Animal Names in Arabic

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This is a list of vocabularies that you need to memorize to improve your Arabic learning,
below you will find a table containing animal names in Arabic, try to memorize as many
as you can, because they’re very important in daily conversations.

Animal names in Arabic

alligator temsaah ‫تمساح‬
antler qarn ‫قرن‬
bear dob ‫دب‬
bird Ta’er ‫طير‬
bison athawr alameriki (th ‫الثور‬
as in thin) ‫األمريكي‬
bull tawr ‫ثور‬
cat qett ‫قط‬
cow baqarah ‫بقرة‬
deer gazal ‫غزال‬
dog kalb ‫الكلب‬
donkey hemaar ‫حمار‬
eagle nasr ‫نسر‬
elephant feel ‫فيل‬
fish samak (plural) ‫سمك‬
fox ta'lab ‫ثعلب‬
giraffe zarafah ‫زرافة‬
goat maa'ez ‫ماعز‬
hippopotamus faras annahr ‫فرس النهر‬
hog kalb albahr ‫كلب البحر‬
horse hesaan ‫حصان‬
lion asad ‫أسد‬
llama laamah ‫المة‬
monkey qerd ‫قرد‬
moose ayl ‫أيل‬
mouse fa'r ‫فأر‬
parrot babaghaa' ‫ببغاء‬
pig khenzeer ‫خنزير‬
rabbit arnab ‫أرنب‬
rhinoceros waheed al qarn ‫وحيد القرن‬
sheep kharoof ‫خروف‬
snake af'aa ‫أفعى‬
tiger namer ‫نمر‬
turtle solhofaat ‫سلحفاة‬
whale hoot ‫حوت‬
wolf the'b (th as in that) ‫ذئب‬
zebra al himaar al wahshi ‫الحمار‬

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