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Constituent of Symbiosis Intemational (Deemed University), Pune ELECTRONICS & | TELE-COMMUNICATION | ENGINEERING SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE of Tesino.oo io epee eae (Established under Section’ of the UGC Act, 1956|| Re-accredited by NAC with ‘A++" grade | Awarded Category ~ I by UGC HIGHLIGHTS Going Beyond Flexi Credit Industry Visits, Bost In Class and Classroom and Value Added Hands-on Sessions, Laboratry Courses Technical Events, Infrastructural Expert Telks Facilities Industry Foreign Entrepreneurship Creative, Critical, Tinker Lab and Internship Languages Courses and Design Project based Thinking Learning IEEE Stucent Electronics Service Learning = Acaciemic Diploma In Business Branch Design Club Activities Curriculum Management Benchmarked from SIBM, Pune with International Universities AICTE True Blend Mentor-Mentes Newsletter Global immersion Reccommeded of Cultures System and Program, Curriculum Remedial Teacring Honors Specializations Minors Specializations + Embedded Systems + Artificial Intelligence * Mechatronics and Automation and Machine Learning * Optoelectronics and Communication * Aerial Robotics and Drone Technology * Signal Processing * Data Science * Bioelectronics Systems * Internet of Things + Sustainable Energy Devices * Smart Cities and Urban Analytics and Systems + Automobile Engineering with Hybrid and Autonomous Technology Average Multiple Placement % oO fi Students Total with number of more than companies 30+ LPA visited Major Recruiters for Internship/ Placement @cromsto Medienct — miniSronge F vec eg? Soy Be _VOIS awn — GOMO ‘Stipend 1 Phonabe ‘40000 3 Z Intetipat 32000 3 3 Phonen communication 30000 2 road ‘Stipend 4 Harman 25000 é 5 Hewlett Packard 20000 4 + 40 students got astipend of more than 70k per month + Earn while you lear (Industry internship) Stipend range from 90,000 to 40,000 INR Go A Shermichtha Tongie Riya Mehte (2019-2023) 5 LPA (2019-2023) Gee Labs powered by various Industries, which Includes Analog and Digital Communication Lap Basic Electrica! and Electronics Lab Digital Electronics Electronic Devices | and Circuits Lab Digital Signa! Processing Lab Project Lab ) Renewable Energy Technologies Lab Instrumentation end Power Lab Hee: Beslanikeb Robotics end Contrel Lab VLSI Design Lab Embedded Systems & loT Lab funded by AICTE der MODROBS Electronic Design Automation Lab* 5G Communication Labe ead A 5 ey £e eo Pe a pi Research & Development Tue Uivensy osiaasitn goo: Eee sey ; DN Collaborator University of Milan Queensland, Austratia (indo-itely Bilsteral Research Mobility Grant) Funding Agenoy. MHRD SPARC Grant Funding Agency: DST and the italian PP ee Grech 2012 rch 202 Ministry of Foreign Affairs ‘Arona State me Qo Arizona State University, Gamo aes: : Funding Agency: MHRD SPARC Grant (Deemed University) (asco) (March 2018 Merch 202)) ee ree Collaborator: University of Kragujevac Mental Heatth and Neurosciences, ((neie-Seroe Blsteral Scientificas @ mec Ne {echnologies Cooperstion Scheme Bangalore and Symbiosis Centre for Ben ee oe cen cba Irene Aiea Ministry of Educaticn, Science and eso Se Technological Deveopment @|® 222222 (Gtinztry of Electroice and Ir Rezearch Grant) | Funding Agency ‘Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt of india PUES TT 3000 ey ‘nor 380+ so0+ Research Countries of Collaborating Journal Conference Papers’ il coputhors institutes Publications Proceeding =, Publications Book Series Books International Patents @IEEE springer © OPI | @dirsaos WILEY Research Cluste: Embedded Systems Controt Signal, and ‘Antenna, 5G and MiStanel rcs ‘and lat image Processing Communication VIDAVAM | 6 & nel 42 6oeod Ms. Monalisa sha Botch: 200-15, Designation: Information Analyst, ‘Shypple Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands Ms. Sinjoni Mukhopadhyay Batch: 207-15 Designation: Systems ‘Software Engineer. Apple inc Sen Francisco Bay Area, USA 2 & Ms. Minal Verma Betch: 201216 Designation: Corporate Strat & PMO - CEO's Office, Airtel Payments Bank Mumbai India v 2 } A v Mr. Mihir Kaviehwar Batch: 2015-15 Designation: Senior Associate Software Engineer, MathWorks, India eF Mr. Mariyam Ashai Batch: 2017-21 Designation: Associate