Bloc Posting Report
Bloc Posting Report
Bloc Posting Report
I acknowledge my teachers in school for giving me the opportunity to carry out this block
posting, directing, teaching, correcting and supervising all the activities carried out in every
The health personnel of Hadassah medical centre, simbock Yaoundé for directing,
teaching, and supervising all the activities carried out in every unit
And lastly I acknowledge God almighty for seeing me throughout the study period.
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
1.2 BLOCK POSTING OBJECTIVES.............................................................2
HEALTHCARE SYSTEM................................................................................2 CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITALS.................................................4 ORGANIGRAM OF THE HEALTH FACILITY...............................5 PATIENT CIRCUIT..............................................................................7 BASIC KNOWLEDGE AND DESCRIPTION OF VAROIUS
UNITS AND SERVICES OFFERED...............................................................8
Table 2: Description of various units and services offered.............................9 INFECTION AND CONTROL PROCEDURES IN THE HEALTH
1.2.2 SCHOOL OBJECTIVES........................................................................10
1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF BLOC POSTING...................................................11
1.4 DEFINITION OF IMPORTANT TERMS..............................................11
CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................13
2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE STATION IN SCHOOL................................13
2.1.1 MLS...........................................................................................................13
2.1.2 PHARMACY/DENTAL THERAPY.....................................................14 DENTAL THERAPY...........................................................................14 PHARMACY.........................................................................................15
2.1.3 NURSING /MIDWIFERY STATION...................................................15
2.1.4 PHYSIOTHERAPY /MIT STATION...................................................16
2.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITS IN THE HOSPITAL.........................16
CHAPTER 3......................................................................................................18
DENTAL STATION.........................................................................................19
PHARMACY STATION..................................................................................21
AND MIDWIFE STATION.............................................................................23
AND PHYSIOTHERAPY STATION.............................................................27
CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................37
SWOT ANALYSIS...........................................................................................37
4.1 STRENGTH................................................................................................37
4.2 WEAKNESS................................................................................................37
4.3 OPPORTUNITIES.....................................................................................37
4.4 CHALLENGES...........................................................................................38
Figure 1: classification of hospitals in Cameroon.
Table 1: Administrative organisation of the Cameroon healthcare system
CT scan
MRI scan
Block posting, also known as block scheduling or block rotations, is a common practice
curriculum into discrete time blocks, during which students focus intensively on a specific
medical specialty or subspecialty for a set period, typically several weeks to several months.
This approach allows students to immerse themselves fully in the clinical and academic
concentrated timeframe. It also facilitates continuity of care for patients within that specialty,
Block posting offers several advantages in medical education, this includes; Focused
However, block posting also has its challenges, such as potential gaps in exposure to
certain specialties, limited flexibility in scheduling, and the need for effective coordination
Overall, block posting is a valuable educational strategy in the medical field, enabling
residents to acquire comprehensive training and experience across various specialties while
The main objective of the hospital rotation and with the block posting is to familiarize
students with the structure of the health system, the organization and functioning of a health
- Classification of hospitals
- Patient circuit
level and it describes how powerful it is from one level to the other.
It is divided into three levels; central (strategic), intermediary (technical) and peripheral
operational). Each level has administrative units, specific competence, health care facilities
The administrative unit of the central level are the central services of the ministry of
public health whose competence are; formation of concepts, policies and strategies,
The health care facilities and categories at this level referral general hospitals, university
teaching hospitals and central hospitals. Boards of directors and management committee
Here the administrative units are the regional delegations whose primary objectives are to
At this level, the health care facilities are the regional hospitals while the dialogue
The administrative units here are represented by health district services whose
At this level, the healthcare facilities and categories include; district hospitals, sub-
divisional medical centres and integrated health centres with structure of dialogue being the
and to programs promotion
Peripheral Health district Implementation -district District/sub-
services of programs hospitals divisional
-Sub-divisional management
medical centres committees
health care
Table 1: Administrative organisation of the Cameroon healthcare system
including 10 regional delegations of health, 181 health districts and 2,260 public health
facilities. These health facilities are organized into seven main categories: general hospitals,
integrated health centres and ambulatory health centres. There are 4 general hospitals, 3
central hospitals, 14 regional hospitals, 164 district hospitals, 155 sub-division medical
Figure 1: classification of hospitals in Cameroon.
