Aerotropolis Medical Center Proposal-1

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Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Aerotropolis Medical Center

A Sustainable Commercial Livable Community
An Economic Investment Joint Venture in Healthcare, Job Growth, Housing, and Quality of Life in
and Around the Aerotropolis Corridor (Union City, Chattahoochee Hills, and College Park)

Dr. S. Quincy Harris, CEO/Principal


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Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Site Overview

Site address 5455 Campbellton Fairburn Rd,

Union City, GA 30291

City (where site is located) Union City

County (where site is located) Fulton
Site ownership Private
Site acreage 300 acres
Developable acreage 255 acres
Additional acreage available 25 acres
For sale or lease Sale
Sale/lease price $40,000-$100,000 per acre
Zoning EMP
Site covenants None
Impact fees None
Foreign trade zone No
Distance to four-lane highway 0.1 miles
Rail service Not available

Utility Service

Electric line serving site 23 kV

Electric service to substation 23 kV
Dual feed service Available
Natural gas service 4- and 12-inch lines/61-99 psi
Water line serving site 10- and 12-inch lines
Water system capacity 30 MGD
Excess water system capacity 12 MGD
Wastewater line 10-, 12-, and 48-inch lines
Wastewater system capacity 90 MGD
Excess wastewater capacity 16.6 MGD

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Technical Studies and Reports

Two-foot topographic survey

Geotechnical survey

Site grading plan/design

Flood hazard

Phase 1 ESA

Endangered species desktop review

Hydrologic determination

Cultural resource desktop review


1.1 Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) has been an area of focus for Aerotropolis Medical Center,
(“AMC” or the “Joint Venture”) since inception. AMC Joint Venture has been a conscious effort to
make a difference in the lives of the residents in South Fulton County. AMC has made conscious
efforts to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged.

1.2 The AMC Joint Venture, 2018 (“the Act”) brings an even greater emphasis on CSR with Rules that
provide guidance on minimum CSR spend, reporting mechanism, review structure and reporting to
the shareholders of the Joint Venture. A CSR Committee has been formed at the Board level to
oversee CSR Activities of the Joint Venture.

1.3 Further to the above stated, the Board has approved this CSR Policy which has been formulated and
proposed by the CSR Committee with an objective to outline its CSR focus areas, recommending
the amount of CSR Expenditure, execution process, review & monitoring mechanism, and,
reporting process to the Management and the Board of Directors of the Joint Venture.

1.4 This CSR Policy intend to establish for both internal and external stakeholders, its philosophy,
guiding principles and focus areas to promote in the arena of CSR. This Policy is a forward-looking
document, which establishes the parameters and foundation upon which the CSR initiatives of the
Joint Venture would be built.


AMC has its vision to deliver International Class healthcare with a total service focus, by creating
a medical center committed to the highest standards of medical & service excellence, patient care,
scientific knowledge and medical education. The Joint Venture’s mission is to create exceptional
standards of Medical & Service Excellence, care provider of FIRST CHOICE, principal choice for

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Physicians, ethical practices, create international center of Excellence for select Super Specialties
and Safety for Patients, Customers and Staff.

The Joint Venture aims to be committed to social causes and relevance for its inclusive growth and
to contribute to society by supporting causes on the health and other well-being platform. Through
CSR, the Joint Venture intends to proactively engage with the Society by working with communities
to improve their well-being in an empathetic manner. The Joint Venture seek to bring focus to
community welfare in healthcare, education, nutrition and livelihood.


While this Policy is the stated position of the Joint Venture in the area of Corporate Social
Responsibility and finds its independent justification under the Philosophy and business objectives
of the organization, it also has linkage to the regulatory requirements as prescribed under the AMC
Joint Venture, 2018 and Rules established thereunder.

In that context the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is aligned and subject to the following
legislations and rules established thereunder:

1. Section 135 of the AMC Joint Venture, 2018;

2. Companies (CSR Policy) Rules 2018;
3. Schedule – VII of the AMC Joint Venture, 2018; and
4. General circulars as issues by the Department of Corporate Affairs from time to time, including:
Circular dated February 18, 2018, issued by Department of Corporate Affairs


“CSR” means corporate social responsibility.

“AMC Joint Venture” shall mean the AMC Joint Venture Act, 2018, along with amendments

“CSR Activities” shall mean the permissible CSR activities as per Schedule VII.
“CSR Committee” shall mean the CSR Committee of the Board instituted by the
Joint Venture.

“CSR Rules” shall mean the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2018, as
amended from time to time.

“CSR Expenditure” shall mean the CSR expenditure proposed under this Policy and providing
the corpus amount in furtherance of this Policy.

