CVS-Q Definitivo English

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How to cited this questionnaire:

Seguí MM, Cabrero-García J, Crespo A, Verdú J, Ronda E.

COMPUTER VISION A reliable and valid questionnaire was developed to
measure computer vision syndrome at the workplace. J
SYNDROME QUESTIONNAIRE Clin Epidemiol. 2015 Jun;68(6):662-73. doi: 10.1016/j.
jclinepi.2015.01.015. Epub 2015 Jan 28.

To be completed by worker

Indicate whether you experience any of the following symptoms during the time you use the computer
at work. For each symptom, mark with an X:
a. First, the frequency, that is, how often the symptom occurs, considering that:
NEVER = the symptom does not occur at all
OCCASIONALLY = sporadic episodes or once a week
OFTEN OR ALWAYS = 2 or 3 times a week or almost every day
b. Second, the intensity of the symptom:
Remember: if you indicated NEVER for frequency, you should not mark anything for intensity.

a. Frecuency b. Intensity


1 Burning

2 Itching

3 Feeling of a foreign body

4 Tearing

5 Excessive blinking

6 Eye redness

7 Eye pain

8 Heavy eyelids

9 Dryness

10 Blurred vision

11 Double vision

12 Difficulty focusing for

near vision

13 Increased sensitivity to

14 Coloured halos around


15 Feeling that sight is


16 Headache

© 2015, Mar Seguí, Elena Ronda, Julio Cabrero, José Verdú (University of Alicante). All rights reserved.
To be completed by investigator

Calculation of TOTAL SCORE considerating that:

• Frequency: • Severity:
- Never=0 - The result of Frequency x Intensity
- Occasionally=1 should be recoded as: 0 = 0; 1 or 2 = 1; 4 = 2
- Often or always=2
• Intensity
- Moderate=1
- Intense=2

Frequency x
Frequency Intensity Severity

1 Burning

2 Itching

3 Feeling of a foreign body

4 Tearing

5 Excessive blinking

6 Eye redness

7 Eye pain

8 Heavy eyelids

9 Dryness

10 Blurred vision

11 Double vision

12 Difficulty focusing for near vision

13 Increased sensitivity to light

14 Coloured halos around objects

15 Feeling that eyesight is worsening

16 Headache
Total score= ∑

If the total score is ≥6 points, the worker is considered to suffer Computer Vision Syndrome.

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