Supplier Audit Report

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Document No
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit Rev. No


Audit Information
Vendor Name Auditor Audit No.

Date Function Auditee

Audit Reason Type of Audit

Repeated line / Customer Complaint Scheduled Quality System & Process audit Self Audit ( Supplier Yearly ) Confirmation Audit by MEPL ( Yearly)
Audit points covered

Quality Operating System Management Responsibility Design & Development Production & Process Control Insp. & Measurement Continual Improvement Organisation Health & Safety
Applicable Obtained
S.No. Requirements Total score Group Weightage Score Grading Scale:
Score Score
1 Quality Operating System 65 65 0 Quality Operating System 10% 0 "A" >90 Excellent
1a Documented Quality System 50 50 0 Management Responsibility 10% 0 "B" 80>90 Good
1b Document control 15 15 0 Development of new parts 10% 0 "C" 70>80 Satisfactory
2 Management Responsibility 25 25 0 Production & process control 30% 0 "D" 60>70 Needs Improvement
2a Organization for quality 10 10 0 Inspection & Measurement analysi 20% 0 "E" 50>60 Needs Significant Improvement
2b Review of quality system 15 15 0 Continual Improvement 15% 0 "F" <50 Unsatisfactory
3 Development of new parts 15 15 0 Organisation health & safety 5% 0
3a Development of new parts 15 15 0
4 Production & process control 105 105 0 Audit Score
4a Process Control 65 65 0
4b Maintenance 15 15 0
Quality Operating System
4c Packaging standard 5 5 0
4d Traceability 20 20 0 Organisation health & safety 1 Management Responsibility
5 Inspection & Measurement analysis 70 70 0 0.5
5a Incoming inspection of parts and raw material 20 20 0 0
5b Control of calibration instruments & equipments 35 25 0
Continual Improvement Development of new parts
5c Handling of non conformance product 10 10 0 Supplier Grade
5d Customer Compliant Handling 15 15 0
Inspection & Measurement analysis Production & process control
6 Continual Improvement 25 25 0
6a Training 15 15 0
6b Group activities and innovation program 10 10 0
7 Organisation health & safety 15 15 0

Previous Audit CA Implementation verification

Was the action to the previous audit are implemented Yes No Verification date

is there any revised target for the pending actions Yes No Verified by

Implementation effective date

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
1 Quality Operating System
1a. Document Quality System 0 Total Score
No document system exist -0
Documents system available but not controlled -1
Is there documented system Partially documents system available and controlled -2
exist satisfactory document system available and controlled -3
Adequate document system available and controlled - 4
More adequate Document system available and controlled - 5

No Procedure for development of new parts or change in part. -0

Some written instruction available for development of new parts no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for development
Some written instruction available and records maintained & major deficiency observed -2
2 of new parts or change in
Clear Documented Procedure for development of new parts or change in part available and partially followed and tracking of records found more difficult. - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for development of new parts or change in part available and adequately followed and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for development of new parts or change in part available and effectively followed and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5

No Procedure for development of sub vendor -0

Some written instructions available for development of sub vendor no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for development Some written instructions available and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
of sub vendor Clear Documented Procedure for development of sub vendor or change in sub vendor available and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for development of sub vendor or change in sub vendor available and adequately followed and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for development of sub vendor available and effectively followed and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5

No Procedure for incoming inspection & control of bought out parts. -0

Some written instruction available for incoming inspection of bought out parts no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for incoming
Some written instruction available for incoming inspection of bought out parts and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
4 inspection & control of
Clear Documented Procedure for incoming inspection of bought out parts available and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
bought out parts.
Clear Documented Procedure for incoming inspection & control of bought out parts available and adequately followed and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for incoming inspection & control of bought out parts available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5
No Procedure for measuring instrument control & calibration. -0
Some written instruction available for measuring instrument control & calibration no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for measuring
Some written instruction available for measuring instrument control & calibration and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
5 instrument control &
Clear Documented Procedure for measuring instrument control & calibration available and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for measuring instrument control & calibration available and adequately followed and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for measuring instrument control & calibration available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5
No Procedure for lot traceability. -0
Some written instruction available for lot traceability no documents and records maintained -1
Some written instruction available for lot traceability and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
6 Procedure for lot traceability
Clear Documented Procedure for lot traceability available and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for lot traceability available and adequately followed and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for lot traceability available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5
No Procedure for handling of non conformance products. -0
Some written instruction available for handling of non conformance products no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for handling of Some written instruction available for handling of non conformance products and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
non conformance products Clear Documented Procedure for handling of non conformance products and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for handling of non conformance products available and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for handling of non conformance products available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5

No Procedure for maintenance of production equipment -0

Some written instruction available for maintenance of production equipment no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for maintenance Some written instruction available for maintenance of production equipment and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
of production equipment Clear Documented Procedure for maintenance of production equipment and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for maintenance of production equipment available and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for maintenance of production equipment available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5