“Estimated CSR Expenditure” shall mean the actual estimate of the CSR Expenditure for each
year as has been approved for each year.

“AMC CSR Policy” or “CSR Policy” shall mean this CSR Policy of AMC.

“AMC CSR Activities” shall mean the services rendered in the AMC CSR Identified Sectors.

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“AMC CSR Identified Sectors” mean the following sectors, as have been identified under this
CSR Policy, (i) Hygiene, (i) Education, (iii) Nutrition and (iv) Livelihood.

“AMC Joint Venture” shall mean the “Aerotropolis Medical Center” and the following
subsidiaries of AMC Joint Venture:
(i) AMC Life Insurance Joint Venture Limited, (ii) Aerotropolis Medical Center, (iii), AMC
Biomedical Research Institute, Limited, (iv) AMC Medical Homes Limited, (v) AMC Apartments,
and (vi) AMC Specialty Films Limited.

“AMC Joint Venture Foundation” means the registered not-for-profit Trust, founded by AMC
Joint Venture Limited.

“Primary and Secondary Medical Education” shall mean the staff and patient primary and
secondary medical training education system, as is recognized at AMC.

“Proposed Implementation Plan” shall mean the annual proposed implementation plan in respect
of the AMC CSR Activities to be provided each year.

“Quarter” shall mean an annual quarter for each Financial Year.

“Rules” shall mean the rules prescribed under the AMC Joint Venture, as amended from time to

“Schedule VII” shall mean the schedule VII under the AMC Joint Venture Act.

Words and expressions used and not defined hereinabove but defined the Act and / or Rules shall
have the same meanings respective assigned to them in the Act and / or Rules, as the case may be.

It is also clarified that the CSR activities undertaken by the Joint Venture in the area of healthcare
without any statutory obligation to do so shall considered as CSR activity for the purpose of this


AMC shall undertake CSR Activities in all or any of the CSR Activities as prescribed under the
AMC Joint Venture, however, it shall give primary importance to the AMC CSR Identified Sectors,
as follows.

5.1 Self-Health & Hygiene

a Supporting and facilitating surgery and high-end treatment.
b Preventive healthcare to underprivileged in identified geographies
c Personal hygiene training in those communities which have been identified by the
Joint Venture and in those locations where Health and Immunization outreach stations
are organized by the Joint Venture
d Environmental hygiene awareness in and around the areas of operations of the Joint

5.2 Education (exclusively for the selected Outreach stations and any other geographical clusters selected for
development project)
a. Augment Primary and Secondary Training Education through corrective education support
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b. Bridging Digital Divide

c. Financial Literacy to create awareness about financial planning

5,3 Nutrition
a. Nutritional self-health and other prevention programs for children and adults

5.4 Livelihood
a. Vocational training and creating & supporting Self Help Groups for single parent and elderly led
households in communities identified for adoption by the Joint Venture. The vocations for which
training will be provided will be identified basis the inherent skill sets and commercial opportunities
for those vocations in and around the outreach stations


6.1 Independent Implementing Agency: The Joint Venture shall work with AMC Joint Venture
Foundation or any other NGO identified from time to time as its independent implementation partners for
execution of the AMC CSR Activities

6.2 NGO Support: AMC Joint Venture Foundation will execute projects with the help of NGOs and
employee engagement. AMC Joint Venture Foundation may seek the support of NGOs who are
working on ground on issues decided upon. AMC Joint Venture Foundation will also provide
training support to volunteers to carry out / support in CSR activities.

6.3 Modality of Execution of AMC CSR Activities: The Joint Venture shall execute and undertake the
AMC CSR Activities as follows:

6.3.1. Healthcare which will cover immunization, surgeries and treatments, health outreach stations,
medicinal support, health awareness, environmental awareness, support for disability related to

6.3.2 Outreach stations Adoption in which the Joint Venture will focus on:
i) Children related issues in the areas of health, education and nutrition (education being an
integral part of holistic well-being, will be addressed only in the outreach stations adoption
initiative, not in any other geography)
ii) Single adults and elderly led households to create self-sustenance
iii) Health and Hygiene in the outreach stations and
iv) Spreading awareness about a healthy environment and life-styles.

6.4 Geographical Areas for AMC CSR Activities:

1. Self-Health & Hygiene: In areas as may be identified by AMC Foundation.

2. Nutrition: For underprivileged children in selected areas of MIF operations.
3. Education and Livelihood: Only in the outreach stations adopted by AMC Foundation;
in locations identified by the Joint Venture from time to time

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6.5 Beneficiaries for the AMC CSR Activities:

1. Children (0-18 years)
2. Adults – Particularly, those who are running households alone
3. Senior citizens
4. Others – society at large

7.1 CSR Budget: Whenever the Joint Venture is making profits, in order to ensure funding for the AMC
CSR Activities, AMC shall strive to allocate 2% (two per cent) of the average net profits made by
the Joint Venture in its immediately preceding three financial years.

