Journal Sample 1
Journal Sample 1
Journal Sample 1
Matric no: 123ABC
Name: StudentX
Matriculation No. 123ABC
Online at
theoretical knowledge of the Logistics and Supply China Management. She been
recognized with high capability in communicating and acquiring new operational
procedures and technologies.
Currently she is taking a position as a contractor of Gulf Agency Company and Logistical
In-House Expediter in Vale; one of the Brazilian largest metals and mining company
operating in Sohar Port in Oman. StudentX been known as a problem-solver in
company’s Logistics department with managing and planning various complex
operations and projects.
Fieldnote 1: 24th April 2022
This workshop covered managing my professional and online identity by analyzing several
concepts such as my core values and mapping the online professional and personal
presence. A professional identity is the image a person has that established from the way
he/she performs a job. Building a professional identity involves how we and others
perceive us based on personality, education, and professional training but it started from
knowing our core values.
• Exercise No. 1: Core Values (Appendix1):
Profiling the professional identity start with knowing your core values which
defined as a set of fundamental ideals, beliefs and practices that guide and affect
directly on how you conduct in your personal and professional life (Gardner,
2009). My overseas studying experience significantly helped to acquire some new
values thus increased my ability to make critical decisions, build more relationships
and solve complex problems in current profession.
• Exercise No. 2: Professional Mapping (Appendix2):
Recently, social media platforms are using for professional purposes beside the
personal because employers are not considering only employees’ qualifications and
relevant professional work experiences but also their hobbies and passions outside
the work. Thus, managing online personal and professional identity through
creating an online portfolio is an essential practice (Jones & Swain, 2012).
Currently, I am frequently using LinkedIn for professional networking and career
development. It considered one of the most influential social media networks that
keep all business associates, coworkers, clients, and university colleagues in touch
professionally. Also, it offers some free online conferences, articles, and training
courses to build professional and interpersonal skills. During the session of
networking (Appedix3), I learned some tips of boosting my LinkedIn profile, build
effective awareness and enhance professional identity in the platform, for example:
keep engaged by posting and contacting consistently with your contacts, boost your
organization’s profile and observe professional etiquette etc. On the other hands, I
use Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram to develop my personal
networking with coworkers, clients, and community by exchanging information,
thoughts and ideas on daily experiences, challenges, and goals.
of available jobs we should evaluate our competitiveness in the recruitment process and
distinguish ourselves from primary stages. Additionally, it is important being flexible
especially in my case when I graduated in 2018 without any job experience but I built my
career path by benefiting from various training opportunities. For example, I accomplished
two training programs in different organizations to be more knowledgeable practically:
• Learning and Development Centre in Bank Muscat (Appendix4).
• Import Freight Services Department in Gulf Agency Company (Appendix5).
After bachelor graduation, I completed BusinessPLUS program which designed by Griffith
Business School and provided a structured plan of activities included global experiences,
leadership programs, and networking and competition activities that contributed to my
personal and professional growth. The goals of BusinessPLUS program demonstrated in
of ethical practices that should be considered in the workplace such as Embedding Safety
and Sustainability at the core of our reputation, solve business problems by better
productivity and innovation and unfold cultural transformation etc. Attending meetings
periodically is important to create systematic and transparent work environment for
enhancing efficiency, strengthening teamwork, allowing prioritization of objectives, and
improving time management (Sloan, 2018). Wherefore, I always confirm to attend
company’s periodic meetings to keep myself on track. Along to that, sometimes I network
at conferences to develop my professional relationships and exploit opportunity to
introduce myself. Last year I attended a conference for entrepreneurs organized by
SparkLabs which is an independent company that creates powerful software solutions for
gas and oil companies in Oman (Appendix11).
Dimension1 Workplace concepts: Work Style and Innovative Behaviour
Work style definition considering as constellated factors of emotional, motivational,
attitudinal, and psycho-social nature which determines the employee’s “unique way of
dealing with his work and his/her manner of using personal resources in order to meet
professional objectives” (Niculiţă, 2015). My work style includes flexibility, high
involvement in teamwork, creativity, decision making, management abilities and problem
solving. Recently, logistics field adopting in the Fourth Industrial Revolution thus I started
to identify opportunities to change and improve skills with maximizing my technological
and digital knowledge capabilities. According to Mutonyi et al. 2020 individual innovative
behaviour is explained as “adoption, implementation or use of new ideas by employees to
solve problems at work” and innovation generally contributes to improve organizational
motivation, effectiveness, performance, and other outcomes. Innovative conception
practically included in the company’s regulations, policies, and procedures which influence
significantly on employees’ behaviour and work style. Theoretically, work styles positively
related to work engagement as highly engaged employee exhibiting with high levels of
pace, lengthy endurance, and constancy of rhythm (Bayl-Smith & Griffin, 2015).
Therefore, I directly engaging in high-tech software such as SAP by accomplishing some
related courses. Additionally, I encourage myself to dedicate my wisdom, emotions, and
strength within my roles because employee’s work engagement impacts positively on their
work performance and innovation
integrity and is fundamentally a moral ethical duty. Practically, working with many
national and international suppliers in the process of products movement, I ensure
to do not have unfair advantage over our suppliers and customers. I periodically
review Anticorruption, Antitrust and Bribery laws into both companies’ Code of
• Accountability and Openness: There are many daily transactions that I am
dealing with and keeping accurate records of all transactions and money exchanges
is an essential in term of being transparence and ensuring that information is
relayed clearly when it matters.
limiting themselves by not eating dairy, my company’s restaurant serving
vegetarian food.
culture significantly helps in achieving higher organizational effectiveness by boosting
commitment and engagement. For instance, it increases productivity, creativity, employee
engagement and customer satisfaction especially in service fields.