No Procedure for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits. -0

Some written instruction available for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits no documents and records maintained -1
Procedure for carrying out Some written instruction available for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits and records maintained and major deficiency observed -2
internal audits / vendor audits Clear Documented Procedure for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits and partially followed tracking of records found more difficult . - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits available and tracking of records found satisfactory and minor deficiency noticed. - 4
Clear Documented Procedure for carrying out internal audits / vendor audits available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5
No Procedure for training. -0
Some written instruction available for training no documents and records maintained -1
Some written instruction available for training and records maintained -2
10 Procedure for training
Clear Documented Procedure for training and not followed no records available. - 3
Clear Documented Procedure for training available and followed & some records not available.- 4.
Clear Documented Procedure for training available and tracking of records found more adequate no discrepancy observed. -5
1.b Document Control 0 Total Score
No updated drawing with latest revision are available and not properly indexed & maintained at appropriate place -0
Are the updated drawing with
Old drawing available not properly indexed retrieval time for taking the drawing is more-1
latest revision are available
Old drawing available & properly indexed retrieval time for taking the drawing is satisfactory-2
1 and properly indexed &
Updated drawing with latest revision are available and not properly indexed retrieval time for taking the drawing is more-3
maintained at appropriate
Updated drawing with latest revision are available and properly indexed & retrieval time for taking the drawing is satisfactory-4
Updated drawing with latest revision are available and properly indexed & maintained at appropriate place -5
No tool / mould drawing available at supplier -0
some Tool / mould drawing available and not properly maintained at appropriate place -1
Does the vendor has tool /
Some tool / mould drawing available and properly maintained at appropriate place -2
2 mould drawing supplied by
All tool / mould drawing available and not maintained properly and difficult to retrieve the drawing-3
All Tool / mould drawing available and properly maintained at appropriate place & difficult to retrieve the drawing-4
All tool / mould drawing available and properly maintained at appropriate place and easy for retrieve the drawing-5

Are the drawings / procedure/

work instruction / control plan No Master list of document available -0
/ check sheet being revised Master list available not review & updated -1
whenever there is any Master list available reviewed & not updated -2
change and are Master list available reviewed & updated not available at appropriate location & internal communication to the concerned is poor-3
communicated to Master list available reviewed & updated available at appropriate location & internal communication to the concerned is poor-4
appropriately to all Master list available reviewed & updated available at appropriate location & internal communication to the concerned is satisfactory-5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
2 Management Responsibility
2.a Orgianisation for Quality 0 Total Score
Check the organisation chart No documented system exist -0
Does it clearly define the Organisation Chart not available roles and responsibility not defined -1
reporting levels, Organisation Chart not available roles and responsibility clearly defined -2
responsibilities at each level Organisation chart available roles & responsibility not clearly defined. -3
related for assuring quality of Organisation chart available roles & responsibility defined. for some people -4
parts Organisation chart and responsibility clearly defined through out the organisation -5
No Quality Department in he organisation -0
Has the vendor nominated Only quality engineer available. & reporting to production manager no authority given- 1
the principal Quality incharge Only quality engineer available. & reporting to Managing Director and no authority given- 2
as per the criteria laid by Quality incharge available and reporting to unit Head limited authority given -3
MEPL Quality incharge available and reporting to Managing Director and limited authority given -4
Quality incharge available and reporting to Managing Director and full authority given -5
2.b Review of Quality System 0 Total Score
Is management review of No management review meeting -0
quality system being carried Review meeting carried out only for the ISO document purpose -1
out periodically by the top Management review meeting carried out not as per the plan and review points not addressing the internal audit, performance measure, customer compliant.-2
management and also Management review meeting carried out as per the plan and review points not addressing the internal audit, performance measure, customer compliant. -3
includes the review of Management review meeting carried out as per the plan and review points addressing the internal audit, performance measure, customer compliant. but previous meeting status not reviewed and pending points not
internal audit, performance reviewed and no action initiated -4
measures and requirements Management review meeting carried out as per the plan and review points addressing the internal audit, performance measure, customer compliant. and also the previous meeting status, pending points reviewed
of MEPL. and action initiated -5

No system of carring out sub vendor audit-0

Check whether the supplier No annual plan for carrying out sub vendor audit, internal audit, process audit and audit will be carried out onec in a year-1
carry out sub vendor audit, Annual plan available for carrying out Sub vendor audit, internal audit , process audit and not done as per the plan and corrective action not followed up with the supplier -2
internal audit, process audit. Annual plan available for carrying out Sub vendor audit, internal audit , process audit and audit done as per the plan and corrective action not followed up with the supplier -3
Check for the annual plan Annual plan available for carrying out Sub vendor audit, internal audit , process audit and audit done as per the plan and corrective action follow -up done to get the corrective action and reaudit not done for to verify
and the achievement as per the implementation of the corrective action-4
the plan Annual plan available for carrying out Sub vendor audit, internal audit , process audit and audit done as per the plan and corrective action follow -up done to get the corrective action and reaudit done for the verify the
implementation of the corrective action-5