7.2 CSR Expenditure Funds: The CSR Committee will present the Proposed Implementation Plan to the
Board, detailing the action steps, modalities and the Estimated CSR Expenditure to the Joint
Venture, for the Board’s approval. The CSR
Committee shall prepare the Proposed Implementation Plan together with AMC Joint Venture

7.3 Implementation Plan. The Board shall approve the Final Implementation Plan and the CSR
Expenditure Funds shall be allocated for implementation by AMC Joint Venture Foundation.

7.4 Declaration. The Joint Venture hereby declares that any surplus arising, and/or additional revenue
generated out of CSR Activities undertaken by the Joint Venture shall not form part of the business
profit of the Joint Venture and same shall be spent for undertaking any CSR Activities only.

VIII. Monitoring Process of CSR Activities

8.1 Reporting to CSR Committee. AMC Foundation and other NGOs the Joint Venture may decide
to work with from time to time shall provide a detailed progress report on the Key Performance
Indicators to the CSR Committee every Quarter, or, at such intervals and at such times as the CSR
Committee shall require AMC Foundation and other NGOs to do so. The progress on CSR issues
selected by the Joint Venture will be reported in the Annual Report in the format prescribed by the
CSR Rules.
8.2 Reporting to the Board. The CSR Committee, after approval, shall submit the its report giving
status of the CSR Activities undertaken, CSR Expenditure incurred, and such other details as may
be required by the Board, in accordance with applicable laws.
8.3 Key Performance Indicators: Following shall be the key indicators for assessment of each of the
AMC CSR Identified Sectors:
AMC Identified Sectors


Surgeries and treatments including i) No of children benefitted

Cancer ii) No of adults benefitted
iii) Total no. of beneficiaries

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i) No. of children covered
Immunization ii) No. of vaccines administered
iii) No. of locations covered
i) No. of beneficiaries
ii) No. of locations covered
Health Outreach stations iii) No. of people provided immediate solutions / referred for further

Personal Hygiene & i) No. of children and adults trained

Environment Hygiene ii) Creation of garbage dumps / cleaning of open drains iii)
Reduction / removal of open defecation practices

i) No. of registered children and their attendance percentage
Primary Care & Prevention Education ii) No. of drop-outs – boys and girls
iii) Percentage of days when teacher was not available

i) No. of children enrolled in computer literacy program.

Bridging Digital Divide ii) Proficiency in computer knowledge (certification)

Financial Literacy i) %age of adults (20-60 years) covered


Vitamin A i) No. of children (0-5 years) given vitamin A capsules.

Other supplements ii) No. of adult and children provided with other supplements

i) No. of patients registered for vocational training
Vocational training ii) Self – sufficient in year 3 and year 5
i) No. of Self Help Groups created
Self Help Group ii) Earnings of Self Help Groups

Miscellaneous: Any other parameters as the Advisory Committee may require

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A. Classification of Aerotropolis Medical Center

Aerotropolis Medical Center is classified according to:

 Ownership (Joint Venture)
 Scope of Services

Aerotropolis Medical Center is classified by functional capability.

1. Classification According to Ownership

a) Public – AMC is a hospital owned, established, established and created by law; facility
Owned and Controlled by Joint Venture Corporations (JVC) and its Local Community Board

b) Private – AMC is a hospital owned, established and operated with funds through donation,
principal investment and other means by which individual, non-Public corporation,
association organize as a JV.

2. Classification According to Scope of Services

a) General – AMC is a hospital that provides services for all kinds of illnesses, diseases,
injuries or deformities. A general hospital shall provide medical and surgical care to the sick
and injured, as well as maternity, newborn and child care. It shall be equipped with the service
capabilities needed to support board certified/eligible medical specialists and other licensed
physicians rendering services in, but not limited to, the following:

1. Clinical Services
a. Family Medicine
b. Pediatrics
c. Internal Medicine
d. Obstetrics and Gynecology
e. Surgery
2. Urgent Care Services
3. Ambulatory Outpatient Services
4. Ancillary and Support Services, such as clinical laboratory, imaging facility and

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b) Specialty – AMC is a hospital that is devoted to disease prevention treatment of any of the

1 Treatment of patients suffering from diseases of an organ or groups of organs (e.g. Lung
Center, Heart Center, National Kidney and Transplant Institute); and AMC is a hospital
dedicated to treatment of diabetes disorders and cancers.

