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C-25 NEET Chapterwise Topicwise Chemistry the chapter In past 5 years, 4 questi ‘Topie 4, 8 questions from Topic 3 were tions are visible from In NEET 2023, 2 quest ei visible For detailed analysis sean QR code COORDINATION COMPOUNDS "Topic 1 Coordination Number and Nomenclature of Coordination j_ Compounds 01. Homoleptic complex from the following complexes is (@) diambinechlordloniuito N-plainam (8 INEETI60) (b) pentaamminecarbonatocobalt (IIT) chloride {0 tiammineraquacvorium (UD elo (@ porssum iotaltoluminate (Ul) 02. Which complex compound is most stable? (2) [Co(NH (NO, 1 eer207 (b)1Goa1, (0), INO, (©) [Co(NH, )g],(SO,)5 (ICoNH, Y HLOIBANO,): 03. The IUPAC name of the complex {Ag(H,O),] [Ag(CN) is {NCERT (ew Py. 24, Nebr 203) (@) diaquasilver (1) dicyanidoargentate (I) () dicyanidosilver (1) diaquaargentate () (0 diaquaslver (1) dicyanidoargentace (1) (@) dicyanidoslver (1) diaquaargentae (I) 04 Ethylene diamineteraacette (EDTA) ion i INCERT Wen) Pe. 2 NBET202] (a) hexadentate ligand with four O and two N donor atoms (6) unidentae ligand (@ bidentace ligand with two N donor toms (d) tridentate ligand with three N donor atoms: 05 The correct order ofthe tochiometics of AgCl formed when AgNO, in excess is treated with the complexes: CoC, -GNH,,CoCly SNH, CoC], -4NH, respectively is peerz017) G@)LAgCI, 3 AgCl, 2 Agcl (6)3 AgCl. 1 AgCl. 2 Agcl (0) 3 AgCl, 2 AgCl, 1 AgCl (2 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl 06 Cobalt (111) chloride forms several octahedral complexes with ammonia, Which of the following will not give test for chloride ions with silver nitrate at 25°C? INCERT (New) Ps. 119, ALPTINN5 @)CoCl, -3NH, (b) CoC, -4NH, (©) CoC, “SNH, (CoC, -6NH, 07 The sum of coordination number and oxidation number of the metal M in the complex [Mf (en) (C0,)]Cl where, en is ethylenediamine) is INCERT (New) Pg. 121, atPMT2005 @9 ws 7 @s 08 The name of complex ion, [Fe(CN).]*~ is INCERT (New) Py. 124, ALPMT 20 (@) hexacyanoiron (IT) ion (b) heracyanitoferate (Ul) ion (© wicyanoferrate (I) ion _(€) hexacyanidoferae (hon G Key tepeepretnis onan ne cancte idea metal ends with sutfix «ate along with its {idan ruber nthe comes on, 09. The anion of acetylacetone (aca¢) forms Co( aca), chelate with Co**. The rings of the chelate are {1NEET20 () five membered (6) four membered (© si membered (2) three membered TO An excess of AgNO is added to 100 mL of a 0.01 M solution of dichlorotetraaquachromium (III) chloride, The number of moles of AgCl precipitated would be INEET 01 (@) 0.002 (0.003, (0.01 (@ 0.001 AT The correct IUPAC name for [CrF, (en) JClis: INCERT (New) Pe. 124, NEET200 (2) chlorodiftuoridobis (ethylene diamine) chromium (11D )chlorodiforidoetylenedsnines ere Alfluoridoethylenediaminechromium (If) M1 Scanned with CamScanner 225 (@ difluoridobis (ethylene diamine) chromium (II) chk {@) difluorobis-(thylene diamine) chromium (Il) ch 12 According ro IUPAC nomenclature sodium spitroprusside is named as INCERT (ew) Pe. 126, AIPMT2003) (sodium pentacyanonitrsyl frat (I) {@) sodium pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate (11D) {6) sodium nitrofericyanide {(@) sodium niteoferrocyanide 13 The hypothetical complex chloro diaquattiammine obult (Ill) chloride can be represented as INCERT (New) Ps. 124, AIPM 2002} ()[CoCIONH, )s (HO), 1Cl, {b) (CoH, }s (H20)CI5] (@[CoNH,) (H,0),C) (@ [CoH )s H30)5 1C1, 14 CuSO, when reacts with KCN forms CuCN, which insoluble in water. It is soluble in excess of KCN, due to formation of the following