portal

5.1.2 Assist CALA and State PWD (PIU) in the publication of notifications. Provide copy of following documents to PIU-1 soft copy (lessthan 3MB combined)+1hardcopy,
onfinalization of alignment and approval of the alignment from the competent authority

i. Index Map: Document showing alignment of proposed highway overlaid on a detailed

political map of the region
ii. Alignment plan: Engineering plan detailing relative position of Proposed Right of
Way to existing road, bypasses, realignments significant structures, affected villages
and chainage
iii. State PWD project sanction document detailing chainage, length, scheme code and
land acquisition requirements (Total Land Required, Land available, land to be acquired
etc.) Conduct enquiry at Village Administrative Office along approved alignment to
ensure inclusion of all villages. Ensure correct spelling of taluks and villages according to local revenue records (Jamabandi) or
State Government land record website. The same should be done for English and Hindi Obtain approval of taluka names, village names and other details mentioned in 3a from CALA office Co-ordinate with PIU and District Collector/State Government in obtaining appointment order for
CALA Co-ordinate with NIC to ensure correct village names and spelling are included in Bhoomi Rashi portal Assist PIU in creating 3a notification and preamble on Bhoomi Rashi along with all

Supporting documents in format prescribed to be sent for approval to MoRT&H,GoI/State P

5.1.3 Assist CALA and State PWD PIU) in the publication of 3A notification Co-ordinate collection of all village maps from state landrevenue department

i. Ensure all village maps are collected from the Taluk Office/Regional Deputy Director of
Survey and Land Records and bearasa liable copymark. Co-ordinate collection of all survey maps for all the affected survey numbers in the
proposed right of way from state land revenue department

i. Ensure collection of digitized survey maps from the state revenue department prepared
using Collab Land software of NIC for the purposes of land acquisition activities,
wherever available
ii. Ensure all survey maps collected are scaled to 1:500,1:1000 or 1:2000
iii. Ensure survey maps contain all necessary information including boundary dimensions,
ladder diagrams, topographical details, sub division details and adjoining survey
numbers as available, inline with the norms of the State Government
iv. Verify the level of accuracy in the maps and their suitability for the purposes of
supporting the land acquisition effort for the project road in terms of both dimensional
accuracy and details available
v. Ensure consistency between the revenue maps and other land records (Record of
Rights, Tenancy and Crops /A-Register etc.) and correct the maps/records in case of in
consistency. Ensure, the corrected maps are vetted by the Village Administrative
Officer Ensure collection of geo referenced control points capable of being imported
in to appropriate GIS system

i. Conduct an alignment walk-through and ensure details of the ground control points
include village stones, suitable land details and permanent geographical features are
ii. Ensure a minimum of 10 control points are identified and geo-referenced for every 1km
iii. Ensure the Geo-location information from the control points are imported into the GIS
system, to aid in super imposition of alignment map and the digitized village map.
Suitable land details and features should also beadded to the GIS system to enable review
of individuall and parcels. Ensure accurate digitization and projection of village maps on GIS system

i. Consultant should ensure complete digitization of the area containing the Proposed
Right of Way
ii. Where digitized revenue maps are unavailable or are deemed to be insufficient for the
purposes of this project, the consultant shall digitize the survey maps of the area
falling in and surrounding the existing and PROW, keeping the following in mind:
1. Create digitized maps of individual survey numbers using the procedure used by the
land revenue department to recreate revenue maps such as using ladder diagrams, grid
dimensions etc.,using Collab Land software, wherever possible

2. Input numerical measurements mentioned in the ladder diagram/grid dimensions/
survey boundaries in Collab Land or similar software to ensure accuracy of
digital map
3. Stitch the digitized survey maps to recreate a scaled and digitized village map
depicting all the survey numbers affected by the proposed right of way
iii. Ensure that the digitized map exactly matches the original map like a contact print and
contain all information contained in the original survey map
iv. Ensure an accuracy of 1mm or higher in a 1:1000 scale, as this translates into an
accuracy of 1m or higher on ground
v. In digitization and feature addition, The consultant shall endeavour to follow any
standards, requirements and formats laid down by the relevant state/central
government/State PWD for land ownership and revenue management or that set by the
authority involved in digitization of land records

1. Where applicable, the consultant shall share back the digitized cadastral maps in both
soft and hard copy with the relevant local agency or state government Ensure accurate projection of survey revenue maps on Google Earth or similar GIS
software necessarily having the following layers

i. Alignment Map
ii. Digitized Village Map
iii. Topographical details as collected during topographical survey using LiDAR/.
iv. Geo-referenced control points imported in to GIS software Ensure proper super imposition of the alignment map, digitized village map by
accurately matching the topographical details and geo-referenced ground control points
on both the layers.

i. Divide the village maps at every 500 meters (in case of the same village) to ensure
proper projection of the planar map on Google Earth or equivalent
ii. Adjust the digitized map to exactly match the ground situation using the geo-
referenced ground control points identified Accurately identify extent of area encroached by alignment in survey numbers/sub

division numbers using appropriate software (Arc GIS/Auto CAD, etc) based on the super
imposition of the alignment map on the digitized village map Co-ordinate collection all the relevant revenue records from state revenue
department required to as certain type and nature of land

i. Collect the updated land revenue records with details on survey numbers, sub-
division, land type, land nature and owner from the Taluk office Prepare and submit 3A draft and LA plan in the format prescribed by MORTH/StatePWD Co-ordinate submission of copies of LA plan and Alignment map to CALA offices through PIU
required for verification of 3A draft in the format prescribed by the CALA Office Facilitate CALA staff in verification of the draft 3Adocument. Assist CALA staff in preparation of 3A notification, preamble and forwarding letter to
be forwarded to PIU Assist PIU in uploading 3A notification (as declared by CALA) along with
preamble on Bhoomi Rashi

ii. Provide computer operators to upload 3A notificationonBhoomiRashi
iii. Ensurethe 3A submitted on BhoomiRashi matches the signed copy verbatim and no
changes are made Provide copy of 3A Gazett enotification to the office of the CALA on publication in the
Gazette Prepare 3A notification in vernacular language to be sent to newspaper for 3A (3) notification

i. Ensure the translated 3A sent to the newspaper matches the 3A Gazette copy
verbatim and no changes are made Co-ordinate with the CALA to get assigned copy of the press ready version along with the
file reference number needed for future reference at the CALA office Assist PIU in coordinating with newspaper agency to ensure publication of

3A notification in 2 newspapers: 1 Vernacular +1 Other Provide copies of newspaper publication of 3A notification to the CALA and PIU Ensure all activities are planned and adequate manpower is made available to ensure
the prescribed timelines are adhered to

i. Ensure submission of 3A to the PIU in prescribed format within 30 days of 3a

ii. Ensure publishing of 3A in Gazette by pursuing the same with relevant stake holder
within 14 days of submission of final 3A to the PIU
iii. Provide adequate manpower including but not limited to Auto CAD draftsmen,
liaison officers, computer operators, retired tahsildars, etc. to ensure mandated
timelines are met
iv. Ensure adequate resources including but not limited to computers, software
licenses, scanner, printer etc. are deployed to ensure mandated time lines are met

5.1.4 Assist CALA and StatePWD PIU) in conduction of 3C enquiry and compilation of final
orders Co-ordinate with CALA for scheduling public chearings as necessitated by section 3C of
NH Act 1956 Assist CALA staff in sending notices to petitioners on respective hearing dates either
through newspaper notifications to be published in 2 newspapers: 1 Vernacular + 1 other
or through respective village administrative offices Provide copies of newspaper publication/ notices of 3C notification to the office of the
CALA Assist CALA staff in receiving and compiling of objections

178 Assist CALA during objection hearings, recording of hearings, ensuring compliance of
corresponding orders and notification of final CALA order to petitioners Assist CALA staff in dispatching and ensuring delivery of final 3C orders to petitioners
in a timely manner and obtain acknowledgementof receipt of 3C orders from the
aggrieved parties

5.1.5 Assist CALA and State PWD (PIU) in conducting Joint Measurement Survey Co-ordinate with the CALA office and state government departments and obtain all
permissions necessary to conduct JMS and center linemarking Ensure laying of boundary pillars in an accurate and expedited manner

i. Ensure use of Differential GPS or Total Station systems to conduct

centerline marking
ii. Ensure placing of boundary pillars (left and right) and the center line peg (in
case of brown field sections), center line pillar (in case of green field
sections) at 50-meter intervals, clearly demarcating the Proposed Right of
iii. Ensure all boundary pillars are provided and planted as per IRC:25:1967
iv. Ensure that the boundary stones are secured at location
v. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of
boundary stone markingin terms of length and chainage covered
vi. Retaina Total Station system, controller and a prism holder for the entire
duration of the JMS to ensure prompt assistance to the survey team Ensure accurate and timely conduction of JMS for the complete length of the project

i. Provides called revenue maps, latest ownership records, village map and other
revenue documents necessary for conducting JMS
ii. Arrange retired revenue sub inspectors of survey and chainmen to conduct Joint
Measurement Survey at the consultant’s cost
iii. Ensure accurate measurement of revenue survey plots with respect to PROW of project,
by identifying physical features present on the ground & the survey sketches,measuring
the distance of the PROW stone from the physical features and marking the distance on
the survey sketch
iv. Ensure marking of PROW on scaled revenue maps indicating extent of encroachment
into survey numbers/sub division numbers
v. Ensure surveyors collect details of structures and trees present in sub-divisions during
vi. Ensure accurate calculation of area affected in each sub-division
vii. Ensure sub-division records are prepared asper the guidelines of the state revenue survey
or clearly indicating the name of the land owner as per latest ownership record
viii. Ensure sub-division records divide affected sub-divisions clearly indicating portion of
land vested with the owner and portion of land acquired by State PWD
ix. Ensure submission of JMS records in format expected by the CALA office along with all
supporting documents
x. Co-ordinate with local land revenue office in updating of all land records as per sub-
division records submitted to CALA office, including vesting of acquired land in the
name of Government of India, post publicationof the 3D notification
xi. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of JMS in
terms of length, villages and number survey numbers covered Assist land revenue department in conducting pre-scrutiny

i. Ensure all records are submitted at Taluk office in the correct format
ii. Facilitate creation of new sub-divisions based on the subdivision records submitted
By the survey team, including investing of acquired land in thename of Government
of India, post publication of the 3D notification
iii. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of pre-
scrutiny interms of number of villages covered Co-ordinate with CALA team and PIU to facilitate site inspection
5.1.6 Assist CALA and State PWD PIU) in the publication of 3D notification Prepare 3D draft based on 3A notification and scrutinized JMS statements in

the format prescribed by MoRTH/State PWD Co-ordinate submission of copies of 3D draft and scrutinized JMS Statements to the
office of the CALA for verification Facilitate CALA staff in verification of the draft 3D version Ensure presence of surveyors to clarify/rectify any issue that may arise during verification,
both during on-ground inspection as well as during the document verification Assist CALA staff in preparation of 3D notification, preamble and forwarding letter to
be forwarded to PIU Assist PIU in uploading 3D notification (as declared by CALA) along with preamble on
Bhoomirashi Provide computer operators to upload 3D notification on Bhoomirashi Ensurethe 3D submitted on Bhoomirashi matches the signed copy verbatim and no
changes are made Provide copy of 3D Gazette notification to the office of the CALA on publication in
the Gazette Prepare 3D notification n in vernacular language to be sent to newspaper Ensure the translated 3D sent to the newspaper matches the 3D Gazette copy
verbatim and no changes are made Co-ordinate with the CALA to get assigned copy of the press ready version
along with the file reference number needed for future reference at the CALA office Assist PIU in coordinating with newspaper agency to ensure publication of 3A

notification in 2 newspapers :1 Vernacular+1 Other Provide copies of newspaper publication of 3D notification to the CALA and PIU Ensure all activities are planned and adequate manpower is made available to
ensurethe prescribed timelines are adhered to

i. Ensure submission of 3D statement along with sub-division records to the PIU in

prescribed format within 45 days of 3A publication
ii. Ensure publishing of 3D in Gazette by pursuing the same with relevant
stakeholder within 15 days of submission of final 3D to the PIU
iii. Provide adequate manpower including but not limited to surveyors, revenue
inspectors,chain-men, liaison officers, computer operators, central linemarking teams,
helpers, etc. to ensure mandated timelines aremet
iv. Ensure adequate resources including but not limited to computers, boundary pillars, Total

Station/DGPS systems, vehicles etc. are deployed to ensure mandated timelines aremet
5.1.7 Assist the CALA in the declaration faward(3G) Assist CALA in drafting public notice inviting claims (under sub-section 3 of section 3G)
fromall persons interested in the land to be acquired and 3D notification to be published
in 2 local newspaper-1vernacular and1other. Co-ordinate with State PWD CALA on publishing of claim invitation notificationin 2 local
newspapers - 1 vernacular and 1 other. The public notice inviting claims (under sub-section 3 of
section 3G ) fromall persons interested in the land to be acquired can be issued along with the
news paper publication of 3D notification Provide 1 copy of news paper notification of 3D and claim invitation to CALA, Ward,
Panchayat, Circle office, police station and Collector office. Assist CALA during claim hearings, record hearings and compliance
of corresponding orders
i. Collate ownership claims and the documents received during the claim hearings
ii. Assist the office of the CALA in verifying the claims and infinalizing the land owners Assist CALA office in collection of sales statistics and market value
(Guideline value/Collectorrates) from the relevant State Government department

i. Collect the sales statistics for 3 years prior to the date of the
3A notification from the Sub-Registrar’s Office
ii. Assess the sales statistics to evaluate the nature of land for all the sale
deeds based on the land records available with the State Government
iii. Compute the average of the top 50% of the sales statistics aftere
liminating the outliers, with proper justification
iv. Collect the Guideline Value/ Prevalent market rates, as issued by the
order of the Competent Authority of the State Government for all the
relevant villages Collect the details of the sales of land for public purpose through private negotiation
intherecent past for similar type of land compute land valuation for the all the affected
survey numbers in line with RFCTLARR Act and the guidelines issued by MoRTH Conduct valuation of land related assets (Structures, trees, cropsetc.) and liaison with
respective State authority including but not limited to State Public Works Department,
Agriculture, Horticulture, Forest Department, etc. for authentication of the valuation. Assist CALA in 3G award preparation and in drafting 3G award documents along with the
required Annexures including but not limited to preparation of field book which contains
award by each beneficiary, list of sales statistics considered for finalizing the market value,
etc. Assist StatePWD in obtaining possession of land Co-ordinate delivery of confirmation letter of deposit from PIU to CALA Assist CALA staff in drafting notification for beneficiaries for award collection and vacating
the land within 60 days (under section 3E) Co-ordinate serving of notice to all beneficiaries for collection of award and to vacate
the land within 60 days (under section 3E) Co-ordinate collection of certificate of possession from CALA

181 Assist and liaison with competent authority for Land acquision in getting mutation of land
done in the name of MoRTH, GoI. Also incorporate status of mutation of land in Monthly
Progress Report (MPR).
5.1.8 Publication of Gazette Notifications relating to Land Acquisition: Cost for publication of Gazette Notifications relating to land acquisition in Newspapers
shall be borne by the MoRT&H, GoI.

5.2 Utility shifting proposa land estimates

5.2.1 Identify type and location of all existing utilities with in the proposed ROW

1. Consultant will review information available with all utilities agencies in the region, consult
maps/plans available with State PWD/, MoRTH and state road agencies, consult with locals and
municipal bodies to as certain the presence and location of utilities, including but not limited to
water-mains, gas, telephone, electricity and fiber- optic installations in and around the project road
2. Deploy ground penetrating radar, inductor locators or better technology to accurately map the
location, type and size of utilities in the ROW of the project road as required in the section of this

3. Developa detailed strip plan and digitized maps showing:

i. type, size and current location of all the utilities identified

ii. relative offset from the centerline
iii. existing right of way

5.2.2 Plan for utilities in future road design

1. Consultants need to identify utilities that will require shifting to enable construction of the
proposed project road

2. Incorporate space required for elevated and under-ground utilities corridors and utilities
crossings as required for existing and future utilities in consultation with user departments
5.2.3 Develop a utilities relocation plan

1. Consultants need to develop and submit a utilities relocation plan in consultation with
MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD and user departments clearly identifying current utilities and
suggested relocations along with crossings as required
2. Plan and conduct discussions, consultations and joints it evisits required for the planning of
utilities shifting and the development of required drawings and proposals
3. Prepare necessary details, documents and suggested relocation plan to be submitted to user
4. Develop initial cost estimates based on suggested relocation planand the latest available schedule
of rates for inclusion in the cost of the project at the time of approval

5.2.4 Estimates and approvals

1. Consultants need to obtain draft utilities shifting proposal from user departments for all
utilities identified for shifting along project road
2. Prepare utility shifting cost estimates using latest schedule of rates and obtain approval from
user departments
3. Review final designs submitted, cost estimates, complete checklist, obtain required declarations
and submit to MoRT&H, GoI/State PWD for approval
4. Work with user department, MoRT&H, GoI/ StatePWD as required to incorporate any changes
requested in shifting proposal and cost estimate

5. Obtain all requ
ired utilities shifting proposal estimates and required approvals from both user departments and
MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD within the time stipulated in DPR contract

5.3 Estimation of Quantities and Project Costs

1. The Consultants shall prepare detailed estimates for quantities (considering designs and mass haul
diagram) and project cost for the entire project (civil packages wise), including the cost of
environmental and social safe guards proposed based on MoRT&H’s Standard Data Book and
market rate for the inputs.The estimation of quantities shall be based on detailed design of various
components of the projects. The estimation of quantities and costs would have to be worked out
separately for civil work Packageas defined in this TOR.

2. The Consultants shall make detailed analysis for computing the unit rates for the different items of
works. The unit rate analysis shall duly take into account the various inputs and their basic rates,
suggested location of plants and respective lead distances formechanized construction. The unit
rate for each item of works shall be worked out in terms of manpower, machinery and materials.
3. The project cost estimates so prepared for MoRT&H , GoI/StatePWD/ADB/WB project sare
to be checked against rates for similar on-going works in India under
MoRT&H,GoI/WorldBank/ADB financed road sector projects.

4. The Consultant should workout the quantity of Bitumen, Steel and Cement likely to be used in
the project and indicate in the summary sheet.

5. The consultant shall furnish cost comparison amongst conventional and with the use of
New/alternative Material and Technology to arrive at the estimated cost.The estimated cost as
proposed by the consultant shall be cost effective as well as environment friendly.
6. Viability and Financing Options and Bidding process

1. The Project Road should be divided into the traffic homogenous links based on the findings of the
traffic studies. The homogenous links of the Project Road should be further subdivided into
sections based on physical features of road and pavement, sub-grade and drainage characteristics
etc.The economic and commercial analysis shall be carried out separately for each traffic
homogenous link as well as for the Project Road.

2. The values of input parametres and the rationale for their selection for the economic and
commercial analyses shall be clearly brought out and got approved by MoRT&H, GoI/
3. Form odels to be used for the economic and the commercial analyses, the calibration
methodology and the basic parameters adapted to the local conditions shall be clearly
brought out and got approved by MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD
4. The economic and commercial analyses should bring out the priority of the different
homogenous links in terms of project implementation.

6.1 Economic Analysis

1. The Consultants shall carry out economic analysis for the project. The analysis should be for each
of the sections covered under this TOR. The benefit and cost streams should be worked out
for the project using HDM-IV or otherinter nationally recognized life-cycle costing model.

2. The economic analysis shall cover but be not limited to be following aspects:

i. assess the capacity of existing roads and the effects of capacity constraints on vehicle
operating costs (VOC);

ii. calculate VOCs for the existing road situation and those for the project;
iii. quantify all economic benefits, including those from reduced congestion, travel
distance, road maintenance cost savings and reduced incidence of road accidents; and,
iv. Estimate the economic internal rate of return (EIRR) for the project overa 30-year period.
In calculating the EIRRs ,identify the tradable and non-tradable components of projects
costs and the border price value of the tradable components.
v. Savingin time value.

3. Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV), “with “and “without time
and accident savings” should be worked out based on these cost-benefits tream.
Further more, sensitivity of EIRR and NPV worked out forth different scenarios as give

Scenario–I Base Costs and Base Benefits

Scenario- II Base Costs plus 15% and Base Benefits
Scenario-III Base Cost sand Base Benefits minus15%
Scenario–IV Base Costs plus 15% and Base Benefits minus 15%

The sensitivity scenarios given above are only indicative. The Consultants shall select the
sensitivity scenarios taking into account tpossible construction delays, construction costs
overrun, traffic volume, revenue short falls,operating costs, exchange rate variations,
convertibility of foreign exchange, interestrat evolatility, non-compliance or default by
contractors, political risks and force majeure.

4. The economic analysis shall take into account all on-going and future road and
transport infra structure projects and future development plans in the project area.

6.2 Financial Analysis

6.2.1 Need for financial analysis

1. It is envisaged that project stretches should be implemented in a commercial, PPP

funded format
2. Therefore, the Consultant will need to study the financial viability of the project
under various available commercial formats and suggest a mode of funding and
execution that is most likely to be successful
3. The consultant shall study the financial viability of the project under several different
traffic volume, user fee scenarios and funding options to arriveat the optimal
execution mode and funding modalities

6.2.2 Financial analysis of the project

1. The Consultants shall in consultation with State PWD finalize the format for
theanalysis and the primary parameters and scenarios that should be taken into
accountwhile carryingoutthe commercialanalysis
2. The Financial analysis for the project should cover financial internal rate of return,
projected income statements, balance sheets and fund flow statements and should bring
out all relevant assumptions.
3. The financial analysis should cover identification, assessment ,and mitigating
measures for all risks associated with the project. The analysis shall cover, but be not
limited to, risks related to construction delays, construction costs overrun, traffic
volume, revenue shortfalls, operating costs, exchange rate variations, convertibility
offo reign exchange,interest rate volatility, non-compliance or default by contractors,
political risks and force majeure.
4. The sensitivity analysis should be carried out for a number of probabilistic scenarios.

Outputs from financial analysis

1. The financial model so developed shall be handed over to and be the property of
2. The consultant shall also suggest positive ways of enhancing the project viability and
furnish different financial models for implementing on BOT format
6.3 Bidding process

6.3.1 Consultant shall assist the authority in preparing the required bid documents and
support the authority through the bidding process

6.3.2 Preparation of documents

1. The consultant shall prepare all required bid documents and technical schedules
required for the bidding of theproject

2. The Consultants shall prepare separate documents for each type of contract
(EPC/PPP) for each package of the DPR assignment

3. The consultant shall assist authority inreviewing bid documents and in making any
changes required basis their finding sorthe and finalizing biddocuments

4. The consultantshallassisttheauthorityin collecting and providing all required

supporting documents for initiating bid as defined by the SOP for contracting

5. The DPR consultan tmaybe required to prepare the Bid Documents, based on the
feasibility report,due to exigency of the project for execution if desired by MoRT&H,
a. To enable this, consultant should study the financial viability and financial options
for the project for modes such as BOT Toll/Annuity during the feasibility stage.

6. Provide any and all clarifications required by the authority or other function aries
such as the financial consultant and legal advisor as required for the financial
appraisal and legal scrutiny of the Project Highway and Bid Documents.

7. The consultant shall be guided in its assignment by the Model Concession/ Contract
Agreements for PPP/ EPC projects, as applicable and the Manual of
Specificationsand Standards for two / four/ six laning of highways published by IRC
(IRC:SP:73 or IRC:SP:84 or IRC:SP:87, as applicable) along with relevant IRC codes
for design of long bridges.

a. It is suggested that consultant should go through the EPC/PPP documents of

ministry before bidding the project.

6.3.3 Support during the bidding process

1. Consultant shall support MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD, through the entire bid process
and shall be responsible for sharing the findings from the preparation stages during the
bid process.
2. The consultant shall ensure participation of senior team members of the consultant during
all interaction with pot entail bidders including pre-bid conference, meetings, site visits


3. During the bid process for a project, the consultant shall support the authority in:

a. Responding to all pre-bid technical queries

b. Preparation of detailed responses to the written queries raised by the bidders
4. The consultant shall assist State PWD Government of West Bengal and its
functionaries as needed in the evaluation of technical bids

7. Time period for the service

1. Time period en visage for the study of the project is indicated in Annexure‐I to LOI. The final
reports, drawings and documentation shall be completed within this time schedule.

2. MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD shall arrange to give approval on all sketches, drawings, reports and
recommendations and other matters and proposal ssubmitted for decision by the Consultant insuch
reasonable time so as not to delay or disrupt the performance of the Consultant’s services.

8. Project Team and Project Office of the Consultant

1. The Consultants shall be required to form a multi-disciplinary team for this assignment. The
Consultants ’team shall be manned by adequate number of experts with relevant experience in
the execution of similar detailed designa ssignments.

2. List of suggested key personnel to be fielded by the consultant with appropriate man-month of
consultancy services is given in APPENDIX-IA (Part-I) as perclient's assessment.

3. A Manning Schedule for key personnel mentioned above is enclosed as APPENDIX-IA (Part- I)
along with broad job-description and qualification as APPENDIX-IB (Part-I). The information
furnished in APPENDIX-I&II (Part-I) are to assist the Consultants to understand the client’s
perception about these requirements and shall be takenby the Consultants for the purpose of
Financial Proposal and deployment schedule etc. in technical proposal to be submitted by them.
Any deviation proposed may be recorded in the comments on TOR. Key personnels as
mentioned in LOI will be evaluated at the time of evaluation of technical
proposal.Consultants are advised in their own interest to frame the technical proposal in an
objective manner as far as possible so that these could be properly assessed inrespect of points to
begiven as part of evaluation criteria as mentioned in Data sheet. The bio-data of the required Key
personnel should be signed on every sheet by the personnel concerned and the last sheet of each
bio-data should also be signed by the authorized signatory of the Consultants.

4. The Consultants shall establish an office at theproject site manned by senior personnel during
the course of the surveys and investigations. All the project related office work shall be
carried out by the consultant in their site office unless there are special reasons for carrying
out part of the office work elsewhere for which prior approval of State PWDshall be
obtained. The address of the site office including the personnel manning it including
their Telephone and FAX numbers will be intimated by the Consultant to StatePWD
before commencement of the services.

5. All key personnel and sub professional staff of the DPR Consultants shall use the finger print
based (biometric) attendance system for marking their daily attendance.
Attendance shall be marked at least once a day and any time during the day. Biometric

Attendance System shall be installed by the DPR Consultants at its own cost at the site office
and design office in order to facilitate the attendance marking. A copy of attendance records
shall be attached at the time of submission of their bills to the MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD from
time to time. Proper justification shall be provided for cases of absence of key personnel/ sub-
professional staff which do not have prior approval from Project Director of Concerned stretch. If
MoRT&H,GoI/State PWDso desires, it shall facilitate electronic linking of the attendance
system with the Central Monitoring System of MoRT&H,GoI/State PWD
9. Reports to be submitted by the Consultant to MoRTH/State PWD
9.1 All reports, documents and drawings are to be submitted separately for each of the traffic
homogenous link of the Project Road. The analysis of data and the design proposals shall be based on
the data derived from the primary surveys and investigations carried out during the period of
assignment. The sources of data and model relationships used in the reports shall be indicated with
complete details for easy reference.

9.2 Project preparation activities will be split into eight stages as broughtout below.

No Stage Key activities Report/deliverable submitted

1 Inception Project planning and mobilization Inception Reportand QAP
2 Feasibility Alignment finalization, preliminary Alignment Options Report and
surveys Feasibility Report
3 LA and LA, utilities identification; creation Strip Plan, LA Report(3a, 3A),
Clearances I of draft notifications and proposals Clearances and Utility Shifting
4 DPR Detailed design of highway, Draft DPR Report, Final DPR
preparation of detailed project report Report, documents and
with drawings drawings
5 Technical Preparation of bid documents and Civil Works Contract Agreement
Schedules technical schedules and Schedules
6 (i) LAII Land acquisition process, obtaining JMS and 3D Report, Final Project
(ii) Project final utilities estimates and required Clearances and Utilities Report
Clearances clearances

7 LA III-Award Land acquisition award 3G Report

Determination determination
8 LAIV-Possession Obtaining possession of land Land Possession Report

Preliminary design work should commence without waiting for feasibility study to
becompleted. Stage 3, 5 and 6 shall run inparallel with Stage 2 and 4

For stages 7 and 8 consultant will be required to submit a report at the completion of 90% of the
activities for that stage. Inaddition, an updated report will need to be submitted at the completion
of all land acquisition activities covering receipt of 100% of the land possession certificates for
the land parcels pertaining to the project road.

9.3 Timelines for the submission of reports and documents Consultant shall be required to
complete, to the satisfaction of the client, all the different stages of study with in the time
frame indicated in the schedule of submission in para 10 pertaining to Reports and
Documents for becoming eligible for payment for any part of the next stage.
10 Reports and Documents to be submitted by the Consultant to MoRTH/StatePWD
1. The Consultant shall submit to the client the reports and documents in bound volumes (and not
spiral binding form) after completion of each stage of work as per the schedule and in the number
of copies as given in Enclosure-I. Further, the reports shall also be submitted in floppy diskettes /
CD’s in addition to the hard copies as mentioned in Enclosure-I.Consultant shall submit all other
reports mentioned specifically in the preceding par as of theTOR.

2. The time schedule for various submissions prescribed at Sl. No.1 above shall be strictly
adhered to. No time over run in respect of these submissions will normally be permitted.
Consultant is advised to go through the entire terms of reference carefully and plan his work
method in such a manner that various activities followed by respective submissions as brought
out at Sl.No.1 above are completed as stipulated. Consultant is, therefore, advised to deploy
sufficient number of supporting personnel, both technical and administrative, to
undertake the project preparation activities in construction package (Section)
simultaneously. As far as possible, the proposal should include complete in formation such
as number of such persons, name, position, period of engagement, remuneration rate etc.The
Consultant is also advised to start necessary survey works from the beginning so as to gain
time in respect of various other activities in that stage.

3. DPR Deliverables in each stage of project

1. The key stages, activities and deliverables for the detailed project report are as
described in these documents

2. The following section describes the detailed requirements for each report that
needs to be submitted

3. Consultants are alsoa dvised to refer to ENCLOSURE-II

4. Formats for submission of Reports and Documents to understand any additional

format and content requirements

5. All reports must be submitted along with the relevant check list form completed and
signed off by the consultant


10.1 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Document

1. Immediately upon the award, the Consultants shall submit four copies of the QAP
document covering all aspects of field studies, investigations design and economic financial
analysis. The quality assurance plans/procedures for different field studies,engineering surveys and
investigation, design and documentation activities should be presented as separate sections like
engineering surveys and investigations ,traffic surveys, material geo-technical and sub-soil
investigations, road and pavement investigations, investigation and design of bridges & structures,
environment and R&R assessment, economic & financial analysis, drawings and documentation;
preparation,checking,approval and filing of calculations, identification and traceability of project
documents etc. Further, additional information as per format shall be furnished regarding the
details of personnel who shall be responsible for carrying out/ preparing and checking/ verifying
various activities forming part of feasibility study and project preparation, since inception to the
completion of work. The field and design activities shall start after the QAP is approved by

2. Data formats for report and investigation result submission

i. Required data formats for some reports, investigations and documents are
discussed in ENCLOSURE-II
ii. Formats for submission of Report sand Documents.
iii. The consultants will need to propose data formats for use in all other field
studies and investigations not covered in enclosure II.

The proposed data forms will need to be submitted for the approval of
MoRTH/StatePWD after the commencement of services.

10.2 Inception Report (IR)

1. There port shall cover the following major aspects:

i. Project appreciation;
ii. Detailed methodology to meet the requirements of the TOR finalized in consultation
with the/StatePWD officers; including scheduling of various sub activities to be
carried out for completion of various stages of the work; stating out clearly
their approach & methodology for project preparation after due inspection of
the entire project stretch and collection /collation of necessary information;

iii. Task Assignment and Manning Schedule;

iv. Work programme;
v. Proforma for data collection;
vi. Design standardsad proposed cross-sections;
vii. Key plan and Linear Plan;
viii. Development plans being implemented and/or proposed for implementation in the near
future by the local bodies and the possible impact of such development plans on the
overall scheme for field work and design for the study;
ix. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) finalized in consultation with MoRT&H, GoI/ State
PWD Draft design standards ; and

2. The requirements, If any, for the construction of by passes should be identified on the basis of
data derived from reconnaissance and traffic studies.The available alignment options should
be worked out on the basis of available maps.The most appropriate alignment option for
bypasses should be identified on the basis of site conditions and techno-economic
considerations. Inception Report should include the details regarding these aspects
concerning the construction of by passes for approval by MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD
i. Bypasses should be identified on the basis of data derived from reconnaissance and initial
traffic information /traffic studies
ii. The available alignment options should be worked outon the basis of available
To pographic maps, publicly available mapping services or remote sensing based to
pography and land use maps
iii. The most appropriate alignment option for by passes should be identifiedon the basis
of site conditions and techno-economic considerations.
STAGE 2 : Feasibility Report

10.3 Alignment options report

1. Basis review of the existing project road,local traffic patterns and initial reconnaissance
surveys, the consultant shall present possible alignment alternat ives for the project road

2. Alignment options should include but not be limited to:

(i) Greenfield sections of the road

(ii) New alignments due to lack of RoW,opportunity to shorten road etc.
(iii) New/Re-alignment to cater to local traffic and o-dpoints
(iv) Re-alignment due to changes in local network and/or sur rounding road network
(v) By passesas suggested and approved in alignment report
(vi) Re-alignment due to need to improve road geometry
(vii) Provision of ROBs, fly overs and other structures

3. The alignment report shall contain:

i. Drivers for re-alignment of road and re-alignment needed as discussed in para 2

ii. Alignment alternatives for each section where re-alignment of road is needed
iii. Analysis of alignment alternatives bringing out the pros and cons of each
alternative including, but not limited to: new construction required, land
Acquisition equirements, environmental impact, utilities and structures affected, cost of
construction ,road geometry and road safety aspects, input from local
consultation, State PWD views
iv. Recommendations from among the alignment options presented for the authority to
a. Consultant will enable authority to visualize and compare alignment options by
providing alignment options in a GIS environment that should include, but not be
limited to:

i. Road alignment alternative centerlines

ii. Digitale levation model of the region

iii. Land use/land cover information
iv. Hy drology in formation
v. geotechnical and geological information including specialised tests
vi. Surrounding road network including key NH, SH, MDR and ODRs

vii. Key O/D points and urban settlements
viii. High resolution satellite /airborne imagery of the region
10.4 Feasibility Report

1. The consultant shall commence the Feasibility Study of the project in accordance with the
accepted IR and the report shall containthe following:

i. Executive summary
ii. Overview of MoRT&H,GoI /StatePWD organization and activities,and project financing and cost
recovery mechanisms.
iii. Project description including possible alternative alignments/ by passes and
technical/engineering alternatives
iv. Methodology adopted for the feasibility study
v. Socio economic profile of the project areas
vi. Indicative design standards, methodologies and specifications
vii. Traffic surveys and analysis
viii. Environmental screening and preliminary environment talassessment
ix. Initial social assessment and preliminary land acquisition/resettlement plan
x. Cost estimates based on preliminary rate analy sis and bill of quantities,
xi. Cost analysis of all alternate identified alignments
xii. Economic and financial analysis
xiii. Conclusions and recommendations

2. In view of para 1 above the consultant has to submit the following document sinsixsets:

i. Technical Specifications: The MORT&H’s Technical Specifications for Road and

Bridge works shall be followed for this study.However, Volume-IV:Technical
Specifications shall contain the special technical specifications which are not covered
by MORT&H Specifications for Roads and Bridges (latest edition / revision) and also
specific quality control norms for the construction of works.

ii. Rate Analysis: This volume will present the analysis of rates for all items of works. The
details of unit rate of materials at source, carriage charges, any other applicable charges,
labour rates, and machine charges as considered in arriving at unit rates will be included
in this volume.

iii. Cost Estimates: This volume will present the each item of work as well as
asummary of total cost.

iv. Bill of Quantities: This volume shall contain the detailed Bill of Quantities for all
items of works

3. The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations shall be submitted in a
separate volume asan Appendix to Feasibility Report.

4. The Final Feasibility Study Report incorporating comments, revisions and modifications
suggested by MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD shall be submitted within 15 days of receipt of
comments From MoRT&H, GoI/State PWD West Bengal on draft feasibility study

10.5 Strip Planand Clearances

1. The Consultants shall submit the following documents:

i. Details of the center line of the proposed widened NH along with the existing and
proposed right-of-way limits to appreciate the requirements of land acquisition;
ii. The information concerning the area including owners hip of land to be acquired for the
implementation of the project shall be collected from the revenue and other concerned
authority esand presented along with the stripplans;
iii. Strip plans showing the position of existing utilities and services indicating clearly the
position of their relocation;
iv. Details for various clearances such as environment and forest clearances;
v. Separate strip plan showing shifting/relocation of each utility services in consultation
with the concerned local authorities;
vi. The utility relocation plans should clearly show existing right-of-wayand pertinent to
pographic details including buildings, major trees, fences and other installations such
aswater-mains, telephone, telegraph and electricity poles, and suggest relocation of the
services along with their crossings the highway at desi gnatedlocations as required and prep
are necessary details for submission to the Service Departments;
vii. Detail schedules for acquisition of additional land and additional properties in
consultation with the revenue authorities; and
viii. Land Acquisition Plan shall be prepared after digitization of cadastral/land revenue
maps.The digitized map shall exactly match the original map, like a contact print, since the
dimensions and area of plots, or the whole village is to be extracted from the map itself.
Anaccuracy of 1mm or higher in a 1:1000 scale map shall be ensured,as this translates into
an accuracy of 1m or higher onground.

2. The strip plans and land acquisition plan shall be prepared on the basis of data from
reconnaissance and detailed topographic surveys.

3. The Report accompanying the strip plans should cover the essential aspects as given under:

i. Kilometre-wise Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and schedule of ownership there of

and Costs as per Revenue Authorities and also based on realistic rates.
ii. Details of properties, such as buildings and structures falling with in the right-of- way
and costs of acquisition based on realistic rates.
iii. Kilometre-wise Utility Relocation Plan (URP) and costs for relocation per civil
construction packageas per concerned authorities.
iv. Kilometre-wise account in regard to felling of trees of different type and girth and value
estimate of such trees based on realistic rates obtainable from concerned District forest

4. The strip plans shall clearly indicate the scheme for widening. The views and suggestions of the
concerned State PWDs should be duly taken into account while working out the widening
scheme (left, right or symmetrical). The widening scheme shall be finalized in consultation
with MoRT & H, GoI/ State PWD, Government of West Bengal.

5. Kilometre-wise Strip Plans for section (Package) shall be prepared separately

for each concerned agency and suggested by MoRT&H,GoI/State PWD

10.6 Land Acquisition Report

1. Consultant shall submit a detailed land acquisition plan that provides details on kilometre- wise
land acquisition requirements, all required details and draft notifications made.
2. The Land acquisitionp lanand report shall be prepared and submitted for each section
(package). Details shall also be submitted in land acquisition proforma to be supplied by
MoRT&H, GoI in both Hindi and English languages.

3. The Land Acquisition Plan shall be prepared after digitization of cadastral/land

revenue maps asperclause of this TOR
i. Land parcels identification should be verified by super imposing the proposed road
corridor RoW on the geo-located cadastral map to ensure all affected land parcels have
been accounted for and landare atobe acquired is accurately determined

4. The land acquisition plan shall presentdetails concerning the land area to be acquired in
conjunction with the stripplan:
i. Kilometer-wise existing and proposed RoW on either side of the
proposed centre line
ii. Detail schedules of additional land to be acquired,land ownership and other
required details as per revenue records
iii. Details of properties, suchas buildings and structures falling within the right-of way
iv. Costs of acquisition as per revenue authorities and also based on realistic
market derived rates
v. Details chedules for acquisition of additional land and additional properties in
consultation with the revenue authorities;

5. The land acquisition plan shall report the progress of the landac quisition process under
the NH Land Acquisitionact

i. All required details on land parcels to be acquired

ii. Copies draft 3a and 3A notifications and approvals from MoRT&H ,Go I/PWD,
Go WB.
iii. Copies of published notifications, communication with CALAs and current status
land acquisition process
iv. Village, district and CALA wise summary of land to be acquired, current status of
process and notifications published

6. The estimated cost of land acquisition shall invariably be worked out realistically for all
projects before finalization of 3(D)notifications for publication so as enable taking a
conscious decision re garding the feasibility of acquiring the land or exploring of other (such
as following alternative alignments, etc.).

7. The land acquisition report should be prepared in cons ultation with affected persons ,non-
government all organisations and concerned government agencies and should cover land
acquisition and resettlement planand estimated costs of resettlement and rehabilitation of affected
10.7 Utility relocateon plan
1. The consultant shall prepare a kilometre-wise Utility Relocation Plan (URP) and costs for
relocation per civil construction package as per estimates from concerned authorities

2. The utility relocation shall contain details regarding:

i. All utilities identified in the existing and proposed road RoW such as water- mains,

telephone ,telegraph and electricity poles
ii. Those utilities that will require shifting to enable const ruction of the projectr oad
iii. All necessary details required for submission of utilities shifting proposals to the
concerned user agencies
iv. Copies of utilities shifting proposals made to the concerned user agencies along
withsuggested relocation of services along with their crossingsacross the project road at
designated locationsas required
v. Details of consultations made with local people and user agencies
vi. Preliminary scheme for shifting and costestimates for shifting asper the concerned
vii. Separate strip plan showing shifting/ relocation of each utility services prepared
in consultation with the concerned local authorities
viii. Draft map and plans showing road centerline,existing right of way, proposed right of
way, pertinent topographic details and existing and proposed location of utilities

10.8 Clearances report

1. The consultant shall prepare a report regarding all other clearances required to enable the
construction of the project road such as environment ,forest, tree cutting and railways clearances

2. The clearances report shall include kilometre-wise requirement of all clearances required
presented along with the strip plan including ,but not limited to:

i. Requirements for environmental clearances along the project corridor

ii. Requirements for forest clearance sin cluding type of forest affected, extent of land area
needing diversion
iii. Accoun to frequired felling of trees of different type and girth and value estimate of such
trees basedon realistic rates obtainable from concerned Districtforest office
iv. Plan of compensating afforestation, its land requirement with specific locations and
cost involved for undertaking all activities in this regard.
v. Requirements for wildlife clearances
vi. Requirements for CRZ clearances
vii. ROB/RUB salong the project corridor to be constructed,widened or modified in any
form requiring clearances from the railways
viii. Clearances from Irrigation Authorities regarding Irrigation structures, etc.
3. The clearances report shall also include:

i. Details of proposals made to concerned agencies and departments

ii. Date of submission of clearance sproposals,Environmental impact assessment report
to the competent authority
iii. Copies of all actual clearance proposals madeor drafts of proposals yet to be
iv. Information regarding points of contact,current status of proposals made, key
issues raised and clear nex tsteps to obtaining clearances
4. The consultant shall also assistin attending to queries raised/furnishing of clarifications
towards securing applicable clearances.


10.9 Draft Detailed Project Report (DPR)

1. The draft DPR Submission shall consis to construction package - wise Main Report, Design
Report, Materials Report, Engineering Report, Drainage Design Report, Economic and Financial
Analysis Report, Environmental Assessment Report in cluding Resettlemen tAction Plan (RAP),
Package-wisebid Documents and Drawings.
2. The Report volumes shall be submitted as tabulated in para 10a bove.

3. The Documents and Drawings shall be submitted for the Package and shall be in the
following format:


i. Volume‐I, Main Report:This report will present the project background,socialanalysis of

the project, details of surveys and in vestigations carriedout, analysis and interpretation of
survey and investigation data,traffic studies and demand forecasts designs, geotechnical
and geological investigation data/report including specialized tests, cost estimation,
environmental aspects, economic and commercial analyses and conclusions. The report
shall include Executive Summary giving brief accounts of the findings of the study and
recommendations. A sample executive summary has been enclosed in Appendix VIII.

The Report shall also include maps, charts and diagrams showing locations and details
of existing features and the essential features of improvement and upgrading. The
Environm ental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for contract package shall be
submitted as a part of the main report. The basic data obtained from the field
studiesand investigations and input data used for the preliminary design shall be
submitted in a separate volume asan Appendixto Main Report.
ii. Volume ‐ II, Design Report: This volume shall contain design calculations, supported by
computer printout of calculations wherever applicable.The Report shall clearly bring out thevarious
featuresof design standards adopted for the study.The design report will be in two parts. Part-I shall
primarily deal with the design of road features and pavement compositionwhilePart-II shall
deal with the design of bridges, tunnels and cross-drainage structures. The sub-soil exploration
report including the complete details of boring done, analyses and interpretation of data and the
selection of design parameters shall be included as an Appendix to the Design Report.

The detailed design for all features should be carried out asper the requirements of the
Design Standards for the project. However, there may be situations wherein it has not been
possible to strictly ad here to the designs tandards due to the existing site conditions,
restrictions and other considerations. The report should clearly bring out the details of this
aspect and the standards adopted.

iii. Volume‐III, Materials Report:The Materials Report shall contain details concerning the
proposed borrow areas and quarries for construction materials and possible sources of
water for construction purposes.The report shall include details on locations of borrow
area sand quarries shown on maps and charts and also the estimated quantities with mass
haul diagram including possible end use with leads involved,the details of sampling and
testing carried out and results in the form of important index values with possible end use
there of.

The materials Report shall also include details of sampling, testing and test results
obtained in respect physical properties of subgrades oils.The information shall be presente
din tabular as wellas in graphical representations and schematic diagrams.The Report
shall present soil profiles along the alignment.