2 Treatment of patients belonging to a vulnerable group such as children, women, elderly

and others (e.g. Children’s Medical Center).

B. Categories of Aerotropolis Medical Center According to Functional Capacity

1. Ambulatory Care Hospital

An Ambulatory Care hospital which have, as minimum, the following services and capacity:

a. A staff of qualified medical, allied medical and administrative personnel headed by a physician duly
licensed by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC);

b. Bed space for its authorized bed capacity in accordance with DOH Guidelines in the Planning and
Design of Aerotropolis Medical Center;

c. An operating room with standard equipment and provision for sterilization of equipment and supplies
in accordance with the:

o DOH Reference Plan in the Planning and Design of an Operating Room/Theater

o DOH Guidelines on Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Reusable Medical Devices in

Hospital Facilities in the s

d. A post-operative recovery room;

e. Maternity facilities, consisting of ward(s), room(s), and a delivery room exclusively for maternity patients
and newborns;

f. Isolation facilities with proper procedures for the care and control of infectious and communicable
diseases as well as for the prevention of cross infections;

g. A separate dental section/clinic;

h. A blood station;

i. A DOH-licensed secondary clinical laboratory with the services of consulting pathologist;

j. A DOH-licensed Ambulatory Care imaging facility with the services of a consulting radiologist; and

k. A DOH-licensed pharmacy

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2. Women and Children Hospital

The Women and Children Hospital shall have as minimum, all of Ambulatory Care capacity, including,
but not limited to, the following:

a. An organized staff of qualified and competent personnel with Chief of Hospital/Medical Director
and appropriate board-certified Clinical
Department Heads;

b. Departmentalized and equipped with service capabilities needed to support board-

certified/eligible medical specialists and other licensed physicians rendering services in the
specialties of Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, their sub-specialties and
ancillary services;

c. A general Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for critically ill patients;

d. A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU);

e. A High-Risk Pregnancy Unit (HRPU);

f. Provision of respiratory therapy services;

g. A DOH-licensed tertiary clinical laboratory; and

h. A DOH-licensed Women and Children Hospital imaging facility with mobile x-ray inside the
institution and with capability for contrast examinations.

3. General Hospital
The General Hospital shall have as minimum, all of Women and Children Hospital capacity, including,
but not limited to, the following:

a. Teaching and/or training hospital with accredited residency training program for physicians in the
four (4) major specialties, namely: Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Surgery;

b. A physical medicine and rehabilitation unit;

c. An ambulatory surgical clinic;

d. A dialysis unit;

e. A blood bank;

f. A DOH-licensed tertiary clinical laboratory with standard equipment /reagents/ supplies necessary
for the performance of histopathology examinations; and
g. A DOH-licensed General Hospital imaging facility with interventional radiology.
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In summary, the services and facilities provided by each level of General Hospital is shown below:


All of Adult and Children

Ambulatory Care plus:
Consulting Hospital plus:
Specialists in: Teaching/training services with
Clinical accredited residency training
Services for in- program in the 4 major clinical
Pediatrics Departmentalized
patients services
OB-Gyn Clinical Services

Urgent Care and

Respiratory Unit
Outpatient Services Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Unit
Isolation Facilities General ICU

Surgical/Maternity High Risk Pregnancy

Ambulatory Surgical Clinic
Facilities Unit

Dental Clinic ICU Dialysis Clinic

Ancillary Secondary Clinical Tertiary Clinical Tertiary laboratory with

Services Laboratory Laboratory histopathology

Blood Station Blood Station Blood Bank

2nd Level X-ray with

1st Level X-ray 3rd Level X-ray
mobile unit

Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy

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Number of Positions for

Position Title Pay Grade Level of Care
Primary Secondary Tertiary

Medical and Allied Medical Positions

Chief of Hospital II 25 1 1 1
Medical Specialist II 23 7 8 9
Medical Practitioner IV 23 3 4 4
Medical Practitioner III 21 5 6 7
Nurse V 20 1 1 1
Nurse III 17 1 2 2
Dentist II 17 1 1 1
Social Welfare Officer II 15 1 1 1
Pharmacist II 15 1 1 1
Nutritionist-Dietitian II 15 1 1 1
Nurse II 15 21 25 28
Medical Technologist II 15 1 1 1
Health Education and Promotion Officer II 14 1 1 1
Radiologic Technologist II 13 1 1 1
Social Welfare Officer I 11 1 2
Radiologic Technologist I 11 1 2 3
Psychologist I 11 1 1 1
Pharmacist I 11 2 3 4
Nurse I 11 7 13 19
Medical Technologist I 11 4 5 6
Medical Equipment Technician III 11 1 2 2
Midwife I 9 4 4 4
Social Welfare Assistant 8 1 1 1
Nursing Attendant II 6 5 6 6
Laboratory Technician I 6 2 2 2
Nursing Attendant I 4 6 10 14
Dental Aide 4 1 1 1
Subtotal 81 105 124

