RNA Diseño Sismico (Ingles) ARTICULO
RNA Diseño Sismico (Ingles) ARTICULO
RNA Diseño Sismico (Ingles) ARTICULO
Corresponding author: S. Gholizadeh, Department of Civil Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
E-mail address: s.gholizadeh@urmia.ac.ir
2 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
Many studies have shown that structures designed by modern seismic code procedures are
expected to undergo large cyclic deformations in the inelastic range when subjected to
severe earthquake ground motions. Nevertheless, most seismic design codes are still based
on elastic methods using equivalent static lateral design forces. This procedure can result in
unpredictable and poor response during severe ground motions with inelastic activity
unevenly distributed among structural members. To solve this problem, performance-based
design (PBD) procedure was developed. PBD procedures allow engineers to determine
explicitly performance of structures for a special seismic hazard level. PBD enables
designers to design structures having predictable and reliable performance against seismic
loadings. The designs obtained by PBD approach should meet performance objectives. A
performance objective is defined as a given level of performance for a specific hazard level.
To define a performance objective, at first the level of structural performance should be
selected and then the corresponding seismic hazard level should be determined. In the
present work, immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP)
performance levels are considered according to FEMA-356 [1]. Each objective corresponds
to a given probability of being exceed during 50 years. A usual assumption [14] is that the
IO, LS and CP performance levels correspond respectively to a 20%, 10% and 2%
probability of exceedance in 50 year period. In this study, the mentioned hazard levels are
t C0C1C2C3Sa g (1)
4 2
where C0 relates the spectral displacement to the likely building roof displacement; C1
relates the expected maximum inelastic displacements to the displacements calculated for
linear elastic response; C2 represents the effect of the hysteresis shape on the maximum
displacement response and C3 accounts for P-D effects. Te is the effective fundamental
period of the building in the direction under consideration; Sa is the response spectrum
acceleration corresponding to the Te.
In this work, the OPENSEES [16] platform is utilized to conduct the pushover analyses.
Minimize f ( X )
Subject to: g i (X ) 0 i 1,2, , ng (2)
X { x 1 x 2 ... x j ... x n }T
where xj is an integer value expressing the sequence numbers of sections assigned to jth
group; f represents the objective function of the frame; gi (X ) is the ith behavioral
constraint; ng is the number of constraints.
Objective function for a RC frame, f R , is usually taken as the cost of structure and can be
defined as follows [17]:
f R CC bb ,i hb ,i C S AS,b ,i C F ( bb ,i 2 hb ,i ) Li
i 1 (3)
C b hc ,j C S AS,c ,j 2C F ( bc ,j hc ,j ) H j
C c ,j
j 1
where nb is the number of beams; bb,i , hb,i , Li and AS,b,i are the ith beam width, depth, length
and area of the steel reinforcement, respectively; nc is the number of columns; bc,j , hc,j , Hj
and AS,c,j are the jth column width, depth, length and area of the steel reinforcement,
respectively; CC, CS and CF are the unit cost of concrete, steel and framework, respectively.
As mentioned in [17], in the present work the following unit costs are also considered:
CC=105 $/m3, CS=7065 $/ m3, CF=92 $/ m2.
In the case of a steel frame, the weight of structure is usually considered as the objective
n nm
fS i Ai L j (4)
i 1 j 1
where ρi and Ai are weight of unit volume and cross-sectional area of the ith group section,
respectively; nm is the number of elements collected in the ith group; Lj is the length of the
jth element in the ith group.
In this study, the constraints of the optimization problem are handled using the concept
of exterior penalty functions method (EPFM) [19]. In this case, the pseudo unconstrained
objective function is expressed as follows:
Φ( X , rp ) f ( X ).1 rp max{0, gi ( X )} (5)
i 1
where Φ and rp are the pseudo objective function and positive penalty parameter,
In this work, two types of constraints are checked during the optimization process. The first
type includes the checks of each structural element for gravity loads. In this case, the
following load combination is considered:
Gs H sk (7)
Ps Vb ( ns
m 1
m H k
where Ps = lateral load applied at story s; Vb = base shear; Hs, Hm = height from the base of
the building to stories s and m, respectively; Gs, Gm = seismic weight for story levels s and
m, respectively; k = 2 and this means that the lateral load pattern is parabolic.