The material Report should also clearly indicate the location so fare as with
problematic soils. Recommen dations concerning the improve ment of such soils for
use in the proposed construction works,such as stabilization (cement, lime,
mechanical) should be included in the Report.

iv. Volume‐IV, Environmental Assessment Report including Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) & Resettlement Action Plan (RAP): The Report shall
be prepared conforming to the Guide lines of the Government of India, State
Government and World Bank/ADB as appropriate for construction package.

v. Volume‐V, Technical Specifications: The MORT&H’s Technical Specifications for

Road and Bridge works shall be followed for this study.How ever, Volume IV:Technical
Specifications shall contain the special technical specifications which are not covered by
MOSTS pecifications for Roads and Bridges(latest edition/revision)and also specific
quality control norms for the construction of works.
vi. Volume ‐ VI, Rate Analysis: This volume will present the analys is of rates for all items
of works. The details of unit rate of materials at source, carriage charges, any other
applicable charges, labour rates, machine charges as considered in arriving at unit rates
will be included in this volume.

vii. Volume ‐ VII, Cost Estimates: This volume will present the contract package wise cost
of each item of workas well as a summary of total cost.

viii. Volume ‐ VIII, Bill of Quantities: This volume shall contain the package-wise
detailed Bill of Quantities for allitems of works.
ix. Volume ‐ IX, Drawing Volume: All drawings forming part of this volume shall
be‘good for construction’ drawings. All plan and profile drawings will be prepared in
scale 1:250V and 1:2500H scale to cover one km in one sheet. In addition this
volume will contain‘good for construction’drawings for the following:

• Horizontal Alignment and Longitudinal Profile.

• Cross-section@50m interval along the alignment within ROW
• Typical Cross-Sections with details of pavement structure.
• Detailed Working Drawings for individual Culverts and Cross Drainage
• Detailed Working Drawings for individual Bridges,tunnels and Structures.
• Detailed Drawings for Improvement of At-Gradeand Grade-Separated

• Intersections and Interchanges.
• Drawings for Road Sign, Markings, Toll Plazas, and other Facilities.
• Schematic Diagrams ( linearchart )indicating but be not limited to be
• Widening scheme;
• Locations of median openings ,intersections ,inter changes,under
passes, over passes,by passes;
• Locations of service roads;
• Location of traffic signals, traffic signs, road markings ,safety features;and,
• Locations of toll plaza, parking areas, weighing stations, bus bays,rest areas, if any.
• Drawings for toll plaza, Bus Bays, Parking areas, Rest areas, weighing stations
etc.All drawings will be prepared in A2 size sheets. The format for plan,
crosssection and profile drawings shall be finalized in consultation with the
concerned State PWD officers. The drawings shall also include details of all BM
and reference pillars, HIP and VIP. The co-ordinates of all points should be
referenced to a common datum, preferably GTS referencing system.The drawings
shall also in clude the locations of alltraffic safety features in cluding traffic
signals, signs,markings,crash barriers,delineators and rest areas,bus bays,parking
areas etc.
• The typical cross-section drawings should indicate the scheme for future
widening of the carriageway. The proposed cross-sections of road segment
passing through urban areas should indicate the provisions forpedes trian
movements and suitable measures for surface and sub-surface drainage and
lighting, as required.
• Digital drawings of proposed highway and features

b. The consultant shall deliver the final road alignment geometry,proposed road way
model and all proposed structures in a 3D engineered model with all the required
features as proposed in Enclosure II
c. The consultant shall also provide digital versions of all drawings stated in para1
above in the format proposed in Enclosure II

4. The draft Detailed Project report of specialized projects will be scrutinized by the Peer Review
consultant appointed by MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD The peer Review Consultant will be retired
professional in the field, drawn from the various Central / State Highway/Road Work departments
having adequate knowledge in the field. One professional will be earmarked fro mthe standing
panel of Peer Review consultant approved by MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD. For each DPR. The Peer
Review consultant will scrutinize the draft DPR with in15 days of submission and the observations
will be complied with and incorporated in the final DPR.

10.10 Final Detailed Project Report, Documents and Drawings (6Sets)

1. The Final package- wise DPR consisting of Main Report, Design Report, Drainage Design Report
and Materials Report, incorporating all revisions deemed relevant following receipt
Of the comments from MoRT&H, GoI /StatePWD, on the draft DPR shall be submitted as per the
schedule given in Enclosure-I.


10.11 Bid documents and Technical Schedules

1. Bid documents

a. The consultant shall prepare bid documents for EPC, PPP or other modes of
contracting as suggested by MoRT&H, GoI/State PWD.
b. Individual bid documents will be submitted for each mode suggested and for each
individual package or section identified for execution

c. Consultant shall assemble and provide all supporting documents from the DPR
assignment that will be required for the bid,in the format required by the
contracting SOP inforce at the time of bidding or as may be required by the
2. Technical Schedules

a. The consultant shall submita Draft Contract/Concession Agreement derived from the
MasterContract/Concession Agreement maintained by the authority with all required
modifications and inclusions made with reference to the
b. The agreement Submitted shall contain all required technical schedules
updated with the pertinent project details and data required
c. Draft agreement and schedules shall be finalised in consultation with the authority and
submitted for further processing and use with the contractor/concessionaire awarded the
bid packages


10.12 LA & Clearances II Report

10.13 Land acquisition report II

1. The consultant shall prepare and submit a second dreporton Land Acquisition
providing details of further land acquisition activity ,relevant documentation and
notification suntil 3D and report the out comes of the joint measurement survey
2. The land acquisition report shall contain:

i. Current status of land acquisition data village, district and CALA level
ii. Dates and details of all land acquisition related notifications published,
proceedings/hearings held and objections raised
iii. Draft,final(as declared by CALA where applicable ) and published 3a,3A
and 3D notifications

iv. Date of joint measurement survey by village,key proceedings and outcomes

v. Detailed schedule of information regarding land to be acquired within

formation on land area, land type, nature of land use, ownership status, and

Area to be acquired by survey number and list of structures by plot

vi. The report shall also contain updated sketches of align ment,updated land
parcels to be acquired
vii. All relevant information in this report shall be verified by the
consultant with the land revenue department ,and CALA office

Clearances ReportII

1. The consultant shall obtain all the necessary project related clearances such as
environment, forest and wild life clearance from MOEF, Railways in respect of
ROB/RUBs, Irrigation Deptt,CRZ clearances from concerned authorities,and any other
concerned agencies by the end of this stage
2. The final approvals shall be obtained and submitted to MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWDl so that project
implementation can begin straightaway

3. The accompanying report on clearances shal linclude:

i. Anupdated list of all clearances required,current status,expected completion date in
case the clearance is pending,key issues and suggested next steps
ii. Details of all public hearings, consultations and meetings conducted in the
process of obtaining the required clearances
iii. Date/details of proposals submitted and estimated date fo rissue of
iv. Date and detail so fall joint measurement and site inspection surveys
v. Date of final approval of clearance sifany
vi. Copies of all clearances obtained

Utilities ReportII

1. Consultant shall obtain final utility clearances from the relevant user agencies to
enable shifting of the utilities from project road

2. A report shall be submitted on the final completion status and costs of utilities
shifting along with other final clearance sandland acquisitionII report
3. The final utilities clearances report shall containa summary view of utilities
Shifting :type and extent of utility, length of road affected,chainage, user agency, point
of contact and approver at agency, date of approval at agency and
State PWD, shifting estimate, agency/supervision fees, executing agency–user agency or
4. State PWDIn addition,fo reach utility to be shifted,the report shall contain:

i. Copies of actual approvals granted at user agency and MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD Cost

estimates and shifting plans approved,demand note from agency
ii. Approved utilities shifting proposal including strip plan showing scheme of

iii. Map and design/engineering drawings of existing utility and shifting to be
iv. Details of approved contractors,schedule of rates for state and bank
account/deposit details for agency

v. Finance pro-forma,utilities checklist, no upgradation certificate and other documentation

as may be required byMoRT&H,GoI/State PWDat the time of approval

Stage7: Award Determination

10.14 Submission of Award Determination Report

a. Consultant shall submit a report on status of award upon approval by

MoRT&H,GoI/State PWD of award declared for 90% of linear length as per LA
plan or as per the time line as given in Enclosure I,which ever is earlier

b. The Consultant shall also submit an updated report containing all required details upon
approval of award by MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD of 100% of land required to be

c. The Land award report shall contain details of:

i. Summary of compensation award status by village including:

1. Total private and public land being acquired for the project(sq.m)-by
2. Date of3A & 3D, final award by CALA, approval by MoRT&H,GoI/
StatePWD by village
3. Variation of land area and nature of land use against that notified in
3D with reasons
4. Tota laward declared by village, claims made by beneficiaries and
status of disbursement
ii. In detail for each village:
1. Updated land acquisition tracker containing parcel-wise status of
each notification ,award and disbursement
2. Method used by CALAfor arrival on market value
3. Valuation report and details of Award calculation
4. Claims report(received under sub- section 3 of 3G)
5. Copies of notification spublished ,certificates received
6. Deviations in area according to CALA from provisions under sec.26-30
iii. Key issues being faced in completing land acquisition and tentative time line for
iv. AGIS map containing digitized details of land parcels shall be updated with all
relevant land possession details and supplied in the agreed digital format

Stage8: Land Possession

10.15 Submissiono plan possession report

a) The consultant shall submit a report on status of land possession upon receiving land
possession certificates for 90% of linear length as per LA plan or as per the timeline
as givenin EnclosureI,which ever is earlier

b) The Consultant shall also submit an updated report containing all required details
upon completion of 100% of land possession certificate s

c) The land possession report shall contain

i. Summary of land possession status by village in cluding:

• total private and public land being acquired for the project (sq.m) – by
• date of final award by CALA, approval by MoRT&H,GoI /State PWD
notification (3E) to owners and receipt of land possession certificates from
CALA by village
• Status of disbursement on the date of receipt land possession certificate
ii. Key issues being faced in completing land acquisition and tentative time line
for completion
iii. Land possession certificates as received from CALA by village
• Updated land acquisition tracker containing parcel-wise status of each
notification and disbursement status
iv. AGIS map containing digitized details of land parcels shall be updated with all
relevant land possession details and suppliedin the agreed digital format

11. Interaction with MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD

1. During entire period of services,the Consultant shall interact continuously with
MoRT&H, GoI/State PWDand provide any clarificationas o.I/
regards methods being followed and

carry out modificationas suggested by P.W.(Roads)Directorate, Government of

StatePWD A programme of various
activities shall be provided to StatePWD and prior intimation shall be given to State PWD
regarding start of key activities such as boring, survey etc. so that inspections of
MoRTH/StatePWDofficials could be arranged in time.

2. The MoRT&H,GoI/State PWD officers and other Government officers may visit the site atany
time, individually or collectively to acquaint/ supervise the field investigation and survey
works.MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD may also appointa Proof Consultant to supervise the work of
the DPR consultantin cluding inter-alia field investigation, survey work, Design work and pre-
construction activities

3. The consultant shall be required to send 3 copies of concise monthly Progress Report by the 5th
day of the following month to the designated officer at his Head Quarter so that progress
could be monitored by the MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD These reports will indicate
thedatesofinductionand de-induction of various key personnel and the activities
performed by them. Frequent meetings with the consultant at site office or in Delhi
are foreseen during the currency of project preparation.

4. All equipment, software and book setc. Required for satisfactory services for this project shall be
obtained by the Consultant at their own cost and shall be their property.

12. Payment Schedule

The Consultant will be paid consultancy feeas a percentage of the contract value sasper the
schedule givenin the Draft Contract Agreement.

13. Data and Software

1. a. Consultants shall also deliver to MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD all basic as well as the
processed data from all field studies and investigations, report, appendices,
Annexure,documents and drawings in a digital format as described in Enclosure IIover
the course of this assignment and at the submission of the final reportin the form of a
removable storage device (CD or USB pen drive) and hosted in a secure online
filehosting plat form

b. If required by MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD the consultant shall arrange at their own cost necessary
software for viewing and measurement of imagery/point cloud

i. Engineering Investigations and Traffic Studies: Road Inventory,Condition,

Roughness,Testkit(Pavement composition), Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
Material Investigation including test results for subgrade soils,Traffic Studies(traffic
surveys), axle load surveys, Sub-soil Exploration,Drainage Inventory,Inventory data
for bridge and culverts indicating rehabilitation,new construction requirement etc. in
MS EXCEL or any other format which could be imported to widely used utility

ii. Topographic Surveys and Drawings: All topographic data would be supplied
in (x, y, z) format along with complete reference so that the data could be
imported into any standard highway design software.The drawing files would be
submitted in dxf or dwg format.

iii. Rate Analysis: The Consultant shall submit the rate analysis for various
worksitems including the data developed on computer in this relation so that it
could beused by the Authority later for the purpose of updating the cost of the

iv. Economic and Financial Analysis

2. Software: The Consultants hall also hand-over to MoRT&H,GoI/State PWD floppies/CD’s containing any
general software including the financial model which has been specifically developed for the

3. The floppy diskettes/CD should be properly indexed and a catalogue givingcontents of all
floppies/CD’sand print-outs of the contents (data from field studies to pographic data and
drawings) should be handed over to MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWD at the time of submission of the
Final Report.

4. Consultant shall include editable soft copies of the final versions of all documents, including
but not limited to the strip plan, plan & profile drawings, cross sections of right of way and details
of structures as well as any cost workings.




Sr. Clause Additional points

No No.of
1. 2.2 a) Provisions of tunnel sif required.

2. 2.3 a) Design of tunnels,if required

b) Design of protective works,slope stabilization measures,erosion control measures,
landslide control/protection measures snow drift control/snow clearance measures,
avalanche protection measures, if required

3. 3 Feasibility study and preparation of detailed project report for hill roads shall be done in
accordance with best international practices and wherever practicable/feasible steep
gradients and hairpin bends may be avoided by ealignments by provision of structures
and provision of tunnels if required

4. 4.1 a) Inventory and condition survey fortunnels, if required.

b) Identification of faults in rock strata and impact of faults in design of tunnels,
c) Detailed design of road considering and incorporating specific aspects related to hill
region like terrain, topographic conditions, extreme weather conditions, altitude
effects etc.
d) Design of protective works,slope stabilization measures,erosion control
measures, land slide control/protection measures, snow drift control/snow clearance
measures, avalanche protection measures, if required
e) Design of scenic overlooks/watering points etc.

5. 4.5(1) All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done as per the
latest guidelines/circulars of MORT&H and relevant publications of the Indian Roads
Congress (IRC)/Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for hill roads. For aspects not covered
by IRC and BIS, international standard practices, suchas, British and American
Standards may be adopted.

6. 4.7 Review of data and documents pertaining to

a) Terrain and soil condition
b) Condition of tunnels, if required.
c) Sub-surfaceand geo-technical data for existing tunnels, if required.
d) Drawing and details of existing tunnels,if required.
e) Existing protective works,erosion control and landslid econtrol/protection works,
slope stabilization measures, s now drift control measures ,avalanche protection
f) Existing landslide and snow clearance facilities
g) Geological details of rock strata in the area in case of tunnels

Sr. Clause Additional points
No No.of
7. 4.11.1(1) The Consultant should make an in depth study of available geological and
Meteorological maps of the area.

8. 4.11.1(2) The primary tasks to be accomplished during the reconnaissance survey shall
a) Details of terrain(steep or mountainous),cliffs and gorges,general elevation ofthe
road including maximum heights negotiated by main ascents and descents, total number
of ascents and descents,hairpin bends, vegetation etc.
b) Climatic conditions i.e. temperature, rainfall data, snowfall data, fog
conditions, unusual weather conditions etc.
c) Realignment requirements including provision of tunnels,if required.
d) Inventory of tunnels and geologically sensitive areas like slip prone areas,areas
subject to landslides, rockfall,snowdrifts,erosion,avalanche activity etc.

9. Cross sections shall be taken at every 25 m. in case of hill roads and at points of
(3.ii) appreciable changes in soil conditions.While taking cross sections; soil conditions shall
also be recorded.

10 1)The inventory data shall also include:

a) General elevation of road indicating maximum & minimum heights negotiated by

main ascents & descents and total no.of ascents & descents.
b) Details of road gradients, lengths of gentle & steep slopes, lengths & location
ofstretches in unstable areas, areas with cliffs, areas with loose rocks, land slide prone
area now drift prone areas, no. & location of hair pin bends etc.
c) Details of tunnels
d) Details & types of protective structures, erosion & land slide control/protection
measures,snowdrift control measures, avalanche protection/control measures etc.

11 2) Pavement:

a) Location of crust failures along with their causes

b) Conditions of camber/cross falls/super elevations etc.,whether affected by
subsidence Embankment:Extent of slope erosion on hill and valley side

12 -- Condition Surveys & Investigation for Slope Stabilization, Erosion Control,Land

slide Correction/Protection&Avalanche Protection Measures:
a) Inventory&Condition Surveys of Existing Protective/ Control Measures:
The consultant shall make an inventory of all the structures related to Slope
Stabilization, Erosion Control, Landslide Control/protection, Avalanche
Protectionetc. This shall include details of effectiveness of control measures already
done and condition of protective/control structures.
b) Land slide Investigation
This shall be carried out to identify landslide prone areas, to suggest preventive
emeasures or alternate routes that are less susceptible to landslide hazard. Further in
existing slide areas this shall help to identify factors responsible for

Sr. Clause Additional points
No No.of
Instability and to determine appropriate control measures needed to prevent or
minimize recurring of instability problems.Initial preliminary studies shall be
carried out using available contour maps, topographical maps, geological/geo-
morphological maps,PMC rial photographs etc.for general under standing of
existing slide area and to identify potential slide areas. This shall be followed by
further investigations like geological/geotechnical/ hydrological investigation to
determine specific site conditions prevailing in the slide area as per relevant IRC
specifications/publications, MORT&H circulars and relevant recommendations of
the international standards for hill roads. The result of the investigations shall provide
basis for engineering analysis and the design of protection/remedial measures. The
following studies shall also be undertaken by the consultant.
(a) Detailed and appropriate study of folded lithology and stratigraphy of
Rock and Soil layers respectively;
(b) Analysis for the stability and shear strength of the rocks/soils through
electrical resistivity tomography/imaging;
(c) Detection of unstable zones in rocks through compression and shear
wave velocity test in laboratory as well as through surface and
borehole geophysical methods to establish the parameters like
soundness of rock, degree of weathering and Geological strength
Index (GSI);
(d) Detection of failure planes within rock mass with respect to the direction
of Slope (favorable joint set/unfavorable joint set/fracture rock);
(e) Detection of instability within the rock mass during monsoon through
non-intrusive tests for the entire stretch;
(f) Field tests such as Rock Mass Classification, Rock Mass Parameters like
RMR, Q and GSI, collecting Rock Core Bits, Field logging soil, rock
borings etc., shall be carried out for analyzing stability of slopes.
(g) Ground Water Movements/ Sub-surface drainage mapping need to be
completed for the entire stretch of the road and 3D Electrical Resistivity
Test for the entire stretch.

13 a) For tunnels if required, geotechnical and subsurface investigation shall be

doneasper IRC:SP:91.
b) Geotechnical and subsurface investigation and testing for tunnels shall
becarried out through the geotechnical Consultants who have the experience of
geotechnical and subsurface investigation in similar project.
c) Specialised tests for geotechnical investigation.
14 4.12.1(1) The Consultant shall also carry out detailed designs and prepare working designs for
the following:
a) Cross sections at every 25 min tervals
b) Slope stabilization and erosion control measures
c) Design of protection/control structures in areas subject to subsidence,
landslides, rockfall, rockslide, snowdrifts, icing, scour, avalanche activity etc.
d) Design of protective structures in slip prone and unstable areas
e) Design of scenic over looks, watering points etc.
f) Safety features specific to hill roads

15 4.12.2(1) The Consultant shall evolve Design Standards and material specifications for the
Study primarily based on IRC publications, MORT&H Circulars and relevant
recommendations of the international standards for hill roads for approval by
MoRT&H, GoI/NH Planning&Design Circle,P.W.(Roads)Directorate,Government
of WestBengal.

4.12.2(2) The Design Standards evolved for the project shall coverall aspects of detailed design in
cluding the design of geometric elements, pavement design,bridges and structures
,tunnels if required,traffics afety andmaterials.
16 4.12.3 Wherever practicable/ feasible hairpin bends and steep gradients shall be avoided by
realignments, provision of structures or any other suitable provisions.

17 4.12.4 While designing pavement for hill roads specific aspects relevant to hill regions like
terrain & topographic conditions, weather conditions, altitude effects etc. shall
beduly considered and suitably incorporated in design so that pavement is able
toperform well for the design traffic and service life. Effects of factors like heavy
rainfall, frost action, intensive snow and avalanche activity, thermal stresses due
totemperature difference in day and night, damage by tracked vehicles during
snowclearance operations etc. must also be considered along with traffic intensity,
itsgrowth, axle loads and design life.

Sr. Clause Additional points
No No.of
18 4.12.5(3) The design of embankments should include the requirements for protection works and
traffic safety features including features specific to hill roads.

19 4.12.6 Design and Drawing of Tunnels:

The Consultant shall prepare design and drawings for tunnels, if required as
pertheresults of feasibility study, as per the relevant specifications of
IRC:SP:91/MORT & Hand other international specifications.

20 4.12.7 a) Topography of hills generates numerous watercourses and this coupled with
continuous gradients of roads in hills and high intensity of rainfall calls for effective
drainage of roads. The drainage system shall bedesigned to ensure that the water
flowing towards the road surfacemay be diverted and guided tofollowa definite path by
suitable provision of roadside drains, catch water drains, interceptors etc. And flow on
valley side is controlled so that stability is not affected.
b) Further, adequate provision shall be made for sub-surface/subgrade drainage
totake care of seepage through the adjacent hill face of the road & underground

21 4.12.8 The Consultant shall design suitable traffic safety features and road furniture including
traffic signals, signs, markings, over head sign boards, crash barriers, delineators etc.
including any feature specific to hill roads. The locations of these features shall be given
in the reports and also shown in the drawings.

22 4.12.11 The Consultant shall make suitabled esigns and layout for miscellaneous works
including rest areas ,bus bays ,vehicle parking areas,telecommunication facilities,sceni
cover looks,watering points etc.wherever appropriate.

23 10.9.3 Volume II : Design Report:

a) Inventory of protection measures and other structuresb) Inventory of
tunnels,if required.
b) Proposed preliminary designs for tunnels ,if required.
Volume III : Drawings
a) Drawings for protection/control measures and other structures
b) Drawings for tunnels ,if required.

24 10.9.3 Volume II: Design Report (PartII)

PartII of Design Report shall also deal with design of tunnels, if required and design
of other protection/control structures.
Volume IX: Drawing Volume
This shall also include:
a) Detailed working drawings for tunnels, if required.
b) Detailed working drawings for protection/control structures



Sr.No. Clause Additionalpoints

1 4.1 For stand alone bridge projects the scope of works hallinclude
detailed design of approach road extending at least up to 2 km on
either side of the bridge Model Studies for Bridges
1. Objective
Physical/Mathematical Model study for detailed Hydraulic/Hydrologic
investing ationsregarding the proposed bridge for hydraulic design of the
bridge and assessment and hydraulic design of required river training
2. Methodology
Physical/Mathematical Model study shall be carried out at
areputed/recognized institution. The consultant will be responsible for
identifying the institution,supplying Information/Documents
/Data required for modal studies as indicated in para 4 below and
coordinating the model study with the institution concerned
3. Scope of Work
Physical Modelstudy
Physical modeling with appropriate model scale for Hydraulic and
Hydrologic Investigationsto:
i) Finalize span arrangement causing uniformity inflow distribution and
work out the alignment and orientation of river training works and
bridge axis.
ii) Provide information on estimated/observed maximum depth of
iii) Provide information on required river training works for proposed
iv) Provide hydraulic design for the bridge and the required river
training works.
v) Quantify the general direction of river course through bridge, afflux,
extent and magnitude of flood, effect to back water, if
any,aggradation/degradation of bed, evidence of scour etc. shallbe used to
augment the available hydrological data.The presence of flood
control/irrigation structures ,if affecting the hydraulic characteri stics like
causing obliquity,concentration of flow,scour,silting of bed,change in flow
levels, bed levels etc. shall be studied and considered in Hydraulic design
of proposed bridge. The details of any planned workin the immediate
future that may affect the river hydraulics shall be studied and considered.
vi) Analy zeeffects of Wind Load on the Structures.

Sr.No. Clause Additional points
3.2 Mathematical Modelstudy
Mathematical modeling for detailed Hydraulic/Hydrologic investing
ationsregardingthe proposed newbridgeto:
i) Finalizethe site/location of the proposed new bridge based on
mathematical modeling.
ii) Provide information on estimated/observed maximum depth of
iii) Provide information on required river training works for proposed
iv) Provide hydraulic design for the bridge and the required river
training works.
v) Quantity the general direction of river courset hrough bridge afflux
extentan dmagnitude of flood effect of back water if any
aggradation/degradation of bed, evidence of scour etc. shallbe used to
augment the available hydrological data. The presence of flood control
irrigation structures if affecting the hydraulic characteristics like causing
obliquity, concentration of flow,scour,silting of bed,change in flow
levels,bed levels etc.shall be studied and considered in Hydraulicd sign of
proposed bridge.The details of any planned work in the immediate future
that may affect the river hydraulics shall be studied and considered.
vi) Analyze effects of Wind Load on the Structures
4. Information/Documents/Data required for Physical
/Mathematical Model study
i) Plan lay outs showing the locations of the proposed bridge as well
asthe existing bridges /barrages etc., in the vicinity of the proposed bridge
with the chainages with respect to as tand rdreference marke don it.
ii) High flood discharges and corresponding flood level satthe
locations o f the existing bridges in the vicinity of the proposed bridge.
iii) General arrangement drawing (GAD) of the existing bridges showing
number of spans, pier andwell dimensions, founding levels,maximum
scour level, the design discharge and the HFL, guide bund details.On
this,the plan form of the river course with the bridge alignment may also
be shown asfaras possible.
iv) General arrangement drawing (GAD) of the proposed new bridge
showing number of spans, pier and foundation dimensions. On
this,the plan form of the river course with the bridge alignment may
also be shown asforas possible.
v) River cross sections at 500m longitudinal spacing (maximum) upto
adistance of 2 times the bridge total length on the upstream side and upto
a distance equal to the bridge total length on the down stream with
right bank and left bank clearly marked on it. At leas to necross
section to be provided at the location of the proposed bridge. At each
cross section,the bed levels to be takenat
A maximum lateral distance of 8 minflow section and at 25 min

Sr.No. Clause Additional points
non-flow section respectively. The abrupt variations in the bed levels
to be captured by taking measurements at closer locations both in
longitude in alas well as lateral directions.
vi) The cross sections,as for as possible,from high bank to high
vii) The longitude in alprofile of the river along the length of the
proposed alignment.
viii) Size distribution of the river bed material and the bore log data at
different locations at the site of the proposed bridge.
ix) The series of annual peak rainfall and flood of the river for at
least 30 years period



The use of checklists is highly recommended as they providea useful“aide memoire” for The audit
team to check that no important safety as pects are beingover looked.They also give to the project
manage rand the design engineer as ense of understand in gof the place of safety audit In the design
process.The following list shave been drawn up based on the
Experience of undertaking system aticsafety audit proced ureso verseas.This experience in dicates
that extensive list soft echnical detail shasen courage the iruseas“tick”sheet swith out sufficient
thought being given to the processes behind the actions.Accordingly,the
Check lists provide guidelines on the principal issues that need to beexamined during the course of the
safety audits.
Stage F‐During Feasibility Study

1. The audit team should review the proposed design fro maroad safety perspective and heck
the following aspects

Aspectstobechecked A. Safety and operational implications of proposed alignment and
junctions trategy with particular reference stoexpected road
usersand vehicle types likely to use the road.
B. Width options considered for various sections.
C. Departures from standards and action taken.
D. Provision of pedestrians,cyclists and intermediate transport
E. Safety implications of the schemeb eyondits physical limits
i.e.how the scheme fits into it senvironsand road Hierarchy
A1:General 1. Departures from standards
2. Cross-sectional variation
3. Drainage
4. Climaticconditions
5. Land scaping
6. Services apparatus
7. Lay-byes
8. Footpath
9. Pedestriancrossings
10. Access(minimize number of private accesses)
11. Emergency vehicles
12. Public Transport
13. Future widening
14. Stag in gofcontracts
15. Adjacent development

A2:Local Alignment 1. Visibility

2. New Existing road interface
3. Safety Aidsonsteephills
A3:Junctions 1. Minimise potential conflicts
2. Lay out
3. Visibility
A4:Non- 1. Adjacent land
Motorisedroadusers 2. Pedestrians
Provision 3. Cyclists

4.Non-motorised vehicles
A5:Signsand Lighting 1. Lighting
2. Signs/Markings
A6:Construction and 1. Buildability
Operation 2. Operational
3. Network Management

Stage1–Completion of Preliminary Design

1.The audit team shoul dreview the proposed check the following aspects design from road safety
perspective and check the following aspects

A. Safety and operational implications of proposed alignment

Aspectstobechecked and junction strategy with particular references to
expected road users and vehicle types likely to use
B. Widt hoptionsconsidered for various sections.
C. Departures from standard sand action taken.
D. Provision of pedestrians,cyclists and intermediate transport
E. Safety implications of the scheme beyond its physical
limits i.e. how the scheme fits into its environs and

1. Departures from standards

B1:General 2. Cross-sectional variation
3. Drainage
4. Climatic conditions
5. Land scaping
6. Service sapparatus
7. Lay-byes
8. Footpaths
9. Pedestrian crossings
10. Access (minimize number of private accesses)
11. Emergency vehicles
12. Public Transport
13. Future widening
14. Stagingo fcontracts
15. Adjacent development

1. Visibility
B2:Local Alignment 2. New Existingroad interface
3. Safety Aidsonsteephills
1. Minimise potential conflicts
B3:Junctions 2. Lay out
3. Visibility
1. Adjacentland
B4: Non-Motorisedroad users 2. Pedestrians
Provision 3. Cyclists
4. Non-motorised vehicles

1. Lighting
B5:Signsand Lighting 2. Signs/Markings

1. Buildability
B6:ConstructionandOperation 2. Operational
3. Network management

Stage2–Completion of Detailed Design

1. The audit team should satisfy it self that allissuesraisedat Stage1havebeenre solved.It emsmayre
quire further consider ation where significant design changes have occurred.
2. If a scheme has not been subject to a stage1audit, the items listed in Check lists B1 to B6
shoul dbecon sidered together with thei tems listed below.


As pectsto be checked A. Any design changes since Stage1.

B. The detailed design from road safety view point,
including the road safety implication soffuture
maintenance (speed limits ;road sign sand markings;
visibility; maintenance of street light ingand central
C1:General 1. Departures from standards
2. Drainage
3. Climatic conditions
4. Land scaping
5. Services apparatus
6. Lay-byes
7. Access
8. Skid-resistance
9. Agriculture
10. Safety Fences
11. Adjacent development
C2:Local Alignment 1. Visibility
2. New Existing road interface
C3:Junctions 1. Lay out
2. Visibility
3. Signing
4. Lighting
5. Road Marking
6. T,X,Y-junctions
7. All round abouts
8. Traffic signals
C4:Non-Motorised road 1. Adjacent land
users Provision 2. Pedestrians
3. Cyclists
4. Non-motorised vehicles
C5:Signsand Lighting 1. Advanced directionsigns
2. Local traffic signs
3. Variablemessagesigns
4. Other traffic signs
5. Lighting
6. Network Management


Terms of reference for phase 3: Construction supervision and maintenance

[Note: The term Agreement and caluses there of refered to the EPC agreement to been tered
between Authority and....contractor for the work of......on Engineering Procurement Construction
(EPC) basis]
1. Scope
1.1 These Terms of Reference (the “TOR”) for the Authority’s Engineer are being specified pursuant to the EPC
Agreement (the “Agreement”), which has to be entered into between the Authority and..................................... (the
“Contractor”) for (work…) on Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) basis.
1.2 The TOR shall apply to construction and maintenance of the Project Highway.

2. Definition sandinter pretation

2.1 The word sand expressions beginning with orincapital letter sand not defined here in but definedin the
Agreement shall have, unless repugnant to the con text, the meaning respectively assignedto them in the
2.2 References to Articles, Clauses and Schedules in this TOR shall, except where the context other wise requires,
bedeemed to be reference to the Articles, Clauses and Schedules of the Agreement, and references to Paragraphs shall
be deemed to be references to Paragraphs of this TOR.
2.3 The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this

3. General
3.1 The Project Management Consultant shall discharge its duties in a fair, impartial and efficient manner,
consistent with the highest standard so professional integrity and Good Industry Practice.
3.2 The Project Management Consultant shall perform the duties and exercise the authority in accordance with the
provision so this Agreement, but subject to obtaining prior written approval of the Authority before etermining.

(a) Any Time Extension.

(b) Any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor;
(c) The Termination Payment; or
(d) Any other matter which is not specified in (a), (b) or (c) above and which creates an
obligatio nor liability neither Party for asumexceeding Rs.5,000,000 (Rs.Fiftylakh.)
3.3 The Project Management Consultant shall submitregular periodi creports, once every
month, to the Authority in respect of its duties and functions under this Agreement. Such reports
shall be submitted by the Project Management Consultant within 10 (ten)days of

The beginning of every month.

3.4 The Project Management Consultant shall inform the Contractor of any delegation of its
duties and responsibilities to its suitably qualified and experienced personnel; provided,
however, that it shall not delegate the authority to refer any matter for the Authority’s prior
approval in accordance with the provisions of Clause 18.2 EPC Agreement.

3.5 The Project Management Consultant shall aid and advise the Authority on any propo sal
for Change of Scope under Article 13.

3.6 In the event of any disagreement between the Parties regarding the meaning, scope and
nature of Good Industry Practice, as set forth in any provision of the Agreement, the Project
Management Consultant shall specify such meaning, scope and nature by issuing are asoned
written statement relying on good industry practice and authentic literature.

4. Role and responsibility of Officers of the Authority

The officer in- charge of the Authority (e.g.PD/RO/CGM/Member in the case of NHAI;
RO/CE/ADG in the case of MoRTH projects executed through the State PWDs; and
PD/ED/Directorin the case of NHIDCL) is responsible for the overall supervision and
monitoring of the execution of project as the representative of the owner of the project.
The Authority's Engineer is appointed to assist the Authority for carrying out the
Functions as detailed under clause 18.2 of the EPC Agreement. As such, an officer of the
Authority is vested with all such powers and responsibilities as are enjoined upon the
Authority's Engineer and is fully competent to issue any instructions for proper
monitoring and supervision of the project, either by himself or through the Authority's
Engineer. Instructions issued by the concerned officer of the Authority shall have the same
effect as that of the Authority's Engineer in terms of this Agreement. Wherever such
concerned officer issues any in structions or notice to the Contractor, he shall
endorse a copy there of to the Authority's Engineer.

5 Construction Period

5.1 During the Construction Period, the Project Management Consultant shall review and approve the
Drawings furnished by the Contractor along with supporting data, including thegeo-technical and
hydrological investigations, characteristics of materials from borrow areas and quarry sites, to
pographical surveys, and the recommendations of the Safety Consultant in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 10.1.6 of EPC Agreement. The Project Management Consultant shall complete
such review and approveand send it so bservations to the Authority and the Contractor with
in15(fifteen) days of receipt of such Drawings; provided, however that in case of a Major Bridge or
Structure, the afore said period of 15 (fifteen) days may be extended upto 30 (thirty) days.
Inparticular, such comments shall specify the conformity or other wise of such Drawings with the
Scope of the Project and Specifications and Standards.
5.2 The Project Management Consultant shall review and approve any revised Drawings sent to it by
the Contractor and furn is hits comments with in 10(ten) days of receiving such Drawings. There
view/approval of drawing should be authenticated by Authority’s Engineer.
5.3 Quality Assurance Manual and Plan forms the basis of quality of the work. It is there for
eessential that the Quality Assurance Manual and Plan prepared by the Concessionaire be check
edand approved. Thus, the Project Management Consultant shall check contents of

Quality Assurance Plan and Manual of Concessionaire as per requirements of Quality
Management System (as per ISO 9001), IRC Special Publication -112:2017 (Manual for
Quality control in Road & Bridge. The Project Management Consultantshall also offer their
comments for modifying improving the document. After receiving the corrected document, the
Project Management Consultant shall review and formally approve the QAM and Quality Plan
and send one copy to the Authority. The Project Management Consultant shall complete the
review of the methodology proposed to be adopted by the Contractor for executing the Works,
and convey its comments to the Contractor within aperiod of 10 (ten) days from the date of
receipt of the proposed methodology from the Contractor.
5.4 The Project Management Consultant shall grant written approval to the Contractor, where
necessary, for interruption and diversion of the flow of traffic in the existing lanes of the Project
Highway for purpose so fma intenance during the Construction Periodinaccor dance with the
provisions of Clause10.4 EPC Agreement.

5.5 The Project Management Consultant shall review the monthly progress report furnished by the
Contractor and send its comments the reont to the Authority and the contractor with in 7(seven) days of
receipt to such report.

5.6 On a daily basis, the concer ned keypersonnel of Authority Engineer shall inspect the
Construction Works. Follow in gactivities need to be under taken during the visits.
 Review of construction in cluding progress, quality and safety of construction
 Inspection of defects and deficiencie sincons truction works
 Witnessing quality inspection tests at labs established by Concessionaire on a
sample basis
Review of quality of work shall be done inreference to Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Manual
and ISO 9001 2008, IRC:SP: 47-1998 and IRC: SP:57-2000 forroad
Brid gesand roads respectively. The Project Management Consultantal so needs to capture following
documents and send to MoRTH /State PWD field office viaemailona daily basis
 Scanned copy of filled RFI (Request for Inspection) for mincluding
commentaryon‘ Satisfactory /Unsatisfactory’nature of work completed by
 Daily inspection report Proforma as provided in Enclosure IB1
 Readings of quality inspectiontests witnessed by the Consultant
 \Minimum 6 highre solution photographs supporting there marks
made by the Project Management Consultant in RFI form
Team Leader will be responsible for sending daily emails to MoRT&H, GoI/StatePWD office.

5.7 Ona monthly basis, the Authority Engineer shall preparea Monthly Inspection Report in
accordance with the format prescribed in Enclosure IB 5 setting for than overview of the
status, progress, quality and safety of construction, including the work methodology adopted,
the materials used and their sources, and conformity of Construction Works with the Scopeof
the Project and the Specifications and Standards.

In a separate section of the Inspection Report, the Authority Engineer shall describe in
reason ableetail the lapses, defects or deficiencies observed by it in the construction of the
Project Highway. The Authority Engineer shall send a copy of its
Inspection Report to the Authority and the Concessionaire latest by 7 th of every month. Key
section so the Monthly Progress Report are as follows.

SNo. Section Sub‐Sections

1.1Construction progress in current month
1.2 Summary of stripplan
1 Executive Summary
1.3 Detailed stripplan
1.4 Current issues and recommend dedactions by PMC
2.1 Salient Features of the Project
2.2 Project Milestones
2 Project Overview
2.3 Location Map
2.4 Key Plan
Critical issues and 3.1 Pending issues and action log
Actionlog 3.2 Obligations as per contract
4 Physical Progress 4.1Detailed physical progress by component
5.1 LA summary
5.2 LA detail by CALA
Land Acquisitionand 5.3 LA detail by village
Clearances 5.4 Man power with each CALA
5.5 Clearance ssummary
5.6 Status of utility shifting
6 Change of Scope 6.1 Status of pending COS proposals
7 Mobilization of Resources 7.1 Resource mobilization by contractor concessionaire
8.1 Penpicture-Escrow
8 Financial Progress Details
8.2 Escrow details
Summary of quality 9.1 Testswit nessed by IE/PMC
controltests 9.2Test sconducted by IE/PMC
Moitoring ifmaintenance 10.1 Critical issues and actionlog
10 obligations during 10.2 Cumulatived efectsand deficiencies
construction phase 10.3 Status of damages
11.1 Pen picture on safety feature sat construction site
11 Safety features
12. 2 Accidentreport
Annexure1:Detailed list of physical component sasper
12 Annexures Schedule G
Annexure 2 onwards: Additional details provided by PMC

5.8 If at any time during the Construction Period, the Authority Engineer determines that the
Concessionaire has not made adequate arrangements for the safety of workers and Users in the
zone of construction or that any work is being carried out in a manner that threatens the
safetyof the workers and the Users, it shall make a recommendation to the Authority forth
with, identifying the wholeor part of the Construction Works that should besus pended
forensuring safety inrespectthere of.

5.9 The Project Management Consultant shall conductthepre-construction review of

manufacturer’s reports and standard samples of manufactured Materials, and such other
Material sas the Project Management Consultantmay require.

5.10 For determining that theWorks conform to Specifications and Standards,the Project
Management Consultant shall require the Contractor to carry out, or cause to be carried
out,tests at such time and frequency and in such manner as specified in the Agreement and in
accordance with Good Industry Practice for quality assurance. For purposes of this, the
testsspecified in the IRC Special Publication-112:2017 (Manualfor Quality controlin
Road&Bridge work sand the Specifications for Road and Bridge Works issued by MORT&H
(the“Quality Control Manuals”)o ranymodifications/ substitution the reofshall bedeemedto
betestscon forming to Good Industry Practice forquality assurance.

5.11 The Project Management Consultant shall test checkat least 60(sixty) percent of the
quantity or number of tests prescribed for each category or type of test for quality control
by the Contractor.

5.12 The timing of tests referred to in Paragraph 5.10, and the criteria for
acceptance/rejectionof their results shall be determined by the Project Management
Consultantin accordance with the Quality Control Manuals. The tests shall be undertaken
on a random sample basisand shall be in addition to, and independent of, the tests that may
becarried out by the Contractor for its own quality assurancein accordance with Good
Industry Practice.

5.13 In the event that results of any tests conducted under Clause 11.10 establish any Defects
ordeficiencies in the Works, the Project Management Consultant shall require the
Contractor to carry out remedial measures.

5.14 The Project Management Consultant may ins tructthe Contractor to executeany work which
is urgently required for the safety of the Project Highway, whether because of anaccident,
unforeseeable event or otherwise; provided that in case of anywork required onaccount of a
Force Majeure Event, the provisions of Clause 21.6 of EPC Agreement shall apply.

5.15 In the event that the Contractor fails to achieve any of the Project Milestones, the Project
Management Consultant shall undertake are view of the progresso fconstru ctionand identify
potential delays, if any. If the Project Management Consultant shall determine that completion
of the Project Highway is not feasible with in the time specified in the Agreement, it shall
require the Contractor to indicte with in15 (fifteen) days the stepsproposed to betake toexp ed
ite progress, and the period with in which the Project Completion Date shall beachieved.
Uponreceip to fareport from the Contractor, The Project Management Consultant shall review
the sameand send its commentsto the Authority and the Contractor forth with.

5.16 The Project Management Consultant shall obtain from the Contractor a copy of all the
Contractor’s quality control records and documents before the Completion Certificate is
issued pursuant to Clause 12.2 of EPC Agreement.

5.17 Project Management Consultantmay recommend to the Authority suspension of the whole or part
of the Works if the work threatensthe safety of the Usersandpedestrians. After the Contractor has
carried out remedia l measure, the Project Management Consultant shall inspect such remedial
measures forthwith and make a report to the Authority recommending whetheror not the
suspensionhereunder may be revoked.

5.18 In the eventthat the Contractor carriesout any remedial measures to securethe safety of suspende
works and users, and requires the Project Management Consultantto inspect such works, the
Project Management Consultant shall inspectthe suspended works with in 3 (three) days of
receiving such notice, and make a report to the Authority fort hwith, recommending whether
rornotsuch suspension may berevoked by theAuthority.

5.19 The Project Management Consultantshall carry out, or cause to be carried out, all the
Testsspecified in Schedule-Kand issuea Completion Certificateor Provisional Certificateas the
casemay be. Forcarrying out functions under this Paragraphandall mattersincidenta lthereto ,the
Project Management Consultant shall actunder and inaccordance with the provisions of Article 12
and Schedule-K. The Project Management Consultant shall use following equipmentin carrying
out thetests. Reports of NSV/FWD/ etc to befurnished as performats specified in RAMS Portal of

SNo Key metrics of Asset Equipment to beused

1 Surface defects of pavement and road Network Survey Vehicle (NSV)
2 Roughness of pavement Laser Profilometer
3 Strength of pavement Falling Weight Reflectomete(FWD)
4 Bridges Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit (MBIU)
5 Road signsand road markings Retro-reflectometer

6 Maintenance Period:‐
6.1 The Project Management Consultant shall aid and advise the Contractor in the preparation
of its monthly Maintenance Programme and for this purpose carry out a joint monthly
inspection with Contractor.

