Lar509 Urban Landscape Planning

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Wisdom Tekena Sekibo

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture Near East University

Mimarlık Fakültesi, Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi

Doç. Dr. Buket ASİLSOY,

Table Of Contents


The Emergence of Smart City Concept

The Components of Smart City

Smart Infrastructure

Smart Economy

Smart People

Smart Technology

Smart Environment

Smart Transportation

Smart Living

Smart Governance


Global urbanization and increasing water demand make efficient water resource

management crucial. This study employs Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to

evaluate smart city water management strategies.

The latest progress in information and communication technology (ICT) and the

Internet of Things (IoT) have opened up new opportunities for real-time monitoring

and controlling of cities’ structures, infrastructures, and services. In this context,

smart water management technology provides the data and tools to help users more

effectively manage water usage. Data collected with smart water devices are being

integrated with building management systems to show how much water is used by

occupants as well as to identify the consumption areas to use water more efficiently.

By this approach, smart buildings represent an innovative solution that enhances a

city’s sustainability and contributes to overcoming environmental challenges due to

increasing population and climate change. One of the main challenges is resource-

saving and recovery. Water is an all-important need of all living beings, and the

concerns of its scarcity impose a transition to innovative and sustainable management

starting from the building scale.

Keyword: ICTS, urbanization, Smart Cities, , urban development,

Governance,Internet of Things.


A study by the United Nations Population Fund (2019) shows that the world is facing

the biggest wave of urban growth in history. The study shows that, in 2015,

approximately 3.6 billion people lived in the urban area, and that by 2030 that number

will increase to 5 billion people. In the Brazilian reality, this growth is even greater.

According to the 2010 census (IBGE, 2010), the Brazilian population living in the

urban area represents 84.35% and that in 2030 this index will reach 91.1%. The

increase in population growth, particularly in the urban area, causes many challenges

for urban sustainability (RANA, 2011; ROSENZWEIG et al., 2010; ABDULLAH;

RAHIM, 2020; KOCA; EGILMEZ; AKCAKAYA, 2021), such as: difficulty in

management of urban solid waste, resources scarcity, air and water pollution, human

health problems, traffic congestion, inadequate, deteriorated, and old infrastructures

and among others (CHORABI et al., 2012; SILVA; KHAN; HAN, 2018). But how to

improve the functioning of cities? The great challenge for technicians and scholars of

urban planning and public managers is to promote an orderly urban development

together with the objective of improving the quality of life of citizens. To face these

challenges, managers of Brazilian cities need to define city strategies related to urban

planning. Currently, a city strategy that is being discussed is to transform city

management into a smart and sustainable city. However, cities need to design an

individual strategy on how to become smart and sustainable, that is, adapt to their

urban context, as noted by Angelidou (2016). The author explains that a city that

aspires to become smart and sustainable must have an integrated strategic plan.

Angelidou (2016) adds that this plan must define a vision and a methodology based

on the use of digital technologies and city management to improve urban function.

Academically, the term 'smart cities' had emerged since 1994, but in the urban

planning field the term spread after the adoption of the concept by the European

Union in 2010 (AHVENNIEMI et al., 2017; LUCAS; MORAES, 2019). Two main

approaches to the concept of smart cities derive from the literature, one highlighting

the dependence on technologies as a source of efficiency for infrastructures and

resource optimization, centered on the informational / technological function, and the

other based on people, dependent on human capital, social and quality of life to then

be considered intelligent, such as security, participation, knowledge, equity, and

others) (ANGELIDOU, 2014). At first, it is worth highlighting the approach taken by

Angelidou (2015) regarding the focus of technology from the Industrial Revolution

and World War II, when the search for shelter and better living conditions generated

the need for the development of planned cities and suburbs, which little by little they

evolved in materials and methods of construction, while research and development

aimed at war was developed in other isolated locations. The new technologies of the

1960s also awakened scholars about the use of technology in the built environment

and even fully mechanized cities (ANGELIDOU, 2015). In the 1960s and 1980s,

many publications were related to information systems linked to the city under the

terms cybercities, information cities, smart cities, digital cities, and virtual cities,

adapted to the reality of that moment and in the future conceptions of cities. The peak

was the popularization of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the

mid-1990s, with studies of their use as a facilitator of democracy and city

management (ANGELIDOU, 2015; BATTY et al., 2012). Regarding the

dissemination of the Internet, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU, 2018)

states that 51.2% of the world population in 2018 was connected, equivalent to 3.9

billion individuals. The growing number of people with access to technology allows

greater participation in the creation of urban policies, collaborating in the generation

of data in real time, the monitoring of urban phenomena, facilitating the resolution of

problems and giving greater efficiency in spatial planning and urban management

(MURGANTE; BORRUSO, 2013). For Castells (2012), ICTs determine the creation

of the informational city through the virtual world, which enabled the structuring of a

networked society in which economic and social phenomena happen almost instantly.

