PE Exam 3rd Q

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Barangay Punta Tabuc, Roxas City

5800 Capiz, Philippines

School Year 2023 - 2024

Name: ___________________________________________Score: ____________

Grade: ___________________________________________Date: ____________
I. Read the statement carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working and allow people to have fun and
a. Leisure b. Activity c. Workout d. Recreation
2. One of the types of recreational activities that clubs, friends, company or organizations usually
planned, promotes social interaction, team building or just a social gathering.
a. Recreation for Amusement c. Club Recreational Activities
b. Diversion through Entertainment d. Sports Recreational Activities
3. Playing video games, computer games, internet surfing, sight-seeing and others are the usual
amusement activities that always doing.
a. Diversion through Entertainment c. Recreation for Amusement
b. Sports Recreational Activities d. Adventure Type of Recreational Activities
4. Singing, listening to music, dancing, and watching movies, whatever we like a hobby or things
and engaging in something that you love.
a. Sports Recreational Activities c. Adventure Type of Recreational
b. Diversion through Entertainment d. Club Recreational Activities
5. Sports like basketball, volleyball, swimming, baseball and others are good recreational activities.
What energy systems need to do so?
a. Aerobic Energy System c. Anaerobic Lactic System
b. Energy System d. Anaerobic A-Lactic Energy System
6. It can lead to being underweight, overweight or even obese, it’s because we eat unhealthy
foods and consume less or more than what our body needs. This means:
a. Sleep b. Eating Habits c. Stress Management d. Diet
7. The following are the bad practice of sleeping habits except:
a.staying up all night c. eating before sleeping
b. internet addiction d. sleeping about 6 to 8 hours of night sleep everyday
8. What is the practice of consuming large amount of food in response to emotions instead of
a.Social Eating b. Distracted Eating c. Emotional Eating d. Fuelling for Performance
9. Peer pressure is the main reason why one feels compelled to consume more calories than what
it is planned. We indulge even if we are not hungry for the sake of being sociable and to not
offend the host or the group. This means;
a. Distracted Eating b. Social Eating c. Fuelling for Performance d. Emotional Eating
10. It can help in elevating your mood and activating the body parts resulting to improvement in
overall disposition.
a. Living an active life c. Watching action movies
b. Living in sedentary lifestyle d. Involving in strenuous activity without doctor’s advice
11. It improves the quality and ability to sleep, resulting a fully rested body which can definitely
have a positive impact on overall impact and cognitive function.
a. Endorphin Release c. Mood Booster
b. Mind Stimulator d. Reduction of Flight or Flight Response
12. What is Stress?
a. body’s way of reacting to an external stimulus such as discomfort
b. something that eliminating one’s life
c. the ability of the body to function at optimal efficiency
d. contributed to body functions and condition of an individual
13. Insufficient time to exercise, lack of self-motivation, non-enjoyment, boredom exercises are the
common explanations that people cite for resistance to exercise in –
a. personal barriers b. environmental barriers c. social barriers d. intellectual barriers
14. Traffic, availability of public transportation, crime and pollution are the barriers in –
MIDTERM EXAMINATION – Physical Education 1|
a. Personal b. Environmental c. Social d. Physical
15. Support from family and friends and community spirit are the environmental factors in -
a. Physical b. Personal c. Environmental d. Social
16. To develop the health-related physical fitness activities one’s maintain the -
a. general fitness b. general advocacy c. general problem d. general assessment
17. Push-up, Curl-up, Flexed – Arm Support are the test for -
a. Flexibility b. Cardiovascular c. BMI d. Fitness Level
18. Which illustrates the meaning of progression?
a. start fast to improve quickly c. change from running to tennis
b. start easy and go for a long time d. slowly increasing the amount of exercise
19. Frequency means:
a. how hard you exercise c. how often you exercise
b. how long you exercise d. how fast you exercise
20. Refers to the rate at which the activity is being performed or the
extent of the effort necessary to carry out and action or exercise.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
21. Which is an example of moderate physical activity?
a. golf b. playing computer games c. dance aerobic d. jogging
22. Which of the following does not illustrate sedentary lifestyle?
a. being inactive b. watching tv c. surfing the net d. joining the Zumba dance workout
23. The following are moderate-intensity physical activity, which does not belong to the group?
a. brisk walking b. dancing c. gardening d. fast swimming
24. What steps would you take to control bleeding from a nosebleed?
a. sit casualty down, lean forward and pinch soft part of nose
b. sit casualty down, lean backward and pinch soft part of nose
c. lie casualty down and pinch soft part of nose
d. lie casualty down and pinch top of nose
25. An immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill.
a. Emergency Call b. Accident c. Medical Aid d. First Aid
26. Compass and detailed map is among the equipment used in -
a. Hiking b. Mountaineering c. Orienteering d. Aquatics
27. Exercise means:
a. Going to gym once a month
b. Watching tv every night
c. Using different vices (e g. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol etc.)
d. Walking with your dog everyday
28. An outdoor activity of walking, in beautiful natural environments on pre- charted paths
called hiking trails.
a. Mountaineering b. Hiking c. Aquatics d. Orienteering
29. It is a sport in which orienteers use an accurate, detailed mass and a compass to find
points in the landscape.
a. Orienteering b. Mountaineering c. Hiking d. Aquatics
30. As you work against the resistance, your muscles develop and grow stronger, especially
when you’re pushing yourself to improve. This will be seen in –
a . Strength b. Flexibility c. Speed d. Endurance
31The following are the health benefits of Aquatic Activity except:
a. It builds strength c. It’s easy on the Joints
b. It torches calories d. It’s not heart-healthy
32. Mountain climbing requires good fitness and endurance skills because it is an intensely
demanding in physical activity, in this we should -
a. Assess Mental Strength c. Get Fit
b. Learn about Mountaineering d. Get Training
33. Stay focused on finding good footholds when scrambling, and climbing down. Scramble where
it is safe to do so. Be very careful when abseiling and keep falling rocks, avalanches and
weakened bridges. This in -
a. Understand what’s involved on arrival at the Mountain
b. Prepare for the Trip
c. Keep Improving your Skills and Trying Harder Mountain Climbs
d. Descend with Plenty of Time to Get Back Safely
34. What do you call to a type of race in which involves swimming, cycling and running and
recently included in the Olympics?
a. Water Skiing b. Triathlon c. Wind Surfing d. Swimming
35. Surfboards, surf mats, long-boards, stand up paddle boards and knee boards are among