The following component gravity force is considered for combination with the seismic
loads [1]:
QG 2 1.1(QD QL ) (8)
6 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
In this study, the lateral inter-story drift ratios are considered as the acceptance criteria. The
inter-story drift ratio constraints at various performance levels can be expressed as:
gil ( X ) 1 0 , l IO; LS; CP, i 1,2,..., ns (9)
Vi k 1 round Vi k ( X ik X * ) fi (11)
X ik 1 X ik Vi k 1 (12)
where fmin and fmax are the lower and upper bounds imposed for the frequency range of bats.
In this study, fmin=0.0 and fmax=1.5 are used; ui [0,1] is a vector containing uniformly
distribution random numbers; X * is the current global best solution;
A local search is implemented on a randomly selected bat from the current population as:
X k 1 X k round ( j Ω k 1 ) (13)
where j is a uniform random number in the range of [-1, 1] selected for each design variable
of the selected bat. Ω k 1 is the average loudness of all the bats at the current iteration.
The loudness Ωi and the rate ri of pulse emission have to be updated accordingly as the
iterations proceed. As the loudness usually decreases once a bat has found its prey, while the
rate of pulse emission increases, the loudness can be chosen as any value of convenience. In
this work, Ω0 1 and Ωmin 0 also, r0 = 0 and rmax = 1.
1(b) is based on using the one-dimensional plasticity model with linear hardening. The
material parameters of E, fy and H which are respectively Young’s modulus, yield strength,
and hardening modulus define the plasticity model. In this study, the above constitutive
parameters fc, E and fy are considered as the random parameters. For structural elements of
steel frames, the constitutive behavior of Figure 1(b) is employed considering E and fy as the
random parameters. Beams and columns of the RC and steel moment frames are modeled
using force-based nonlinear beam-column element on the OPENSEES platform that
considers the spread of plasticity along the element’s length.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Material constitutive behavior (a) concrete, (b) steel
In this study, response spectrum acceleration Sa associated with the mentioned triple
hazard levels are considered as the random parameters termed here as S aIO , S aLS and S aCP .
Therefore, the random variables vector for RC and Steel frames which are employed as the
input vector of the NN models can be represented as follows:
where I NN, R and I NN,S are input vectors of NN models for RC and steel frames, respectively.
It should be noted that in a structure including n design groups, a set of random
constitutive parameters is considered for each design group. In this case, constitutive
parameters fc, E and fy are vectors defined as follows:
fc { fc1 fc 2 fc i f c n }T (18)
E {E1 E2 Ei En }T (19)
f y { f y1 f y2 f yi f yn }T (20)
For seismic reliability assessment, maximum inter-story drift ratios at IO, LS and CP
performance levels are selected as the structural seismic responses. Thus, for both RC and
steel frames the output vector of the NN models, ONN, is as follows:
ONN {max
} (21)
where G is a limit state function; Z is the vector of random variables defined for RC and
steel frames by Eqs. (16) to (20); RLIM is the limiting value for a seismic response R(Z).
In similar studies such as [7-9] the limiting capacities RLIM were also considered random.
In the present study, these parameters for RC and steel frames are considered deterministic.
As in the present work only the maximum inter-story drift ratios at the performance levels
are selected as the structural seismic responses, the limit state functions considered for the
three performance levels are as follows:
where LIM
and LIM
are the limiting values for maximum inter-story drift seismic
responses at the IO, LS and CP performance levels, respectively.
