Twin Flame - Quora
Twin Flame - Quora
Twin Flame - Quora
1. Your Twin Flame is YOU. You share the same soul "blueprint."
3. God created the majority of His Children with ONE Twin Flame.
5. Your Twin Flame is your PERFECT mirror. They will reflect everything within your consciousness.
5. Your Twin Flame is your PERFECT mirror. They will reflect everything within your consciousness.
6. Your Twin Flame will trigger your wounds and upsets for the purpose of healing.
7. It is YOUR responsibility to heal these upsets. Blame and control will NOT get you into union with your
Twin Flame.
8. Your Union is really a reflection of your relationship with your CREATOR. This work is really an ascension
path to GOD.
WHY WAS I CHOSEN TO BE A TWIN FLAME? (Why You Were Chosen to be a Twin Flame)
Do you ever wonder why you were chosen to be a twin flame?
The truth is, you chose this path. No higher power, the universe or your guides made the choice for you.
You're here because you chose this journey and the spiritual growth and evolution it brings. The twin flame
journey is a path of ascension.
It's the path you have chosen because you're seeking to ascend. This journey is one that will challenge you,
transform you and ultimately help you rise to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual understanding.
While it may not always be easy, the twin flame journey is a powerful opportunity to grow, to learn and
experience the deep love and connection that comes from uniting with your twin flame. Twin flames choose
their life path and all the challenges, lessons, and encounters they will face before incarnating.
You and your twin flame agree to a journey with specific life lessons and experiences to support personal and
spiritual growth. This agreement is made in your soul contract with your twin flame and your guides before
both of you are born.
"Your twin flame soul contract is important for understanding the purpose of your connection and the
lessons you both must learn in order to progress on your spiritual journey.
These experiences are pre-planned and specific to your individual spiritual growth. Ultimately the twin flame
journey is to find and embrace your authentic self and achieve union with your twin flame. Encountering your
twin flame can trigger a profound healing process that supports both of you becoming your authentic selves.
This is because we often have unresolved emotional wounds and limiting beliefs that block us from
experiencing unconditional love. When we meet our twin, we're confronted with a powerful mirror that
reflects our deepest fears, insecurities and unresolved traumas.
This can be a shocking and painful experience for some twins. It also opens the door to profound spiritual
journey that leads us back to our true essence and helps us embody unconditional love.
Inner work, spiritual growth and awakening are critical components of every twin flame connection that
facilitate healing. Engaging in these practices allows twins to become their authentic selves by addressing
underlying issues and traumas. This healing process is essential for twin flames to reach their full potential
and fulfill their purpose.
Through introspection and personal growth, twin flames can unlock their true potential and embrace their
destiny creating a deeper connection with their twin flame.
There are some twin Flames who gain spiritual awakening while being in twin flame union. Unfortunately,
most twin flames must go through separation, as hard as it may be, to begin their spiritual awakening. This
often triggers a dark night of the soul. The only way to handle a dark night is to go through it.
This is where spiritual growth and awareness occurs as you reach for the light and union with the Divine. This
is where the miracle of transformation and awakening happens. You can gain comfort in knowing you're
never alone on your twin flame journey.
The universe, your angels and guides are always present to assist and guide you by sending signs and
synchronicities to to let you know you're exactly where you need to be on your twin flame journey.
The twin flame journey can be difficult and requires strength and perseverance. You have chosen this path for
the spiritual growth and awakening that comes with it. Your journey is centered around growth,
transformation and a deepening connection to yourself and your twin flame. It's a journey that requires
patience, faith, and an open heart. Embrace your choice and trust you have what it takes to navigate this
unique and powerful connection.
What are the screaming signs that someone is your twin flame?
The twin flame relationship is less about romance and more about transformational change, within you.
Just before meeting them, you have a strange feeling that you are going to meet someone important.
Before you meet them physically, just before you see them, you can feel them. They attract you like a magnet.
When you meet them, it’s like a chemical reaction. You feel the need to touch them – but you just want to be
close to them. The encounter is also very familiar, natural, and authentic. It is a calming feeling that cannot be
described but is unlike anything you have ever felt.
You have similar stories, family, and/or romantic or general experiences. They are literally your mirror. They
even match your experiences of separation, life changes, personal circumstances, and even hurts.
Their personality and character complement yours, like the Ying and Yang! Where you are nervous, they are
calm. Where they prefer to take it logically, you are open. Your passions too complete each other. Whenever
you are with them, it feels natural, you can be yourself in their company, and vice versa.
The connection makes you think about your past behavior, who you are, and how you behave, in a good way.
They make you take a close look at who you really are, and then they challenge you to be that person. It’s not
them asking you to change either, it’s your own decision and your will.
Their presence causes a spiritual awakening that turns your life upside down. You become interested in God,
in a higher power, in spirituality. You feel at peace, and you feel “good” the more you try this.
As part of spiritual awakening, you can actually have a moment of joy, peace, and bliss, which then makes you
feel so peaceful and happy that it changes you. You are more grateful, happy, and peaceful within yourself.
Your twin is causing behaviors in you that you know need to be cured. You built them from past wounds. You
know you got healing to do.
You understand the meaning of true unconditional love and ego in your life. Your behavior changes, for the
They “run” when things get too intense and separation occurs. In this case, you go through personal changes.
You start with heartache, personal pain like you’ve never experienced with anyone else. Afterward, you
choose to “wake up” and work on healing.
You feel an overwhelming sense of wishing them happiness. They trigger you, piss you off, but you still wish
them nothing but love and happiness. Even if they are with someone else. You no longer need to “chase”
them. You are at peace, with yourself and with them.
Signs and synchronizations are not just mere coincidences. They are very specific and frequent, especially
when you have doubts about this connection. At specific times, you try to use logic and reason, and yet
you’re likely to get important timings and signs. They’re not just timings, they’re timely and unique. They
can’t be mistaken for mere coincidence, although you’ll probably try not to focus on them.
You can’t escape the connection – you try to “move on”, but you are brought back on a path with them. Signs
and synchronizations become much stronger at these specific times.
Ultimately, be honest with yourself, this person will probably cause such a personal transformation in you.
You will know this person is important in your life.
Stages of Twin flame Journey.
Stage 1
Recognition & Temporary Awakening
1. Both parties feel as if they have met the One. It's a mutual feeling.
2. Both share experiences and feel close to each other.
There is a feeling of being in Paradise
The Paradise of Stage 1 and initial temporary spiritual awakening starts to fade away, the Ego begins to re-
emerge and this time strongly.
One or both Twins try to attempt fitting their relationship into the 'old model' of Love, couplehood &
relationship in accordance with their Ego desires & learned belief System.
The programming is strong and deep-rooted and that brings out conflicts and fears. Twins start questioning
their relationship and the way it serves them. Problems and doubts begin to creep in and the beloved turn
critical and suspicious.
The basic purpose of testing stage is to bring out the conflicts and outdated mental concepts about
relationships to rise up and float on the surface level so that they can be cleared forever!
Stage 3
The crisis of the Twin is to reject their beloved. They must either shed the Ego completely or develop Self-
respect. But it's not so easy to shed the identity-based programming. There is stubborness at one end and
anxiety/depression at the other, but both parties suffer and desire to embrace a higher expression of Love.
Despite the fears and cycles of small separations, both Twins naturally come together to bond and confess
what bothered them. There is forgiveness & Lovemaking.
Fear can take over and many triggers and chronicle dysfunctional emotional patterns come up instead. The
best way to release these triggers is to remain Present with the patterns, observe to acknowledge them and
then fully release.
Stage 4
Runner-Chaser Dynamic
The human ego fears the unknown The old ego that was functioning for so long and unable to stay strong
due to the Twin flame Love, starts to look for deeper emotional hurts hidden at the bottom of the well.
These deep rooted fears help the Ego to anchor in, giving rise to the pain body. The Ego looks for better
survival mechanisms like anger, manipulation, resistance, judgement & punishment.
While there is natural attraction, an unbreakable bond and concern between the Twins, their negative mental
patterns are also deep rooted. One or both of the Twins become emotionally & mentally flooded with deep
pain and go through feelings of soul level rejection and abandonment.
The pain is unbearable and it leads to one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication.
They try to protect themselves from the fears like rejection, heartbreak, betrayal and also abandonment which
leads to pointless game of 'Running & Chasing'. Unknowingly the Twins exchange roles and understand each
other's sides as well.
The Chaser is unable to accept that the cause /fear lies within them and to raise their own self respect & self
worth, they need to focus on themselves first. The Runner blames the Twin for their insecurities, inner pain
and constant problems between them.
But in the journey both realize the nature of Truth and Illusion better. Both realize that we all create our own
reality with the way we think. i. e. Fearbased thoughts leads to a fearbased reality.
They learn to take responsibility for everything that happens in their lives.
Purpose of Runner-Chaser Dynamic =To propel both individuals towards GOD for healing and maturation
of their spiritual body
This is the stage where Twins learn about Faith and how to apply it in their lives and Relationship.