Check whether the supplier

No check list available for carrying out audits -0
uses the appropriate
some verbal checklist available for carrying out the audit-1
checklists to carry out audits
Audits carried as per the checklist and the checklist not adequate and not covering all the quality system requirements , audit records not maintained and corrective action not followed -2
3 and audit records and
Audits carried as per the checklist and the checklist is adequate and covering all the quality system requirements , audit records not maintained and corrective action not followed-3
nonconformance are
Audits carried as per the checklist and the checklist is adequate and covering all the quality system requirements , audit records maintained and corrective action not followed-4
followed up and closed
Audits carried as per the checklist and audit records maintained and corrective action followed and closed for the non conformance -5
3. Development of New Parts 0 Total Score
No design control as per the procedure. -0
Check for the new parts or Before implementing the changes design review not carried out -1
changed parts and before implementing the changes design review carried out and all points discussed-2
implementation of design Changes implemented and document / record not updated. -3
control as per the procedure changes implemented and document / record updated and not communicated to all concerned -4
Changes implemented and document / record updated properly communicated to all concerned. -5
Control plans not available. -0
Control plan available as an ISO document not used in shop floor-1
Is there any control plan Control plan made after the sample made -2
made before start of sample Control plan made before sample production and not reviewed & updated-3
Control plans available reviewed & updated & all critical & significant characteristic not addressed -4
Control plans available reviewed & updated all critical & significant characteristic not addressed . -5

Sample inspection not made.-0

During the sample
only visual inspection carried out and record not maintained.-1
development check whether
Sample inspection made only for critical & significant dimensions and not meeting the APC requirement and not taken proper approval.-2
3 sample inspection made and
Sample inspection made only for critical & significant dimensions and meeting the APC requirement and not taken proper approval.-3
meeting all the MEPL
Layout inspection made for the samples and critical & significant dimensions are meeting the APC requirement For the NG dimensions approval not taken from APC.-4
Layout inspection made for the samples and all dimensions are meeting the APC requirement -5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
4 Production & Process Control
4a. Process Control 0 Total Score
Process flow chart not available - 0
Verbal process sequence established and not documented-1
Is the process is carried out
Some process sequence established and not followed as per the process sequence process deviation not recorded and reviewed-2
1 as per the establish process
For all process Documented process sequence available and not followed as per the process sequence process deviation not recorded and reviewed-3
For all process Documented process sequence available and not effectively followed as per the process sequence, if any process deviation not recorded and reviewed-4
For all process Documented process sequence available and effectively followed as per the process sequence, if any process deviation 4M raised and recorded and reviewed effectively and CAPA taken-5

Are the process parameter Process flow chart not available - 0

are established and followed. Verbal process parameter established and not documented-1
Are they available at Some process parameter established. All the instruction are in English & not in local language -2
appropriate places. Whether For all process documented process parameter available, All the instruction are in English & not in local language -3
all operator can understand For all process documented process parameter available and All the instruction are in English & in local language. No pictorial representation available -4
these instruction. For all process documented process parameter available and All the instruction are in English & in local language also in pictorial representation for better understanding -5

Control plans not available. -0

Does the supplier has control Control plan available as an formal ISO document not used in shop floor-1
plan / inspection standard / Control plan available and major deficiency noticed -2
quality plan / set up standard Control plan available and used in shop floor non critical parameter are addressed and critical and significant characteristic not addressed and not converted as a control point-3
for each and every operation Control plan available and used in shop floor critical and significant characteristic are addressed and converted as a control point but control method are in adequate -4
Control plans are derived from FMEA keeping in the mind on risk of product quality and control methods are effectively defined and implemented all across in the plant found satisfactory . -5

Critical & special characteristic not identified- 0

Critical & special characteristic identified and not converted as a control paramenter in the control plan / inspection standard -1
Critical & special characteristic identified and converted as a control paramenter in the control plan / inspection standard and the control method is inadequate -2
Critical & special
Critical & special characteristic identified and converted as a control paramenter in the control plan / inspection standard and the control method is are adequate but SPC study not conducted -3
4 characteristic are identified
Critical & special characteristic identified and converted as a control paramenter in the control plan / inspection standard and the control method is are adequate, SPC study conducted and CP / CPK not meeting APC
and communicated properly
requirement -4
Critical & special characteristic identified and converted as a control paramenter in the control plan / inspection standard and the control method is are adequate, SPC study conducted and CP / CPK meeting APC
requirement -5