Identification of purpose, core values and authentic leadership significantly impact on
effectiveness and efficiency of the organization because these factors influence the vision
of an organization through its goals, strategies, cultural practices, tactics and building
layouts (Anwar and Hasnu, 2013). During professional identity sessions, I took the
opportunity to evaluate myself by knowing my core values and leadership style through
various activities and self-observation. I considered myself as a participative leadership
which involves actively encouraging team members to express their own perspectives and
ideas in decision-making processes. Theoretically. participative leadership positively
shapes the relationship between employee innovation and organizational effective
commitment which determined as a motivational force to sustain the organization and its
goals (Odoardi et al, 2019). My awareness of core values with recognizing my suitable
leadership style helped me to increase trustworthy behaviour at work which will enhance to
obtain the necessary resources for creative ideas and strong identification with
organizational goals and values. For example, I believe that define integrity to be one of
the core values for our practices will guide us to ethical, honest, and moral behaviour.
Beside leadership style, work culture influences employee performance through work
motivation, defines appropriate behaviour for various situations and impacts on the way of
individuals’ interactions with one another, with stakeholders and with clients (Adriansyah
et al, 2020). In my workplace, collaborative culture is prevalent compared to other styles
because it gives opportunities for all members to consistently cooperate toward achieving
common goals and creates a work atmosphere that everyone is engaged to communicate
openly and honestly. Since covid-19 pandemic, all my department’s members start
working remotely which negatively impacted our interaction and communication. Thus, I
suggested some collaborative solutions to be practically applied in the day-to-day
operations of the organization:
• Create an environment of trust and transparency by scheduling a weekly visual
meeting to encourage everyone to share their opinions and feedbacks with
discussing any issues to be solved. Also, keep all transactions and information
recorded periodically with monitoring our performance through Key Performance
• Solidify bonds within teams and cultivate friendships by consistently
communicating and visiting the office on weekly basis. A team with progressively
and adaptively communication will establish a better understanding among its
members which ultimately enhance the team performance (Assbeihat, 2016).
entrepreneurship as a habit that is carried out often and regularly. Additionally, three
different habits that need to be cultivated for an entrepreneurial mide-set:
1. Self-leadership: Habits that encourage people to control and influence their own
behaviour, thinking and actions to achieve the self-motivation and self-direction.
2. Creativity: Habits that increase your capacity to produce new ideas, insights and
products which are useful and unique.
3. Improvisation: Cognitive ability to rapidly act and sense or to create something
without preparation.
Practically, I must involve these habits in my daily activities in order to develop an optimal
entrepreneurial mide-set that build my confidence to pursue, create, share ideas, and
identify exciting opportunities. Additionally, Social Identity, Self-Categorization and Self-
Efficiency are psychological and sociological theories which relating to entrepreneurial
cultural norms in organizations including corporations and universities. These theories
recognized as foundations for improving and understating an entrepreneurial mind-set:
• Social Identity Theory: Is described as “a psychological construct describing
individuals’ perceptions and values of belonging to a particular social group”
(Korte, 2018). In an entrepreneurial mide-set perspective, individuals who have
peer group with entrepreneurial norms are more likely to acquire entrepreneurial
intentions (Obschonka et al. 2012). Accordingly, I will engage myself to a group
who are strongly identified, inspired, and socially motived by entrepreneurial
• Self-Categorization Theory: Conceptually, it has same ideology of Social Identity
Theory. It assumes that people in groups tend to behave in socially structed over
individual differences (Turner & Reynolds, 2011).
• Self-Efficiency Theory: It helps individuals to perform better in uncertain
environment with their perceived entrepreneurial abilities (Brändle et al, 2018). I
believe self-efficiency increase my abilities to accomplish tasks by boosting my
entrepreneur’s confidence for sustained success in the workplace.
To increase my employability, I always motivate myself to keen to learn new skills and
complete some courses as the competition is increasing in Logistics and Supply Chain
because people getting more education and qualification. This was one reason to start my
master’s degree. Also, post graduating from foreign country can loss my opportunity to
know more about Omani industry in Logistics thus entering to Omani market by education,
experience and network can help me to increase my awareness. Additionally, Innovation,
social value creation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and “Kaizen” are creative
ways of involving employees into their jobs and workplace toward eliminating procedures
and reducing wastes that do not add value and create new value. Participating in such
activities can increase my value in my company. The same what I did my getting
Certificate in compliance and ethics (Appendix15)
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Appendix3: How to Use LinkedIn Effectively.
Source: MindTools
Appendix4: Training Program Certificate from Bank Muscat
Appendix5: Training Program Certificate from Gulf Agency Company
Appendix6: BusinessPLUS Program’s Goals.
Appendix8: The reduced Wastes and Benefits of “Kaizen” activity in
consolidating Purchases Orders in shipping process.
Appendix10: Objectives and Strategies of Vale’s journey.
Appendix11: SparkLabs Conference in Muscat.
Appendix12: Vale Oman’s core values.
Source: Vale Official Website.
Appendix13: Hofstede’s cultural dimensions reflect in my industry and profession
Source: Some information sourced from Hofstede Insights Website
Appendix14: The Timmons Model of the Entrepreneurial Process.
Source: Review of International Geographical Education Online.
SECTION 8 Freeform space (use this space as somewhere to drop
in small notes, thoughts etc. scribbles. Not marked but supports
Omani employability.