6.2 The Project Management Consultant shall undertake regular inspections, at least once every
month to evaluate compliance with the Maintenance Requirements and submit a Maintenance
Inspection Reportto the Authority and the Contractor.
6.3 Visual Inspection of project highway

6.3.1 The Authority Engineer shall carry out visualin section of entire highway stretcha sper the frequency
definedin the following table

Frequency of
Nature of defector deficiency inspection
(a) Carriage way and paved shoulders
(i) Breach or blockade Daily
(ii) Pot holes Daily
(iii) Cracking Weekly
(iv) Rutting Weekly
(v) Bleeding/skidding Weekly
(vi) Ravelling/Stripping of bitumen surface Weekly
(vii) Damage to pavementedges Weekly
Removalofdebris Daily

(b) Hard earth shoul ders,s ideslopes,d rainsand culverts

(i) Variation by morethan 2% intheprescribeds lopeo fcamber crossfall Weekly
(ii) Edgedropatshoulders Weekly
(iii) Variationbymorethan15%intheprescribedside(embankment)slopes Weekly
(iv) Rain cuts/gulliesinslope Weekly
Damage toorsilting of culverts and sidedrains during and immediately
(v) Weekly
Preced ingtherainy season
(vi) Desi lting of drainsinurban semi-urbanareas Daily
(c) Road si defurn itureincludingroadsignsandpavementmar king
(i) Daily
Poor visibility or loss of retro- reflectivity
(d) Street light ingandtele com (ATMS)
(i) Any majorfailure of the system Daily
(ii) Faults and min or failures Daily
(iii) Street light with Lux Meter Weekly
(e) Tree sandplantation
Obstruction in a minimum head-room of 5 m above carriage way or
(i) Daily
Obstructionin visibility of road signs
(ii) Deteriorationin health of trees and bushes Weekly
(iii) Replacemen to ftrees and bushes Weekly
(iv) Removal of vegetation affecting sigh tlineand road structures Weekly
(f) Restareas Way sideamenities
(i) Cleaning of toilets Daily
(ii) Defects in electrical, water and sanitary in stallations Daily
(g) Toll plaza [s]
(i) Failureof to llcollectionequipmentincluding ETC orlighting Daily
(ii) Damagetotollplaza Weekly
(h) Other Project Facilities and Approach roads

Damage ordeteriorationin Approach Roads,
(i) -[pedestrian facilities, trucklay- bys, bus-bays,bus-shelters Daily
,cattlecrossings,Traffic Aid Posts, Medical AidPostsand otherworks]
(j) Incident Management0
Nature of defector deficiency of
Instances of Incident Managementasreporte dincluding time of call,
(i) Daily
Response time, servicesrendered and time of clearingof the Highway.
(ii) List of the Incident Management Servicesrendered. Weekly
(a) Superstructure of bridges
(i) Cracks Weekly
(ii) Spalling scaling Weekly
(b) Foundations of bridges
(i) Scouringano rcavitation Weekly
(c) Piers,abutments,returnwallsandwingwalls of bridges
(i) Cracksandd amagesin cludingsettlementandtilting Weekly
(d) Bearings (metallic) of bridges
(i) Deformation Weekly
(e) Joint sinbridges
(i) Looseningandmalfunctioningofjoints Weekly
(f) Otheritemsrelatingtobridges
(i) Deforming of padsine lastomericbearings Weekly
(ii) Weekly
(iii) Damage or deteriorationinparapetsandh and rails Weekly
(iv) Rain-cut sorerosion of bank so fthesideslopeso fapproaches Weekly
(v) Damage to wearing coat Weekly
Damage ordeterioration in approach slabs,pitching, apron, toes, floor or
(vi) Weekly
(vii) Growth of vegetationaffectingthestructureorobstructingthewaterway Weekly

6.3.2 All elements which have daily inspection frequency shall be inspected weeklyas well.
Similarly, all elements which have weekly inspection frequency shall beinspected
monthly as well.
6.3.3 Daily inspectionre port format and weekly inspection report for math as beenprovided
in IB2 and Enclosure IB3 of this document respectively. Manpower which needs to
conduct visual inspection and mode of reporting is defined in the following table
Frequency of inspection Inspecti on to becarrie doutby Mode of reporting
Daily Sub-professiona Soft copy by Email
Weekly Key personnel Soft copy by Email
Monthly Key personnel Hard copy and Soft copy
6.3.4 High resolution photograph sand video of the highway stretc heshavingde fectsand/
ordeficien ciess hallbesubmitt edalong with Weekly Inspection Report and Monthly
Status Report. Summary of key observations around defects and eficiencies in highway
stretch shall be reported in Monthly Progress Report and detailed inspection report
shall be providedas Annexure to MonthlyP rogress

6.3.5 The Project Management Consultant shall also be responsib le
forinspectionandmonitoringofWayside Amenities.ETC (Electronic To ll Collection)
and ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System) and incident management.

6.4.1 Road conditions surveys

The carrying out of condition surveys will be one of the most important and crucial field tasks
under the project. The Authority Engineer shall carry out condition surveysusing equipment
and following afrequency as definedunder.

Frequency of
SNo Keymetrics of Asset Equipment to beused
Surfac edefects of Atleast twice ayear (A
1 Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) spersurvey months defined
pavement and orthestateba sisrainyseason)
Atleast twice a year (As
2 Roughness of pavement Laser Profilo meter persurvey months defined for
the state basisrainy season)
Falling Weight Reflectometer
3 Strength of pavement Atleastonc eayear
Atleasttw iceayear(As
Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit
4 Bridges persurvey month
definedforthestate basisrainy
Atleast twicea year
5 Roadsigns Retro-reflectometer (Aspersurvey months
defined or
Thes tatebasisrainy season)

The first equipment based inspection shall be conducted before the start of the work and at the time of
completion testing. Theother inspections shall be conducted be for eandafter therainy season sasper the
schedule defined in Enclosure IB4, except for FWD testingwhich shall be conducte donc ayear.
Calibration of equipment, wherever needed, is required to be done in presence of Competent
Authority. Once approval of equipment, thesetting sand asampledataseti sprovided by Competent
Authority, network level data for entire project stretch can be collected. Month of survey for each
statehas been defined in Enclosure IB4 of this document.
6.4.2 Measurement of pavement surfaced efectsand roughness

i. The Authority Engineer shall use Network Survey Vehicles mounted with
equipmentsuch as Laser based automatic crack detection, high resolution digital
cameras for RoW and pavement, high accuracy DGPS receiver and in vehicle data
processing so ftwareor better technology to accuratelymea sure following avement
surface properties.

Surface defect Dimensions to bereported

Cracking  Length
 Width
 Depth
Potholes  Area
 Depth
Raveling  Indicator
 %Area
Rutting  Depth
 Width
Concrete Joint /Faulting  Length
Roughnes  IRI inbothwheel paths
ii. The following criteria shall be met by theprocess of defects detection
• Measuremen to f3 Droad profileus ingsuch technolog iesas lasersca nningo rother
proven technologies.
• Ability to operate (collectdata) at different speeds with aminimum speed of 30 km/
hrand upto at least 75km/ hr.
• Profiled epth accuracy of 0.5mm
• Capability for lanetracking to control driver wander’ and nsure higher peat ability of
data bet ween surveys.
• Measureat least 3.5 m width of highway lane.
• Transverse Profile including rut depth measuremen to fpave ment surface width so fboth
carriage way and shoulders. Therut depthdatamust be convertibl etodifferent s traightedge
lengths (1.8m to 3.5m) and meet industry standards (ASTME1703/E1703M).
• Pavement images with capability to automatically identify andrate distresses
• Rough nessmeasure ment with out put s of bothraw longitudinal profile sandInte rnational
Roughnes Index (IRI) calculation shall be repo rtedat least 100 mreferenced to the
preceding Location Reference Post (LRP).The rough ness mustmee ASTM-E 950
(equivalentto ClassIroad profiler). The IRI shall be determinedin both wheel paths.
• Ability to recordimagesatuser-defined interval (e.g.every 5,10 m,etc.)
• Minimumim agesre solution of1600 x 1200
• Outputsmust include Standard JPE Gimageorsimi lar industry standard
• Distanceresol utionof<1mm,
• Capab leofachieving distance accuracy of 0.1% (i.e.within1mover 1 kmdistance)
• All data out put shoul dbeinanon-proprietary format (e.g..CSV,. MDB, Excel )and not
require specialist so ftwareinorderto view or format data
• Data shoul dal so becapab leofbeingeasily format tedintodat acompati ble with HDM-

iii. The following are the set of deliverables which should besubmi ttedafter
completion nofsurveyas part of Monthly Progress Report
• Raw datagenerated from theequipment which are part of Network Survey
covering the parametersm entionedi nabove table. It shoul dalsoin clude
o Survey ID, Description, Date, Lane
o GPS reference data for GI Smapping
o Video logging
o Pavement imagery (AVI/JPEG)
o 360 degree imagery (JPEG)
• Interpretation report covering summary of entire survey and analysis of defects
and deficiencies
6.4.3 Measuremen to fpavement strength

(i) The Authority Engineer shall carry out structural strength surveys for existing pavement
susing Falling Weight Deflectometer technique in accordance with theprocedure given
inIRC:115-2014 (Guidelines for Structura lEvaluationand Strengthening of Flexible Road
Pavements Using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Technique) and IRC:117-2015
(Guidelines for the Structural Evaluation of Rigid Pavement by Falling Weight

(ii) The interval at which deflection measurements are to be taken up are as per IRC:115- 2014
/IRC:117-2015. For flexible pavements, the sample size and theinterval of the data to
becollected dependson the length ofthe uniformsection calculated andcondition of
thepavement section i.e. ‘good’, ‘fair’ and ‘poor’ for each lane, established on the pavement
condition data based on the criterion givenin IRC:115-2014. Forrigi dpavements the
deflectiond atamay becollectedat interiors, corners, transverse joints and longitudinal jointsin
theouterl anesat intervalsas specifiedin IRC:117-2015.

(iii) The following are the set of deliverables which should besubmitted after completion of
inspection test aspart of Monthly Progress Report.

• Data report covering following parameters

o Deflection Bowl (Transient Deflectionsatseven differentpoints)
o Corrected Elastic Modulus BituminousE 1
o Corrected Elastic Modulus Granular E2
o Corrected Elastic Modulus Subgrade E3
o Subgrade CBR
• Interpretation report coveringsummary of entiresur very ltsandanaly
sis of keyparameters.

6.4.4 The Authority Engineer shall carry out the condition and structural assessment survey
ofthe bridges in accordance with IRC-SP; 35 with the use of Mobile Bridge Inspection unit
(MBIU) or better technology.

(i) The following criteria shall be met by the process of bridge condition assessment

• Automatic folding andun folding of platform

• 90 degreerotation of platform
• Sufficient safety features to beincor poratedsuc hasdedicated power supply,
emergency cut off system, etc.
• Complete access to hidden parts of the bridge by theraters
(ii) Detailed bidge in section report shall be submitted sperthe Inspection Proforma

Provided in IRC-SP35
6.4.5 Measurement of retroreflection of road signs

(i) The Authority Engineer shall measure Coefficien to fretrore flectedluminance R A

(nighttimeretroreflection) of road traffic signs using a port able retro reflecto meter.

(ii) The following criteria shall be metb yth eprocesso froadsignsretrore


• Measuremen to fretro reflectivesigns shall be conducted inaccordance with

ASTME 1709 and ASTME 2540
• Measurement time after pressing trigger shall beless thanorequal to1 sec
• Observationang le adjustment from 0.2 degrees to 2.0 degrees
• Entrance angleadjustment from-45 degrees to+45 degrees
• Self-contained commercially available battery
• Inbuilt data storage of atleas 2,000 measurementss ot hatdatatrans
ferrequirement isminimized while the survey is being conducted
• Interface for transferring data fromdevice to Computer
• Builtin GPS to capture GPS coordinatesof roads ign
• Rangeshallbeatleast0-2000cd/lx/m2

(iii) The following are thes etof deliverables which shoul dbesubmitted afte r completionof
survey as part of Monthly Progress Report

• System generat edcoe fficient ofr etroreflected luminance R A

(nighttimeretroreflection) of all road signs
• Interpret ationreport coveringanaly siso froad signsfalling indifferentrange of RA and
actions to betaken
6.5 The Authority Engineer shall carry out following inspections of ETCl anesattoll plazasona monthbasis:

i. Infrastructure:

Availab ilityofcivilinfrastructureattollplazasrequiredforinstallationofETCsystemsAdequacyof
hardware, softwareand otherrelateditemsasper
IHMCL /MORT &Htechnica lspecifications andrequirements

ii. Operations:

• Adherenceo fvarioussta keholder s(acquirerbank,system integrator ,

• Efficacyof the ETC system (RFID tagging ,AVC ,WIM etc.) interms of accuracy
and uptime
• Tracking and reporting to llplazaexper iencemet ricssu chasav erage waiting

time, transaction times for different modes of payment (RFID, cash, smart
cards,QR codes etc) and congestion levels (eg. length of queue in different lanes)
across 4 differenttimes in aday
• Robustness of dispute resolution mechanisms in place for the tag holder and to
lloperators by the issuer and acquirer banks

6.6 The Authority Engineer shall prepare a Monthly Status Report in O&M phase of project inre
specto fitsduties and functionsunder this Agreement and in accordance with the formatprescr ibedin
Enclosure IB6. 1st deliverab leofthe report which isane ecutive summary to the main report
(Section 1) shall be submitted to the Authorityand updated on the PMIS and projects pecificwebsite
by 4th ofevery month. Main report (Section 2 onwards) shall be submitted to the Authority and
updated on the PMIS and project specific website by 7th of every month. Key sections of the
Monthly Status Report areas follows;

S.No Sections Sub sections

1 Executive Summary 1.3Keymaintenanceactivitiesundertaken
2 Project Overview 2.3Keyplan
2.5RoW availability
Critical issuesand action taken 3.2Summaryofdeficiencies
4 Monthly Inspection Report
4.2 Equipmentbasedinspectionreport
5 Monitoring of ETC Lanes
6 Status of damages 6.2Damagesforbreachofmaintenanceactivities

Change of
7 7.1Change of Scopeproposals

8 Status of pending disputes 8.1Status of pendingdisputes
9.1 Tollcollecti onstatement
9 Reports
10 Annexures

6.7 The Project Management Consultant shall specify hetests,ifany,that the Contractor shall carry out,orcause to be
carried out, for the purpose of determining that the Project Highway is in conformity with the Maintenance
Requirements. It shall monitorand review the results of suchtests and remedial measures, if any, taken by the
Contractorin this be half.
6.8 In respect of any defect or deficiency referred to in Paragraph 3 of Schedule-E, the Project Management
Consultant shall, in conformity with Good Industry Practice, specify the permissible limit of deviation
ordeterioration with reference to the Specifications and Standards and shall also specify the time limit for
repairor rectification fanydeviation ordeterioration bey ondthepermi ssiblelimit.
6.9 The Project Management Consultant shall examine the reques to the Contractor for closureof any lane (s) of the
Project Highway forundertaking smaintenance/repair thereof,and shall grant permissionwith suchmodifications,
as it may deem necessary, within 5 (five) days of receiving a request from the Contractor. Uponexpiry of the
permittedperiod of closure, the Project Management Consultantshallmonitor the reopening of such lane (s), and
in case of delay, determine the Damages payable by the Contract or to the Authority under Clause 14.5 of EPC
7. Determination of costsand time

7.1 The Project Management Consultant shall determinet hecosts, and/ ortheirreason ableness, that are required to be determined by
itunder the Agreement.
7.2 The Project Management Consultant shall determineth eperiod of Time Extensiont hatisrequired to bedetermined by
itunder the Agreement.
7.3 The Project Management Consultant shall consulteach Party in every case of determination in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 18.5 of EPC Agreement.
8. Payments

8.1 The Project Management Consultant shall with hold payments for the affected works for which the
Contractor fails to revise and resubmit the Drawings to the Project Management Consultantin accordance
with the provision of Clause 10.2.4 (d) of EPC Agreement.
8.2 Project Management Consultant shall
(a) Within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the Contractor pursuant to
Clause 19.4, determine the amount due to the Contractorand recommend there lease of 90 (ninety)
percentof theamount sodetermined aspartpayment, pending issue of the Interim Payment
Certificate; and
(b) within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Stage Payment Statement referred to in Clause 19.4,
deliver to the Authority and the Contractor an Interim Payment Certificatecertifyingt heamountdueand
payable to the Contractor, after adjustment sina ccordance with the provisions of Clause
19.10 of EPC Agreement.

8.3. The Project Management Consultant shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the First stage
Maintenance Payment Statement from the Contractor pursuant to Clause 1 9.6 of EPC Agreement, verify the
Contractor’s statement and certify the amount tobe paid to the Contractor in accordance with the
provisions of theAgreement.

8.4The Project Management Consultant shall certify final payment with 30 (thirty) days of thereceipt of the
final payment statement of Maintenance in accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.16 of EPC Agreement.

9. Othe r dutiesand functions

The Project Management Consultant shall perform all other duties and function s as specified in

10. Miscellaneous

10.1 All key personne lands ubprofessiona staffof the Authority Engineer shall use the fingerprint ased
(biometric) attendance system formarking their daily attendance Attendance shall be marked at leas
once adayandany time duringthe day.1 Biometric Attendance System shall be installed by the Authority
Engineerat its owncost at thesite office in order to facile tatet heattend ance marking. More system
scanbe installed near the project highway upto amaximum of 1 systemper 50 km inorder
toencouragefreq uent visit so project highway by key persone land subpr ofessional staff. A copy of
monthly attendancerecords shall beattached with Monthly Status Report. Proper justification shall be
provided forcase s of absenceof key personnel/subprofessional staffw hichdo not haveprior approval
from Project Directoro fconcerned stretch.

10.2 A copy of all communications, comments, instructions, Drawings or Documents sent by the Project
Management Consultant to the Contractor pursuanttothis TOR, and a copy of all the test result with
comments of the Project Management Consultantt hereon, shall be furnished by the Project
Management Consultant to the Authority forth with.

10.3 The Project Management Consultantshall retain at least one copy each of all Drawings and Documents
received by it, including ‘as–built’Drawings and keep them in its safecus toay.

10.4 With in 90 (ninety)days of the Project Completion Date, the Project ManagementC on sultant shall ob
tain a completeset ofas-built Drawing sin 2 (two) hard copies and inmicrofilm formor in
suchothermedium as may be acceptable to the Authority, reflecting the Project Highway as actually
designed, engineered and constructed, includinganas-built survey illustrating the layout of the Project
Highway and set back lines, if any, of the buildings and structures forming part of project Facilities; and
shall hand the movert ot he Authority against receipt there of.

10.5 The Authority’s Engineer, if called upon by the Authority or the Contractor or both, shall
mediateandassist the Partiesinar rivingatanamic ablesettlemen t of any Dispute between the Parties.

10.6 The Project Management Consultant shall inform the Authority and the Contract o ro fanyevento
Contractor’s Defaultwithinone week of it soccurrence.


Authority’s Engineers shall beex pected to fully comply with all the provision s of the` Terms of Reference’,
and shall be fully responsibl eforsuperv ising the Designs, Constructionandmain tenance a ndo pera tiono
fthefacilitytakesplaceinaccordancewiththe provisions of the EPC Agreementand otherschedules. Any failure of the
Authority Engineer in not to Employerand the Contractor onnon-compliance of the provisions of the EPC Contract
Agreement and other schedules by the EPC Contractor, non- adherenceto the provision of To Randnon-adherencet
othe times cheduleprescribed under To Rshall amount ton on-performance.

The Authority Engineer shall appoint its authorized representative, who shall issue on behal fo f the PMC,
Completion Certificat ealong with the Team Leade rand shall carry out any suchtaskasmay bedecided by
Employer. The PMC shall take prior approval Employer beforeissuing Completion Certificate. The proposal
submitted shallal soinclude the name of the authorized representative along with the authorization letter and
power of attorney.

12.1 List of key personnel to befielded by the Consultants shall beasbelow:

Normal Highway Project:

i. Team Leader Cum Senior Highway Engineer

ii. Resident cum Highway cum pavement Engineer
iii. Senior Quantity cum Material Expert
iv. Senior Bridge Engineer
v. Senior Pavement Specialist
vi. Road/Traffic Safety Expert

12.2 Broad job-description and minimum qualification for key personnel mentioned aboveis
enclosed as Appendix‐IB(Part‐I). However,highermarks shallbe accorded to the Candidate
with highe rrelevant qualification and experience. The ageof the Key Personnel should not
be more than 65 years a son date of submission of bid/proposal. Consultants are advised
in their own interest to frame the technical proposal in an objective manner as far as possible
so that the secould beproperly assessed in respect of points to begiven as partof
evaluationcriteria. The bio-data of the key personnel should be signed on every sheet by the
personnel concerned and the last shee to feachbio-data shoul d also besigned by the
authorisedsi natoryfortheConsultant. Thekeypersonnelshallalso certifyat theendoftheir bio-
data proformat hattheyhave not left any of the Employer works with out completing of the
irassignmentand have not accepted any other offerat the time ofsigningofthe bio-dataand as
such shall be available to workw it h the Authority
12.3 Engineer. In case the keypersonnelleaves the assignment with out approval of
Employer, Employer would be at libertyo take any appropriate action against that
keypersonnel including debarment.The CV submitted by selected firm/ JV shall be hoisted
on official website of Employer. Itis clarified that CVs for the key Personnelto be
deployed during supervision phase shall be submitted at the time of start of
constructionand supervisionwork.

12.4 In addition to above, consultants are required to propose other key personnel, sub-
professional staff and other field engineers as detailed in Appendix‐IA (Part‐I)and the
minimum qualificati on requirements for thesameisenclosedin Appendix‐IB (Part‐I).


13.1 These rvices of an Project Management Consultant will bein phasesasper Contract Agreement.

13.1.1 The time perio dforcon struction supervision shall beasper Annex ureAof LOI.

14. Project Coordinator

The Firm shall appointa personnel fromits head officet oactas Project Coordinat or
fortheassig nment. Hew illbeauthorised toc ommunicate with the Authority in
Respect of allmatterspert ainingt ot heproject.T hecost of the Project Coordinat shall bei
ncidenta lt o the Consultancy Assignment.

Schedule for submission Reports and Documents for Phase‐1&2

StageNo. Activity No. of copies Time Periodin days

From date of
1 Monthly Reports 3 By 10 th day of
every month
2 Inception Report
(i)Draft Inception Reportincluding QAP 3 21
(ii)Inception Reportincluding QAP 3 30
i) Draft Feasibility Study Report 4 90
Including option study report including
Draft 3(a) report 1 100
ii)Commentso fclient 4 120
iii)Final Feasibility Study Report
Incorporating compliance of comments
Of Client
4 LA&ClearancesIReport
i)Draft LA&Clearances IReportincluding 4 150
draft 3(A) report
ii)Comment sofclient 1 180
iii)Final LA&Clearances I Report 4 210
Incorporating compliance ofcomments
Of Client
5 Detailed Project Report
i) Draft DPR 4 240
ii) Comments of client 1 270
iii) Final DPR incorporating compliance 6 300
of commentsof Client
6 Technical Schedules
i) Draft Technical Schedules 4 240
ii) Comments of client 1 270
iii) Final technical schedule 6 300
7 Land Acquisition II 4 350
Submission of draft 3D publication
8 Land AcquisitionIII, Award 400
9 Project Clearances & LAIV Report 6
Approval of Project clearances from Originalletters 540
Concerned agenciese.g.from MOEF; Rly fromthe
for approval of GAD and detail concernedage
engineering drawing of ROB/RUB; nciesand5

StageNo. Activity No.of copies Time Periodin days
From date of
Irrigation Dept., Utility Report and Photocopies of
Possession of Land each

The checklist for differentstages of submission of report has been enclosed as under and the same
shall be appended with proper references and page numbering. The checklist/s shall be appended
with there port without which no payment shall be made.

Schedule for approval of Reports and Documents by MoR TH/ StatePWD. After submission by Consultant.

Stage Activity Time Periodin days from date of

No. Submission of Commentand
Acceptance by StatePWD/RO
1 Inception

2 Feasibility Study Report
i) Draft Feasibility Study Reportincluding
option study report including draft3 (a)
report 7days
ii) Final feasibility Study report
3 LA&Clearances Report
15 days
i) Draft LA& Clearances Report
ii) Final LA & Clearances Report
incorporating compliance of comments of
4 Detailed Project Report
30 days
i) Draft DPR
ii) Final DPR incorporating compliance of
comments of Client
5 Technical Schedules
30 days
i) Draft Technical Schedules
ii) Final technical schedule

The check list for different stages of submission of report has been enclosed as under and thesame
shall be appended with proper references and page numbering. The check lists shall be appended
with the report with out which no payment shall be made.

Daily Inspection Report in construction period phase 3

Results of lab
Description of test sconducted Name of key
Component Item Description inspectionw personnel
or kcarried conducted inspecting the
out ,Pass/Fail) work

1. Road
Embankment/ Sub
ngculverts, Grade/GSB/WMM/
andminorbrid DBM/BC
2.Major Bridge
Flyovers,ROB,RUB, ucture/Superst
VUP,PUP ructure

3. Approach to
Bridges/Viaduct ucture/Superst

4.Other Works


Daily Inspection Reportin O&M period‐Phase3

Nature of defect/deficiency Defect If defect Compliance of PMC Remarks

found( found,Chainage previousde
Yes/No) &side fect
Carriage way and paved shoulders
Breachor blockade
Removal of debris
Hard/earth shoulders,sideslopes,drainsand culverts
Road side furniture including road signs and pavement marking
Damageo shape or position; poor
visibility or loss of retro-
Street light in gandtelecom(ATMS)
Any major failure of the system
Faults and minor failures
Trees and Plantation
Obstruction in a minimum head-
room of 5m above carriage way
orobstruction in visibility of road
Defectsinelectrical,water and
sanitary installations
Toll plaza [s]
Failure of toll collection
Other Project Facilities and Approach roads
Damage or deterioration in
Approach Roads,-[pedestrian
facilities, truck lay-bys, bus-
bays,bus- shelters, cattle
crossings,Traffic Aid Posts, Medical
And other works]


Weekly Inspection Reportin O&M period

Defect If defect Compliance of PMC Remarks

found( found, previous defect
Nature of defect ordeficiency Yes/No) Chainage (Yes/No/NA)


(a) Carriage way and paved shoulders

(i) Breachor blockade

Roughness value exceeding

2,500 mminas tretch of 1km
(asmeasured by a standard is

(iii) Potholes

Crackinginmore than 5% of road

surface inastretch of 1km

Rutting exceeding 10 mm in
morethan 2% of road surface in a
stretch of 1km (measured with

(vi) Bleeding/skidding

Ravelling/Stripping of bitumen surface

exceeding 10 sqm

Damage to pavement
edgesexceeding 10 cm

(ix) Removal of debris

Hard/earth shoulders, sideslopes, drainsand culverts


Variation by more than 2% in

(i) the prescribed slope of

Edgedropat shoulders exceeding 40mm


Variation by morethan15% in the

(iii) prescribed side
(embankment) slopes

(iv) Rain cuts/gulliesin slope

Defect If defect Compliance of PMCRemarks
found( found,Cha previous defect
Nature of defect ordeficiency
Yes/No) inage (Yes/No/NA)

Damage to or silting of culverts

(v) andside drains during and
immediately preceding the rainy
Desilting of drains
Road side furniture eincluding road signs and
pavement marking
Damage to shape orposition;

(i) Poor visibility or losso fretro-


(d) Street lighting and telecom(ATMS)

(i) Any major failure of the system

(ii) Faults andminor failures

(e) Trees and plantation

Obstruction In aminimumhead-room
(i) of 5 m above carriage way or
obstructionin visibility of road signs

Deteriorationin health of trees and


(iii) Replacemen to ftree sand bushes

Removal of vegetation affecting

sightline and road structures

(f) Restareas

(i) Cleaning of toilets

Defects in electrical,water and sanitary


Toll plaza [s]


Failure of toll collection

equipmentin cluding
ETC orlighting
(ii) Damage to toll plaza

(h) Other Project Facilities and Approach roads

Defect If Compliance of PMCRemarks
found( defectfou previous
Nature of defect ordeficiency
Yes/No) nd,Chaina defect(Yes/No/
ge&side NA)

Damage or deterioration in
Approach Roads,-[pedestrian
facilities, trucklay-bys,bus-
crossings,Traffic AidPosts,
MedicalAidPosts and other

(a) Super structure of bridges

(i) Cracks

(ii) Spalling/scaling

(b) Foundations of bridges

(i) Scouring and/orcavitation

Piers, abutments, return walls and wing walls of


Cracks and damage sincluding

settlement and tilting

(d) Bearings (metallic)ofbridges

(i) Deformation

Joint sinbridges

Loos eningandmal functioning of joints


(f) Other item srelating to bridges

Deforming of padsine last omericbearings


Gat hering of dirtin bearingsand

(ii) joints; or clogging of spouts, weep
holes and vent-holes

Damage ordeteriorat
ioninparapetsandhan drails

Rain-cuts oreros ion of banks of

thesi deslopes of approaches

(v) Damage to wearing coat

Defect If defect Compliance of PMCRemarks
found( found, previousdefect(
Yes/No) Chainage Yes/No/NA)

Damage ordeteriorationin
(vi) approach slabs , pitching, apron,
toes,floor or guide bunds

Growth of vegetation ffectingthe

(vii) structure or obstructing the
water way


Month of survey for equipment based road condition assessment

Equipment based road inspection shall be done by the Project Management Consultant twice a
year asper the month of the year defined in the following table.

However, since the first survey shall be conducted at the time of completion testing, the following
modification to the schedule shall be adopted. For example, if majority of highway length (>50%)
passes througha state, where d efined survey monthsare May and November, if completion testingis
conducted in April, then the first equipment based survey shall be conducted in the month of
April. This shall be considere dasthe equipmentbased survey to be
Conductedinthe month of May. The 2 equipment based survey shall be conducted In the month of
November, the 3rd survey shall be conducted in the month of May and so on. As regards FWD, the first
test/survey shall be conducted at the time of completion in April. The 2 nd test/survey shall beconducted
In April of next year and soon.

Region State Surveybeforerains Surveyafterrains

East Bihar May Nov

East Chhattisgarh May Nov

East Jharkhand May Nov

East Orissa May Nov

East WestBengal May Nov

Central MadhyaPradesh May Nov

NE ArunachalPradesh Mar Oct

NE Assam Mar Oct

NE Manipur Mar Oct

NE Meghalaya Mar Oct

NE Mizoram Mar Oct

NE Nagaland Mar Oct

NE Sikkim Mar Oct

NE Tripura Mar Oct

North Chandigarh May Nov

North Delhi May Nov

North Haryana May Nov

North Himachal May Nov

North JammuAndKashmir May Nov

North Punjab May Nov

North UttarPradesh May Nov

Region State Surveybeforerains Surveyafterrains

North Uttaranchal May Nov

South Apr Nov
South AndhraPradesh Apr Nov

South Karnataka Apr Nov

South Kerala Apr Nov

South Pondicherry Jun Jan

South TamilNadu Jun Jan

West DadarNagarHaveli Apr Oct

West DamanAndDiu Apr Oct

West Goa May Nov

West Gujarat Apr Oct

West Maharashtra May Nov

West Rajasthan Apr Oct



Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10

Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.




Table of content

1 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................................

Construction progressin current month…………………………………………………..

Current issuesandrecommendedactionsbyIE/PMC………………………………………

1.3 Strip Plan (Summary)……………………………………………………………………………………

1.4 Strip Plan (Details)……………………………………………………………………………………………..

2 Project Overview.................................................................................................................................................................

2.1Salient Features of Project…………………………………………………………………………….

2.2Project Milestones………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3 Location Map……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.4 Key Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3 Critica lIssues & Action Log.............................................................................................................................................

3.1 Pending Issues & Action Log………………………………………………………………………….

3.2 Obligationsasper Contract…………………………………………………………………………..

4 Physical Progress................................................................................................................................................................

4.1Detailed Scope of Work & Physical Progress by Component…………………………..

5 Land Acquisition and Clearance...................................................................................................................................

LA Summary

LA Detail by CALA

LA Detail by Villageforeach CALA

Manpower details of CALA

Clearances Summary

Status of utilitiesshifting

6 Change of Scope...................................................................................................................................................................

7 Mobilization o f Resources..............................................................................................................................................

8 Financial Progress Details (for PPP projects)......................................................................................................

9 Summary of quality contro ltests....................................................................................................................

Tests witnessed by IE/PMC142

Tests conducted by IE/PMC

10 Monitoring of maintenance obligations during construction phase..........................................

Critical issues and action log

Summary of repair work

Status of amages

11 Safety features......................................................................................................................................................

Pen picture of safety features

Accident Report

12 Annexures...............................................................................................................................................................

1 Executive Summary
1.1 Construction progress in current month

Keyreportingmetrics Value/%/Amount
Scheduled Physical Progress(%)

Cumulative Physical Progress upto current month(%)

Physical Progress during current month(%)

Financial progress(%)

Cumulative Expenditure till date (RsCr)

Test spassedas % of total test switnessed by IE

Test spassedas % of total testsconducted byIE

Number of pending COS proposals

Amount for pending COS (RsCr)

1.2 Current issue sand recommend edactions by IE/PMC

1. Slow Progress of Structures: The progressof structures

(especially,majorbridges,flyoversand ROB’s) is very slow. Over all progressis only
XX%. Out of the total YY under passes not evensing leunder pass structure and its
Completeds of ar. No bridgeis open t otraffic so far.

a. Recommendation: Concessionaire should improve the progress of

structures. Request for revised work plan from Concessionaire in cluding
specificactiv it ieson structures.

2. Status of Change of Scope Proposals: Concessionaire has submitted Xx No. Change of

Scope proposals. Yy No. of them are still pending for decision. Concessionaire has not
submitted necessary clarifications/detailsfor the following Changes of Scopeins pite
Of several reminders.

a. Recommendation: Concessionaireto submit all pending clarification sto

Authority. Authority and Concessionaireto expedite pending COS proposals.
Strip Plan (Summary)

1. Work front Unavailable & reason for Unavailability

2. Length completed by layer (MCW)

3. Length completed by layer (Service Road)

%Total % %
Lengt Pendin Lengt Total Lengt Total
h(km) g h(km) Lengt h(km) Lengt
Length h h
TotalLength 80 Total 80 Total 35
Length Length
TotalWor 7 12% TotalL 27.5 33% TotalL 0 0%
kfrontUna engthC engthC
vailable ompleted ompleted
(Till (TillDBM)
PendingLand 0 0% BC 27 32% BC 0 0%
Acq. DBM 27.5 33% DBM 0 0%
Pending 7 12% WMM 29.5 35% WMM 0 0%
Clearances GSB 32.5 39% GSB 0 0%
Encumbrance 0 0% Sub- 35 42% Sub- 0 0%
s Grade Grade
C&G 47.9 57% C&G 0 0%
1.4 StripPlan(Details)

2. Detailedreport

2 ProjectOverview

2.1 SalientFeaturesofProject

Project Name
NH No. (New/Old)
Mode of the Execution
No. of Lanes/Configuration
Length of the Project (inKm)
Total Project Cost (inCr)
No.of Bypasses (NameofTown,Length)
No.of Major Bridges (Numberand Location)
No.of Toll Plazas (NumberandLocation)
No.of Fly Overs (NumberandLocation)

DPR Authority’s Engineer Name
Lead & Consortium Members of Banks
Concessionaire Name (SPV & Parent Company)
Date of Award (LOADate)
Appointed Date
Concession Period
Construction Period (inDays)
O&M Period (inDays)
Scheduled Date of Completion
Authority Engineer
IE/PMC Agreement Date
IE/PMC Mobilization Date

2.2 ProjectMilestones

Planned Actual Delay
Project on(Daysfr Current
Milesto omAppoin (No.of Status
ne tedDate) Physical Physical month
Scheduled Revised Date s)
Progress Date Progress
(%) ( %)
MilestoneI [DD/MM/YYYY] [DD/MM/YYYY]
TEM LATES Achieved
[Description] 25 25 5
MilestoneII [DD/MM/YYYY] [DD/MM/YYYY] ,
[Description] 65 22

[Description] 100 21 starte

2.3 LocationMap

2.4 KeyPlan


3 Critical Issues & Action Log

3.1 Pending Issues & Action Log

Ongoin Chainage(s) Action(s) Expected

S. IssueD g/NewI Concerned affectedduet Length Action(s) suggested date/Actual
escription Type ssue/R Authority otheissue affecte takentill by Date
o esolved d(km) now thePMC forresolv

toMoEFLett Escalateto
1 Clearance Ongoin MoEF [Chainage] 4 kms ersentbyROt higherlevel [DD/MM/YYY
gIssue oMoEF officersat Y]
nodalofficer MoEF
2 Land Resolve [CALANam [Chainage] 2.4km fromChair [DD/MM/YYY
Acquisiti d e] man/ Y]
on Secretary,d

Slowprogressby Director
concessionaire Concession New [Concess tocall [DD/MM/YYY
3 [Chainage] 57km None
aire Issue . higherup Y]
Name] concessionai

3.2 Obligationsasper Contract

4 PhysicalProgress

PhysicalProgre gress(Cumul
Component ss(DuringCurre ative,Upto
ntMonth) CurrentMon

Road Works 35.00% 5% 15.0%

MajorBridgeworksandROB/RUB 40.00% 1.20% 26.2%
Structures 21.00% 0.00% 0.8%
OtherWorks 4.00% 0.00% 0.0%
Progress 2% 42.0%

4.1 DetailedScopeofWork&PhysicalP rogressbyComponent

CostWeig ValueofP
Component htageinPr ItemDescription Plannedin hysicalP
Weightage Progresstil %Physical
oject(%) Scope(As
perScope lDate Progress rogress(7
ent X4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
35.00% 1.C&G 5.00% 80km 45km 56% 2.8%
2.Embankment 5.00% 80km 40km 50% 2.5%
3.SubGrade 5.00% 80km 35km 44% 2.2%
4.GSB 5.00% 80km 33km 41% 2.1%
5.WMM 5.00% 80km 30km 38% 1.9%
6.DBM 5.00% 80km 28km 35% 1.8%
pproachesto 7.BC 5.00% 80km 27km 34% 1.7%

40.00% 1.MajorBridges 10.00% 6No 6No 100% 10.0%
2.MinorBridges 5.00% 23No 21No 91% 4.6%
3.Flyovers 5.00% 2No 0 0% 0.0%
s andROB/RUB
4.ROB 5.00% 228 No 121No 53% 2.7%
5.VUP 5.00% 11No 6No 55% 2.7%
6.PUP 5.00% 15No 6No 40% 2.0%
7.RUB 5.00% 136 No 114No 84% 4.2%
3.Structures 21.00% 1.Foundation 5.00% 35km 2.2km 6% 0.2%
(elevated 2.Sub-structure 5.00% 35km 2.1km 6% 0.2%

3.Super-structure 5.00% 35km 2.1km 6% 0.2%
reinforcedearth) 4.ReinforcedEarth 6.00% 35km 2.1km 6% 0.2%

4.OtherWorks 4.00% 1.TollPlaza 4.00% 4No 0 0% 0.0%
GRANDTOTA 100% 2.0%

5 LandAcquisitionandClearance
5.1 LASummary
TotalRequired( Total in Possession Total
ha) atstart(ha) tobeacquir
ExistingROW 135.00 135.00 0.00
Pvt.LandTobeAcquired 240.00 0.000 240.00
PublicLandTobeTransferred 52.00 50.35 1.65
GrandTotal 427 185 242

5.2 LADetailbyCALA

3G Amount Pendin
TotalL 3H 3DDo 3A oAmou ntAmount
Disbursed g
CAL andleftt Pend‐ 3HDo Pend 3GDo 3DPend ne(h 3APendi ne(h Awarde Deposite
A o ing(ha ne( ‐ gne(ha ing(
a ng(Ha a d(Cro d(Crore byCAL Amount
ha i( a) ) ha) ) ) ) reRs.) Rs.) A(C o(Crore
beAcqui )
) h r Rs.)
CALA1 150 15 15 1 135 0 150 0 150 396 370 327 43
2 67 0 0 6 0 67 0 67 132 132 120 23
23 23 23 2 0 14 9 0 23 0 0 0 0
Total 240 38 202 38 202 1 4226 0 240 528 502 447 66

5.3 LADetailbyVillageforeachCALA1



5.4 ManpowerdetailsofCALA

Provided Revenu Tehsilda

Amins /Patwaris Comput
by eInspe rs/Dep Clerks Accounta
CALA / eroper Peon sChain Tota
<Agency> Survey ct . /Sahay
Village ators m l
/StateGo ors o Tehsilda aks an
account rs/Kan rs
[CALA > 4 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 12

[CALA StateGovt 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 5

[CALA StateGovt

5.5 ClearancesSummary

ProposalDescription Status CurrentStage Issues/Comments
Approvalofconstructionincoastalzone Obtained Nil Completed


ProposalDescription Status CurrentStage Issues/Comments
DiversionofXxha([Chainage]) Pending [Lengthinkm Completed Stage1clearancepending
DiversionofXxHa.([Chainage]) Obtained Nil Ongoing

ProposalDescription Status CurrentStage Issues/Comments
DiversionofXxHa.offorestlan Pending [Length Ongoing QueriessenttoMoEFbyRO,compli
d inkm] ancepending
ProposalDescription Status CurrentStage Issues/Comments
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

ProposalDescription Status CurrentStage Issues/Comments
[GADNumber] ProposalSubmitte [Chainage] Uploadedonport N.A.
d, alon
Approvalpending [DD/MM/YYYY]
5.6 Statusofutilitiesshifting

DatewhenE Date
Date Date Progre
Date stimatew ofCertific
Utility Length ofAppro oDepos ss Estimat
asReceive Issue/
Categor Nam affecte Departm ofrequest vabyAu ofsupe ‐ofPhys ation eAmou
y e Status
d ent byAuthor dfromcon fromAg nt
thoriRO yvisiocn icalSh
ityforesti cerneddep ts
/HQ harg ifting encyfor
mate t. Completio

Estima [Lengt [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/M Not

Water teApp [DEPART M TBD
h /YYYY] /YYYY] /YYYY] started
roved inkm] MENT] /YYY

Electric Estima [Lengt [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/MM Not
ity h /YYYY] /YYYY] /YYYY] /YYY started
roved MENT]
inkm] Y

Estima [Lengt [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/MM [DD/MM

Others teApp [DEPART TBD
roved MENT]

6 ChangeofScope

SNo. ProposalDetails CurrentStatus COS ed/ActualDate
bmission to
Amoun ofApproval

Constructionof[FlyoverN Approved in principle

ame]at byAuthority.Detailedquantities
] ‐Amount ]
in [Chainage]
properorderyettobe ]

2 Nallahdiversionthrough [DD/MM/YYYY ClarificationstobesubmittedbyC [+/‐ [DD/MM/YYYY

box culvertat[Chainage] ] Amount] ]

7 MobilizationofResources

Age Planned/ Deploye Reason(s)
S Equipment Mak Mode Actual dDuring Delaydue Remark
ofEquip Required forUnder/
No. Name l toUnder‐
e ment Quantity Quantity theMont OverMobili s
h zation

Excavator/ 5

Paver 2

TransitMeter 0

PlateC 0


8 FinancialProgressDetails(forPPPprojects)

8.1 PenPicture‐Escrow

Cumulativeoutflowfr InflowtoEscrowduri Outflow
to Escrow
TPC(Cr) omEscrowtillprevio ng fromEscrowdu
usmonth(Cr) themonth(Cr) ringthemonth(

1,206 1,033 900 30 35

Are the scrow with drawal sin accordance iththeorder of with dr awalasspecified n the Concession

Tick a sapplicable

If not,detail s to beprovided below:

8.2 Escrowdetails

Cumulative EscrowPlan EscrowPla EscrowPla Escrow EscrowActual Escrow

TPC (Cr) exp. tilldate‐D n till n till Actualt tilldate‐Equi Actualtill
tilldate(C ebt(BOT)( date‐Equit date‐VGF( illdate‐D ty(BOT)(Cr) date‐VG
r) Cr) y(BOT BOT)(Cr) ebt(BO F
)(Cr) (BOT)(Cr
T)(Cr) )
1,206 1,033 900 306 - 769 264 -

9 Summaryofqualitycontroltests

9.1 TestswitnessedbyIE/PMC

Freque Totaltestin CumulativeNo.
Description ncy Un ThisM oftests Remar
oftest it onth ks
No Conducted Pas Fai Conducte Pas Fai Conducted Pas Fai
. s l d s l s l


Proctertest 1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AtterbergLim 15
its 1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free 15
SwellInde 1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grxain 15
1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s 0
C.B.R 1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Gradation 1 20 m3 151 151 0 5 5 0 156 156 0


its 1 20 m3 151 136 15 5 5 0 151 136 15

Proctertest 1 0 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0









9.2 TestsconductedbyIE/PMC


10 Monitoringofmaintenanceobligationsduringconstructionphase

10.1 Criticalissuesandactionlog

1 Drying Ongoing Concessionaire 325+200 2.6 Irregularwat Replacemen NA

upof to327+8 ering tof plants
plantson 00 anddailywa
median tering

2 Largepoth New Concessionaire 387+300 0.1 None Filling <DD/M

oles LHS ofpotholes M>

10.2 Summaryofrepairwork

Workdo Workdon
neuptopr eduringrep
SNo Description Unit Total Balance Remarks
eviousm ortingmon
onth th

1 Carriagewayandpavedshoulders

(a) PotHoles Sqm 42 - - 42

(b) Roughness value mm


(c) Crackinginmorethan5%ofr Sqm 7179 - - 7179


(d) Ruttingexceeding10mmin Sqm 5 - - 5

(e) Bleeding/Skiding Sqm

(f) Ravelling Sqm

(g) Damageto m
2 Hard/EarthShoulders

Workd Workdone
oneuptop duringrepo
SNo Description Unit Total Balance Remarks
revious rtingmont
month h

(a) Rain cuts/gulliesinslope Cum 650 25 - 625

(b) Edgedropatshouldersex m

3 Drainsandculverts

(a) CleaningofCulvert Nos 1 - - 1

(b) Damage
(c) Siltingofdrainsinurban/se

4 Roadfurniture

(a) SignBoards Nos 456 - - 456

(b) KilometerStones

(c) MetalBeamCrashBarrier

(d) BusShelters Nos 72 4 - 68

(e) Junctionsigns Nos 26 8 - 18

(f) MedianGrills Rmt 894 - - 894

(g) Studs Nos 5328 - - 5328

(h) Delinators Nos 8236 - - 8236

(i) RoadMarking Sqm 1899 - - 1899

(j) KerbPainting Sqm 4575 - - 4575

(k) GuardPosts Nos 3657 - - 3657

5 Streetlightingandtelecom(ATMS)

(a) Streetlights Nos

(b) Telecom Nos

6 Treesandplantation

(a) Removalofvegetationaf Ha 77.42 - 3.57 73.85


(b) Replacementoftreesandb Nos 15072 - - 15072


Workd Workdone
oneuptop duringrepo
SNo Description Unit Total Balance Remarks
revious rtingmon
month th

7 Buildingsandbridges

(a) Restareas

(b) Toll plazas

(c) Bridges


SNo Period Amountofdamages(Rs)

1 UptoJune2016
2 Jul2016
3 Aug2016
4 Sep2016

11 Safetyfeatures

11.1 Penpictureofsafetyfeatures


Location of RemedialMeasures AdditionalRemedial
BlackSpot withinprovisions Measures(ifany)
ofConcessionAgreeme RemedialMeasuresforAuth
nt ority(Cr.)