No system of calibrating inspection instrument / testing equipments- 0

Instrument calibrated and calibration date expired and used in the shop floor -1
Check the calibrated
Instrument calibrated and error found in the instrument is not communicated to the concerned people -2
5 instruments / equipments are
Instrument calibrated and error found in the instrument is communicated to the concerned people -3
used in the line
Calibrated instrument used in the shop floor and calibration due found within the expiry date no error found in the instrument -4
Calibrated instrument used in the shop floor and calibration due found within the expiry date Gage R&R study conducted, errors are with in the acceptable limit -5

Tool storage facility not available & inhouse maintenance facility not adequate- 0
Tool storage facility available and inhouse maintenance facility not adequate. History Records for tool correction, tool element changes not available -1
Tool storage facility available and inhouse maintenance facility found adequate. History Records for tool correction, tool element changes available -2
Does the supplier has proper
Tool storage facility available and inhouse maintenance facility found adequate. History Records for tool correction, tool element changes available for major tool corrections parts are not validated and records not
storage & maintenance
maintained -3
facilities for tools. Does he
Tool storage facility available and inhouse maintenance facility found adequate. History Records for tool correction, tool element changes available for major tool corrections parts are validated and records
6 maintain history record for
maintained, critical NG dimensions are not communicated to customer -4
any changes, correction of
Tool storage facility available and Inhouse maintenance facility found adequate. History Records for tool correction, tool element changes available for major tool corrections parts are validated and records
tools and tool life
Critical and non critical NG dimensions are communicated to customer and
approval taken. Reburfication of tool communicated and corrected as per
the plan -5

No handling & storage facility available- 0

Parts handling & storage facility are not adequate -1
Does the supplier has proper Parts handling & storage facility available are adequate and area not identified for each parts -2
7 handling & storaging of parts Parts handling & storage facility available are adequate and area identified for each parts and followed appropriately -3
to avoid mix-up Parts handling & storage facility available and area identified for each parts and followed appropriately. standard work procedure not available-4
Parts handling & storage facility available and area identified for each parts and followed appropriately. Standard work procedure available and effectively. No customer compliant regarding Packing & handling of
parts for past 6 month -5

No separate location for Rejection & rework for WIP, final inspections not available- 0
Separate location for Rejection & rework are identified and not followed -1
Does the supplier identified
Separate location for Rejection & rework area identified and followed effectively -2
rejection & rework both in
8 Separate location for Rejection & rework area identified and no rework procedure available -3
process and final inspection
Separate location for Rejection & rework area identified and procedure for rework and procedure for disposal of rejection items are available and displayed at appropriate location -4
Separate location for Rejection & rework area identified and procedure for rework and procedure for disposal of rejection items are available and displayed at appropriate location. rework record are maintained and
separate traceability identification provided for rework parts and record maintained for disposal of rejected parts -5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up

No separate location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch not available- 0

Whether the supplier having Separate location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch available and not utilised -1
good location control for location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch available and effectively utilised. FG storage location rack no numbering system not followed-2
inspection, FG storage & location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch available and effectively utilised. FG storage location rack no numbering system followed -3
Dispatch location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch available and effectively utilised. FG storage location rack no numbering system followed. Predispatch inspections not followed-4
location for inspection, FG storage & Dispatch available and effectively utilised. FG storage location rack no numbering system followed. Predispatch inspections carried out and records maintained -5

PDI inspection not carried out- 0

Check whether the supplier PDI inspection report are filled with out checking the parts - 1
having PDI as per the MEPL PDI inspection reports some critical check points are left out and report having major discrepancy -2
standard and verify the PDI inspection reports some non critical check points included and report having minor errors-3
record for the same PDI inspection reports all critical check points included and report found satisfactory. Sample size not adequate to detect the defects -4
PDI inspection reports all critical check points included and report found satisfactory. Sample size adequate PDI inspection is effectively followed -5

No system of carrying out revalidation of parts -0

Revalidation inspection plan available and not carried out as per the plan- 1
Does the supplier carry out
Revalidation inspection plan available and revalidation inspection carried out as per the plan and records are having major discrepancy- 2
the revalidation of parts as
11 Revalidation inspection some dimensional checks and reliability test are not carried out records are having minor discrepancy- 3
per the plan. Check for
Revalidation inspection All dimensional checks and reliability test are carried out records some non conformance critical dimensions are not communicated to the customer and approval not taken - 4
revalidation plan & report.
Revalidation inspection All dimensional checks and reliability test are carried out records if any non conformance dimensions are communicated to the customer and approval taken revalidation inspection followed
effectively- 5