The outcome and direction of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith & trust that the Union is
under divine protection.
It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonizing will transpire in its own time.
Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the physical.
The surrendered twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to become an
illuminated human. This maybe a time of channeling unconditional love into art, music, writing, teaching,
active service or some other creative outlet.
The surrendered twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to become an
illuminated human. This maybe a time of channeling unconditional love into art, music, writing, teaching,
active service or some other creative outlet.
Purpose of this stage:
-Soul to release Ego/ develop Self-worth
-Develop regular connection + communication with God.
-Have full Faith and Trust in Source/Universe
Stage 6
The Ego dies and God-force energy takes over the body.
Complete spiritual awakening= fully awakened divinity
This is the stage of radiating Divine love rather than seeking romantic Love.
The surrendered twin's emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity New creativity and
healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.
Stage 7
Both Twins have awakened and come together in the physical to assimilate their newly evolved energies.
Their energies flow in the new dynamic, their hearts are unified.
Both Twins have unconditional love towards each other and influence others also to open up their hearts.
PURPOSE To fulfill their mission of the Twin flame Union.
Characteristics of true twin flame.
When it is time for the twins to meet in the 3D plane, they see a lot of 11:11. This is a wake-up call for the
twins that now they are ready to introduce to this journey by the Universe. The left side of the 11 represents
the feminine twin and the right side of 11 represents the masculine twin.
This number is shown to both the twins and it is a sign from the Universe that both the twins have developed
spiritually and they have reached near balancing their inner masculine and feminine energies and now it is
time for them to prepare for the inner union to understand the higher purpose behind this journey.
Twins might introduce to the pyramid structure when they are in the middle of their preparation phase of
recognizing this journey.
Twins might observe the number 1122 first before introducing to all other number synchronicities that they
observe throughout their journey.
Twins might observe the number 1010 when they are in a phase of recognizing their true twin flame.
Twins suffer a lot in their previous soulmate relationships. At some point of time their pains and sufferings
reaches a peak level where they feel helpless to handle all the 3D triggers, then they introduce to this journey
by the Universe.
Twins look, feel and act younger. Twins enter 5D - 5th dimensional time. Twins are very intuitive and one of
the twin has a very strong intuition and is guided by the Universe. Twins see a lot of dreams which guide
them to recognize their divinity.
Twins know the other person better than they know themselves. They feel each other's pains and other
thoughts even when separated. They also experience some form of telepathic communication between them.
Twins are connected emotionally and spiritually through their higher chakras. Twins have the ability to heal
each other.
Twins always teach each other and when one twin advances in spiritual awakening, the other twin also
awakens faster.
Twins feel the need to be honest and they maintain a very faithful relationship not even with their twin flame
but also with all other relationships that they deal with.
How to know someone is your twin flame?
These are 10 undeniable signs if you resonate with these signs then know that they are your Twin flame.
1. You feel such an intense love for them that you have never felt for anybody in your life and similarly they
also love you equally with the same intensity and this love develops very effortlessly and naturally.
2. You feel an intense never ending sexual pull towards them and they also feel the same.
3. You are introduced to spirituality because of this person, you are awakening spiritually because of them.
4.They leave you and start running from the connection for unknown reasons but no matter for how long
they avoid or run from the connection they always come back to you (and often run again).
5. You might start losing a lot of things in your 3D reality, you might start feeling very much suffocated in the
world but on soul level an expansion happens to you.
7. You are reading this post then most probably they are your twin flame because if you are into a 3D karmic
love affair then it would be very hard for you to tolerate such stuff.
8. When they leave you or when you come to know that they are with someone else now you feel an intense
pain in your solar plexus, heart chakra or you feel a choked throat.
9. If you are going through dark night of the soul (intense spiritual depression) then know that they are your
twin flame.
10. No matter how hard and impossible situation seems but you have always an inner knowing and a faith
that you will be together with them at the end.
Things True Twin Flames Experience: What True Twin Flames Experience on their Journey ?
1. A telepathic and empathic connection.
Twin flames are able to feel each other's emotions through their empathic connection. Through their
telepathic connection they often know what the other is thinking without saying anything.
2. When they first meet, they experience a sense of recognition or deja vu that they have known each before.
It's like a knowing they are destined to be together.
3. They experience a sense of loss or yearning when they're not around each other. Their souls long to be
close to one another, because for each of them, their twin feels like home.
4. There are constant signs from the universe reminding them both of their strong connection.
5. An intense magnetic attraction. True twin flames connect on every level: physical, emotional, intellectual
and spiritual.
6. Each twin flame will have a spiritual awakening although not always at the same time.
7. Awareness of a purpose or reason for their connection that is bigger than both of them.
8. They will have an abundance of similarities such as likes, dislike and life experiences.
9. They are a catalyst in each other's lives for growth and for change.
10. They balance out each other's strengths and weaknesses.
11. They mirror one another and reveal their authentic selves. And reflect back to each other which triggers
need to be addressed and areas that need healing.
12. They see how destiny played a role in their meeting.
13. They feel an unexplained pull towards each other.
14. Each twin felt this powerful connection right away and it is unlike anything either have experienced
15. Time often stands still when they're together but also, time flies when they spend time with each other.
7 Stages of Twin Flame Journey
Seven stages that most of the twin flames go through before reuniting with their divine counterpart.
1. Longing stage: Where both the divine counterpart search for each other. And there is always a feeling of
incompleteness until they meet.
2. Bubble stage: It is a very beautiful stage, where both the divine counterparts are attracted to each other
magnetically when they meet. They both feel the connection is very intense and enjoy the company of each
other for some period of time.
3. Runner and the Chaser stage: where one of the divine counterpart chases the other one. Mostly divine
feminine acts as a chaser and divine masculine acts as a runner. Divine feminine awakens first in this journey.
So before awakening also, subconsciously she chases the divine masculine. That time divine masculine is also
not awakened and feels that the connection is very intense and starts running away from it. Then both the
divine counterparts separated from each other for some period of time. This period can vary from few
months to few years.
4. Detachment and spiritual awakening of divine feminine:
In this stage, divine feminine, who is mostly the chaser, stops chasing and inclined towards spirituality. And
her spiritual awakening process begins once she is detached from the runner. She cuts off all the energy that
she was sending to the divine masculine before. Divine feminine maintains a long term detachment from
divine masculine during this stage.
5. Detachment and spiritual awakening of divine masculine:
As the chaser grows spiritually and raise her consciousness to a higher state, the runner also grows spiritually.
Divine feminine is the one who awakens first and recognizes that this is a divine connection. And then help
the divine masculine by doing her inner work.
When divine feminine starts healing herself by dealing with all her lower vibrational energies, then divine
masculine also starts healing himself. Lower vibrational energies are anger, fear, stress, ego, neediness and co
6. Surrender stage.
In this stage, one of the divine counterpart, mostly divine feminine, surrendered to the higher self. When
divine feminine completely surrendered, then divine masculine's healing process happens faster. So that they
can reunite with each other after healing themselves.
7. Reunion stage.
Where both the divine counterparts recognizes that this is a divine connection and do not run away from it.
They both understand that they are not separate and will always be together eternally. And finally they find
their own purpose in life. They understand that they are here to help mother earth ascends higher by
providing unconditional love. So these are seven stages of a twin flame journey.
However, the sequence can vary from one twin flame to the other.
Five Signs That You Have received A Telepathic Message From Your Twin flame. (Telepathy Between
Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine.)
One of the most common gifts after coming into twin flame journey is telepathic communication. When Twin
flames trigger each other and as a result they separate then their energies often reach out to each other in
form of telepathic messages.
These are the signs that will confirm that you are receiving a telepathic message from your twin flame.
1) This message comes from nowhere (isn't generated as a link to your ongoing thought process) and it
comes unexpectedly. It's often effortless and energizes you rather spending a bit of your energy. This
message can come in form of vision, in form of a memory, in form of a certain synchronicites and in form
poetry or a song that usually is playing in your mind when you wake from a sound sleep.
2) This message if comes powerfully then often is confirmed by the universe through your outside 3D reality.
For example message that you feel has reached you, will be talked about some energy reader or a
channeler(!they might post similar messages) or you will see someone else talking the same or you will start
seeing synchronicites related to message around you.
3) Telepathic Message can act as a pleasant trigger to uplift your Energies and might help your system to
bring some old forgotten memories on to the surface. (Mist of the time telepathic messages are uplifting but
in some cases they can trigger you intensely to purge an energetic block in your energetic field)
4) The most powerful sign of receiving a telepathic message is that it generates the same intense emotions in
you as you feel while communicating with them in real. It will feel as they are talking to you in real. You might
feel a sudden surge of emotions or a fast heartbeat while receiving a telepathic message.
5) The more powerful telepathic message is the more it will bring energetic presence of your twin flame.
After receiving telepathic message you often feel energetic presence of your twin flame and it can be for a
short period of time and sometimes it can prolong for hours.