11.2 AccidentReport




Maj r


Mapping of report fiel dstore sponses

A 1.Urban2.Rural
1.Overturned 2. Head On Collision 3.Hitfrom Back4. Hitto FixObject5. Rightturn Collision6.
Leftturn Collision7.Veered Out of The Road 8 .Hit Pedestrian 9. Unknown/ Hit&Ran Away
C 1.Fatal2. Majorinjury3 .Minorinjury
1.Drunken2. OverSpeeding3. Vehicleout of Control4 .Drivenon wrong side5 .Mechanical Problem

E 6.Drowsiness /Not Applicable 7.Faul tof Driver

F 1.Straight road 2 .Slight Curve 3. Sharp Curve4 .Hump5. Dip
1.T-Junction2.Y-Junction3.FourarmJunction4.StaggeredJunction5.Junctionwithmore than
1.Fine/Clear2.Mist/Fog3.Cloudy4.LightRain5.HeavyRain6.StrongWind7.DustStorm8.Cold 9.Hot

I 1.0-18Years2.18-25Years3.25-40Years4.40-60Years5.60-80Years

J 1 Driver 2. Passenger3. Pedestrian 4. Cyclist5.Others

1.Two Wheeler 2.AutoRickshaw3.Car/Jeep4.Bus5.LightTruck6.HeavyTruck7.Tractor
K 8.Bicycle9.Cycle Rick shaw10.Hand Drawn Cart11.Animal Drawn Cart

12 Annexures

Annexure 1. DetailedListofPhysicalComponentsasperScheduleG


A‐Widening and strength ening of existing road

(1)Earth work upto top of the sub-grade
(2)Granula rwork (sub-base,base,shoulders)
(4)Bituminous work
(5)Rigid Pavement
Concrete work
(6)Widening and repair of culverts
(7)Widening and repairofminor bridges
B‐New realignment /bypass
(1)Earth work up to top of thesub‐grade
(2)Granular work (sub-base,base,shoulders)
(4)Bituminous work
s(but (b)BC
excludingservice (5)Rigid Pavement
roads) Concrete work
C‐New culverts,minor bridges,under passes,over passes on existing
road,realignments, bypasses:
(2)Minor bridges
(c)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.
(3)Cattle /Pedestrianun derpasses complete)
(c)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.
(4)Pedestrianover passes complete)
(c)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.
(5)Grade separated structures complete)


(iii)Super-structure (in cludingcras hbarriersetc.complete)
(iii)Super-structure (includingcrash barriersetc.complete)
(iii)Super-structure (includingcrashbarriersetc. complete)
(d)Footover Bridge
A‐Wideningandrepairs of Major Bridges
(a)Open Foundation
(b)Pile Foundation /Well Foundation
(3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
B‐Widening and repair of
(3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
Major Bridge works (2)Sub-structure
and ROB/RUB (3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
C‐New Major Bridges
(a)Open Foundation
(b)Pile Foundation /Well Foundation
(3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
D‐Newrail‐road bridges
(3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
(3)Super-structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
Structures (1)Foundation
(elevatedsections,rei (2)Sub‐structure
n forced (3)Super‐structure (including crash barriers etc.complete)
Physical Item

(4)Reinforced Earth Wall (includes Approaches of ROB,Underpasses,

Overpasses, Flyoveretc.
(i)Service roads/ SlipRoads
(ii)Toll Plaza
(iii)Roads idedrains
(iv)Roadsigns, markings, kmstones, safety devices,….
(a)Roadsigns ,markings, kmstones,….
(b)Concrete Crash Barrier/W‐Beam Crash Barrierin Road work
(v)Project facilities
(a)Bus bays
Other Works
(vi)Repairs to bridges /structures
(vii)Roads ideplantation
(viii)Protection works
(a)Boulder Pitchingonslopes
(b)Toe/Retaining wall
(b)Construction of supportsy stemincluding rock bolting, liningetc.
(c)On complete completion ftunnel

* The above list is illustrative andmayrequire modification as pertheactual scope of the work
Annexure2. Onwards

IE / PMC should include comments, status update, data points and reports in
following Annexures which have not been included elsewherein the main report.Such
reports may include but not limited to:

• Review status of drawings design reports

• Review status of other documents
• Minutes of review meeting
• Detailed Inspectionre port of project highway
• Correspondence details
• Weather report
• Organization alchart of Concessionaire/Contractorand IE/PMC
• List of labequipment
• Details of user complaints
• Project photographs


Widening to 2-lanewith paved shoulderfrom Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-

Rangpo sectionin the State of West Bengal.







Table of content

Nos. Contents

1 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................................

Over all road condition

Key reportingmetrics

Key maintenance activities unde rtaken

Pending issues

Recommended actions by Authority Engineer

Strip Plan formaintenance

2 ProjectOverview.............................................................

Key project details

Location Map

Key plan

RoW availability

Summary of project features

3 Critical Issues and Action taken..................................................................................................................................

Issue and action log

Summary of items (Cumulative Observations /Deficiencies

Obligatio s as per contract

Major maintenance and Inspection schedule

4 Inspection Report...............................................................................................................................................................

Summary of NCR bissued

Equipment based inspection


5 Monitoring of ET Clanes.................................................................................................................................................

Monthly ETC Report

On‐groundin structure report

On‐ground ET Coperations and SLA adherence

6 Status of Damages for breach of maintenance activities................................................................................

Damages for noncompletion of project facilities

Damages for breach of maintenance activities

Damages for non completion of major maintenance/periodicoverlay

7 Change of Scopep roposals.................................................................................................. .............................

8 Status of pending disputes.................................................................................................................................

9 Reports........................................................................................................................................................................

Monthly Toll Collection Report (Applicable only if project highway is tolled)

Accident Report

Details of complaints

Encroach mentlist

10 Lane Closure Report ......................................................................................................................

11 Annexures3

1 Executive Summary

1.1 Over all road condition

Roadcondition LHS RHS

Satisfactory road condition 40km 20km
Poor road condition 50km 70km
Total length of project 90km 90km

1.2 Key reporting metrics

Key metrics Value/Amount

No of pending NCRs 35
Damage samountre commendedonConcessionaire(RsCr) Rs5.9Cr
No of pending Change of Scope proposals 2
No of pending disputes 2
Monthly toll collection (RsCr) (Ifapplicable) Rs3.8Cr
No of accidents 12
No of encroachments 47

1.3 Key maintenance activities under taken

Asset Maintenance activities under taken

• Concessionaireha commenced the work for renewa land repair of pavement on the
project highway w.e.f 14thSeptember 2016
Drainage • Cleaning of drainag einbuiltupareasn progress
• Concessionairehastakenuprepairsandmaintenance of MBCB and
electricpoles,etc.onissuance of NCPs from Authority Engineer
• Asperprovisions of CA and policy decided by MoRTH/<Agency>, 2ET
Clanesateach toll plaza have been operationali zedw.e.f.25 September 2016. The
Buildings connectivity of ET Clanes with Central Clearing House (CCH) has been
achieved and presently ETC lanes are operationalized in Hybrid Mode due to less
number of tags purchased by highway users
• Planting of new trees from Chainage 200+300 to 226+650
• Trimming of plants which were causing obstruction to highway users

1.4 Pending issues

• Over lay on the entirestretch of project length of 252 km and service road shas not beentakenup
by Concessionaire yet since the dateofcompletion of overlay is due in next 25days
• Over all progress is very slow regarding repair of potholes and ruttingon Main

Carriage way which is causingin convenience to highway users and is also a concern from
road safety point of view.
• Street lighting in
– Anantapur by pass completed on main carriageway and is energized but for
service roads street lighting is pendingon both sides
– Kurnool by pass erection of polesonlycompletedinmain carriage way not yet
energize dtill to date,but for service roads not bstarted

1.5 Recommended actions by Authority Engineer

• In spite of the repeated requests, there is no material change in status of works

pertaining to repairs /rectification of defects on the project highway .PM
Chasrecommended the damages of Rs 5.9 Cr on the Concessionaire on account of
delay inrepairs of defects in road and bridge works interms of the provision of Clause
15.8.1 of the Concession Agreement. Concessionaire shall be liable forimposition of
further damages on similar lines till the date of completion
• Concessionaire is requested to take at most care for completing the overlay before
31.03.2017 since the existing road condition is getting deteriorated day by day
causingmuchincon venience to the traffic


1.6 Strip Plan formaintenance


Main report

2 Project Overview
2.1 Key project details

Project Name
NH no (New/Old)
Mode of the Project
No. of Lanes
Length of the Project
Total Project Cost
Date of Award (LOA date)
Appointed Date
Commercial Operation Date (COD)
Concession Period
O&M Period
Authority Engineer
PMC Agreement Date
PMC Mobilization Date
PMC Scheduled Completion Date
PMC EOT (Extension Of Time)

2.2 Location Map


RoW availability

Width of RoW available on both sides of the highway

12 16 16 16 16 1 1 1
10 6 6 6
6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
dd tuald
8 1 10 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6.

17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17.

SNo Particulars Value

1 Noofflyovers 2

2 Service Road 45
3 ROBs 5
4 ROB location (chainage)
5 RUBs 0
6 RUB location (chainage) NA
7 No of Bypass 7
8 Length of Bypass 43
9 No of Major Bridges 7
10 No of Minor Bridges 67
11 No of Culvert 640
12 No of VUP 16
13 No of PUP/Cattle Underpass 12
14 No of MajorIntersection/ Junction 22
15 No of Toll Plaza 3
16 Location of Toll Plaza (chainage)
17 No of Truck Lay bye 30
18 No of Bus Bays 122
19 No of Way side Amenities 0
20 Location of Way side Amenities (chainage) NA

3 Critica Issuesand Action taken

3.1 Issue and action log

3.2 Summary of items (Cumulative Observations Deficiencies)

Workd Workdone
SNo Description Unit Total oneuptop duringrepo Balance Remarks
revious rtingmon
month th
1 Carriage way and paved shoulders
(a) Pot Holes Sqm 42 - - 42
(b) Roughness value exceeding mm
2,500 mm
(c) Crackinginmore than 5% Sqm 7179 - - 7179
of road surface
(d) Ruttingexceeding 10 Sqm 5 - - 5
mminmore than 2%
of road surface
(e) Bleeding/Skiding Sqm
(f) Ravelling Sqm
(g) Damagetopavemented m
gesexceeding 10cm
2 Hard/Earth Shoulders
(a) Rain cuts/ gulliesin slope Cum 650 25 - 625

Workd Workdone
SNo Description Unit Total oneuptop duringrepo Balance Remarks
revious rtingmont
month h
(b) Edgedropat m
3 Drainsandculverts
(a) Cleaning of Culvert Nos 1 - - 1
(b) Damagetoor silting of
(c) Silting of drainsin

4 Road furniture
(a) Sign Boards Nos 456 - - 456
(b) Kilometer Stones
(c) Metal Beam Crash Barrier
(d) Bus Shelters Nos 72 4 - 68
(e) Junction signs Nos 26 8 - 18
(f) Median Grills Rmt 894 - - 894
(g) Studs Nos 5328 - - 5328
(h) Delinators Nos 8236 - - 8236
(i) Road Marking Sqm 1899 - - 1899
(j) Kerb Painting Sqm 4575 - - 4575
(k) Guard Posts Nos 3657 - - 3657
5 Street lighting and telecom(ATMS)
(a) Street lights Nos
(b) Telecom Nos
6 Trees and plantation
(a) Removal of vegetation Ha 77.42 - 3.57 73.85
affecting sight line and
road structures
(b) Replacement o ftrees and Nos 15072 - - 15072
7 Buildingsand bridges
(a) Restareas
(b) Toll plazas
(c) Bridges

Obligations as per contract

Please writea summary of contractu alobligations of Concessionaireandnon‐ compliances of
Critical obligations high lighting reasons for delay and stating pending actions

• Critical obligations of Concessionaire as per contract

• Non compliances of critical contractual obligations

3. 4Majormainten anceandInspectionschedule

Item Responsibility Lastcompletedon Duedate

Major maintenance Concessionaire [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]

Periodicoverlay Concessionaire [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]

tion usingNSV AuthorityEngineer [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]

AuthorityEngineer [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]
AuthorityEngineer [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]
AuthorityEngineer [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]

signinspection AuthorityEngineer [DD/MM/YY] [DD/MM/YY]

4 Inspection Report
4.1 Summary of NCR issued

Total NCR
NCRissuedinr NCRclosedinre BalanceNCR
SNo Highwayasset issuedtill
eportingmonth(B) portingmonth(C) (A+B‐C)
1 Pavement 48 12 25 35
2 Shoulder 7 0 3 4
3 Drainage
4 Median

5 Roadfurniture
6 Bridges
7 Buildings
8 Horticulture
9 [Other assets]

4.2 Equipmentvbased inspection report

PavementSurfaceDefects Roughness PavementStrength


0.000 0.500 L1 2X10 20X35 2.5X1.2 4X12 25 1.4 4.23 7110 34 14

0.500 1.000 L1 3X5 10X15 1.5X0.8 3X10 24 1.8 2.68 7430 36 15

1.000 1.500 L1

Report of equipment based inspection needs beprovidedasanAnnexure to monthly reportas

per the defined frequency. Following documents/media to be submitted for equipment based

• Video footage of all cameras installed on Network Survey Vehicle-ROW

camerasandpavemen tcamera
• Network Survey Vehicle report capturing dimensions of following
keymetrics of pavement
– Cracks
– Potholes
– Raveling
– Bleeding
– Rutting
– Texture depth
– Skidresistance
– Roughness(IRI)
• Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) report capturing following key metrics of
Pavement strength
– Deflection Bowl (Transient Deflection satsevendifferent points)
– Corrected Elastic Modulus Bituminous E1

– Corrected Elastic Modulus Granular E2
– Corrected Elastic Modulus Subgrade E3
– Subgrade CBR
– Bituminous layer coefficient A1
– Baselayer coefficientA2
– Granular base layer coefficientA3
– Modified structural number
• Mobile Bridge Inspection Report (MBIU) capturing following key metrics of bridges
– Condition Approach
– Condition Signs
– Condition Debris
– Condition Joint
– Condition Deck
– Condition Rails
– Condition Protect
– Condition Stream
– Condition Superstructure
– Condition Piers
– Condition Abutment
• Retro reflecto meterre port capturing following key metrics of road furniture
– Coefficient of retroreflected luminance RA (night timer tro reflection) of road
traffic signs

5 Monitoring of ET Clanes

5.1 Monthly ETC Report

For Corresponding
TYPE OF VEHICLE month of previous For Previous Month For Current Month
No Fee No of Fee Fee No of Fee
ofvehicl Collected vehicles Collected perveh vehicles Collected
es icle
A Car Total 3845 384500 4659 465,900.00 100 4289 428,900.00
B LCV Total 1521 243360 1312 209,920.00 160 1399 223,840.00
C Bus Total 2404 793386 2284 765,207.00 201 2349 786,915.00
D Truck Total 1603 528924 1523 510,138.00 134 1566 524,610.00
E 3Axle Total 18990 6836400 16310 5,953,150.00 365 15127 5,521,355.00

F MAV Total 16119 8381880 21111 11,188,830.00 530 18790 9,958,700.00
G Total 1 630 27 17,280.00 640 36 23,040.00
Total for
49844 18,050,618 52963 19,898,834 49016 18,265,661

5.2 On‐groundinfrastructurereport

Total number of plazalanes=

Total number of dedicated ET
Clanes = Total number of





5.3 On‐ground ET Coperationsand SLA adherence

Average Average
Average Average Averaget Averaget Average
queuele queuele
Lane Transaction transaction ransactiont ransactionti transction
ngthdu ngthdur
time(cash) time(RFID) ime(cards) me(wallet time(ot
ringpea ingonpea
) hers)
ktime ktim

e UPI–20
Lane1 10vehicles 5vehicles 15seconds 10seconds 20seconds 25seconds



• Average system up time=80%

• Transactions uploaded (asper SLA)=80%
• Black list suploaded (asper SLA)=50%
• Black lists downloaded (asper SLA)=85%

6 Status of Damages for breach of maintenance activities

6.1 Damages for non completion of project facilities

SNo Period Amountofdamages(Rs)

1 Upto June 2016 15,00,35,000

2 Jul 2016 2,00,88,000
3 Aug 2016 2,00,88,000
4 Sep 2016 1,94,40,000
Total 20,96,51,000

Supporting Calculations for damages for Sep 2016

• No of daysin Sep=30
• Performance security is Rs 64,80,00,000
• Asper CA Clause 12.3.2 damages payable is 0.1% of performance security
• Total damages payable=30X6,48,000=Rs1,94,40,000
6.2 Damages for breach of maintenance activities

SNo Period Amount of damages(Rs)

1 Up to June 2016 1,00,35,000
2 Jul 2016 6.63,196

3 Aug 2016 6,63,196
4 Sep 2016 52,22,444
Total 1,65,83,836

Supporting Calculations for damages for reporting month

6.3 Damages for non completion of majormaintenance /periodicoverlay

SNo Period Amountofdamages(Rs)

1 June 2016 6,48,000

2 Jul 2016 2,00,88,000

3 Aug 2016 2,00,88,000

4 Sep 2016 1,94,40,000

Total 6,02,64,000

Supporting Calculations for damages for Sep 2016

• No of day sin Sep=30

• Performance security is Rs64,80,00,000
• Asper CA Clause 12.3.2 damages payable is 0.1% of performance security
perday=Rs 6,48,000
• Total damages payable=30X6,48,000=Rs1,94,40,000

All figures and graphs in

templatesare illustrative. Please
add actualdetails.

7 Change of Scopep roposals

Date of Expected/
SN Proposal Details Currentstatus COSAmount
first Actualdate
submissio ofapproval
n to
Approved inprinciple by
Construction of [DD/MM/YYYY Authority.Detailedquan [DD/MM/YYYY
1 [FlyoverName]at[Chai ] [+/‐Amount] ]
tit SCs in properorderye
nage] to besubmitted
Clarifications to be
2 submitted by [+/‐Amount]
diversionthroughbox ] ]

8 Statusofpendingdisputes

Date of first Dispute

SN Dispute Details Suggested resolution by PMC Current
submission to Amount (if
o stage
PMC applicable)
Increased toll
Nomeritinincreasing toll
1 ablelength to [DD/MM/YYYY] NA SAROD
ablelength hence no
be applicablein
Filling B/wConce
2 stationsenergized [DD/MM/YYYY] [+/‐Amount] ssionairea
withoutobtainingN nd
OCfromministry <Agency>.

9 Reports

9.1Monthly Toll Collection Report (Applicable only if project highway is tolled)

For Corresponding
TYPE OF VEHICLE month of previous For Previous Month For Current Month
No of Fee No of Fee No of Fee
vehicles Collected vehicles Collected vehicles Collected
Single 3845 384500 4659 465,900.00 100 4289 428,900.00
A Car Return 1506 218370 1972 295,800.00 150 1758 263,700.00
Local 769 38450 979 48,950.00 50 1029 51,450.00
Single 1521 243360 1312 209,920.00 160 1399 223,840.00
B LCV Return 134 31490 162 38,880.00 240 132 31,680.00

Local 1683 134640 1838 147,040.00 80 1461 116,880.00
Single 2404 793386 2284 765,207.00 201 2349 786,915.00
C Bus Return 359 177903 173 87,567.00 303 203 102,717.00
Local 277 45738 205 34,782.00 102 318 54,060.00
Single 1603 528924 1523 510,138.00 134 1566 524,610.00
D Truck Return 240 118602 116 58,378.00 202 136 68,478.00
Local 185 30492 136 23,188.00 68 212 36,040.00
Single 18990 6836400 16310 5,953,150.00 365 15127 5,521,355.00
E 3Axle Return 131 70740 34 18,700.00 550 37 20,350.00
Local 69 12420 84 15,540.00 185 131 24,235.00
Single 16119 8381880 21111 11,188,830.00 530 18790 9,958,700.00
F MAV Return 2 1550 20 15,800.00 790 35 27,650.00
Local 6 1560 18 4,770.00 265 8 2,120.00
Single 1 630 27 17,280.00 640 36 23,040.00
G Size Return 0 0 - 965 -
Local 0 0 - 320 -
49844 18,050,618 52963 19,898,834 49016 18,265,661




Time of accident

Sex (M/F)
Accident location
Nature of accident
Classification of accident
Load conditions of vehicle
Road condition
Inter section type of control
Weather condition
Age of victim
Type of victim

Type of vehicle

Help provided by

Mapping of report field stores ponses

A 1.Urban 2.Rural

B 1.Overturned2. Head On Collision3. Hitfrom Back 4.Hitto Fix Object 5.Rightturn Collision
6.Leftturn Collision 7.Veered Out of .The Road 8.Hit Pedestrian 9.Unknown/Hit& Ran Away
C 1.Fatal 2.Majorinjury3.Minorinjury

D 1. Drunken 2. OverSpeeding 3. Vehicle out of Control 4. Driven on wrong side 5. MechanicalProblem

6.Drowsiness/NotApplicable 7.Fault of Driver
E 1.Normally Loaded 2.Overloaded/Handing 3.Empty 4.Unknown

F 1.Straightroad 2.Slight Curve 3.Sharp Curve 4.Hump 5.Dip

G 1.T-Junction 2.Y-Junction 3.Fourarm Junction 4.Staggered Junction 5.Junction with more than
6.Round about Junction
H 1.Fine/Clear 2.Mist/Fog 3.Cloudy 4.Light Rain 5.Heavy Rain 6.Strong Wind 7.Dust Storm 8.Cold
I 1.0-18Years 2.18-25 Years 3.25-40 Years4.40-60 Years5.60-80Years

J 1.Driver 2.Passenger 3.Pedestrian 4.Cyclist 5.Others

K 1.Two Wheeler 2.Auto Rickshaw 3.Car/Jeep 4.Bus 5.LightTruck 6.HeavyTruck 7.Tractor

8.Bicycle 9.CycleRickshaw 10.Hand Drawn Cart 11.Animal Drawn Cart

Details of complaints

SNo Toll Complaint Date Name of the Details of Compliance by the
plaza No person complaint concessionaire
Mr.Shailendra Mr.Shailendra
Gurjar,LIG- Complaints
44,RSS Regarding Pot
1 81 8/9/2016
mohalla,Shiv Potholeson the holesarer
aji Highway may epaired
Nagar,Bhopal cause accidents.

Dr. Anil Animals
Diwakar,HIG arecontinuouslydrive
nts thatpresence
2 82 10/9/201 Swarganga noutfromtheRoa
6 Complex dby the
Bus Stand HighwayPatrolli
Seoni ngteamandPot
ing whichmay
(M.P.) holes
causeaccidents. TheExemption
under Indian
Maj.Sidharthwhile force) Act 1901,
totravellingin army
Maj.Sidharth, personnelpersonalcarwants
3 83 11/9/201 238 Fdwksp travellinginprivateExe
C/o-56APO mptionfrom vehiclemaybe
TollFeeon given
Card passas specified
in the Indian Toll
(Army and Air
Force Rules,1942)

All figures and graphs in

templatesare illustrative. Please
add actualdetails.


10 Lane Closure Report

S.No Date Chainage (Km) Side Time of Closure Reasons for Lane Remarks
Closure & Approval
From To Details

9/9/201 215+30 215+35

1 RHS 1pm-4pm Patchwork
6 0 0

11 Annexures

Annexure1:Detailed visualin section report of project highway

Assets to be covered‐Pavement,Shoulder,Drainage,Median,Bridges, Road
furniture,Buildings,Horticulture, Service Road

Description of
SNo NCP/SNo Date of issue defect Chainage Side PMCRemarks

1 311 15.08.2016 Potholes 311+200 LHS Toberepaired

2 312 15.08.2016 Cracking 311+500 RHS befilledimmediatel

Annexure 2 onwards:

PMC should include comments, status update, data points and reports in following
Annexure swhich have not been included else where in the main report. Such reports may
include but not limited to:
• Minutes of review meeting
• Correspondence details
• Weather report
• Organization alchart of Concessionaire and PMC
• Project photo graphs



Widening to 2-lanewith paved shoulderfrom Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-

Rangpo sectionin the State of West Bengal.




Table of contents



1.1. Location Reference Post (LRP) Master 283

1.2. Carriageway Type 284
1.3. Road Type 284
1.4. Pavement Type 285
1.5. Pavement Width 286
1.6. Shoulder Type 287
1.7. Shoulder Width 288
1.8. Topography 289
1.9. Cross Section 290
1.10. Drain Type 291
1.11. Median Opening 292
1.12. Right Of Way 293
1.13. Pavement composition 293
1.14. Carriageway Furniture 296
1.15. Wayside Amenities 297
1.16. Land Use 298


2.1 Visual Condition 300
2.2. Roughness 303
2.3 Rutting 304
2.4 Texture Depth 305
2.5 Skid Resistance 306
2.6 Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) 307
2.7 Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), Rigid 311

Enclosure‐IB 7:

In addition to the reports being submitted one quipment based inspection as specified in Section
4.2 of the Monthly Progress Report in the O&M phase, the Authority Engineer (PMC) shall
submit electronically in excel(.xls) format certain key parameters to the Project Direct or in the
following format. Reports to be also submitted as for standard formats available in RAMS Portal
of NHAI.

Work sheets under Section 1 (‘Road inventory data’) shall be updated from survey sconducted only
once at the time of completion testing. Worksheets under Section 2 (‘Road condition data’) shall be
updated from survey scarried out annually for FWD attributesand biannually for the remaining

The fields to be updated in each of the worksheets are described below. Each description is
followed by an example of data fo ra sample project.


Road inventory data consists of parameters which provide basic information about roads such as
pavement type, number of lanes, to pography, etc. These parameter rsarelargely static in nature, and
there fore a survey to update this data set shall be conducted only once at the time of completion
testing.The road inventory data shall beused to update specific work sheets listed below.
1.1 Location Reference Post (LRP) Master

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘LRP Master’ attribute. The
descriptions of the fiel dsare given below.

Field Descriptio Exampl

NH Number New National Highway number NH0065e
LRPName Name of location reference post(LRP) Km stone 17
Chainage Chainage of the survey point (in km) 17
Direction Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
SurveyDate Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
OldNH Number Old National Highway number NH0065
SectionCode HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-
Codeindicatingstartingand ending locations of section

As ampleoutputis shown below for reference

NH Survey OldNHNu Section

Number LRP Name Chainage Direction Latitude Longitude Altitude Date mber Code

NH0xxx RoadStart 1.230 Increasing 9.98897 78.02671 63.07767 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF
NH0xxx KmStone8 8.000 Increasing 9.98444 78.02934 68.60126 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF
NH0xxx KmStone8 8.030 Increasing 9.98341 78.03004 68.15520 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF
NH0xxx Km Stone 9.008 Increasing 9.98107 78.03078 65.17153 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF
NH0xxx Km Stone 12.012 Increasing 9.96328 78.04160 56.03436 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF
NH0xxx KmStone17 17.085 Increasing 9.95385 78.05255 56.24748 23-12-15 NH0yyy ABC-DEF

1.2 Carriageway Type

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Carriageway Type’ attribute.
The descriptions of the field sare given below.
Field Description Example
NH Number New National Highway number NH0065
Section Code Code indicating starting and ending locations of section (Hyderabad-
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Type of carriage way, classified into one of the below Divided
Carriageway Type
• Divided
• Undivided
Survey Date Date of survey in the format <DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample output is shown below for reference

NH Number Section Start End Carriageway Date of Latitude Longitude

Chainage Chainage Type Survey

NH00xx ABC- 0.000 0.794 Undivided 06-05-17 9.98897 78.02671

NH00xx ABC- 0.794 1.000 Undivided 06-05-17 9.98444 78.02934

NH00xx ABC-DEF 1.000 2.810 Undivided 06-05-17 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.810 4.335 Undivided 06-05-17 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC-DEF 4.335 6.666 Undivided 06-05-17 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC-DEF 6.666 12.906 Undivided 06-05-17 9.95385 78.05255
1.3 Road Type

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘Road Type’ attribute.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Descriptio Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH0065
Code indicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code
locations of section
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500
Classification of road on basis of number of lanes FourLane
• Single Lane
• Two Lane
Road Type
• Intermediate Lane
• FourLane
• SixLane
Surveyv Date Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671


Start EndC Date

NHNumber Section RoadType Latitude Longitude
Chainage hainage ofSurv
NH00xx ABC- 0.000 0.794 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx ABC- 0.794 1.000 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx ABC- 1.000 2.810 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC- 2.810 4.335 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC- 4.335 6.666 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC- 6.666 12.906 TwoLane 06-05-17 9.95385 78.05255

1.4 Pavement Type

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘Pavement
Type’attribute.The descriptions of the fields aregiven below.

Field Description Example
NH Number New National Highway number NH0065
Codeindicating starting and ending locations of HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code section Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the startpoint (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
Direction • Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)
Pavement Type Classification of pavement based on type of Asphalt

Field Example
Field  Asphalt
 Cement Concrete

Survey Date Date of Survey intheformat<DD‐MM‐YY> 06‐05‐17

Latitude Latitude of Survey Point 9.98897

Longitude Latitude of Survey Point Suvsurvey Point 78.02671

Asample out putis shown below for reference:

Start End Pavement Date of
NH Number Section Chainage Chainage Direction Type Survey Latitud Longitude
ABC- e
NH00xx 0.000 0.804 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx DEF 0.804 1.000 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.98444 78.02934

NH00xx ABC 1.000 1.172 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.98341 78.03004

NH00xx DEF 1.172 2.821 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx - 2.821 4.350 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC 4.350 6.710 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.95385 78.05255
NH00xx DEF 6.710 12.925 Both Asphalt 06-05-17 9.93102 78.05648
1.5 Pavement Width

The following table lists the field swhich need to be populated for the‘ Pavement Width’
attribute. The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065

Codeindicating starting and ending locations of section HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
Direction • Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)
Width of the pavement inmetres, classified in to one >7mand<10.5m
of the belo wcategories
• >=3.75mand<5.5m
Pavement Width
• >5.5mand<7m
• >=7mand<10.5m
• >=10.5mand<=12.5m
• >12.5m
Width of the pavementin metres, rounded to two 7.0
Pavement Width Value
places after decimal

Field Description Example

Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Asample out putis shown below for reference:

NH Number Pavement
Actio Start a End hain Pavement Survey
Direction Width Latitude Longitude
n in age age Width Date
NH00xx BC-DEF 0.000 0.794 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx BC-DEF 0.794 1.000 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx BC-DEF 1.000 2.810 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx BC-DEF 2.810 4.335 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx BC-DEF 4.335 6.666 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx BC-DEF 6.666 12.906 Both 7–10.5m 7.00 06-05-17 9.95385 78.05255

1.6 Shoulder Type

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Shoulder Type’ attribute.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.
Field Description Example
NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending locations of HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code section Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the startpoint (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Type of shoulder, classified in to one of the Gravel
below categories:
• None
• Paved
• Gravel
Shoulder Type • Earth
Survey Date Date of survey in the format <DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section End
NH Number Start Direction Shoulder Type Survey Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage
Chainage Date

NH 00xx ABC-DEF 0.000 0.763 Increasing No Shoulder 09-01-16 9.98897 78.02671

NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.763 0.834 Increasing Gravel 09-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.834 1.254 Increasing Gravel 09-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC-DEF 1.254 2.945 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.945 4.327 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC-DEF 4.327 4.405 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
NH00xx ABC-DEF 4.405 6.844 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.93102 78.05648
NH00xx ABC-DEF 6.844 9.359 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.91229 78.04961
NH00xx ABC-DEF 9.359 12.966 Increasing Gravel 05-01-16 9.89041 78.03458

1.7 Shoulder Width

The following table lists the fields for the Shoulder Width attribute, which need to be populated.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH0065
Codeindicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code locations of section
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500

Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Width of the shoulder in metres, classified in <1m
to one of the below categories
• No shoulder
• <1m
• >=1mand<=2m
Shoulder Width • >2m
Width of the should erinmetres, rounded to one 0.5
Shoulder Width Value Place after decimal
Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section Start End Shoulder Survey
NH Number Direction Width Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage Chainage Width Date

NH 0xxx 0.000 0.785 Increasing 0.0 03-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
DEF houlder

ABC- NoShou
NH 0xxx 0.785 2.612 Increasing 0.0 03-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
DEF lder
NH 0xxx ABC- 2.612 3.170 Increasing 1-2m 2.0 03-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH 0xxx ABC- 3.170 5.194 Increasing 1-2m 2.0 03-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH 0xxx ABC- 5.194 6.793 Increasing 1-2m 2.0 03-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH 0xxx ABC- 6.793 11.404 Increasing 1-2m 2.0 03-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
1.8 Topography

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Topography attribute. The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending locations of HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code section
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Topography of the road, classified into one of the
below categories
Topography • Flat Flat
• Rolling
• Hilly
Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section Start End Survey

NH Number Topography Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage Chainage Date
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.000 0.808 Flat 05-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.808 1.254 Flat 05-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 1.254 2.828 Flat 05-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 2.828 4.363 Flat 05-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 4.363 6.724 Flat 05-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 6.724 12.933 Flat 05-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
1.9 Cross Section

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Cross Section attribute.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code locations of section
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point ( in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Cross section type, classified in to one of the Fill
Cross Section below
Field Description Example
• Cut
• Fill
• Cutand Fill
• Level
Survey Date Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section Start End

NH Number Direction Cross Survey Date Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage Chainage
NH0xxx ABC- 0.000 0.822 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
NH0xxx ABC- 0.822 2.642 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH0xxx ABC- 2.642 3.199 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH0xxx ABC- 3.199 5.360 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH0xxx ABC- 5.360 5.715 Increasing Fill 03-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH0xxx ABC- 5.715 6.941 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
NH0xxx ABC- 6.941 11.163 Increasing Level 03-01-16 9.93102 78.05648

1.10 Drain Type

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Drain Type attribute. The
descriptions of the fields are given:

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-
Section Code Locations of section Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point ( in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Type of drain, classified in to one of the below Open lined drain
• Open unline drain
• Open lined drain
• Covered line drain
Drain Type • No drain
Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitudeofsurveypoint 78.02671
Asample out put is shown below for reference:

NH Number Section Code Start End Direction Survey Date Latitude Longitude
Chainage Chainage
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.000 0.069 Increasing 09-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.069 0.782 Increasing 09-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.288 0.000 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.98341 78.03004

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.782 0.846 Increasing 09-01-16 9.98107 78.03078

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 0.846 1.254 Increasing 09-01-16 9.96328 78.04160

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 1.254 2.265 Increasing 05-01-16 9.95385 78.05255

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 1.929 0.288 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.93102 78.05648

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 1.952 1.929 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.91229 78.04961
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 2.265 3.005 Increasing 05-01-16 9.89041 78.03458

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 2.680 1.952 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.88489 78.02995

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 3.005 4.424 Increasing 05-01-16 9.87474 78.02828

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 3.109 2.680 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.87363 78.02744

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 3.320 3.109 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.84857 78.01535

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 3.917 3.320 Decreasing 09-01-16 9.83764 78.00392

NH0xxx ABC-DEF 4.424 4.601 Increasing Open 05-01-16 9.83711 77.98576
Open Unlined
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 4.601 5.693 Increasing Drain 05-01-16 9.83386 77.97729

1.11 Median Opening

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘Median
Opening’attribute.The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Descriptio Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code locations of section Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Direction of survey
• Increasing (chainage) Increasing
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Type of median, classified in to one of the below
• Raised;
• Depressed;
• Barrier;
Median Type • None.
Field Descriptio Example
netres, rounded to one
Width of the median in m
Median Width Place after decimal
Survey Date Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section Start End Median Median Survey

NH Direction Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage Chainage Type Width Date
NH00xx ABC- 0.000 0.794 Both Raised 0.5 05-01- 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx ABC- 0.794 1.000 Both Raised 0.5 05-01- 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx ABC- 1.000 2.810 Both No Median 0.0 05-01- 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC- 2.810 4.335 Both Raised 1.5 05-01- 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC- 4.335 6.666 Both No Median 0.0 05-01- 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC- 6.666 12.906 Both No Median 0.0 05-01- 9.95385 78.05255

1.12 Right Of Way

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Right of Way attribute. The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code locations of section Vijayawada)
Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500
Direction of survey
• Increasing (chainage) Increasing
Direction • Decreasing (chainage)
Row Width Width of Right of Way (inmetres) 24
Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Section Start End ROW Survey

NH Number Direction Remarks Latitude Longitude
Code Chainage Chainage Width Date
NH 0xxx ABC-DEF 0.000 1.000 Increasing 28 05-05-15 9.98897 78.02671
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 1.000 2.000 Increasing 24 05-05-15 9.98444 78.02934
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 2.000 3.000 Increasing 30 05-05-15 9.98341 78.03004
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 3.000 4.000 Increasing 26 05-05-15 9.98107 78.03078
NH0xxx ABC-DEF 4.000 11.000 Increasing 24 05-05-15 9.96328 78.04160

1.13 Pavement composition

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the Pavement composition
attribute.The descriptions of the fields are given below.
Field Description Example
NH Number New National Highway number NH 0065
Codeindicating starting and ending locations of section HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code

Start Chainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500

End Chainage Chainage of the end point (in km) 1.500

Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)

Type of pavement Asphalt
• Asphalt
• Cement concrete
Bituminous Surface Course Type of bituminous surface course BC
Bituminous Surface Thickness of BS Clayerinmm 40
Course Thickness MM
BSC Construction Year YeaBirtoufm
coinsotursucBtaisoenCoofBuSrsCelayerinflexiblepavements 2015
Bituminous Base Course
Thickness Thickness of BBClayerinmm 100
Year of construction of BB Clayerin flexible pavements 2015
Granular Base Type
Granular Base Thickness Type of granularbase WMM
Thickness of GB layerinmm 250
Pavement Quality Concrete Year of construction of GB layer in flexible pavements 2015
Type Type of pavement quality concrete PQC
Pavement Quality
Concrete Thickness Thickness of PQ Clayerinmm 300
PQCC onstruction Year
Dry Lean Concrete Year of construction of PQ Clayerinrigid pavements 2015
Thickness Thickness of DL Clayerinmm 100
DrMyLean Concrete
Type Type of dry lean concrete DLC
DLC Construction Year
Granular Sub Base Year of construction of DL Clayerinrigid pavements 2015
Type Type of granular sub base GSB
Granular Sub Base
Thickness Thickness of GSB layerinmm 200
GSB Construction Year Year of construction of GSB layer 2014

Design CBR Design CBR of the sub grade, expressedin % 5%

Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897

Field Description Example
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Type of bituminous base course DBM

Asample out put is shown below for reference:

Bituminous Bituminous BSC Bitumino BBC Granular
NH Sec‐ Start End Direc‐ Paveme us Base Granul
Surface Surface Constru us Base Constru Base
No. tion Chai Cha tion nt Course ar
Course Course ction Course ction Thickne
Code nage inag Type Thickness Base
Type Thickness Year Type Year ss
e Type
NH00x ABC- Both
0.0 5.0 Asphalt BC 40.0 2015 DBM 100 2015 WMM 250
x DEF side
NH00x ABC Both
5.0 11.0 Asphalt BC 40.0 2015 DBM 80 2015 WMM 250
x - side
NH00x ABC- Both
11.0 20.0 Asphalt SDBC 25.0 2015 BM 115 2015 WMM 250
x DEF side
NH00x ABC Both
20.0 22.0 Asphalt BC 40.0 2015 DBM 100 2015 WMM 250
x - side
NH00x ABC- Both
22.0 30.0 Asphalt SDBC 25.0 2015 BM 115 2015 WMM 250
x DEF side
NH00x ABC- Both
30.0 31.0 Asphalt BC 40.0 2015 DBM 100 2015 WMM 250
x DEF side
(table continued…)

GB Paveme nt PQC Dry DLC Granul Granula GSB
Constr nt Quality Const Lean Constr ar Sub r Sub Constru Desig Survey Latit Longit
uction Quality Concret uction Concret uction Base Base ctionYe nCB Date ude ude
Year Concret e Year eT ype Year Type Thickne ar R
e Type Thickne ss

2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.99 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.96 78.04
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.95 78.05

1.14 CarriagewayFurniture

Thefollowingtableliststhe fields whichneedtobepopulated for the


Field Description Example

NHNumber NewNationalHighwaynumber NH0065

Codeindicatingstartingand HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-
endinglocationsofsection Vijayawada)
Chainage Chainageofthepoint(inkm) 0.500
Directionofsurvey Increasing
Direction • Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Field Description Example
Way side amenities classified in to one of the below Roadsign

Way side Amenity Type • Crashbarriers

• Signs
• Street Lights
• Km stone
Survey Date Date of survey in the format DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

Asample out put is shown below for reference:

GB Paveme ntQuali PQC DryLea DLC Granul Granula GSB
Constr ntQuali tyConcr Const Concret nConcr Constr arSub rSubBas Constru Desig Survey Latit Longit
uction tyConc eteThic uction eThick eteType uction Base eThickn ctionYe nCB Date ude ude
Year reteTyp kness Year ness Year Type ess ar R

2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.99 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.98 78.03
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.96 78.04
2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA GSB 300 2015 5% 9.95 78.05

1.15 Carriageway Furniture

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘Carriageway
Furniture’attribute. The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065

Codeindicatingstartingand HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
endinglocationsofsection Vijayawada)
Chainage Chainage of the point (inkm) 0.500
Direction of survey Increasing
Direction • Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)
Field Description Example
Wayside amenities classifiedintoone of the below Roadsign

Wayside Amenity Type • Crashbarriers

• Signs
• StreetLights
• Kmstone
Survey Date Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NHNumber SectionCode Chainage Direction EventType SurveyDate Latitude Longitude

NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.012 Increasing 03-01-16 9.98897 78.02671

NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.287 Increasing 03-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.491 Decreasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.708 Decreasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC-DEF 3.496 Increasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC-DEF 5.160 Increasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
NH00xx ABC-DEF 5.356 Decreasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.93102 78.05648
NH00xx ABC-DEF 8.402 Decreasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.91229 78.04961
NH00xx ABC-DEF 10.966 Decreasing RoadSign 03-01-16 9.89041 78.03458
1.16 Way side Amenities

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated forthe‘Way side
Amenities’attribute.The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber NewNationalHighwaynumber NH0065
Codeindicatingstartingandendinglocationsofsection HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)

Chainage Chainageofthepoint (inkm) 0.500

Directionofsurvey Increasing
• Increasing (chainage)
• Decreasing (chainage)

Waysideamenitiesclassifiedintooneofthebelowcategories: Restaurant/Motel
• Busshelter;
• Culverts;
WaysideAmenity • Restaurant/Motel;
• Toilet/Publicconvenience;
• RestRoomsforshortstay;
• TollPlaza;
• Firstaid/Medicalcentre;

Field Description Example

• Telephone booth;
• Petrolpump/minorrepairshop(optional);
• PoliceStation;
• Temple/Mosque;
• Bridges.

SurveyDate Date of survey in the format <DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897

Longitude Longitude 78.02671

Of survey point

A sample output is shown below for reference:

NH Section Survey Data

Chainage Direction WaysideAmenity Remarks Latitude Longitude
Number Code Date Source

NH00xx 0.650 Increasing Restaurant/Motel 05-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx 1.998 Increasing Restaurant/Motel 05-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx 5.524 Increasing PetrolPump 05-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC
11.413 Increasing Restaurant/Motel 05-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
1.17 LandUse

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘Land Use’attribute.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber New National High way number NH0065

Codeindicating starts in gandending locations of section HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)

Section Code

Star tChainage Chainage of the start point (inkm) 0.500

End Chainage Chainage of the end point (inkm) 1.500

Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Land use classified into one of the below categories: Commercial
• Residential;
LandUse • Commercial;
• Industrial;
• Agricultural;
• Waterbodies;
• Mixed.

SurveyDate Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897

Field Description Example
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NH Numbe Section Code StartChainage EndChainage Direction LandUse SurveyDate Latitude Longitude
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.000 0.797 Increasin Mixed 03-01-16 9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.511 0 Decreasing Mixed 03-01-16 9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.797 2.699 Increasin Mixed 03-01-16 9.98341 78.03004
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.835 0.511 Decreasing Mixed 03-01-16 9.98107 78.03078
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.987 0.835 Decreasing Mixed 03-01-16 9.96328 78.04160
NH00xx ABC-DEF 1.641 0.987 Decreasing Agriculture 03-01-16 9.95385 78.05255
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.081 1.641 Decreasing Land 03-01-16 9.93102 78.05648

NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.378 2.081 Decreasing Agriculture 03-01-16 9.91229 78.04961

NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.458 2.378 Decreasing Agriculture 03-01-16 9.89041 78.03458
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.699 3.234 Increasin Agriculture 03-01-16 9.88489 78.02995


Road condition data consists of parameters which directly affectmaintenance requirements of

theroad. The separametersa redy namic in nature,and there fore a survey to update this data set shall
be conducted annually for FWD testing and every six months as per Annexure IV for network
survey vehicle testing. The first survey shall beconducted at the time of complete on test in gand the
remaining surveys shall beconducted as per the defined frequency.

As an example, if majority of highway length (>50%) passes through a state, where defined
survey months are May and November, if completion testing is conducted in April, then the
first network survey shall beconducte din the month of April.This shall be considered as
the network survey to be conducted in the month of May. The 2nd survey shall be conducted in the
month of November, the 3rdsurvey shall beconducted in the month of May and soon.A sregards
FWD, the first test/survey shall be conducted at the time of
completion in April.The 2ndtest/survey shall beconducted in April of next year and soon.

The road condition data shall be used to update specific worksheets, which are listed below.

