Paper 2 - Night (Report)

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Examiners’ Report

June 2022
International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R
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June 2022

Publications Code 4EA1_02R_2206_ER

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International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 2


This report will provide exemplification of candidates' work, together with tips and
comments, for Paper 2 (R) of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Specification A in
English Language. This was the summer 2022 series of the ‘A’ specification in IGCSE English
Language 9-1, the regional variation of the paper.

The specification consists of three components: Unit 1: Non-fiction and Transactional Writing
– 60% (examination); Unit 2: Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing – 40% (this
examination) OR Unit 3: Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing – 40% (non-
examination assessment). Candidates may also be entered for the optional Spoken Language
Endorsement (non-examination assessment).

Unit 2 for Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing is assessed through an
examination lasting one hour and thirty minutes. The total number of marks available is 60.
The reading and writing sections on this paper are loosely linked by the theme of the text
from the Anthology which appears on the examination paper.

The focus of this component is:

Section A – Poetry and Prose Texts: study and analyse selections from a range of fictional
poetry and prose texts.

Candidates should study the poetry and prose provided in Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel
International GCSE English Anthology in preparation for responding to a given prose extract or
poem in the examination.

The specification identifies that candidates:

‘should be able to read substantial pieces of writing (extended texts) that make significant
demands on them in terms of content, structure and the quality of language. Throughout the
qualification, candidates should develop the skills of inference and analysis.’

Candidates are advised to allocate 45 minutes to Section A, and there will be one essay
question on a poetry or prose text from Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE
English Anthology , which will be made available in a booklet in the examination if it is a longer
extract or will be in the Question Paper in the case of a poem. Candidates will answer the
question in this section and 30 marks are available. There are three bullet points to prompt
the response and the third bullet always asks candidates to consider language and structure.

3 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

Section B – Imaginative Writing: explore and develop imaginative writing skills.

Candidates are advised to allocate 45 minutes to Section B. There are three writing tasks, to
some extent linked by theme to the reading prose extract or poem. Candidates pick one
question to respond to and the response is worth 30 marks. The format of the tasks remains
the same for each series – Question 1 follows the format ‘Write about a time when you, or
someone you know…’, Question 2 follows the format ‘Write a story with the title…’ and
Question 3 offers two images as a prompt for a response which is always ‘Write a story that
begins…’ or ‘Write a story that ends…’.

The Assessment Objectives for this paper are:

Section A: Reading


read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and


understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their

Section B: Writing


communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting form, tone and register of writing for
specific purposes and audiences


write clearly, using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures, with appropriate
paragraphing and accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.

It was clear that candidates were all able to respond to the prose extract from the Anthology
in the examination, and that most had studied it before.

Throughout the qualification, overall candidates had been prepared well and all had, at
different levels, developed the skills required to answer the questions.

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It was also clear that candidates used what they had studied in their reading to feed into
their imaginative writing, which inspired them. As the specification identifies, the main aims
for our candidates in this paper are:

read critically and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their
own writing
write effectively and coherently using Standard English appropriately
use grammar correctly, punctuate and spell accurately
acquire and apply a wide vocabulary alongside knowledge and understanding of
grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken

Candidates had, pleasingly, been given the opportunity to practise their writing techniques
and planning and proofreading skills.

The responses of candidates had some positive features. Examiners were impressed by:

evidence that many candidates had understood and engaged with the content of and
ideas in the extract
the successful, integrated use of the bullet points within the question,
coverage of the assessment objectives required for this paper
the range of ideas and creativity for AO4
the attempt to vary vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structure for AO5
writing that showed at least appropriate tone, style and register for audience and purpose.

Less successful responses:

demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the extract and/or lack of awareness of the ideas in
the extract relevant to the question
failed to reference the question, with candidates simply writing something about the
extract, particularly the opening
rigidly followed the bullet points in the question so that language and structure points
were almost an ‘add-on’ at the end
had an insecure grasp of language and structure with a lack of understanding of how
language and structure were used, feature-spotting or confusion of terms
had limited comment on language and structure and relied heavily on description of the
prose extract or paraphrasing of it for Question 1
failed to support points using appropriate textual evidence or used over-long quotations
lacked organisation in their writing
lacked accurate spelling and secure control of punctuation and grammar.

