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Postgraduate Application Form 2025.Zp250320 (2) (1) - Signed

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The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Pretoria (UP) for full-time postgraduate
study is open to African students who are first-year master's students with a grade point average (GPA)
of at least 70%. The Program targets African youth who face significant socio-economic barriers, refugees
or Internally Displaced People (IDPs), and persons with disabilities who will return to their home countries
and transform their communities. Applicants from countries outside the borders of South Africa should
meet the requirements of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), for more information visit
Applicants must not possess the degree for which they are applying.


1. In order to apply for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Pretoria (UP), you
MUST have applied to UP to study in the faculties listed below and arrange to have the required supporting
documents sent to the University. You will need your U - student number to complete this application form.
2. Only students in full- time programmes are eligible for this Program.

3. Documents listed below (in English only) are required to process your application:
i) Academic transcript from previous degree qualification
ii) Proof of gross income (pay slip(s)/pension advice(s)/financial statements/allowances,
maintenance) not older than 3 months for biological/adoptive parent(s)/legal
guardian/spouse/applicant’s source of income.
iii) If no proof of income or if unemployed, the source of income/maintenance/allowance must be
provided per individual by means of an affidavit. House Executive/housewives must confirm any
source of income by means of an affidavit.
iv) If a biological/adoptive parent is single or never married, an affidavit confirming marital status and
maintenance – also if not receiving any financial assistance.
v) If biological/adoptive parent(s) are deceased – death certificate(s).
vi) If biological/adoptive parent(s) are divorced, the decree of divorce and affidavit confirming
maintenance (also if not receiving any financial assistance).
vii) If a legal guardian is appointed by a court, the court order or an affidavit must be provided
supporting this. The guardian must declare a monthly allowance to the applicant by means of an
viii) Certified copy of ID/Passport.
ix) ID/passport for biological/adoptive parent(s)/legal guardian/spouse.
x) IDs/passport and birth certificates for both applicant and siblings.
xi) Proof of enrolment of all siblings at tertiary institution(s).
xii) A copy of refugee identity document (where applicable)
xiii) Any proof of disability (registration document or certified copy of a doctor’s report)
4. Only students admitted to the University of Pretoria will be considered for this Program. To maximize
consideration, apply early and ensure that the University receives all required documentation no later than
30 September 2024. Apply by 30 June 2024 for admission into a faculty.
5. Once you receive confirmation that you have been provisionally accepted, complete the application form
attached to the link below and submit with subletting document as a single PDF file to mcfsp@up.ac.za
6. This Program is limited to students who cannot afford to study at a tertiary institution. Do not apply if you
do not fall within this category.
7. Students may not hold other bursaries if awarded the funding opportunity (with the exclusion of UP
achievement awards).
8. All the information provided must be accurate and true. Any falsification of information on this application
may result in your application being excluded.
Date of Application: 20 / /
Please Indicate your University of
Pretoria Student Number:
Programme Choice:

Please note:
Once successful at UP you will have to enter into a bursary agreement with the Program.

Please mark options with an X.

Please mark answers in appropriate box Yes No

Have you applied for and been successful with any other bursary or
Explain: I have never availed any bursary but i was awarded a Merit-based
scholarship to study in India by the ICCR in 2019.

For which post-graduate programme have you been admitted?

Please fill in your choice of study programme.

Faculty Study Programme Choice

Economic and Management Sciences


Natural and Agricultural Sciences


Engineering, Built Environment and

Information Technology






Personal Information

Surname/Family Name Rodgers

Full given names (as in passport / ID) Carlos Induli

Name you prefer to be called Carlos

Date of Birth Your

28/12/1994 age 29

Country of Birth

Gender x
Residential and Contact Information

Address where you reside – Home

address (where you reside when not at 286-30100
Zip code / Postal code 50100

Email address carlitohs94@gmail.com

Contact telephone number(s) where we may reach you.
Landline Cell phone +254710166873 Own
Landline Cell phone Other
If “other” please state relationship

How often are you typically able to access the


Address where you will or do reside in

South Africa (e.g., University of Pretoria) University of Pretoria

corner of Lynnwood Rood

South Africa
Zip code / Postal code
General Information
Question Yes No
Has any court ever made an order declaring you mentally unfit? x
Have you ever been subjected to an administration order in terms of
section 74 (1) of the Magistrates Courts Act. i.e. have you ever had a
court order against you for being unable to pay your debts?