founded in 2012 by Dr Oben who became the pioneer chief medical director of Hadassah
medical centre Simbock Yaoundé till date. Its functioning was authorized by decision No:
to patient care and to improving the quality of medicine in Cameroon. The medical centre
focuses on;
- Maintaining excellence in leadership and quality care
- Expanding the scope of medical knowledge through science, technology and research
- Providing the framework of its medical staff and other support personnel through
Yaoundé VI district. The Hadassah medical centre Simbock Yaoundé is situated in the Centre
region, Mfoundi division precisely at the Yaoundé VI sub-division, precisely at rue Ntolo
Josephine Simbock
At the head of the hospital is a CMD who is answerable to the district health care
(Biyem-Assi Health district). He oversees and coordinates the medical, nursing and
administrative activities of the health centre. Directly answerable to the CMD are the CMO,
The CMO coordinates and supervises the activities of the primary care doctors and
the paediatric care that are directly answerable to him/her. The GS (nursing coordinator)
supervises the nurses, midwives, social workers, auxiliary nursing technicians and the clinic
Figure 3: Organigram of Hadassah medical centre
patient follows from admission to discharge or follow-up care. It includes various steps such
facility may have its own specific protocols and procedures for managing the patient circuit
When a patient enters Hadassah medical centre he or she passes through the security
department and goes to the reception where they are been welcome and directed to be
registered and then they vital signs (RR, BP, pulse, age, weight, height)are been taken. After
which they are sent to the medical doctor for medical assessment. The doctor will then sent
the patient to the lab for testes to be done of which the results will be taken back to the
If the patient has to be admitted, the medical doctor will call a nurse on duty to
arrange for his or her bed or ward were the patient will receive treatment and be monitored
often and every treatment done will be recorded in the patient's medical book and the patient's
medical record book which is be kept in the hospital . When the patient is well and ready to
be discharged, the medical doctor will check and signs the patient's medical book and
Obstetrics/ Receives and mange patients with reproductive care problems and
gynaecology( post-op also render care to families during pregnancy, delivery and the
natal unit, ANC, family immediate after period. Also assure follow - ups in PMCT and other
planning) obstetrical and gynaecological complications. Also provides a range
of care associated with treatment and prevention of reproductive care
Pharmacy It is part of the cost recovery program whose main activity is
ordering, storing and dispensing of drugs at affordable prices. It is
mainly supplied with drugs.
Maternity Provide ANC, care during child birth, post natal support districts of
the LR and it is under obstetrics and gynaecology
of infections among patients, healthcare workers, and visitors. These procedures aim to
minimize the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and ensure the safety of
everyone within the facility. Here are some key infection control measures implemented in
- Hand Hygiene
- Standard Precautions
- Transmission-Based Precautions
- Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection
- Isolation
- Drug prescription
- STREAMLINED WORKFLOW: Block posting can help streamline workflow and
improve patient flow within a clinic or hospital, leading to reduced wait times and
healthcare facilities can allocate resources such as staff, equipment, and rooms more
structured workflow.
In a nut shell, block posting in the medical field helps optimize scheduling, improve
It involves organizing the educational curriculum into discrete time blocks, during
which students focus intensively on a specific medical specialty or subspecialty for a set
period, typically several weeks to several months.
Patient circuit
The patient circuit in a health facility typically refers to the pathway or process that a
patient follows from admission to discharge or follow-up care
Infection control procedures in healthcare facilities are designed to prevent the spread
of infections among patients, healthcare workers, and visitors.
The students went through a total of four stations in school which were; MLS,
pharmacy/dental therapy, MIT/physiotherapy and nursing/midwifery stations.
2.1.1 MLS
A medical laboratory is a facility where various medical tests are performed on
clinical specimens (such as blood, urine, tissue samples, or other bodily fluids) to obtain
information about a patient's health. These tests are crucial for diagnosing, monitoring, and
treating diseases and medical conditions. Medical laboratories are staffed by trained
professionals, including medical laboratory scientists or technicians, who perform the tests
using specialized equipment and technique. The medical laboratory is subdivided into three
sections, each dedicated to specific areas of testing such as;
Clinical biochemistry
In this section of the laboratory, tests such as BMP, CMP, LFTs, renal function tests,
thyroid function tests, HbA1c, serum protein electrophoresis are carried out using blood and
urine samples.
Clinical haematology
In this section of the laboratory, tests such as CBC, coagulation studies, blood typing
and cross matching, ESR, serum iron studies using blood samples.