5 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

It was clear that candidates had been able to find at least some information about how the
writer was creating interest for the reader and could comment on language and structural
features. Imaginative writing was often interesting, engaging and enthusiastic and had a clear
sense of purpose and audience in the voice and ideas used. Overall, examiners were very
impressed with the performance of candidates and with the range of responses they saw. As
Principal Examiner for this paper and Chief Examiner for the specification, it was a privilege
to read such accomplished work and to see the engagement, interest and significant hard
work in the responses candidates had completed.

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Question 1


The first two bullet points in the mark scheme relate to AO1 – read and understand a variety
of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives. The level of
understanding of the text from the Anthology is assessed in the first bullet point, and the
selection and interpretation of information, ideas and perspectives in the text in the second
bullet point. Overall, candidates engaged with parts of the prose extract. The bullet points
were followed by the vast majority of candidates and helped them to focus on the question.

There were some lengthy responses to the question, perhaps as the extract is lengthy and
candidates felt they needed to cover a lot of it – this is where there needs to be
discrimination in the selection of ideas and information relevant to the question.

At the very basic level candidates tended to comment very broadly on what was being said in
the prose text, especially the opening and some key ideas. They were able to show some
understanding of the extract, but the understanding and focus on which ideas were most
relevant in creating interest was uneven. There was often limited selection and interpretation
of information and ideas from across the whole extract. Less successful responses tended to
use the bullet points as headings and then had sections of the extract copied out, with
limited comment. This tended to lead to rather fragmented and repetitive responses that
could make it difficult to discern ‘clear understanding’ and above.

Some less successful responses were unclear in their knowledge of the extract, almost
tackling it paragraph by paragraph, including a great deal of information as they went
through. Unfortunately, this method almost always meant that they ran out of time, thus
missing the significant issues of the writer's 'thoughts' of strangling her younger sister and
the conversation with her father at the end of the story. Some also wrote with no reference
to the mental issues faced by the writer or the insomnia. A significant number of answers
never got as far as the conversation with the father nor developed important points such as
the midnight walks or the relationship with her sister. This meant that the first two bullets
were not addressed fully.

One examiner commented on coverage of the story:

‘Those who reached the later stages of the story were affected by the threat of strangulation.
They found the idea shocking and exciting at the same time. What made it more interesting
was the juxtaposition that she loved her sister 'more than anybody in the whole world'. This
triggered speculation about the lack of love and intimacy between the writer and her
parents. She was seen as isolated, lonely and troubled.’

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Mid-level responses were at least able to identify some of the key areas of the extract which
would create interest, although there was often an imbalance where the focus was on
identifying basic/valid ideas and information (for example the context of the extract, with
points and references coming from the earlier part of the text) rather than being appropriate,
apt or persuasive for the higher levels. For example, candidates achieving the mid-level often
had not considered more than broad ideas. There was a lack of ‘drilling down’ into the extract
to examine the more nuanced ideas that were considered by candidates achieving higher
marks, for example the symbolic significance of the night and snow being a covering to hide
reality. Many responses were only able to show some understanding because they did not
focus enough on the writer’s methods or point of view, or on the reader’s reaction to the
ideas they wrote about.

More astute responses explored the negativity of the term 'growth'. Many noted the
metaphorical effect of 'a cloud around the word'. They speculated on the lack of honesty or
the lack of intimacy between mother and daughter, in that the cancer was not discussed,
with 'It's all over now' being an inadequate response to the situation. The best responses
connected the writer’s tumour, insomnia, and worrying thoughts about her sister to show a
perceptive understanding.

One examiner noted:

‘The idea of alienation and isolation were often the points made and were made well. What
was not often made as well were the narrator’s sense of fun and the child-like perspective of
the narrator which obviously had an effect on the way she dealt with and responded to the
things which happened to her.’

The successful answers not only had a comprehensive view of the story but were able to
comment perceptively about the underlying views of the narrator that her mental health
issues were addressed in a low-key way and this was different to how similar issues would be
addressed today, the view that a low key approach may well have been central to her mental
survival. Better responses also highlighted the effect of the father’s intervention on the
writer’s attitude, and how it helped to ease her mind, which allowed her to sleep again.