2.1 Visual condition

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘Visual
Condition’attribute.The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065
Field Description Example
Code in dicatingstarting and ending HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)
Section Code
locations of section
StartChainage Chainage of the start point(in 0.500
EndChainage Chainage of the endpoint(kimn) 1.500
Direction of survey km)
Direction • Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Number of the lane:L1,L2,R1,R2,etc.,L1 L1
Lane Number
being1stlane on the left from centerline of
carriageway, L2being2ndlane on the left from center
line and soon

Percent of pavement area affected by ravelling, 2
Whichis converted to the following rating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>30%)
Ravelling • 2-Poor(11-30%)
• 3-Fair(6-10%)
• 4-Good(1-5%)
• 5-VeryGood(0%)
No.of potholes,which is converted to the 1
following rating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>5)
Pot Holes • 2-Poor(3-5)
• 3-Fair(2)
• 4-Good(1)
• 5-VeryGood(0)
Pavement are acontaininged ge breaks,which is 3
converted to the followingrating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>5m2)
EdgeBreak • 2-Poor(1-5m2)
• 3-Fair(0.5-1m2)
• 4-Good(0-0.5m2)
• 5-VeryGood(0m2)
Percent of pavement area affected by cracking, which 3
is converted to the following rating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>30%)
Cracking • 2-Poor(21-30%)
• 3-Fair(11-20%)
• 4-Good(5-10%)
• 5-VeryGood(<5%)
Percent of pavement area affected by disintegration 2
,which is converted to the following grating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>50%)
Disintegration • 2-Poor(20-50%)
• 3-Fair(10-20%)
• 4-Good(1-10%)
• 5-VeryGood(<1%)

Field Description Example

Percent of pavement area affected by depression, 5
which is converted to the following rating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>5%)
Depression • 2-Poor(3-5%)
• 3-Fair(1-2%)
• 4-Good(0-1%)
• 5-VeryGood(0)

Percent of pavement area affected by bleeding, 3
Which is converted to the following grating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>50%)
Bleeding • 2-Poor(20-50%)
• 3-Fair(10-20%)
• 4-Good(1-10%)
• 5-VeryGood(<1%)
Percent of pavement area affected by patching, which 4
is converted to the following rating scale:
• 1-VeryPoor(>30%)
Patching • 2-Poor(16-30%)
• 3-Fair(6-15%)
• 4-Good(2-5%)
• 5-VeryGood(<2%)
Condition of the drain, which is converted to the 2
following rating scale:
DrainCondition • 1-Poor
• 2-Fair
• 3-Good
Condition of the shoulder,which is converted to Fair
the following rating scale:
• 1-Poor
• 2-Fair
• 3-Good
SurveyDate Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

Start End Lane

NHNumber Section Direction Ravelling PotHoles EdgeBreak Cracking
Chainage Chainage Number
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.000 0.500 Increasing L1 4 4 4 4
NH00xx ABC-DEF 0.500 1.000 Increasing L1 4 4 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 1.000 1.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 1.500 2.000 Increasing L1 5 5 5 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.000 2.500 Increasing L1 5 5 5 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 2.500 3.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 3.000 3.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 3.500 4.000 Increasing L1 5 4 3 5
Start End Lane
NHNumber Section Direction Ravelling PotHoles EdgeBreak Cracking
Chainage Chainage Number
NH00xx ABC-DEF 4.000 4.500 Increasing L1 4 4 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 4.500 5.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 5.000 5.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 5.500 6.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 6.000 6.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 6.500 7.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5

NH00xx ABC-DEF 7.000 7.500 Increasing L1 5 5 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 7.500 8.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 8.000 8.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 8.500 9.000 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 9.000 9.500 Increasing L1 5 5 4 5
NH00xx ABC-DEF 9.500 10.000 Increasing L1 5 5 3 5

Drain Date of Latitude Longitude

Disintegration Depression Bleeding Patching ShoulderCondition
Condition Survey
4 4 4 4 2 2 06-05-17 9.98897 78.02671
4 4 4 4 2 2 06-05-17 9.98444 78.02934
5 5 5 4 2 2 06-05-17 9.98341 78.03004
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.98107 78.03078
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.96328 78.04160
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.95385 78.05255
5 5 5 5 2 3 06-05-17 9.93102 78.05648
4 4 4 4 2 3 06-05-17 9.91229 78.04961
4 4 4 4 2 2 06-05-17 9.89041 78.03458
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.88489 78.02995
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.87474 78.02828
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.87363 78.02744
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.84857 78.01535
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.83764 78.00392
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.83711 77.98576
5 5 5 5 1 2 06-05-17 9.83386 77.97729
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.81804 77.97875
5 5 5 5 2 2 06-05-17 9.77426 77.98129
5 4 4 4 2 2 06-05-17 9.73071 77.97999
5 5 5 3 2 2 06-05-17 9.68686 77.97017

2.2 Roughness

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘Roughness’attribute.The
descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NH Number New National Highway number NH0065
Code indicating starting an dending locations of section HYD-VIJ(Hyderabad-Vijayawada)

Field Description Example

StartChainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500

EndChainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500

Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
LwpIri International roughnessindex(IRI)of left whee 2.33
lpathmeasured fromlaser profilometer

RwpIri Internationalroughnessindex(IRI)ofrightwheelpathmeasuredfroml 1.97
LaneIri Average of the International roughness index (IRI) of left and right 2.15
wheel paths
Speed Speed of vehicle in km/h 42
SurveyDate Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YYYY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NH Section Start End Direction Lane LwpIri RwpIri LaneIri Speed Survey Latitude Longitude
Number Code Chainage Chainage Number Date
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.0 0.1 Increasing L1 3.31 5.16 4.24 20 9.98897 78.02671
- 17
NH00xx ABC 0.1 0.2 Increasing L1 2.81 3.54 3.18 37 9.98444 78.02934
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.2 0.3 Increasing L1 2.31 1.92 2.12 42 9.98341 78.03004
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.3 0.4 Increasing L1 2.17 2.37 2.27 46 9.98107 78.03078
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.4 0.5 Increasing L1 2.11 1.72 1.92 42 9.96328 78.04160
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.5 0.6 Increasing L1 2.33 1.97 2.15 49 9.95385 78.05255
- 17
NH00xx ABC 0.6 0.7 Increasing L1 2.37 2.00 2.19 42 9.93102 78.05648
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.7 0.8 Increasing L1 2.15 2.17 2.16 33 9.91229 78.04961
- 17
NH00xx ABC 0.8 0.9 Increasing L1 2.45 2.05 2.25 32 9.89041 78.03458
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.9 1.0 Increasing L1 2.18 2.51 2.35 48 9.88489 78.02995
- 17

2.3 Rutting
The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘Rutting’ attribute.The
descriptions of thefields are given below.
Field Description Example
NHNumber New Nationa lHighway number NH0065
HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
SectionCode Code in dicating starting and ending locations of section
StartChainage Chainage of the start point (in km) 0.500
Field Description Example

EndChainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Number of the lane :L1,L2,R1,R2, etc. ,L1 being 1 stlane L1
on the left from center line of carriageway,L2 being2ndlane on the left from
Center line and soon
RuttingLeft Rutdep thin mm, measured from left wheel path 20
RuttingRight Rutdep thin mm ,measured from right wheel path 18
RuttingAvg Average rutdep thme as ured froml eftandright wheel 19
Speed Speed of vehicle in km/h 42
Survey Date Date of survey in the format<DD-MM-YYYY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NH Section Start End Lane tting Rutting Rutting Survey

Direction Speed Latitude Longitude
Number Code Chainage Chainage Number Left Right Avg Date
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.0 0.5 Increasing L1 15 14 15 20 9.98897 78.02671
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.5 1.0 Increasing L1 20 18 19 37 9.98444 78.02934
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 1.0 1.5 Increasing L1 10 8 9 42 9.98341 78.03004
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 1.5 2.0 Increasing L1 5 6 6 46 9.98107 78.03078
- 17
ABC- 06-05-
NH00xx 2.0 2.5 Increasing L1 10 10 10 42 9.96328 78.04160
DEF 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 2.5 3.0 Increasing L1 7 5 6 49 9.95385 78.05255
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 3.0 3.5 Increasing L1 20 18 19 42 9.93102 78.05648
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx - 3.5 4.5 Increasing L1 5 5 5 33 9.91229 78.04961
ABC- 06-05-
NH00xx 4.5 5.0 Increasing L1 5 5 5 32 9.89041 78.03458
DEF 17

2.4 Texture Depth

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘Texture
Depth’attribute.The descriptions o fthe fields are given below.
Field Description Example
NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065

HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
Section Code Codeindicating starting and ending locations of section

StartChainage Chainage of the start point(in km) 0.500

Field Description Example
EndChainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
• Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Number of the lane :L1,L2 ,R1,R2 ,etc .,L1 being L1
1 t lane on the left from center line of carriageway ,L2
Being 2ndlane on the left from centerline and soon
TextureLeft Text uredep thofpavementin mm,measured from left 0.40
wheel path
TextureRight Text uredepth of pavement in mm,measured from right wheel 0.30
Texture Average Average texture depth measured from left and right wheel 0.35
Speed Speedofvehicleinkm/h 42
SurveyDate Date of survey in the format <DD-MM-YYYY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NHS ection artaina Endai LaneT exture Texture Texture Surve yLatitude Longitude
NumbeStrCode ge nage Direction NumberLeft Right Average Speed Date
ABC- 06-05 -9.98897 78.02671
NH00xx DEF 0.0 0.5 Increasing L1 0.40 0.30 0.35 20 17
ABC 06-05 -9.98444 78.02934
NH00xx - 0.5 1.0 Increasing L1 0.60 0.50 0.55 37
NH00xx ABC 1.0 1.5 Increasing L1 0.80 0.90 0.85 42 06-05 -9.98341
17 78.03078
NH00xx DEF
ABC 06-05 -9.98107
1.5 2.0 Increasing L1 0.40 0.40 0.4 46 78.04160
NH00xx - 17
NH00xx ABC 2.0 2.5 Increasing L1 0.30 0.30 0.3 42
06-05 -9.96328
- 17
DEF 78.05648
NH00xx 06-05 -9.95385
- 2.5 3.0 Increasing L1 0.70 0.60 0.65 49 17 78.04961
ABC 06-05 -9.93102 78.03458
NH00xx - 3.0 3.5 Increasing L1 0.40 0.50 0.45 42 17

3.5 4.5 Increasing L1 0.90 0.80 0.85 33
4.5 5.0 Increasing L1 0.40 0.30 0.35 32

2.5 Skid Resistance

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘Skid
Resistance’attribute. The descriptions of the fields are given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065
HYD-VIJ (Hyderabad-
SectionCode Code in dicating starting and ending locations of section
Field Description Example
StartChainage Chainage of the start point(in km) 0.500
EndChainage Chainage of the end point(in km) 1.500
Direction of survey Increasing
Direction • Increasing(chainage)
• Decreasing(chainage)
Number of the lane: L1, L2, R1, R2, etc., L1 L1
LaneNumber being1stlane on the left from center line of carriage way,
L2 being 2nd lane on the left from center line and soon
SkidLeft Skidresistance of pavementmeas uredas skid number, 25
measured from left wheel path
SkidRight Skid resistance of pavementme as uredasskid number, 24
measured from right wheel path
Skid Average Average skidresistance measured from left and right 24.5
wheel paths
Speed Speed of vehicle in km/h 42
SurveyDate Date of survey in the format <DD-MM-YYYY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671

A sample out put is shown below for reference:

NH Section Start End Lane Skid Skid Skid Survey

Direction Speed Latitude Longitude
Number Code Chainage Chainage Number Left Right Average Date
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.0 0.5 Increasing L1 25.0 24.0 24.5 20 9.98897 78.02671
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 0.5 1.0 Increasing L1 23.0 23.0 23.0 37 9.98444 78.02934
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 1.0 1.5 Increasing L1 23.0 24.0 23.5 42 9.98341 78.03004
- 17
ABC- 06-05-
NH00xx 1.5 2.0 Increasing L1 22.0 22.0 22.0 46 9.98107 78.03078
DEF 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 2.0 2.5 Increasing L1 20.0 21.0 20.5 42 9.96328 78.04160
- 17

ABC- 06-05-
NH00xx 2.5 3.0 Increasing L1 24.0 24.0 24.0 49 9.95385 78.05255
DEF 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 3.0 3.5 Increasing L1 28.0 28.0 28.0 42 9.93102 78.05648
- 17
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx - 3.5 4.5 Increasing L1 21.0 21.0 21.0 33 9.91229 78.04961
ABC 06-05-
NH00xx 4.5 5.0 Increasing L1 25.0 24.0 24.5 32 9.89041 78.03458
- 17

The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the ‘FWD’ attribute. The
descriptions of the fieldsare given below.

Field Description Example

NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065
Field Description Example
SectionCode Code indicating starting and ending locations of section Vijayawada)
Chainage Chainage of survey point(in km) 0.500
Direction of survey
Direction • Increasing(chainage) Increasing
• Decreasing(chainage)

Number of the lane: L1, L2, R1, R2, etc., L1 being 1 st lane
LaneNumber onthe left from centerline of carriageway, L2 being 2 ndlane onthe L1

AirTemperature Airtemperature recorded in°C 33

Surface Temperature Temperaturec of the pavement surface,recorded in°C 39.3
PeakLoad Peakimpulse load ,measuredink N 45.7
Deflection0 Surfacede flection atthetest load center,measuredinmicron 246
Surfaced eflection atlocation1 from the test load center,
Deflection1 measuredinmicron 110

Distance1 Distance of location1 from the test load center 300

Surfaced eflection atlocation2 from the test load center,
Deflection2 measuredinmicron 153

Distance2 Distance of location2 from the test load center 600

Surfaced eflection atlocation3 from the test load
Deflection3 center,measuredinmicron 110

Distance3 Distance of location3 from the test load center 900

Surfaced eflectionat location4 from the test load center,
Deflection4 measuredinmicron 76
Distance4 Distance of location4 from the test load center 1200
Surfaced eflectionat location5 from the test load center,
Deflection5 measuredinmicron 59
Distance5 Distance of location5 from the test load center 1500
Surfaced eflectionat location6 from the test load
Deflection6 center,measuredinmicron 44
Distance6 Distance of location6 from the test load center 1800
Surfaced eflectionat location7 from the test load center,
Deflection7 measuredinmicron 35
Distance7 Distance of location7 from the test load center 2100

Surfaced eflectionat location8 from the test load center,
Deflection8 measuredinmicron 28
Distance8 Distance of location8 from the test load center 2400
Elastic Modulus
BituminousE1 Elastic modulus of bituminous layer, back calculated in MPa 3359
Elastic Modulus
GranularE2 Elastic modulus of granular layer,back calculated in MPa 396
Elastic Modulus
Sub Elastic modulus of subgrade, back calculated in MPa 90
Field Description Example
Corrected Elastic
Modulus BituminousE1 Corrected elastic modulus of bituminous layer in MPa 3424
Corrected Elastic
Modulus GranularE2 Corrected elastic modulus of granular layer in MPa 300
Corrected Elastic
Modulus SubGradeE3 Corrected elasti cmodulus of subgrade in MPa 69
Bituminous Layer Thick ness of bituminous layer in mm 105
Base Layer Thick ness of base layer in mm 230
GSB Layer Thick ness of GSB layer in mm 200
Subgrade CBR CBR of subgrade 0.08
Bituminous Layer
Coefficient A1 Layer coefficient of the bituminous layer 0.36
Base Layer Coefficient
A2 Layer coefficient of the base layer 0.17
Granular Base Layer
CoefficientA3 Layer coefficient of the GSB layer 0.17
Structural Number Structural number of the pavement 3.86
Modified Structural
Number Modified structural number including contribution from sub grade 4.85
Survey Date Date of survey in the forma t<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17
Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
A sample out putis shown below for reference:

NH Lane AirTempe SurfaceT
Chainag Directio kL Deflection Deflection Locatio Deflection
Numb Sectio Numbe rature emperature
nCode e n oad 0 1 n1 2
r r
NH00xx 0.500 RHS R2 32.6 43.7 45.7 333 188 300 243
NH00xx - 1.000 LHS L1 29.9 32.6 45.4 317 163 300 217
NH00xx 1.499 RHS R1 33.0 39.3 45.7 246 110 300 153
NH00xx 2.000 LHS L2 28.7 32.4 46.0 293 130 300 187
NH00xx 2.500 RHS R2 33.7 45.8 45.3 429 232 300 316

NH00xx 3.000 LHS L1 29.0 33.0 45.7 343 204 300 252


NH00xx 3.500 RHS R1 33.5 45.4 44.5 373 194 300 268
NH00xx 4.010 LHS L2 28.9 33.5 45.0 348 201 300 254
NH00xx ABC- 4.500 RHS R2 33.3 40.3 46.0 393 241 300 301

Locatio Deflection3 Locatio Deflection4 Location Deflection5 Location Deflection6 Location Deflection7 Location Deflection8
n2 n3 4 5 6 7

600 180 900 128 1200 102 1500 75 1800 58 2100 42

600 158 900 104 1200 70 1500 48 1800 38 2100 28
600 110 900 76 1200 59 1500 44 1800 35 2100 28
600 126 900 81 1200 62 1500 44 1800 32 2100 23
600 227 900 152 1200 116 1500 86 1800 71 2100 58
600 196 900 144 1200 117 1500 85 1800 65 2100 48
600 187 900 118 1200 83 1500 47 1800 31 2100 22
600 198 900 135 1200 105 1500 64 1800 42 2100 26
600 231 900 162 1200 123 1500 82 1800 62 2100 46

Loca Elastic ElasticMod ElasticMod CorrectedElastic CorrectedEl CorrectedElastic Bitumi Bas GS gra
tion ModulusBit ulusGranul ulusSubGr ModulusBitu asticModulusG Modulus nousL e B de
8 uminousE1 arE2 adeE3 minousE1 ranularE2 SubGradeE3 ayer Lay La CB
er yer R

2400 6213 185 100 6447 135 78 105 230 200 0.08
2400 5356 195 100 5295 143 78 105 230 200 0.08
2400 3359 396 90 3424 300 69 105 230 200 0.08
2400 4830 226 100 4770 169 78 105 230 200 0.08
2400 4570 137 97 4781 93 75 105 230 200 0.08
2400 8454 135 100 8374 91 78 105 230 200 0.08
2400 4394 165 100 4590 117 78 105 230 200 0.08
2400 7817 139 96 7762 95 74 105 230 200 0.08
2400 7666 123 95 7847 81 73 105 230 200 0.08

GranularBaseL Modified
BituminousLayerCoef BaseLayer Structural Survey Latitude Longitude
ayerCoefficientA Structural
ficient A1 CoefficientA2 Number Date
3 Number
0.45 0.13 0.13 3.68 4.82 01-07-16 9.98897 78.02671
0.42 0.13 0.13 3.56 4.70 23-06-16 9.98444 78.02934
0.36 0.17 0.17 3.86 4.85 01-07-16 9.98341 78.03004
0.41 0.14 0.14 3.65 4.79 23-06-16 9.98107 78.03078
0.41 0.11 0.11 3.24 4.34 01-07-16 9.96328 78.04160
0.49 0.11 0.11 3.58 4.72 23-06-16 9.95385 78.05255
0.40 0.12 0.12 3.34 4.48 01-07-16 9.93102 78.05648
0.48 0.12 0.12 3.67 4.75 23-06-16 9.91229 78.04961
0.48 0.11 0.11 3.53 4.59 01-07-16 9.89041 78.03458

2.6 Falling Weight Deflecto meter(FWD) Rigid
The following table lists the fields which need to be populated for the‘FWD Rigid’
Attribute .The descriptions of the fields aregiven below.
Field Description Example
NHNumber New National Highway number NH0065
SectionCode Code in dicating starting and ending locations of section Vijayawada)
Chainage Chainage of the point (in km) 0.500
Direction of survey
• Increasing(chainage) Increasing
Direction • Decreasing(chainage)
LaneNumber Number of the lane: L1,L2,R1,R2, etc. L2
Air Temperature Air temperature recorded in°C 30.1
Surface Temperature Temperature of the pavement surface, recorded in°C 39.4
Peak Load Peakimpulse load, measuredinkN 103.7
Deflection1 Surface deflectionat the test load center, measured in micron 140
Surface deflectionat 300 mm from the test load center,measured in
Deflection2 micron 121

Surface deflection at 600mm from the test load center,measured in

Deflection3 micron 108

Surface deflection at 900mm from the test load center, measured in

Deflection4 micron 101
Thicknessh Thickness of concreteslab, me assured in mm 300

Area of Deflection Area of deflection basin,calculated from measured deflections,in

Basin cm2 761
Radius of
RelativeStiffness Radius of relativestiffness, calculated in mm 823
Normalized Deflectiond
1 Normalized deflectionat location1,in mm 3.1
Normalized Deflectiond
2 Normalized deflectionat location2, in mm 2.9
Deflectiond3 Normalized deflection atlocation3 ,in mm 2.4
Deflectiond4 Normalized deflection atlocation4, in mm 1.9
Modulus of Subgrade
Reactionk Modulus of subgrade reaction, measured in MP a/m 131
Elastic Modulus
of ConcreteEc Elastic modulus of concrete, calculated in MPa 26118
Cube Strength of
Concretefck Cube strength of concrete, calculated in MPa 27
Flexural strength of
concretefmr Flexural strength of concrete, calculated in MPa 3.7

Date Of Testing Date of testing in the forma t<DD-MM-YY> 06-05-17

Latitude Latitude of survey point 9.98897
Longitude Longitude of survey point 78.02671
A sample out put is shown below for reference:

Pea Concrete
Sectio Chain Lan AirTemper SurfaceTe kL SlabThic
NHNo nCo ‐ Directio eN ature mperature oad Deflectio Deflectio Deflectio Deflectio knessh
de ‐age n o. n1 n2 n3 n4
NH00x ABC 104.
x - 0.0 LHS L2 29.0 34.9 1 167 143 130 119 300
NH00x ABC 104.
x - 0.5 RHS R2 30.5 38.1 4 141 130 122 115 300
NH00x ABC 105.
x - 1.0 LHS L1 30.0 35.6 2 147 111 100 91 300
NH00x ABC 102.
x - 1.5 RHS R1 28.9 38.3 4 140 126 116 107 300
NH00x ABC 103.
x - 2.0 LHS L2 30.1 39.4 7 140 121 108 101 300
NH00x ABC- 104.
x DEF 2.5 RHS R2 29.0 37.5 6 150 134 126 117 300
NH00x ABC- 102.
x DEF 3.0 LHS L1 30.6 38.9 7 124 109 104 92 300
NH00x ABC 105.
x - 3.5 RHS R1 29.3 39.1 9 149 136 128 119 300
NH00x ABC- 104.
x DEF 4.5 RHS R2 30.3 41.0 9 138 127 121 114 300

Modulu Flexura
Radius Elastic Cube
Area Normaliz Normaliz Normaliz Normaliz s lstreng Date
ofRelat Modulu Strengt
ofDefle edDeflec edDeflec edDeflec edDeflec ofSubg th OfTe Latitu Longitu
iveS sofCon h
ctionB tiond1 tiond2 tiond3 tiond4 radeRe creteEc ofCon ofconc sting de de
asin action retef
k mr

25-06- 9.9889 78.0267

759 816 3 3 2 2 112 21590 19 3
16 7 1
28-06- 9.9844 78.0293
821 1214 3 3 3 2 62 58161 135 8
16 4 4
25-06- 9.9834 78.0300
684 580 3 3 2 1 246 12051 6 2
16 1 4
28-06- 9.9810 78.0307
796 1014 3 3 3 2 87 39783 63 6
16 7 8
25-06- 9.9632 78.0416
761 823 3 3 2 2 131 26118 27 4
16 8 0
28-06- 9.9538 78.0525
800 1040 3 3 3 2 79 39908 64 6
16 5 5
25-06- 9.9310 78.0564
789 971 3 3 3 2 107 41290 68 6
16 2 8
28-06- 9.9122 78.0496
814 1150 3 3 3 2 66 50086 100 7
16 9 1
28-06- 9.8904 78.0345
826 1257 3 3 3 2 59 64082 164 9
16 1 8


Format for submission of Report sand Documents

1 Standard formats for deliverables

i. During the course of the assignment to prepared tailed project report

,severalre ports,drawingsand documents will need to be submitted by the
consultants to MoRTH/State PWD.
ii. For the purposes of submission, format requirements have been laid out for some
of the reports and drawing deliverables in this enclosure, which shall beadhered to
iii. In addition, consultants are to alignand agree with MoRT&H, GoI/ State PWDofficials the format
of submission for all reports, during the inception stage asmentione dinclause
10.2 of this terms of reference
1. Format for submission of report deliverables 1

Printedhard copies of reports

iv. All reports and documents shall be submitted in bothprinted hardcopy and digital
v. For hard copies, the consultant shall submit bound volumes (and notinspiral binding
form) after completion of each stage of work as per the schedule and in the number of
copies as given in EnclosureI.

2 Digital copies of reports

1. Every report shall also besubmitted in digital format to the authority in the
following formats:

i. The final reportas submitted in the portabled ocument format(.pdf)

ii. Aneditable document in the relevant Open Document Format for Office
Applications (ODF) and if available therelevant Microsoft Office document
format (MSOffice)
iii. All tables and models used to and referred to in the reports shall also be
submitted ass pread-sheets in the relevant ODF formatand MS Officeformat
iv. The digital copies of reports shall be submitted in the form of
removablestorage devices (CD or USB pen drive) and also hosted on a
secured online document storage and retrievalplat for masde scribed inclause
2 Dataproducts

2. The removables to ragede vice submitted at eachdeliverable stages hall


i. Reports for that stage

ii. All draft and finalreports previously submitted
vi. Correspondence with MoRT&H,GoI/StatePWD

vii. Clients’ comments on submitted reports
viii. Any communication,letter sand approvals to and from other governmentand
local agencies and anyother relevant body
ix. Anup date dindexo fall the contents on the removable storage device

2. Every submission will be accompanied by a table of contents and index of

all documents submitted for ease of reference

2 Data products

1. During the course of the assignment, the consultant shall perform several surveys and
collect data that will beused frothed esign of the road and delivered to the client.

2. Consultants are encouraged to keep commonly available software anddata packages, and
typicaluses for data while deciding final formats of data with in the constraints of this
document or wherea for math as notbeende fined

3. As required in clause 1. (iii) of this Enclosure-II,consultants are required to agree with State
PWD/MoRTH officials in all actualdata for mats proposed to beused for the project

4. In order to standardise data formats and simplify hand over and re-use of data, some
requirements for minimum content and format are laid down below.

Sr Data product Contents required (definition) Dataformat


0 Formats to List of data,drawing and design out puts,reporting CSVorODFsheet,

beused format,digital format suggested, keydata to be .xlsx optional
included (column headers),

1 Traffic surveys

1.1 List of traffic Point no,location coordinates (lat,long), location CSVorODFsheet,

survey points of survey point, chainage, no lanes /type of .xlsx optional
junction, type of survey, date of survey, length
of survey,any
commentary,equipment/techniqueused, link to
survey out put

1.2 Classified Survey point, survey location,locationid(ihmcl),no Rawdata:IHMCLTra

traffic volume of lanes,chainage, location coordinates (lat, long), ffic survey data
count survey date,time and period of survey format
Processed, corrected
sheet,.xlsx optional

1.3 O-D, Survey point, survey location, location lat, CSVor ODF sheet,
turning long,chainage, date, time, period of .xlsx optional
movement,axle survey,technique/equipmentusedin addition to the
load and other survey data self

Data Product Contents required (definition) Dataformat
2 Engineering surveys andinvestigations
2.1 Raw DGPS data Notes must contain Date, time of survey, equipment CSV or ODF,
used, corrections appliedisany. Receiver Independent
Data:Survey benchmarks, benchmarkpoints, location data Exchange Format
points (RINEX)

2.2 LiDAR Notes must contain Date,time of Laser file format for
point survey,equipment,summary post process in gapplied. exchange CSVsheet,
cloud Data:Survey benchmarks,data points,point cloud of .xlsx optional
Entire project corridorasde fined in
2.3 Images 360 Deg/ortho images of entire project road way Geographic Tagged
Image File
Format(Geo TIFF)
2.4 Video Traverse video of entire project length Audio video
2.5 Topo 1:1000 scalemap with 50 cm contours with road way Contours: geo-
graphicmapc marked on maps referenced
on to urs shapefiles(.shp)or.dx
2.6 Digitalelevati Digital terrainmodelled from aeria land ground Digital
on model surveys elevationmo
del in
al Data transfer
2.7 Longitud inal Location of crosssection–existing, design chainage, .dxffiles,.dwg/.dgnfi
and lat, lat, long, Crosss ection drawing lesoptions
2.8 As-isroad map 3D digital map of as-is project highway containing earth Digital
surface, road layers,utilities,building sand trees with terrain
feature data extracted and mapped in layers, marked on the mode land maps in
map and tabulated data provided separately.Allroad, land
surface, subsurfaceinventory, pavementinvestigation and XML/.dxfformat,.dw
soil survey data tobesuper-imposedas layers g/.dgnfiles options

optional off
eaturedata in

2.9 Details Type of utility,no,class and category of utility CSVorODFsheet,

Sr Data product Contents required (definition) Data format

utility installation(e.g. 66 kV xlpe),location, distance .xlsx optional

from center line, user agency

2.10 Utility maps geo-referenced schematic map,existingand Georeferenced

design road center line, type of utility, size, shapefiles(.shp)anddr
no,class and category awings in .dxfformat

2.11 Road in ventory All dataas required in clause4.11.3.1,geo- CSVorODFsheet

surveys referencing for each row of data in lat, long

2.12 Pavement in Testpit reference id,location,chainage,geo- CSV or ODF sheet

vestigation reference (lat,long), pavemetcom position -layer
no, material type,thickness, sub grade type, and

2.13 Pavement Data as required in clause4.11.3.2,along with CSVor ODFsheet

condition location/chainage and geo-reference for all data

2.14 Pavement FWD results as per IRC guidelines,geo- CSV or ODFsheet

structural referencing for test points

2.15 Sub-grade and In the format of the testing lab, summary details SummaryinCSVorO
soil strength must be tabulated and must include: test pit no, DFsheet
location, chianage, lat/long, date, time of
test,tester/labdetails,in-situden sity,moisture
content,field CBR,charact erization,in-
labmoistureanddensity, labCBR

3 Proposed road way designs

3.1 Proposed Geo referenced centerline horizontal and Geometry or

alignment vertical lignment forthe road shapefiles :
geometry To be presented superimposed on surface .shp/.dxf,
map,satellite mageryand digital elevation model of .dwg/.dgn
region files
3.2 Finalalign Geo referenced centerline horizontal and Geometry or
mentgeo verticalalignment for the road .Additional detail shapefiles :
metry on lanes,supe relevation, junctions, structures, .shp/.dxf,
under/over passes, PUP/CUP, way side .dwg/.dgn
amenities etc files

Sr Dataproduct Contents required (definition) Dataformat

3.3 Proposed Proposed digital road way mode land design .dxf/.dtm
roadway data-in cluding embank ment,road way,road
model layers, road side amenities,signals, road

furniture,markings and other construction

elements in 3D

Geo referenced location and alignment,3 D .dxf/.dtm

3.4 Proposed mode lof structure and appurtenances,
structures crosssection, planand profiled rawings for
constructionas per IRC

Proposed Road way crosssections for homo genous .dxffilesDigita

3.5 highway sections lsurface
crosssections modelin.dxfformat

Other deliver ables


Digitizedcadas Digitizedrevenuemapoverlaid withkey Geometryor shape

4.1 tralmaps landmarks, landsize, survey number and owner files:.shp/.dxf,
ship data.min1:1000 scalemap with .dwg/.dgnfiles
>1 mmaccuracy options

Financial Spread sheet model with in structions, index and ODF sheets,
4.2 analysis containingall input sand assumptions, time MSoffice. Xlsx
series construction and operating costs, optional
revenues, financing gand equity cash
flows,NPV/IRR,sensitivitys cenario sand results

3 Online hosting and archival of deliverables

3.1 Hosting deliverables online
i. The consultant shalls to reall deliverables from this assignment on asecure
Online file hosting platform hatis remotely accessibleby authorized user sonthe world wide web
ii. The consultant shall provideread only accessto all relevant officers of
MoRT&H,GoI/withState PWD and provide further access to additional users as and
when requested byMoRT&H,GoI/ with StatePWD
iii. Consultant shall provide apoin to fcontact for accesst othese files, solvingany technical
issues and shall respond to all requests inatimelymanner
iv. Consultant shall ensure that the files are hosted in aplat form that conformsto any file
hostingand filesh aring security standard sasmay belaidd own by the government of India

3.2 Deliverables to be hosted

v. Data and deliver ables to be hostedinan online accessible for mats hall include but
not bel imited to:
vi. All draft and final deliverables in the digital format spre scribed in this TOR

And in file format sin wideuse where formats are not specified
vii. Data, images and videos from all surveys and investigations conducted of
this enclosure
viii. All correspondence to and from <Agency> including clients’comments on
submitted reports
ix. Any communication,letter sandapprovalsto and from other government local
agencies and any other relevant body
x. The plat form shall also containanindex and table of content so fin formation
being hosted for easeo faccess and use

3.3 Time periodand costs

xi. Access to above mentioned files will be provided till the end of construction
(final commercial operations date of contractor/ concessionaire) of all packages
that for map art of this assignmentatthe cost of the consultant
xii. Access to additional users shall also beatnoadditional cost to the authority




Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata Ministry of Road

Transport & Highways,
Government of India Room No. 106, First
Floor, C Wing, CGO Complex,
DF Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064



Consultancy Services for Project Management Widening to 2-lane with paved

shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of
West Bengal.

(From km tokm of NH in the State of



Sl.No. Description PageNo.




1. General Provisions

1.1. Definition

1.2. Relation between the Parties

1.3 Law Governing the Contract
1.4 Language
1.5 Headings
1.6 Notices
1.7 Location
1.8 Authority of Memberin Charge
1.9 Authorized Representatives
1.10 Taxesand Duties

2 Commencement, Completion, Modificationand Termination of Contract

2.1 Effectiveness of Contract

2.2 Termination of Contract for Failureto Become Effective

2.3 Commen cement of Services

2.4 Expiration of Contract

2.5 Entire Agreement

2.6 Modification

2.7 Force Majeure

2.7.1 Definition
2.7.2 No Breach of Contract
2.7.3 Measures to be Taken

2.7.4 Extension of Time
2.7.5 Payments
2.8 Suspenstion
2.9 Termination
2.9.1 By the Client
2.9.2 By the Consultants
2.9.3 Cessation of Right sand Obligations
2.9.4 Cessation of Services
2.9.5 Payment upon Termination
2.9.6 Disputes about Events of Termination

3 Obligations of the Consultants

3.1 General

3.1.1 Standard of Performance

3.1.2 Law Governing Services

3.2 Conflic to fInterests

3.2.1 Consultantsnotto Benefitfrom Commissions, discounts etc.

3.2.2 Consultantsand Affiliatesnot to be other wise in terested in Project

3.2.3 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities

3.3 Confidentiality

3.4 Liability of the Consultants

3.5 Insurance to be taken out by the Consultants

3.6 Accounting, Inspection and Auditing

3.7 Consultants’Action srequiring Client’ sprior Approval

3.8 Reporting Obligations

3.9 Documents prepared by the Consultants to be the Property of the Client

3.10 Equipmentand Materials furnished by the Client

4 Consultants’ Personnel

4.1 General

4.2 Description of Personnel

4.3 Approval of Personnel

4.4 WorkingHours, Overtime, Leave etc.
4.5 Removaland/or Replacement of Personnel

4.6 Resident Project Manager

5 Obligations of the Client

5.1 Assistance and Exemptions

5.2 Access to Land

5.3 Change in the Applicable Law

5.4 Services, Facilities and Property of the Client

5.5 Payment

6 Payment to the Consultants

6.1 Cost Estimates; Ceiling Amount

6.2 Currency of Payment

6.3 Mode of Billing and Payment

7 Responsibility for accuracy of the project document

7.1 General

7.2 Retention money

7.3 Penalty

7.4 Action for deficiency in services

8 Fairness and Good Faith

8.1 Good Faith

8.2 Operation of the Contract


9.1 Amicable Settlement

9.2 Dispute Settlement



AppendixA: Term so freference containing, inter-alia, the Description of the Services

and Reporting Requirements

AppendixA1: Reporting requirement

AppendixB: Consultants’ Sub consultants, Key Personnel and Sub Professional

Personnel, Task assignment, work programme, manning schedule,
qualification requirements of key personnel,schedule for submission
Of various report.

AppendixB1: Medical certificate

AppendixC: Hours of work for Consultants’ Personnel

AppendixD: Duties of the Client

AppendixE: Cost Estimate

AppendixF: Copy of letter of invitation

AppendixG: Copy of letter of acceptance

AppendixH: Format for Bank Guarantee for Performance Security for individual work

AppendixI: Minutes of the Pre-bidmeeting

AppendixJ: Memorandum of Understanding


Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo
section in the State of West Bengal.

(Fromv km to km Of NH in the State of WestBengal)

This CONTRACT (herein after called the“Contract”)is made on the -------------- day of the month
of ----------------- 2018,between,on the one hand, Ministry of Road Transportand Highways
(MoRT&H), Government of India (GOI) represented by The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH,
having its office at “Room No. 106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064
(here in after called the “Client”) and,

On the other hand, M/s in JV with

(here in after called the “Consultants”).

(A) the Client has requested the Consultants to provide certain consulting services as defined
in the General Conditions attached to this Contract (here in after calledthe “Services”);

(B) the Consultants, having represented to the Client that they have the required professional
skills, personnel and technical resources, have agreed to provide the Services on the
term sand conditions set forth in this Contract;

NOW THERE FOR Ethe partie sheret oh erebyagreeas follows:

1 The following document sattached here to shall be deemed to formanin tegral part of this
(a) The General Conditions of Contract (here in after called “GC”);
(b) The Special Conditions of contract(here in after called“SC”);
(c) The following Appendices:
Appendix A: Terms of reference containing, inter-alia ,the Description of the Services and
Reporting Requirements
AppendixA1 :Reporting requirement
AppendixB: Consultants’ Subconsultants, Key Personne land Sub Professional Personnel,Task
assignment, workprogramme, manning schedule, qualification requirements of key
personnel ,and schedule for submission of variousre port.
Appendix B1 : Medical certificate
AppendixC: Hours of work for Consultants’Personnel
AppendixD: Duties of the Client
AppendixE: Cost Estimate
AppendixF: Copy of letter of invitation
AppendixG: Copy of letter of acceptance

AppendixH: Copy of Bank Guarantee for Performance Security

Appendix-I: Minutes of the pre-bid meeting

AppendixJ: Memorandum of Understanding

2. The mutual right sando bligations of the Client and the Consultants shall beasset forth in
the Contract; in particular:

(a) The Consultants shall carry out the Services in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract; and

(b) Client shall make payments to the Consultants in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the Partieshere to have caused this Contract to be signed in their
respective names as ofthe dayand year first above written.


The Chief Engineer- RO, Kolkata, MoRTH,

1. SignatureName

Address By

Authorized Representative 2. Signature Name




1. SignatureN



Authorized Representative 2. Signature





1.1 Definitions

Un less the con text other wise requires, the following terms whenever used in This
Contract have the following meanings:

(a) “Applicable Law” means the law sandanyo the rinst ruments having the force of law
in the Government’s country [or in such other country as may be specified in the
Special Conditions of Contract (SC)], as they may beissued and in force fromtime to

(b) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties, to which these General
Conditions of Contract are attached, together with all the documents listed in
Clause1of suchsigned Contract;

(c) “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract comes into force and
Effect pursuant to Clause GC 2.1;

(d) “foreign currency” means any currency other than the currency of The

(e) “GC” means these General Conditions of Contract;

(f) “Government” means the Government of India;

(g) “local currency”means the currency of the Government;

(h) “Consultant” wherever mentioned in this Contract Agreement means the “Project
Management Consultant (PMC))” and includessub-consultants or Associatesen
gaged by the primary consultant.

(i) “Member”, in case the Consultants consist of a joint ventureor consortium of

more than one entity, means any of these entities, and “Members” means all of
thes eentities;

(j) “Personnel” means personshired by the Consultants or by any Sub-Consultants and

or Associates as Employees and assigned to the performance of the Services

Or any part there of;“Foreign Personnel” means such persons who at the time of
beingso hired had their domicile outside the Government’s Country, “Local
Personnel” means such persons who atthe time of being so hiredhad their domicile
inside the Government’s Country; and‘ keypersonnel’ means the personnel referred to
in Clause GC4.2 (a).

(k) “Party” means the Clientor the Consultants,as the casemay be, and Parties
Means both of them;

(l) "Services"means the work to be performed by the Consultants pursuantto his

contract, asdescribed in Appendix Ahereto . The scope of work will be strictly
As given in various Clauses in TOR. The approach and methodology to be

A dopted by the Consultant for carrying out the assignment as Authority Engineermay
bemodified dependingon thesite requirements and workprogramme of the EPC
Contract or after mutual discussions with Employer, the EPC Contractor and the
Authority Engineer. The work plan as indicated by the Consultant may be modified
according lytothesite requirements.

(m) “SC”means the Special Conditions of Contract by which these General

Conditions of Contract may beamended or supplemented;

(n) “Subconsultant” means any entity to which the Consultantssub contract any part
of the Services in accordance with the provisions of Clause GC3.7;and

(o) “ThirdParty”means any personorentity other than the Government, the

Client, the Consultants or a Sub consultant.

1.2 Relation between the Parties

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing a relation ofmaster and

servantor of agentand principalas between the Client and the Consultants. The
Consultants, subject to this Contract, have complete charge of Personnel performing the
Services and shall be fully responsible for the Services performed by them or on their be
half here under.

1.3 Governing Lawand Jurisdiction

This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the Parties shall
begoverned by the Applicable Laws of India and the Courtsat
…………shall have exclusive jurisdiction over matters arising out of or relating to this

1.4 Language

This Contract has been executed in the language specified in the SC, which shall be the
binding and controlling language for all matter srelating to them eaning or in terpretation of
this Contract.

1.5 Table of Contentsand Headings

The table of contents, headings or sub-headings in this agreement are for convenience for
reference only and shall notbeused in, and shall not limit, alter or affect the construction and
inter pretation of this Contract.

1.6 Notices
1.6.1 Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made
pursuant to this Contract shall bein writing. Any such notice,request or
consent shall be deemed to have been given or made when delivered in person
to an authorized representative oftheParty to whom the communication is
addressed, or when sent by registered mail, facsimile or e‐mail to such Party
at the address specifiedin the SC.
1.6.2 Notice will bedeemed to beeffective asspecified in the SC.
1.6.3 A party may changeits address for noticeh ereunder by giving the other Party
notice of such change pursuantto the provisions listed in the SC with respectto
Clause GC1.6.2.

1.7 Location

The Services shall be performedat such location sasare specifiedin Letter ofAcceptance
(Appendix‐G) here to and, where the location of a particular task is not so specified, atsuch
locations, whether in Indiaorelse where, as the Client may approve.

1.8 Authority of Member in Charge

In case the Consultants consist of ajointventureofmorethanoneentity, withor without an

Associate the Membershereby authorize the entity specified in the SC to acton their be half in
exercising all the Consultants’ rights and obligations to wards the Client under this
Contract,including without limitation the receiving of instruction sand payments from the

1.9 Authorized Representatives

Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document requiredor permitted to be
executed, under this Contract by the Client or the Consultants may be taken or executed by the
officials specified in the SC.

1.10 Taxes and Duties

Unless otherwise specified in the SC, the Consultants, Sub-consultants and Personnel shall
pay such taxes, duties, fees and other impositions as may be levied under the Applicable
Law.Goods&Service tax as applicable shall be paid to the Project Management Consultant
while making payment for services rendered. The consultants shall then deposit the same with
the tax authorities and provide a proof of having doneso withinnext 90 days in line with
policy circulars is sued by Employer.



2.1 Effectiveness of Contract

This Contract shall come into force and effecton the date (the" Effective Date") of the Client's
notice to the Consultants in structing the Consultants to begin carrying out the Services. This
notice shall confirm that the effectiveness conditions, if any, listed in the SC have beenmet.

2.2 Termination of Contract for Failure to Become Effective

If this Contract has not become effective within such time period after the date of the
Contract signed by the Parties as shall be specified in the SC, either Party may, by not
lessthan four(4)weeks’ writtennotice to the other Party, declare this Contract to be null
andvoid, and in the eventof such a declaration by either Party, neither Party shall have any
claimagainst the other Party with respect there to.
2.3 Commencement of Services

The Consultants shall begin carrying out the Services at the end of such time period after
the Effective Date as shall be specified in the SC.

2.4 Expiration of Contract

Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause GC 2.9 here of, this Contract shall expire
when services have been completed and all payments have been made at the end of such
time period after the Effective Date as shall be specified in the SC.

2.5 Entire Agreement

This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the Parties.
Noagent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall not be
bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth
here in.

2.6 Modification

Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of the
scope of the Services ,may only be made by written agreement be tween the Parties as thecase may
be, has been obtained. Pursuant to Clause GC 8.2 hereof, however, each Party shall give due
consideration to any proposals form odification made by the other Party.

2.7 Force Majeure

2.7.1 Definition

(a) For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an event which is
beyond the reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party’sperform an
ceofits obligations here under impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be
considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to,
war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, floodor other
adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action(except
where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within thepower of the
Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by
government agencies.

(b) Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or
intentional action of a Party or such Party’s Sub consultant so ragents or employees,
nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to
both(A)take in to account at the time of the conclusion of this Contract and(B) avoid
or over come in the carrying out of its obligation she re under.

(c) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any
payment required here under.

2.7.2 No Breach of Contract

The failure of a Party to ful fill any of its obligations here under shall not be considered to be a
breach of, or default under, this Contract in so far as such inability arises from an event of
Force Majuere, provided that the Party affected by such an even thas
taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with
the objective of carrying out the terms andcondition soft his Contract.
2.7.3 Measurest obe taken

(a) A party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reason able
measures to remove such Party’sin ability to fulfill its obligations here under

With aminimum of delay.

(b) A party affected by an event of Force Majuere shall notify the other Party of such
event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days
following the occurrence of such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause
of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the restoration of normal conditions
as soon as possible.

(c) The Parties shall take all reason able measures to minimize the consequences of any
event of Force Majeure.

2.7.4 Extension of Time

Any period with in whicha Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task,
shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was un able to
perform such action as are sult of Force Majeure.
Extension of Time for providing services of the consultancy service may be
extendedconcurrently with the Extension of Time granted, if any, to the EPC Contractor
for theptoject, subject to satisfactory performance of the consultancy services and limited
to original period of consultancy services.

2.7.5 Payments

During the period of the irin ability to perform the Services as are sult of an event of Force
Majeure, the Consultants shall been titled to be reimbursed for additional costs reason ably and
necessarily incurred by them during such period for the purposes of the Service sand in
reactivating the Services after the end of such period.

