Paeds Foodlabels
Paeds Foodlabels
Paeds Foodlabels
Learning how to read the nutrition information panel and ingredient list
on a food label is essential in making healthy food choices.
Reduced Fat: at least 25% less fat than the original product in the same brand, but
the food may still be high in fat.
% Fat free: can only be used for “low fat” product with the percentage based on
the weight of fat in 100 grams of food. (In a 100 gram serving of food
marked 98% fat free, that serving has 2 grams of fat.)
Cholesterol Free: This does not mean low fat. Cholesterol is only found in food which
contains animal fats (only animal’ make cholesterol – plants do not).
For example, vegetable oils (canola, olive, sunflower etc) are
cholesterol free, but are 100% fat.
‘Light’ or ‘Lite’: This does not necessarily mean low in energy or fat etc. It may mean
light in colour, lightly toasted, light in salt, light in taste.
No added Sugar: No added refined sugars. It does not necessarily mean the food is
low in sugar, because the food may be high in natural sugars (for
example, fruit juices).
‘Diet’: Usually means artificially sweetened.
Source of fibre: More than 1g of fibre per 100g
High Fibre: at least 3g of fibre per 100g
‘Best Before’: Foods with a shelf life of less than two years have a ‘best before’ date. It
may still be safe to use these foods after this date, but they have lost quality and some
nutritional value.
‘Use by’: Foods that should not be consumed after a certain period of time for health and
safety reasons have a ‘used by’ date and should be consumed by this date.
This is a consensus document from Queensland Dietitian/ Nutritionists Developed: August 2009
Disclaimer: Review Date: August 2014