Some typical ideas were insomnia, mental health, isolation, childhood and reflection, for

‘focus on her insomnia, the removal of a mysterious growth from her body and her
relationship with her family and its members...’
‘...presenting a mentally unstable and generally unreliable narrator exploring the effects of
neglect on a young girl's mental health’
‘...presents the isolation of the main character as well as her experiences with mental
illness and the significance of family in that struggle’

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‘...the themes of insomnia, childhood, nostalgia and the effects of sleepless nights are
‘...lack of mental health support at the time as well as how the mental illness affected her
life and how it slowly took control of her and twisted her thoughts’

Some candidates commented on the 'demons', which were linked to evil or had religious
connotations, as well as to the mental health issues which were seen by some as a major
thread in the story. Those candidates who organised their time in order to cover the meeting
and conversation between the writer and her father mentioned how little the writer
says/showed awareness of the mingling of direct and indirect speech/admired the way the
father dealt with the situation sympathetically and commented on the simplicity of his
reactions. This was sometimes linked with the father's punishments, the contrast being
emphasised, for example: 'The dichotomy of her father, a man who had beaten her but also
somehow understands what she is feeling.'

Examiners felt that the ‘spitting incident’ captured the interest of the candidates, even though
it was only a threat. It highlighted the sense of isolation which existed; there was jealousy in
the idea that her sister had her own friends and games.


The third bullet point in the mark scheme relates to AO2 – understand and analyse how
writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects. There needs to be
understanding of the language and structure used in the text, and the level of skill is also a
discriminator. Explain is a mid-level skill, comment a lower level skill and explore/analyse
higher-level skills, which gives candidates opportunities to achieve across the range.

At the lowest levels candidates often made reference to language and structure as a brief
add-on at the end of the answer. Candidates here often identified and named devices, for
example simile and short sentences, but did not demonstrate the skill or understanding to
discuss their use and did not link these to the question. At this level responses were
characterised by writing without any explanations – candidates here were good at finding
both language and structure features, but not as confident at explaining them. The
responses were much more at a descriptive level, with limited and underdeveloped evidence.
A number of candidates structured their essay around techniques, and these were mostly
underdeveloped responses. They were not focused upon the first two bullet points in the
mark scheme (AO1) sufficiently and points tended to be random.

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Mid-level responses were commenting on and explaining language and structure, with
appropriate and relevant references. These responses often demonstrated the ability to be
able to pick out features, but often there was little developed explanation of the effect of
these features. The majority were able to comment clearly on, for example, simile/metaphor,
short sentences, repetition, variation in punctuation and single line paragraphs. Some
explanations were non-specific and unrelated to the question: ‘The writer uses language and
structure to engage the reader.’ Many commented on the idea of the 'turkey's egg' referring
to it as a simile or metaphor. Many also referenced the simile 'like a visitor' (in my own
house) and explored the sense that she did not belong at home. Occasionally there was an
imbalance between coverage of AO1 and AO2, where responses were only able to show
some understanding because they did not focus enough on the writer’s techniques or point
of view, or on the reader’s reaction to the ideas they wrote about.

The best responses were making points about both language and structure consistently,
confidently and succinctly. These responses were exploring and analysing language and
structure, with detailed and discriminating references. At the higher levels candidates were
able to explore less obvious features, such as the tone, the narrator’s role in the story and
symbolism. The examples of language and structure used in the best responses were much
more considered and selected, showing a perceptive understanding of techniques and the
effect of details selected on the readers. The best responses connected the writer’s tumour,
insomnia, and worrying thoughts about her sister to show a perceptive understanding.

There were a few interesting points made on structure noted this series. Many candidates
were extremely efficient at identifying technical terms, such as ellipsis, and the most
successful responses linked these closely with the points being made, with reference to why
these devices were effective. The use of one sentence paragraphs was a popular choice,
particularly ‘I was not myself’. Many responses considered the use of short sentences and
repetition with varying degrees of success.

The final bullet point in the mark scheme relates to selection and use of references from the
text which has been studied for both AO1 and AO2. This is a very useful discriminator in this
question. As previously mentioned, candidates were sometimes unable to consider
references that supported different ideas and information (rather than many references
which illustrated the same point) where candidates perhaps missed key elements that would
have demonstrated apt, persuasive selection of information and ideas.

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This answer opens with focus on the question, and the identification of
first person (language). This is referenced quite a lot – ‘the narrator
appears as the main character’, ‘The storyteller is now the main
character’. There is some attempt to reference effect – it creates a
realistic sense, and it is a conversation with the reader. There is
selection of a couple of events – the growth, the reasons for the
insomnia. There is also the identification of the short one sentence
paragraph. The reference to unstable mental health is not really
connected to the examples – does the candidate mean that short
sentences show instability?