Whether the supplier monitor No performance monitoring system at supplier end -0

the performance of quality & Supplier having only delivery monitoring system -1
delivery. Check for the Supplier having only Quality & delivery monitoring system not records not maintained properly -2
evidence of analysis and the Supplier monitoring Quality & delivery performance records are maintained. it only a data analysis not done to take counter action -3
corrective action taken in Supplier monitoring Quality & delivery performance records are maintained. Analysis done in case of failure and the counter actions are not implemented effectively -4
case of failure Supplier monitoring Quality & delivery performance records are maintained. Analysis done in case of failure and the counter actions are implemented effectively and displayed appropriately in the shop floor -5

Check whether the supplier 5S system not followed- 0

follows 5s. Verify cleanliness, only 1'S & 2'S are followed and record maintained -1
cleaning method, orderliness, 5S champions are not identified and no ownership for my area and my machine champaine -2
proper arrangement of the 5S system followed, 5S check list are not adequate and Audit not conducted at scheduled interval. - 3
machines, bins, floor & 5S system followed, 5S Audit check list are adequate and Audit conducted at scheduled interval. Audit review not done and no evidence of taking corrective actions -4
building etc 5S system followed, 5S Audit check list are adequate and Audit conducted at scheduled interval. Audit review done and corrective actions taken effectively -5

4b. Maintenance 0 Total Score

Check for preventive No system of carrying out preventive maintenance -0.
maintenance plan and verify Preventive maintenance plan available and maintenance not carried as per the plan-1.
the record whether the Preventive maintenance plan available and maintenance carried as per the plan. Preventive maintenance check list not cover all maintenance activity-2
activity done as per the plan. Preventive maintenance plan available and maintenance not carried as per the plan. Preventive maintenance check list cover all maintenance activity-3
Check for the preventive Preventive maintenance plan available and maintenance carried as per the plan. Preventive maintenance check list cover all maintenance activity for all machines -4
maintenance checklist Preventive maintenance activity followed effectively for all machine / equipment and all records are maintained. Machine capability study conducted and results are satisfactory -5

No in-house facility to carryout maintenance-0

Check for adequate facilities In house facility available and not adequate -1
are available for carrying out If external supports are hire for maintenance are not approved no maintenance records maintained -2
maintenance of production In house facility available and adequate no system of maintaining the history record of service carried-3
equipment. In house facility available and adequate History records of service are not effectively maintained -4
In house facility available and adequate. skill matrics for the maintenance personnel's are adequate & displayed appropriately and History records of maintenance carried are effectively maintained -5

Check whether the supplier No system of carrying out Breakdown analysis & Overall Equipment Efficiency -0.
carrying out breakdown Breakdown data available and not analysed-1.
analysis, Overall Equipment Breakdown data available and analysed corrective actions are not taken-2.
Efficiency. Check that any Breakdown data are analysed corrective actions are taken Overall Equipment Efficiency not monitored-3.
corrective action taken based Breakdown, Overall Equipment Efficiency data's available and analysed corrective action taken whenever the target not achieved -4
on this analysis. Breakdown, Overall Equipment Efficiency data's available and analysed corrective action taken whenever the target not achieved. effectiveness are monitored and reviewed in management review meeting -5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
4 c. Packaging Standard 0 Total Score
No standard packing system -0
Check whether the supplier
Standard packing system available for some parts and not documented, and not followed for all parts -1
has the standard packing
Standard packing available for all parts and not documented .-2
method approved by MEPL,
1 Documented standard packing system available and not followed effectively for all parts -3
Qty per box Verify the
Documented standard packing system available work instruction for packing followed effectively for all parts. failures due to packing are not reviewed and action are not taken properly -4
packing work instruction for
Documented standard packing system available work instruction for packing followed effectively for all parts. failures due to packing are reviewed and corrective action are taken WI are updated and effectively
each parts
followed -5
4 d. Traceability 0 Total Score
No Batch code on the part / packaging-0
Batch code on the part / packaging available and not followed-1
Does the supplier has any
Manual batch code system followed and major discrepancy due human error-2
1 batch code identification on
Batch code system incorporated in the tool and followed and minor issues noticed error in the tool-3
the parts / packaging
Batch code system incorporated through computerised labeling system and effectively not followed due to system error, system failure no standby system available -4
Batch code system incorporated through computerised labeling system and effectively followed standby system available in case of system error, system failure -5
No FIFO system -0
No visual identification for FIFO system-1
Check whether the FIFO is Visual identification for FIFO available and not in use-2
being followed Visual identification for FIFO available and partially implemented -3
Visual identification for FIFO available and effectively implemented -4
Supplier introduced innovation idea for FIFO system being bench marking performer in this field-5