Signs Your Twin Flame Feels Your Connection Even When They’re in Denial :
When someone feels a twin flame connection, they often question if what they are feeling is real. They also
question whether or not their twin flame feels the connection the same way they do.
Here are some signs your twin flame feels your connection.
1. You share telepathy with one another. The bond between twin flames is a deeply spiritual one, so you
share thoughts with each other. Your connection is in a state of constant flow between you, even during the
separation stage. Your twin flame is aware of this connection and continues to feel it as well.
This is why twin flames will often have the same thoughts and ideas. Many will utter the same words as their
twin at the same time. So if your twin seems to be able to read your mind or text you when you were just
about to text them, it's a sign they feel your connection.
2. You share empathy with each other. When you have strong feelings, such as anger or sadness, and your
twin flame contacts you to ask if you are ok or if there is something wrong, they are feeling your empathic
connection and reacting to it.
3. Dreams , When your twin has the same dreams you do, and/or has dreams of you, it's a sign 'they're
experiencing your connection.
4. Intense emotions/ unconditional love. Your twin flame will feel more for you than they have for anyone
else. They may even tell you that, if they are open enough. They love you for you, regardless of your flaws,
the same way you love them.
5. Running from the connection. For some twin flames the power of the twin flame connection is just too
overwhelming for them. If it wasn't, there would be no need for them to run at all.
They aren't ready to face their deep emotions or the connection itself, so they try to put distance and space
between themselves, you and the connection. The power of the connection is why most twin flames find their
way back to each other, even after long periods of separation.
6. Your own acceptance of your connection. A twin flame connection goes both ways. You cannot be
connected to a twin flame and them not be connected to you as well. So if you feel truly connected to your
twin flame, they feel it too. Is your twin flame in denial of your connection? If so, do you believe they feel
your connection?
Five The Most Common Behaviors Of Divine Masculine's Energy. (Post is For You If You are New To
the Journey.)
In this post, I'm going to discuss five behaviors of Divine Masculine's energy or in simple words, you can say
that how Divine Masculine's energy behave in Twin Flame Journey. This post will not only help you
understand the behaviors of Divine Masculine energy, but also confirm that you are in a Twin Flame Journey
and it will also confirm that, this person is your Divine Masculine, this person is your Twin Flame.
The very first and most common behavior of Divine Masculine energy is that this energy gets immensely
attracted towards your spiritual self, towards yourself, that's free from all the limited conditioning, or in more
simple words, we can say that this energy is attracted towards your higher self that you become after your
spiritual transformation. You always attract Masculine when you are free from all the conditioning and you
are spiritually very much evolved.
Now, the second behavior of this energy or Divine Masculine's energy is that this energy is responsible to
initiate the process of transformation in you by putting you into the Dark Night of the Soul.
And for those who are newly into Twin Flame Journey. Actually, I'm writing this post for those who are newly
into this Twin Flame Journey. And if you want to know what Dark Night of the Soul is, then Dark Night of the
Soul is a phase in Twin Flame's life when they go through an intense spiritual depression after being initiated
to the journey, they go through an intense spiritual journey.
And in this dark phase, for a few years, they remain there, and then they lose their ego, they lose their old
identity to become a higher version of their being when after becoming their higher version, they unlock their
spiritual gifts, they become their spiritual person, they become completely changed person. They become
more closer to the nature, are more aligned with the Divine energies after this transformation. And this
happens and this phase is being initiated by the Divine Masculine. No other energy can get you so much
easily into this alchemical process than your own Divine Masculine's energy.
This is also another behavior of Divine Masculine energy that they initiate you into the darkness also.
Now, the third behavior of this energy are Divine Masculine energies that this energy will keep moving in the
pond to and fro. They will always return to you after a period of separation and they will leave you again after
triggering some other wounds or fears to be purged.
This energy will leave you and come back to you and it will continue until you completely purge the energy of
a chaser or a dependent individual out of your energetic field. Once you have cleared the all energy that
makes you a chaser, they will stop automatically running from you. This is also a very common behavior in
the Divine Masculine's energy.
Now, the fourth most important behavior of Divine Masculine's energy is that this energy is in your own
energetic field and this energy is fully bridged together with your feminine polarity.
In simple words, your inner Masculine and feminine, they are always connected. So if you awake, they also
awake. You both awake simultaneously. When you awake, at the same time, simultaneously, they also awake.
Like if transformation is happening to you, it is happening to them also. But at the level of mind, you might
not understand that because mind shows you things a little different than what is going on in your energetic
field. So whatever happens to you, it happens to them also at the level of energies, at the level of your soul
So outside might not show you the way you want to see things because outside you see with the eyes of ego.
But deep inside and at the level of energetic, at the level of your energies, in your energetics, you both are
going through this transformation together. You both are going through this journey together.
Now, the fifth and last most common behavior of this Divine Masculine energy is that this energy introduces
you to the Divine.
This energy makes you pure, unlocks your higher self. This energy is responsible for your transformation, the
transformation and evolution that your soul was seeking for centuries. So be thankful and be grateful for your
Divine Masculine for this opportunity of transformation and have unconditional love for your Divine
No matter how much painful, sometimes it gets into the journey. But be grateful because at the end, what
you become after transformation, you become a very powerful being, a very pure being.
The purity that you get at the end of this journey, it's the most precious gift that a soul can have. And this gift
is given to you by your Divine Masculine. So have love for them always.
12 Signs Your Divine Masculine is Awakening
Are you a divine feminine waiting for your divine masculine counterpart to awaken? When you see some of
these 12 signs you will know your divine masculine is awakening.
1. When a divine masculine awakens they have a new sense of purpose, a higher purpose, and a very clear
direction. They are no longer finding out who they are, why they're here and what they're meant to do. They
know and are going forward full steam ahead.
2. An awakened masculine comes from a place of logic. They steer away from emotional reactions that may
backfire, and instead use logical thinking for decisions and problems, knowing they will provide the best
chance of a positive outcome.
3. An awakened divine masculine is looking for quality, not quantity. They are looking for a stable, committed
partnership rather than endless flings with no substance. They are not in pursuit of obtaining more material
possessions. They no longer need to feed their ego with multiple partners or material things.
4. A sense of strength and conviction. No more sitting on the fence, waffling back and forth and second
guessing. Decisions and actions are made with a sense of purpose and are followed through to completion.
No more procrastinating.
5. An awakened masculine is loyal and trustworthy.
6. Self confidence and self assurance has increased. Other people's judgements, opinions or pressure are no
longer a worry or an influence. A sense of self worth is coming from within, rather than from the approval of
7. Ready to take risks and chances to achieve goals and put in the hard work to get them. When a divine
masculine awakens, there is a new energy present that assists in accomplishing difficult, challenging tasks.
8. An awakened masculine takes responsibility, and is willing to admit their mistakes and learn from them, so
they don't repeat them. They want to correct the wrongs from their past and may attempt to make amends.
They take responsibility for their own lives and do not blame others for their choices or decisions.
9. Awakened masculines feel the need to provide/contribute. They want to do their share, and find it
rewarding to do for others. They are selfless, rather than selfish.
10. When a divine masculine awakens, they become less sedentary. They want to get up and do something!
Whether it is sports to burn off some energy, or any activity that makes them move, they will be up for it.
11. An awakened masculine is looking for true intimacy, on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.
12. An awakened masculine is ready for their twin flame
Signs of Divine Feminine Awakening…Have You Experienced These Signs?
The divine feminine awakening can be recognized through various signs. This can include a shift towards a
more nurturing and compassionate approach to life, personal transformation and growth, embracing
intuition and spiritual awareness.
As a divine feminine awakens there is a shift towards greater harmony and balance in their world. These are
our top 11 signs for the awakening of the divine feminine.
1. Stronger connection to nature.
As a divine feminine awakens, she becomes more at one with nature; and the connection to all living things,
Nature becomes a source of inspiration, peace of mind, and comfort. They feel closer to the divine when in
nature and choose to spend more time there.
2. Higher levels of empathy
Understanding the experiences, thoughts and feelings of others is another sign of a divine feminine
awakening. They can easily put themselves in the shoes of others, and feel compassion on a much deeper
3. Activation of Kundalini energy.
The Kundalini is a spiritual force located at the bottom of the spine. It remains inactive until the divine
feminine begins to awaken. As it becomes active, so will the spiritual awareness of a divine feminine.
A divine feminine will also experience more energy, creativity and general sense of well-being as the
Kundalini rises.
4. Enhanced intuition and awareness
A divine feminine will be more intuitive and instinctively guided to make the right choices. This supports
them in avoiding adverse situations and people.
5. Creativity surge.
During a divine feminine awakening, many discover gifts and talents they never realized they possessed.
They want to express themselves through many different mediums and strengthen and hone these gifts to
reach others in ways to touch and inspire.
6. Finding their tribe.
As a divine feminine awakens, they gravitate towards others on the same journey. They seek out, and share,
knowledge and experiences. It will become more difficult to be around people who are not awakened.
