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ENRICHMENT EXAM IN PROBLEM SOLVING number decreased by 25% is 9.

What is the original

Multiple Choice: Shade the letter of the correct a. 6 b. 12 c. 15 d. 18
answer on the answer sheet provided for you. 12. Find the sum of three consecutive integers such
1. A leaking faucet can fill a 9-liter pail of 2.5 hours. that the first increased by twice the second exceeds
The water from the leak drops every 5 sec. Find the the third by 24.
average volume of water in terms of mL, of a single a. 12 b. 14 c. 29 d. 39
drop. 13. How much water must be added to 40 ml of a 10%
a. 5 mL b. 0.2 mL c. 50 mL d. 20 mL acid solution to reduce its concentration to 4%?
2. Instead of multiplying a number by 34. Andre a. 60 ml b. 50 ml c. 40 ml d. 20 ml
mistakenly multiplied it by 43. As a result, the 14. Find the average of three integers that form a
product went up by 135. What could have been the ratio of 2:3:7, if the sum of the largest and the
correct product? smallest of the three integers exceed twice the third
a. 15 b. 510 c. 645 d. 1215 by 30.
3. When a number is divided by 25, it leaves a a. 10 b. 40 c. 70 d. 120
remainder of 18. What will the remainder be when 15. The average speed of two cars are in the ratio of
this number is divided by 5? 4:5. What is the speed of the faster one, if it takes
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 half an hour less to complete a 50-km distance than
4. The sum of 100 integers 51, 52, 53, ..., 150 is how the other?
much greater than the sum the integers 1, 2. 3. ..., a. 10 kph b. 40 kph c. 50 kph d. 60 kph
100? 16. Five printing machines can print ten thousand
a. 100 b. 250 c. 500 d. 5000 flyers in 6 hours. How many hours would it take to
5. A number when divided by a divisor leaves a finish printing the whole lot if only three of these
remainder of 16. When twice the original number is machines are operating?
divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 7. What a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 15
would the divisor be? 17. Philip works as a real estate agent. He earns
a. 9 b. 25 c. 27 d. 29 P15,000 plus 2% commission on the sales above P3
6. If 9 times a number is increased by 12, the result million. In a particular month, he earns P35,000. How
is 10 times a number decreased by 4. Find the much was his total sales on this month?
number. a. P4 million b. P40 million
a. 8 b. 16 c. -8 d. -16 c. P1.75 million d. P35 million
7. Diego starts multiplying consecutive positive 18. On an entrance test of a certain high school, 4 out
integers from 50. How many numbers should he of 5 applicants passed the written test. Of every 4
multiply before he will have result that will end with 3 that passed the written test, only 1 passed the
zeroes? interview. What fraction of all the applicants passed
a. 6 b. 8 c. 25 d. 32 both tests?
8. If the price of gasoline increases by 20% and Pete a. 3/4 b. 1/5 c. 3/5 d. 8/15
intends to spend only 8% more on gasoline, by how 19. Jeff is 3 years older than Tina. If in 8 years, the
many percent should he reduce the quantity of petrol sum of their ages will be 89, how old is Jeff now?
that he buys? a. 33 b. 38 c. 43 d. 46
a. 8% b. 10% c. 12% d. 90% 20. The average age of 10 friends is 14 years. If the
9. What is the smaller of two integers, if their sum is average age of three of them is 10 years, and the
45 and their difference is 17? average age of another 5 is 16 years, find the
a. 14 b. 15 c. 31 d. 30 average age of the remaining 2 kids.
10. How many different positive integers exist a. 12 b. 14 c. 15 d. 30
between 106 and 107, the sum of whose digits is equal 21. Find the measure of an angle whose supplement is
to 2? three times its complement.
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 a. 30 b. 45 c. 60 d. 135
11. The difference between the value of a number 22. The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon,
increased by 125% and the value of the original one at each vertex, is always equal to ____.
a. 36° b. 90° c. 180° d. 360°
23. Two complementary angles, A and B, have 34. When a number is increased by 75% of itself, the
measures in the ratio 9:21, respectively. In degrees, result is 154. Find the number.
what is the measure of angle B minus the measure of a. 88 b. 100 c. 110 d. 132
angle A? 35. In a right triangle, the measure of one of the
a. 27° b. 36° c. 63° d. 72° acute angles is 5 times as much as the measure of the
24. What happens to the area of the rectangle whose other acute angle. What is the measure of the larger
width is decreased by 10% of the original, and the acute angle?