complex (AIPM? 2002) ide (K;ICuCN)4] W)K, [Cu(CN),} (OCaCN, (@) CulKCuCN) 4] 15 Coordination number of Ni in [Ni(C,04)3 }*" is 3 (6 atest 2001) 4 (a2 16 TUPAC name of [Pt(NH3); (Br)(NO,,)CIJClis INCERT (New) Pg. 124, AIPMT 1938) (@ tiamminebromochloronicroplatinum (IV) chloride (&) tiamminebromonitrochloroplatinum (IV) chloride (Q tiamminechlorobromonitroplatinum (IV) chloride (@ triamminenierochlorob 17 A coordination complex compound of cobalt has the molecular formula containing five ammonia molecules, one nitro group and two chlorine atoms for one cobalt atom. One mole of this compound produces three mole ions in an aqueous solution. On reacting this solution with excess of AgNO3s olution, swe get two moles of AgCl precipitate. The ionic formula for this complex would be 1atPstr 1998) (@[Co(NH,)5(NO,)ICL, (©) [Co(NH, }, Ctl [CUNO, )] (0 [Co(NH, ), (NOz)CH (CNH; JC (@) [Co(NH5 )5] [(NO.),Cl2] 18 The formula of dichlorobis (urea) copper (II) is {ENCERT (New) Py. 124, AIPM 1997] @[CulO=CwNH,),C}] A (6) [CuCl {O=C(NH)2}2] (0 [Cu{O=CCNH),}] Cz (@ (Cu, {0=C(NH,)2Ha] 19 The coordination number and oxidation state of Cr inKy[CC,0,)q]are respectively (AIPM 1995) @3ande3 °° {6) 3and0 (Gand +3 (and +2 20 An example of a double salt is (a) bleaching powder (b) Kg [Fe(CN)g]} (© hypo (@) potash alum Topic 2 Isomerism of Coordination Compounds taurstr 1989) 21 The type of isomerism shown by the complex {COCL,(en) Jis INCERT (New) Py 125, NEET2018] (a) ionisation isomeris (b) coordination isomerism (©) geometrical isomerism —(d) linkage isomerism 22 Number of possible isomers for the complex [Co(en), Cl,]CI will be (en = ethylenediamine) INCERT (New) Fe 125, AIPMT 2015) @2 1 ©3 @4 23 Ina particular isomer of (Co(NH3),Cl3]°, the ‘CLCo-Cl angle is 90°, the isomer is known as INCERT (New) Py. 126, NEET Kar. 2013) (a) linkage isomer (b) optical isomer (©) cit-isomer (d) position isomer 24 The complex, [Pt(Py)(NH; )BrCl] will have how metrical isomers? Eee INCERT (New) Pg. 125, AIPMT 2011] 4 bo (2 (3 25 The complex [Co(NH3) ][Cr(CN) ¢] and {Cr(NH,) ¢][Co(CN) ¢] are the examples of which type of isomerism? INCERT (New) Pg. (a) Ionisation isomerism —_(b) Coordinati (© Geometrical isomerism (4) Linkage isomerism 26 Which one of the following complexes is not ‘expected to exhibit isomerism? INCERT (New) Py. 125, AIPM 2010) (@) [Nifen), }** (b) [Ni(NHs ) (N30), ]" (O) [P(NHy ),Cly] (d) [Ni(NH; ) Cl] 27 The existence of two different coloured complexes with the composition of (Co(NH),Cl,]* is due to INCERT (ew) Py. 125, AIPM 2010] (@) linkage isomerism (b) geometrical isomerism (©) coordination isomerism (d) ionisation isomerism 28 Which of the following does not show optical isomerism? (en = ethylenediamine) INCERT (New) Py 126, AIPM 2009) @ [Cofen),C1]" (©) [Co(NH, )5 Ch 1° (0 (Colen)CL (NH )2]" (4) [Colen), P* 29 Which of the following will give a pair of enantiomers? (en = NHCH,CH,NH,) INCERT (New) Py. 125, AIPST 2007] (@) [Cx(NH5 }g] [Co(CN)g] (6) [Cofen),C1,]C1 (© [PaNH, 4} Cl] (4) (Co(NH, ), C13 ]NOy Scanned with CamScanner 226 e a 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 [Co(NHs), (NO); ]Clexhibits INCERT (New) Py. 125, AIPMT'2006] (2) linkage isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism ionisation isomerisn and geometrical isomerism (@ ionisation isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical Which one of the following is expected to exhibit ‘optical isomerism? (en = cthylenediamine) INCERT New) Py. 126, AIPM 2005) (@) cisqP (NH ),C1,) (b) mans{Co(en),Cl]* (© trans{Pr(NH, ),C1,) (A) cx{Coen) Cl)" Which