Chapter 8 Slides
Chapter 8 Slides
Chapter 8 Slides
Chapter 8-Forecasting Techniques
Chapter overview
The High-Low method
The High-Low method
Step 1
• Determine the variable cost using highest and lowest output (&activity)
• Variable cost per unit = Δ𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡
The High-Low method
Step 2
• Determine the fixed cost
• Total cost = Fixed cost + Variable cost (for total output)
• Therefore : Fixed cost = Total cost –Variable Cost (for total output)
The High-Low method
Step 3
• Calculate the expected cost
• Total expected future costs = Fixed cost + (Forecast production units X
Variable cost per unit)
Regression analysis
Regression analysis
y= dependent variable
a = intercept (on y-axis)
b = gradient
x = independent variable
Regression analysis
Regression analysis
Regression analysis -Correlation
Regression analysis -Correlation
The correlation coefficient
The degree of correlation can be measured by the Pearsonian correlation
coefficient, r (also known as the product moment correlation coefficient).r
must always be between –1 and +1.
If r = 1, there is perfect positive correlation
If r = 0, there is no correlation
If r = –1, there is perfect negative correlation
Regression analysis -Correlation
3 Degrees of correlation
1.Perfectly correlated
2. Partly correlated
3. Uncorrelated
Regression analysis -Correlation
The coefficient of determination
This measures how good the estimated regression equation is, designated
as r2(read as r-squared). The higher the r-squared, the more confidence
one can have in the equation.
Statistically, the coefficient of determination represents the proportion of
the total variation in the y variable that is explained by the regression
equation. It has the range of values between 0 and 1.
Regression analysis
• Assumes a linear relationship between the variables
• Only measures the relationship between 2 variables
• Only interpolated forecasts ted to be reliable
• Regression assumes that the historical behavior of the data continues into the
foreseeable future
• Interpolated predictions are only reliable if there is a significant correlation between
the data
Time Series Analysis
ØA record of values over time.
ØEg. Unemployment over a period of 10 years
ØAnalysis of components can provide information for forecasting.
ØThe trend is the underlying increase or decrease in value.
ØAnalysis can assist in identifying and measuring any seasonal variations around the trend
Therefore: A trend over time, established from historical data, and adjusted for
seasonal variations, can be used to make predictions for the future.
Time Series Analysis
A time series has 4 components:
(1) The trend (T)-Upward, downward or sideways trend.
(2) Seasonal variations (S)-Seasonal variations are short-term fluctuations in value due to
different circumstances which occur at different times of the year.
(3) Cyclical variations (C)-Medium-term to long term influences usually associated with the
(4) Residual variations (R)- The difference between the actual value and the figure
predicted using the trend, the cyclical variation and the seasonal variation
We are primarily interested in the first 2 (Trend and Seasonal variations)
Time Series Analysis
Calculation of Trend
(1) Inspection. The trend line can be drawn by eye with the aim of plotting the line so that
it lies in the middle of the data.
(2) Least squares regression analysis. The x axis represents time and the periods of time
are numbers, e.g. January is 1, February is 2, March is 3, etc.
(3) Moving averages. This method attempts to remove seasonal or cyclical variations by a
process of averaging.
Time Series Analysis
Calculation of Seasonal Variations
(1) Additive model
Time Series Analysis
Forecasting equation: