Syllabus-2019-2020: (Sop) (Bpharm)

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Title of the Course Pharmacology I

Course Code BP404T

Part A
Year 2nd Semester 4th Credits
3 1 0 4

Course Type Theory only

Course Category Discipline Core

Pre-Requisite/s Co-Requisite/s

CO1- To define the fundamental concepts of pharmacology and pharmacokinetics(BL1-Remember)

CO2- To understand the basics of pharmacodynamics, adverse reactions, drug interactions and drug discovery(BL2-
Course Outcomes Understand)
& Bloom's Level CO3- To identify the role of neurohumoral transmission and drugs acting on peripheral nervous system.(BL4-Analyze)
CO4- To analyze the functions of neurotransmitters and drugs acting on central nervous system.(BL4-Analyze)
CO5- To evaluate the pharmacology of Psychopharmacological agents.(BL5-Evaluate)

Skill Development ✔
Entrepreneurship ✖
Employability ✖
SDG3(Good health and well-being)
Course Elements Professional Ethics ✖ SDG (Goals)
SDG4(Quality education)
Gender ✖
Human Values ✖
Environment ✖
Part B
Modules Contents Pedagogy Hours

1.General Pharmacology a. Introduction to Pharmacology-

Definition, historical landmarks and scope of pharmacology,
nature and source of drugs, essential drugs concept and
routes of drug administration, Agonists, antagonists
(competitive and non-competitive), spare receptors, Lecture based learning, interactive class, Peer tutorial, Class using
addiction, tolerance, dependence, tachyphylaxis, ICT tool/PPT/white board
idiosyncrasy, allergy. b. Pharmacokinetics- Membrane
transport, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
of drugs. Enzyme induction, enzyme inhibition, kinetics of

General Pharmacology a. Pharmacodynamics- Principles

and mechanisms of drug action. Receptor theories and
classification of receptors, regulation of receptors. drug
receptors interactions signal transduction mechanisms, G-
protein–coupled receptors, ion channel receptor,
transmembrane enzyme linked receptors, transmembrane
JAK-STAT binding receptor and receptors that regulate
transcription factors, dose response relationship,
therapeutic index, combined effects of drugs and factors
Lecture based learning, interactive class, Peer tutorial, Class using
UNIT-II modifying drug action. b. Adverse drug reactions. c. Drug 12
ICT tool/PPT/white board
interactions (pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic) d.
Drug discovery and clinical evaluation of new drugs -Drug
discovery phase, preclinical evaluation phase, clinical trial
phase, phases of clinical trials and pharmacovigilance. e.
Introduction to Pharmacovigilance: History and
development of Pharmacovigilance, Importance of safety
monitoring of Medicine, Pharmacovigilance Program of
India (PvPI), Adverse drug reactions: detection and

2.Pharmacology of drugs acting on peripheral nervous

system a. Organization and function of ANS. b.
Neurohumoral transmission, co-transmission and
classification of neurotransmitters. c.
Lecture based learning, interactive class, Peer tutorial, Class using
UNIT-III Parasympathomimetics, Parasympatholytics, 10
ICT tool/PPT/white board
Sympathomimetics, sympatholytics. d. Neuromuscular
blocking agents and skeletal muscle relaxants (peripheral).
e. Local anesthetic agents. f. Drugs used in myasthenia
gravis and glaucoma

3. Pharmacology of drugs acting on central nervous system

a. Neurohumoral transmission in the C.N.S. special
emphasis on importance of various neurotransmitters like
Lecture based learning, interactive class, Peer tutorial, Class using
UNIT-IV with GABA, Glutamate, Glycine, serotonin, dopamine. b. 8
ICT tool/PPT/white board/PPT
General anesthetics and pre-anesthetics. c. Sedatives,
hypnotics and centrally acting muscle relaxants. d. Anti-
epileptics e. Alcohols and disulfiram

3.Pharmacology of drugs acting on central nervous system

a. Psychopharmacological agents: Antipsychotics,
antidepressants, anti-anxiety agents, anti-manics and
Lecture based learning, interactive class, Peer tutorial, Class using
UNIT-V hallucinogens. b. Drugs used in Parkinsons disease and 7
ICT tool/PPT/white board
Alzheimer’s disease. c. CNS stimulants and nootropics. d.
Opioid analgesics and antagonists e. Drug addiction, drug
abuse, tolerance and dependence.

Part C
Modules Title Experiments/Field work/ Bloom's Level Hours


Part D(Marks Distribution)


Total Marks Minimum Passing Marks External Evaluation Min. External Evaluation Internal Evaluation Min. Internal Evaluation

100 50 75 38 25 13


Total Marks Minimum Passing Marks External Evaluation Min. External Evaluation Internal Evaluation Min. Internal Evaluation
Part E
1.K.D. Tripathi. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, JAYPEE Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi. 2. Sharma
Books H. L., Sharma K. K., Principles of Pharmacology, Paras medical publisher 3. Kulkarni SK. Handbook of experimental
pharmacology. Vallabh Prakashan,

Articles JOURNAL related to pharmacology

1. Rang H. P., Dale M. M., Ritter J. M., Flower R. J., Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology, Churchil Livingstone Elsevier 2.
References Books Katzung B. G., Masters S. B., Trevor A. J., Basic and clinical pharmacology, Tata Mc Graw-Hill 3. Goodman and Gilman’s,
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics

MOOC Courses

Videos you tube

Course Articulation Matrix


CO1 1 3 3 - 1 3 - - 2 - 2 - 1 1 1

CO2 2 2 2 - - 2 - - 1 - 3 - 1 1 2

CO3 3 3 3 - 2 3 - - 2 - 2 - - 1 1

CO4 2 3 2 - 3 1 - - 1 - 2 - 1 1 1

CO5 1 2 1 - 2 1 - - 1 - 2 - 1 1 1

CO6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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