Information technology favors access and the exchange of knowledge between people

(SILVA, 2004), with knowledge management strongly linked to urban development

(ANGELIDOU, 2015). As for the definition of smart city, there is still no

unanimously accepted literature or criteria for its evaluation (ANGELIDOU, 2015;


PRADO et al., 2016; THOMAS et al., 2016). Several other terminologies are found in

the literature, such as smart and sustainable cities (AHVENNIEMI et al., 2017); smart

and creative cities (CARTA, 2014); smart and inclusive cities (REBERNIK et al.,

2017); smart and innovative cities (VLACHOSTERGIOU et al., 2015); smart and

resilient cities (PAPA, 2015) and among other terms. Despite the different terms, the

common characteristic of the concept of smart cities in the literature is to improve the

quality of life in cities as a model that tries to mitigate current urban problems

(CARAGLIU et al., 2009; NAM; PARDO, 2011; BATTY et al., 2012; LAZAROIU,

2012; PIRO et al., 2014; PRADO et al., 2016; YIGITCANLAR; KANKAMANGE;

VELLA, 2021). By highlighting the evolution of the concept of smart cities in the

world, authors such as Albino, Berardi and Dangelico (2015), Dameri and Cocchia

(2013), Cocchia (2014), Gil-Garcia, Pardo and Nam (2015) and Weiss (2016, 2019)

identify the main boundary existing within the evolutionary process of this concept,

ranging from the most technological issues to the most human issues. For Hall et al.

(2000), smart cities are those that monitor and integrate the conditions of their urban

infrastructures, define the best use and optimization of resources, acting preventively

for the continuity of the fundamental activities of the city. It is a vision of efficiency

in the infrastructure. Giffinger et al. (2007) conceptualize smart cities as those that

realize the vision of the future in several aspects: economy, people, governance,

mobility, environment, and quality of life. In addition, they are built under the smart

combination of decisive, independent, and conscious attitudes of the actors who act in

them. It is a concept related to the efficiency of the city in a context of quality in the

provision of the service offered by the cities, and the role of citizens in societies

ismuch more relevant than the role of innovations and technological resources, that is,

they demonstrate the centrality of the citizen in the urban ecosystem. In 2010, the

term smart is associated with the instrumented, digitized, and interconnected concept.

From that year, the concept of smart city extends to several areas of the city. The

interconnection between physical (infrastructure), social (inhabitants) and economic

(business) guides the city, highlighting the inter-connectivity between these areas.

Still in 2010, another relevant point is smart computing, a time when technology

becomes fundamental in the management of critical points in the city: management,

education, health, security, public services, and transport, all of which are

interconnected (JORDÃO, 2016). For Nam and Pardo (2011), a smart city

disseminates information in its physical infrastructure to improve conveniences;

facilitate mobility; add efficiency; save energy; improve air and water quality;

identify problems, acting on them with agility; recover quickly from disasters, collect

data to improve decision-making; deploy resources effectively; and share data to

enable collaboration between entities and domains. Another definition, by Bakici,

Almiral and Wareham (2012), sees in the smart city an advanced and intensive high-

tech dynamic to connect people, information, and elements, to create a sustainable

city. In other words, it uses new technologies to have a more sustainable, green,

innovative, and competitive trade, with increasing quality of life. Barrionuevo,

Berrone and Ricart (2012) reinforce that being a smart city means using all available

technologies and resources in an intelligent and coordinated way, to develop centers

that are at the same time integrated, livable, and sustainable. Kourtit, Nijkamp and

Arribas (2012) define smart cities as the result of intensive and creative knowledge

strategies, which aim to improve the socioeconomic, ecological, logistical, and

competitive performance of cities. A combination of human capital, infrastructure

capital, social capital, and entrepreneurial capital. According to the authors, smart

cities have high productivity, since they have a relatively high proportion of highly

educated people, knowledge-intensive jobs, results-oriented planning systems,

creative activities, and sustainability-oriented initiatives. According to Zygiaris (2013),

a smart city develops intellectual skills that address various innovative socioeconomic

and technological aspects of growth. About innovation, it is characterized by

knowledge based on experienced and creative human capital. These aspects refer to

the smart city, conceived as:

 green: referring to urban infrastructure for protecting the environment and

reducing CO2 emissions;