Serology and immunology
In the serology and immunology section, tests such as antibody detection assays,
autoantibody tests, viral serology, immunoglobin levels, allergy testing, HLA typing and
complement tests are carried out using blood samples.
Equipment found in the medical laboratory used in carrying out the various tests or
storing samples includes;
Equipment Use Maintenance
Microscope Used to view organisms which Unplug from power
cannot be seen with the eye supply, store on a flat
surface, clean the lens
using a clean cloth and
cover from dust after use
Incubator Used to maintain the Unplug from power
temperature of microorganisms supply, clean the exterior
for growth using a clean dry cloth
and cover from dust after
Refrigerator For the preservation of some Clean when necessary
reagents, test kits and some using disinfectant
Centrifuge Used to separate blood to Unplug when not in use
plasma and blood cells
Vortex mixer Proper mixture of samples and Unplug when not in use
reagents before analyzing
Water distilator Production of distilled water Unplug from power
supply and cover with a
water proof cloth when
not in use.
Full blood count machine Used for the evaluation of the Unplug and keep clean
number of blood cells
Test tubes For the collection of blood Dispose properly after
samples use
Serum EDTA(purple) for collecting samples for Dispose the tubes
separator haematology, biochemistry and properly after use.
tubes blood bank tests
Plain (red) Collection of dry samples
Lithium Used for cytogenetic and
heparin(green) biochemistry analysis
ESR (black) Used for haematology tests
Fluoride Used for glucose, alcohol,
oxalate(grey) lactate tests
Sodium Used for prothrombin types and
citrate(blue) coagulation studies.
Table 3: some laboratory equipment, uses and maintenance.
Branches of dentistry
Branch Description
Dental therapist Work alongside dentists to provide preventive and basic restorative
dental care
In dental therapy, we have several equipment which have specific functions. Some of PHARMACY
It is a unit for drug formation, classification arrangement and dispensing of drugs. In the
pharmacy, drugs are arranged according to the following ways;
- According to their therapeutic class,
- According to alphabetical order,
- First to expire first to be sold (FEFO)
- First in first out (FIFO).
Emergency ward
It is used for emergency cases. It contains bed and ECG machines used for the
automatic monitoring of patients vital signs.
General anatomical station
At this station doctors use a mannequin in order to better examine a patient.
The maternity comprises four main sub units; ANC, labour and delivery unit, post-
partum unit, IWC. Other sub units here include; paediatric unit, neonatal intensive care,
family planning units.
General Administration
Management of human, material and financial resources allocated to the hospital in order to
provide quality health services in accordance with government health policy.
Adult Out- Patient Consultation/Paediatric Out - Patient Consultation
Screen and orientate adult patients, give IEC.
Screen and orientate children from 0-15 years and also dispense ART drugs
Receive and manage surgical and medical emergencies, do emergency preparations,
carryout minor surgery and general consultation after working hours. The department operates 24
hours per day
Medical unit
Provides medical care to patients with medical conditions.
Obstetrics/ gynaecology( post-op natal unit, ANC, family planning)
Receives and mange patients with reproductive care problems and also render care to
families during pregnancy, delivery and the immediate after period. Also assure follow - ups in
PMCT and other obstetrical and gynaecological complications. Also provides a range of care
associated with treatment and prevention of reproductive care cancers.
It is part of the cost recovery program whose main activity is ordering, storing and
dispensing of drugs at affordable prices. It is mainly supplied with drugs.
Provide ANC, care during child birth, post natal support districts of the LR and it is under
obstetrics and gynaecology
Carryout major and minor surgeries. It is a reference centre for plastic surgery
Here specimens such as blood, urine are been analyzed to obtain crucial information about
the patient
Medical ward
Admits patients with various disease conditions (male and female wards), nursing care, and
Drug administration, informs doctor when conditions become critical requiring referral, follow
up and discharge
Laundry department and maintenance
Maintains a safe clean environment and carry out preventive maintenance and repairs all
Where scans, echography and x-rays are done
Vaccination units
Where all vaccines are given
Hospital hygiene
Cleaning and keeping the hospital clean
Again I observed that in the bacteriology laboratory it was mainly used in checking infections
in feces, urine, blood and the infections were checked by the use of a microscope. Also that
In the second section of the laboratory i observed that it was made up of three different
units inside that is hematology which a machine called the mixer use for mixing blood and
In the biochemistry unit, machines are used to check if the amount of cells has increased
or decreased. In the serology unit it mainly made up of different test for anti- bodies and
antigen reactions and the type of test carried out there was blood group.