Are you a refugee?

Are you an Internally Displaced Person?
Are you a person with a disability?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, kindly provide details and add supporting
Parents/Guardian/Foster parents - Contact details
Title, Initials and Contact
Occupation Level of
Relationship Surname Numbers
Father Polycarp Rodgers Muhinda 254722526911 Driver High School
Mother Imelda Avukwa Shiangala Deceased Deceased Primary Education
Foster parent

Parents/Guardian/Foster parents - Education and Employment

Occupation Employer or Highest level of
Relationship (Please be specific even if self-employed) Workplace Education
Father Police Service Driver Government Police High School
Mother Deceased Deceased Primary Education
Foster parent

Please list the names of your siblings below

Siblings information

Full Name Gender Relationship Age Contact Number

Felix Muhinda Rodgers M Eldest Sibling 30 +79003242595
Bravin Rodgers Lihumi M Second Eldest Brother 29 N/A
Patience Mutinya Rodgers F Younger Sister 19 N/A
Please provide details of your family's yearly income from all sources

Total income per family

from mother's work
from father's work kes 31,985.90
from all family business
from real estate rentals
pension/retirement funds
from other relatives
Social grants of any sort
Total Monthly Net Income kes 31,985.90
Total Annual Income kes 383,830.80

Attach copies of the following information: pay slips for the last 3 months, proof of income,
bank account statements for each account, tax returns, loan documents and any other
information as evidence of your family's ability to contribute to your education.

Monthly Expenditure
Groceries ksh2000
Electricity ksh3500
Rent ksh 13,000
School Fees ksh 60,000 (my sister's semester 1 fee)
Loans ksh 51,014
Transport Fees ksh 15,000
Other Expenses ksh 17,100
Total Monthly Expenditures Approximately ksh 150,000
Complete the table below for all members of your family living in your home, including

Relation Year in Annual Your
Full Name Age to you School/University School Tuition Family
can Pay
Carlos Induli Rodgers 29 Self Punjabi University 2019-2022 Scholarship NULL
Felix Muhinda Rodgers 31 Eldest brother Shikokho secondary school 2007- 2011 ksh 30,000 barter fee payment
(Goods substitute)
Bravin Lihumi Rodgers 30 Second Brother Mautuma sec. school 2008 - 2012 ksh 40,000 Bad Debt
Patience Mutinya Rodgers 19 Sister Lugulu girls High school 2019-2023 ksh 85,500 a quarter

Amount of your current school fees (inclusive of all top-up fees and levies and boarding
fees). But my fees were paid by the India council forcultural Relations

Who currently pays for your fees? Graduated- paid by ICCR

Are you on any bursary/scholarship (please mark with an X): YES NO X

If so, how much does the bursary cover? Was Fully Funded

Do you have a passport? YES X NO

If yes, what was the purpose of your previous travel? Study

Have you ever travelled outside your home country? YES X NO

If so, please indicate when this was, where you travelled as well as the length and
purpose of the trip.

Travel Information

Destination When Duration Purpose

India 2019-2022 3 Years Merit Based Scholarship

Information on family assets
Question Yes No

Does your family own its own home? X

Does your family own a car? X
If yes list the year, make (e.g Honda/Toyota) and model (e.g.Civic/Prado)
Year Vehicle Make Vehicle Model

What else should we know about your background, your family, and your financial position

List all universities attended, location (including city/country) and which degrees completed.

Degree Who paid

Institutions City/Country
Completed school fees

Punjabi University, Patiala India Bachelor ICCR


List all clubs, sports and other activities you have participated in your community and/or
religious organisation. List approximately how many hours per week you have been involved in
each. Attach an extra sheet if required.

Sport/ activity Level Hours involved per

(School/Provincial/National) week
Gym(Sports and physical
2019-2022 education department) University Level 2 hours weekly
Departmental sport
2022-2023 participation Departmental level 4 hours

Please select one of the above activities that was most meaningful to you and explain why in
the space below.

