Document 2803997.1
Document 2803997.1
Document 2803997.1
Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.
E1: JAS: Unreadable Characters (Random Symbols) On The Web Client When Using IE Or Edge
w/IE Compatibility Mode Enabled (Doc ID 2803997.1)
In this Document
Note: If issue appear in non IE browser or Edge without IE mode, please review this document E1: JAS: Unreadable
Characters (Random ASCII Symbols/Gibberish/Hieroglyphics) On The Web Client (Doc ID 2923250.1)
With respect to any E1 web client user who is using Internet Explorer (IE) or Edge with IE Compatibility Mode enabled,
sometimes he or she will be displayed unreadable characters (random symbols) for some or all of the following items: 1/3
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Whenever a user experiences the issue, he or she will continue to have the issue until he or she reboots his or her computer.
However, if a user experiences the issue and then reboots his or her computer, then the issue will eventually return. The time
it takes for the issue to return is unpredictable because of the sporadic nature of the issue. Sometimes it takes hours for the
issue to return, but sometimes it takes days or even months for the issue to return.
The issue never happens when using Firefox or Chrome for the E1 web client. And the issue never happens when using Edge
with IE Compatibility Mode disabled.
The issue is being caused by the corruption of temporary font files that are created by Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
Although the root cause of this corruption is unknown, E1 development has determined that the E1 software is definitely not
causing the corruption.
For some reason IE (or IE Compatibility Mode within Edge) sometimes uses temporary font files that are created by Adobe
Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
The issue never happens when using Firefox or Chrome for the E1 web client because Firefox and Chrome never use
temporary font files that are created by Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
Long-Term Solution:
Migrate from using IE for the E1 web client to using another web browser that is certified for E1. If Edge is being used for the
E1 web client, and if Edge is running with IE Compatibility Mode enabled, then migrate to running Edge with IE Compatibility
Microsoft has announced it will be ending its support for Internet Explorer in the summer of 2022.
Oracle has not certified the E1 web client for running on Edge with IE Compatibility Mode enabled. And Oracle has no
plans to do so.
Short-Term Workaround:
Until it is possible to discontinue using IE for the E1 web client, work around the issue by using something besides Acrobat or
Acrobat Reader to view PDF files.
For example, for a computer running on Windows, the following steps can be used to configure the computer to always use
Edge for viewing PDF files:
1. Right click on any PDF file in the file system for the computer. 2/3
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2. Select "Open with->Choose another app".
3. Select the "Always use this app to open .pdf files" checkbox.
4. Double click on Microsoft Edge to select it.
5. Reboot the computer.
NOTE:1267490.1 - E1: JAS: Browser Support / Certification Information and Best Practices / Checklist For Setting Up Different
Browsers to Use With EnterpriseOne 3/3