The non-performance probability, Pf, is defined as a function of the limit state functions
corresponding to a given performance level. Estimation of the non-performance probability
in the time-invariant domain requires the evaluation of the multiple integral over the failure
domain, G(Z) < 0, as follows [9]:
Pf FZ ( Z )dZ (26)
G(Z )
Pf E P {Gi ( Z ) 0} (27)
10 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
where nl is the number of the limit state functions for each performance level.
As in the present work only one limit state function is defined for each performance
level, Eq. (27) can be rewritten as follows:
1 N
Pf E , l Il , i (Z ) , l IO, LS, CP
N i1
1 if Gl ( Z ) 0
Il (Z ) , l IO, LS, CP (30)
0 if Gl ( Z ) 0
field radius of RBF neurons is such determined as the neurons could cover the input space
properly. The output layer neurons produce the linear weighted summation of hidden layer
neurons responses. To train the hidden layer of RBF networks no training is accomplished
and the transpose of training input matrix is taken as the layer weight matrix [25].
W1RBF ΛT (31)
where, W1RBF and ΛT are input layer weight and training input matrices, respectively.
In order to adjust output layer weights, a supervised training algorithm is employed. The
output layer weight matrix is calculated from the following equation:
where T is target matrix, Δ is the outputs of the hidden layer and W2RBF is the output layer
weight matrix.
4.2 BP model
Standard BP [26] is a gradient descent optimization algorithm, which adjusts the weights in
the steepest descent direction according to the following equation:
1 Wk ηk Gk
where WkBP and Gk are the weight and the current gradient matrices, respectively and ηk is
learning rate.
Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) [27] algorithm was designed to approach second-order
training speed without having to compute the Hessian matrix. In the LM algorithm the
weights updating is achieved as follows:
1 T
1 Wk [ J J μI ] J E
where J is the Jacobian matrix that contains first derivatives of the network errors with
respect to the weights; E is a vector of network errors; μ is a correction factor.
One of the techniques used to prevent overfitting is regularization [26] in which the
performance function of the network is modified by adding a term that consists of the mean
of the sum of squares of the network weights as:
1 m 2 (1 γ) nw
msereg γ( Ei ) nw
m i 1 j 1
(W jBP ) 2 (35)
where γ and nw are the performance ratio and number of network weights, respectively; m is
the size of Ei.
12 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
actual j
100 APE
MAPE i i
, i = IO, LS, CP (37)
nts j 1
The numerical results of the present study are presented for RC and steel ordinery moment
frames in this sections. The required computer programs for performing optimization
processes are coded in MATLAB [28]. In addition, a personal Pentium IV 3.0 GHz is used
for computer implementation.
For deterministic performance-based seismic design optimization of RC and steel
moment frames the allowable values of inter-story drift in low-rise frame, for IO, LS and CP
performance levels are taken according to HAZUS [29] provisions. These values in mid and
high rise frames should be multiplied to 2/3 and 0.5, respectively.
In order to generate dataset for training NN models for RC and steel frames, Latin
Hypercube Design (LHD) sampling [30] is employed.
5.1 RC frames
In order to illustrate the computational advantages of the proposed methodology in the case
of RC frames, a three-bay, six-story and a four-bay, nine-story 2-D RC frames are
considered. The geometry and element groups of the frames are shown in Figure 4.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Geometry and element groups for (a) three-bay, six-story and (b) four-bay, nine-story
RC frames
14 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
Uniform gravity loads are considered on beams as a dead load DL = 25 kN/m and a live
load LL = 10.0 kN/m. A semi-infinite set of member sizes and reinforcement arrangement
for beams and columns is reduced by constructing databases in practical range. The
databases information is sectional dimensions and number of reinforcing bars for the beams
and columns as show in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Median response spectra for three hazard levels [31] employed for RC frames are shown
in Figure 5.
Figure 6. Inter-story drift profiles of the optimum six-story RC frame at performance levels
16 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
The vertical dashed lines denote drift limits for performance levels. It can observe that
optimum solution is feasible and the constraint of IO level dominates the design.