I carried out the test of blood group for my classmate which came out B+.
teeth. Also I observed the types of tooth that is; pre molars, molars, incisors and canines. An
adult has 3molars, 2pre molars, 1canine and 12 incisors. There are 3 layers of a teeth which
are; Enamel, Dentine and Pulp. Some commonly encountered tooth problems observed were;
- Dental Caries or tooth decay which is been cause by food, improper mouth hygiene,
- Gum Disease cause by poor oral hygiene, smoking, hormonal changes, medications
- Periodontal diseases cause by bacterial infection, plaque and tartar buildup, genetic
factors, stress.
Symptoms for oral mouth diseases are pain, mouth odour, bleeding, swelling and these
mouth diseases can be treated through; brushing well, the use of a mouth wash and the use of
a flossing.
I observed how to brush tooth and the equipment needed are toothbrush, toothpaste
containing Fluoride and water. There are 2 types of toothbrush namely manual and Electronic
toothbrush and the head of a toothbrush is called a bristle. It needs to be changed after 3
months and duration for brushing is 2 minutes. There are 3 types of bristle; the hard, soft and
There are 3 types of gloves; examination gloves, surgical gloves and utility gloves. An
activity carried out was the process of donning and doffing of examination gloves and
surgical gloves. Donning and doffing refer to the process of putting on and removing gloves
respectively. The process of donning and doffing surgical gloves is critical to maintain a
sterile environment during surgical procedures. Here's how it's typically done:
In order to don examination gloves properly, we must go through the following steps.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer to ensure they
- Choose gloves that are appropriate for the task at hand and ensure they are the correct
- Check the gloves for any tears, holes, or defects. Discard any damaged gloves and use
a new pair.
- Hold the cuff of the glove with one hand and gently pull it onto your dominant hand,
ensuring it covers your fingers and palm completely. Avoid touching the outside of
- With your gloved hand, hold the cuff of the second glove and slide your fingers into
it, being careful not to touch the outside surface with your bare skin.
- Adjust the fit of both gloves to ensure they cover your hands properly without being
- Check that both gloves fit snugly and cover your hands completely. Make any
In order to doff examination gloves properly, we must go through the following steps.
- Using the fingers of one gloved hand, pinch the outside of the other glove near the
wrist and peel it off, turning it inside out as you remove it. Hold the removed glove in
- With your bare hand, slide your fingers under the remaining glove at the wrist, being
- Gently peel the second glove off from the inside, turning it inside out as you remove
it. The first glove should be contained within the second glove.
- Discard the used gloves in an appropriate waste container, such as a biohazard bin or
- After removing gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand
Following these steps ensures that surgical gloves are donned and doffed correctly to
minimize the risk of contamination and maintain a sterile environment during surgical
- First to expire first to be sold (FEFO)
I observed that a drug has an active ingredient and inactive ingredients or excipient.
Another important observation made was the naming of drugs, which helps to standardize
- Chemical Name: This is the name that describes the chemical structure of the drug
- Generic Name: The generic name is the official name assigned to a drug by the
United States Adopted Names (USAN) Council or other national drug regulatory
authorities. It is usually derived from the drug's chemical name and is not owned by
- Brand Name: Also known as the trade name is the name given to a drug by a
pharmaceutical company for marketing purposes. Brand names are often trademarked
and can vary depending on the country or region. They are typically easier to
Standardized drug nomenclature is essential for ensuring clarity, accuracy, and safety in
communicate effectively and minimizes the risk of medication errors. Regulatory agencies
also use drug nomenclature to assess the safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceutical
We carried out the procedure of drug prescription, an order from a licensed personal to
Parts of drugs prescription
Superscription: It is that part of prescription that contains the hospital name, patient's name,
Inscription: It is the information given by the doctor about the drug it includes the following
parts; Name of the drug, strength of the drug, form, time of consumption, duration to take the
Subscription: It is the information given by the doctor about himself which includes; his
The discharge from a post-partum mother is call Lochia which is further divided into 3 that
I also observe the post natal assessment "BUBBLE" which stands for;
- E(Episiotomy): Increasing the birth way of the baby and we cut mediolateral
Sit bath has to be done to help the healing process and monitory of the mother's vital
signs regularly.
