DOA 4528 Off Site Storage Agreement

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STATE OF WISCONSIN Mailing Address: Post Office Box 7866, Madison, WI 53707-7866

DIVISION OF FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT (DFD) Street Address: 101 E. Wilson Street, 7th Floor, Madison, WI 53703
DOA-4528 (R09/12) Phone: 608 / 266-2731; FAX: 608 / 267-2710
s. 16.855(19) Wisconsin Statutes



This agreement applies only to:


Project No. Contract

Due to the limited amount of space available for the storage of materials at the site, the Division of Facilities
Development (DFD) will, under the following conditions, approve partial payments for certain materials stored off
the premises.

1. Prior Approval - The Contractor shall obtain the approval of DFD before making any arrangements to
obtain a certification for payment for materials stored off the site. Materials must be suitable for storage
and must be properly packaged if this is necessary.

2. Storage Site - The Contractor shall furnish and maintain a suitable storage site and proper storage
conditions which must be approved in advance by DFD’s Project Representative. The site must be within
the State of Wisconsin.

3. Storage Conditions - The material covered by the Request for Certification for Partial Payment must be
stored above grade, and must be properly protected at all times against weather, heat, cold, moisture and
other hazards as the material may require. The storage conditions must be approved by DFD. All
protection must be provided by the Contractor at his own expense, and must be maintained throughout the
storage period.

Material must not be co-mingled with other similar material, but must be stored by itself and must be
plainly labeled “Property of the State of Wisconsin”.

It must be stored so that it can be readily inspected, measured and counted at all times by DFD’s Project

4. Bill of Sale - Request for certification for partial payment for materials stored under the above conditions
must be accompanied by a Bill of Sale, properly identifying the material and transferring ownership of the
materials to the State of Wisconsin. The Bill of Sale must be accompanied by an inventory of the stored
material together with a description of the storage site by Street Number and City, or by legal description of
the premises.

5. Insurance - DFD shall be notified to cause the Builders Risk, Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance
Policy covering this project to include the materials stored off-site, in the amount and under the same
conditions as that provided for material stored on the site of the project. The signing of “Storage
Conditions Approved” shall be confirmation that insurance coverage has been provided. Unless
Specifically exempted by DFD, the Contractor shall furnish insurance against loss by theft or vandalism,
and the State of Wisconsin shall be named the beneficiary under the policy, as trustee for all concerned.

Certificate of Insurance must be provided to DFD’s Project Representative prior to approval of this
Off-Site Storage Agreement
Page No. 2

6. Responsibility - The Contractor agrees that in accepting partial payment for the stored materials he is in
no way relieved of responsibility for the safe storage of the material and its safe transportation to and
installation in the work, or for furnishing and installing the material in strict accordance with drawings and

The Contractor also agrees that acceptance by DFD of a Bill of Sale for the material does not imply
acceptance of the material, which shall be subject to final acceptance or rejection up to the time the
Contractor’s work is completed and finally accepted.

The Contractor also agrees that the usual guarantee covering his work under the drawings, specifications
and contract, are in no way impaired as a result of the partial payment, and the acceptance of the Bill of

DFD accepts no responsibility in connection with the material.

7. Acceptance - The Contractor shall indicate his acceptance of the above conditions by signing and
returning one copy of this storage agreement.


Date Contractor


Date DFD Project Representative

Material Stored

Storage Site

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