In order to assess the seismic reliability of the optimum six-story RC frame, a database of
random parameters should be generated. In this case, 8000 random vectors, i.e. INN,R, are
selected and the resulted structures are analyzed using nonlinear pushover analysis and the
maximum inter-story drifts, i.e. ONN, are saved. The generated data is divided into training
and testing sets including 7500 and 500 samples, respectively. RBF and BP models are
trained and the results reveal that the computational performance of BP is very better than
that of the RBF model. Thus, only the results of BP model are presented in this example.
Various numbers of hidden layer neurons are examined for BP model and the best accuracy
is achieved using 15 ones. Figure 7 shows the APE of the predicted maxIO
, max
and max
Figure 7. APE of the predicted IO
, LS
and max
by BP for the optimum six-story RC frame
Figure 8. Total exceedence probability of limit state functions for the optimum six-story RC
frame at (a) IO, (b) LS and (c) CP performance levels
These results indicate that the optimum six-story RC frame is highly vulnerable against
the existing uncertainties at IO and LS performance levels. The results of Figure 8 reveal
18 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
that for all performance levels, the difference between PfE values obtained by 5×104 and 107
samples is trivial. It is clear that for seek of efficiency in terms of computational cost the
application of 5×104 samples is the best choice.
Inter-story drift profiles of the optimum design at various performance levels are shown
in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Inter-story drift profiles of the optimum nine-story RC frame at performance levels
The vertical dashed lines denote drift limits for performance levels. The results imply
feasibility of optimum solution. It is observed again that the constraint associated with IO
level dominates the design.
For assessing the seismic reliability of the optimum nine-story RC frame, a database of
random vectors INN,R and their corresponding ONN including 12000 samples is generated and
11500 ones are used for training and 500 ones are employed for testing the NN models. As
well as the first example, RBF and BP models are trained and the results demonstrate the
superiority of BP to the RBF model. Therefore, in this example only the results based on
application of BP model are presented.
Figure 10. Total exceedence probability of limit state functions for the optimum nine-story RC
frame at (a) IO, (b) LS and (c) CP performance levels
20 S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh
The numerical results indicate that the best results of BP model are obtained when 15
neurons are set in the hidden layer. The MAPEs of the predicted max IO
, max
and max
respectively equal to 2.2304%, 2.2393% and 4.5951%. These results demonstrate the good
accuracy of the trained BP model. To implement MCS, 107 vectors of INN,R are generated
and their corresponding ONN are predicted by the trained BP model. The values of PfE are
calculated for various performance levels. These values are given in Figure 10.
Total exceedence probability of limit state functions for the optimum nine-story RC
frame at IO, LS and CP performance levels are 0.855, 0.346 and 0.004, respectively. These
obtained results imply the high vulnerability of the optimum nine-story RC frame against
the existing uncertainties at IO and LS performance levels. The results of Figure 10 reveal
that for all performance levels, the difference between PfE values obtained by 5×104 and 107
samples is trivial.
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Geometry and element groups for (a) two-bay, three-story and (b) three-bay, ten-story
steel frames
Uniform gravity loads are considered on beams as a dead load DL = 25 kN/m and a live
load LL = 10.0 kN/m. In the present study, design variables of steel frames are selected from
W-shaped sections found in the AISC [21] design manual.
The spectral acceleration S ai can be calculated for each design spectrum i as follows:
Fv S1i
T0i (40)
Fa S si
where T is the elastic fundamental period of the structure, which is computed here from
structural modal analysis; S si and S1i are the short-period and the first sec.-period response
acceleration parameters, respectively; T0i is the period at which the constant acceleration and
constant velocity regions of the response spectrum intersect; Fa and Fv are the site
coefficient determined respectively based on the site class and the values of the response
acceleration parameters S si and S1i , according to Table 6 [32].