In the nursing station, I observed how to take a patient's pulse which is the number of
heart beat per minute, using the various signs (Radial, Bracial, carotic) and the major factors
are; heart rate (minutes), heart strength (strong or weak), heart depth and the normal heartbeat
I also observed how to access pulse. The patient should be relax, identify the site of
We also observe how to take a patient's Blood pressure which is the force exercise by the
blood against artery walls of the patient. The unit of measurement is mmHg and we use the
manual Sphygmomanometer.
The Sphygmomanometer is the main device used to measure blood pressure. It consists
- Cuff: The inflatable cuff wraps around the upper arm or wrist and is used to occlude the
- Manometer: The gauge or display that shows the pressure reading. It may be analog
- Valve: The release valve that allows for controlled deflation of the cuff.
sounds) in the artery as the cuff is slowly deflated. This is especially important for manual
- Disposable Gloves: Healthcare providers often wear disposable gloves during blood
pressure measurement to maintain hygiene and avoid cross contamination. The normal value
is 120/80. Stress, illness and drugs are some factors that can affect BP.
relaxed and not have consumed caffeine, smoked, or exercised within the last 30
minutes. Make sure the patient has removed any tight clothing that could interfere
- Have the patient sit with their back supported and their arm resting comfortably at
heart level. It's important that the patient's arm is supported and not dangling, as this
- Place the blood pressure cuff snugly around the patient's upper arm, about 2.5 cm
above the elbow crease. The bottom edge of the cuff should be about 2-3 cm above
- Use your fingers to locate the patient's brachial artery on the inner side of the arm, just
below the cuff. This is where you will place the stethoscope.
- Inflate the cuff by squeezing the bulb until the pressure exceeds the expected systolic
pressure (typically around 180 mmHg). Then, slowly release the air by opening the
valve while listening for the first Korotkoff sound (the tapping sound) with the
- Note the systolic pressure (the pressure at which the first sound is heard) and the
diastolic pressure (the pressure at which the sound disappears or changes in quality).
- It's often recommended to take at least two measurements, ideally separated by 1-2
minutes, to ensure accuracy. If the readings are significantly different, take a third
- Record the blood pressure readings in the patient's medical records, including the
date, time, and any relevant notes about the procedure or the patient's condition.
- Explain the results to the patient, addressing any concerns or questions they may
have. If the blood pressure is high or low, follow up with appropriate action as per
clinical guidelines.
Following these steps helps ensure accurate and consistent blood pressure measurements,
which are important for diagnosing and managing various medical conditions.
I observed how a drug is been administer through the IM, IV and intradermal route of
drug administration and I equally carryout these processes of drug administration through IM,
- Syringe: To draw up and inject the medication. Sizes vary depending on the volume
of medication to be administered.
- Needle: Also varies in size depending on the patient and medication. Thicker needles
- Alcohol swabs or wipes: To clean the injection site and reduce the risk of infection.
- Gauze or cotton balls: For applying pressure to the injection site after the injection to
reduce bleeding.
- Optional: Gloves: Some healthcare providers prefer to wear gloves for additional
All this should be put in a clean tray. It's important to follow proper sterile technique and
disposal procedures to minimize the risk of infection and ensure patient safety
We mainly make use of radiation in this station. Radiation refers to the emission or
transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or a material medium.
They are 2 types of radiation namely; ionizing and non -Ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation are radiation which have sufficient energy to remove an electron from
an orbital of an atom to form an ion .It encompasses various forms such as electromagnetic
radiation (like light and radio waves) and particle radiation (such as alpha, beta, and gamma
radiation) While non-ionizing radiation is that which do not have sufficient energy to remove
an electron from an orbital of an atom to form an ion. The effects of radiation can vary
depending on the type, dose, duration, and the part of the body exposed. Low levels of
radiation are around us all the time from natural sources, but high doses can be harmful.
Health effects can include skin burns, radiation sickness, increased risk of cancer, and genetic
mutations. However, radiation is also used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment.
Radiation protection are measures put in place by ICRP (international Commission for
Radiation Protection)to safe guard the public, personnel and the patients from unnecessary
exposure for ionizing radiation. There are 3 principles of Radiation Protection which
- Justification: This implies that the dose of Radiation u give to a patient must be
- Optimization: implies that we should give a minimum dose to a patient that will
- Dose limitation: it says that we should give a dose that will not exit limit.