length is increased by 20%? a. 15° b. 30° c. 45° d. 75°
a. It increases by 10% b. It decreases by 10% 36. If the measures of the sides of a triangle are 5,
c. It increases by 8% d. It decreases by 8% 12, and 13, what is the length of the longest altitude
25. The perimeters of regular triangle, pentagon, of the triangle?
hexagon, and octagon are respectively equal to 57 cm, a. 5 b. 10 c. 12 d. 13
70 cm, 105 cm and 112 cm. Of the mentioned 37. The distance from the moon to the earth is 238
polygons, which one has the longest side? 857 miles and from the sun to the earth is 92 887
a. Triangle b. Pentagon c. Hexagon d. Octagon 416 miles. How much farther away is the sun from the
26. The ages of three sisters are consecutive even earth than the moon?
integers. Their brother is 8 years older than the a. 92,658,559 b. 92,661,441
middle sister. If the sum of the ages of the four kids c. 92,658,551 d. 92,569,559
is 48, how old is the brother? 38. MSA Math and Science Academy for Kids has 8
a. 8 b. 12 c. 18 d. 20 classes for Mental Math with 23 students per class,
27. Daniel has pigs and cows on his farm. If he had 7 15 classes for Science with 18 students in each class
more pigs and 20 more cows, the ratio of pigs to cows and 16 classes for Advanced Math with 17 students in
on his farm would be 1:2. If, on the other hand, he one class. What is the total enrolment of the school?
had 7 more pigs but the same number of cows, the a. 57 b. 96 c. 726 d. 5472
ratio of pigs to cows on his farm would be 3:2. How 39. What was the total attendance at the recent 7-
many pigs does Daniel have? game World Series if 68,876 saw the first game,
a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d. 30 71,879 the second, 56,786 the third, 82,896 the
28. Find the sum Debbie Mae has a number. She fourth, 56,435 the fifth, 93,646 the sixth, and
added 8 to the number and then divided the answer 95,893 the seventh game?
by 3. She then again multiplied the result by 6 and a. 426,411 b. 526,411 c. 516,401 d. 525,411
gets a final answer of 20. What is Debbie Mae's 40. A farmer has 87 rows of mango trees with 48
number? trees in a row. He expects each tree to product on an
a. 2 b. 18 c. 48 d. 68 average of 29 crates. How many crates of mangoes
29. Find the sum of all counting numbers from 1 to does the farmer expect from his trees?
10,000. a. 90,204 b. 121,108 c. 121,104 d. 121,112
a. 9,000,000 b. 500,000 41. If light travels at a speed of 186,324 miles per
c. 100,000,000 d. 50,005,000 second, how far does light travel in 11 hours?
30. The integers from 1 to 1000 are printed on a list. a. 7,378,430,400 miles b. 8,378,420,400 miles
How many times does the digit 8 appear? c. 8,278,430,400 miles d. 7,388,420,400 miles
a. 100 b. 197 c. 200 d. 300 42. After flying for 3 1/4 hour, a pilot was forced to
31. What is the greatest number of bags that can be land at an alternate airport, 784 km from his
used to hold 55 marbles if each bag must contain at destination. Following a delay of 1/2 hour, the pilot
least 1 marble but no two bags contain the same took off. If the pilot wishes to arrive on schedule, 5
number of marbles? 3/4 hour after his original take-off, how fast must
a. 55 b. 10 c. 25 d. 50 he fly?
32. The number that is less than 94 is 19 times a. 392 kph b. 150 kph c. 196 kph d. 313.6 kph
_____. 43. A number of Italian tiles were purchased for the
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 flooring of MSA Environmental ART House (the art
33. Find half the difference between 7 1/8 and 4 school of MSA), at a cost of P68 per tile, but only
5/7. 7/8 of them were needed. Find the actual cost of the
a. 1 23/112 b. 1 35/112 c. 2 23/56 d. 2 23/112
tiles used for the MSA E.Art H., if the unused 224
tiles were returned and their cost refunded?
a. 32,928 b. 37,632 c. 106,624 d. 301,056
44. MSA Publishing House stores 80,000 books in
warehouse, of which 15% are Preschool Books. If
50,000 of the non-Preschool books were delivered to
the bookstores, what percent of the remaining books
are Preschool books?
a. 4% b. 25% c. 30% d. 40%
45. At an international conference 1/8 of the people
attending were Asian men. If the number of Asian
women in the conference was 2/3 greater than the
number of Asian men, and there were no other Asians
at the conference, what fraction of the people at the
conference were not Asians?
a. 1/12 b. 1/8 c. 2/3 d. 11/12
46. If the circumference of a circle is less than 16 pi,
which of the following could be the area of the
a. 63𝜋 b. 64𝜋 c. 81𝜋 d. 100𝜋
47. Of the 150 students of MSA High School
Entrance Test Review Program, 3/5 are boys. If 2/3
of the enrollees are candidates for valedictorian in
their respective schools, what is the maximum
number of boys enrolled in the MSA High School
Entrance Test Review Program who are not
candidates for valedictorian?
a. 40 b. 50 c. 90 d. 100
48. A jar contains white and blue marbles. If there
are 15 marbles in the jar, which of the following
cannot be the ratio of white to blue marbles?
a. 7:8 b. 2:3 c. 1:4 d. 5:6
49. If 1/3 of the male employees of Gerpress Printing
equals 1/8 of the total number of employees, then
what is the ratio of male to female employees in the
a. 5:8 b. 3:5 c. 3:8 d. None of these
50. On the main street of Filinvest Homes East
Subdivision, the house numbers on the west side are
consecutive odd integers, and on the east side are
consecutive even integers. If only the houses on the
east side with numbers 168 to 358 are painted blue,
how many houses on the street are painted blue?
a. 95 b. 96 c. 190 d. 192

God Bless You!