Consultant, Microsoft Srinager, Jammu & Kashmir, Indio Mr. Shamindra Shinde Batch: 2010-13 Designation: Technical hesd end Cofounder, Heslthy Home indis ¢a Embedded Software Engineer, Botlab Dynamic Samarth Kapila Batch-2013-17 |.am grateful to Symbiosis Institute of Technology for providing me an immense opportunity inresearch. They've made ‘efforts in ensuring strong fundamental in both theoretical and practical approach. The Insitute has one of the best ‘curriculum in which student can getin hand experience ofa professional life through 6 month semester program. ‘The program had helped me in creatng network and encouraged me to pursue my interest areas. Per BAL at) Ms. Manvi Kapoor Batch: 2012.16 Designation: Engineering Team Lead. Rakuten, Tokyo, Jepen Mr. Anmol Chewle Batch: 201216 Designation: Data Scientist - Analytics. Machine, Learning, Visuaizaton, lockCrain Glendale. California, Usa Mr. Anmal Suri Batch: 200-15 Designation: Business Stratecy 3 Analytics, MBA Class of 2021 - Schulich ‘School of Business (Dean's let), Cor Ex ZSer Toronto, Ontsrio, Consde Mr. Abhishek Rana Batch: 2011-15 Designation Founder & CEO - Codeners (Symbiosis, IM), TEDx Speaker Mr. Vaibhav Mehta Batch: 2015-19 Position: Customer insights Analyst and Dats Engineer, specsavers Gptical Group Ltd, Australis Mr. Ashish Rai Batch: 201517 Designation: Software Developer and Scrum Lead - Autonomous Driving, General Motors, Cenade FR eSCUancstp of ‘Some Calia MONASH University nN Higher Studies Mihir Kavishwar Buysw Vaibhav Mehta gh Maser ofDate Scieree, Monash Un Melsourre: Vitor, Ausra Chetna Singh s Degree indusbial Engreerng ‘eras aa Umversty USS Ankit Sharma Soez0 Manet ofSclencs (MS), Embeds Systers gra ttanet ov rings Neweeze Une t Akash J doe Masters Oapretn Dectrcs! ane Comeuter Expresing unveraty oF once US Aishwarya Jha ome Maver ot unas samminetraton Unnetsn of abeve consce Ashish Rei 20% Simon Fraer Univer. Canad Deep Vaidya of Science), formation Systems, easter University USA 28 Ue mn Robetce unveriy New Soute Wales, Syoney, austria Tanay Agrawal 20173 Masters iniedastry 4, SRH Bein Universty of Appied Senses, Germany Nishad Vyas Degree University of Ottawa: Gaurav Bhosale 20020 Master of ance 05) Ravotics irectng, Worcester Potyiectoc natu Ankitha Udupa 20169 Master of sence O1s), Art intelligence, Nornsasten Uni Anshul Saxena 20104 Master Deoree, Electrical rainsering Tha George Washington Usversty, USA Akshay Agarwal 20 5 Ssience Suaness Adrnstration University of South Florida, USA. Delta ule led @ehark rayana Dr.Praclesp Chatterjee Mr. Vishwas Vaidye Ms. Treey Austina Dr. Yogesh Dandawate Dr. Vikram M Gadre TECH mahindra VISTAR —— ELECTRONICS PVT LTD, KPIT »novd MathWorks’ AICTE-INAE DVP Scheme Lecture Series KPIT Sparkle 2022 Finalist Value Added Programs Tele Communication Engineer CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Technological Engineer To emerge as @ leading source for Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, fostering globally proficient engineers to meet the demands of evolving industry and society Foster collaboration with industry to facilitate the acquisition of cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the generation of up-to-date knowledge, enhancing employability and sustainability. Encourage innovation, research, and development, creating an environment conducive to higher education, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning Cultivate leadership qualities infused with social and ethical values, providing a platform for their development. Graduates will possess a strong foundation in science and engineering fundamentals, along with analytical skills to effectively solve real-world problems. Graduates will gain technical proficiency in Electronics and Telecommunication field and scale new heights in profession through lifelong learning Graduates will embrace professionalism, ethical conduct at all levels and constantly evolve in multidisciplinary approach leading towards sustainability. Graduates will leverage their engineering knowledge, effective communication skills, leadership qualities, and teamwork spirit to serve society and contribute positively to their community.

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