 interconnected: referring to the revolution in the broadband economy; and

 intelligent: producing value-added information, in real time, from sensors. For

Angelidou (2014), smart cities are a conceptual model of urban development

embodied in the use of human, collective and technological capital aimed at the

development of urban agglomerations. Marsal-Llacuna, Colomer-Llinàs and

Meléndez-Frigola (2015) mention that the smart city has the initiative to seek to

improve urban performance using data, information, and ICT, aiming at providing

more efficient services to citizens, monitoring, and optimizing the existing

infrastructure, encourage collaboration between economic agents and encourage

innovative business models for both public and private sectors. The authors add that

the use of information and communication technology serves as an instrument of

improvement and political-economic efficiency, in addition to enabling social,

cultural, and urban development, such as the creation of urban spaces oriented to

business, the social inclusion of citizens with the use of information and

communication technologies applied to public services, and the encouragement of

long-term urban growth from creative and technology companies. Bouskela et al.

(2016) portray that a smart city is one based on the development of people as the main

objective. In this way, it incorporates information and communication technologies in

urban management, using them as tools in the formation of an efficient government

that encompasses collaborative planning and citizen participation. Based on this

definition, integrated and sustainable development should be favored, becoming more

innovative, competitive, attractive, and resilient.

The term smart is not limited to the incorporation of technology in the urban space,

but also involves participatory management. Technology is the means and not the end

goal. Weiss (2016) defines a smart city as one that implements information and

communication technologies as a means of transforming patterns of organization,

learning, infrastructure management and the provision of public services, promoting

more efficient urban management practices for the benefit of social actors, leading

always considering historical vocations and cultural characteristics. The union

between technology and knowledge is characteristic of a smart city, making strategic

and political plans feasible, and achieving observable results, which can be enjoyed

for a long time instead of statistical abstractions. There are several approaches and

concepts about the smart city, from a more technological approach to a more

humanized one. However, Giffinger et al. (2007) stand out from the other authors

previously mentioned. This is because in addition to defining the concepts, these

authors create tools to identify and classify a city as smart and its degree of

intelligence, making it possible to identify problems and from a diagnosis seek smart

solutions, which result in improving the quality of the services offered the population.

The increase in population raised human demand, and overuse of water for domestic,

agricultural, commercial, and industrial purposes combined with climate change and

pollution is a serious issue affecting the sustainability of the environment. Since water

is a limited natural resource, its proper use and management are crucial.

In this context, monitoring water usage in different sectors for better management is

one of the aspects that is taken into account in smart city development, which is one

of the subjects that has garnered significant interest in the last few years. The

development of this innovative concept to improve cities is principally due to the

recent progress in information and communication technologies (ICT) and especially

the Internet of things (IoT).

Smart cities, driven by technological advancements and data-driven decision making

provide an opportune platform to tackle these challenges. Within this context, the

selection and prioritization of optimal water management strategies assume

paramount importance. However, this complex decision-making process necessitates

a comprehensive evaluation that considers a multitude of criteria to determine the

most viable strategies for smart cities.


There has been increasing interest in recent years in the use of digital technology help

deal with the “wicked problems” of environmental degradation and poverty in towns

and cities. Cities where attempts are made to achieve this are known as “smart cities”.

This literature review compared the views of different groups of people on the idea of

“smart cities”, seeking to compare diverse perspectives by examining the topics

discussed in different categories of publication. Since what people read, hear and see

will influence and reflect their views, analysis of the publications they are exposed to

can give us an insight into those views (McCombs and Shaw 1972; Carroll and

McCombs 2003). The term “smart city” has been used ambiguously since the late

1990’s and incorporates many synonymous terms identifying similar concepts

(Cocchia, 2014; Lee & Lee, 2014). A time-analysis performed on literature

surrounding the term “smart city” suggests that the first research study regarding this

topic was carried out in 1994, however other literature that mentions this term does

exist that predates 1994 (Cocchia, 2014). A smart city is often characteristic of having

information communication technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT)

capabilities that allows for close monitoring of environmental factors, especially

energy and resource usage, among other urban planning goals (Dameri, 2012; Albino

et al., 2015; Nam & Pardo, 2011). One resource in particular that can be efficiently

monitored with today’s technology is water usage (Cocchia, 2014; Albino et al., 2015;

Nam & Pardo, 2011; Lee & Lee, 2014). This literature review will synthesize the

various definitions and intents of a smart city in order to provide an acceptable scope

for the purposes of this case study. Since the context of this study is focused on the

use of ICT and smart meters in particular I will then review the current purposes of

ICT and IoT technology, especially applied to municipal water metering.