7. Mind, body and spirit care becomes a priority.
Divine feminines reap the benefits of taking care of and making time for themselves.
8. Healing and inner work.
Any unhealed traumas from the past that have been obstacles for growth will be revealed. This provides the
opportunity to let go of past baggage and move forward in life.
This also includes acknowledgement of their shadow side, fears, insecurities, etc.~ which results in more
profound healing.
9. Taking stock of relationships.
Divine feminines will let go of superficial, dysfunctional, toxic, and one-sided relationships. They will see these
relationships much more clearly, and will reject relationships that lack authenticity and are beneath what they
10. Discovery of their life purpose and connection to the divine.
11. Creating balance of feminine and masculine energy.
Signs of Kundalini Awakening 🔥 How to Tell the Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini is divine feminine energy, also known as Shakti. This coiled energy is located at the base of the
spine. During Kundalini awakening this energy is activated and moves up and through your chakras.
Awakening this energy requires a deep comprehension of your own karma and connection to others
especially your twin flame. Once awakened the Kundalini energy allows you to achieve higher levels of
consciousness, enlightenment and realization of your true selves.
The awakening of the kundalini is a natural process that can lead to a range of physical, emotional and
spiritual experiences. These include altered states of consciousness, heightened awareness and increased
When twin flames meet for the first time, a deep spiritual realization or transformation can occur. Likewise, a
twin flame reunion can trigger this activation because of the strong connection between separated twins
coming back into union.
Many, but not all, twin flames experience the Kundalini awakening at the same time because their chakras are
in alignment with one another. This powerful spiritual experience will lead to a deeper connection between
Kundalini rising is a deeply personal experience. The signs, symptoms and effects will be different for
everyone as well as for each twin flame couple. Here are 8 signs of Kundalini Rising or Awakening:
1.Panic attacks
This may arise due to intense emotional pain experienced during the spiritual awakening process especially
during separation from a twin flame. If spiritual awakening happens too fast, some will experience feeling
overwhelmed and become distressed. It's important to allow this process to happen naturally and organically
so your energy will stay balanced.
2.Increased intuition, empathy and telepathy
As the Kundalini rises, the twin flame connection will deepen including their empathy, telepathy and intuition
with each other. Twin flames will be able to communicate with one another without speaking, through
thoughts and emotions. This will help them provide positive guidance and insight to each other as well as to
other people in their lives.
3.Mood swings or anxiety
Kundalini rising may cause mood swings or anxiety suddenly coming out of nowhere. You may feel anxious,
sad, angry or suddenly joyful without any reason. Since your intuition, empathy and telepathy to your twin
has increased, you may also experience their anxiety and mood swings as well.
4.Expansion of your creativity
The Kundalini Rising energy is very intense and many twin flames will have a strong impulse to create
something. Creativity is the ethereal force that drives us to create beauty from within. Art, music, dance,
writing - all are manifestations of our creativity.
Being creative makes us truly feel alive. It allows us to express ourselves in a way words alone can't convey.
The Kundalini energy feeds our creativity which in turn, feeds our souls.
5.Increase in synchronicity
Synchronicities are events that occur near each other, implying a connection that is more than coincidence.
These events can be interpreted as meaningful or significant events associated with spiritual experiences.
They can manifest as a string of events that appear to be directed by an external force, or higher power
leading to a sense of alignment with the Divine. Synchronicity is a sign of divine intervention or destiny, as
the universe sends meaningful signs through these events, indicating you're in alignment with your soul
blueprint for this lifetime.
6.Different perception of time and how time works.
In our 3D reality we adhere to the concept of linear time. This means events occur in sequential order with a
definite past, present and future. As the Kundalini awakens, you may start seeing past, present and future
merged into one where you see all your lifetimes overge into one magnificent story. This shift in perception
indicates you and your twin flame are moving towards higher levels of Consciousness.
7.Chakras become balanced
As twin flame's chakras become more balanced, they will experience a sense of clarity, calmness and
emotional stability. This allows twin flames to feel more connected to each other, to the universe and
experience a greater sense of purpose.
8.Become aligned with your soul's purpose.
As your consciousness expands and you become more connected to your true self, you may find your
perspective on life changes and you discover your true soul's purpose. This can bring a sense of deep
fulfillment and happiness as you recognize your place in the universe. It's important to note that Kundalini
Awakening can be an intense process.
It can reveal past traumas and emotions that need to be healed through inner work. However, the end result
is a greater sense of joy, purpose and contentment. As your Kundalini awakens you will have a greater
understanding of yourself, your twin flame and the world around you, which can lead to a deep feeling of
inner peace and fulfillment.
Being a twin flame chaser can be hard. Feelings of abandonment, rejection and frustration are natural for the
But did you know that your twin flame runner is suffering too?
The runner can get a bit of a bad rap, but they are merely following their path on the twin flame journey –
just as you are!
Their path is no easier than yours. In fact, in some ways, being the twin flame runner can be much harder.
Most people associate soul shock with the chaser, as it is the chaser that understands the real gravity of the
twin flame relationship and knows what they have “lost”.
But the runner also experiences soul shock.
Soul shock is caused by a sudden weakening of the shared soul energy connection, causing withdrawal
symptoms from twin flame energy.
The runner doesn’t need to know about or believe in twin flames in order to experience this soul shock.
It just happens to them.
Runners Don’t Know Why They Suffer
And that’s one of how the runner suffers more than the chaser during twin flame separation.
The runner has no idea why they are suffering.
His feelings of soul shock and heartbreak seem to be entirely out of tune with how they usually deal with
They suddenly have all of these intense feelings that they don’t understand and don’t know how to handle.
Imagine having a painful itch somewhere on your body and not being able to find the source!
This ignorance of the twin flame relationship and spirituality, in general, is one of the core reasons that twin
flame runners exist.
Once they find that itch, they’ll figure out that they need their twin flame to scratch their back.
Ending Runner Suffering
Unfortunately, there is only a little you can do to alleviate your twin flame runner’s suffering.
The process that the runner must go through to be fully ready for the twin flame relationship is one that they
must go through alone.
Before twin flames can unite as one, they have to be able to stand apart.
The runner needs to come to terms with their feelings and heal the old wounds that drove them away in the
first place.
They do not need to subscribe to all of the twin flame ideas, but without an open mind, they will continue to
For the chaser, patience is key. But there are some things you can do to hurry the process along:
1. Soul Energy meditation. By sending love energies through the heart chakra, you can help to clarify the twin
flame ideal in your runner’s mind.
2. Dream meeting. While you are separated on the physical plane, you can still communicate on the astral
plane during sleep. Use this wisely and offer them support.
3. Work on yourself. Your role in separation is to lead by example, with the positive energies that come from
this being shared with your runner through your chakras.
Do these things and rest assured that your runner will return. Just make sure you are ready when they do.
Signs that Energetic Disconnect has happened between You and your twin flame:
Although Energetic Disconnect can happen anytime in the journey (whenever there's a presence of
consciousness of separation) but it can happen and is felt strongly when you are near to realize an inner
Union. Of course not a good sign. Usually near the inner Union energies are extremely delicate and if you
force your energies in anyway or mishandle your energetic system an Energetic Disconnect can occur.
Sign 1: Numbers
You see angelic numbers all the time, repeating sequences like 11:11, 222, 444, and more… It can also be
other significant numbers such as your birthday or another significant number. It can also include repeating
words, phrases, and slogans.
These are all signals that your “intention/manifestation” has been “registered” by the universe and your
guides, and they are working to help you!
When you work on an intention, signs will show up more than at any other time.
If you are about to let go of your twin flame connection, you will see numbers everywhere as your guides and
the universe work to get you back on track.
Sign 2: Process of rebirth
When we begin to invite and pray/ask for something, the universe immediately responds. You may already
know that we live in a universe of energy, where nothing is truly solid and everything is about frequency and
So, in order for us to receive the desired manifestation, reunion, or dream – what we have asked for – the
universe reacts energetically. As it works to bring our goal to fruition, our system is triggered to release
anything that may BLOCK that desire.
So when you pray for something, your system often purges everything that has been keeping you from
aligning with it.
Therefore, we often go through a “rebirth process” before our goals manifest in tangible ways. It is our
system working to align us with the reception.
If you’re feeling heavy right now, know that it’s not forever, it’s your system specifically trying to bring you
into higher alignment. Let go of what was so you can have your desires.
Because we need to have “room” to receive, you will notice old aspects of your identity, so-called shadows,
emerging, and you may see old friendships and relationships crumble.
Sign 3: Your Choice
Another thing that always happens in this process is that the universe begins to “check in with you” to make
sure you really want what you asked for. And to see if you’re really ready.
How this happens, you may receive “hints” from your manifestation to give you a chance to refine your
request and/or confirm.
A concrete example of this could be, you say you want to find love. And then, you get one, but it turns out to
be a disappointment because you have nothing in common with the person who appears in your life.