In case of changes in
material, process, design, NO system of tracking the changes-0
sub vendor, deviation Some written instruction on tracking the changes available and not implemented -1
3 whether the records of lot no Detailed procedure for the process change and material change available, implemented and partially followed-3
date of change, shift, System for tracking the changes through 4M, ECO / ECN are available and effectively followed & records are not accessible easily -4
operator & reason for change System for tracking the changes through 4M, ECO / ECN are available and effectively followed & records are maintained in the database and accessible easily -5
are being maintained

In case the supplier initiates Changes are not communicated to Customer & Change approval system not followed -0
above changes does he take Changes informed verbally to the customer.-1
prior approval from MEPL. Changes informed by mail and approval not taken from customer -2
Using 4M before Changes are communicated through 4M request and approval taken before implementation-3
implementing the above Changes are communicated through 4M request and approval taken before implementation. Change implementation are not tracked -4
changes Changes are communicated through 4M request and approval taken before implementation. Change implementation are not tracked and all records maintained -5

5 Incoming Inspection & Measurement analysis

5a. Incoming inspection of parts & raw material 0 Total Score

No control on sub supplier -0

Supplier don’t have documented approved vendor list.-1
Does the supplier has the Supplier having approved vendor without proper evaluation.-2
approved vendor list Supplier having approved vendor based on manufacturing capability .-3
Supplier having the system of approving the sub supplier based on the competency skill and system implementation based on there self assessment checklist -4
Supplier having the system of approving the sub supplier based on the competency skill and system implementation based on there self assessment checklist & followed by system audit -5

Inspection standard not available.-0

Inspection standard available critical & function requirement not addressed .-1
Does the inspection standard Inspection standard available critical & function requirement addressed and controlling method not adequately defined .-2
2 address the function & Inspection standard available, critical & function requirement are defined. and controlling method are adequate -3
criticality of the part Inspection standard available, critical & function requirement are defined are not derived from FMEA and the risk of the product not understood clearly and documented -4
Inspection standard available, critical & function requirement are defined are derived from FMEA and the risk of the product are understood clearly and documented controlling method addressed based on the
occurrence and detection method -5

Inspection standard not available.-0

Inspection standard available but acceptance & rejection criteria not defined .-1
Does the inspection standard Inspection standard available, acceptance & rejection criteria based on the supplier sampling plan .-2
3 has the acceptance & Inspection standard available, acceptance & rejection criteria based on the supplier sampling plan and AQL agreement with the Supplier.-3
rejection criteria Inspection standard available, acceptance & rejection criteria based on the statistical study . This evidence indicates instability or non-capability. Appropriate interim containment actions have been implemented-4
Inspection standard available, acceptance & rejection criteria based on the statistical study .The evidence indicates that stability and capability have been demonstrated. Documented evidence is available that the
supplier delivers SPC data according to the quality agreements. There is evidence of regular reviews of line rejects by suppliers, followed by analysis and corrective actions.-5

Incoming inspection record not available.-0

Incoming inspection records available and more discrepancy noticed-1
Incoming inspection records available and the sample size not adequate can be accepted when the sample contains defects -2
Check the record for
4 Incoming inspection records available and the sample size are adequate the sampling plan allows acceptance of lots from which the samples contained major defects -3
incoming inspection
Incoming inspection records available and Statistical evidence is available for acceptance of the lot . There are improving trends on the supplier rating system. Regular formal audits take place for virtually all
suppliers. -4
supplier are self certified, no inspection are carried out and the parts are direct to line. Regular audits take place for sustainability of the quality system -5
5b. Control of calibration of instrument & equipment 0 Total Score
No master list of gauges & inspection fixture.-0
Does the vendor have Master list of instrument available and not updated .-1
adequate tools, gauges & Review of master list are not adequate -2
inspection fixture necessary Review of master list are adequate periodical updation done -3
for inspection Master list are updated through database and controlled -4
Master list of instrument available and unique no given for the instruments updated through database and controlled if any instrument addition / deletion are properly communicated to the concerned personnel's -5