Inter-story drift profiles of the optimum design are shown in Figure 12 for performance
levels. The vertical dashed lines denote drift limits for performance levels. It can be
observed that optimum solution is feasible and the constraint associated with IO level
dominates the design.
Figure 12. Inter-story drift profiles of the optimum three-story steel frame at performance
For performing seismic reliability analysis of the optimum three-story steel frame, a
database including 10000 samples is generated. From the generated database 9000 and 1000
samples are employed for training and testing the NN models, respectively. As well as the
RC frame example, RBF and BP models are trained and the results demonstrate the
superiority of BP to the RBF model. Thus, in this example only the results of BP model are
presented. The numerical results indicate that the best results of BP model are obtained
when 5 neurons are set in hidden layer. The MAPEs of the predicted max IO
, max
and max
respectively equal to 0.0043%, 0.1734% and 0.0994%. These results demonstrate the
excellent accuracy of the trained BP model. To implement MCS, 10 7 vectors of INN,S are
generated and their corresponding ONN are evaluated by the BP model. The values of PfE are
calculated for various performance levels and it is observed that for LS and CP performance
levels PfE =0. The values of PfE are given in Figure 13 for IO performance level.
Figure 13. Total exceedence probability of limit state functions for the optimum three-story
steel frame at IO performance level
It is clear that the optimum three-story steel frame is highly vulnerable against the
existing uncertainties at IO level. The results of Figure 13 show that the difference between
PfE values obtained by 5×104 and 107 samples is also trivial.
As well as the previous examples, in this example also the constraint associated with IO
level dominates the design.
A database including 10000 samples is generated and from the generated database 9000
and 1000 samples are employed for training and testing the NN models, respectively. RBF
and BP models are trained and due to better accuracy of BP with 5 hidden layer neurons,
only the results of this model are discussed. The MAPEs of the predicted max IO
and max
are respectively equal to 1.5033%, 1.6952% and 1.7395%. These results
demonstrate good accuracy of the BP model. To implement MCS, 107 vectors of INN,S are
generated and the BP model is employed to predict their corresponding ONN. The values of
PfE are calculated for various performance levels and it is observed that for LS and CP
levels PfE =0. The values of PfE are given in Figure 14 for IO level.
Figure 14. Total exceedence probability of limit state functions for the optimum ten-story steel
frame at IO performance level
It is clear that the optimum ten-story steel frame is highly vulnerable against the
uncertainties at IO level. The results of Figure 14 show again that the difference between PfE
values obtained by 5×104 and 107 samples is trivial.
The main aim of the present paper is to assess the seismic reliability of performance-based
optimally seismic designed RC and steel moment frames by a combination of MCS and NN
models. In order to achieve this purpose, two RC structures including six and nine story
frames and two steel structures including three and ten story frames are optimized based on
PBD criteria using BA meta-heuristic. During the optimization process the lateral inter-story
drifts are checked at IO, LS and CP performance levels as the design constraints. For all
examples, the constraint associated with IO level dominates the design. In order to assess
the seismic reliability of the optimum structures, a database is generated in the case of each
example. The generated data is divided into training and testing sets. RBF and BP models
are trained and the results reveal that for all examples the computational performance of BP
is better than that of the RBF model. The trained BP model is effectively employed to
implement MCS. In this case, 107 input vectors are generated and their corresponding
outputs are predicted by the trained BP model. These results indicate that the optimum RC
frames are highly vulnerable against the existing uncertainties at IO and LS performance
levels with the mean exceedence probability of about 0.8 and 0.3, respectively. For the
optimum steel frames, the mean exceedence probability for IO level is about 0.4 while good
safety is observed for these structures at LS and CP performance levels. The results indicate
that the optimum performance-based RC and steel moment frames are highly vulnerable
against existing uncertainties of structural capacity and seismic demands. Therefore,
implementation of seismic reliability-based optimization for these structures is necessary to
have seismically reliable and safe structures.