UT FSWG1 Test-1 Code-B1 (04-06-2022-24) Sol
UT FSWG1 Test-1 Code-B1 (04-06-2022-24) Sol
UT FSWG1 Test-1 Code-B1 (04-06-2022-24) Sol
Test – 1
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456 [Page 1]
First Step for JEE (Main & Advanced)-2022-24 Unit Test-1 (FSWG1_Code-B1)_Answers & Solutions
3 1 vdv adx
= 3 ( x3 1) 0 0
v 2 adx
3 2
= x c = 2 × 50
= 100
7. Answer (1)
15. Answer (00)
ML2T –2 L2 Relative density is the ratio of two densities so,
T a.T it is a dimensionless quantity.
L2 16. Answer (4)
ML2T –2
Cathode rays are independent from the nature of
[a] = M T –1 2 gas used.
4 Be 4
2 He
6 C 10n
v avg
3 18. Answer (1)
23 27
= 3 m/s 11 Na and 13 Al are isodiaphers
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456 [Page 2]
Unit Test-1 (FSWG1_Code-B1)_Answers & Solutions First Step for JEE (Main & Advanced)-2022-24
Vs = 3 V n(A × B) = 20
29. Answer (09) Number of common elements in the order pair =
Ununseptium is 117 = abc 3×3=9
1+1+7=9 n[(A × B) (B × A)] = 9
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456 [Page 3]
First Step for JEE (Main & Advanced)-2022-24 Unit Test-1 (FSWG1_Code-B1)_Answers & Solutions
A B = {2, 4}, A B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6} Let the number of persons in the city be 100
A B C A B C = {2, 4, D} n(A) = 42, n(B) = 51, n(C) = 68
where D is subsets of {1, 3, 6}
n(A B) = 30, n(B C) = 28, n(A C) = 36
Number of sets C = number of subsets of
{1, 3, 6} = 8 n(A B C) = 100 – 8 = 92
41. Answer (2)
n(A B C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A B) –
|x2 – x – 2| > 0 x2 – x – 2 0
n(B C) – n(A C) + n(A B C)
(x2 – 2)(x + 1) 0
n(A B C) = 92 – 161 + 94 = 25
x 2, x –1
1 45. Answer (17)
x 2 1
7 log7 25
5log5 4
x [1, 2) = (25 – 8)
1 3 x = 17
x ,
2 2
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456 [Page 4]