I also observe how an ECG machine is been used. Electrocardiography (ECG) is the use
electrical activities of the heart. The stages for an ECG examination typically involve the
following steps:
- The technician will explain the procedure and ask you to remove any clothing or
jewelry that may interfere with the test. You may be given a hospital gown to wear.
- Small electrodes will be attached to your chest, arms, and legs. These electrodes are
connected to the ECG machine and record the electrical activity of your heart.
- You will be asked to lie down on an examination table or bed. It's important to remain
- The technician will start the ECG machine, which will record the electrical signals
- Once the recording is complete, the ECG results will be analyzed by a healthcare
provider, typically a doctor or cardiologist. They will look for any abnormalities in
- The healthcare provider will interpret the ECG results and discuss them with you.
They may also recommend further tests or treatments depending on the findings.
- The ECG results will be documented in your medical records for future reference.
- Depending on the findings of the ECG and your overall health condition, you may be
- Lead I: Records the voltage difference between the right and left arm.
- Lead II: Records the voltage difference between the right arm and left leg.
- Lead III: Records the voltage difference between the left arm and left leg.
Chest Leads:
- V1 to V6: These leads are placed on various positions on the chest to record the electrical
- Often used as a reference point and calculated as the average of the three limb leads (I, II,
Each lead provides a different perspective on the electrical activity of the heart,
allowing healthcare providers to assess various aspects of cardiac function and detect
The next thing I observe and carried out was how to do an abdominal ultrasound
(Echography). It is another term for ultrasound imaging, particularly when used in medical
contexts. It involves using high-frequency sound waves to create images of structures inside
the body. Echography is widely used in medicine for diagnosing various conditions, and
provides real-time images of internal organs and tissues. To carry out an abdominal
ultrasound (echography for the stomach), the following procedure is typically followed:
- The patient may be asked to fast for several hours before the procedure, typically 6 to 12
- It's important to inform the healthcare provider about any medications being taken,
especially if they include blood thinners or if the patient has any allergies.
- The patient lies on their back on an examination table. In some cases, they may be asked to
change positions during the exam to get better views of certain areas.
- A clear, water-based gel is applied to the abdominal area. This gel helps transmit sound
waves and ensures good contact between the skin and the ultrasound transducer.
- The technician or doctor moves the ultrasound transducer (probe) over the abdominal area,
directing it to different sections to capture images of the stomach and surrounding organs.
- As the transducer emits high-frequency sound waves, they penetrate through the abdominal
wall and bounce off internal organs. The echoes of these sound waves are picked up by the
transducer and converted into real-time images of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas,
- The technician or doctor assesses the images in real-time, looking for any abnormalities or
signs of disease in the stomach or surrounding organs. Images may be recorded or saved
- Once all necessary images have been obtained and analyzed, the ultrasound transducer is
removed, and the procedure is complete. The patient can typically resume normal activities
immediately afterward.
about the structures and function of the stomach and other abdominal organs. It is commonly
used to diagnose conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders, gallstones, liver disease, and
kidney problems.
helping people restore, maintain, and improve movement, function, and overall well-being.
range of conditions, injuries, and disabilities. Here are some key aspects of physiotherapy:
limitations, and disabilities. They also consider the patient's medical history, lifestyle, and
Modalities: Physiotherapists may also use various modalities such as heat, cold, ultrasound,
strategies, posture, injury prevention to empower patients in managing their condition and
illness. Physiotherapists help patients regain strength, mobility, and function, facilitating their
Chronic Disease Management: Physiotherapy can also be beneficial for managing chronic
conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and respiratory conditions, helping improve quality
Pediatric and Geriatric Care: Physiotherapists also work with children and older adults to
address developmental delays, age-related mobility issues, balance problems, and other age-
specific conditions.
musculoskeletal system, including muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Common
conditions treated by musculoskeletal physiotherapists include back pain, neck pain, joint
Neurological Physiotherapy: It involves the assessment and treatment of individuals with
neurological conditions affecting the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). This
may include conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.