There is evidence of some basic understanding of the text (Level 1/2),

and there is some selection and interpretation of information which is
valid (the growth and the insomnia). There is basic identification of
language and structure, but we are not always convinced that there is
much understanding of the features of first person and a single
sentence paragraph. There are some valid references. Given the bullet
points of Level 1 are met and there are touched of ‘some
understanding’ (Level 2), the ‘best-fit’ for this response is just into Level
2 with a mark of 7.

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Life-threatening events are identified early on, supported by relevant
events and references. There is some implicit understanding of the text
evident, for example ‘She was in a dire situation.’ The candidate
identifies hyperbole as a language feature, which is valid, and gives a
valid reference. There is some evidence of understanding in the ideas
of the adventure and the ‘weak’ child, but these could be more
developed and on the first page the response is a touch narrative. On
the second page the ideas of insomnia and dark thoughts are valid, but
not developed, and the idea of being a stranger and ‘trying to find
herself again’ in an interesting one that could have moved the
response higher in the mark scheme had it been developed further.
This could also be said for the idea of fighting her inner thoughts at
night. There is a reference to short paragraphs (sentences?) at the end
which is not developed.

There is ‘some understanding of the text’ here, Level 2. The selection

and interpretation of information is valid, but not always developed or
linked to the question – some ideas are quite interesting. Language
and structure are identified, and there is evidence of fairly basic
understanding and an attempt to link to effect. The references are
valid, but not developed.

The candidate meets the first two bullet points from the mark scheme
in Level 2, although more connection to the question is needed. The
third bullet point is met in Level 1 and does move into Level 2 with
some comment. The final bullet point is met in Level 2 – references are
valid, but not developed. A mark at the higher end of Level 2 is
appropriate, and 10 is awarded.

This is a short response, with small handwriting – we are reminded

that length is not always a sign of quality.

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The response opens with a clear focus on the question, identifying the
narrator’s ‘inner conflict’ and problem with insomnia. There is a
reference to structure, specifically ‘short, powerful single sentence
paragraphs’, with a point about the reader’s response to these. The
idea of the narrator’s ‘possible madness’ is continued through the
reference to rhetorical questions, indicating the narrator ‘isn’t sure of
her identity’. The effect on the reader is considered in some detail, with
a focus on ‘worry’. A further structural point concerns the short
sentence ‘Think again!’, highlighting the narrator’s struggle to think
logically, causing the reader to sympathise and consider ‘the
consequences of her dreadful state’.

The reference to ‘detailed description’ introduces quite a vague

language point based on the narrator’s actions in leaving the house at
night. However, this leads to a more effective subsequent idea of
keeping ‘her actions in secrecy’, making the reader wonder why this is.
The well-developed point about secrecy concludes with a reference to

The answer shows sound understanding – with the proviso that this is
of certain parts of the text. The first bullet point is met in Level 3. The
selection of information and ideas, which is bullet point two, is less
successful. The answer includes ideas about insomnia, leaving the
house at night and secrecy but there is no mention of important
details such as the ‘growth’, which is hinted at as a possible reason for
the narrator’s mental instability, and no discussion of the relationship
with her sister and father, so the selection is valid but not developed.
There is a clear explanation of how language and structure is used,
fulfilling the third bullet point, but the main strength of this third bullet
point is a strong focus on the effect on the reader, sustained
throughout the answer. The references are valid and relevant to the
points being made. The answer does not move higher in Level 3 for the
reasons outlined above.

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This response starts out with clear understanding and explanation,
and then moves more into exploration as it goes.

The response shows sustained understanding of the extract, and there

is a real attempt to respond to the question and material. There are a
number of ideas examined – insomnia, feeling like an outcast due to
her personality, psychological issues, other people’s reactions to her,
worry/concern, intrusive thoughts, sanity, the relationship with her
sister and her father. The focus on the question is sustained
throughout the response. Some key areas are not explored, but the
selection and interpretation of information and idea is appropriate and
quite detailed.