2.7.6 Consultation

Not later than thirty(30) days after the Consultants, as the result of anevent of Force Majeure,
have be come unable to performamaterial portion of the Services, the Parties shall consult
with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate measures to be taken in the

2.8 Suspension

The Client may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultants, sus pend all payments
to the Consultants here under if the Consultants fail to perform any of their obligations
under this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services, provided that such notice
of suspension (i) shall specify the nature of the failure, and (ii) shall request the
Consultants to remedy such failure with in aperiod not exceeding thirty
(30)Days after receipt by the Consultants of such notice of suspension.
2.9 Termination

2.9.1 By the Client

The Client may, by not less than thirty(30) days’ written notice of termination to the
Consultants (except in the event listedin paragraph (f) below,for which there shall be a written
notice of not less than sixty(60) days), such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of
the events specified in paragraphs (a) through (h) of this
Clause2.9.1,terminate this Contract:

(a) If the Consultants fail to remedya failure in the performance of their

obligations are under, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to
Clause 2. 8 here in above,with in thirty(30) days of receipt of such notice of

Suspension or with in such further periodas the Client may have
subsequently approved in writing;

(b) If the Consultants become (or, if the Consultants consist of more than one entity, if
any oftheir Members becomes)in solvent or bank rupto renter into any agreements
with their creditors for relief of debt or take advantage of any law for the benef it of
debtors or go into liquidation or receiver ship whether compulsory orvoluntary;

(c) If the Consultants fail to comply with any final decision reached as a result of
arbitration proceed in gspursuant to Clause 8 here of;

(d) If the Consultants submit to the Client a statement which has a material effect on the
rights, obligations or interests of the Client and which the Consultants know to be

(e) If, as there sult of Force Majeure, the Consultants are unable to
performamaterial portion of the Services for aperiod of not less than sixty(60) days;

(f) if the Client, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to
terminate this Contract.

(g) If the consultant,in the judgment of the Client has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for orin executing the Contract. For the
purpose of this clause:

"Corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of

value to in fluence the action of a public official in these lection process or in contract

"fraudulent practice"means amisrepresentation of factsinorder to influence as election

process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower, and includes
collusive practice among consultants (prior to or after submissionofproposals)
designed to establish prices at artificial non- competitive levels and todeprive the
Borrower of the benefits offreeand open competition.

(h) If EPC Contractor represents to Employer that the Consultant is not discharging his
duties in afair,efficient anddiligent mann errand if the disputere mains unresolved,
Employer may terminate this contract.

2.9.2 By the Consultants

The Consultants may, by not less than thirty(30) day’ swritten notice to the Client, Such
notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in paragraphs(a)
through(d)of this Clause 2.9.2, terminate this Contract:
(a) If the Client fails to pay any money due to the Consultants pursuant to this
contract and not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause 8 here of within forty-five
(45) days after receiving written notice from the Consultants that such payment
is overdue;

(b) If the Client is inmaterial breach of its obligations pursuantto this Contract

And has no tremedied the same with in forty-five(45) days (orsuch longer
periodas the Consultants may have subsequently approved in
writing) following the receipt by the Clientof the Consultants’ notice specifying
such breach;

(c) If , as the resul to Force Majeure, the Consultant are unable to performamat
erialportion of the Services for aperiod of not less than sixty(60)days; or

(d) If the Client fails to comply with any final decision reached as a resul to
farbitration pursuant to Clause 8 here of.

2.9.3 Cessation of Right sand Obligations

Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses GC 2.2 or GC 2.9 here of, or upon
expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause GC2.4 here of, all rights and obligations of the
Parties here under shall cease, except:

(i) Such right sand obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or

(ii) The obligation of confidentiality set for thin ClauseGC3.3here of;

(iii) The Consultants'o bligation to permitinspection, copying and auditing of their

accounts and records set for thin Clause GC3.6(ii)here of; and

(iv) Any right which a Party may have under the Applicable Law

2.9.4 Cessation of Services

Upon termination of this Contract by notice of either Party to the other pursuant to
Clauses 2.9.1or 2.9.2 here of, the Consultants shall ,immediately upon dispatch orreceipt
of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring the Services to a close in a promptand
orderly manner and shall make every reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this
purpose to a minimum. With respect to documents prepared by the Consultants and
equipment and materials furnished by the Client, the Consultants shall proceed as
provided, respectively ,by Clauses 3.9or 3.10 here of.

2.9.5 Payment upon Termination

Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 here of, the Client
shall make the following payments to the Consultants (after off setting against these
payments any amount hat may bed ue from the Consultant to the Client):

(i) Remuneration pursuant to Clause 6 here off or Services satisfy actorily

per form edpriort ot heef fective date of termination.

(ii) Reimbursable expenditures pursuant to Clause 6hereo ff or expenditures

Actually in curredprior to the effective date of termination; and

(iii) Except in the case of termination pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (d) of
Clause 2.9.1 here of, reimburse ment of any reason able cost incident to the
prompt and orderly termination of the Contractin cluding the cost of the

Return travel of the Consultants’ personnel and their eligible ependents.

2.9.6 Disputes about Events of Termination

If either Party disputes whether an eventspecified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of Clause
2.9.1 or in Clause 2.9.2 here of has occurred, such Party may, within forty- five(45) days
after receipt of notice of termination from the other Party,refer the matter to arbitration
pursuant to Clause 9 hereof, and this Contract shall not be terminated on account of such
event exceptin accordance with the terms of any resulting arbitral award.


3.1 General

3.1.1 Standard of Performance

The Consultants shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations here under with all
duediligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally
Accepted professional tech niques and practices, and shall ob serve sound management
practices, and employ appropriatead vanced technology and safe and effective
equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The Consultants shall always act, in respect
of any matterrelating to this Contractor to the Services, as faithful
advisers to the Client, and shall a tall times support and safe guard the Client's legitimate
einterests in any dealing swith Sub consultants or Third Parties.

3.1.2 Law Governing Services

The Consultants shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable Law and shall
take all practicable steps to ensure that any Sub- consultants and or Associates, as well as the
Personnel of the Consultants and any Sub-consultants and or Associates, comply with the
Applicable Law. The Client shall advise the Consultants in writing of relevant local customs
and the Consultants shall, after such notifications, respect such customs.

3.2 Conflict of Interests

3.2.1 Consultants not to Benefit from Commissions, Discounts, etc.

The Remuneration of the Consultants pursuant to Clause GC6 here of shall constitute the
Consultants' sole remuneration in connection with this Contract or the Services and,
subject to Clause GC3.2.1.1 here of, the Consultants shall not accept for their own benefit
any trade commission, discount or similar payment in connection with activities pursuant
to this Contract or to the Services or in the discharge of their obligations hereunder, and
the Consultants shall use their best efforts to ensure that any Sub-consultants and or
Associates, as well as the Personnel and agents of either of them, similarly shall not
receive any such additional remuneration. If the Consultants, as part of the Services, have the responsibility of advising the
Client on the procurement of goods, works or services, the Consultants shall comply with any
applicable procurement guidelines of the Client (Employer) andor Associates Bank or of the
Association, as the case maybe, and other funding agencies and shall at all times exercise such
responsibility in the best interest of the Client. Any discounts or commissions obtained by the
Consultants in the exercise of such procurement responsibility shall be for the account of the

3.2.2 Consultants and Affiliates not to be other wise interested in Project

The Consultants agree that, during the termof this Contract and after its termination, the
Consultants and any entityaffiliated with the Consultants, as well as any Sub
consultantand any entity affiliated with such Subconsultant, shall be
Disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than the
Services and any continuation there of) for any project resulting from or closely
Related to the Services.
3.2.3 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities

Neither the Consultantsn or their Sub consultantsn or the Personnel of either of them shall
engage,either directly or indirectly, in any of the following activities:

(a) during the term of this Contract, any business or professional activities in the
Government's country which would conflict with the activities assigned to them
under this Contract; or

(b) After the termination of this Contract, such other activities as may be specified in the

3.3 Confidentiality

The Consultants, their Sub consultants and the Personnel of either of them shall not,either
during the termor with in two(2) years after the expiration of this Contract, dis close any
proprietary or confidential information relation to the Project, the Services, this Contract or
the Client's business or operations without the prior written consent of the Client.

3.4 Liability of the Consultants

Subject to additional provisions, if any, set forth in the SC, the Consultants' liability under
this Contract shall be asprovided by the Applicable Law.

3.5 Insurance to be taken out by the Consultants

The Consultants (i) shall take out and maintain, and shall causeany Subconsultants to
take out and maintain,at their (orthe Subconsultants', as the case may be)own cost but
ont ermsand conditions approved by the Client, insurance against the
risks, and for the coverage, as shall be specified in the Special Conditions (SC), and
(ii) At the Client's request, shall provide evidence to the Client showing that such insurance
has been taken out and main tained and that the current premiums
There fore have beenpaid.

3.6 Accounting, Inspection and Auditing

The Consultants(i) shall keep accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the
Services, here under, in accordance within ternationally accepted accounting principles such as
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and in such for man detailas will clearly
identify all relevanttime charges andcost, and the bases there of (including such bases as may
be specifically referred to in the SC) ; (ii) shall permit the Client or its designated
representative periodically, and uptoone year from theexpirationor termination of this
Contract, to in spectt he sameand make copies there of as well as to have the maudited by
audit or sappointed by the Client; and (iii)

Shall permit the client to inspect the Consultant's accounts and record srelating to the performance of
the Consultant and to have the maudited by audit or sap pointed by the client.

3.7 Consultants' Actions requiring Client'spriorApproval

The Consultants shall obtain the Client's prior approval in writing be fore taking any ofthe
following actions:
(a) Appointing such member soft he Personnel as are listed in Appendix B;

(b) Enter in gintoasub contract for the performance of any part of the Services, it being
under stood (i) that the selection of the Sub-consultant and the terms and conditions
of the subcontract shall have been approved in writing by the Client priorto the
execution of the sub contract, and (ii) that the Consultants shall remain fullyliable for
the performance of the Services by the Sub- consultant and its Personnel pursuant to
this Contract;

(c) Any other action that may be specified in the SC.

3.8 Reporting Obligations

The Consultants shall submit to the Client the reports and documents specified in
Appendix A/E here to, in the form, in the numbers and within the time periods set forth in the
said Appendix. Reporting stages, review progress and checklist shall be asreflected in the

3.9 Documents prepared by the Consultants to be the Property of the Client

All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other documents prepared by the
Consultants in performing the Services shall become and remain the property of the Client, and
the Consultants shall, not later than upon termination or expiration of this Contract, deliver all
such documents to the Client, together with a detailed inventory there of. The Consultants may
retaina copy of such documents. Restrictionsa bout the future use ofthese documents, shall be
asspecified in the SC.

3.10 Equipment and Materials furnished by the Client

Equipment and materials made available to the Consultants by the Client, or purchased by the
Consultants with funds provided by the Client, shall be the property of the Client and shall be
marked accordingly. Upon termination or expiration of this Contract, the Consultants shall
make available to the Client aninventory of such
equipment and materials and shall dispose of such equipment and materials in accordance
with the Client's instructions. While in possession of such equipmentand materials, the
Consultants, unless otherwise instructed by the Client in writing, shall insure them in an
amount equal to their full replacement value.


4.1 General

The Consultants shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Personnel as
are required to carry out the Services.

4.2 Description of Personnel

(a) The titles, agreed job descriptions, minimum qualification and estimated periods
of engagement in the carrying out of the Services of each of the Consultants' Key
Personnel are described in Appendix B. If any of the Key Personnel has already
been approved by the clients his/her nameis listed as well.

(b) If required to comply with the provisions of Clause3.1.1of this Contract, adjustments
with respect to the estimated periods of engagement of Key Professional / Sub
Professional Personnel set forth in Appendix B may be made by the Consultants by
written notice to the Client, provided

(i) That such adjustments shall not alter the originally estimated period of
engagement of any individual by more than 10% or one week, whichever is
larger, and

(ii) That the aggregate of such adjustments shall not cause payments under this
Contract to exceed the ceilings set forth in Clause 6.1 (b) of this Contract. Any
other such adjustments shall only be made with the Client's written approval.

(c) If additional work is required beyond the scope of the Services specified in
Appendix A, the estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set forth in
Appendix B may be increased by agreement in writing between the Client and the

4.3 Approval of Personnel

The Key Personnel i.e. ProfessionalStaff and Sub-consultants listed by title as well as By
name in Appendix B are hereby approved by the Client. In respect of other Key Personnel
which the Consultants propose, touse in the carrying out of the Services, the Consultants shall
submit to the client for review and approvala copy of their bio graphical data and (in the case
of Key personnel to be used with in the country of the Government) a copy of asatis factory
medical certificate in the form attached here to as Appendix B1.If the Clientdoes not object in
writing (stating the reasons for the objection) with in thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
receipt of such biographicaldata and (if applicable) such certificate, such Key Personnel shall
be deemed to have been approved by the Client.
4.4 Working Hours,Overtime, Leave, etc.

(a) Working hours and holidays for Key Professional / Sub Professional Personnel are set
forth in Appendix C hereto. To account for travel time, foreign Personnel carrying out
Services inside the Government's country shallbe deemed to have commenced
(orfinished) work in respect of the Services such number of days before their arrival
in (or after their departure from) the Government's country is specified in Appendix
Chere to.

(b) The Key Professional / Sub Professional Personnel shall not be entitled to be paid
for overtime nor to take paid sick leave or vacation leave except as specified in
Appendix C hereto, and except as specified in such Appendix, the Consultants'
remuneration shall be deemed to cover these items. All leaveto be allowed to the
Personnel is included in the staff- months of service set for in Appendix B. Any
taking of leave by Personnel shall be subject to the prior approval of the Client by
the Consultants, who shall ensure that absence for leave purposes will not delay
the progress and adequate supervision of

The Services.

(c) All key personnel and sub professional staff of the Consultants shall use the
Aadhaar based Biometric attendance/Geo-tagged selfie-basedattendance system for
marking their daily attendance. Aadhaar based Biometric attendance/ Geo-tagged
selfie-based attendance shall be marked at least once a day and anytimeduring the
day. Aadhaar based Biometric attendance/ Geo- tagged selfie-based atten dance
system shall be installed by the Consultants at its own cost at the site office and
design officer in order to facilitate the attendance marking. A copy of Aadhaar
based Biometric attendance/ Geo- tagged selfie-based attendance records shall be
attached at the time of submission of their bills to the MoRT&H, GoI. Proper
justification shall be provided for cased of absence of key personnel/ sub-
professional staff which do not haveprior approval from Project Director of
Concerned stretch. If MoRT&H, Go Isodesires, it shall facilitate electronic
linking of the Aadhaar based Biometric attendance/Geo-tagged selfie-based
attendance system with the central Monitoring System of MoRT&H, GoI.

(d) Consultants will intimateconcerned Project Director/Project in charge

immediately after establishing its site office regarding installation of Aadhaar
based Biometric attendance/Geo-tagged selfie-based attendance system and
complete address of itssite office.

4.5 Remova land/ or Replacement of Key Personnel

Removaland / or replacement of Key Personnel shall be regulatedas under:

4.5.1 In case notice to commence services pursuant to Clause 2.1 of this Contractis not
ordered by Client within 120 days of signing of contract:

The key personnel can excuse themselves on valid grounds, e.g., selection on some other
assignment, health problem developed after signing of contract, etc. In such a case no
penalty shall be levied on the Firm or on the person concerned. The firm shall how ever
be asked to give are placement by anequally or better qualified and experienced
personnel to the satisfaction of the Authority, when ever mobilization is ordered.

4.5.2 Incase notice to commence servicesis given within 120 days of signing of

It would be preferred that the team lead ercum senior Highway Engineer shall
continue during all the Phase 1,2 & 3of the aggrement.

(i) During phase 3 the team leader shall be equal or better qualification in case the
replacement is necessitated. Morover the combined technical score of these 3 key

i) Residentcum Senior Bridge Engineer

ii) High way cumpavement Engineer
iii) Senior Contract Specialist

to be deployed during phase 3 (Construction, Supervision & Maintenance) should

be equal or more then the Technical score of 3 key personnels (except
teamleader) as assessed during the technical evaluation. This would ensure that
the evaluated preferred bidder during the evaluation stage remain the

preferred bidder seven in the phase 3 stage

(ii) Replacement of team lead erando the rkey personnel are permitted once during
PhaseIII(i.e.Supervisionand Maintenancestage) without any reduction inremuneration subject to
equallyor better qualified and experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of the
Authority. However any further Replacement of all the Key Personnel shall be permitted subject
to reduction of remuneration equal to 2 % (two percent) of the total remuneration specified for
the Key Personnel who is proposed to be replaced subject to equally or better qualified and
experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of the Authority. In case of emergency
such asd eath, serious medical ground the replacement of team leader and other key personnels
are permitted without any reductionin remuneration subject to equallyor better qualified and
experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of the Authority. The maximum age
limit of replaced key personnel shall be 65 years as on the date of submission of proposal for
such replacement.

4.5.3 If the consultant finds that any of the personnel had made false or fake representation
regarding his qualification and experience, hemay request the Employer for replacement of
the personnel. There shall be no reduction in remuneration for such replacement. There
placement shall however be of equal or better score. The personnel so replaced shall
bedebarred from future projects for 2 years.

4.5.4 Replacement after original contract periodis over:

There shall be no limiton there placement sand no reductionin remunerations shall bemade
.There placement shall how ever be ofequal or better score.

4.5.5 If the Employer (i) finds that any of the Personnel has committed serious misconductor
has been charged with having committed acriminal action or (ii) has reason able ground to bed
issatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the consultant shall, at the
Employer’s written requests pecifying the grounds therefore , forth with provide are placement
with qualifications and experience acceptable to him. For such replacement there will

4.5.6 If any member of the approved team of aconsultant engaged by MoRT&H,

GoI /with State PWD
Leaves that consultant be for ecompletion of the job ,he shall be barred for aperiod of 24
months from being engaged as a team member of any other consultant
Working (ortobeappointed)for any other with StatePWD/MoRTH projects.

4.6 Resident Team Leaderand Coordinator

The persondesignated as the Team Leader of the Consultant’s Personnel shall be

responsible for the coordinated, timely and efficient functioning of the Personnel. In
addition, the Consultant shall designate a suitable person from its Head Office as Project
Coordinat or who shall be responsible for day to day performance of the Services.


5.1 Assistanceand Exemption sunless otherwise specified in the SC, the Client shall useits

Best effort stoen sure that theGovernmentshall:

(a) provide the Consultants, Sub consultants and Personnel with work permits and such
other documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultants,

Sub consultants or Personnel toper form the Services;

(b) assist for the Personne land, if appropriate, the ireligible dep end ents to be
provided promptly with all supporting papers for necessary entry and exit visas,
residence permits, exchange permits and any other documents required for their stay
in India;

(c) Facilitate prompt clearance through customs of any property required for the

(d) Issue to officials, agents andre presentatives of the Government all such in
structions as may be necessary or appropriate for the prompt and effective
implementation of the Services;

Assist the Consultants and the Personnel and any Sub-consultants andor
Associates employed by the Consultants for the Services from any requirement
to register or obtain any permit to practice their profession or to establish them
selves either individually or as a corporate entity accordingto the Applicable Law;
(a) Grant to the Consultants, any Sub-consultantsand or Associate sand the
Personnel of either of them the privilege, pursuant to the Applicable Law, of
bringing into Government's country reasonable amount so fforeigncurrency forthe
purposes of the Services or for the personal use of the Personnel and their
dependents and of with drawing any such amounts as may be earned therein by
the Personnel in the execution of the Services: and
(b) Provide to the Consultants, Sub-consultants and or Associates and Personnel any
such other assistance as may be specified in the SC.

5.2 Access to Land

The Client warrants that the Consultants shall have, free of charge, unimpeded accessto all
land in the Government’ scountry in respect of which accessisrequired forth eperformance of
the Services. The Client will be responsible for any damage to such land orany property
thereon resulting from such access and will indemnify the Consultants and each of the
Personnel in respect of liability for any such damage ,unless uchdamage is caused by the
default or negligence of the Consultants or any Sub consultants or the Personnel of either of

5.3 Change in the Applicable Law

If, after the date of this Contract, there is any change in the Applicable Law with respect to taxes
and duties which hin creases or decreases the cost or reimburs able expenses in curred by the
Consultants in performing the Services, then the remuneration andre imbursa bleex pense so ther
wise payable to the Consultants under this Contract shall be increased or decreased accordingly by
agreement between the Partieshereto, and corresponding adjustments shall bemade to the ceiling
amounts specified in Clause 6.1(b). For any in crease ordecrease of amount due to change in the
Applicable law, asupplementary

Agreement between the parties shall be executed before making any such payments.
5.4 Services, Facilities and Property of the Client

The client shall make available to the Consultants and the Personnel, for the purposes of the
Services and free of any charge, the services, facilities and property described in Appendix Dat the
times and in the manner specified in said Appendix D, provided that if such services, facilities and
property shall not be made available to the Consultants as and when so specified ,the Parties shall
agree on (i) any time extension that may be appropriate to grant to the Consultants for the
performance of the Services, (ii) the manner in which the Consultants shall procure any such
services, facilities and property from other sources, and (iii) the additional payments, if any, to be
made to the Consultants as a result there of pursuant to Clause 6.1(c)here in after.

5.5 Payment

In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultants under this Contract, the Client
shall make to the Consultants such payments and in such manner as is provided byClause 6 of
this Contract.


6.1 Cost Estimates: Ceiling Amount

(a) An abstract of the cost of the Services payable in local currency (Indian Rupees) is set
forth in AppendixE.

(b) Except as may be other wise agreed under Clause 2.6 and subject to Clause 6.1(c), the
payments under this Contract shall not exceed the ceiling specified in the SC. The
Consultants shall notify the Client as soon as cumulative charges incurred for the
Services have reached 80% of the ceiling.

(c) Not with standing Clause 6.1(b) here of, if pursuant to Clauses 5.4 here of, the
Parties shall agree that additional payments shall be made to the Consultants in
order to cover any necessary additional expenditures not envisaged in the cost
estimates referred to in Clause 6.1 (a) above, the ceiling set forth in Clause 6.1(b)
above shall be increased by the amount or amounts, as the case may be, of any such
additional payments.

6.2 Currency of Payment

(a) The payment shall be made in Indian Rupees.

6.3 Mode of Billing and Payment

Billing and payments in respect of the Services shall be madeas follows:-
(a) The Client shall cause to bepaid to the Consultants an advance payment asspecified in
the SC, and as otherwise set forth below. The advance payment will be due after
provision by the Consultants to the Client of a bank guarantee by a bank acceptable to
the Client in anamount (oramounts) and ina currency (orcurrencies) specified in the SC,
such bank guarantee (i) to remain effective until the advance pay menthas been full
ysetoffasprovidedin theSC,andii)insuch formas theClientshallhaveapprovedinwriting.

(b) PaymentSchedule

ntPha Paymentke
Phase Description Sub‐Phase Keyactivities sewise yactivities
% %

1A Project planning and

(Feasibility mobilization
Study) Alignment finalization,
1 Projectp LA, utilities
reparation identification;creationofdr 3.0
1B(DPR) onofdetailedproject 15.0% 3.5
Pre- Land acquisition award
5.0% 1.0
construction determination(3Greport)
2 activities Obtainingpossessionofland-
1. Reviewandapprovalofde
2. Supervisionofconstructionw
3. reviewofprogresswork
4. Qualityassurancemonitor
Constructionacti ingandsupervisiontest,
3 vityandmaintena 5. Arrangementof safety 80.0% 55.0
nce ofwork/workers/users/pede
6. Progressofpre-
7. Clearancesfrom

Paymen Paymentkey
Phase Description Sub-Phase t activities%
Keyactivities Phasewi

1) Performance
k SurveyVehicle
2) Inspectionofdefectandde
ficiencies 25.0
3) Maintenanceoftheroadw
4) Quality assurance
duringproject life
5) Safetyaspects

Note: Consultants have to provide a certificate that all key personnel as envisaged in the
ContractAgreementhas been actually deployed in theproject. They have to submit theproof
ofAadhaarbased Biometric attendance/ Geo-tagged selfie-based attendance at the time of
submission of billstotheconcernedAuthority.

* The Concerned Project Directororhis authorized representative shall ensure and

certify at least 5% test check of all the data collected by the Consultant before releasing the payment to
the Consultant.

(c) Be ginning 13 thmonths from the bidduedate, billing rate shall be increased to coverallitems of
contract i.e. remuneration, vehicle hire, office rent, consumables, furniture etc. @ 5% every 12
months. However, for evaluation and award of the Bid proposals, the quoted initial rate (as
applicable for first 12 months from last date of sub mission of bid) shall be multiplied by the total
time input for each position on this contract, i.e. without considering the increase in the billing

(d) Not with standing anything to the contrary stated in the GCC and SCC, it shall be mandatory to
deploy the key personnel and sub-professional as per the Man- Months Input specified in the
Terms of Reference.
(e) In adequated eployment of key personnel and sub-professional shall lead to100% deductionin the
monthly payment. The key personnel and sub- professional shall be considered to be inadequately
deployed if he / she is present for less than 90% (excluding holidays) of the times tipulated in a
half year (such as Jan‐June & July‐ Dec), as per the Man Months Input in the Terms of
Reference and the Deployment Schedule proposed by the firm. For avoidance of doubt, in case
the Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer has not been made avail able for 90% of the
stipulated time in the half year, then no monthly payment shall be released for one month in
the half year. However, for the

Part of absence / leave remuneration shall be reducedonprora tabasis.

(f) All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees and shall be subjected to applicable Indian laws
with holding taxes if any.

(g) Payment for Phase‐1&2‐ [Project preparation and Preconstruction activity]

(i) The payment to the consultant shall be made on deliverable basis as per the payment
schedule ementi one din GC6.3 (b) .No payment shall be come eligible for the next
stage till the consultant completes to the satisfaction of the client the work pertaining
to the preceding stage .The payment for the work of sub-soil in vestigation (Boring)
will be as per plan approved by the client and will be paidas per actualat the rates
quoted by the consultants. The payment for the quantity given by the client for
boring will be deemed to be included in the above mentioned payment schedule.
Any adjustment in the payment to the consultants will be made in the final payment

(ii) The Client shall cause the payment of the Consultants inPara 6.3(b) above As
given in schedule of payment with in thirty(30) days after the receipt by the
Client of bills. Interests at the rate specified in the SC shall become pay able as
from the above dued at eonany amount due by, but not paid on, such due date.

(iii) The final payment under this Clause shall be made only after the final report
and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the
Consultants and approved as satis factory by the Client. The Services shall be
deemed completed and finally accepted by the Client and the final reportand
final statement shall be deemed approved by the Client assatis factory on
hundred and eighty (180) calendarday safter receipt of the final report and final
statement by the Clientun less the Client, within ninety (90)
Day period, gives written notice to the Consultants specifying in detailed
deficiencies in the Services, the final reportor final statement. The
Consultants shall the re upon promptly make any necessary corrections , and up on
completion of such corrections, the for egoing process shall be
repeated. Any amount which the Client has paid or caused to be paid
inaccor dance with this Clause in excess of the amounts actually payable in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract shall be reimbursed by the
Consultants to the Client with in thirty (30) days after receiptby the
Consultants of notice there of .Any such claim by the Client for
reimbursement must be made with in twelve (12) calendar months after receipt
by the Client of a final report and a final statement approved by the Client
in accordance with the above.

(iv) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the account of the
Consultants specifiedin the SC.

(v) Efforts need to be made by the Consultant to submit the schedule reports of each
road stretch / sofa package . However , due to reasons be yond the reasonable
control of Consultant, if the schedule submission of reports /documents of each road
stretchs of a package is not done, the payment shall be made on pro-ratabasis.

(h) Payment for Phase‐3‐[Construction supervision and Maintenance]

(i) (a)During Construction‐

The amount due to be paid to the Consultant during construction period based on GC
6.3 (b) will be paid to the Consultant on monthly basis in proportion to the financial
progress of the civil works achieved by the contractor. If the financial progress of the
workis lagging behind the schedule econsidering original construction period of civil
works contract due to reason sattri but able to the civil works contractor ,Client will make
payment to the Consultant based on actual mobilization of personnel and logisticsas per
Contract. The Client may how ever review the requiremen to personnel & logistics items
commensurate to the progress of the civil works and ask Consultant to reduce the
deployment of personnel & logistic san dinsuchcase, payment to the Consultant shall befor
reduced personnel and logistics from on emonth time period of then otice to the effect
from the Client no twith standing the actual deployment by the Consultant.Client may also
ask the Consultant to demobilize with one month notice period if the progress of civil
works Contract isstands till orthe civil works Contractist erminated.

(i) (b)During maintenance

The due amount of the consultant’s financial proposal for Maintenance supervision
phaseas mentioned in GC 6.3(b) shall be paid monthly on proportionate basis. Payment
shall be deducted at the rate specified in form III of RFP in case consultant do not use
required quipment for supervise on during maintenance.

Not with standing any other provisions in the agreement in this regard, this provision
will prevail and override any other provision to the contrary in this agreement.

(ii) As soon as practicab leand not later than fifteen (15days) after the end of each calendar
month during the period of the Services, the Consultants shall submit to the Client, in
duplicate, it emized statements, accompanied by copies of receipted in voices, vouch
ersand other appropriate supporting materials, of the amounts pay able pursuant to
Clauses GC6 .3 for such month. Each monthly statement shall distinguish that portion of
the total eligible costs which pertains to remuneration from that portion which pertains
oreimbursa bleex penditures.
(iii) 75% of bill raised by the Consultant shall be paid within 72 Hrs and remaining bill
may be paid after due scrutiny. The Client shall cause the paymentof the
Consultants periodically as given in schedule of payment above within thirty
(30) days after the receipt by the Client of bills with supporting documents. Only such
portion of a monthly statement that is not satis factorily supported may be with held
from payment. Should any discrepancy be found to exist between actual payment and
cost sauthorizedto be incurred by the Consultants, the Client may add orsub tract the
difference from any subsequent payments. Interest at the rate specified in the SC shall
be come payable as from the above due date on any amount due by, but not paid on such
due date.

(iv) The finalpayment under this Clause shall be madeonly after the final report and a
final statement, identified as such,shall have been submitted by the Consultants

and approved as satisfactory by the Client. The Services shall be deemed completed
and finally accepted by the Client and the final report and final statement shall be
deemed approved by the Client as satis factory ninety
(90) calendar days after receiptof the final report and final statement by the
Client unless the Client, with in such ninety (90) day period, gives written notice to
the Consultants specifying in detail deficiencies in the Services, the final report or
final statement. The Consultants shall there upon promptly make
any necessary corrections, and upon completion of such corrections, the fore going process
shall berepeated. Any amount which the Client has paid or caused to be paid in accordance
with this Clause in excess of the amount sactually pay able in accordance with the
provision soft his Contract shall be reimbursed by the Consultants to the Client with in
thirty (30) days after receiptby the Consultants of notice there of. Anysuch claim by the
Client for reimbursement must be made within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt
by the Client of a final report and a final statement approved by the Client in accordance
with the above.

(v) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the account of the Consultants
specified in the SC.

(I) “In the event that the construction of the project (under phase 3) occurs prior to the Scheduled
Construction completion Date, the Consultant shall be entitled to receive a payment of
bonusequivalent to 0.02% (zero point zero two per cent) ofthe consultancy cost for each day by
which the Construction completion Date precedes the Scheduled Construction completion Date,
but subject to amaximum of 2% (two per cent) of the consultancy cost. Provided, how ever, that
the payment of bonus, if any, shall be made only after the issue of the Completion Certificate for
the Civil work to the Civil Contractor.For the avoidance of the doubt, the Parties agree that for
the purpose of determining the bonus payable hereunder, the Consultancy Price shall always
bedeemed to be theamount specified in Financial Proposal, and shall exclude any revision the
reof for any reason.”
(j) Consultants will make payment of salary to all key personnel in their respective bank
accounts through electronic mode only. No cash transaction wrt salary will be made. Proof
of salary transfer through electronic mode shall be submitted by the consultants with each Bill.

7. Responsibility for Accuracy of Project Documents

7.1 General

7.1.1 The Consultant shall be responsible for accuracy of the data collected, by him directlyor procured from
other agencies/authorities, the designs, drawings, estimates and all other details prepared by him as part of
these services. He shall indemnify the Authority against any inaccuracy in the work which might surface
during implementation of the project. The Consultant will also be responsible for correcting, at his own
costand risk, the drawings including any re-survey / investigations and correcting layout etc. if required
during the execution of the Services.

7.1.2 The Consultant shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of design and drawing soft he bridge sand

structures. All the designs and drawings for bridge sand structures including all their components shall be fully checked
by a Senior Engineer after completion of the designs. All drawings for bridges and structures shall be duly signed by the
(a) Designer, (b) Senior Checking Engineer, and (c) Senior Bridge/Structure Expert. The designsand drawings not signed
by the three personsmentioned above shall not be accepted. The Consultant shall indemnify the Client against any
inaccuracy/ deficiency in the designs and drawings of the bridges and structures noticed during the construction
and event here after and the Client shall be arno responsibility forth eaccuracy of the designs and drawings
submitted by the Consultants.

7.1.3 The survey control marks es tablished by the Consultant shall be protected by the
Consultants till the start of the Construction work.

7.2 Retention Money

A namountequivalent
bmitted&supervisionetc.and the same will be released after the completion no civil contract
work so after 3 years from completion of consultancy services, which ever is earlier.The
retention money will how ever be released by the Client on substitution by Bank Guarantee of
the same amount valid uptothe period as above. Out of this 5%, 2.5% shall be in the form of
Bank Guarantee and 2.5% shall be the amount retained from Consultancy fee payable to the

7.3 Penalty

7.3.1 Penalty for Error/Variation

i. If variation in project cost occursdue to Change of scope requests of more than 5% of the
total project cost as estimated by the consultant and these change of scope requestsarise due
to deficiencies in the design provided by the consultant, the pen altyequivalent to 1% of the
contract value shall beimposed. For this purpose retention money equivalent to 1% of the
contract value will be for feited. This shall exclude any additional/deletion of items/works or
dered by the client during the execution

ii. If there is a discrepancy in land to be acquired during the execution of the project upto
anextent of +/-2% of the are a of land, apenalty equivalent to 0.75% of the contract value
shall be imposed however, above penalty shall not be invoked if discrepancy in land to be
acquiredis due to faul to frevenueau thority. Forth is purpose retention money equivalent to
0.75%of the contract value will be for feited. This shall exclude any additional/deletion of
items/works ordered by the client during the execution. For discrepancy of more than +
/ - 2% of the area of land to be acquired, the firm shall be declared as non-performing as

iii. If the reisavariation in quantities of variousit me so futilitiesshifting during the execution of

the project upto an extent of +/- 10% of the quantity estimated by the design consultant, a
penalty equivalent to 0.75% of the contract value shall beimposed. For this purpose retention
money equivalent to 0.75% of the contract value will be for feited. This shall excludeany
additional/deletion of items/work so rdered by the client during the execution

iv) For inaccuracies in survey/investigation/design work the penalties shall be imposed as

perdetails given in Table below:

Sr.No. Item
Topo graphic Surveys 0.25to0.40
a)The horizontal alignment does not match with ground condition.

b)The crosss ections donot match with existing ground.
c) The co‐ordinatesared effective as instrument so fdesired accuracyot
Geo technical Surveys 0.25to0.40
a)In complete surveys
2 b)Data not analyzed properly
c)The sub strata sub stanti ally different fromt heactual strata
foundduring construction.
Traffic data found to be varying by more than 25 % on re surveya
3 0.15to0.25
talater date, un less the reare justi fiable reasons.
Axle load data found to be varying by more than 25% on
4 0.15to0.25
resurvey ata later date, unless the reare justifiable reasons.
The firm shall be
5 Structural Designs found to be unsafeor grossly over designed non-performing

7.3.2 Penalty for delay

In case of delay in completion of services, a penalty equal to 0.01% of the contract price per
day subject to a maximum 1% of the contract value will be imposedand shall be recovered
from payments due/performance security. How ever in case of delay due to reasons be yond
the control of the consultant, suitable extension of time will be granted on case to case basis,
subject to condition that the original contract period shall remainun changed.

7.3.3 Total amount of recovery from all penalties shall be limited to 4% of the
Consultancy Fee.

7.3.4 Authorityis in process of evolving performance based rating system for DPR
Consultants. Performance of Consultants shall be monitored by Authority and will be
taken into account in technical evaluation offuture DPR projects. Forth is purpose,
performance of Consultant in the current project shall also be taken into account to
createrating of Consultant.


7.4.1 Consultants liability towards the Client

Consultant shall be liabletoindemnify the client for any direct loss ordamage
accrued or likely to accruedue to deficiency in service rendered by him.

371 Non Performing:
The firm shall be declaredasnon-performingunder following circumstances:

(a) Structural Designs found to be un safeorgross lyoverd esigned.

(b) Change of scope more then +/-10%.
(c) Dis crepancy in land to be acquired during the execution of the project more then
(d) Variationin quantitie so fvari ous item so futilitiesshifting during the
execution of the project more then+/-20%.
(e) Recommendation for Release of Payment to the contracto rand with
out compliance of contractual obligation.
(f) In the absence of prescribed no of Key Personnel and non reporting of the
same to authority.
(g) In the case of major deficiencies in the Detailed Project Reportinvolving time and
cost over run and adverse effect on reputation of MoRT&H, GoI /StatePWD Debarring-

(a) If the consultancy firmis declaredas non-performing under any clause 7.4.2. 1 and as perty peof deficiencies
mentioned in the table below,then following debarment/penalaction will be taken by the competent authority of
Sl. ActiontobetakenagainstConsultantengaged
No. duringconstruction&maintenance
KeyPersonnel Firm
1(a) Failuretodetectdesign/qualitydeficiencyinNon- Forfirstthree i.Forfirstthreeinstances,to
keyComponents* instances,key Bekepton watch list.
(b) Failuretoissuefollow-upnoticestocontractor/ personnelmay ii.There after, amonetary
concessionairefordelaysinclosureofNCRs, be kept on penalty of 1% of the
delaysinfurnishingdetailoftime&costclaims/ “watch list”. consultancy fee (the
COS/revisedworkprogrammes/work Thereafter,the aggregateofsuchpenalties
methodologies,etc. concernedKey inacontractwouldnot
(c) DelaysorsubmissionofimproperMPRS,im Personnel&Te exceedtheperformanceGua
proper review of method am leader rantee amount) and /
logies,temporaryworks,QA toberemoved ordeclaringtheconsultantas
plan/manual,O&Mplan/Manualetc. fromtheproject Non-Performerupto6
and debarred monthsortillrectificationof
Upto 6 months deficiencies# and taking
Adequate measures not to
repeat such instances in
future, whichever is earlier.
2(a) Failure to detect design/quality deficiency in Key The concerned Declaring the Consultantas
Component**not having substantial cost (below Key personnel& Non-Performer upto 1 year
1%of civil work (cost) and /or time implication Team leaderto or till rectification of
(below 5% or project completion period) be removed Deficiencies # and taking
(b) Failure to detect deficiency in quantity executed From the project Adequatemea sures not to
vis-à-visdesign not having sub stantial financial and debarred up repeat such instances in
Implication (below 1%ofcivil work cost) To 1 year future, whichever isearlier.
(c) Failure to conduct/witness tests as prescribed in
The consultancy contract agreement

Sl. Action to be taken against
Type of Deficiency
No. Consultantengaged during construction&
KeyPersonnel Firm
(d) Delay in processing EOT / COS proposals,
inaccurate assessment of COS proposals, not
issuing NCRs ,delays /improperre view of designs
/ drawings / work programme or failure to submit
Completion / Provisional Completion Certification
as pre scribedin contract
3(a) Failure to detect deficiency in quantity exe The concerned In addition to rectification of
cutedvis-à-vis design having sub stantial key personnel & deficiencies and taking
financial team leader to adequate measures not to
implication(1%of civil work cost or more) be removed repeat such instances
(b) Failure to detect design / quality deficiency in Key from the infuture, the consultant to
Component having substantial cost (1% of civil projectand bedebarred upto 2 years.
work costor more) and / or time implication (5% of debarred upto 2
Project complete on period or more) years.
(c) Failure to detect deficiency / not reviewing design
(including temporary works)and construction (in
cluding me thodology) of structural components
of flyover / bridges / underpasses / overpasses
(d) Failure to propose action (likecure period
notice,levy of damages,etc.)
oncontractor/concessionaire as per contract
agreement for their default / poor progress having
material adverseeffect on the project
implementation in terms of cost (1%of civil work
cost or more) and / time (5%
Of project completion period of more).
(e) Improper / wrong interpretation of provision in
contract agreement;or wrong certification of
payment / COS value / cost & time claims; or poor
performance of services leading to cost (1%
ofcivil work cost) and / or time (5% of project
completion period) claims against MoRTH or its
executing a gencies awarded by DRB/CCIE/
Arbitration/ Court.

Note**Key Componentsare specifie das under:

i) Foundation, sub- structure and super-structure of flyovers, road over bridges, road under bridges ,
vehicular under passes ,vehicular over passes ,major bridges ,minor bridges ,etc.
ii) Tunnels
iii) Expansion joint sand bearings
iv) RE walls/retaining walls
v) The crustlayers off lexible pavement
vi) The crustlayers of rigid pavement
vii) Em bank mentand slope protection
viii) Issue saffecting road safety
ix) Any other work end angering/impacting/stability/reliability/durability/per formance of

* The items not covered in above list shall be in the category of Non-key

Components.# Excluding the delay so lelyattri but able to the contractor beyond

stipulated time.

(b) It is clarified that such actions of the Authority would be without prejudice to the remedies available to
MoRTH under the contract agreement/governing laws.

© Upon declaration of non-performer, the PMC will not be able to participate in any bid for National High ways
projects with MoRTH or its executing agencies till such time the debarment persists, or the PMC is removed
from the list of non-performers. In bidding for a particular project, bids from only such firms should be
considered for placement of contract, which are neither debarred on the date of opening of tender nor
debarred on the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance (LoA). Contracts concluded before the issue of the
debarment / declaration as non-performer order shall, not be affected by the de barment order(s) issue
dsubse quently.

(d) In case, any debarred / declared non-performer firm submits the bid, the same will be ignored. In case such
firmis lowest (L-1), next lowest firm shall be considered as L-1. Bid security submitted by such debarred
/declarednon-performer firms shall be returned to them.

(e) Debarment / declaration as non-performer of a particular firm shall automatically extend to all its allied firms.
Incase a joint venture / consortium is debarred, all partners / members shall stand debarred for the

(f) The test results on completion including video, NSV survey report data and safety audit shall in variably be
uploaded on the Ministry’s PMIS portal before issue of completion certificateby theAuthority'sEngineer after

A scertaining that all pre-requisites as per Contract Agreement has been ful filled by the Contractor, failing which
Consultancyfirm shall be debarred for aperiod of two years.

(g) Before deciding the Consultant as Non-Performer or debarring/penalizing it, RO/CE (NH) shall issue a notice to
the Consultant by giving 15 days time to furnish its written reply and allow personal hearing if so desired by
the Consultant before the Authority or any person designated for the purpose. In case of projects where public
safety is end angered by the behaviour/conduct/actionoftheConsultant the Authority may temporarily
suspend the Consultant from participating in ongoing/future bidding upto 1 month period durinh which there
gular process of debarment shall be concluded.

(h) The Competent Authority for approval of penal action as above will be the DG (RD) & SS in respect NH works
being implemented through State PWDs.

(i) The firm/individuals on which penal/deterrent action is taken may represent to the “Reviewing
Authority”against the action/penalty imposed. The “Reviewing Authority” shall be Secretary, RTH in respect
NH works being implemented through State PWDs.


8.1 Good Faith

The Parties under take to actin good faith with respectto each other’ srightsunder this

8.2 OperationoftheContract

ThePartiesrecognizethatitisimpracticalinthisContracttoprovideforeverycontingency which
may arise during the life of the Contract, and the Parties hereby agreethat it is their
intention that this Contract shall operate fairly as between them, and withoutdetrimentto
theinterestofeitherof them,and that, if duringthetermof thisContracteither Party believes that
this Contract is operating unfairly, the Parties will use their bestefforts to agree on such
action as may be necessary to remove the cause or causes of suchunfairness, but no failure
to agree on any action pursuant to this Clause shall give rise to


9.1 AmicableSettlement

The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or

9.2 DisputeResolution

9.2.1 Any dispute, difference or controversy of whatever nature howsoever arising under
orout of or in relation to this Agreement (including its interpretation) between the Parties,
andso notified in writing by either Party to the other Party (the “Dispute”) shall, in the


9.2.2 The Parties agree to use their best efforts for resolving all Disputes arising under or
inrespect of this Agreement promptly, equitably and in good faith, and further agree to provide
each other with reasonable access during normal business hours to all non– privileged
records,information and data pertaining to any dispute.

9.3 Conciliation

In the event of any Dispute between the Parties, either Party may call upon [Chairman
of E-in-C, PWD and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Consultant or a
substitute thereof for amicable settlement, and upon such reference, the said persons
shall meet no later than 10(ten) days from the date of reference to discuss and attempt
to amicably resolve the Dispute. If such meeting does not take place within
the10(ten) day period or the Dispute is not amicably settled within 15(fifteen) days
of the meeting or the Disputeisnotre solved as
evidenced by the signing of written terms of settlement within 30 (thirty) days of the
notice in writing referred to in Clause 9.2.1 or such longer period as may be mutually
agreed by the Parties, either Party may refer the Dispute to arbitration in accordance with
the Provisions of Clause9.4.

9.4 Arbitration

9.4.1.Any Dispute which is not resolved amicably by conciliation, as provided in Clause 9.3, shall be
finally decided by reference to arbitration by an Arbitral Tribunal appointed in accordance
with Clause 9.4.2.Such arbitration shall be held in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of
the International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi (the“Rules”), or such
other rules as may be mutually agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject to the provisions of
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996 asamended. The venue of such arbitration shall
be*****and the language of arbitration proceedings shall be English.