2.1 The Emergence Of Smart City Concept

A city appears to be an obvious concept only when it is a secondary subject of

analysis and is used as a relatively obvious setting. As soon as it becomes the centre

of interests, the focus should be not so much on precise and unambiguous definitions

but functional conceptualization (Matyja, 2017). A contemporary city is perceived as

a socioeconomic system. It is characterized by the complexity of many elements and

their interrelations that integrate the city's components so that it can function and

develop (Stawasz & Sikora-Fernandez, 2015). Urban development is determined by

the constantly increasing migration of people from rural areas to urbanized areas. In

2018, 55% of the global population lived in urban areas. According to forecasts

developed by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic

and Social Affairs (UN DESA), in 2050, this share will increase to 68%. The global

urban population in 2018 was 4.2 billion. Increasing urbanization and gradual

migration of people from rural to urban areas, combined with the general increase in

the global population, means that by 2050, urban areas will accommodate another 2.5

billion people (nearly 90% of this increase will take place in Asia and Africa) (United

Nations, 2018). Based on the forecasts, the next few decades should see cities

undergoing constant changes, including in their structures. With the expected increase

in the number of urban residents around the world, the need is growing for new and

innovative ways to manage the complexity of urban life.

Intensive development, which is undoubtedly a challenge for modern cities, can give

rise to positive outcomes for urban communities as well as negatively affect the

smooth functioning of the city. The challenges of modern cities are centred around:

• uncontrolled urban sprawl (Kovács et al., 2019; Halmy, 2019; Yu et al., 2019;

Mahmoud & Divigalpitiya, 2019);environmental pollution (Caparros-Midwood et al.,

2019; Alam et al., 2019; Munoz-Pandiella et al., 2018; Kosheleva et al., 2018);

• urban logistics (Nataraj et al., 2019; Firdausiyah et al., 2019; Bjørgen et al., 2019;

Cleophas et al., 2019; Faramehr et al., 2019; Mesjasz-Lech, 2014; Tomaszewska &

Florea, 2018);

• technical infrastructure (Petrova & Prodromidou, 2019; Faramehr et al., 2019; Pham

& Phan, 2018; Juget & Ryckewaert, 2018);

• waste management (Bugge et al., 2019; Amritha & Kumar, 2019; Dlamini et al.,

2019; Scorţar et al., 2010);

• aging population (Jayantha et al., 2018; Fang & Lai, 2018; Onoda, 2018; Greenfield,

2018; Jarocka & Wang, 2018);

• stratification of wealth levels, areas of poverty (Muktiali, 2018; Lanjouw & Marra,

2018; Ma et al., 2018; Aguilar & López, 2016);

• low level of citizen participation in the management of public affairs (Mavrodieva et

al., 2019; Sou, 2019; van Holm, 2019; de Castro Pena et al., 2017).

2.1.1 Smart City Components

The world is at an unprecedented level of urbanization today. The trajectory of the

urban population growth requires a demanding imperative for sustainable

development and better livability.

This rapid urbanization brings about various challenges, including waste management,

scarcity of resources, air pollution, human health concerns, traffic congestion, and

inadequate, deteriorating, and aging infrastructures.

To prevent rapid urbanization from becoming a crisis is to operate cities innovatively.

Making a city smart is emerging as a new approach in urban development to solve

tangled and wicked problems inherited in rapid urbanization. Innovation for a smart

city entails opportunities and risks at the same time.

The smart city is an idea of future cities, connecting the physical, IT, social, and

business infrastructures to make use of the collective intelligence of the city. It refers

to a city that monitors and integrates all of its critical infrastructures, including city

administration, health care, education, public safety, real estate, transportation, and

utilities, using Smart Computing technologies.

It combines information and communication technologies (ICT) with other

organizational, design, and planning to speed up bureaucratic processes and identify

innovative solutions to city management complexity to improve sustainability and

livability. A smart city ensures that it meets the needs of present and future

generations concerning economic, social, environmental, and cultural aspects.

Most new smart technologies and social innovations are disruptive on their own. The

combination of them is even more powerful and creates a ‘perfect storm of disruption.

Smart technology refers to a product, condition, or motion of technology that

possesses the ability to be aware of current circumstances and react in an intelligent

way to changes in its environment. Those technologies can, for example, adapt their

functionalities to enhance performance, efficiency, endurance or reduce operating


A city is made up of various infrastructure verticals that work together to form a

system of systems. Such city infrastructure elements, on the other hand, usually

operate in isolation. To fully utilize the potential of smart infrastructure, smart cities

require an integrated approach. One common approach is to bring all of a city’s data

streams together in an operations center under one roof. These centers could serve as

nerve centers, assisting in the dismantling of administrative silos. Another way to

achieve integrated smart city development is to co-locate different infrastructure


The key themes associated with a smart city include smart people, smart mobility,

smart economy, smart living, smart governance, and smart environment, and are built

on top of smart infrastructure. Most of these components have one thing in common:

they are connected and generate data, which can be used intelligently to ensure the

best use of resources and improve performance.