For AO2 there is definite clear understanding and explanation of

language and structure and how these are used by writers to achieve
effects. There are some touches of quite thorough understanding and
exploration, especially the reference to ‘demon’. The selection of
references is appropriate and is relevant to the points being made.
Bullet point 1 of the mark scheme is met in Level 4. Selection and
interpretation of information is appropriate, detailed and fully
supports the points being made, and the second bullet point is also
mainly met in Level 4, although we need more thorough coverage. AO2
is definitely met in Level 3, and there are some points that show
exploration (Level 3/4). The references are quite detailed, but not
always, so a mixture of Level 3 and 4 is achieved here. On balance, and
using the ‘best-fit’ principle, a mark of 22 in the middle of Level 4 is

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This is an unusual response, which repays careful consideration. In
terms of approach, the answer works through a lengthy series of what
appear to be bullet points, a technique which has both advantages and
disadvantages. It is important to recognise and accept that candidates
have different ways of presenting material. The writing is difficult to
read and seems fragmented at times, but it does repay at the least a
second reading, when many positives can be identified.

The answer begins with a fairly unusual approach by considering the

significance of the title ‘Night’, which creates a sense of mystery,
tension and secrecy. The tension is continued with the pathetic fallacy
of ‘snowstorm’, a ‘cataclysmic’ event which intrigues the reader. The
use of background detail about the rural area, the war and ‘familial
problems’ provides a context of the time and of the writer’s childhood,
while the ‘conversational tone’ indicates she is talking direct to the

By the end of the second page in the answer, the bullet points have
covered a considerable range of material, have introduced language
and structural points, often with perceptive comment and have kept as
a focus the effects on the reader. A disadvantage with the approach
adopted is the lack of depth in some of the points and their rather
random nature, as shown by the brief reference to humour towards
the bottom of the second page. Here, the humour is not identified, nor
is the significance of making her story ‘more fun’ explored at all.

29 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

On the other hand, the writer’s relationship with her sister is
important, while the ‘self-deprecatory’ tone is a perceptive point that is
explored in some depth. ‘People view her differently after her surgery’,
while she feels ‘her own house is alien to her’. The idea that she feels a
‘sense of otherness with her own family’ is perceptive. Additionally,
there is further persuasion in the references to language when
introducing the idea of ‘demons’ and the thought of ‘fratricide’, which is
‘illegal everywhere since the beginning of humans’. This is a thought
the writer does not want.

There is sustained and sometimes perceptive understanding of the

text. At times, the selection of material seems random, as in the point
mentioned earlier about humour, but sometimes the material is
significant, as in the idea that her father’s silence invites her ‘to spill her
intentions’ although she did not intend to do so. This inconsistency and
the fact that strong ideas are often not developed fully explains why
the mark is not near the top of Level 5. Meeting all the criteria for Level
4 and then having moments of perception, enables the award of a
mark just into Level 5.

Ensure your handwriting is clear – examiners will reward what they can
read, but it is much easier to make sure you achieve marks by keeping
your writing tidy.

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Question 2

This was the least popular of the writing responses and examiners noted a range of
responses to this question being offered. Many candidates were able to offer ideas about a
time that they or someone else was away from school, for a variety of reasons.

These answers often appeared to be based on truth and fact, with excitement conveyed
about legitimately being out of school for whatever reason. Possible reasons included

a holiday abroad with family

illness or a planned operation in hospital
a sudden event like a death or an accident
bullying which necessitated changing schools.

There were several examples where time off school was initially met with pleasure and
excitement but subsequently this turned to regret and problems for reasons such as missing
work and getting behind, feeling isolated and worried, friends stopped visiting or contacting
them on social media or they felt ostracised.

The responses were presented as first or third person narrative, showing a sense of realism
and often moments of humour. The majority of responses attempted to engage the reader
but at the lower end of the mark scheme responses were a little formulaic, simply saying
when/why they were away from school. This tended to make the writing rather mechanical
and did not enable scope for descriptive writing. Most responses, however, showed crafting
of the story and added touches of description.

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The candidate communicates in a broadly appropriate way. There is an
opening, some basic development and a conclusion – a friend not
turning up to school, the worry about her, not hearing from here, and
the return to school and discovery that it was a prank. The candidate
therefore shows some grasp of the purpose and of the intended
reader. The use of form, tone and register is quite basic, but some
touches of description (like the beautiful sunny morning, the thoughts
about why Sara might be absent, Sara’s panic and the need to console
her) move it to being more straightforward.

In this response there is evidence of full Level 2 achievement in AO4.