9.4.2 Each dispute submitted by a Party to arbitration shall be heard by

asolearbitratortobeappointedasperthe procedurebelow

a) Partiesmayagreetoappointa sole arbitratoror,failingagreementon theidentity

ofsuchsolearbitratorwithin thirty(30)daysafter receipt by the other Partyof theproposalofa
nameforsuch an appointmentby thePartywho initiated the proceedings,
eitherPartymayapply to thePresident,IndianRoadsCongress,New Delhi for a list of notfewer
than five nominees and, on receipt of such list, the Parties shall alternately strikenames
therefrom, and the last remaining nominee on the list shall be sole arbitrator for thematter
in dispute. If the last remaining nominee hasnot been determined in this mannerwithin sixty
(60) days of the dateof the list, thepresident, Indian Roads Congress,

9.4.3 SubstituteArbitrator

If for any reason an arbitrator is unable to perform his function, a substitute shall

9.4.4 QualificationsofArbitrator

The sole arbitrator selected pursuant to Clause 9.2.1 hereof shall be expert
withextensiveexperience in relation to the matter in dispute. Preference will be given to the
person havingadequateexperienceinthe InfrastructureField/CivilEngineering.

9.4.5 TheArbitrators shall makea reasoned award (the“Award”). Any Awardmade

inanyarbitration held pursuant tothis Clause 9 shall be final and biding on the Parties as
fromthe date it ismade,and theConsultantand theAuthorityagreeand undertaketo carry

9.4.6 The Consultant and the Authority agree that an Award may be enforced against
theConsultant and/or the Authority, as the case may be, and their respective assets

9.4.7. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall remain in full force and
effect,pendingtheAward inanyarbitrationproceedingshereunder
9.4.8 Miscellaneous


(a) Proceedingsshall,unlessotherwiseagreedbythepartiesbeheldinDelhi.

(b) TheEnglishlanguageshallbetheofficiallanguageforallpurposes;

(c) Thedecisionofsolearbitratorshallbefinalandbindingandshallbeenforceableinany court of

competent jurisdiction, and the Parties hereby waive any objections to orclaimsof
immunityin respectofsuchenforcement;and

(d) ThescheduleofExpensesandFeepayabletotheArbitratorshallbe/aspertheScheduleI

higher financial stakes etc. a special fee structure could be fixed
10. ChangeofScope

The change of Scope on account of variation of total length as well as 4 laned length
ofproject Highway from the indicative length as given at Annexure- I of Letter

i) Duringthecourseofconsultancyservicesincaseitisconsiderednecessary
toincrease/decreasethescopeofservices(oftotallengthor4lanedlengthascompared to
indicative Length as given in the RFP) by the client the same shallbenotifiedby
nt.TheClientwillexamine andshalleitherrejecttheproposal or issuechange

ii) TheConsultancyfeeshallberevisedonaccountofchangeofscopeasbelow:

- In case the total length of project increase/ decrease up to 10% of indicative length
In case the increase/ decrease in total length of project is more than 10 % of

iii) Increase/decrease in length on account of bypasses shall not be considered as
change of scope. However, the total length of the project highway (including
bypasses and realignment) along the finally approved alignment shall becom
pared with the indicative length in the RFP for the purpose of variation.

10.1 The Consultancy fee shall be increased onac count of change of scopeas below:

a) In case of increase in configuration of Lanes in the project after the

submission of Final Report: 10% of the original consultancy charges

b) In case of change of mode of delivery is involved after submission of Final

Report/ due to revision of specifications /IRC Codes etc.

(i) Revision of DPR after submission due to changes in 0.5% of the original Consultancy
IRC codes/ specification etc. charges.

(ii) Revision of DPR due to changes in mode EPC/BOT 0.5% of the original Consultancy
/HAM etc charges.

11. Fake CV
If any case of fake/incorrect/inflated CV is found, it shall be dealt with very severely and
would result in all possible penal action including blacklisting of key personnel from
future projects of <Agency>. This would also apply even when the consulting firm is not
successful in getting the assignment .In case CV of a person is turned out to be
fake/incorrect/inflated during the assignment, the consultancy firms will have to refund
the salary and perks drawn including interes t@12%per annum
in respect of the person apart from other consequences. In addition to above,10% of
The salary and perks to be refunded shall be recovered from the Firm as penalty.


Number of GCClause

A.Amendments of,and Supplements to,Clauses in the General Conditions

1.1(a)The words“ in the Government’ scountry”are amendedtoread“in INDIA”

1.4 The language is:English

The addresses are:

For the Client :The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106,
‘C’Wing, CGOComplex, DFBlock, Sector-I, Saltlake,Kolkata-700064

Attention :The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, MoRTH, having its office at “Room No. 106,
‘C’Wing, CGOComplex, DFBlock, Sector-I,Saltlake,Kolkata-700064

For the Consultants:


Attention: Name
Tel: Fax: E‐mail address

Notice will be deemed to be effective as follows:

(a) In the case of personal delivery or registered mail,on delivery;

(b) In the case of facsimiles ,24 hours following confirmed transmission.

(c) Incase of Email,24hours following confirmed transmission.

(d) In the case of telexes,24 hours following confirmed transmission;

(e) In the case of telegrams, 24 hours following confirmed transmission; and

Entity to Act as Member incharge (Incase of Joint Venture of Consultants)..........

The Authorized Representatives are:

For the Client:(‐‐)


For the Consultant:

Name Designation

The Consultants and the personnel shall pay the taxes,duties,fees, levies and other
impositions levied under the existing, amended or enacted laws (prevailing 7 days before the
last date of submission of bids) during life of this contract and the Client shall perform such
duties in regard to the deduction of such tax as maybe law fully imposed.

2.1 The effectiveness conditions are the following:

a) The contract has been approved by MoRT&H, GoI/with StatePWD

b) The consultant will furnish within 15 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA),an-
unconditional Bank Guarantee equivalent to 2.0% of the total contract value from a
Nationalized Bank, IDBI or ICICI/ ICICI Bank /Foreign Bank /EXIM Bank
/ Any Scheduled Commercial Bank approved by RBI having a net worth of not less than
Rs.1000 crore as per latest Annual Report of the Bank.In the case of a Foreign Bank
(issued by a Branch in India) the networth inrespect of Indian operations shall only be
taken into account. In case of Foreign Bank, the BG issued by Foreign Bank should be
counter guaranteed by any Nationalized Bank in India. In case of JV, the BG shall be
furnished on behalf of the JV or by the lead member of the JVs towards Performance
Security valid for a period of six months beyond the expiry of contract period

2.2 The time period shall be “four months” or such other time period as the parties may
agree in writing.

2.3 The time period shall be“fifteen days” or such other time period as the Parties may
agree in writing.

2.4 The time period shall be 104 months (8 months for DPR+6 months for pre construction activity+ 30
months for the construction years+ 5 years for Maintenance ) or such other time period as the parties may
agree in writing.

2.9.4If after finalization of DPR, if the project has not been awarded within 2.5 years then the
consultants free to exit from the PMC work

2.9.7 Foreclosure with mutual consent(New Clause) With out prejudice to any provision of this Agreement,the Authority and
Consultant may foreclose this Agreement by mutual consent in circumstances which does not
constitute either party’s default without any liability or consequential future liability for
either party except as mentioned in this Clause. Should a Party intend to foreclose this Agreement by mutual consent, the
intending Party shall issue a notice to the other Party and upon issuance of such notice, the
other Party may within 15 days from receipt of such notice either agree to such foreclosure or
raise objection(s) to the same by intimating either of the two possible positions to the
intending Party in writing. In case the contract is foreclosed on mutual consent, payment upto
the completed stage will be paid as per CI 9.6 (b) of GC and remuneration & logistics beyond
completed stage will be paid as per actual using the rates quoted in Consultants’ financial
proposal. If at inception stage or feasibility stage, employer desires to foreclose the contract, the
contract will before closed with mutual consent upto that stage and the Consultant’s consents
implied without exception.

381 Any attempt or endeavor for foreclosure by mutual agreement shall be with out
prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties herein and the factum of such an attempt
or exercise shall not stop either of the Parties from discharging their contractual obligations
under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that such foreclosure will be with out
prejudice to the Consultant and shall not affect the Consultant in any way if it wishes to bid
in futu reprojects of the Authority. In case the project has not been awarded within a period of 2.5 years from the date of
finalization of DPR and the Consultants have completed their activities under Phase 2, Consultants is
free to exit from the Contract and such circumstances. Client will pay 5% of phase 3 cost quoted by
the Consultants in its Financial Proposal as commitment charges on submission of an
affidavit tby the Consultants waiving Client from any claim in future.

3.4 Limitation of the Consultants’ Liability towards the Client

(a) Exception case of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Consultants or on
the part of any person or firm acting on behalf of the Consultants in carrying out the
Services, the Consultants, with respect to damage caused by the Consultants to the
Client’s property,shall not be liable to the Client:

(i) For any in director consequential loss or damage; and

(ii) for any direct loss or damage that exceeds (A) the total payments for Professional Fees
and Reimbursable Expenditure made or expected tobe made to the Consultant shere
under, or (B) the proceeds the Consultants may be entitled to receive from any
insurance maintained by the Consultants to cover such a liability, which ever of (A) or
(B) is higher.

(b) This limitation of liability shall not affect the Consultants’ liability, if any, for
damage to Third Parties caused by the Consultants or any person or firm acting on
behalf of the Consultants in carrying out the Services.

3.5 The risks and the coverage shall be as follows:

(a) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance as required under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 as
amended in respect of motor vehicles operated in India by the Consultant sort heir Personnel
or any Sub consultants or their Personnel for the period of consultancy.

(b) Third Party liability insurance with a minimum coverage, for Rs.1.00 million for the
period of consultancy.

(c) (i)The Consultant shall provide to MoRT&H,GoI/ with StatePWD.Professional

Liability Insurance (PLI) for a period of Five years beyond completion of
Consultancy services or as per Applicable Law, which ever is higher.
(ii) The Consultant will maintainat its expense PLI including coverage for errors and
omissions caused by Consultant’s negligencein the performance of its duties under this
agreement, (A) For the amount not exceeding total payments for Professional Fees and
Reimbursable Expenditures made or expected to be made to the Consultant shere under
OR (B) the proceeds, the Consultants
may be entitled to receive from any insurance maintained by the Consultants to
cover such aliability, which ever of (A) or (B) is higher.

(iii) The policy should be issued only from an Insurance Company operating in India.

(iv) The policy must clearly indicate the limit of indemnity in terms of“ Any One
Accident” (AOA) and “Aggregate limit on the policy” (AOP) and in no case should
be for an amount less than stated in the contract.
(v) If the Consultant enters into an agreement with MoRT&H, GoI/with State PWD in ajoint
venture,the policy must be procured and provided to MoRT&H,GoI/NH with State PWD.
By the joint venture entity and not by the individual partners of the joint venture.
(vi) The contract may include a provision thereby the Consultant does not cancel the
policy midterm without the consent of MoRT&H, GoI/ with State PWD.The
insurance company may provide an undertaking in this regard.

(d) Employer’s liability and workers’ compensation insurance in respect of the Personnel
ofthe Consultants and of any Sub consultant, in accordance with the relevant provisions
ofthe Applicable Law, as well as, with respect to such Personnel, any such life, health,
accident, travel or other insurance as may be appropriate; and all insurances and policies
should start from the date of commencement of services and remain effective as per
relevant requirements of contract agreement.

3.7(c) The other actions are

"(i) taking any action under a civil works contract designating the Consultants as"
Authority’s Engineer", for which action, pursuant to such civil works contract, the
written approval of the Client as " Employer " is required".

3.9 The Consultants shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract without
the prior written approval of the Client.

4.6 The person designated as Team Leader cum Senior Bridge Engineer Appendix B shall
serve in that capacity,as specified in Clause 4.6.

6.1(b)The ceiling amount in local currency isRs………(Excluding Goods & Services Tax)

6.3 (a)No advance payment will be made.

(b) Additional conditions: Payment for Phase‐ 3‐ [Construction supervision and


(i) Payment of Authority Engineer shall be released on approval of the monthly

reports. Report shall be approved by the Authority only if it includes all the
section sprescribed in the format and submitted as per specified timelines.

(ii) Payment shall be released as per rates quoted in Form-III of Appendix -IV-
Breakup of Local currency costs.

(iii) For equipment based road inspection to be conducted in O&M phase, payment
shall be released as per actual use of equipment on road and rates quoted in
Form-III of Appendix- IV- Breakup of Local currency costs.

(iv) If any of the report is found to be misleading or containing incorrect information
as determined by the Authority, 10% of payment linked to that report shall be
deducted as penalty
(v) It is understood (i) that the remuneration rates shall cover(A) such salaries and
allowances as the Consultants shall have agreed to pay to the Personnel as well as
factors for social charges and overhead,and (B) the cost of back stopping by home
office staff not included in the Personnel listed in Appendix C, and (C) the
Consultants' fee; (ii) that bonuses or other means of profit-sharing shall not be
allowed as an element of overhead, and (iii) that any rates specified for persons not
yet appointed shall be provisional and shall be subject to revision, with the written
approval of the Client,once the applicable salaries and allowances are known.

(vi) Remuneration for periods of less than one month shall be calculated on an
hourly basis for actual time spent in the Consultants' home off ice and directly at
tri but able to the Services (one hour being equivalent to 1/240 th of a month)
andon a calendar-day basis for time spent away from home office (one day
being equivalent to 1/30th of a month).

(vii) The rates for foreign and local Personnel are set forth in Appendix E

6.3 (g) (ii) & (h) (ii) The interest rate is:@ 10 % per annum

6.3 (g) (iv) & (h) (v) The account is:

Account Number:

IFSC Code :

Disputes shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the following provisions:

Selection of Arbitrators

Each dispute submitted by a Party to arbitration shall be heard by a sole arbitrator to be

appointed as per the procedure below

a) Parties may agree to appoints sole arbitrator,failing agreement on the identity of such
sole arbitrator within thirty(30) days after receipt by the other Party of the proposal of
a name for such an appointment by the Party who initiated the proceedings, either
Party may apply to the President, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi for a list of not
fewer than five nominees and,on receipt to f such list,the Parties shall alternately
strike names therefrom, and the last remaining nominee on the list shall be sole
arbitrator for the matter in dispute. If the last remaining nominee has not been
determined in this manner with in sixty (60) days of the date of the list, the president,
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, shall appoint, upon the request of either Party and
from such list or otherwise, a sole arbitrator for the matter in dispute.

Appendix A

Terms of reference containing, inter-alias, the Description of the Services and

Reporting Requirements

Appendix A1:Reporting Requirements

[List format, frequency, contents of reports and number of copies; persons to receive them; dates of
submission etc. If no reports are to be submitted, state here" Not applicable".}

Please refer TOR

Appendix B

Consultants ’ Sub consultants, Key Personnel and Sub Professional Personnel

Appendix B1: Medical Certificate

[Show here an acceptable form of medical certificate for foreign Personnel to be stationed in India.
If there is no need for a medical certificate, state here:"Not applicable."]

The form of Medical Certificate as required under the rules of Govt.of India

Appendix C

Hours of work for Consultants’ Personnel

The Consultant’s personnel shall normally work for 8 hours in a day and six days a week.
Normally Sundays shall be closed for working. In addition they shall also be allowed to avail
holidays as observed by the Client’s office in the relevant state without deduction of
remunerations. In case any personis required to work on Sunday or Holiday due to exigency of work,
he/ she shall be given compensatory leave within the next15days.


Duties of the Client

[List hereunder:

Services, facilities and property to be made available to the Consultants by the Client.Counter

part personne l to be made available to the Consultants by the Client.]

Please refer TOR

Appendix E

Cost Estimate

List here under cost estimate in INR:

1. Monthly rates for local Personnel (Key Personnel and other


2. Reimburse able/Rental/Fixed expenditures as follows:

a. Cost of local transportation.

b. Cost of other local services, rental, utilities, etc.

Appendix F:

Copy of letter of invitation

Appendix G:

Copy of letter of acceptance

Appendix –



(Clause-13 of TOR)

The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India having its
office at“RoomNo.106,‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block, Sector-I,Saltlake, Kolkata-700064

WHERE AS [Name and address of Consultants]1 (here in after

called“theconsultants”) has undertaken, in pursuance of
Contract No. dated
to provides the services on terms and conditions set forth in this Contract “Project
Management Consultancy services for Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km 0.000 to
52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.
(here in after called the“the Contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Consultants shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified there in as security
for compliance with his obligations in a ccordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Consultants such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREOF wehere by af firm that weare the Guarantor and responsible to you,on behalf

Of the Consultant suptoa total of [ amount of Guarantee] 2 [inwords],such sum

being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we
under take to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of [amount of Guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to proveor to show
grounds or reasons for your demand forthe sum specified there in.

We hereby waive then ecessity of your demanding the said debt from the Consultants before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contractor of the services to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which
may bemade between you and the Consultants shall in any way release us from any liability under
this guarantee, and wehere by waive notice of any such change, addition rmodification.

The liability of the Bank under this Guarantee shall not be affected by any changein the
constitution of the consultants or of the Bank.

Not with standing any thing contained here in before,our liability under this guarantee is restricted to
Rs. (Rs. ) and the
guarantee shall remain valid till .Unless a claim or a demand in
writing is made uponusonor before all our liability under
this guarantee shall cease.

This guarantee shall be valid for a period of 80 months i.e. upto 2 months beyond the expiry of
Contract of 78 months.

Signature and Seal of the Guarantor Inpresence of

Name and Designation


(Name, Signature &

Occupation) Name of the Bank

Address 2.

(Name &

Occupation) Date

1Give names of all partner sifthe Consultants is a Joint Venture .

Appendix I: Minutes of Pre‐bid meeting


JMemorandum of





Where as the The Chief Engineer-RO, Kolkata, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
Government of India, having its office at“ Room No.106, ‘C’ Wing, CGO Complex, DF Block,
Sector-I, Saltlake, Kolkata- 700064 (the‘Employer’) has invited proposal for appointment of
“Project Management Consultancy services for Widening to 2-lane with paved shoulder from Km
0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section in the State of West Bengal.

And Whereas (Lead Partner) and JVpartner’s have

agreed to form a Joint Venture to provide the said services to the Employer as
Authority’sEngineer; and

Now,therefore, it is hereby agreed by and on behalf of the partners as follows:

(i) Wil lbe the lead partner and will be the other JV partner/s.

(ii) (lead partner) shall be the in charge of overall administration of contract and shall be
authorized representative of all JV partners for conducting all business for and on behalf of
the JV during the bidding process and subsequently, represent the joint venture for and on
behalf of the JV for all contractual matters for dealing with the Employer/ EPC Contractor
if Consultancy work is awarded to JV.

(iii) All JV partners do hereby undertake to be jointly and severely responsible for all the
obligation and liabilities relating to the consultancy work and in accordance with the
Terms of Reference of the Request for Proposal for the Consultancy Services.

(iv) Subsequently, if the JV is selected to provide the desired consultancy services, a detailed

MOU indicating the specific project inputs and role of each partner/s along with percentage
sharing of cost of services shall be submitted to the Employer (Consultant may submit the
detailed MOU along with percentage sharing of cost at the

Time of bidding also).

For (Name of Lead partner)

For (Name of JV

partner/s) Managing Director/ Head of the



For (Name of Associate Partner/ s)


The Applicant must read all the instructions in the RFP and submit the same accordingly.


DPR Checklist – Stage 1– Inception Report (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐ NA NA

2 Project Appreciation Yes☐No☐ NA NA

2.1 Location of site office Yes☐No☐ NA

Review of scope of To Randgap
2.2 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
identifica tion

Key departments identified for
2.3 Yes☐No☐ NA
various documents

Start and end location of project
2.4 verified with client (Mention details) Yes☐No☐ NA

Project description
2.5 • Start and End Chainage Yes☐No☐ NA
• Village/District ☐
Project location map
2.6 • On State Map Yes☐No☐ NA NA
• On District Map ☐
Site photos and data of project
2.7 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

2.8 Overview of land use plans Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Overview of existing pavement
• Number of Lanes
2.9 Yes☐No☐ NA
• Type of Pavement
(Flexible/Rigid/Surfaced/U ☐
2.10 Existing right of way details Yes☐No☐ NA

Number/Location of major and minor
2.11 Yes☐No☐ NA

Number/ Location of level
2.12 crossings Yes☐No☐ NA

2.13 Number/ Location of ROB and RUB Yes☐No☐ NA

Any other details relevant to the
2.14 Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Approach Methodology Yes☐No☐NA NA

Engineering survey and
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Design of road, pavements and
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environment and social impact
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Estimation of project cost,viability and
3.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
financing options

Any other details relevant to the
3.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Task Assignmentand Manning
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Number of key personnel provided Yes☐No☐NA

Specific tasks assigned to each key
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Manning schedule for key
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Number of key personnel eployed
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA
at site

5 Performa for data collection Yes☐No☐NA NA

Indicative design standard sand
6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
cross sections

7 Development plans Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of development plans
7.1 Being implemented/ proposed by local Yes☐No☐NA NA
bodies ☐
Overview of impact of such
7.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
development plans

8 Quality Assurance Plan Yes☐No☐NA NA

Engineering survey sand investigation
8.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.2 Traffic surveys Yes☐No☐NA NA

Materialgeo-technical and sub-soil
8.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.4 Road and pavement investigations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Investigation and design of bridge
8.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
sand structures

8.6 Environment and R&R assessment Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.7 Economic and financial analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.8 Drawing and documentation Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
8.9 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Discussion of draft QAP document
8.10 Yes☐No☐NA NA
with client

Approval of final QAP document by
8.11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Draft design Standards Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geometric design standards of
9.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
highway (Plain)

Geometric design standards of highway
9.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Conclusions and
10 Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
10.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and
10.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance reportprepared on
10.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
client observations

DPR Checklist– Stage 2–Feasibility Report

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of client organization/
2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Methodology adopted for feasibility
3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Socio economic profile of the
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
project areas

Regional economic profile basis
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
last10years data as per IRC

Economic profile of project influence
4.2 area basis last 10 years data as per Yes☐No☐NA NA
Socio Economicstatus of project
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
influence area

Indicative design standards,
5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
methodologies, and specific ations

6 Traffic surveys and analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

Classified traffic volume countsusing
6.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
IHMCL data (7day data)

Traffic projection methodology y as per
6.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

6.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes☐No☐NA NA

6.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes☐No☐NA

6.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes☐No☐NA

Origin destination surveys as per
6.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Speed and delay studies as per
6.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Traffic surveysfor the designof road

6.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA
junctions as per datain IRC:SP:41

Analysis for replacing railway level
6.9 Yes☐No☐NA NA
crossings with overbridges/ subways

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
6.10 Yes☐No NA☐ NA

6.11 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Any other details relevant to
6.12 the project Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Traffic surveys monitored and
7 reviewed by the client Yes☐No☐ NA NA

7.1 Reconnaissance survey Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Road Inventory Survey as per
7.2 IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Review of Road Inventory survey by
7.3 client Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Chainage wise details of pavement
7.4 composition survey Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Geological Survey
• Geological Map of the Area
• Seismicity
7.5 Climatic Conditions NA
• Temperature
Yes☐No☐ NA
• Rainfall ☐
7.6 • Wind NA
Pavement composition and condition
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.7 survey as per IRC:SP:19 NA

Review of pavement composition and
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.8 condition survey by client NA

Pavement roughness survey as per
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.9 IRC:SP:16 NA

Review of pavement roughness survey by
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.10 client NA

Pavement structural strength survey as
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.11 per IRC:81 NA

Review of pavement structural
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.12 strength survey by client NA

Sub grade characteristics and strengths
Yes☐No☐ NA

7.13 Topographical survey as per NA
IRC:SP:19 using LiDAR
Yes☐No☐ NA
• Gradient

7.14 • Terrain NA
Review of topographical survey by
Yes☐No☐ NA
7.15 client NA

Inventory of bridges, culverts and NA

Condition survey forbridges, culverts
7.16 Yes☐No☐NA NA
and structures

Review of condition survey
7.17 forbridges,culvertsandstructuresbyclie Yes☐No☐NA NA
nt ☐
Any other details relevant to
7.18 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

8 Geo technical Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geo-technical and sub-soil
8.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
explorations as per IRC:78

Boreholes dug for every pier and
8.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Field testing, soil sampling ,laboratory
8.4 testing in accordance with BIS/ Yes☐No☐NA NA
Recommendation of Foundation Type
8.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
and Depth

Any other details relevant to
8.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

9 Hydraulic and Hydrological Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Hydraulic and hydrologica
9.1 linvestigations as per Yes☐No☐NA NA
IRC:SP:13andIRC:5 ☐
9.2 High Flood Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.3 Depth of Water Table specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.4 Ponded Water Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
9.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

Review of hydrological investigations
9.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
by client

10 Materials Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Materials Survey conducted as per
10.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Sources of Naturally Occurring
Aggregates specified
• Details of Borrow Pits with
10.2 Yes☐No☐NA
Distance from Project Site

• Cost of Material/

S.No YES/NO/NA Specifications Remarks

Sources of Manufactured Items

• Details of suppliers with
distance from project site NA
10.3 Yes☐No☐NA
• Cost of material ☐
Sources of water for construction specified
10.4 as per IS:456 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
10.5 the project Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environmental screening/ preliminary
environmental assessment
11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis basis Initial Environment
11.1 Examination in IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Recommended feasible mitigation
11.2 measures Yes☐No☐NA NA

Initial social assessment/ preliminary
12 LA resettlement plan Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis basis Initial Environment
12.1 Examination in IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of consultation with
12.2 potentially affected persons Yes☐No☐NA NA

Names/ Detailsof consultation with
12.3 local NGOs Yes☐No☐NA

Names/ Detailsof consultation with
12.4 municipal authorities Yes☐No☐NA

12.5 Preliminary re settlement plan Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
12.6 the project Yes☐No☐NA NA

13 Cost estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

13.1 Item rates and rate analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

13.2 Escalation Yes☐No☐NA NA

[399] ☐
14 Economic and financial analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

14.1 Estimated cost details Yes☐No☐NA NA

14.2 Projected revenues details Yes☐No☐NA NA

14.3 Assumptions stated Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis and results(IRR, Sensitivity
14.4 Analysis, Financial Viability) Yes☐No☐NA NA

15 Strip plan and Alignment Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of center line of proposed
15.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

15.2 Details of existing RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA

15.3 Details of proposed RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details about ownership of land to be
15.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Strip plan basis reconnaissance and
15.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
topographic surveys

Strip plan reviewed and approved by the
15.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA

16 Alignment Options Study Yes☐No☐NA NA

At least two alignments proposed
16.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Details of Alignments on Map

16.2 Review of options with client Yes☐No☐NA NA

16.2.1 Review of options with local authority Yes☐No☐NA NA

Length of the project along proposed
16.3 Yes☐No☐NA
alignment options

Land Acquisition required along
16.4 Yes☐No☐NA
alignment options

16.4.1 Environment a limpacto feach option Yes☐No☐NA

Review of road geometry and safety
16.4.2 Yes☐No☐NA
for each option

16.5 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes☐No☐NA

Recommended Alignment with
16.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
16.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

17 Technical Specifications Yes☐No☐NA NA

MoRTH technical specifications for
17.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Roads and Bridge works followed

17.2 Details of technical specifications Yes☐No☐NA NA

18 Rate Analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

Rate analysis for all relevant items

18.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
as per latest SoR

19 Cost Estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

Cost estimates for all relevant items as per
19.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
latest SoR

20 Bill of quantities Yes☐No☐NA NA

21 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

21.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and scope
21.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and
21.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on client
21.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 3 – LA and Clearances IReport (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Strip plan ‐ additional details added Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of centreline, existing
2.1 structures, road furniture and other Yes☐No☐NA NA
features ☐
2.2 Widening scheme Yes☐No☐NA NA

New construction / reconstruction of
2.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
structures and amenities

2.4 Existing and proposed right of way Yes☐No☐NA NA

2.5 Clearance simp acting each chainage Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Forest Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for forest clearance dentified
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of initial consultation
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Details/cost of trees being felled as is
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA
concerned District Forest Office

Date of submission of proposal for
3.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
forest clearance

3.5 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

4 Wildlife Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for wildlife clearance
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of initial consultation
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Details/cost of trees being felled basis
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA
concerned District Forest Office

Date of submission of proposal
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA
For wildlife clearance ☐
4.5 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes☐No☐NA NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks

Identification of over ground utilities NA

5.1 Yes☐No☐NA

Identification of under ground utilities
using GPR, Induction Locator or
5.2 equivalent technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/Details of consultation with
5.3 local authority/ people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with
existing/proposed location showing
5.4 existing RoW and topographic Yes☐No☐NA NA
details ☐

5.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of proposal submission to
5.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Review of utility relocation
5.7 plan/proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

6 Utility Clearances (Water) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of over ground utilities in
6.1 RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of under ground
utilitiesusing GPR, Induction
6.2 Locator or equivalent technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/Details of consultation with
6.3 local authority/people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with
existing/proposed location showing
6.4 existing RoW and topographic Yes☐No☐NA NA
details ☐

6.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of proposal submission to
6.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of utility relocation
6.7 plan/proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

7 Utility Clearances (Others) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of over ground utilities in
7.1 RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA


Identification of underground utilities

using GPR, Induction Locator or
7.2 equivalent technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/Details of consultation with
7.3 local authority/ people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with
existing/proposed location showing
7.4 existing RoW and topographic Yes☐No☐NA NA
details ☐

7.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Date of proposal submission to
7.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Review of utility relocation
7.7 plan/proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

8 Railway Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of ROB/RUB on project
8.1 corridor Yes☐No☐NA NA

Initial consultation with competent
8.2 authority Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of proposal submission to
8.3 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

8.4 Review of GAD/proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Other Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for other clearance s
9.1 ntified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of proposal submission to
9.2 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

9.3 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10 Land Acquisition Yes☐No☐NA NA

Detailed schedule about acquisition of
10.1 land holdings as per land records Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.2 Consultation with affected persons Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/Details of consultation with
10.3 NGOs Yes☐No☐NA

Name/Details of consultation with
10.4 concerned government agencies Yes☐No☐NA

Total land required, landarea already
available, land to be acquired identified
10.5 Yes☐No☐NA

Review of land acquisition using
10.6 digital cadastral map by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.8 Review of 3a notification by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.9 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA

10.10 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.11 Review of 3A notification by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.12 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA

11 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
11.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and
11.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on client
11.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 4 – Detailed Project Report (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Main Report Yes☐No☐NA NA

Introduction and project
2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of project location, project
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
objectives etc.

Overview of report structure,deliverables
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Social analysis of the project Yes☐No☐NA NA

Project impact on stake holders such as
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
local people

Project impact on residential,
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
commercial and public properties

Any other details relevant to
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

4 Reconnaissance survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geometric Features of the Existing
Design Speed
4.1 • Sight distance details Yes☐No☐NA
• Horizontal Alignment Details ☐
• Vertical Alignment Details
• Heigh to f Embankment
Topographical Survey using LiDAR
(or equivalent technology) as per
4.2 IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Gradient ☐
• Terrain

Pavement composition and condition

4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
survey as per IRC:SP:19

Pavement roughness survey as per
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA Na

Pavement structural strength survey

4.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
as per IRC:81

S.No Remarks
Geological Survey Specifications

• Geological Map of the Area Yes☐ No☐

4.6 NA
• Seismicity NA☐

Climatic Conditions
• Temperature
4.7 • Rainfall NA

• Wind
Land Use along the existing alignment
• Map of the Project Area Yes☐No☐NA
4.8 depicting Agricultural/ NA

Details of Existing Structures
• Map of the Project Area
depicting Hutments/ Buildings/ Yes☐No☐NA
4.9 Temples /Public Building/Any NA

Other Significant Structure

Inventory and condition survey of

4.10 culverts NA

Geo-technical and sub-soil
4.11 explorations as per IRC:78 NA

Number of Bore holes dug( holes
4.12 for every pierandabutment)

Field testing , soils ampling , laboratory
4.13 testing as perIRC:78 NA

Recommendation of Foundation Type
4.14 and Depth

Hydrological investigations as per
4.15 IRC:5 NA

4.16 High Flood Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.17 Depth of Water Table specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.18 Ponded Water Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Materials Survey conducted as per
4.19 IRC:SP:19 NA

Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregates
• Details of Borrow Pits with
4.20 Distance from Project Site

• Cost of

Sources of environmentally friendly
construction materials identified as Yes☐No☐NA
4.20.1 per MoRT&H circular ☐ NA

Sources of Manufactured Items
• Details of Suppliers with
4.21 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Distance from Project Site

• Cost of
Source of Water for construction
4.22 Yes☐No☐NA NA
specified as per IS:456

Any other details relevant to
4.23 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

Traffic studies and demand
5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
forecast designs

Classified traffic volume counts using
5.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
IHMCL data (7 day data)

Traffic project ion methodology as per
5.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

5.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes☐No☐NA NA

5.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes☐No☐NA

5.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes☐No☐NA

Origin destination surveys as per
5.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Speed and delay studies as per
5.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Traffic surveys for the design of road
5.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA
junctions as per datain IRC:SP:41

Analysis for replacing railway level
5.9 Yes☐No☐NA NA
crossings with overbridges /subways

5.10 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
5.11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Traffic surveys monitored and
5.12 Yes☐No☐NA NA
reviewed by the client

6 Cost estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

6.1 Project costing as per latest SoR Yes☐No☐NA NA

7 Environmental aspects Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environment profile of the project
7.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of Public consultation at
7.2 residential and commercial Yes☐No☐NA NA
settlements affected ☐

Impact analysis and mitigation
7.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8 Economic and commercial analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.1 Estimated cost details Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.2 Projected revenues details Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.3 Assumptions stated Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis and results (IRR, Sensitivity
8.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Analysis ,Financial Viability)

8.5 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Financial model shared with client
8.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
and reviewed

9 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
9.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for error
9.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on client
9.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

10 Design Report Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.1 Highway improvement proposals Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.2 Highway geometric designs Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.3 Roadside drainage Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.4 Intersections Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.5 Urban service roads Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.6 Bus-stops Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7 Tollplazas Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.8 Pedestrian crossings Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.9 Utility relocation Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.10 Pavement Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.11 Structures Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
10.12 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

Pavement deflection survey as per
10.13 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
10.14 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

11 Materials Report Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.1 Material investigations as per IRC:10 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of material investigations by
11.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.3 Multiple borrow are as identified Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.4 Material survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.5 Review of material survey by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geo-technicaland sub-soil
11.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
explorations as per IRC:78

Review of geo-technical and sub-soil
11.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA
explorations by client

Field testing,soil sampling,laboratory
11.8 testing in accordance with BIS Yes☐No☐NA NA
Pavement composition and condition
11.9 Yes☐No☐NA NA
survey as per IRC:SP:19

Review of pavement composition and
11.10 Yes☐No☐NA NA
condition survey by client

Pavement roughness survey as per
11.11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of pavement roughness
11.12 Yes☐No☐NA NA
survey by client

Pavement structural strength survey as
11.13 Yes☐No☐NA NA
per IRC:81

Review of pavement structural
11.14 Yes☐No☐NA NA
strength survey by client

Water sample tests as per
11.15 Yes☐No☐NA NA
MoRTH specifications

Any other details relevant to
11.16 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

Environmental Assessment
12 Report/ Resettlement and Yes☐No☐NA NA
Rehabilitation Plan ☐
Option for alignment alternatives
12.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
considered and conclusions

Land environment data collection and
12.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
details/ impact/ mitigation measures

Air environment data collection and
12.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
details/ impact/ mitigation measures

Water resources details/ impact/ mitigation
12.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Noise environment details/ impact/
12.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
mitigation measures

Biological environment details/
12.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
impact/ mitigation measures

12.7 Details of public consultation Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environment monitoring and management
12.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA

12.9 Details of social impact assessment Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of resettlement and
12.10 Yes☐No☐NA NA
rehabilitationaction plan

12.11 Measures to minimizere settlement Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of public consultation with
12.12 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of implementation
12.13 Yes☐No☐NA NA
arrangement/ budget

Any other details relevant to
12.14 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

13 Technical Specifications Yes☐No☐NA NA

MoRTH technical specifications for
13.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Roads and Bridge works followed

13.2 Details of technical specifications Yes☐No☐NA NA

14 Rate Analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

Rate analysis for all relevant items as
14.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
per latest SoR

15 Cost Estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

Cost estimates for all relevant items as
15.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
per latest SoR

16 Bill of quantities Yes☐No☐NA NA

17 Drawing Volume Yes☐No☐NA NA

18 Digital drawings of road
18.1 Highway cross sections Yes☐No☐NA

3D engineered models of:
• Road alignment geometry
18.2 Yes☐No☐NA
• Proposed highway

• Proposed structures

DPR Checklist – Stage 5 –Technical Schedules (Pavements)

Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Bid documents ‐EPC Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Bid documents‐BOT/PPP Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Bid documents‐other, if any Yes☐No☐NA NA

4 Draft concession agreement Yes☐No☐NA NA

Schedule D‐ Specifications and
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

5 Any other relevant details Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 6–LA and Clearances II Report (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Environment Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

2.1 Details of public hearings completed Yes☐No☐NA

Date of final environment clearance by
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

3 Forest Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of Joint site inspection
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with DFO/ competent authority

Date of Stage I forest clearance
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA
approval by competent authority

Date of final forest clearance approval
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA
by competent authority

4 Wildlife Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of joint site inspection
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with DFO/ competent authority

Date of final wildlife clearance
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA
approval by competent authority

5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date /Details of Joint site inspection
5.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Date of estimate submission by
5.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

Date of estimate approval by
5.3 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

Approved utility shifting proposal
5.4 Yes☐No☐NA
including strip plan

Details of approved contractors, SoRand
5.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
deposit details for user agency

Utilities checklist, no upgradation
5.6 Yes☐No☐NA
certificate attached

Date of estimate submission by
6.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

Date of estimate approval by
6.3 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Approved utility shifting proposal
6.4 including strip plan Yes☐No☐NA

Details of approved contractors,
6.5 SoRand deposit details for user Yes☐No☐NA NA
agency ☐
Utilities checklist ,no upgradation
6.6 certificate attached Yes☐No☐NA

Date of estimate submission by
7.2 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of estimate approval by
7.3 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Approved utility shifting proposal
7.4 including strip plan Yes☐No☐NA

Details of approved contractors,
7.5 SoRand deposit details for user Yes☐No☐NA NA
agency ☐
Utilities checklist, no upgradation
7.6 certificate attached Yes☐No☐NA

Date of final approval of GAD
8.2 by competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

9 Other Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of final approval by competent
9.1 authority Yes☐No☐NA

10 Land Acquisition Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.1 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA

10.2 Review of 3a notification by client Yes☐No☐NA

10.3 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA

10.4 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA

10.5 Review of 3A notification by client Yes☐No☐NA

10.6 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA

Date of Joint Measurement Survey with
10.7 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of survey –village wise
10.7.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Land type– by survey number
10.7.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Natureof Land– by survey number
10.7.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Owner ship status of plots-by survey
10.7.4 number Yes☐No☐NA NA

Verification of area to be acquired–by
10.7.5 survey number Yes☐No☐NA NA


S.No YES/NO/NA Specifications Remarks

List of structures on each plot

10.7.6 NA
Yes☐No☐NA ☐

Sketches of updated alignment by

10.7.7 village Yes☐No☐NA ☐ NA

Verification from Land revenue

10.7.8 department Yes☐No☐NA ☐ NA
Verification by CALA office
10.7.9 Yes☐No☐NA ☐ NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 7 – Award determination (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Village level summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

Total private and public land being
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Variation in area and nature of land
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
agains t3D with justification

Method used by CALA to arrive at
2.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of award by CALA and approval
2.4 by <Agency> along with valuation
Total award calculated and deviation
2.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
from RFCTLARR act

3 In detail for each Village Yes☐No☐NA NA

Updated land acquisition tracker with
status of:
3.1 • Notifications Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Award ☐
• Disbursement
Valuation report and details of
3.2 award calculation-verification by Yes☐No☐NA NA
state authority to be included ☐
3.3 Claims report Yes☐No☐NA NA

3.4 Copies of notifications published Yes☐No☐NA NA

Copies of land possession
3.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
certificates received

Conclusions and recommendations
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and

4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
client observations

DPR Checklist – Stage 8–Land possession report (Pavements)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Village level summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

Total private and public land being
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of final award by CALA and
approval by<Agency>
Status of disbursement on date of
2.3 receipt of Land possession Yes☐No☐NA NA
certificate ☐
Key issues being faced in
2.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
completing land acquisition, if any

3 Indetail for each Village Yes☐No☐NA NA

Updated land acquisition tracker
with status of:
3.1 • Notifications Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Award ☐
• Disbursement

3.2 Final award and claims report Yes☐No☐NA NA

Copies of notifications published,
3.3 land possession certificates Yes☐No☐NA NA
received ☐
Conclusions and recommendations
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

5 nd parcelsacquiredwith Yes☐No☐NA NA
allrelevantdetails ☐

Annexure III: Check lists for Structuressuch as ROB/ RUB DPR

Checklist –Stage 1– Inception Report (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Project Appreciation Yes☐No☐NA NA

2.1 Location of site office Yes☐No☐NA

Review of scope of ToR and gap
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of key departments for
2.3 Yes☐No☐NA

Project description
• Existing LC number
2.4 Yes☐No☐NA
• Startand End Chainage

• Village/ District
Project location map
• On State Map
2.5 • On District Map Yes☐No☐NA
• Latitude & Longitude ☐
Co ordinates of the LC
Details of Existing Level Crossing
• Number of Railway Tracks
2.6 • Type of Railway Tracks Yes☐No☐NA
(Broad/Metre/Narrow) ☐
• No.of trains per day
Justification for need of an
2.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA
ROB/RUB(on basis of TVU count)

2.8 Overview of land use plans Yes☐No☐NA NA

• Number of Lanes
2.9 Yes☐No☐NA
• Type of Pavement ☐
(Flexible/ Rigid/ Surfaced/

2.10 Existing right of way details Yes☐No☐NA

Any other details relevant to the
2.11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Approach Methodology Yes☐No☐NA NA

Engineering survey and
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Design of road, pavement sand
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environment and social impact
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Estimation of project cost, viability and
3.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
financing options

Any other details relevant to the
3.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Task Assignment and Manning
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Number of key personnel provided Yes☐No☐NA

Specific tasks assigned to each key
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Manning schedule for key
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Number of key personnel deployed
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA
at site

5 Performa for data collection Yes☐No☐NA NA

Indicative Design standards and
6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
cross sections

7 Development plans Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of development plans being
7.1 implemented/ proposed by local bodies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of impact of such
7.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
development plans

8 Quality Assurance Plan Yes☐No☐NA NA

Engineering surveys and investigation
8.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.2 Traffic surveys Yes☐No☐NA NA

Material geo-technical and sub-soil
8.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.4 Road and pavement investigations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Investigation and design of bridges
8.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
and structures

8.6 Environment and R&R assessment Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.7 Economic and financial analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.8 Drawing and documentation Yes☐No☐NA NA

Discussion of draft QAP document
8.9 Yes☐No☐NA NA
with client

Approval of final QAP document by
8.10 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
8.11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Draft design standards Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geometric design standards of bridges
9.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geo metric designst and ardsof bridges
9.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
9.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Conclusions and recommendations
10 Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objective
10.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
sand scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and
10.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on
10.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
client observations

DPR Checklist – Stage 2– Feasibility Report (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Overview of client organization/
2 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Methodology adopted for feasibility
3 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Socio economic profile of the
4 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
project areas

Regional economic profile basis last10
4.1 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
years data as per IRC

Economic profile of project influence
4.2 area basis last10 years data as per Yes☐No☐ NA NA
SocioEconomicstatusof project
4.3 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
influence area

Indicative designstandards,
5 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
methodologies, and specifications

6 Traffic survey sand analysis Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Classified traffic volume countsusing
6.1 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
IHMCL data (7day)

Traffic projection methodology as
6.2 Yes☐No☐ NA NA
per IRC:108

6.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes☐No☐ NA NA

6.4 Currentand Projected PCU Yes☐No☐ NA

6.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes☐No☐ NA

6.6 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐ NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
6.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Traffic surveys monitored and
6.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA
reviewed by the client

7 Reconnaissance survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

7.1 Road Inventory as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Review of Road Inventory Surveyby
7.2 client Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geometric Features of the Existing
• Design Speed
• Sight distance elements
7.3 • HorizontalAlignmentDetails Yes☐No☐NA NA

• Vertical Alignment Details
• Height of Embankment
Topographical Survey as per
IRC:SP:19 using LiDAR or equivalent
7.4 • Gradient Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Terrain ☐

Review of topographical survey by client

7.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Pavement composition and condition
7.6 survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geological Survey
• Geological Map of the Area
7.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Seismicity

Climatic Conditions
• Temperature
7.8 • Rainfall NA

• Wind
Land Use alongth eexisting alignment
• Map of the Project Area
depicting Agricultural/ Habitation/ Yes☐No☐NA
7.9 Forest Area ☐ NA

Details of Existing Structures

• Map of the Project A
readepicting Hutments/ Buildings/ Yes☐No☐NA
7.10 Temples/ Public Building/ Any NA

Other Significant Structure

Inventory and condition survey of

7.11 culverts NA

Any other details relevant to the
7.12 project NA

8 Geo technical Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Geo-technical and sub-soil
8.1 Explorations as per IRC:78 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Number of Bore holes dug( holds for
8.2 every pier and abutment) Yes☐No☐NA

Review of geo-technical and sub-soil
8.3 explorations by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

Field testing, soil sampling,
8.4 laboratory testing as per IRC:78 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Recommendation of Foundation
8.5 Type and Depth Yes☐No☐NA

Any other details relevant to the
8.6 project Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Hydraulic & Hydrological Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Hydrological investigations as per
9.1 IRC:5andIRC:13 Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.2 High Flood Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.3 Depth of Water Table specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.4 Ponded Water Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
9.5 project Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of Hydrological Survey by the
9.6 client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10 Materials Survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Materials Survey conducted as per
10.1 IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Sources of Naturally Occurring
Aggregates specified
• Details of Borrow Pits with
10.2 Distance from Project Site Yes☐No☐NA
• CostofMaterial/ ☐
Sources of Manufactured Items specified
• Details of Suppliers with
Distance from Project Site
10.3 • Cost of Yes☐No☐NA NA
Material/Transportation ☐

Source of Water for construction

10.4 specified as perIS:456 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
10.5 project Yes☐No☐NA NA

Determination of whether ROB or
11 Yes☐No☐NA NA
RUB is appropriate

Justification of whether ROB or RUB
11.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
should be built