Gauges not calibrated & no calibration plan .-0

Check for calibration plan for Gauges calibrated & no calibration plan .-1
instrument / inspection Calibration plan available for all gauges and not carried out as per the plan -2
equipment. Are the frequency Calibration plan available for all gauges and carried out as per the plan the frequency of the plan not adequate -3
of calibration is appropriate Calibration plan available for all gauges and carried out as per the plan the frequency of the plan are adequate -4
Calibration plan available for all gauges and carried out as per the plan the frequency of the plan are adequate and derived from statistical study -5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
Calibration report not available .-0
Calibration report available and not as per the plan .-1
Check whether the
Calibration report available and report as per the plan -2
3 calibration report are as per
Calibration report available and report as per the plan and it is not easily retrievable -3
the plan
Calibration report available and report as per the plan and it is easily retrievable and maintained appropriately -4
Calibration report available and report as per the plan and it is easily retrievable and maintained appropriately copy of the report are handed over the concerned users -5
Not approved by the certification body. -0
In case the supplier having
Approved by the certification body and license not valied.-1
the in-house calibration
Approved by the certification body and license valid for specific instrument calibration -2
4 facility whether it has
Approved by the certification body and license valid for all instrument calibrations .-3
approved by the certification
Approved by the certification body and license valid for all instrument calibrations. Periodic Audits waived by certification body. The systems are excellent.-4
Approved by the certification body and license valid for all instrument calibrations. Periodic Audits waived by certification body The site is recognised as a benchmark performer in this field-5
Reference standard not available -0
In case the supplier having Some Reference standard available -1
the in-house calibration Documented Reference standards are available and major discrepancy observed -2
facility whether they have Documented Reference standards are available more specific and minor discrepancy observed -3
standards for the same. Well Documented Reference standards are available more specific all the requirements are clearly addressed -4
Well Documented Reference standards are available more specific all the requirements are clearly addressed and approved by the accreditation body -5
no system of providing instrument serial no -0
Does the supplier identify all
Instrument serial no provided for some instrument calibration due date not mentioned-1
the instrument and
All instrument having serial no and calibration due date are mentioned over the instruments -2
6 equipment having control no
All instrument having serial no and calibration due date are mentioned over the instruments and appropriate record maintained -3
& calibration due date
Missing and rejected instrument are deleted from the master list and Gauge record -4
well established system procedure for identifying the Instrument and implemented appropriately all across the plant-5

no system of carrying out Measurement System Analysis study -0

Measurement System Analysis study carried out for critical instrument-1
Does the supplier carry out Measurement System Analysis study carried out for all type of instrument as per the Measurement System Analysis plan and the results are not reviewed and no action initated -2
Measurement System Measurement System Analysis study carried out for all type of instrument as per the Measurement System Analysis plan and the results are reviewed and interim action initated in case Gage R&R is not satisfactory -
Analysis study periodically. 3
7 Check for the plan. Does he Measurement System Analysis study carried out for all type of instrument as per the Measurement System Analysis plan and the results are reviewed and permanent action initated in case Gage R&R is not
take any corrective action satisfactory -4
based on his study, in case Measurement System Analysis study carried out for all type of instrument as per the Measurement System Analysis plan and the results are reviewed. There is an extremely well planned, innovative, and effectively
Gage R&R is not satisfactory implemented gauge maintenance program (e.g. comprehensive procedure, variable data records, full written instructions, no deficiencies found, and calibration due-date identification).
Statistical methods are used to determine calibration and maintenance intervals.
There is an effective computerised recall system for maintenance -5

5c. Handling of non conformance product 0 Total Score

Check separate identified location for non conformance product not available- 0
location for non conformance separate location for non conformance product available and area not identified -1
product and with proper separate identified location for non conformance product available and not followed, disposal action not taken and not recorded -2
identification, system separate identified location for non conformance product available and effectively followed, disposal action taken and records are maintained appropriately -3
followed. Also disposal action separate identified location for non conformance product available and effectively followed, disposal action taken and records are maintained appropriately. Non conformance product are not analysed and corrective
taken for non conformance action are not taken -4
product and verify the separate identified location for non conformance product available and effectively followed, disposal action taken and records are maintained appropriately. Non conformance product are analysed and appropriate
appropriate record. corrective action taken -5

Check for the rework Rework Instruction not available- 0

instruction availability at Some written instructions are available and not followed -1
appropriate places. Check Documented work instruction for the reworks are available and not followed effectively -2
whether reworked parts Documented work instruction for the reworks are available and followed effectively. Parts are not inspected after rework -3
being inspected and the Documented work instruction for the reworks are available and followed effectively. Parts are inspected after rework and proper records maintained -4
records maintained Well established Documented system available to carryout the reworks and followed effectively. Parts are inspected after rework and proper records maintained -5

5d Customer Complaint Handling 0 Total Score

Supplier has monitoring
system for customer
No system of analysing the customer returned material -0
rejection, quality problem and
Customer returned material are registered in the store and scraped with out analysing -1
are replied promptly. Verify
Customer returned material are registered in the store and moved to QA for further analysis -2
1 problem analysis is
customer returned material data available not analysied and corrective action not taken -3
systematic and lead to root
customer returned material effectively analysied root caus5e identified and corrective action taken effectively. Actions are not communicated to the customer-4
cause and the CA taken are
customer returned material effectively analysied through 7QC tools / 8D methodology. Real root cause identified and corrective action taken effectively. Actions are communicated to the customer-5
communicated to the