Gym training has been my most meaningful sporting acivity. During university, I dedicated two hours daily,
six days a week to this pursuit. My passion for gym training extends beyond physical fitness; it significantly
improves my mental well-being. I represented my university in competitions across India, which allowed me
to challenge mysel and build a sense of community. Gym training has taught me valuable lessons about
perseverance, goal-settings and consistency. It has become a lifestyle that shapes me both physically and
mentally. The skills and mindset i've devloped through gym training have positively
influenced other areas of my life, including academics and personal relationships.
Have you participated in any special programmes that may assist you in preparing to apply for your
studies? If so, please list which programme and its location.

Programme Location

Science Festival under Environmental Education Program India

List any leadership positions you have held at school and note in which form/year/grade you
held that position (e.g., prefect, head girl/boy, president/secretary of a club, team captain, etc.).

Leadership Position Description Grade/Form/Year

Captain (international students Significant contribution in team
Association Football Team co-ordination and management 2022-2023
To inspire curiosity, creativity and
Co-ordinator/Event Secretary critical thinkers especially youths to
understand and address environmental

List any academic prizes or other awards/honours you have received.

Certificate of Achievement (2022-2023)

certificate of participation in departmental sport (2022-2023)
certificate of Appreciation (International students Football Team)



If you have been employed, list all forms of employment since degree completion.

Time Period Occupation (please be specific, Employer/Workplace Reason for

even if self-employed ) Leaving



Have you ever stopped attending university because of finances: YES NO x

If yes, please explain:
These questions help us to get to know you as a person. Please take time to answer them carefully,
honestly, and completely (not more than 300 words each).

1. Explain how your choice of study will impact on the career that you plan to pursue
My choice to study Environmental Science will greatly impact the career i plan to pursue. As an
African student, i've seen firsthand how environmental issues affect our communities. By learning
about environmental science, I'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to added these problems .
Global warming and environmental awareness are big concerns worldwide. In Africa, we face
challenges like deforestation, pollution and changing weather patterns. These issues hurt our
farmers, threaten wildlife and make life harder for many people. By studying Environmental
science I'll learn about these problems in depth and discover ways to solve them. With this degree,
hope to work on projects that make Africa greener and healthier. For example, I could help
communities set uop better waste management systems or work on reforestation efforts. I might
also educate people on sustainable farming practices that protectthe soil and use less water. My
goal is to contribute to solving global environment issues, starting in Africa. I believe that by
improving our local environment, we can make a diffence on a global scale. This career path will
allow me to work with other experts, both in Africa and around the world, to find solutions that work
for our unique situations. Choosing Environmental Science isn't just about getting a job. It's about
about making the Earth a better place for future generations. I want my children and grandchildren
to inherit a cleaner, safer Africa. By pursuing this field of study, I'll be in a position to make that
In conclusion, studying environmental science will give me the tools I need to start a meaningful
career in environmental protection and restoration. It will allow me to make a real difference in
Africa and contribute to the global fight against climate change and environmental degradation.







2. Engagement is an important aspect of The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program.

What is your responsibility to your community? What volunteer work in your community have you been
involved in, in the past and for how long?

As a community member, I believe my responsibility is to contribute positively to its development and

well-being. This belief has driven me to engage in various volunteer activities in both kenya and India
over the years. In Kenya, my focus has been on addressing basic needs in marginalised communities.
I've volunteered to distribute sanitary pads and clothing to less fortunate families, recognizing the
importance of hygiene and dignity. I've also participated in water supply efforts in the arid nothern
regions, helping provide this essential resource to those in need. Environmental conservation is a cause
i'm passionate about. In both kenya and India, I've taken part in community clean-up initiatives, including
cleaning water channels. I've also educated community members about the importance of maintaining a
clean and green environment. As a personal commitment, I plant a tree every year on my birthday.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I used my extra time to plant over 20 diiferent species of trees.
Recognising the importace of educating the younger generation, I've visited primary schools to teach
children about environmental responsibility. My goal is to instill these values early in their lives, hoping
to create a lasting impact on our community's future. These volunteer activities have been ongoing for
several years, reflecting my long-term commitment to community service. Through these experiences,
I've learned the value of giving back and the significant impact that individual actions can have on a
community. My volunteer work has not only benefited my community but has also enriched my personal
growth. It has deepened my understanding of social issues and strengthened my resolve to continue
making a positive difference in the lives of others.





In what ways do you currently give back?

After completing my bachelor's degree, I returned to Kenya with a renewed commitment to
environmental conservation and community development. My responsibility to my community is
multifaceted, focusing on creating a safe and healthy environment for fellow Kenyans and Africans.
Currently, I engage in weekly street cleaning and waterway plastic removal efforts. I also maintain a
personal tradition of planting trees on my birthdays and collaborate with organizations to protect forests
and conservation areas. Education is a key component of my community work. I visit schools to teach
students about environmental conservation and engage community members in discussions about
sustainable practices. I work with local farmers to promote environmentally friendly agricultural
methods, discouraging excessive fertilizer use and deforestation. As a volunteer, I assist
marginalized communities by helping provide basic necessities like water, food, and clothing.
Through these diverse activities, I strive to give back to my community by fostering environmental
stewardship, promoting education, supporting sustainable agriculture, and addressing social
needs. My goal is to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for my community and
beyond, leveraging the knowledge and passion I've developed through my
education and experiences





How do you see yourself giving back in the future?

In the future, I aim to give back by focusing on environmental conservation and education. I
plan to organize workshops to teach people about protecting our environment, lead tree
planting campaigns, and start community-based waste reduction programs. I'll work on water
conservation efforts, promote sustainable agriculture, and volunteer for wildlife protection.
Additionally, I'll advocate for clean energy, continue environmental research, engage youth through
school clubs, and work with leaders to promote eco-friendly policies. Through these efforts, I hope to
create a cleaner, greener environment for my community, country, continent, and the world, ensuring a
sustainable future where people live in harmony with nature.






Describe a situation where you had to overcome a significant obstacle/challenge(s) to reach a goal.
How did you react to this challenge, and what did you learn from this situation?

Losing my mother at 12 was the biggest challenge I've faced. Her death left a huge void in
our family and brought severe financial hardship. Without her income, affording basic
necessities like food and school fees became a daily struggle. I often went to bed hungry
and worried about being sent home from school for unpaid fees.
Despite the pain and difficulties, I was determined to continue my education. I took on small jobs after
school, like helping neighbors with chores, to earn money for books and uniforms. I studied hard,
knowing education was my path to a better future.
This experience taught me resilience and self-reliance. I learned to be resourceful, to persevere
through hardships, and to value every opportunity to learn. It strengthened my resolve to
succeed and help others facing similar challenges.





Why should you, specifically, be considered for the Program?

As a Bachelor's degree holder in Botany, I am eager to advance my education and career prospects
through a Master's in Environmental Science. In Kenya, where advanced degrees are increasingly
necessary for impactful employment, this scholarship would be transformative for my future and my
community. My passion for environmental stewardship, coupled with the need for higher qualifications
in today's job market, drives my pursuit of further education. The Mastercard scholarship offers a
unique opportunity to fulfill my dream of making a meaningful impact in my country and beyond.

The program's emphasis on networking is particularly appealing, as it would provide invaluable

connections to help achieve my career goals and contribute positively to my community. Additionally,
the financial support is crucial, as I currently lack the means to fund my graduate studies independently.
By equipping me with advanced knowledge and diverse experiences in environmental science, this
scholarship would enhance my ability to address pressing ecological challenges. The versatility gained
through this program would empower me to become a more effective advocate for environmental
conservation and sustainable development in Kenya.
Investing in my education through this scholarship would not only fulfill my personal aspirations but
also contribute to the broader goal of nurturing skilled professionals dedicated to environmental
stewardship in Africa.









I certify that all of the answers I have given in this application are complete and accurate to the best of
my knowledge and, if admitted, I agree to observe all the rules and regulations of the University of
Pretoria and the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary
action and expulsion from the Program. I agree that all documents submitted as part of this
application must be authentic and that any falsification of admission and/or academic records through
omission or misstatement by me in this application may result in cancellation of my admission and/or
other disciplinary action by the University of Pretoria.

Furthermore, I understand that this information and my university records may be reported to the
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and used for evaluation and other programme purposes. All
information will be kept in strict confidence and will not be released in any way that would permit
individual identification. I authorise release and use of this information, as described above, to the
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program.

I acknowledge that completing this application form does not automatically mean that I will be
accepted into the Program. Only candidates selected by the Committee for this Program will be
notified. The decision of the Committee is final. The University of Pretoria shall not be liable for any
claims against the Program in case of any disqualifications of applicants or unavailability of funding.

Applicant Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________


Full Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________

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