11.2 Review of justification by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

12 Alignment Options Study Yes☐No☐NA NA

Atleast two alignments proposed
12.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Details of Alignments on Map

12.2 Review of options with client Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of options with local authority
12.2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Length of the project along proposed
12.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
alignment options

Land Acquisition required along
12.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
alignment options

12.5 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes☐No☐NA NA

Recommended Alignment with
12.6 Yes☐No☐NA

Skew Angle of Proposed Alignment
12.7 Yes☐No☐NA

12.7.1 Environmental impact of each option Yes☐No☐NA

Review of road geometry and safety
12.7.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
for each option

12.9 Traffic Diversion Route Specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
12.10 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Environmental screening/ preliminary
13 environmental assessment Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis basis Initial Environment
13.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Examinationin IRC:SP:19

Recommended feasible mitigation
13.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Initial social assessment/ preliminary
14 Yes☐No☐NA NA
LA resettlement plan

Analysis basis Initial Environment
14.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Examinationin IRC:SP:19

Details of consultation with
14.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
potentially affected persons

Details of consultation with local
14.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of consultation with
14.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
municipal authorities

14.5 Preliminary resettlement plan Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to the
14.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA

15 Cost estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

15.1 Item rates and rate analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

15.2 Escalation Yes☐No☐NA NA

16 Economicand financial analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

16.1 Estimated cost details Yes☐No☐NA NA

16.2 Projected revenues details Yes☐No☐NA NA

16.3 Assumptions stated Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis and results
16.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Sensitivity Analysis

• Financial Viability

Any other details relevant to the

16.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA

17 Strip Plan NA
Details of center line of proposed
17.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

17.2 Details of existing RoW Yes☐No☐NA

17.3 Details of proposed RoW Yes☐No☐NA

Details about ownership of land to be
17.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Strip plan basis reconnaissance and
17.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
topographic surveys

Strip plan reviewed and approved by
17.6 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the client

Any other details relevant to the

17.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Strip plan‐additional details added
11 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Details of centreline, existing
11.1 structures, road furniture and other Yes☐No☐NA NA
features ☐

11.2 Wideningscheme Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
ucturesand amenities

11.4 Existingandproposedrightofway Yes☐No☐NA NA

11.5 Clearancesimpactingeachchainage Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist –Stage 3–LA and Clearances I Report (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Environment Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for environment
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
clearance identified

Date/Details of Initial consultation with
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

Date of submission of draft EIA report/
2.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
proposal for clearance

Review of proposal/ EIA report by
2.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Forest Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for forest clearance
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/ Details of initial consultation
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Details/ cost of trees being felled basis
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA
concerned District Forest Office

Date of submission of proposal for forest
3.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

3.5 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

4 Wild life Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for wildlife clearance
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/ Details of initial consultation
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Details/cost of trees being felled basis
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA
concerned District Forest Office

Date of submission of proposal for wild
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA
life clearance

4.5 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes☐No☐NA NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Specifications Remarks

Identification of over ground utilities NA

5.1 Yes☐No☐NA

Identification of under ground utilities using
GPR, Induction Locator or equivalent
5.2 technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/ Details of consultation with
5.3 local authority /people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with existing/
proposed location showing existing
5.4 RoW and topographic details Yes☐No☐NA NA

5.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of proposal submission to
5.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Review of utility relocation plan/
5.7 proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

6 Utility Clearances (Water) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of overground utilities in
6.1 RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of underground utilities using
GPR, Induction Locator or equivalent
6.2 technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name /Details of consultation with
6.3 local authority/ people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with existing/
proposed location showing existing
6.4 RoW and topographic details Yes☐No☐NA NA

6.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of proposal submission to
6.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA NA

Review of utility relocation plan/
6.7 proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

7 Utility Clearances (Others) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of overground utilitiesin
7.1 RoW Yes☐No☐NA NA


Identification of underground utilities using

GPR,Induction Locator or equivalent
7.2 technologies Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/Details of consultation with local
7.3 authority/ people Yes☐No☐NA

Utility relocation plan with existing/
proposed location showing existing
7.4 RoW and topographic details Yes☐No☐NA NA

7.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Date of proposal submission to
7.6 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Review of utility relocation plan/
7.7 proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

8 Railway Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Identification of ROB/RUB on project
8.1 corridor Yes☐No☐NA NA

Initial consultation with competent
8.2 authority Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of proposal submission to
8.3 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

8.4 Review of GAD/ proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Other Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Requirement for other clearances
9.1 identified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of proposal submission to
9.2 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

9.3 Review of proposal by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10 Land Acquisition Yes☐No☐NA NA

Detailed schedule about acquisition of land
10.1 holdings as per land records Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.2 Consultation with affected persons Yes☐No☐NA NA

Name/ Details of consultation with
10.3 NGOs Yes☐No☐NA

Name/ Details of consultation with
10.4 concerned government agencies Yes☐No☐NA

Total land required, land area already
10.5 available, land to be acquired identified Yes☐No☐NA

Review of land acquisition using digital
10.6 cadastral map by client Yes☐No☐NA NA


11 Strip plan‐additional details added Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA 11

Details of centreline, existing
structures, road furniture and other NA 11.1
11.1 features Yes☐No☐NA☐

11.2 Widening scheme Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA 11.2

New construction /reconstruction of
NA 11.3
11.3 structures and amenities Yes☐No☐NA☐

11.4 Existing and proposed right of way Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA 11.4

11.5 Clearances impacting each chainage Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA 11.5

12 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

12.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report fulfils project objectives and
12.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for errors and
12.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Compliance report prepared on client
12.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist–Stage4–Detailed Project Report (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Project background Yes☐No☐NA NA

Project description
• Existing LC number
1.1 Yes☐No☐NA
• Startand End Chainage

• Village/ District
Project location map
• On State Map
1.2 • On District Map Yes☐No☐NA
• Latitude & Longitude ☐
Coordinates of the LC
Details of Existing Level Crossing
• Number of Railway Tracks
1.3 • Type of Railway Tracks Yes☐No☐NA
(Broad/Metre/Narrow) ☐
• No.of trains per day
Justification for need of an ROB/RUB
1.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
(onbasis of TVU count)

1.5 Overview of land use plans Yes☐No☐NA NA

Overview of existing pavement
1.6 • Number of Lanes Yes☐No☐NA
• Type of Pavement ☐

1.7 Existing right of way details Yes☐No☐NA

Any other details relevant to
1.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

2 Social analysis of the project Yes☐No☐NA NA

Project impact on stakeholders such as
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
local people

Project impact on residential,
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
commercial and public properties

S.No YES/NO/NA Specifications Remarks

Any other details relevant to

2.3 the project Yes☐No☐NA

3 Reconnaissance survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geometric Features of the Existing
• Design Speed
• Sight distance details
3.1 • Horizontal Alignment Details Yes☐No☐NA

• Vertical Alignment Details
• Height of Embankment

Topographical Survey using LiDAR or

equivalent technology as per
3.2 • Gradient Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Terrain ☐

Pavement composition and condition

3.3 survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Geological Survey
• Geological Map of the Area
3.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Seismicity

Climatic Conditions
• Temperature
3.5 • Rainfall NA

• Wind
Land Use alongthe existing alignment
• Map of the Project Area Yes☐No☐NA
3.6 depicting Agricultural/ Habitation/ NA

Details of Existing Structures
• Map of the Project Area
depicting Hutments/ Buildings/ Yes☐No☐NA
3.7 Temples/ Public Building/ Any NA

Other Significant Structure

Inventory and condition survey of

3.8 culverts NA

Geo-technical and sub-soil
3.9 explorations as per IRC:78 NA

Number of Bore holes dug (holds for
3.10 every pier and abutment)

Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory
3.11 testing as per IRC:78 NA

Recommendation of Foundation Type
3.12 Yes☐No☐NA
and Depth

Hydraulic and Hydro logical investigations
3.13 Yes☐No☐NA NA
as per IRC:5

3.14 High Flood Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

3.15 Depth of Water Table specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

3.16 Ponded Water Level specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Materials Survey conducted as per
3.17 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregates
• Details of Borrow Pits with
3.18 Yes☐No☐NA
Distance from Project Site

• Cost of
Sources of Manufactured Items
• Details of Suppliers with
3.19 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Distance from Project Site

• Cost of
Sources of environmentally friendly
3.19.1 construction material sidentifie das Yes☐No☐NA NA
per MoRT&H circular ☐
Source of Water for construction
3.20 Yes☐No☐NA NA
specified as per IS:456

Any other details relevant to
3.21 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

4 Traffic surveys and analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

Classified traffic volume countsusing
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
IHMCL data (7day)

4.2 Traffic projection as per IRC:108 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes☐No☐NA

4.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes☐No☐NA

4.6 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes☐No☐NA NA


Any other details relevant to

4.7 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

Determination of whether ROB or
5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
RUB is appropriate

Justification of whether ROB or RUB
5.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
should be built

6 Alignment Options Study Yes☐No☐NA NA

At least two alignments proposed
6.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Details of Alignments on Map

Length of the project along proposed
6.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
alignment options

Land Acquisition required along alignment
6.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

6.4 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes☐No☐NA NA

Recommended Alignment with
6.5 Yes☐No☐NA

Skew Angle of Proposed Alignment
6.6 Yes☐No☐NA

6.7 Traffic Diversion Route Specified Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
6.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA
the project

7 Design Specifications Yes☐No☐NA NA

7.1 Number of Lanes Yes☐No☐NA

Width of ROB
• Width of Carriageway
7.2 • Width of Safety Kerbs Yes☐No☐NA
• Width of Foot path ☐
• Any other
Proposed Number of Lanes on ROB in
7.3 line with PCU as per latest MoRTH Yes☐No☐NA NA
guidelines ☐
Proposed Length of the Project
• Length of ROB
• Length of Viaduct
7.4 Yes☐No☐NA
• Length of REW all

• Length of Approach Road
• Length of Service Road
Span Arrangement
7.5 • Span Length Yes☐No☐NA
• Number of Spans ☐

Are all spans of standardised length as per
Railways standards
7.6 (https://ircep.gov.in/RC Approval/) Yes☐No☐NA NA
• If non-standardised, suitable ☐
justification provided

S.No YES/NO/NA Specifications Remarks

Details of Proposed Super structure

• Type
7.7 • Detailsof Material Use Yes☐No☐NA
Proposed ☐
• Drawings of Cross-Sections

Details of Proposed Substructure

7.8 • Details of Material Use Yes☐No☐NA NA
Proposed ☐
• Drawings of Cross-Sections
Details of Proposed Pavement Design
• Details of Material
Use Proposed
7.9 • Thickness Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Design MSA ☐

• Drawings of Cross-Sections

Details of Drainage Structures

7.10 Proposed Yes☐No☐NA NA

Any other details relevant to
7.11 the project Yes☐No☐NA NA

8 Cost estimates Yes☐No☐NA NA

Summary of Cost Estimates (Refer
8.1 following subsection) Yes☐No☐NA

8.2 Detailed Abstract of Cost Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.3 Detailed Bills of Quantity Yes☐No☐NA NA

8.4 Detailed Rate Analysis Yes☐No☐NA NA

9 Financial Viability Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.1 Estimated cost details Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.2 Projected revenues details Yes☐No☐NA NA

9.3 Assumptions stated Yes☐No☐NA NA

Analysis and results
9.4 • Sensitivity Analysis

• Financial Viability

10 Land Acquisition Study Yes☐No☐NA NA

Land Acquisition Details
• Total Land Required
10.1 Yes☐No☐NA
☐ • Land Area already available
• Area of Land to be Acquired

Details of LA Cost Yes☐No☐NA☐
11 NA
Utility Shifting Study Yes☐No☐NA☐
11.1 NA
Results of GPR investigation Yes☐No☐NA☐

11.2 Utility relocation plan with NA

existing/proposed location showing Yes☐No☐NA☐
existing RoW and topographic details
Cost for relocation as per authority Yes☐No☐NA☐
12 NA
General Arrangement Drawing Yes☐No☐NA☐
12.1 NA
Elevation of Railway Portion Yes☐No☐NA☐
12.2 NA
Plan of Railway Portion Yes☐No☐NA☐
12.3 NA
General Elevation Yes☐No☐NA☐
12.4 General Plan (showing complete NA
ROB/RUB along with diversion)
12.5 NA
Key Plan Yes☐No☐NA☐
12.6 NA
Cross-Section of Railway Portion Yes☐No☐NA☐
3D engineered models of:
• Existing structure, if any
• Proposed structure Yes☐No☐NA☐
• Utilities and other features in

Cost Summary Table

S.No. Particulars Cost Estimate (in'000)

1 Cost of ROB Portion
Total‐ROB Portion

2 Cost of Viaduct

Total‐ Viaduct

3 Cost of Approach Road

4 Cost of REW all

5 Cost of Service Road

6 Miscellaneous Costs
Cost of Subway
Cost of Toll Plaza
Cost of Culverts
Any Other Costs

Civil Cost of the Project

7 Contingencies @x%
Total Civil Cost

8 Supervision Charges @x%

9 Cost of Quality Control @x%
10 Maintenance Charges @x%
11 Escalation Costs @x%
12 Land Acquisition Costs
13 Utility Shifting Costs
14 Any Other Costs

Total Cost of the Project

DPR Checklist – Stage 5– Technical Schedules (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Bid documents- EPC Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Bid documents‐ Other , if any Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Draft concession agreement Yes☐No☐NA NA

3 Schedule C ‐Project facilities Yes☐No☐NA NA

Schedule D‐ Specification sand
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

5 Any other relevant details Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 6–LA and Clearances II Report (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Environment Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

2.1 Details of public hearings completed Yes☐No☐NA

Date of final environment clearance by
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

3 Forest Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of Joint site inspection
3.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with DFO/competent authority

Date of Stage I forest clearance
3.2 Yes☐No☐NA
approval by competent authority

Date of final forest clearance approval
3.3 Yes☐No☐NA
by competent authority

4 Wildlife Clearance Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of join tsite inspection
4.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with DFO/competent authority

Date of final wild life clearance
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA
approval by competent authority

5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date/Details of Join tsite inspection
5.1 Yes☐No☐NA
with competent authority

Date of estimate submission by
5.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

Date of estimate approval by
5.3 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

5.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes☐No☐NA

Details of approved contractors, So
5.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
Rand deposit details for user agency

Utilities checklist, no upgradation
5.6 Yes☐No☐NA
certificate attached

Date of estimate submission by
6.2 Yes☐No☐NA
competent authority

S.No YES/NO/NA Remarks
Date of estimate approval by
6.3 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

6.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes☐No☐NA

Details of approved contractors, SoR
6.5 and deposit details for user agency Yes☐No☐NA NA

Utilities checklist, no upgradation
6.6 certificate attached Yes☐No☐NA

Date of estimate submission by
7.2 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

Date of estimate approval by
7.3 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

7.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes☐No☐NA

Details of approved contractors,
7.5 SoRand deposit details for user Yes☐No☐NA NA
agency ☐
Utilities checklist, no upgradation
7.6 certificate attached Yes☐No☐NA

Date offinal approval of GAD by
8.2 competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

9 Other Clearances Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of final approval by competent
9.1 authority Yes☐No☐NA

10 Land Acquisition Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.1 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.2 Review of 3a notification by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.3 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA

10.4 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.5 Review of 3A notification by client Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.6 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes☐No☐NA


Date of Joint Measurement Survey

10.7 with competent authority Yes☐No☐NA

10.7.1 Date of survey Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7.2 Land type –by survey number Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7.3 Nature of Land– by survey number Yes☐No☐NA NA

Ownership status of plots- by survey
10.7.4 number Yes☐No☐NA NA

Verification of area to be acquired–by
10.7.5 survey number Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7.6 List of structures on each plot Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7.7 Sketches of updated alignment Yes☐No☐NA NA

Verification from Land revenue
10.7.8 Yes☐No☐NA NA

10.7.9 Verification by CALA office Yes☐No☐NA NA

DPR Checklist – Stage 7– Award determination (Structures)

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review

1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

2 Village level summary Yes☐No☐NA NA

Total private and public land
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA NA
being acquired

Variation in area and nature of
2.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
land against 3D with justification

Method used by CALA to arrive at
2.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA

Date of award by CALA and
2.4 approval by <Agency> along with
valuation report
Total award calculated and details of
2.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
deviation from RFCTLARR act

3 In detail Yes☐No☐NA NA

Updated land acquisition tracker
with parcel-wise status of:
3.1 • Notifications Yes☐No☐NA NA
• Award ☐
• Disbursement
Valuation report and details of
3.2 award calculation- verification by Yes☐No☐NA NA
state authority to be included ☐
3.3 Claims report Yes☐No☐NA NA

3.4 Copies of notifications published Yes☐No☐NA NA

Copies of land possession
3.5 Yes☐No☐NA NA
certificates received

Conclusions and
4 Yes☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Conclusion sand recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA


Report fulfils project objective

4.2 Yes☐No☐NA NA
sand scope as per RFP

Report reviewed for error
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA NA
sando missions

Compliance report prepared
4.4 Yes☐No☐NA NA
onclient observations

DPR Checklist – Stage8 – Land possession report

General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name

Date of Review


1 Executive Summary Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA

2 Village level summary Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA
Total private and public land being
2.1 Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA
Date off inalaward by CALA
and approval by<AGENCY>
Status of disbursement on date of
2.3 YE S ☐ No☐NA☐ NA
receipt of Land possession

Key issues being faced in

2.4 Yes☐No ☐NA NA
completilng and acquisition, if any

3 In detail Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA
Updated land acquisition tracker wth
status of: Yes☐No☐NA☐
3.1 • Notifications NA
• Award
• Disbursement

3.2 Final award and claims report Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA

Copies of notifications published,
3.3 Yes NA
possession certificates received
4 Conclusions and recommendation Yses☐No☐NA NA

4.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes☐No☐NA NA

Report ful fils project objectivsan
4.2 Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA
scope as per RFP
Report reviewed for errors and
4.3 Yes☐No☐NA☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client ☐No☐NA☐
4.4 Yes NA

GIS Map containing digitised ils Yes☐No☐NA☐
5 De of land parcels acquired with NA
al relevant details


Sample Executive Summary of Detailed Project Report

< Name & Logo of the Agency>

(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)

Government of India

Executive summary of detailed project report for:

Widening to 2-lanewith paved shoulderfrom Km

0.000 to 52.100 of NH-10 Sevoke-Rangpo section
in the State of West Bengal.

All figures, details and graphs in this

templat are illustrative. DPR Consultant
Consultantsare to add actual details
and expand tables, chapters as needed
while keeping the format and
information required in each chapter
as suggested. Please delete this sticker
upon completion

[Name and logo of consulting agency]

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Project overview
2.1 Key features of project
2.2 Key plan of existing project stretch
3 Traffic demands on project road
3.1 Traffic volume surveys
3.2 Axle load survey
3.3 Traffic volume forecast
3.4 Turning movement surveys
4 Pavement and corridor surveys
4.1 Pavement condition and distressseen
4.2 Pavement composition
4.3 Pavement strength
4.4 Sub-grades oil survey
5 Improvement proposals
5.1 Proposed alignment
5.2 Bypasses proposed
5.3 Road geometry
5.4 Widening scheme
5.5 Pavement design
5.6 Design of structures
5.7 Intersections and grade separators
5.8 Tollplazas
5.9 Wayside amenities proposed
6 Environmental impact assessment
6.1 Impact and clearances needed
6.2 Cost of environmental mitigation
7 Social impact assessment and
7.1 Social impact assessment
7.2 Land acquisition requirement
7.3 Key risks envisagedin land acquisition
8 Utilities shifting and clearances
8.1 Utilities shifting estimate
8.2 Total cost of utilities shifting
9 Project cost estimates
10 Material investigation
10.1 Borrow pits for soil
10.2 Sand
10.3 Gravel
10.4 Flyash
10.5 Bitumen
10.6 Cement
10.7 Other local material available
10.8 Keyrisks
10.9 Location of material sources
11 Potential for value engineering and innovative technologies
12 Economic and financial analysis
12.1 Economic analys is of the project
12.2 Financial analysis
13 Execution plan
13.1 Packaging
13.2 Bidding mode and timelines
13.3 Construction time and planning

14 Conclusions and recommendation

1. Introduction

The <Agency> propose to implement the <re> the development, maintenance and
management of the <NH-xx> stretch from <Origin> to <Destination> from chainage <aakm> to
<bb km> into <proposed improvement, xx lane road/ expressway etc.> under the NHDP Phase V
programme. The proposed project road has been selected to < primary reason for project- e.g. to
improve connectivity and ease congestion between aa bb>

<Consultant> was appointed in <mm/yyyy> to prepare the detailed project report for the
project road, and this executive summary covers is submitted along with the <draft/final> detailed
project report to cove rthe key aspects of the project.

<Any special circumstances or requests made by the Authority for the project that affect
the consultancy assignment e.g.: <Agency> desired to restructure project into two packages
,bifurcating the project road at Betulnagar, this report has been revised and resubmitted providing
g improvement proposals and bid documents separately for the two stretches>
2. Project overview

As described earliertheprojectroadliesonNHxx(previouslyNHyy)andconnects
<orgin> with <destination>, passing through thestates of <state 1, state 2>. The proposed project
alignment passess through < towns/junctionsa ,b,c,d> for a total length of <xxkm>.

Figure1: Location of project road

2.1 Key features of project

Table1:Key features of project

Attributes Details
Origin point Lat/long–destination pointlat/long
Viatowns Town1,2,3,4
2L (7.0m) over 80% of the road stretch with 4L (16.0m) in 20%
Existing carriageway
of the stretch in some urban locations
Service lanes and sliproads Service lanes of 2-4 m width for 16 km, largely in urban areas
Shoulder 2Lhas paved shoulder of 1-2m width
Condition of
Good to fair
Right of way Typically 45m along entire stretch
Predominant land use in the area is agricultural (60% on
Land use along project road LHS,50% on RHS), with the rest being urban and forest area (20%
Largely commercial, with trucks accounting for 80% of vehicle
Traffic on the stretch
Toll infrastructure There are no tollplazas in the current stretch

Attributes Details
Terrain Primarily plain and rolling, passing through x settlements
69 structures- 3ROBs,7 major bridges, 2flyovers, 9minor
Structures along stretch bridges, 16VUP/PUPs and 32 culverts

Use ramenitiesa long stretch 32 bus shelters,7 truck lay-byes, and 1 rest area

Key utilities in the proposed 4 km 66k VUG line with 3 crossings , 30 in water main for 7.3km
Xxkm o froad from <pointa> to <pointb> crosses <typeofforest>
Forest Stretches along RoW <forest name>
Railway LCno <x> at chainage yyonthe < originstation > to
Rail crossings along RoW < destination station > raillineat railway chainagezz

Other clearance <please describe any other clearances that will be required for the
related aspects project>

2.2 Key plan of existing project stretch

<lat/long> <lat/long>

Figure 2: Key plan of existing project road

3. Traffic demandson project road

3.1 Traffic volume surveys

For the purposes of traffic project ionsand lane design,<xx>individual sections of road
were considered:

Table2:Traffic survey locations

Section Chainages Count Remarks
Km163.0- Km177.0, Kasia/ Tontamines
1 29.0
192.0 45.0 near192.000
End point of proposed
2 27.0 Km201.50 Koida bypass at

Traffic volume surveys for the project road were <available from IHMCL for x locations> and
were carried out at <x> additional locations along the project road in the month of
<mm/yyyy>. The results areas follows:

Table 3: Results of traffic surveys conducted

Homogenous section 1 1 2
Chainage 45.00 177.00 201.50
Sourceofdata IHMCL Consultant Consultant
Bicycle 47 75 61
2 Wheeler 3320 3288 2630
3 Wheeler 32 47 30
Tractor 24 18 22
Tractor with Trailer 389 385 341
2 Axle SCV 436 386 388
LMV 2 axle 3561 3545 3327
LCV 2 Axle 577 603 563
2 Axle Truckor Bus 908 987 1014
3Axle Truckor Bus 1142 1062 1086
Multi Axle Vehicles
2033 1962 1994
Oversized Vehicle OSV 2 1 3

Cycle 0 0 0
Earth Moving
0 0 0
AADT (invehicles) 12471 12359 11459
AADT (inPCUs) 34000 xx xx

3.2 Axle load survey

Axle load surveys were conducted at <x> locations using <xxxx> to understand the
actualload spectrum of commercial l vehicles plying on the prject road.Theresults of the load survey
,were converted to Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) using equivalency factors from <IRCxx> for
the purpose of MSA calculations

Table 4 : Axle load survey results

Mode Section1 Section2 Section2

Observed- Observed-
at at
at chainage Recommended Recommended Recommended
chainagex chainage
xx x xx

LCV 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.45

3.97 3.97 3.57 3.97
3.63 3.63 3.26 3.26
MAV 4.92 4.92 4.07 4.07
Bus 0.78 0.82 0.82 0.82

3.3 Traffic volume forecast

Traffic volume forecast was developed using the <xx> method and converted to Million
Standard Axles (MSA) for the purposes of pavement design. The cumulative loadin MSA foreach
section is given as under for various orizon years:

Table 5: Projected traffic load on project road in MSA

MSA Inx+15 Inx+30

1 23.31 22
2 33 40

3.4 Turning movement surveys

Table 6:Turning movement survey results

Total Grade
SL. Existing Hour Peak Inter section
Location Volume separator
No. Chainage Volume Hour type
PCU proposed
17:00 3arm No
1 0.300 xxx 30988 1915 -
09:00 4arm No
2 6.200 xxx 28077 1962 -
15:00 5arm Yes
3 10.200 xxx 53333 3599 -
10:00 4arm Yes
4 28.000 xxx 64315 3884 -

Classified direction wise turning movement surveys were conducted at <x> inter sections
to determine the need for re-design and addition of structure at the intersection
4. Pavement and corridor surveys

4.1 Pavement condition and distressseen

The over all pavement condition < description of over all pavement condition-e.g. from poorto
very poor, with high roughness and significant presence of potholes and raveling>

Table 7: Condition survey of existing pavement

Length affected, in Kms

Type of
distress Area Area Area Area 50 Area
<=10% 10%‐25% 25%‐50% %‐75% >75%
36 70 0 0 0
Potholes 28 23 55 0 0
Patching 44 61 1 0 0
Raveling 80 4 22 0 0
Total 106 106 106 106 106

4.2 Pavement composition

The existing pavement structureis a <rigid/ flexible/ inverted etc.> pavement

Consisting of sub-gradeand<x>additional layers. The summary of pavement composition seen is as

Table 8: Composition of existing pavement

Bituminous course Granular course (mm) Xx

Section (mm) (mm)
Min Max Min Max Min Max
1 50 350 100 600
2 40 300 80 500

4.3 Pavement strength

<xxx FWD/BBD> was carried out to test the strength of the existing pavement, and the
characteristic deflection values have been calculated for each homogeneous section of road to
enabled esign of an overlay for the road.
Table 9: Strength of existing pavement

Chainage Distance
Section deflection
Start End Km Mm
1 0.400 2.400 2.000 1.6
2 2.400 10.000 7.600 1.3

4.4 Sub‐gradesoil survey

Extensive review of available soil in formation and testing was done to understand the sub-
grade characteristics. Summary of soil investigation surveys is as follows:

Table 10: Soil investigation survey results

Attribute Results Comments

Sub-grade CBR range(%) 0.6%-14% Low overlarge lengths of section
Degree of compaction (%o fMDD) ~95% Sufficient as per MoRTH guidelines
Swellingratio (%) 2.5to32% Significant variation seen across stretch

<other attributes>

Table 11: Soil types observed

Soil type % of length Plasti city index Comments

Clayeysand(SC) 34% 3to15 Poorly graded sand
clay mixture
Siltysand(SM) 9% Non-plastic Poorly graded
Clayeygravel(GC) 9% 11to13 Mixture of

5. Improvement proposals

5.1 Proposed alignment

The final alignment chosen for the project in consultation with <xx, yy> will <be
alongcurrent project road/ pass through xx, yy new towns- short description of alignment with

Figure 3: Map showing proposed alignment of project road

5.2 Bypasses proposed

Given increasing gurban traffic and congestion and the lack of available RoW in urban
areas through the project route, <x> urban areas are proosed to be by-passed in the proposed project

Table 12:Proposed by‐passesa long project length

Bypass plan
Urban area to
Start End Length Key driver for by‐pass
be bypassed
chainage chainage proposed
Nagar1 45.000 52.000 21.000 Heavy local traffic of~10,000
PCUs in town limits

5.3 Road geometry

The project road has been re-designed to accommodate speeds of <xx>, adopted as per
<standard or consultation with <AGENCY>>.Enabling this higher speed will requirere-
designandre-alignemnt of the road incertain sections given their <description of poor geometry>.

5.4 Widening scheme

Basis traffic in formation available, level of service requirements and consultation with
<<AGENCY>, local authorities etc. > ,the following lane configuration is adopted for the project

Table 13: Lane configuration planned for project road

Chainage Traffic
forecast Service
Section Start End Lane config. Comments
k PCU lanes

1 0.00 2.400 43.5 6 Yes Highurbantrafficin

2 2.400 60.400 16.4 4 No

Basis availability of RoW and land acquisition constraints, awidening schemehas been
proposed that makes optimum use of existing ROW and minimizes need for land acquisition in urban
areas, a summary of which is given below:

Table1 4: Summary of widening type proposed

Sl no Type of widening Length, Km

1 Concentric 2.400
2 Eccentric,Right 34.600
3 Eccentric,Left 33.800
4 Greenfield 16.000

5.5 Pavement design

5.5.1 Design period, loading and pavement type

Using the project ed traffic, VDF values, lane and directional distribution factors, the
design traffic loading used forthe project is <xxtoyy> MSA.

Through preliminary design and lifecycle comparisons, the <flexible/rigid/inverted> type of

pavement was chosen for construction with a design life of <xx> years as per
<IRC/MoRTH/<AGENCY> standards/request >has been considered for design.
5.5.2 Design sub‐grade strength

Considering the soil investigations conducted in the prject road area, and the availability of
suitable soil in the region, the following sub-grade strength has been assumed to vary from
<xx%>to<yy%> for various sections of the highway

5.5.3 Pavement composition for new carriageway

The proposed pavement composition forthe new sections carriageway basis

<standards>, subgrade strength and design trafficis:

Table 15: Proposed pavement composition

Sub-grade Pavement
Design Chainage Layer thickness (mm)
Section strength loading
Start End Min % MS GSB WMM DBM BC xx
1 0.400 2.400 10% 40 200 250 95-125 40
2 2.400 10.000 8%

5.5.4 Strengthening of existing pavement

The strengthening requirements for the existing pavement have been estimated from the
deflection measurements and estimated traffic loadings. The designed overlay proposed is as

Table 16: Overlay thickness required

Characteristic Overlay thickness(mm)

Chainage Distance
Section deflection
Start End Km Mm DBM Xx
1 0.400 2.400 2.000 1.6 95 40
2 2.400 10.000 7.600 1.3 50 40
5.5.5 Pavement design for service lanes

Pavement for service lanes is designed for MSA of xx-yy with a design CBR of~xx %. The
composition for the <flexible/rigid> service lane pavement along the project corridoris as follows:

Table 17: Pavement composition for service road

Layer Layer Thickness in mm

DBM 50
WMM 250
GSB 150

5.6 Design of structures

A long the project stretch, the reare several bridges, culverts, under/overpasses and flyovers. A
summary of the total number and proposed additionsis given in thet able below

Table 18: Proposed improvement to structures along project road

Construct in New
SlNo Structure Existing Dismantle Widen Re Total
parallel construction
1 4 1 - 1 2 3 7
3 Flyover
7 Culverts
8 xxx
5.7 Inter sections and grade separators

Based on the traffic and turning movement surveys conducted, <xx> junctions have been
identified forredesignor grade separation, the details of which are given below

Table 19: Proposed intersection improvement

Est Peak
SL. Existing Est total vol
Location HourVol Improvement proposed
No. Chainage (kPCU)
Grade separator
1 10.200 xxx 53333 3599

Grade separator
2 28.000 xxx 64315 3884


5.8 Tollplazas

Based on the traffic surveys, O-D surveys and layout of project road, <xx> toll plazas are
proposed along the project road:

Table 20 : Location of current and proposed toll plazas

Sl Existing Designc Existing no of Proposed no

No chainage hainage lanes of lanes
1 20.400 22.600 Nearorigin 2 6
2 95.000 101.500 Nearvia-nagarjunction New 6
x xx xx

5.9 Wayside amenities proposed

< local discussions, discussions with authority, demand modeling etc.> was conducted
tolocate various way-side amenities across the project road. A summary ofthe improvements proposed
is given below:

Table 21: Proposed use ramenities along project stretch

Sl no Amenity type Current Proposed Comments

1 Passenger 0 2
2 Trucklay-byes 5 15 High demand dueto urban are as along stretch

3 Busbays 4 10 Limited increased uetoscarcity of land

4 Busshelters 2 34 Proposed in lieu of bus-bays
5 Petrolbunks 1 5 Severe shortage along stretch

6. Environmental impact assessment

6.1 Impact and clearances needed

A environmental impact study was undertaken during the process of creating the detailed
project report to understand impact of the project road on the surrounding ecology and
environment. The project road is categorized as a category <xx> project by the MoE Fand
Asitis < xxkm> in length, it <will/willnot> require environmental clearances.

The proposed project <involves/doesnotinvolve> the acquisition of forest/ecologically

sensitive land, felling of trees and will impact wildlife habitat and will hence require individual
clearances for each. A summary of the environmental impact and clearances required is provided

Table 22: Environmental impact and clearances required

SlNo Impacttype Description Clearancestatus

Form1 submitted dd/mm/yyyy
Environmental Required due to nature of project,
1 and environmental clearance
clearance category ‘A’
obtained on dd/mmm/yyyy
Diversion 27.72 ha of land in <xx> district
2 Stage II clearance inprogress
of will need to be acquired
28,460 trees need to been able
3 Trees in RoW To be taken
road expansion

6.2 Cost of environmental mitigation

The Environmental Mitigation and Management Costswere developed based on

theestimation of resources required to implement the mitigation measures proposed and also
number of places where intervention is required. Environmental mitigation cost for the proposed
project is Rs.<xx>cr.
7. Social impact assessment and Landacquisition

7.1 Social impact assessment

The existing RoW (x-y m) is <adequate/ in adequate> for the proposed widening and
RoW requirements as required by <<AGENCY>/Authority>. This will lead to the additional
acquisition of <xx> Ha across the states of <states1, 2>, affecting total of <yy> villages in
<zz> districts . In addition to structures found to been croaching the current Row,there quired
acquisition is poised to affect <xx> residential land <yy> other structures.

Preliminary interaction shavebeen held with local stounderst and their issues and
concerns and help communicate the project plan and its impact on them. The key concerns of title
and non-title holders centered around:

• <Key issues expressed over and above land beinga cquired ,and compensation

7.2 Land acquisition requirements

The state and district wise details and status of land acquisition as on the date of
publishing of this reportis as follows:

Table 23 : District wise land acquisition requirements and status

Private 3A
Villagead Total land 3A
land to be done, 3D
State Chainage required Pending
acquired 3D completed
(Ha) (Ha)
(Ha) pending
Maharashtra 137 90 10 70 10
Gujarat <aaa> 454 400 20 300 80
Gujarat <bbb> 588 588 60 500 28
Gujarat <ccc> 688 320 80 160 80

A total of <xx cr> is expected to be awarded for the acquisition of land required for this
project. The land acquisition process is underway with a total of <xx>CALAs appointed, and
90% of land is expected to be inpossession by <xx,20xx>.

7.3 Key risk senvisaged in land acquisition

Despite the best efforts of the consultant and various lad acquisition teams working to
complete land acquisition, it is envisaged that acquiring possession of the RoW for some
specificsections of the project road may prove to be difficult or be delayed in ordinately. Such
potential risks are highlighted below:

• < Highlight any risks fore seen along with chainage andha affected>
8. Utilities shifting and clearances

Utilities belonging to <x> user agencies have been identified that fall within the project
roadROW and will need to be shifted to enable road construction. Shifting proposals have
beensubmittedto theuser agencies and initial estimates havebeenreceivedfromtheconcernedagencies.
The process of site inspection,review and revision of th eproposals forutilities shifting is in process.

<To enable bet termanagemento futilities and installation going forward, all utilities are being
shifted underground/into a utilitiy corridor/out of the road RoW/ utilities trench is being planned
as part of construction>

8.1 Utilities shifting estimates

Table 24: Key utilities shifting requirements

Sl Chainage Shifting cost Supervision Current
Utility Agency
No affected required % status
19 km of
overhead Final
66kV 123.00-
1 UPVVNL cable,4 ~140cr 15% approval
Power 145.00
Road obtained

8.2. Total cost of utilities shifting

The total cost of utilities shifting for all the utilities identifiedin the road RoW is
estimated to be <xxcr> with supervision charges of <yycr> being paid as supervision charges to the
<z> concerned agencies.
9. Project cost estimates

The cost estimates for the project has been carried out based on detailed design, bill of
quantities , and the schedule of rates for <state/district/authority> of year <xx-yy>.

Table 25 : Summary of project cost

No Item Amountin Cr Amountin%

Civil construction cost
1 Site clearance and dismantling 60 2%
2 Earth Work
3 Base courses
4 Pavingcourses
5a Repair and rehabilitation of structures
5b Bridges
5c Culverts
5e Fly overandover pass
5f Drainage, protective works and other services
5g RE/toe walls
6 Junction sand interchanges
7 Tollplazas
8 Useramenities
9 Trafficsigns, roadmarkings, other appurtenences
10 Miscellaneous

11 Maintenance of road during construction
A Total civil cost
12 Add contingencies @x%onZ
B Estimated project cost
13 Construction supervision @x%onZ
14 Agency charges@x%onZ
15 Quality control changes@x%onZ
16 Road safety cell audit charges@x%onZ
17 Maintenance costs @x%onZ
18 Escalation @x%onZ
C Total project cost
19 R&R cost
20 Environment cost
21 Cost of shifting utilities
22 LA compensation cost
D Total capital cost

10. Material investigation

Material investigations were carried out to explore the availability and identify sources of
suitable material for the construction of the road.

< retain only relevant sections>

10.1. Borrowpits for soil

Material investigation of <xxx> locations indicates that soil suitable for embankment
(ofCBR>xx% and density yy g/cc) and for sub-grade (CBR>xx% and density yy g/cc) is available
atanaverageleadofaatobb km forthe project stretch.

<included etailson additional material sources like construction rubble, moorumetc>

10.2. Sand

Sand is available in <close proximity> of the project site. Test results show that xx of yy sand
sourc essatisfy the minimum requirement for use in the project.

<Include details of additional potential for sources such as pond bed desilting, other
excavationh appening>

10.3 Gravel

Several quarries were identified for sourcing aggregates in the project zone. Xx of
yyquarries were found to be suitable for use in the construction of the road. <further details on
gravel available and suitability for construction>

10.4 Flyash

Flyash is available inclose proximity of the project road due to the presence of<xx

steel plant/power plant>. Test results show that the available fly ash <satisfies/does not satisfy>
the minimum requirement of <specification> touseas <material for embankment/cement mixture /
other layers>. The fly ash available has density greater than xxg/cc and shows an OCM ofxx-
yy%.< the fly ash located is non plastic>

10.5 Bitumen

Bulk bitumen ofthe<required grades> isavailable<closestsources>with an average lead of

<xxkm>.Forthe project road <grade> of bitumen has been proposed for <yylayer> due to
<reason> and <grade of bitumen> has been proposed for <zzlayer> due to <reason>.

10.6 Cement

Bulk bitumen of the <required grades> is available <closestsources> with anaverage lead
of<xxkm> .For the project road <grade> of bitumen has been proposed for <yylayer> due to
<reason> and <grade of bitumen> has been proposed for <zzlayer> due to <reason>.
Other local material available

Details of other local material available for construction

Table 26: Locally available and alternative materials

SlNo Material Source

1 Humepipes Local hume pipe factory in xxyy

2 xx xxxx

10.7.Key risks

Despite the best efforts of the consultant, the recontinue to be so mematerials and
sections of the project road where material will have to brought from significant leads.

Table 27: Key risk senvisagedin material procurement

Chainage Material Closestsource

1 Entireproject Bitument Closest available source is Mumbai at a

lead of 900km

2 223.00+ SoilofCBR>10% No borrow pitinvicinity, minimum lead

of 40 km

10.8.0 Location of material sources

Figure 4: Key plans howing location of potential borrow pits tested
11. Potential for value engineering and innovative technologies

Through out the detailed design of the project, several opportunities for value engineering and
introduction of new technology were explored that will help inreducing the cost of the project or
increas equality and longevity of project road. Approval of the seelements as part of the construction
design and suitable instructions to all stakeholders of the project can help significantly lower the
projected cost of construction.

A summary of the se opportunitiesis provided here.

Table 28: Key value engineering opportunities identified

Value engineering opportunity Potential impact
1 Use of inverted pavement with acement stabilized 40 % reduction in layer thickness
based and granular material in the base layer and ~15% reduction in TPC

12. Economic and financial analysis

12.1.Economic analysis of the project

The EIRR and NPV of the project has been carried out using <model/software> under
multiple scenarios, and the project returns <justify/do not justify> construction given an EIRRof xx in
the best case and yy in the worst case.

The various sensitivity scenarios considered were as follows:

0. Base case: Base cost and base benefits

1. Sensitivity 1: Base cost plus xx% and base benefits

2. Sensitivity 2:Xx

3. Sensitivity 3:Xx

There sults of the basecase and sensitivity analys is a represented below:

Table 29:Economic return analysis

Option Sensitivity Case S
NPV(inm NPV(inm
EIRR(in%) EIRR(in%)
illionRs.) illionRs.)
BaseCase 0 19199 30.31 2788.5 14.1
Sensitivity 1 18041 27.51 1362.6 12.9
With time
Sensitivity 2 15147 27.1 943.3 12.8
Sensitivity 3 13989 24.56 -ve 11.7
BaseCase 0 19199 30.31 2788.5 14.1
Sensitivity 1 18041 27.51 1362.6 12.9
With outtime
Sensitivity 2 15147 27.1 943.3 12.8
Sensitivity 3 13989 24.56 -ve 11.7

12.2 Financial analysis

12.2.1 Potential for toll revenue

The projected tollable traffic basis traffic survey and forecasts at the <xx> toll plazas
suggested in year <xx> is given below

Table 30: Toll able traffic on project stretch

1 @ Chainage 45.000
TollPlaza 2
Traffictype Total Tollable

Bicycle 47 0
2 Wheeler 3320 0
3 Wheeler 32 0
Tractor 24 0
Tractor with Trailer 389 385
2 Axle SCV 436 386
LMV2 axle 3561 3545
LCV2 Axle 577 603
2 Axle Truckor Bus 908 800
3 Axle Truckor Bus 1142 1062
Multi Axle Vehicles MAV 2033 1962
Oversized Vehicle OSV 2 1
Earth Moving
0 0
AADT (invehicles) 12471 6500

12.2.2 Results of financial analysis

With the most likely traffic scenario and assumed costs of construction, maintenance,
financing and tolling over the period of the project, the return on equity at various periods
ofconcession was calculated. Equity IRRfor this project will pass <15%> in year <x> of this
project, hence it <is/is not> possible to bid the project

Figure 5: Equity IRR with increasing concession period for project road
13. Execution plan

In consultation with <AGENCY>, it is proposed to complete the proosed project road in

aperiod of <xx> months. Planning for the project packaging, bidding process and construction
was conducted as apart of this project.

13.1 Packaging

Given the length of the project, the entire project is planned to be bid out in
<xx>packages with<yy>packages.

<include table of packaged etailsif more than 1 package>

13.2. Bidding mode and time lines

The authority has proposed to initiate bidding of the project under <bot/epc/ham> mode
<withagrant/premiumofxx%>. The tentative timeline for this is:

• Submission of bid documents to authority dd/mmm/yyyy

• Reviewand finalization of documents dd/mmm/yyyy
• Launch of tender dd/mmm/yyyy
• Tender close date dd/mmm/yyyy
• Tentative date for award of project dd/mmm/yyyy

13.3. Construction time and planning

Upon reviewing the improvements planned and in consultation with <AGENCY>,the design
and construction period for this project has been arrived at<xx> months from the date of appointment
of the contractor/concessionaire. To enable this construction schedule ,a detailed construction plan and
timeline has been included in the detailed project report. This also includes a traffic management and
lane closure plan for the period of construction.
14. Conclusions and recommendation

The <expansion/rehabilitation> of the project road from <source> to <destination> ,chainage

<a> to <b> on NH <x> in the states of <state 1, state 2> to <n> lane configuration is recommended for
implementation by <AGENCY> as the project is likely to <1 line justification/ need of project: provide
much needed connectivity/improve connectivity/provide higher level of service/ rehabilitat the road
etc, is needed urgently>.

The project as envisaged is economically viable with an estimated EIRR >12%. The
project with a 30 year concession period is expected to return an equity IRRof <xx%> with
<yy%> <grant/premium> and is hence recommended for implementation in the
<BOT/EPC/HAM> mode.

Table 31: Salient features and key financial aspects of the project roada

Project road length Xxkm
Connecting <origin> -<destination>
On national highway NHNo
Proposed features Current road Proposed
Lanes 2 4

Bypasses proposed - 5
Major junctions 5 5
Minor Junctions 18 18
Grade separated interchanges 1 4
Major Bridges 4 6
Minor Bridges 19 21
ROBs 1 3
Culverts 120 200
Vehicle/Pedestrian under/overpasses 16 25
Service roads (kms) 14 32
Slip roads (kms) 8 9
Tollplazas(no) - 2
Bus bays (no) 4 15
Truck lay-byes (no) 2 8
Rest areas (no) 2 6
Financial implications INR Cr/%
Total capital cost 1595
Total project cost 1486
Civil construction cost (incl.contingency) 1249
Pre construction expenses 110
Land acquisition 40
Utilities shifting 30
Rehabilitation and resettlement costs 20
Other pre-construction expenses 20
Implementation mode proposed BOT (Toll)
Total project cost 1486
Concession period 18years
<Authority> support(Grant/Premium) 18%
Estimated NPV 50
Project IRR 12%
Equity IRR 15%


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