252 936 936 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 387237 tx_bad 0 rx_good
269067 tx_retry 14664 tx_retry_times 0
07-17 11:50:18.297 936 936 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 14664 tx_bad 17 rx_good
72274 tx_retry 3354 tx_retry_times 0
07-20 03:23:28.566 936 936 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 29680 tx_bad 0 rx_good
14664 tx_retry 10411 tx_retry_times 0
07-20 18:27:49.386 14664 14664 I _V_TouchMotionHandler: handler onAttached
07-20 18:27:50.326 1385 1423 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=10161,
callingPid=2294, requestUid=11306, requestPid=14664, requestPkgName=com.ubercab,
requestComponentName=com.ubercab.presidio.app.core.root.RootActivity took 8785ms
07-20 18:27:50.672 1385 5142 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:11306 callingPid:14664
07-20 18:27:50.921 1385 4152 W _V_ActivityManager:
getHistoricalProcessExitReasons callingPid:14664 callingUid:11306
07-20 18:27:50.921 1385 1434 W _V_ActivityManager:
CreatePhantomProcess:PhantomProcessRecord {ebf9422
ked:270 com.android.server.am.PhantomProcessList.lookForPhantomProcessesLocked:184
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 android.os.Looper.loopOnce:233
07-20 18:27:51.041 1385 1402 W _V_ActivityManager:
getHistoricalProcessExitReasons callingPid:14664 callingUid:11306
07-20 18:27:51.187 1385 1950 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: setCurClientLocked--
set mCurClient to ClientState{920c201 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0}
07-20 18:27:51.187 1385 1950 D _V_SecInputMethodManagerService: mImmsB
setCurClientLocked-- set mCurClient to ClientState{bd518a6 uid=11306 pid=14664
07-20 18:27:51.187 1385 1950 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session
for client ClientState{920c201 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0}
07-20 18:27:51.713 1385 2423 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: onSessionCreated
method=com.android.internal.view.IInputMethod$Stub$Proxy@616b9df ,session=com.andro
id.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy@76981bf ,channel=ClientState{920c20
1 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0} (server) ,mIsSecImms=false
07-20 18:27:51.713 1385 2423 D _V_InputMethodManagerService:
sessionState=SessionState{uid 11306 pid 14664 method 616b9df session 76981bf
channel ClientState{920c201 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0}
(server)} ,mCurClient=ClientState{920c201 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0}
07-20 18:27:51.714 1385 2423 V InputMethodManagerService: Enabling:
SessionState{uid 11306 pid 14664 method 616b9df session 76981bf channel
ClientState{920c201 uid=11306 pid=14664 displayId=0} (server)}
07-20 18:27:51.899 1385 5143 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=10161,
callingPid=2294, requestUid=11306, requestPid=14664, requestPkgName=com.ubercab,
requestComponentName=com.ubercab.presidio.app.core.root.RootActivity took -1ms
07-20 18:27:52.414 1385 1422 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=10161,
callingPid=2294, requestUid=11306, requestPid=14664, requestPkgName=com.ubercab,
requestComponentName=com.ubercab.presidio.app.core.root.RootActivity timeout took -
1ms finished.
07-20 22:48:42.178 1385 1476 D _V_FreezerManager: thaw com.ubercab(11306) pids:
{14664, 18200} by quick_freezer null
07-21 12:44:05.719 1385 32287 E ActivityManager: 22% 14664/com.ubercab: 13% user
+ 9.1% kernel / faults: 2246 minor 1 major
07-22 00:50:45.931 1385 8328 E ActivityManager: 25% 14664/com.ubercab: 12% user
+ 13% kernel / faults: 641 minor 20 major
07-22 19:56:52.572 1385 1476 D _V_FreezerManager: freeze com.ubercab(11306) pids:
{14664, 18200} by quick_freezer
07-22 19:56:53.571 1385 1476 D _V_FreezerManager: thaw com.ubercab(11306) pids:
{14664, 18200} by quick_freezer null
07-22 23:57:45.527 1385 1476 D _V_FreezerManager: freeze com.ubercab(11306) pids:
{14664, 18200} by quick_freezer
07-22 23:57:46.521 1385 1476 D _V_FreezerManager: thaw com.ubercab(11306) pids:
{14664, 18200} by quick_freezer null
07-23 12:59:46.614 14664 14671 I com.ubercab: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 670595(21MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 23% free, 70MB/92MB,
paused 426us,932us total 571.017ms
07-23 12:59:49.887 2316 7087 D _V_NRMS-NORMAL: Total=420051KB, pid=1 ion=7921KB,
pid=16324 ion=4KB, pid=20039 ion=10777KB, pid=14664 ion=10636KB, pid=1864
ion=132979KB, pid=15179 ion=23034KB, pid=910 ion=288KB, pid=976 ion=1168KB, pid=276
ion=7404KB, pid=611 ion=51740KB, pid=1125 ion=9600KB, pid=1385 ion=54728KB, pid=557
ion=27566KB, pid=559 ion=20934KB, pid=15796 ion=19724KB, pid=2294 ion=33166KB,
pid=2230 ion=8380KB,