MIDTERM EXAMINATION – Physical Education 2|

the equipment used in –
a. Wakeboarder b. Swimmer c. Surfer d. Triathlon player
36. A type of orienteering events in which dotted with a large number of control points, care
being taken to ensure any person or team in the allotted time.
a. Cross-Country Orienteering c. Score Orienteering
b. Line Orienteering d. Relay Orienteering
37. A popular team competition that the number of legs in the relay depends on the number of
person on a team.
a. Relay Orienteering c. Line Orienteering
b. Cross-Country Orienteering d. Route Orienteering
38. A competitive form of climbing done on artificial structures and climbing walls.
a. Bouldering b. Rock Climbing c. Ice Climbing d.Competition climbing
39. An intensely competitive sport that travel over water in a vessel or vehicle that has sails.
a. Kayaking b. Canoeing c. Sailing d. Powerboating
40. Why is it important to follow rules of sport especially in Aquatics?
a. to maintain the safety of all people involved in the activity
b. to ensure the game is played the same regardless of location
c. to allow the activity to be fair
d. all of the above

II. Read the Statements below. Discuss your answer in 4-6 sentences. Write your answer on the
space provided. (10 pts each)

Fun and Pleasure are perhaps the immediate answers of the majority who have experienced outdoor
activities. In your own words, discuss the benefits of Outdoor Recreation in terms of the following:

41-50. Physical Health Benefits


51-60. Social Benefits


61-70. Economic Benefits

MIDTERM EXAMINATION – Physical Education 3|

71-80. Psycho-Emotional and Spiritual Benefits


Rubrics for Scoring

Quality of Writing - 4 pts
Grammar Usage and Mechanics - 3 pts
Organization of Content and Ideas - 3 pts Total = 10 pts

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

MIDTERM EXAMINATION – Physical Education 4|

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