The universe says:
You did not give enough details during your request and it is time for you to be more specific.
Then you can say that you want to meet your perfect divine soul partner (your twin) and you want it to be an
incredibly happy experience for both of you and lead to a harmonious relationship in this life and forever.
When something does not go quickly, know that it is the universe that asks you to be more specific or to
show more clarity on your wish!
Be as specific as possible. Sometimes we might not think it’s possible, but the universe does!
When we set an intention, the universe periodically asks us to either confirm that we still want to manifest
that thing or to change our minds. Be sure to stay in your highest consciousness, so you can be clear about
Sign 4: Resistance
Our physical bodies carry ancient programming. Our bodies are programmed through evolution to focus on
survival above all else. So the old part of us acts like: anything new is dangerous.
Therefore, you will notice that your body consciousness may begin to “freak out” when your manifestation is
near. It can sense energy, and it can sense when someone or something is about to happen.
When our “self” feels threatened, you will notice illogical stress or worry. It is the resistance to change.
Know that when you experience this type of reaction, it is a sign that your body and your “unconscious self”
are sensing your manifestation along the way.
Sign 5: Dreams
As you work through manifestation, including reuniting with your Twin Flame, you will notice your
unconscious mind and your connection to guidance becoming strongly activated.
As your guides work to show you the steps to follow to achieve your desires, your dreams will begin to speak
to you.
Animals and symbolic situations will probably appear in your dreams. Additionally, you may begin to receive
visions and affirmations in your meditations.
Start writing down your dreams every morning and interpret the messages that come to you. There are
important helpful clues that want to be heard and understood.
Sign 6: Clues
On the path of creation, when you are in a significant time of manifesting and inviting your desire, you will
experience the subtle clues that change is occurring.
It will often look like seeing symbols and signs of your twin flame. If you’re working to manifest a reunion,
you might see or hear your twin’s name and birthday repeatedly, or see people who look like them.
The so-called déjà vu is a common sign, and spiritually it seems like a time when you align with a particular
timeline or shift into a new state, like glimpsing something you planned before birth. This is another example
of “remembering”.
Experiencing déjà vu, the feeling that you have been in this situation before, that you are experiencing
something again, is a sign that you are at a significant moment in your journey.
Sign 7: Synchronicities
When you are aligned with your manifestation and there is no blockage on reception, you will notice a sense
of increased light and progress on an inner level.
You will feel that something good is approaching, a feeling of excitement without really knowing the cause
because it is not yet present.
In this part of the process, it is common to experience synchronicities, a palpable sign that the universe is
“reaching out” to bring you to your goal. It may look like:
Suddenly getting all the green lights on your way to an important meeting so you “magically” navigate traffic
while everyone else is stuck…
The “right person” shows up at the “right time”.
Having a friend or acquaintance who gives you the exact information or help you need.
Or you meet a new friend who works with your Twin Flame and can bring you together…and even more.
If this happens to you, you will recognize it as a fluke. However, this is not by chance. Acknowledge it for
what it is, and you invite more. Like a “wink” between you and the universe.
Listen to your intuition, as it is always working to help you and bring you the divine guidance that can help
you achieve your goals to live the happiest life possible for you!
Is Your Twin Flame Separation Stage Ending? Signs a twin flame separation is almost over ❤️🔥
A long-lasting separation stage is not something a twin flame wants to go through. You just want it to be
over, as soon as possible, which is understandable. But how can you tell if your separation from your twin
flame is coming to an end? Here are some signs to be aware of that your twin flame separation phase may be
ending soon.
The communication in 5D between twin flames is just as real as the communication they have in the 3D.
Despite being at odds in the 3D, communication between a couple will be positive and loving in 5D. This is
due to the connection in the higher realms and the ability to communicate from a space of unconditional
love and openness.
Though they may be separated or at a standstill in the physical world, their connection in the spiritual realm
creates a channel for clear and loving communication.
The communication between twin flames in the 5D can greatly influence their relationship in the 3D. For
instance, it can help, and even start, a healing process, lead to communication, and help overcome fears. So,
let's start with the ways twin flames communicate in 5D:
The first is through meditation. You can communicate with your twin flame via meditation, and many twin
flames experience their first communication with their twin flame while they were meditating prior to a
physical meeting.
Meditation can help you provide advice assurance, and support to help guide your twin flame along the
journey and help clear the way for union/reunion.
Another way twin flames communicate in 5D is through telepathy. This can also occur prior to the first
physical meeting and can help facilitate that meeting. Many twin flames speak of not being able get their
twin flame out of their mind, which makes perfect sense when your twin flame is communicating with you
They are the ones -putting those thoughts in your head! So pay attention to them, and don't confuse them as
your own. Use them instead, as a way to send the words you want to say to your twin in the 3D ~ to them in
the 5D especially during a separation phase.
Since the channel is wide open, don't just be the receiver of these communications, send communications
back to your twin flame. The third way twin flames communicate in the 5D is via dreams. This is yet another
instance of communication first in the 5D prior to meeting in 3D.
The dreams of twin flames are incredibly vivid, often feeling as real as actual experiences. Many twin flames
have dreams that are so realistic they feel they really happened. Well, they did, so pay attention and don't
dismiss the information you're being given from your twin flame, as these dreams can give great insight into
what your twin flame is thinking and feeling, and what they may be holding back from you in the 3D.
This could be their true feelings, intentions, and things to painful/fearful for them to express in the 3D with
you. Empathy is another way twin flames communicate, which can be both very . powerful and revealing. Your
twin may not be ready to verbally express how they feel, but you can feel their emotions, without them saying
a word.
You will feel these feelings as if they're your own. It can be very overwhelming and come at you out of
nowhere. Again, please don't confuse these feelings with your own. Instead, address that these emotions
belong to your twin flame, and use this knowledge to have a deeper understanding of what your twin is
going through at the time.
Communication between twin flames in the 5D realm is essential in their journey of healing, growth and
ascension. Twin flames in 5D.often experience a profound sense of unity, oneness and unconditional love.
Their communication in 5D is powerful and contributes to their ultimate reunion and union.
5 Signs You Are in a Soul Contract [BEFORE YOU WERE BORN]
Before physically becoming a part of Mother Earth, we all existed as souls and spirits, and so shall we be after
death. A soul contract is an agreement between two souls that decide to work together to facilitate the
growth of their spiritual body before becoming a part of Mother Earth.
Furthermore, before incarnating in the physical plane, the soul already made an agreement with all of its
When you are born, they will come in the form of persons who will unavoidably give you the specific lessons
good or bad essential for your inner evolution. The agreement entered is based on the choices we intend to
make when we come to Earth, in essence, to neutralize our karma from previous lives and learn from them,
thus bringing profound changes in our new life. This master plan governs our experiences, life events, and
situations, thus helping us find our true purpose on Earth.
Now that you know what it means to have a spiritual agreement, interested in learning some signs that
you've found a soul contract?
1. You Feel You've Known Them Before Now: There are times when you meet someone for the first time,
suddenly it feels like you've known them for all your life. You do not need much introduction or much
stressing to do to become friends because the connection between you is so strong that you begin to
wonder how that's possible.
This can be a glaring sign that such a person has a soul contract with you, and if such a person happens to be
the opposite sex, it might be possible that they are likely to be your soulmate.
2. You Care So Much About The Person: Everyone has that particular person they do not joke with. They
have that one person that they can do anything for. Even with this, there are times when you seem to care
less about people, including those close to you. Still, if you have someone that no matter what happens, you
care so deeply about this person that even when they hurt you, you can't muster the energy to hate or care
less about them.
It might simply mean that such a person is in a soul contract with you. Sometimes it can happen that you
even feel their pain. This is because you're connected through energies, and that's how it should be.
3. You Can Be Your Genuine Self With Them: There are people whom you meet and you have to pretend
to be so many things to get along with them. But there are people that you meet that you feel so complete
around them that when you're with them, you feel so alive because you can let your guards down without
any fear or worries because you know that you'll be wholeheartedly accepted for who you are, and they'll
never criticize or judge you. With them around, you can become completely weird and twisted as much as
you want to without any worries.
4. They Teach You So Much: This person is fantastic and brings so much light into your life that you're
willing to do anything for them.
Also, you get to realize that you tend to learn a lot from them whenever you're around them because in them
resides so much wisdom that you need to help you grow in life. In the same vein, they're also your healers
because whenever things seem to not be going the right way, they always have a way of pulling you out of
the situation you're in.
They challenge you to do the extra mile, trigger your emotions, and help you meet your desired targets and
even heights that you never expected to get to.
5. They Spur You To New Heights: Ever had a friend who's so concerned about your development that if
you fail to do something that'll enhance your growth, they'll get so angry that you feel let you kill the man?
They're your number one fans and your greatest supporter.
They challenge you out of your comfort zones. They challenge you in every aspect of life, and every challenge
is to bring out the best in you. If you have such a friend, that might signify that you are in a sole contract with
such a being. I hope that you enjoyed the explanation.