AO5 is also securely into Level 2. The candidate definitely expresses
and orders information and ideas, and there is an attempt to
paragraph and use a range of structural and grammatical features (the
subheadings, for example). There is some correctly spelt vocabulary,
for example friends, forgotten, panicked, consoling. There is a lack of
control of punctuation, so the third bullet point is met in Level 1: uses
punctuation with basic control, creating undeveloped, often repetitive,
sentence structures. Given there is some quite varied vocabulary (Level
3), but these touches of Level 1 control, a mark at the top of Level 2 is

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Question 3

Examiners again read a range of responses, with more candidates responding to this
question than Question 2. Examiners felt here that the stories were often fast-moving and
sometimes violent, with candidates taking the need to escape as being from something
negative. They included such things as:

female oppression
human trafficking.

Examiners also saw responses which were very imaginative, where the escapee turned out to
be an animal, with a twist which was very well-disguised. Overall it was felt that the question
allowed candidates freedom and the opportunity to employ descriptive techniques and
create atmosphere, with very successful examples such as:

‘Criminal guilt is one thing, moral guilt is another.’

‘It doesn't matter who shoots the gun, but it matters who pays for the bullet.’
‘The place reeked of despair and broken dreams.’
‘The death was a quiet one, a small ripple in the water, seemingly insignificant.’

There were some responses where the ideas were too ambitious for the time the candidate
had, so the endings were either inconclusive or did not make sense. Stories were mostly
appropriate in use of register and tone went and some of the more successful responses
achieved top marks and allowed, as one examiner noted ‘talented students to produce really
delightful, accomplished and creative work.’

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This is a secure example of Level 3 achievement for AO4. There is a
reasonably effective opening, with an attempt at the creation of
tension, while the second paragraph introduces the character and
situation. The idea of Emma’s superpowers is suggested during what
might have been a confrontation with ‘a gang of teenagers'; her
success at dismissing the gang is short-lived when a demon captures
her, having recognised those superpowers. However, it is a second
teenage girl who rescues the situation, causing the man/demon to
disappear. The sustained narrative communicates clearly, with a sense
of purpose and appropriate tone, confirming that the response should
be placed in Level 3. There are less convincing moments. Why is the
girl who helped Emma ‘out of breath’? Why is Emma pursued by the
‘authorities', when to all intents and purposes she has rescued the
village from a ‘murderous plan’? A mark of 10 recognises both the
strengths and weaknesses of the writing, with more emphasis on the

For AO5 the candidate manages appropriate information and ideas,

for deliberate effect. The candidate uses structural and grammatical
features and paragraphing for clarity, such as the use of ellipsis eg
‘Hallucination…..’, single word sentences eg ‘Astonished. Shocked.’ and
short paragraphs to create tension eg ‘The man disappeared. He was
gone. Emma was free.’ There is accurate spelling of a fairly wide,
selective vocabulary, such as slithered, comprehend, hallucination,
enormity and murderous. There are errors, but there is sufficient
evidence of wide, selective vocabulary to move AO5 just into Level 4,
with a mark of 8.

International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 44

45 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R
International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 46
47 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R
This response has a clear opening with some appropriate descriptive
detail – the ‘deeply intense passion’ and ‘every second of the day’. The
sneaking out of the house is quite effectively described, building on
this clear opening, for example ‘we walked there with much
enthusiasm’. The sense of foreboding is quite effectively created: ‘my
throat seemed to be stuck in a knot’. There is some evidence where
quite extensive vocabulary is used, for example ‘enthralled’, but it is not
used strategically. The images are effective in creating a sense of fear
and danger and are very graphic: ‘A foul smell reached my nose’. The
aftermath of the incident is clearly and quite effectively crafted. For
AO4, the response meets all of Level 3, and there are elements that are
successful and effective. A mark of 13 at the lower end of Level 4 is
appropriate here.

For AO5 the candidate again meets Level 3. The ideas are developed
and connected, but not fully ‘managed’. There is, however, some wide
and selective vocabulary, and there are not many spelling errors. There
are some lapses in control, but the sentence structures are managed
well for deliberate effect, for example the single sentence paragraphs
and short sentences used for effect.

International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 48

Question 4

Many candidates used Image 1, but not many used Image 2 – although it is not a
requirement of the question to do so. Image 1 inspired candidates to think of a
house/mansion/castle/cathedral/family estate and use this as a basis for a visit with friends,
when various unforeseen and unpleasant events occurred.

The responses were often narrative, although many had an element of description. Image 1
triggered all kinds of supernatural stories and haunted houses used as a basis for dares, for

One very successful response crafted the reader’s response by saying:

‘Many things happen in the dark shadows of night, the shadows a mask, a costume, a tool for
sinners like me.’