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Pay Number of Positions

Position Title
Grade Primary Secondary Tertiary
Administrative Officer V 18 1 1 1
Engineer II 16 1 1 1
Accountant II 16 1 1 1
Administrative Officer III 14 3 3 3
Computer Maintenance Technologist I 11 1 1 1
Administrative Officer II 11 1 1 1
Administrative Officer I 10 1 1 2
Administrative Assistant II 8 9 11 11
Administrative Assistant I 7 1 1 1
Data Controller I 6 2 2 1
Administrative Aide VI 6 1 1 1
Cook II 5 2 2 2
Administrative Aide IV 4 4 6 7
Laundry Worker II 3 1 2 2
Administrative Aide III 3 2 4 6
Seamstress 2 1 1 1
Subtotal 32 39 42

Grand Total 113 144 166


Number of Positions
Primary Secondary Tertiary

Medical and Allied Medical Positions 71.7% 72.9% 74.7%

General Administrative Positions 28.3% 27.1% 25.3%

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Position Title Pay Number of Positions

Grade PrimarySecondary Tertiary
Medical and Allied Medical Positions

Medical Center Chief I 26 1 1 1

Chief Medical Professional Staff I 25 1 1 1

Medical Specialist III 24 11 11 11

Medical Specialist II 23 12 19 27

Medical Practitioner IV 23 6 8 10

Dentist IV 23 1 1 1

Nurse VI 22 1 1 1

Medical Practitioner III 21 16 21 26

Nurse V 20 1 1 1

Dentist III 20 0 0 1

Nurse IV 19 1 1 1

Social Welfare Officer III 18 1 1 1

Pharmacist III 18 1 1 1

Nutritionist-Dietitian III 18 1 1 1

Medical Technologist III 18 2 2 2

Nurse III 17 8 9 9

Dentist II 17 1 1 1

Radiologic Technologist III 15 1 1 1

Psychologist II 15 1 1 1

Nurse II 15 35 52 64

Medical Technologist II 15 4 6 7

Respiratory Therapist II 14 1 1 1

Health Education and Promotion Officer II 14 1 1 1

Radiologic Technologist II 13 2 3 3

Social Welfare Officer I 11 2 3 4

Radiologic Technologist I 11 2 3 3

Pharmacist I 11 5 6 8

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Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Number of Positions
Position Title Pay Primary
Grade Secondary Tertiary

Nutritionist-Dietitian I 11 1 2 2

Nurse I 11 47 71 93

Respiratory Therapist I 10 2 3 4

Midwife I 9 3 5 6

Social Welfare Assistant 8 1 1 1

Medical Laboratory Technician II 8 2 4 4

Medical Equipment Technician II 8 1 1 1

Nursing Attendant II 6 17 25 31

Medical Equipment Technician I 6 1 2 2

Nursing Attendant I 4 21 33 42

Laboratory Aide II 4 5 7 9

Dental Aide 4 1 1 1

Sub Total 221 312 385


Supervising Administrative Officer 22 1 1 1

Accountant III 19 1 1 1

Engineer III 19 1 1 1

Administrative Officer V 18 6 6 6

Engineer II 16 1 1 1

Accountant II 16 1 1 1

Statistician II 15 1 1 1

Computer Maintenance Technologist II 15 1 1 1

Chemist II 15 1 1 1

Administrative Officer IV 15 3 3 3

Administrative Officer III 14 1 1 1

Medical Technologist I 11 3 4 4

Computer Maintenance Technologist I 11 1 1 2

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Administrative Officer II 11 3 3 4

Administrative Officer I 10 4 7 9
Position Title Pay Number of Positions
Grade Primary Secondary Tertiary

Administrative Assistant III 9 2 2 2

Warehouseman II 8 1 1 1

Hospital Housekeeper 8 1 2 2

Engineering Assistant 8 0 1 2

Data Controller II 8 1 2 3

Administrative Assistant II 8 8 10 13

Administrative Assistant I 7 7 9 10

Administrative Aide VI 6 9 13 16

Cook II 5 3 4 5

Administrative Aide IV 4 4 6 7

Laundry Worker II 3 1 2 2
Administrative Aide III 3 4 6 7

Seamstress 2 1 1 1
Sub Total 71 92 108

GRAND TOTAL 292 404 493


Number of Positions
Particulars 100 150 200
Beds Beds Beds
Medical and Allied Medical Positions 75.7% 77.2% 78.1%