Smart cities use information and communication technologies to improve the quality

of life for their residents, local economy, infrastructure, traffic management, climate,

and engagement with the government (Lim, Edelenbos, and Gianoli 2019). Smart

cities combine other terms like DataCity, Intelligent City, City of Knowledge,

Ubiquitous City, Wired City (Ismagilova et al. 2019). Research on smart city building

evaluation has been undertaken in countries with earlier IoT technology development

since the notion of smart cities was established (Li et al. 2020). The World Smart

Cities Organization, Harvard University’s Center for International Development,

international corporations like IBM and International Data Corporation (IDC) in the

United States, and universities such as the Vienna University of Technology have also

performed studies (Mora, Bolici, and Deakin 2017). Countries like the United States,

Italy, Japan, and China have conducted smart city development evaluation studies

(Intelligent Community Forum 2008; Komninos 2009; Li et al. 2020). The previous

studies showed that many technical standards and design issues are daunting. There

were reliable research and development that referred to technology-based besides an

open flow of data and participatory service design play an essential role in increasing

the public involvement of a community (Lee, Hancock, and Hu 2014; Brandt et al.

2016). A series of smart city frameworks and smart city modules are defined during

the previous study. Most countries are interested in smart cities, but money can not

apply to smart cities because there are many cities, and each city has different

functions and different stakeholder requirements (Anna Visvizi and Miltiadis D.

Lytras 2019).

While most of the literature sources aim at a period of origin for the concept of a

smart city between the 1990s and 2000s by arguing that the smart city phenomenon

emerged with the technological advancement especially within the IT-sector (e.g.,

Dameri et al., 2018, Caragliu et al., 2009), Cugurullo (2018) goes to the bottom of the

matter in a more thorough manner. According to the author (Cugurullo, 2018) no

single definition of the smart city concept exists. Nevertheless, the existence and the

use of technology as well as technological innovation is a commonality in all concepts

and definitions of a smart city, respectively. Based on this understanding, Cugurullo

(2018) refers to Francis Bacon’s work, “Novum Organum Scientiarum” (the new

instrument of sciences) of 1620, in which presumably for the first time science in

close connection to technology is declared as the instrument of choice to subjugate

nature to human needs. Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” (first published in 1627) is a

utopia describing, inter alia, the island of Bensalem, a large laboratory where the

participants engage in infinite technological innovation. The residents of Bensalem

create futuristic means of transport (e.g., submarines), flying instruments and robots.

By this, Bacon was presumably the first to establish a link between modern

technology and urban planning. The author further states that two central innovations

influence the urban technological development in a substantial way: The Second

Industrial Revolution and the modern development of ICT (information and

communication technologies). The Second Industrial Revolution was characterized by

the invention of steel, its application, inter alia, in reinforced concrete allowing the

development of high-rise buildings and shortly thereafter, the invention of the

automobile with the subsequent emergence of highways that significantly changed

urban structures. The rise of ICT (“ICT revolution”, Cugurullo, 2018, p. 8) was the

second peak in technological advancement with significant urban planning

consequences. Both developments (the Second Industrial Revolution and the

development of ICT) were accompanied strongly by the capitalist way of production

and promoted by large private companies. Nevertheless, from a visual point of view,

the rise of ICT was not as material as the upcoming of industrial products like steel,

concrete, engines, and automobiles. Despite being connected to a physical

infrastructure, ICT has an “ethereal essence” (p. 8), and the hardware devices follow

the “logic of miniaturization order to occupy less physical space” (p. 8 f). The first

practical example of a pioneering city for smart urbanism is Los Angeles, which was

the first city that shaped its urban development on the basis of vast amounts of data on

traffic, housing, crime and poverty already in the 1970s. The goal of this undertaking

was to provide information to planners and policy makers (Cugurullo, 2018).

Therefore, Los Angeles is mentioned as the first particular case of a “computer city”

(Cugurullo, 2018). According to Valliantos (2015), Los Angeles founded the

Community Analysis Bureau (CAB) with the aim of providing data to be used for the

development of policies to combat poverty and social injustice. The goal was to

identify the residential areas with a deteriorating building fabric. Consequently, the

CAB developed a variety of analytic and technological procedures to assess the

quality of housing. For instance, a cluster analysis showed the residential areas of

similar social and physical characteristics. Key data at that time were population,

ethnicity, education, housing, crime rates, and an environmental quality rating.

