Introduction To Robotics 3rd Edition
Introduction To Robotics 3rd Edition
Introduction To Robotics 3rd Edition
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3154106
Semester – V
Subject Name: System Programming
Prerequisite: NA
Rationale: System Programming is fundamental course for Robotics and Automation engineers to
understand designed with loaders and compiler. This course is essential for basics of LEXICAL
ANALYSIS, MACRO LANGUAGE error detection and recovery code generation.
Teaching and Examination Scheme:
General Design procedures – Design of an Assembler – data structures – format of
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databases algorithm – flow chart – PASS structures – modular functions. MACRO
LANGUAGE AND MACRO PROCESSORS: Macro instructions, features of a macro
facility –implementation.
2 Loader schemes compile and go loaders, general load scheme absolute loaders direct 6
linking loaders and their design. Other loading schemes: linking loaders, overlays, dynamic
Introduction Structure of a compiler phases of a compiler - compiler writing tools.
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LEXICAL ANALYSIS: Role of a lexical analyzer finite automata regular expression to
finite automata minimizing the number of states of a deterministic finite automata
implementation of a lexical analyzer.
Parsing Techniques:-
4 Context free grammars – derivations and parse trees – ambiguity – capabilities of context 6
free grammars. Top down and bottom up parsing – handles – shift reduce parsing operator
precedence parsing – recursive descent parsing – predictive parsing.
Intermediate Code Generation:-
5 Postfix notation, Quadruples, triples, indirect triples – Representing information in a 7
symbol table introduction to code optimization basic blocks DAG representation error
detection and recovery code generation.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3154106
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory): (For BE only)
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes: After learning the course the students should be able to:
List of Experiments:
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3154106
6. Implement Predictive Parser for the given grammar.
E -> T + E / T
T -> F * T / F
F -> ( E ) / i
7. Use macro features of C language.
8. Write a program which generates Quadruple Table for the given postfix String.
9. Write a C program to parse a given string using Predictive parsing for given grammar.
10. Write a C program to parse a given string using Predictive parsing for given grammar.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19