General Administrative Positions 24.3% 22.8% 21.9%

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Number of Positions

Position Title Pay Grade Urgent Primary Secondary Tertiary

Medical and Allied Medical Positions

Medical Center Chief II 27 1 1 1 1

Chief of Medical Professional Staff II 26 1 1 1 1
Medical Specialist IV 25 13 13 13 13
Nurse VII 24 1 1 1 1
Medical Specialist III 24 19 26 33 39
Dentist V 24 1 1 1 1
Medical Specialist II 23 17 20 27 33
Medical Practitioner IV 23 39 77 104 142
Social Welfare Officer IV 22 1 1 1 1
Pharmacist V 22 1 1 1 1
Nutritionist-Dietitian V 22 1 1 1 1
Nurse VI 22 2 2 2 2
Medical Technologist V 22 1 1 1 1
Health Physicist III 22 1 1 1 1
Dentist III 20 1 2 2 2
Medical Practitioner III 21 51 90 128 165
Pharmacist IV 20 1 1 2 2
Nutritionist-Dietitian IV 20 1 1 1 1
Nurse V 20 2 2 2 2
Medical Technologist IV 20 2 3 4 2
Nurse IV 19 2 2 2 2
Radiologic Technologist IV 18 1 2 2 2
Medical Technologist III 18 4 6 7 7
Health Education and Promotion Officer III 18 1 1 1 1
Dentist II 17 1 2 2 2
Respiratory Therapist III 17 1 1 1 1
Nurse III 17 24 35 46 54

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Number of Positions

Position Title Pay Urgent Primary Secondary Tertiary

Grade Care

Social Welfare Officer II 15 2 3 4 4

Radiologic Technologist III 15 2 2 3 3

Psychologist II 15 1 2 2 2

Pharmacist II 15 6 10 13 17

Nutritionist-Dietitian II 15 2 3 5 6

Nurse II 15 68 100 131 161

Medical Technologist II 15 7 10 13 19

Respiratory Therapist II 14 2 3 4 4

Radiologic Technologist II 13 3 4 5 6
Medical Equipment
Technician IV 13 1 1 1 1

Radiologic Technologist I 11 3 4 5 6

Nurse I 11 53 79 103 128

Midwife II 11 16 23 29 34

Medical Technologist I 11 5 8 10 12
Medical Equipment
Technician III 11 1 1 1 1
Medical Laboratory
Technician III 10 5 8 10 12

Respiratory Therapist I 10 4 5 7 8

Midwife I 9 10 13 16 18

Social Welfare Assistant 8 1 3 4 7

Medical Equipment
Technician II 8 2 3 4 4
Physical Therapy Technician
I 6 4 5 7 8

Nursing Attendant II 6 46 66 87 106

Medical Equipment
Technician I 6 2 3 4 5

Nursing Attendant I 4 7 9 12 14

Laboratory Aide II 4 3 5 6 7

Dental Aide 4 2 2 3 3

Sub total 449 670 877 1,077

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Financial and Management

Officer II 24 1 1 1 1

Number of Positions

Position Title Pay Grade Urgent Care Primary Secondary Tertiary

Chief Administrative Officer 24 1 1 1 1

Attorney IV 23 1 1 1 1

Training Specialist IV 22 1 1 1 1

Supervising Administrative Officer 22 6 6 6 6

Engineer IV 22 1 1 1 1

Accountant IV 22 1 1 1 1

Engineer III 19 1 2 2 2

Accountant III 19 1 1 1 1

Statistician III 18 1 1 1 1

Chemist III 18 1 1 1 1

Administrative Officer V 18 1 1 1 1
Computer Maintenance
Technologist III 17 1 1 1 1

Statistician II 15 1 1 1 1
Computer Maintenance
Technologist II 15 2 3 4 4
Administrative Officer IV 15 5 5 5 5
Administrative Officer III 14 8 9 10 11
Warehouseman III 11 1 2 2 2
Social Welfare Officer I 11 4 5 7 8
Administrative Officer II 11 7 10 13 14
Administrative Officer I 10 10 15 20 25
Administrative Assistant III 9 15 18 23 26
Training Assistant 8 2 2 2 2
Hospital Housekeeper 8 2 3 4 4
Administrative Assistant II 8 24 35 45 54

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Administrative Assistant I 7 30 34 40 42
Administrative Aide VI 6 8 11 14 16
Cook II 5 6 8 10 12
Administrative Aide V 5 2 3 4 4
Laundry Worker II 3 2 3 4 5
Administrative Aide III 3 12 12 16 16
Number of Positions