of the following coordi would exhibit optical isomerism? INCERT (New) Py 126, IPMT2004) (a) Pentaamminenitrocobalt (III) iodide (b) Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (c) Trans-dicyanobis (ethylenediamine) chromium (a) chloride (d) Tris-(ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) bromide Which one of the following octahedral complexes will not show geometrical isomerism? (A and Bare monodentate ligands) {NCERT (New) Py 125, AIPMT 2003) @)[MA,B,) (6) (41453) ([MA,B,] (4) (44, By} ‘Which of the following will give maximum number of isomers? IAIPMT 2001) “(@) [CoUNH, ), Cl] (b) [Ni(en)(NH, ), }* ()INWC0, Mlen),]*°__ (@) [CH(SCN), (NH), )* Which one of the following cornplexes will have four isomers? INCERT (New) Pg. 125, AIPMT 2000] @) [Cofen), JCI, (@) [Cofen),Ci,}c1 (©) [Co(PPh; ), (NH; )C1, JCL (@) [Co(PPh, ), CCI, The total number of possible isomers for the complex compound (Cu"'(NH,),} (Pe'"'Cl, Jare (AIPM 198) @s 6 3 4 ‘The number of geometrical isomers of the complex [Co(NO,);(NH3)s lis NCERT (Wen) Pe. 125, AIPM 1997) ion compounds @4 wo (2 3 ‘The number of geometrical isomers for (Pe(NH5),]Cl, is (NCERT (Ven) Py 125, LPM 1995) (3 4 1 @2 EET Chapterwise Topiowise Chem, ET tty Topic 3 Valence Bond Theory and Cry 39 The order of energy’ absorbed which is responsible fy, the colour of complexes (A) IN(H,0) (60) 2)" (B)INi(H,O),(en)]** and — [Ni(en) ]°* is [NCERT (New) Pe. 133, NEET; a a i (8) >) ‘OOra:0 (2) B)>(A)>(C) (d) (A) > (B) > (C) 40 CL INCERT er Pe 131, NEE 3. 490BM © [Fe(CN I a 4 173BM Dz (Fe(H;0),]°* i _ Choose the correct answer from the options given below ‘A Bic. 'D A BCD @4 9251 3.02.4 35 1 @©1 3 4 2 @4 1 2 3 41 Which of the following is the correct order of increasing field strengeh of ligands to form coordination compounds? INCERT (New) Py. 132, NEET (Sep) 200) (@) SCN” < F- < CN” - [SiCIg}> (8) (si) 42 43 45 Scanned with CamScanner ‘0-25 Coordination Compounds Oe Oem {46 What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in K 4[Fe(CN),) based on crystal field theo? INCERT (New) Pg, 131, NEBT (National) 2019) rgen We Weld A ehe? 47 The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex[Ni(CO), ]are INET 2015) (@) square planar geometry and paramagnetic (b) teerahedral geometry and diamagnetic {@, squate planar geometry and diamagnetic (@) tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic ie key Je <5-nybicsaton ar erahocal vo having p?-hybvcisaton are square plana, The ‘magnetic behaviour of complexes can be paramagnetic and ‘diamagnetic based on the presence and absence of unpaired electrons, respectively. 48 The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex [Ni(CO), ate {NCERT(New) Pe. 133, NEET 20181 (@) square planar geometry and diamagnetic (b) cecrhedral geometry and diamagnetic {0 tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic (@) square planar geometry and paramagnetic 449 March the metal ions given in Column I with the spin magnetic moments of the ions given in Column I and assign the correct code INCERT (New) Pe, 133, NET 2018) This Problem is soWed using thatthe eomplonas having Goluma I Column Tt cot @ Yom ® or i) 35 BM © Fe SoM One (iw) J24BM eT ci A B (a) i © ii v 50 Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of absorption in the visible region for the complexes of CO* is INCERT (New) Pg. 133, NEET2017) (a) (Cofen)s }**, [Co(NHs })?