Additional to the IT-based analysis, the CAB took aerial photographs of one million

houses spread over 500 square miles between 1971 and 1978 and subsequently rated

each photo print. As a consequence, the “first ‘State of the City’ report explained, ‘It

has become obvious that the traditional approach to urban renewal, the treatment only

of physical problems, is not adequate to deal with the social, economic, and physical

nature of urban decay.’ Recommendations from that report included raising family

incomes above poverty level, placing all needy three-to-four-year-old into preschool,

and spurring the construction of 7,000 to 9,000 low-to-moderate income housing units

per year, in addition to those already planned” (Vallianatos, 2015). In contrast to this

perspective, Yigitcanlar et al. (2019b) consider the smart city notion as a byproduct of

the “smart growth movement of the 1990s” (p. 349) by referencing Downs (2005).

Figure 1: Smart city ecosystem. Source: Adapted by Tsarchopoulos (2006)

With the use of the IoT, communities can distribute energy more efficiently,

streamline the waste collection, relieve traffic congestion, and enhance air quality. For

example, sensors may be attached to rubbish bins to track how full they are and more

effectively schedule disposal. Another example can be the use of sensors connected to

traffic lights to decrease road congestion. The data from sensors and moving vehicles

allow for changing the timing and cadence of their lights in response to traffic in real


Figure 2: Smart cities for community development. Source: Adapted by

Tsarchopoulos (2006).

Figure 3: Critical success factors for cities ‘going smart’ Source: Adapted from ICF

website, also in Passerini and Wu 2008

2.1.2 Analyzing The Features And Components Of Smart City

Smart Infrastructure

Smart infrastructure is a digitally advanced structure or facility that monitors,

measures, analyses, communicates and acts based on data captured from sensors.

The concept is closely related to the Internet of Things (IoT) physical devices

connecting and sharing real-time data without human intervention. The main reason

for implementing smart infrastructures is improving efficiency, sustainability,

productivity, safety or all of these. For example, by using sensors and data analytics,

intelligent transport systems help increase the efficiency of urban traffic and improve

road safety.

According to Weiss (2009), a smart infrastructure is a lens through which the future is

seen. It is about self-driving cars that recognize one another, bridges that detect their

own weaknesses, power grids that exchange data with home appliances, in short, all

cyberphysical infrastructure systems that make cities smart (Weiss, 2009). From the

perspective of smart cities, Alkandari et al. (2012) describe smart infrastructure as the

backbone of a city, driven by a wireless sensor network. Similarly, studies on

electricity grids describe smart infrastructure as the backbone of the distribution grid

made of a smart energy subsystem, a smart information subsystem and a smart

communication subsystem that all work together to deliver desirable outcomes such

as improved adaptability, longevity and efficiency of services provided to consumers

and businesses (Guizani and Anan, 2014).

Figure 4: Smart Infrastructure Depiction.(

Smart Economy

The smart economy relates to cities with smart industries, particularly in the

application of ICT as well as other sectors that involve ICT in their manufacturing and

construction processes (Giffinger and Gudrun, 2010).

In addition to integration with local and global economic networks, smart economy

also includes entrepreneurship, innovation, economic image, branding, productivity,

flexibility of labor market and flexibility of job markets within the scope of economic

competitiveness. In order for the city that adopts a smart economy to be described as

smart, its economy must also be managed intelligently (Deloitte, 2016).

Smart People

Smart people involve the distinguishing component between digital cities (Azkuna,


The inhabitants are smart in terms of their educational levels and skill, as well as the

value of social collaboration in terms of incorporation of public life and their

capability to communicate with other countries (Madkour et al., 2013).The Smart

People section gathers projects and activities related to quality of life, employment

and social inclusion in a national context, also developed through the use of enabling

infrastructures: education, participation in public life, employment balance, internet

usage percentage, spread of home banking. Being a sector related to several other

areas of Smart City.

The Human Development Index is considered to be the most important aspect. The

next most important attribute is the graduate enrolment ratio. The third most

important attribute is the level of qualification. Smart people should have a lifelong

zeal to learn, and there should be social and ethnic plurality. Open-mindedness is

another quality of smart people, as is having the flexibility to adapt to changes in the

environment, as well as the creativity to contribute to education. Smart people possess

a democratic nature and participate in public life.

Smart Technology

Technological literacy is a key to turn a city into smart city which is well

connected, sustainable and resilient, where information is not just available but also

find able. It is not a new thing that smart city is all about providing smart services to

its citizens which can save their time and ease their lives. It is also about connecting

them to the governance where they can give their feedback to the government as of

how they want their city to be. And this aim can’t be turned into reality without

technology. Using technology, the officials are able to gather city intelligence and this

intelligence when integrated with the operations, make the cities smarter and safer.