Position Title Pay Grade Urgent Care Primary Secondary Tertiary

Seamstress 2 1 1 2 2
Sub total
160 199 245 272

Grand Total 609 869 1,122 1,349


Number of Positions
Urgent Primary Secondary Tertiary

Medical and Allied Medical Positions 73.7% 77.1% 78.2% 79.8%

General Administrative Positions 26.3% 22.9% 21.8% 20.2%

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Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Acquisition, Construction, Operating & Capital Budget
(February 2018)

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Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Applicant: Aerotropolis Medical Center, LLP (“AMC”)

Amount Requested: $250,000,000 (South Fulton County, GA)
Joint Venture: 90% Investor/10% AMC
Facility Types: Multispecialty care hospital consisting of an Ambulatory Care Hospital, Women and Children
Hospital, and General Hospital facilities
Contact: Dr. Quincy Harris:

Uses of Funds: AMC seeks funds for construction, land acquisition, training, and equipment needs, including the
completion of its hospital state-of-the-art facility.

Financial Overview: AMC is to show profitability after its fifth year. The most significant improvement expected in
AMC’s operations is an increase in patient service revenue, reflecting the effects of structured reimbursement relationships.
AMC exhibits balance sheet strength, including good liquidity. AMC will become leveraged with this financing, but a
proforma debt service coverage ratio of 2.02x indicates an ability to manage this debt. Standby Letter of Credit for $250
million or greater. Receiving bank at this writing is to be designated.

Sources of Revenue (000’s): Amount Percent

(FYE 8/31/25)
Net Patient Service Revenue $859,919,000 93.3%
Premium Revenue 39,543,000 4.3%
Other Revenue 14,295,000 1.5%
Investment Income 4,290,000 0.5%
Net Assets Released from Restrictions 3,673,000 0.4%

$921,720,000 100.0%

Estimated Sources of Funds (000’s): Estimated Uses of Funds (000’s):

Joint Venture Investor $450,000,000 Construction/Acquisition $155,682,000
Original Issue Discount (2,815,000) Equipment/IT 56,686,000
Capitalized interest 5,526,000
Debt Service Reserve 17,127,000
Costs of Issuance 2,164,000

Total Sources $247,185,000 Total Uses $247,185,000

pg. 24 Harris Worldwide Humanitarain Foundation Affiliate

Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary


AMC seeks funds for hospital construction,

Land acquisition and equipment needs, including the completion of its cancer and ambulatory
care center.

Construction/Acquisition .................................................................................... $155,682,073

Construction of critical/ambulatory care and research center.................. ….. $100,751,385

AMC is currently constructing a new multi-specialty medical facility that will support its high-tech
programs, among others. The 520,000-square/foot inpatient and ambulatory treatment facility is
expected to be opened in March 2021, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, to be located
adjacent to Women & Children Hospital and Ambulatory Care Center. This building will include
new facilities for radiation oncology chemopreventive research and gene therapies and an
ambulatory treatment center that will permit patients undergoing or recovering from treatment.

The Ambulatory outpatient facilities will provide the needed additional facilities to
handle the future growth demand.

AMC’s strategic plan calls for near-term intensive growth in services such as these
in which AMC will demonstrate its distinction.

Land acquisitions and development ......................................... $43,761,685

AMC’s facilities will include regulatory upgrades mandated by JCAHO. To Include

physical interior and exterior enhancements.

The project includes $14,186,000 for the renovation of a downtown Atlanta Training and Business
Incubation facilities. This project includes TAD funds allocations of $15,000,000.

Seismic acquisitions $1,169,003

These acquisitions are part of the approximately $2 million that AMC estimates spending prior to 2018
to meet State of Georgia requirements.

Equipment/Information technology ............................................................... 56,686,000

AMC is planning needed upgrades to its equipment, including routine medical and
other equipment and Information Technology infrastructure. Routine equipment
includes medical, surgical and other aging equipment such as heating, ventilation and
air conditioning systems; security systems; maintenance equipment and other
equipment. AMC’s Information Technology systems are aging and have several
components in need of upgrade, including billing systems, computers and overall
network infrastructure.

Other financing costs are as follows………………………………………………..34,816,898

Debt service reserve $17,127,045

Capitalized interest 15,526,103
pg. 25 Harris Worldwide Humanitarain Foundation Affiliate
Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Estimated issuance costs 2,163,750

We will seek a new bond issue that will allow AMC to capitalize interest and defer principal payment
on the bonds until construction/acquisition projects are completed and has begun to generate offsetting

If bond insurance is obtained, it is expected to cost approximately $4 to $5 million,

which will be paid from AMC internal funds.