* s [ColH;0)6}°* (b) [ColH,0)¢]**, [Colen)s }**, [Co(NH, )g}°* (0) [CoH 0), }°* [Co(NH, )g}°*, [Colen)s P* (4) [CoN )g *. [Colen) P* [CoH ,0)¢}"* 51 HgCl, and I, both when dissolved in water containing I ions, the pair of species formed is 1NBET2017) (a) Hgl,,17 (Hg3ly,17 OHgLE S @ Hela 5 52 Pick out the correct statement with respect to [Mn(CN)<)". INCERT (New) Pp. 129, NEET 20171 (4) Teissp'd? hybridised and tetrahedral (b) Ie is d?sp? hybridised and octahedral dip* hybridised and square planar (d) It is sp’ d? hybridised and octahedral 53 Which of the following pairs of d-orbitals will have electron density along the axi INEET(U 2016) @dada Wdyrdrs dard 8) das de 54 Jahn-Teller effect is not observed in high spin ‘complexes of INEET2016, Phase] (@) d? (b) a © at @ d? {Key _Jahn-Tolr distortion i cbserved in those dea octahoctal comploxss in which d-lectrons aro fed unsymmeticaly 55 Which of these statements about [Co(CN) true? {AIPMT 2015] (a) [Co(CN),]?~ has no unpaired electrons and will be in a Jow-spin configuration. (b) [Co(CN)¢ ]?~ has four unpaired electrons and will be in a low-spin configuration. (© (Co(CN)¢]°~ has four unpaired electrons and will be in a high-spin configuration, (d) [Co(CN)¢]°” has no unpaired electrons and will be ina high-spin configuration. 56 The hybridisation involved in complex [Ni(CN) 4 ]*" is (Atomic number of Ni =28) INCERT (New) Pg. 130, AIPM 2015] (dp? (b) p® (d?p? — (d)d?sp? 57 Among the following complexes, the one which shows zero crystal field stabilisation energy (CFSE) is INCERT (New) Pg. 131, TPMT 2019) {@) [Mn(#,0),}*" (0) [Fe(H Og)" (9 [Co(H,0),]" (@) [Co(H,0),)" 58 A magnetic moment of 1.73 BM will be shown by one among the following atest 2013) (2) [Cu(NHy (6) [NWCN) @TIC, (d) [CoCl} 59 Which one of the following is an outer orbital complex and exhibits paramagnetic behaviour? INCERT (New) Pe. 130, ALPMT2022) (@) [Ni(NH, )g]” (b) [Zn(NH )g]”" (OICANH, )g (€) [Co(NH, )]* 60 OF the following complex ions which is diamagnetic in nature? INCERT (New) Pg, 130, ALPMT2011) (@) [NWCN),} (b) [CuCl 7° (0) [CoF,]~ (@) (NiCl, > Scanned with CamScanner 228 ene eee eee eee eee eee 61 Which ofthe following complexions is not expected +0 absorb visible light? (NCERT(Vew) Pe. 133, AIPMT20107 G)INICN), (0) [Ce (NH, (0lFe (1,0), (INL H,O6P* 62Crystal field stabilisation energy for high spin d ‘octahedral complex is /NCERT New) Pe 131, A1PMT20107 @)-184, )-1.64, +7 @-128, @-064, 63 Out of TiF}", CoF}~, Cu,Cl, and NiClI3 (At. no. , Ni =28), the ate | INCERT ew) Py 133, a1PMT2009) G@) TIF" and CoP” (b) CuCl, and NiCLE (TIS and CujC, (CORE and NIC 64 Which of the following complex ions is expected to absorb visible light? (At. no. of Zn= 30, Se= 21, Ti= 22 , Cr= 24) {INCERT (New) Pe. 13, AIPA 2009) (a) [ScE1,0), (NH), 6) [Tfen) (NH, a] (ICON )g (@ [Zn@NH )g]* {651n which of the following coordination entities the magnitude of Ag (CFSE in octahedral field) will be maximum? (Ar. no. of Co=27) TINCERT (New) 131, APT 2005) (@)[Co(HH,0),)" (b) [Co(NH Je P* (©) [Co(CN) .- (@) [Co(C,O4), P~ 66 Which of the following complexes exhibits the highest paramagnetic behaviour? = ethylenedi where, ely = glycine, en bpy = bipyridyl moities) (At. no. of Ti=22,C =23, Fe=26,Co=27) INCERT (Nev). 130, LPM 208) (9 (V(@y).