Figure 5: Smart technology depictions.(

Smart Environment

Smart environment refers to the utilization of novel technologies to preserve and

protect a city's natural environment (Jnr et al., 2018). Smart environment is

categorized by trust and security, deployment of ICT to enhance municipal safety,

cultural initiatives for the digitization of tradition assets (Azkuna, 2012).

A smart environment represents the link between what it is a physical and what it is a

virtual to improve the quality of life and to facilitate adjustment processes that could

be made to the physical environment, or in human behavior to improve the lived

experience.( Smart Environment Vision Report,2011) Lewis (2005) defined a smart

environment as an evolutionary step in the buildings, homes, utilities and all city

systems. Like any sensitive organism, the smart environment depends on first and

foremost on sensory data from the real world. Sensory data comes from multiple

sensors of different modalities in distributed locations. Smart Environment needs

information about the surrounding areas as well as on internal methods of work.

Smart city aims to create a place that should be livable, attractive, comfortable and

loved by its residents; smart city offers a unique combination of economic opportunity,

vibrancy and a quality environment. Therefore, smart environment in smart cities is

distinguishing the following (IMCSD, 2008):

 Air Quality – Cleaner air (Controlling Pollution)

 Clean Technology and Sustainable Urban Solutions

 Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity

 Improve Resource Efficiency

 More Parks and Nature-Based Leisure Options.

Smart Transportation

Smart mobility involves providing the inhabitants with access to new and innovative

technologies, which involves the use of these technologies in routine urban life

(Giffinger et al., 2007). The available infrastructure should support the ability for all

citizens to process and share information instantaneously from any location within the

city commuting (Azkuna, 2012).

All types of vehicles in a city (cars, trains, buses, and bicycles) are becoming more

equipped with sensors and or actuators, resulting in a network composed of a set of

mobile sensors. Both roads and rails, as well as transported goods, are also equipped

with tags and sensors that send important information to traffic control sites. This not

only allows monitoring of the status of the transported goods, but also allows the

creation of innovative solutions, allowing transportation vehicles to better route the

traffic or providing the tourist with appropriate transportation information. Moreover,

modern cars are also equipped with several sensors, forming a kind of in-vehicle

network, which provides kinematics information, automotive diagnostic services, and

so forth. Cars can be further equipped with external sensing devices to monitor

specific physical parameters, such as pollution, humidity, and temperature. Thus, the

concept of “smart vehicles” emerges. If properly collected and delivered, such data

can contribute to make the road transport greener, smarter, and safer (Campolo et al.,

2012; Zouganeli and Svinnset, 2009). For example, driving recommendations that aim

at Eco-efficiency for public transportation and reducing fuel consumption and

emission can be provided (Tielert et al., 2010; Kyriazis et al., 2013). Mobile

applications, such as Google Traffic or Waze, rely on user-contributed data to monitor

traffic conditions. Smart traffic light infrastructures can be used to improve the life of

drivers or make cycling or driving in cities safer and smoother. For example,

combining data from smartphones carried by cyclists and traffic data gathered from

different kinds of sensors deployed in the traffic light infrastructure of a city may

allow for an intelligent traffic light orchestration, letting cyclists drive smoothly

without unnecessary stopping at each crossroad (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2016).

Another specific area of application is modern logistics, which refers to monitoring

the whole process of the physical movement of goods from suppliers to demanders, in

order to ensure their quality (Zhengxia and Laisheng, 2010; Zhang et al., 2011).

Figure 6: Smart transportation system.(

Smart Living

Smart living involves several features that significantly enhance the quality of life of

residents, such as health, culture, housing, tourism, safety, etc. Thus, improving each

of these features leads to a more harmonious, satisfactory, and fulfilled life (Giffinger

et al., 2007; Azkuna, 2012).

Smart Governance

Smart governance includes active and political participation, residency services and

the utilization of e‐government (Marciniak and Owoc, 2013). Besides, it often relates

to the deployment of innovative technologies, such as e‐democracy or e‐government

(Giffinger et al., 2007).

These conceptualizations reflect different theoretical perspectives on the role of

government in a modern society (Osborne, 2006; Torfing et al., 2012) and differ in

their ideas about the need for transformation of government to make cities smarter.

More conservative conceptualizations suggest that existing institutional arrangements

can bring us smart cities while more radical conceptualizations suggest that

government itself needs to be transformed to create a smart city.

In an actual analysis of smart governance, we need to analyze the level of

transformation and then relate this to the level of success of the smart city.