Corrective action are not linked to control plan / work instruction -0

Action are converted into check points and not linked to the control plan/ work instruction -1
Check for the corrective
Action are converted into check points and linked to the control plan/ work instruction the controlling method is not adequate -2
2 action taken are linked to the
Action are converted into check points and linked to the control plan/ work instruction. the controlling method are adequate -3
control plan, work instruction
Action are converted into check points and linked to the control plan/ work instruction. the controlling method are adequate not reviewed and validated periodically -4
Action are converted into check points and linked to the control plan/ work instruction. the controlling method are adequate, reviewed and validated periodically -5
Vendor quality rating not reviewed -0
Vendor quality rating for the vendor quality rating reviewed and action not taken-1
past 6 month record, vendor quality rating reviewed and action taken but not implemented -2
reviewed and analysed to vendor quality rating reviewed and action taken and implemented but effectiveness not verified -3
take corrective action. vendor quality rating reviewed and action taken and implemented but effectiveness verified -4
vendor quality rating reviewed and action taken and implemented but effectiveness verified and long term action plan is triggered -5

Document Ref. :
Supplier Quality System & Process Audit
Rev. No
Vendor Name Auditor
Date Auditee

Sl.No Scope of audit Score requirements Score Observation / improvement points Follow up
6 Continuous Improvement
6a Training 0 Total Score
Whether all the persons are
Critical & special characteristic not identified- 0
aware of function of the
Critical & special characteristic identified and not communicated in the control plan / inspection standard -1
parts, critical items, its
Critical & special characteristic identified and not effectively communicated in the control plan / inspection standard -2
1 significances. Are the
Critical & special characteristic identified and effectively communicated in the control plan / inspection standard -3
concerned persons aware
Critical & special characteristic identified and communicated in the control plan / inspection standard are not clear not understand by the operators-4
about the requirement of
Critical & special characteristic identified and communicated in the control plan / inspection standard are clear & clearly understand by the operators-5

Training plan not available- 0

Training plan available and doesn't cover all required areas -1
Check the training plan,
Training plan available and cover all required areas but without proper training material -2
2 program records of the
Training plan available and cover all required areas with proper training material, employees are not certified -3
Training plan available and cover all required areas with proper training material and employees are certified -4
proper training records comprising the above and if required it repeated on regular basis -5
No system of monitoring the effectiveness of the Training - 0
Some written instruction for evaluating training effectiveness available and not followed -1
Whether the effectiveness
Documented procedure for evaluating training effectiveness available and not followed -2
3 check for the training is being
Documented procedure for evaluating training effectiveness available and followed effectively -3
carried out
Training records of the employees are not maintained, skill not updated -4
Training records of the employees are maintained, skills updated -5
6 b Group activities and innovation program 0 Total Score
Department Goal are not defined - 0
Does the department goals Departments goals are clearly defined -1
are clearly defined and the Departments goals are clearly defined and achievements are monitored -2
targets achieved are Departments goals target and the achievements are reviewed -3
reviewed. Departments goals target and the achievements are reviewed and retarget fixed for further improvements -4
Departments goals target and the achievements are reviewed and retarget fixed for further improvements. Goal targets and achievements are displayed -5
No awareness about Kaizen system-0
Kaizen system exist and not implemented effectively -1
Does the supplier having
Kaizen system exist and implemented effectively -2
2 Kaizen system and the
Kaizen system exist and implemented effectively and effectiveness not monitored-3
effectiveness are monitored
Kaizen system exist and implemented effectively and effectiveness monitored-4
Kaizen system exist and implemented effectively and effectiveness monitored for implemented Kaizens are rated & awarded -5
6 C Organisation health and Safety 0 Total Score
No proper wastage disposal and environmental safety not followed -0
Proper wastage disposal and environmental safety followed no documentation-1
Does supplier having the ISO
No plan to take ISO-14000 and proper wastage disposal and environmental safety followed and necessary documents available -2
1 14000 Quality system in
ISO -14000 system under implementation no road map for getting certified -3
ISO -14000 system under implementation road map available but target date exceeded -4
ISO - 14000 certified - 5
Fire extinguisher is not available - 0
Fire extinguisher not available at appropriate place -1
Does supplier is having all Fire extinguisher is available location is not maintained /calibrated.. - 2
fire extinguisher in place. Fire extinguisher is properly maintained personnel's are not trained to use -3
Fire Extinguisher is available in location and maintained / caliberated.and no emergency exit -4
Fire Extinguisher is available in location and maintained / calibrated with identified emergency exit -5
First aid medical facility is not available - 0
First aid medical facility available minimum require medication not available- 1
Does medical or first aid
First aid medical facility available minimum require medication available no trained first aider- 2
3 facility is available in the
satisfy the above first aid requirements and there is no accident monitoring system -3
Accident monitoring system in place and no effective corrective action -4
Satisfying all the above requirements -5

Document No
(ISO / TS 16949: 2009) (FREQUENCY = ONCE IN YEAR) Date





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