The least successful responses used content that was heavily reliant on cliché, which,
although clear, was not pushing into effective/successful/perceptive. Candidates clearly
engaged with the idea of something looking different, however in some cases the ideas were
far too complex for a time-limited examination. In the less successful responses, the variation
in vocabulary was not always in evidence and the opportunity to use interesting and unusual
descriptive writing was not often taken. The tone and the register were appropriate, although
the clarity of the content was not always there.

49 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

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51 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R
International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 52
This story starts with a short plan, which indicates where the candidate
plans to use a range of punctuation.

It has an effective opening ‘threat’, the threat of being thrown out, and
there is a humorous tone which is successfully created and sustained.
In some places it is not fully clear if full stops are used, although they
are implied. The ideas are well-organised to create effect – ‘Think,
Jolene, think’ – but in some places also can be a little repetitive: ‘That is
when…’ is repeated. The dialogue is effective at creating the
relationship between siblings and creates a sense of their
personalities. Some of the sentence structures fragment the writing a
little, but they are still successful. The adverbs are used for deliberate
effect. The description of the weather is effectively crafted to create a
sense of foreboding in the journey to this house. The ending is not
quite subtle as it moves to description of the image from the paper,
perhaps considering that this must be covered (it is not required).

For AO4 all of the bullet points in Level 4 are met. It communicates
successfully, with a secure sense of purpose and the intended reader.
There is effective use of tone, style and register – the touches of
humour are effective. It does not move into Level 5 as it is not quite
subtle or sophisticated, but it is bordering on that.

In AO5 the response shows management of information and ideas,

and structural and grammatical features, such as dialogue, are used
deliberately. There is some wide, selective vocabulary, for example
ecstatic, unaffordable, distinguish. There are some minor lapses in
punctuation, but a range is used for clarity, and the sentence
structures are managed for deliberate effect, for example the short
sentences. All of the bullet points in Level 4 are achieved, and a mark
of 10 is awarded.

53 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 54
55 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R
International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 56
This is a competent, high-quality and compelling response which
instantly makes the reader want to find out what happens next. The
opening is effective, and the whole piece is perceptive and subtle – the
suggestion is created of a ‘crime family’ and there is a subtle danger
and threat throughout, coupled with tender moments of family love.
The task is sharply focused on purpose and the expectations of the
intended reader. There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register,
with the very well-managed grappling with the love for family and the
sense of being betrayed and losing everything. The use of the broken
mirror motif at the end of the story is very effective and original. There
is full achievement of Level 5 here for AO4.

For AO5 the candidate manipulates complex ideas, utilising a range of

structural and grammatical features to support coherence and
cohesion. An extensive vocabulary is used strategically here, and
although there are spelling errors these do not detract from overall
meaning A range of techniques are employed with subtlety and
sophistication, for example repetition, sentence starters and dialogue.
Punctuation is accurate and well-controlled to aid emphasis and
precision, and a range of sentence structures is used accurately and
selectively to achieve particular effects. While it appears that there is a
very long starting paragraph, this may be deliberate, showing stream
of consciousness or reflecting the difficult journey to the Fritz mansion.
AO5 does not have to be perfect to achieve the top mark within
Level 5.

57 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R


For this part of the assessment, examiners felt that candidates were engaged and
enthusiastic in their writing. It is worth noting that examiners always enjoy reading the
writing responses, with one saying ‘I read some wonderful answers in this series…I cannot
remember ever giving so many full marks. One answer reduced me to tears, which is quite
an achievement after all the marking I've done for various papers.’

The least successful responses were fairly basic, with straightforward use of tone, style and
register and audience and purpose not always clear. At this level candidates tended to
express but not always connect ideas and information, with limited use of structural and
grammatical features and paragraphing. Pleasingly, there were few responses that only
achieved Level 1 and where they did this was mostly because these candidates hardly wrote
anything, offering a basic response, or the sentences did not make sense at all.

The majority of candidates tended to at least have straightforward and at best appropriate
use of tone, style and register, selecting material and stylistic or rhetorical devices to suit
audience and purpose. In the main candidates tended to connect, but not always develop,
ideas and information, with some structural and grammatical features and paragraphing. In
some cases, the writing lacked development to move higher into the mark scheme for AO4.
For the majority of responses the use of vocabulary and syntax tended to be at least
appropriate. Less successful responses used repetitive structures and language and at times
limited devices to vague simile/metaphor, use of short sentences, questions and
exclamations for effect.