The research method applied in this research is descriptive-analytical and applied in

terms of purpose. Documentary method is applied to collect information. In the

documentary method, data are extracted from various library and documented sources,

and the working technique (in the documentary method) includes: recording and

reviewing views. In other words, after studying scientific sources, the concepts and

principles of crisis management and smart city are explained, and then the role of

smart city in optimal crisis management is examined. after reviewing the concepts and

principles of crisis management and smart city, the opportunities and threats that

smart cities encounter in the crisis management cycle are presented.

3.1 Smart Cities: Concepts

Since the 21st century, an increasing number of smart city projects have emerged

using a variety of methods, dimensions and typologies to address management policy

issues to improve and adapt to the cities of the future. Diversification in the

conceptualization of a smart city has generated academic studies, central and local

institutions involved in smart projects (Nam and Pardo, 2014).

The definitions of Smart Cities and the environmental, social and economic pillars

that make up sustainable development use a term in Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT) as a resource to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants

(Weiss et al., 2013). ICTs present fundamental characteristics with transformational,

disruptive and synergistic impacts on urban systems (Bibri, 2018).

Recent interest in smart cities can be attributed to concern for sustainability and the

emergence of new technologies such as mobile devices, semantic web, cloud

computing and Internet of Things (IoT), promoting real-world user interfaces (Bifulco

et al., 2015). The ICTs are strongly involved in city governance, where they are used

as resources to improve quality of life, achieve and develop and create a more open

and innovative urban context through muti-stakeholder participation (Bifulco et al.,

2015). Table 1 shows the main definitions of smart cities:

Table 1. Definitions of Smart Cities. Source: Authors (2022).

Table 2. List of ISO 37120:2014 Criteria and Themes. Source: Adapted from ABNT

NBR ISO 37120: 2014.

3.1.1 Proposed Model

Based on the components of smart cities identified from prior studies (Giffinger et al.,

2007; Giffinger and Gudrun, 2010; Azkuna, 2012; Madkour et al., 2013; Marciniak

and Owoc, 2013; Moreno et al., 2017; Jnr et al., 2018). Accordingly,the smart city

comprises of smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, smart

living, and smart governance as independent variables and smart city adoption as

dependent variable. Grounded on these components from the literature this study

develops the proposed smart city adoption model as seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Conceptualized smart city model

Figure 7 depicts the conceptualized smart city model that comprises of the smart city

components that is to be implemented by city planners/developers in adopting smart

city. Based on the model the following hypotheses H1-H6 are derived as presented


H1: Smart economy initiatives positively determine smart city adoption.

H2: Smart people involvement positively influences smart city adoption.

H3: Smart governance policies initiatives positively predict smart city adoption.

H4: Smart mobility initiatives positively determine smart city adoption.

H5: Smart environmental initiatives positively influence smart city adoption.

H6: Smart living initiatives positively determine smart city adoption.


Establishing a smart city requires integrated actions at different levels of the

municipality and the social context. Smart city is a holistic concept that aims to meet

the contemporary challenge and take advantage of recent opportunities presented by

advances in information and communication technology and urbanization. Regardless

of the extensive literature on the concept of smart city, there is still no clear

understanding and general consensus on it, and researchers in various fields of science

have proposed a variety of content. Though some have considered smart technologies

as the only or at least the most important component of smart city, others have

proposed definitions that go beyond technology and believe that the adoption of

technology is not the end. Technologies can be used in cities to empower citizens by

adapting these technologies to their needs instead of adapting their lives to the

requirements of technology. An examination of the vast arrays in the literature shows

that the meaning of a smart city is multifaceted. This article investigates the concepts

and criteria of smart city. Derived from the different dimensions of smart city, 6

components of smart economy, smart citizens, smart governance, smart

communication, smart environment and smart life were expressed after examining the

different definitions of smart city to express the characteristics of smart city, each of

which was described distinctly. Indicators have been defined to measure each of these

components. One of the important features of smart environments is that they have

independence, adapt to environmental changes and communicate with humans in a

natural way. The smart city plan has a forward-looking perspective on the

environment. At the core of the smart city concept is the use of technology that helps

increase the sustainability and better management of natural resources (with particular

emphasis on the protection of natural resources and related infrastructure such as

waterways and sewers and green spaces such as parks). These factors affect the

sustainability and vitality of cities; consequently, they should be considered when

considering a smart city plan.

Creating smart connected systems for our urban areas provides a great many benefits

for citizens around the world, not only to improve quality of life, but also to

ensure sustainability and the best possible use of resources.

These solutions are dependent on a unified approach from government as well as the

private sector and residents themselves. With the correct support and infrastructure,

however, smart cities can use advances such as the Internet of Things to enhance the

lives of residents and create joined-up living solutions for the growing global urban


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