assessment and management of conditions affecting the heart and lungs. This includes
respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and
post-operative respiratory care. They also work with patients recovering from cardiac
surgery, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular conditions to improve cardiovascular fitness,
various healthcare settings to improve physical function, promote recovery, and enhance
1. Range of motion exercise (ROM): This refers to the extent or degree of movement that a
joint can move through in various directions. It is an important aspect of physical function
and mobility. Here are some key points about range of motion:
Active Range of Motion (AROM): This refers to the movement of a joint that is controlled
Passive Range of Motion (PROM): Passive range of motion is the movement of a joint
Active-Assistive Range of Motion (AAROM): AAROM involves a combination of active
movement initiated by the individual's muscles with assistance from an external force, such
Range of motion can be assessed using various methods, including visual observation,
i- Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Weak or tight muscles can limit range of motion.
ii- Joint Integrity: Structural issues within the joint, such as arthritis, injury, or surgical
iii- Pain and Inflammation: Pain and inflammation in or around a joint can limit movement.
iv- Age and Activity Level: Age-related changes in joint tissues and mobility, as well as
muscle strength and power. Examples include resistance training with weights or body
weight exercises.
3. Flexibility Exercises: Flexibility exercises aim to improve joint range of motion and
4. Home Exercise Programs: Patients are often prescribed home exercise programs to
complement in-clinic therapy sessions and promote continued progress between sessions.
These programs are designed to be convenient, feasible, and tailored to the individual's needs
and environment.
Progress is monitored regularly through reassessment of functional abilities, pain
levels, range of motion, strength, and overall performance of activities. Adjustments to the
- Effleurage: It is a massage therapy technique that involves gentle, long, and gliding
strokes applied to the body with the palms, fingers, or thumbs of the hands. It is
squeezing movements applied to the muscles and soft tissues of the body. It is
typically performed with the palms, fingers, or thumbs of the hands and it can also
or percussion movements applied to the body using the hands, fists, fingers, or
specialized tools.
- Friction: It is a massage therapy technique that involves applying deep pressure and
rubbing movements to the muscles and soft tissues of the body using the fingertips,
thumbs, palms, or knuckles friction involves more focused and intense pressure,
I observed that morning devotion in the Hadassah medical center is been done at
7:30am. I also observed how a nurse took the vital signs of a patient in the vital signs unit. I
observed a surgical hand wash by the surgeon .I also observe surgical gloves Donning and
doffing. In addition there are different specimens in hospital laboratory such as blood, urine,
and stool. I carried out the procedure of making an unoccupied bed for a patient in the private
- Blank or bedspread
- Pillows
- Collect fresh linens, including a top sheet, bottom sheet, pillowcase, and any
- Lower the bed to a comfortable working height and ensure the wheels are locked to
prevent movement.
- Strip the bed of any used linens, placing them in a laundry bag or hamper designated
- Check the mattress for any signs of damage or contamination. Wipe down the
- Start by placing the bottom sheet on the mattress, ensuring it is smooth and wrinkle-
free. Then add the top sheet, tucking it securely under the mattress at the foot of the
- Place the pillows in their proper position at the head of the bed, either in a single stack
or side by side.
- If necessary, adjust the bed height to a comfortable level for the next patient.
- Inspect the bed to ensure all linens are properly secured and arranged neatly.
These are the strength, weakness, opportunities and Thread observe in the Hadassah medical
Some strengths of Hadassah medical center in Yaoundé include:
2. Highly trained and qualified medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and specialists
Their weaknesses include;
Some opportunities for Hadassah Medical Center Simbock in Yaoundé include:
1. The potential for growth and expansion in response to increasing healthcare needs in
the community.
2. The opportunity to offer innovative and specialized medical services to meet the
3. the ability to attract and retain talented healthcare professionals through competitive
4. The chance to collaborate with local and international partners to improve access to
5. Community can help the medical center better understand the healthcare needs of the
for staff can help ensure high-quality care and attract top talent to the medical center.
Some of the challenges faced by Hadassah Medical Center Simbock in Yaoundé may
1. Limited resources: The medical center may struggle with limited funding, equipment,
and staff, which can impact the quality of care provided to patients.
technology may hinder the medical center's ability to provide efficient and effective
healthcare services.
3. Staffing shortages: The medical center may face challenges in recruiting and retaining
Center Simbock may face financial constraints that limit its ability to invest in
5. Infectious disease outbreaks: The medical center may also be at risk of infectious
disease outbreaks, which can strain resources and require additional measures to
Above all, addressing these challenges will require strategic planning, investment in
resources, and collaboration with government and other stakeholders to improve the quality