The Most Authentic Signs Divine Masculine Loves You.
1.Your Divine Masculine never loses an opportunity to praise you in beautiful words. They praise you like no
one else in the world. They not only admire your body but also your personality.
2. Although Your Divine Masculine doesn't express his feelings directly but you will notice they will keep
dropping the hints about their hidden feelings and love for you.
3. They wait for you to initiate the contact. They wait for your call and text message.
4. Your Intuition and deep innermost feelings testify that they love you. It's hard for you to imagine that they
don't love you.
5. They act a little curious about your life and keep asking if you like someone else or there is someone else in
your life.
6.Whenever they comeback from separation and contact you after a long time they always ask for your
pictures so that they can see you. They love seeing you.
7.They often call you with sweet names like a lover calls her beloved.
8.Sometimes they start acting a little silly and like an innocent child around you or while having arguments
with you.
9. They remember things and secrets that you ever told them and they remember songs or poetry that you
ever shared with them.
10. There's always a great sexual pull that they feel for you. Feeling sexually attracted towards your twin flame
is normal and not bad.
11. On their return from separation they express their feelings and tell you that they missed you.
What’s the divine masculine role as a twin flame?
If you resonate more to be the Masculine energy in your connection - this is for you. We all have both
masculine and feminine essences, yes - and we need to balance them both out. So this is only to bring clarity
and understanding on how the feminine and masculine energy works and how you can relate these essences
unto yourself with the situations presented. Don't be confused with the examples or labels given.
"Male" and "female," "Woman" and "Man" labels are used to identify and understand each essence. Take it
how it resonates on your energetic blueprint in terms of polarity within your unique experience/connection,
So we begin…
It is the role of the Masculine to TAKE THE LEAD:
Top twin flame relationship problems (and how to resolve them)
There are many people out there hoping to find their twin flame, but are unaware of the challenges, obstacles
and drama that can come with them. Navigating a twin flame journey can be difficult. Being prepared for the
bumps in the road may make it a bit easier.
These are some of the most common problems twin flames encounter and some tips on how to work
through them. All twin flame relationships are unique, so these problems and tips may not resonate with
every couple.
Many twin flame couples have a period of time where they questioned if their connection was real, or all in
their head, and if it will last. It's a pretty intense connection and a once in a lifetime experience. For many, it
defies logic. So when the logical mind clashes with the spiritual connection, doubt and denial can kick in and
cause problems in the relationship.
If your twin flame is questioning your connection, and willing to talk about it, by all means help them out.
Show them articles, books, and share your own knowledge with them to help them accept and surrender to
the connection.
If they won't talk to you about it, and are in full denial mode, you may need to leave them to work through it
You or your twin flame may meet when one, or both of you, are in relationships with other people, or just
ended a long-term relationship. Neither of those scenarios seem like the best time to encounter your twin
flame for the first time. But remember, there was a reason the universe chose that time for you to meet. It
could be for a spiritual awakening, and/or a catalyst to make serious life changes.
It may not be the right time for a romantic relationship between the two of you, and one or both of you may
have to end current relationships before you can proceed on your twin flame journey together.
What you CAN do, is continue on your OWN spiritual path and create your OWN growth and change until
the path is clear for the two of you to be together. Don't let yourself get stuck on what your twin flame is or
isn't doing, and focus on yourself.
3. The dynamic of the twin flame chaser and runner:
This is one of the most common (and the toughest) relationship problems twin flame couples can encounter.
One twin flame makes the choice to run away from the connection, and the other chases after them. This
problem, unfortunately, can do the most damage and can last the longest.
There are many reasons a twin flame can run. Whatever the reason, it's something within themselves they're
running from. So, unless you did something outlandishly horrible, it's not your fault, and there's not much
you can do at this point. Rather than face their issues, their fears, whatever it is they're running from, they
remove themselves from the relationship. It's painful, but try and resist the urge to force a talk or a meeting
with them. They're not being truthful with themselves, so it's highly doubtful they will be honest with you.
In many cases runners don't know exactly why they're running, so if they don't know why, how can they
explain it to you? They can't, so instead they may lie, blame you, or be cold and cruel.
For most people in this position, your best course of action is to take no course of action towards them.
This has been called the most challenging problem twin flames have to go through. This person came into
your life, turned it upside down like a whirlwind and now they're gone.
Your heart and soul ache for them and the time apart seems like torture. Most twin flames do reunite, but
knowing that doesn't make the separation phase any easier for many people. It is hard to pull yourself up by
your bootstraps and continue moving forward until reunion.
You feel powerless because you have no control over if or when the separation phase ends. Well, you do
have some power, and you do have some choices to make. How you spend your time during a separation is
up to you. Of course you're going to have certain feelings of grief, sadness and anxiety.
But just as you want your twin flame to make changes while you're apart, you need to make some changes as
well. Many, many twin flames have a separation to learn their lesson apart, rather than together.
But both of you have to learn and grow, or it's very possible you could have more than 1 separation phase,
and no one wants that! So try and keep the focus on yourself, instead of what your twin flame may or may
not be doing.
The connection was not created by the twin flames, but the relationship itself and the quality of it, is their
responsibility. It's easy to let things slide with a twin flame, but don't lower your standards. If you wouldn't let
anyone else treat you a certain way, or behave a certain way towards you, don't let your twin flame get away
with it.
Yes, there can be drama in twin flame relationships because of the growth, challenges and lessons they
present, but lower level drama shouldn't be entertained. Don't let your fears get in the way of what you know
in your heart is right. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
More than likely, those are lessons presenting themselves to both of you, and you want to pass them, not fail,
or they repeat. So, if you find recurring problems in your twin flame relationship, look for the lessons being
6. Outside influences/complications:
Being from different parts of the world, from difference cultures and religions, and family/friend interference
can really create unique challenges for twin flame couples. The best advice we can give to couples facing
issues like these is to work together, as a team. Have open communication between you, and really take the
time to listen and understand. Standing strong together, against any obstacle against you, is the way to go.
No one can interfere in your relationship without some allowance by at least one of you, so don't allow it.
During your twin flame relationship, what has not been healed will be triggered. The challenge is to heal your
past wounds so you're no longer triggered. Understanding your twin flame's past experiences and having
compassion for them is great, but don't enable them to act out instead of do their inner work and release the
baggage or their past. The same goes for you.
Help them work through it, but don't just simply excuse it. Inner work is hard, but it's so worth it. Letting go
of what is holding you back allows you to grow, evolve and further your progress on your spiritual journey.
This can be especially difficult for the twin flame who is further along in their journey, or the one that
awakens first. It can be frustrating at times, and can really test your patience. Remember to trust the journey,
just like you want your twin flame to.
At a certain point, and with some help from you, they will meet you at your level soon enough.
9. Age gap:
Many, but not all, twin flames have an age gap between them that can present some challenges and
insecurities. One will have less life experience, and some twin flames worry their twin will have a problem with
the difference in age between them.
As long as you're both legal adults, and neither of you has a problem with the age gap, what society thinks
shouldn't be a problem. If you're insecure about your age, that's something you need to resolve within
Karmic and Twin Flame Relationships
One of the most challenging obstacles to Twin Flame union is when one or both are in a karmic relationship
or married. If your Twin decides to choose their karmic/soulmate over you, just let it be.
There is a solid reasons why they choose to stay, it could be a karmic contract with them has not ended.
There is a certain lessons that needed to be learned from the karmic relationship and must be resolved the
karmic issue and should resolved between them and only them. You must accept their current situation,
that's his/her issue not yours..leave them to their life and face yours. Your twin has his/her own free will and
must experience this karmic relationship on their own. If their previous issues aren't resolved chances are they
are going to repeat the old karmic pattern over and over again.
This journey cannot be forced, let things the natural cause of action and just let it be until karmic relationship
falls away naturally, it will automatically get over once it has completed. Once you both accomplished your
mission and finish the karma issue together. It might be, it is time for you and your Twin Flame to fully united
then it maybe this is your final lifetime on Earth.
9 Unmistakable Twin Flame Signs from the Universe
Embarking on a twin flame journey is a profound experience that transcends the ordinary. It’s a spiritual bond
that resonates with the deepest parts of our being. But how can you be sure if you’ve truly met your twin
In this post, I’ll help you explore nine telltale twin flame signs from the universe. Let’s get into it!
Things to Know:
• The universe may indicate a twin flame through signs like immediate bonds, unusual
synchronicities, personal growth, intense connections, and more.✓
• It’s crucial to differentiate genuine twin flame signs from mere coincidences or intense
connections that may not signify a twin flame.✓
• Recognizing your twin flame involves personal understanding of signs, balancing intuition
with logic, openness to challenges, and patience.
9 Signs from the Universe That You’ve Met Your Twin Flame
Picture a scenario where you cross paths with a stranger, and an immediate, inexplicable bond forms. It feels
like a connection that’s been forged over lifetimes. Such unexpected encounters often mark the beginning of
a twin-flame relationship.