In the best responses, candidates tended to have subtle use of tone, style and register,
managing ideas and stylistic or rhetorical devices to suit audience and purpose. At the higher
levels candidates tended to manage, but not always manipulate, ideas and information, with
a range of structural and grammatical features and paragraphing. Responses at the highest
levels had some creative ideas and conscious, successful crafting. The best responses tended
to have some selective vocabulary used for specific effect rather than just to demonstrate
knowledge of particular multi-syllabic words.

The assessment objectives for these tasks effectively discriminated the quality of responses.
Advice to centres would be to encourage candidates to avoid thinking they need to write a
whole novel or even short extract in the time available – they need to have a clear
organisation and direction in mind, and to perhaps not ‘over-season’ the pieces with
vocabulary and syntax.

The main areas that discriminated these responses were:

International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 58

whether candidates could meet both parts of the first part of bullet one in the mark
scheme for AO5 – for example they often expressed ideas to achieve in Level 2, but these
ideas lacked the order for the second part of that bullet. In Level 3, they may have
connected ideas but not developed them
the success of tone, style and register in AO4
the spelling of basic vocabulary in AO5
the accuracy of punctuation and use of varied punctuation in AO5
the use of a range of sentence structures for AO5.

Varying sentence structure and punctuation were areas centres had focused on: varying the
way sentences begin; more use of subordinate clauses to begin complex sentences; effective
use of one-word sentences and one-sentence paragraphs to demonstrate conscious crafting.
Some candidates attempted to use ambitious vocabulary while some seemed to steer away
from ambitious vocabulary in order to maintain accuracy. A key message to centres is to
focus on crafting and organisation whatever the nature of the task. This was a common
weakness running through all but the very best answers. The less successful answers were
formulaic, showing a lack of organisation and often demonstrated a lack of planning and
direction. Be ambitious in the structure, vocabulary and range of ideas and try to be creative
and original. There was some excellent description and evidence of crafting at all levels. One
examiner noted:

‘It is only the strongest responses that have a firm knowledge of how to hook, intrigue and
lead their reader with them that obviously shine out in such assessments. Centres could
consider how such skills can be fully embedded and developed as candidates build on the
writing skills introduced to them in earlier years.’

In terms of register it was clear that the majority of the candidates knew how to write an
imaginative piece. Examiners noted that lack of control could let candidates down and that
control of language was also a problem at times.

Key issues for AO5 include:

vocabulary that was unimaginative or that used what seemed to be a list of words given
beforehand and not always appropriate
tenses were often an issue
paragraphing was sometimes a problem
punctuation lacked variety
limited range of punctuation and sentence construction.

Handwriting was an issue this series. Examiners will do their best to read responses, but
cannot credit, for example the quality of vocabulary, if it cannot be read.

59 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

Paper Summary

Based on their performance on the paper, candidates are offered the following advice:

Ensure you have studied the poetry and prose texts in the Anthology fully and use the
examination time to remind yourself of the text, not re-read it.
Read the question carefully and make sure you are answering this question, not telling the
examiner what you know about the text you have studied. The selection needs to be
relevant to the question you are being asked, in this case how the writer attempts to
interest the reader.
For AO2 (language and structure), make sure you are offering ideas about how language
and structure are used. Many of you were able to give examples, but sometimes you did
not offer points about how the examples were used.
For AO2 try to cover points on both language and structure, commenting on the different
techniques that have been used by the writer and how they link to the overall topic of the
question, in this case how the writer creates strong feelings.
When you are writing, always think about your reader, what information and ideas you
want to develop and how you want the reader to react at different parts of your writing;
then choose the best words, phrases or techniques available to you to achieve those
Think carefully about how you will begin to write so that it is engaging for your reader
from the very start.
As you begin to write, know where you will end. This will help you to write in a manner that
is cohesive and coherent for your reader.
Take care throughout with accuracy with spelling, punctuation and grammar
In writing, focus on crafting and organisation, whatever the nature of the task.
Be ambitious in your structure, vocabulary and range of ideas and try to be creative and
original. We are often incredibly impressed with your creativity and ability to write in such
an imaginative way in the time given.
Always respond to the questions set, not a question you have prepared – this does not
often lead to effective responses
Make sure handwriting is legible and clear.

International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R 60

Grade boundaries

Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:

61 International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 02R

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