(OH) (NH, ),]" (©) [Fe(en)(py)(NH, ),]* (0 [Colo (0H), ]7 (@ (TONE, )g* 67[Cr(H,0)¢]Cl (at. no. of Cr = 24) has a magnetic ‘moment of 3.83 BM, the correct distribution of 3d tetrahedral, paramagnetic 75 Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity? area, @K (FeKCN)] (©) [Co(NH, )g]C1, ICuNH; 41, (@) [NICO] 76 In the separation of Cu* and Cd* of Ind group in qualitative analysis of cations, tetrammine copper(I) sulphate and retrammine cadmium (Il) sulphate react with KCN to form the corresponding cyano complexes, which one of the following pais ofthe complexes and their relative stability enables the separation of Cu* and Cd2*? AIPM 208, @) Ks [Cu(CN), ess sable and K,ICH(CN), ]: more stable (©) Ks [Cu(CN), J: more sable and KGICHCN),} es stable (9 KsICu(CN), es stable and K3[CHCN) 4]: more stable (@)K,ICu(CN), }: more stable and KICA(CN) less stable Scanned with CamScanner ¢25 Coordination Compounds 25 aes ee errs 229 hick ot the following ligands is expected to be 86 Which of the following is considered to be an nena IAIPMT 1994) n * (CH,NH, (weHcen 1 anticancer species? alate 2004) (Br (@c,0F 1g Which one of the following statements is not correct? {@) Mercury (Il) iodide dissolves in excess of potassium ite slaion ny TAIEMT 1994) {) Tin (IV) chloride is made by dissolving tin solution in 0 Trerneted hydrochloric acd ST Staion {0 Zinc dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution (@) Carbon monoxide reduces iron (III) oxide to iron 79 The complex ion[Co(NH,) °* is formed by p34? hybridisation. Hence, the ion should possess TAIT 1990) (@) octahedral geometry (b) tetrahedral geometry {© square planar geometry (@) tetragonal geometry Topic 4 Application of Coordination Compounds & Organometallic Compounds ‘80 An example of a sigma bonded organometallic compound is: INEET2017) “G@) grignard’s reagent (0 cobaltocene (b) ferrocene (@) ruthenocene 81 Which of the following has longest C—O bond length? (Free C—O bond length in CO is 1.128 A) @INi(CO),] (COCO). preeraoie (0 [Fe(CO), 1° (@) [Mn(CO)¢)" 82 The correct increasing order of trans-effect of the following species is INEET2016, Phase I} (@) NH, >CN™ > Bro > Cy () CN” > Colts > Bev > NH, (0 Br >CN™ > NH, > CH (@) CN" > Br > CHS > NH 23 Which of the following complexes is used to be as an anticancer agent? rarest 2014) (@) mer-[Co(NH )sCl] _b) et [PrC13 (NH )2] (0 ei Ky [PeCl Bry] () Na,CoCl, 84 Which of the following carbonyls will have the strongest C—O bond? faler2011) (@) [Mn(CO),]* (b) [Ce(CO)g] (mca, (€)[Fe(CO)s)] 85 Which of the following does not have a metal-carbon bond? TAIPSIT 2004) (@) AIOC3Hs);, (b) CzHsMgBr OK(PUC,H, IC] @) NCO), @ Hy) cI i cy (b) osm » fpact| HSN) cl HN; 1 (c) (d) wfinbac] «["SbaCh, 7 Among the following, which is not the x-bonded organometallic compound? {AIPMT 2003] (CH, )4 Sn (b) KIPeCl, (mn? —CH)] (© Fen’ —C5H,); (a) Crt’ —C Hg), 88 Among the following which is not the n-bonded ‘organometallic compound? (AIPM 2003) G@)K[PrCls fn? -C,H4)]_ ()Feln? -CsH5)2 (OGumS-Ceig), ——_—(@) (CH), Sn 89 Which of the following organometallic compounds is and n-bonded? areser20017 (@ (Fan? —CsH5)y] (6) KIPrCl (n? —CH,)] (©) {Co(CO), NH; ]” (d) Fe(CH3 )5 90 Shape of Fe(CO), is pAipacr 2000 (a) octahedral (b) square planar (© trigonal bipyramidal (4) square pyramidal ‘91 In metal carbonyl having general formula M(CO), where, M = metal, x =4 and the metal is bonded to (@) carbon and oxygen (C=O aieMTis9s) (©) oxygen (d) carbon o Key Index 1 @ 2 o) 3 © 4 @ 5 © 6 @) 7 ® 8 @ 9 © 10d) u © 2 &) 3 @) 14 6) «15 16 (a) 7 @) 18 (b) 9 © 20 @ ao 2© BO wM@ 2B 26 (d) «27 (be) «628 ) 0-29) 30) 1 @ 2 @ BH BM @ 3 *@ 7 © B@M HO 0 @ 414@ 2 @ 8 @ 4 @ 4 © 46 (a) «47 (48) 49) SO @™) SL) 52) 53 fa) 54H) SS @™) 56 (a) «57 (b) 58 fa) 59 (t) O(a) a@a@gmd 68 © & © 6 © 66 ©) «667 @) «68 6) 70) no 2 © 23 @ %4M @ 8 @ 76 (b) 77. @) 78 ) 79 @ 80 f) 81 (©) «82 (b) 83h) 84) BS) 86) «687 (88d) 89) 9) a1 @ Scanned with CamScanner wo

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