It’s as if a piece of your soul, unbeknownst to you, was missing until you stumbled upon your other half.
Before meeting your twin flame, you’ll start to notice peculiar synchronicities that are too significant to be
mere coincidences.
Perhaps a certain song, one that later becomes symbolic of your connection, keeps playing on the radio. Or
maybe their name or birthdate pops up frequently in your daily life.
Some even report vivid dreams or premonitions of their twin flame before meeting.
When you meet your twin flame, a spark ignites. It launches intense personal growth and transformation.
You’ll find yourself healing wounds and adopting healthier habits. You may experience accelerated spiritual
This connection also heightens intuition. It makes you feel empowered, alive, authentically yourself.
With your twin flame, communication flows naturally and deeply. It’s as if you’ve known each other for many
lifetimes. Their presence feels like a safe haven, a sense of “coming home”.
The connection between twin flames transcends the physical realm. It delves into the depths of your souls,
creating a bond that is both profound and unbreakable.
Sign 5: Sense of Familiarity
There’s a comforting familiarity that accompanies the presence of your twin flame. Their voice might soothe
you. Their scent might feel familiar.
Their touch might bring a sense of peace. You’ll find yourself laughing at inside jokes that feel centuries old
or intuitively knowing their quirks and habits.
The journey towards your twin flame is not always smooth. You might encounter obstacles or challenges that
test the strength of your bond.
However, these difficulties often serve to deepen your connection and make your relationship more
Despite these challenges, the commitment to each other and the journey remains unwavering.
One unique sign of a twin flame connection is a shared desire to make a positive impact on the world. You’ll
find yourself drawn to community service, activism, or charity work.
This shared life purpose and philosophy often strengthens the bond between twin flames. It unites them in
their mission to spread love and light in the world.
From the moment you meet your twin flame, there’s an intense and instant attraction that defies logic. This
irresistible pull towards each other can be felt even before you meet, drawing you together across time and
The passionate connection endures on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It creates a bond
that is both profound and unbreakable.
Twin flames often mirror each other. They reflect each other’s issues to bring about awareness and healing.
They possess complementary qualities and perfectly balance each other’s energies.
This mirroring effect allows both individuals to learn from each other and grow together through the
relationship, making it a journey of mutual evolution and self-discovery.
What are the most common misconceptions about twin flames?
Many twin flames try to put a “friends” label on their relationship with their twin flame. Your twin flame can
certainly be your best friend, but you are not friends. There is surely a much deeper connection between you
two. However, there is no ordinary romantic relationship either.
As humans, we are so conditioned to fit our relationships into good old conventional patterns, but the twin
flame connection doesn’t fit anywhere. It is a new model of love and relationship.
Considering “Chaser” or “runner” as a person takes you away from many real achievements. These are
mentalities, not roles. Both can also be at the same time. When you get stuck in this idea that you are a
chaser, you unknowingly close off the possibility of introspection completely – what could you be running
away from in this regard?
Many are “waiting” for their twin flame to change, end their karmic contracts and come to you. If it is meant
to be, it should happen naturally, not by hurting or forcing someone and denying your or their karmic
responsibilities. You are on this journey for a reason, but in such scenarios, people seem to get stuck in good
old patterns and societal dramas rather than transformation.
4: Your twin is not ready, but you are ready for the meeting.
This feeling itself indicates that you are not in your own balance. If you were ready, you would be in union
with yourself, and this thought that your twin is not ready does not reach your mind. Because on some level
you already feel one with him.
No. What you are going through, your twin may not be going through. Each of you may go through different
experiences during the twin flame journey.
Most twin flames have been part of the collective mission since birth and carry much of the mission
vibrationally without consciously knowing it. Your twin flame is an integral part of your mission – and it is
energetic in nature. The experience you are going through and the energy you carry, the love you carry for
your twin flame is part of your mission.
As for individual missions, your mission will be activated when you act from your heart center.
7: As a twin flame, you are by default able to carry the individual mission.
No, being a twin flame is not to activate the individual mission. Your spiritual guides will test you before this
and ensure that you are ready to hold and carry out your mission spiritually, energetically, mentally, and
physically. Otherwise, it will not be revealed to you.
17 Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame
Is this a twin flame relationship? How do I know if I've met my twin flame?
1. Premonitions and Inner Work: You had dreams or visions of this person before physically
meeting in this lifetime. Before you two met, you were single for a while, focusing on
profound inner work to develop self-acceptance and cultivate self-love.
2. A Divine Connection: You might be in the process of healing from a previous
relationship, but upon meeting your twin flame, you realize that your past experiences
have been preparing you for this extraordinary connection. It feels like you've finally
met "the one."
3. Instant Recognition and Intense Attraction: There was a powerful sense of
recognition and deep attraction that felt like "coming home" when you first
encountered your twin flame.
4. Beyond This Lifetime: After meeting, you have memories of other times and places
with that person beyond your current lifetime, indicating a soul connection.
5. Spiritual Awakening: Your spiritual awakening occurred after you met your twin flame,
further deepening the connection and understanding of yourselves and the world.
6. Similar Yet Different: You and your twin flame are very similar yet polar opposites at the
same time. You may have parallel life experiences, while also representing different cultures,
religions, or having a significant age difference.
7. Mirroring and Healing: You mirror each other's deepest wounds, insecurities, imbalances,
and patterns, allowing for profound healing and growth.
8. Spiritual Connection: You feel each other's presence in spirit, even when physically apart. You
might even sense each other's illnesses or emotions.
9. Telepathic Communication: You can communicate telepathically and psychically, almost as if
you can read each other's minds.
10. Intense Challenges: This connection is intensely challenging. Often, one of the twin flames is
married or in a long-term relationship, adding complexity and emotional turmoil to the
11. Impact on Others: Your connection has a profound impact on people around you—your
family, friends, and closest circle. They may be amazed, deeply moved, or even threatened by
the depth of your union.
12. Physical Separation: When you are apart from your twin flame, it causes physical, mental,
emotional, and psychological pain, highlighting the strong bond between you.
13. Strength in Togetherness: When you are together, you feel stronger, more empowered, and
capable of achieving anything you've ever desired in life.
14. Best Friends and Passionate Lovers: Your twin flame is not only your best friend, but there's
also an immense sexual attraction and passion between you.
15. Growth Through Challenges: You constantly trigger each other's deepest insecurities,
pushing each other out of your comfort zones, leading to personal growth and
16. Higher Purpose: You have awakened to your higher purpose in life as an individual, realizing
that your journey is intertwined with your twin flame's journey.
17. Uniting for Humanity: You both share a mission of helping humanity evolve by embodying
unconditional love and unity consciousness as a twin flame couple.
What it Means When Your Twin Flame Appears In Your Dreams ? Why are You Dreaming of Twin Flame
When your twin flame appears in your dreams it can mean different things. You may be dreaming of them for
various reasons. Before initial contact occurs, many twin flames speak of dreaming of their twin flame.
In these dreams, you may or may not see their physical features or remember them when you awaken. But
don't worry, you will recognize their energy when you do meet for the first time.
Many people meet their twin flame shortly after dreaming about them. Their dreams were a sign their twin
flame reunion was coming. If you and your twin flame are in a separation phase, where there is no contact
between you, your bond is not broken.
Your souls may choose to communicate via dreams. These conversations hold valuable information. They may
be the validation you need to know your connection is still as strong as ever. You or your twin flame may
express that you miss each other and/or get a message of a desire to reconcile.
These conversations and messages that you get when your twin flame appears in your dreams may validate
what your intuition has been telling you. If you have been asking the universe for a sign of reconciliation your
dream may contain the sign you are asking for.
Some dreams of your twin flame are the opportunity to discover more about your twin flame than they may
be willing to reveal to you otherwise.
You may discover their true feelings and fears, along with information about how their life is really going at
the moment. During your twin flame journey you will often have dreams of your twin flame and the reasons
why may be different, but each dream does have some valuable insight and meaning.
Twin Flame Telepathy. Signs of the Twin Flame Telepathy
Twin Flame telepathy is most often triggered at the time of Kundalini Awakening, which is the beginning of
Twin Flame Ascension. It is when you and your Twin energetically connect (for many this occurs through
sexual encounters or intensely emotional interactions in physical life or in dreams).
When you both connect in this way, your dormant connection with your Twin Flame and all dormant
metaphysical abilities will be triggered.
Even if you’ve never had psychic abilities before, Twin Flame telepathy is something that can develop quickly,
almost overnight, when you and your twin interact energetically and your souls are connected to your higher
Twin Flame telepathy allows twins to hear their thoughts and converse mentally, and besides actual verbal
communication, they can sense their twins’ feelings and moods, including suddenly knowing things they
don’t have never known before.
Touching from a distance is also common between Twin Flames, This and telepathy are especially noticeable
and active at times when our brain is in an Alpha or Theta state, when our defense mechanisms and ego are
relaxed and communication is open – everything before we fall asleep or when we meditate.