Total Uses of Funds........................................................................................ $247,184,971


Fixed and/or variable rate bonds (to be determined by market and availability of bond
insurance) with a 33 year maturity date [if insurance is obtained, there will be one, fixed-
rate bond; if no insurance is obtained, there will be a @ $110M variable rate and @
$140M fixed rate bond ].

Expected Credit Rating:

- Portions with Insurance: AAA (S&P), AAA (Moody’s).
- Portions Without Insurance: A- (S&P), A3 (Moody’s) (A portion may go uninsured,
dependent on market conditions).


Aerotropolis Medical Center, LLP and Subsidiaries

Combined Statements of Operations

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Unrestricted Revenue:
Net patient service revenue $455,416,000 $859,919,000 $731,824,000
Premium revenue 10,656,618 39,543,000 60,871,000
Other revenue ..1,379,134 14,295,000 11,668,000
Investment income ..4,290,000 17,585,000 ..
Net assets released from restrictions ..3,673,000 4,253,000

Total revenues, gains, and other 482,203,000 921,720,000 826,201,000


Salaries and benefits 204,799,000 389,329,000 367,256,000

Professional services 11,207,000 23,503,000 22,135,000
Supplies 67,556,000 127,213,000 118,242,000
Purchased services (2) 109,167,000 214,004,000 210,118,000
Provision for doubtful accounts 46,622,000 80,742,000 66,691,000
Depreciation 13,663,000 37,282,000 64,989,000
Interest 4,455,000 9,858,000 11,683,000
Other 15,109,000 27,299,000 5,249,000

pg. 26 Harris Worldwide Humanitarain Foundation Affiliate

Aerotropolis Medical Center Executive Summary

Total expenses 472,578,000 909,230,000 866,363,000

Excess of revenues, gains, and other
support over expenses 9,625,000 12,490,000 (40,162,000)

Other 5,162,000 (8,837,000)

Increase in unrestricted net assets 14,787,000 13,191,000 (48,999,000)
Unrestricted net assets, beginning of year 159,003,000 145,812,000 194,811,000
Unrestricted net assets, end of year $173,790,000 $159,003,000 $145,812,000

1. The beginning balance, on September 1, 2021, of unrestricted net assets was predicted to be $285,431,000. On
September 1, 2021, the projected net assets transferred from AMC to the Harris Worldwide Humanitarian
Foundation, leaving a balance of $145,812,000.
2. Purchased services includes payments to physicians with their Corresponding professional service revenue is
reported in patient service revenues. ($7,117/bed/day)
3. We anticipate commencement of operation on September 1, 2018

pg. 27 Harris Worldwide Humanitarain Foundation Affiliate

Aerotropolis Medical Center, LLP and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position ($000's)

Year 3 Year 2 Year 1

ASSETS (Projected) (Projected) (Projected)

Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 101,042 $ 71,800 $ 62,505
Assets limited to use, held by trustee 10,049 25,280 41,783
Patients projected accounts receivable, 113,311 126,694 124,777
net projected receivables 4,157 7,744 7,047
Inventories 9,793 8,950 9,301
Prepaid expenses and other 3,235 1,624 2,164
Due from related parties 21,693 5,915 -
Total Current Assets
263,280 248,007 247,5
Investments 165,597 179,526 157,292
Property and equipment, net 194,685 183,744 169,927
Other assets 12,307 16,964 11,816
Total Assets $ 635,869 $ 628,241 $ 586,612


Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 41,539 $ 61,866 $ 46,157
Accrued salaries and related benefits 44,680 49,323 38,564
Related parties – Consultancy 18,680 7,330 13,621
Zoning and permits 39,421 42,465 36,503
Current portion of long term debt 2,800 2,800 2,670
Self-insurance reserves, current 17,348 15,918 16,989
Total current liabilities 164,468 179,702 154,504
Self-insurance reserves, net of current 106,153 86,156 83,614
Long-term debt, net of current portion 180,665 183,465 186,265
Total Liabilities 451,286 449,323 424,383

Unrestricted net assets 173,790 159,003 145,812

Temporarily restricted net assets 9,458 18,349 14,326
Permanently restricted net assets 1,566 1,566 2,091
Total Net Assets 184,814 178,918 162,229
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 635,869 $ 628,241 $ 586,612

Financial Ratios: Proforma (a)

Debt Service Coverage (x) 2.02 4.79 3.62

Debt/Unrestricted Net Assets (x) 2.74 1.17 1.11
Margin (%) 1.43% -2.86%
Current Ratio (x) 1.38 1.44

(a) Recalculates August 2020 results to include the impact of this proposed financing.

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Landscape and Proposed Construction

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Aerotropolis Medical Center
5455 Campbellton Fairburn Rd,
Union City, GA 30291

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