Many twins feel their partner by holding their hand or kissing them, and some even experience sexual
encounters this way.
To boost your connection and get in touch with the soul of your Twin Flame, try meditation.
Because as Twin Flames, you share an energy frequency that is unique to both of you in the entire universe,
your souls are already “tuned into each other’s channel”, like on a radio. This means that you are always in
communication on an energetic level.
This is why so many twins feel and hear their partners’ thoughts, feelings, and moods. Twin Flame telepathy
becomes stronger and easier each time we clear our energy to align with this central frequency that we share.
Twin Flame telepathy is an amazing way to stay in touch regardless of the physical distance between you –
whether you want to make your Twin happy or send them a message, starting with simple things like “I love
you” or ” I forgive you” Can be very powerful as these are archetypal messages that are easily transmitted
through the nervous system and energy channels.
Sending love is another amazing and simple thing you can do. Focus on your heart space and focus on the
love you feel for your twin; when you send them that love, they will feel it somehow, even if you have never
spoken before in life or have been apart for years.
Pay attention to messages and impressions that come in the form of images, sounds, dreams, sensory
impressions like touch and emotions, heat, cold, heart palpitations, excitement… Energy and emotions can be
communicated in different ways.
Do not be surprised if you suddenly perceive a memory of your Twin Flame’s life or experience moments of
deja vu when you begin this process as this is due to the merging of your energies and the side effect of the
Those moments when suddenly your Twin Flame comes to your mind, they’re likely thinking of you. And
when you feel the warmth of love deep inside you, it’s only because they’re the ones feeling it.
Sometimes this happens on a soul level, where there is always love between the Twin Flames, but the more
aware you are of using Twin Flame telepathy, the more you can stay in touch.
It can really enhance feelings of togetherness and intimacy, and because the Twin Flame connection isn’t just
about simple words, there’s less chance of misunderstandings and conflict. To put it simply: The energy of
love is unmistakable.
As with most telephones, once the line is busy, you cannot use it. In Twin Flame telepathy, when we are
energetically blocked or occupying the line with our own ego drama and the internal monologue of worry or
blame, our Twin’s messages are not going to be easily received.
Because we are energetic beings and the whole world is full of other people’s energy, we may unconsciously
end up absorbing other people’s energy and this will block our communication channels.
Releasing our energy daily is a great way to keep those telepathic channels clear and open, which also allows
us to stay clear of any negativity that can disrupt our mood and well-being.
If you have never experienced telepathic communication between you and your Twin, the first step to
activating this ability would be to clear your energy channels. If only one of you does this, it will help
enormously to open you both up. If the channel is blocked, the telepathy will not work as intended.
Sometimes you may hear strange, confusing, or discouraging comments and experience weak feelings
because of your connection with your Twin. The reason is that the connection is not just from your conscious
self to their conscious self. Sometimes you become aware of your own subconscious insecurities and even
your own voice of ego or the negativity of others.
In Twin Flame telepathy, it’s actually quite relevant. Often we don’t hear our Twin’s voice, we just feel like the
words are coming from them. Try to recognize the energy signature behind the words. We can feel who the
person is.
This is why it is essential on the Twin Flame journey to energetically release and become familiar with how
energy works in order to feel the difference between your true Twin Flame, other people and your own fears,
and so on.
In life, it’s most often our own instincts of fear that send us into a spiral of negativity.
Once you learn to discern your Twin’s energy from the subconscious fears of others and your own ego, you
will save yourself a lot of worry and trouble.
Twin Flame telepathy happens on an energetic level, and in order to develop this ability reliably and quickly,
you must keep your energy channels and meridians clear and healthy.
Managing your energy will help you open to Twin Flame telepathy faster than anything else. As with any skill,
the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Once your ability to communicate telepathically with your twin is opened up and strengthened, you can also
communicate telepathically with your own spiritual guides.
It can be a great help on your journey, as they are full of wisdom and love for us here on the Earth plane.
However, some precautions must be taken to ensure that the information you get is to support you because
you are talking to your real guides.
Telepathy and energy-based communication means that theoretically, you can communicate with anyone in
any language because energy has no words.
Can twin flames make love telepathically?
The union of two twin flames is the most powerful spiritual connection that can be experienced in this
lifetime. A twin flame couple has unique characteristics, which differ greatly from an ordinary couple.
Twin flames mirror each other, support each other in everything and once they meet in this life, they are
destined to be together forever. One of the most extraordinary characteristics of twin flames is that they can
make love telepathically. They have a connection that transcends physical reality.
As incredible as it may seem, you can experience sexual sensations with your twin flame even if you have not
met them in this earthly reality. It may happen that you are alone and quiet at home and you start to feel
sexual arousal for no apparent reason. This happens because you are already energetically connected to your
twin flame even though you don’t know them physically. Keep in mind that you are already united with your
twin flame beyond time and space.
Second: You and your twin flame are already a stable couple
You and your twin flame are already in a stable relationship and for whatever reason, you are circumstantially
separated. You may live in different homes, travel, or have separated temporarily. At any moment you feel
that you are making love and you perceive it in a very real way. This happens because the truth is that you are
still together because you belong to the same energy source. Therefore, it is entirely possible that you can
have sex telepathically. A twin flame connection transcends earthly obstacles, achieving a soulful union in
harmony with the universe.
The universe is made up of eleven dimensions which correspond to different perceptions of reality. We
inhabit the Third Dimension, that is to say, our usual physical reality. Twin flame spiritual energy comes from
the Fifth Dimension, which is greater than ours in every way. Everything is possible in the Fifth Dimension: our
goals, desires, aspirations, etc. When two twin flames have sex telepathically, it is because this energy comes
from the Fifth Dimension, passes through our Third Dimension and manifests physically in our reality. This
telepathic phenomenon is difficult to understand for our earthly mentality, which is limited to the five senses.
The phenomenon of twin flame telepathy making love is a feasible fact although it seems impossible to most
people. Twin flame sex is a physical, spiritual, and mental expression. When they make love, they awaken
kundalini energy, which is the basis of joy, bliss and spiritual fulfillment. For this reason, sex between two twin
flames is extraordinary and can only happen between them. Twin flames belong to the same energy source.
They are connected in every way. Indeed, they can have sexual relations without the need for physical
A complete connection
Telepathic communication between twin flames involves the heart, soul, and mind of both individuals. They
connect through the seven chakras. These are the seven energy points that encompass the mind and body of
each individual. As time passes and the bond between the two strengthens, the telepathic communication
between them becomes clearer and smoother. They acquire specific and extraordinary spiritual abilities.
Logically, this is transferred on a sexual level, so that they can have sex telepathically. As the relationship
strengthens, twin flames begin to rise spiritually to fully harmonize with the universal order. This wondrous
union raises the vibrational frequency of the entire planet, which benefits us all.
Some twin flame couples have developed a so powerful connection that they can intentionally engage in
telepathic sex. This happens when they have to be separated for travel or work reasons, so they will be
physically distant from each other. They schedule a time to make love telepathically. The amazing thing is
that they achieve a real and fully satisfying experience for both of them. Twin flames have this spiritual ability
that they gain because of the deep connection they have always had. And this is even before their birth on
this earthly plane. Although to ordinary people this may seem crazy, the reality is that for them it is possible.
The phenomenon of twin flame telepathy love can also occur in the dream world. This can happen whether
you already know your twin flame or you haven’t met them yet. It may happen that you dream of making
love with your twin flame. This is a lucid dream where you perceive the facts in a very real way. And you wake
up with a beautiful feeling of happiness. If you haven’t met your twin flame, you might feel the same way.
Even in this case, you cannot see your twin flame’s face clearly. This happens because you and your twin
flame are connected on all planes, including the astral and dream planes.
The phenomenon of twin flame telepathic love is absolutely real, although the earthly mentality harshly
questions it. The spiritual connection of two twin flames transcends all obstacles on the physical plane. They
allow two individuals to communicate telepathically, even to make love. Twin flames are linked together
through soul, mind, and body. They belong to the same energy source. So, they are still together even
though they are physically far apart. This connection is so powerful. In fact, it can be perceived even if the
twin flames do not yet know each other. Remember, they have belonged to each other since before they
were born. They meet on this physical plane to transcend together spiritually.
Has my twin flame already decided permanently not to be with me?
Your twin flame, if running, has likely decided that they want nothing to do with you. Whether they think of
this in terms like ‘permanently’ or ‘forever’ is dependent on the person and the circumstances, but yes, they
will have decided they don’t want you in their lives. It should be noted that this is the norm with twin flame
runners. It’s not like there are just some who think this and the rest are just wanting a breather.
ALL runners are running from themselves and their own internal struggles and they see their chaser twin
flame as the reason for these conflicts. They want you gone. It’s the only way they can have peace. The more
you are in their lives, the more they want you out of their lives. ONLY by giving them what they want, leaving
their lives forever and letting them live with the reality of that, will they ever realise they actually don’t want
that at all. Until then, yes, they want you gone. Permanently.