ENRICHMENT EXAM IN PROBLEM SOLVING number decreased by 25% is 9. What is the original
Multiple Choice: Shade the letter of the correct a. 6 b. 12 c. 15 d. 18
answer on the answer sheet provided for you. 12. Find the sum of three consecutive integers such
1. A leaking faucet can fill a 9-liter pail of 2.5 hours. that the first increased by twice the second exceeds
The water from the leak drops every 5 sec. Find the the third by 24.
average volume of water in terms of mL, of a single a. 12 b. 14 c. 29 d. 39
drop. 13. How much water must be added to 40 ml of a 10%
a. 5 mL b. 0.2 mL c. 50 mL d. 20 mL acid solution to reduce its concentration to 4%?
2. Instead of multiplying a number by 34. Andre a. 60 ml b. 50 ml c. 40 ml d. 20 ml
mistakenly multiplied it by 43. As a result, the 14. Find the average of three integers that form a
product went up by 135. What could have been the ratio of 2:3:7, if the sum of the largest and the
correct product? smallest of the three integers exceed twice the third
a. 15 b. 510 c. 645 d. 1215 by 30.
3. When a number is divided by 25, it leaves a a. 10 b. 40 c. 70 d. 120
remainder of 18. What will the remainder be when 15. The average speed of two cars are in the ratio of
this number is divided by 5? 4:5. What is the speed of the faster one, if it takes
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 half an hour less to complete a 50-km distance than
4. The sum of 100 integers 51, 52, 53, ..., 150 is how the other?
much greater than the sum the integers 1, 2. 3. ..., a. 10 kph b. 40 kph c. 50 kph d. 60 kph
100? 16. Five printing machines can print ten thousand
a. 100 b. 250 c. 500 d. 5000 flyers in 6 hours. How many hours would it take to
5. A number when divided by a divisor leaves a finish printing the whole lot if only three of these
remainder of 16. When twice the original number is machines are operating?
divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 7. What a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 15
would the divisor be? 17. Philip works as a real estate agent. He earns
a. 9 b. 25 c. 27 d. 29 P15,000 plus 2% commission on the sales above P3
6. If 9 times a number is increased by 12, the result million. In a particular month, he earns P35,000. How
is 10 times a number decreased by 4. Find the much was his total sales on this month?
number. a. P4 million b. P40 million
a. 8 b. 16 c. -8 d. -16 c. P1.75 million d. P35 million
7. Diego starts multiplying consecutive positive 18. On an entrance test of a certain high school, 4 out
integers from 50. How many numbers should he of 5 applicants passed the written test. Of every 4
multiply before he will have result that will end with 3 that passed the written test, only 1 passed the
zeroes? interview. What fraction of all the applicants passed
a. 6 b. 8 c. 25 d. 32 both tests?
8. If the price of gasoline increases by 20% and Pete a. 3/4 b. 1/5 c. 3/5 d. 8/15
intends to spend only 8% more on gasoline, by how 19. Jeff is 3 years older than Tina. If in 8 years, the
many percent should he reduce the quantity of petrol sum of their ages will be 89, how old is Jeff now?
that he buys? a. 33 b. 38 c. 43 d. 46
a. 8% b. 10% c. 12% d. 90% 20. The average age of 10 friends is 14 years. If the
9. What is the smaller of two integers, if their sum is average age of three of them is 10 years, and the
45 and their difference is 17? average age of another 5 is 16 years, find the
a. 14 b. 15 c. 31 d. 30 average age of the remaining 2 kids.
10. How many different positive integers exist a. 12 b. 14 c. 15 d. 30
between 106 and 107, the sum of whose digits is equal 21. Find the measure of an angle whose supplement is
to 2? three times its complement.
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 a. 30 b. 45 c. 60 d. 135
11. The difference between the value of a number 22. The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon,
increased by 125% and the value of the original one at each vertex, is always equal to ____.
a. 36° b. 90° c. 180° d. 360°
23. Two complementary angles, A and B, have 34. When a number is increased by 75% of itself, the
measures in the ratio 9:21, respectively. In degrees, result is 154. Find the number.
what is the measure of angle B minus the measure of a. 88 b. 100 c. 110 d. 132
angle A? 35. In a right triangle, the measure of one of the
a. 27° b. 36° c. 63° d. 72° acute angles is 5 times as much as the measure of the
24. What happens to the area of the rectangle whose other acute angle. What is the measure of the larger
width is decreased by 10% of the original, and the acute angle?
length is increased by 20%? a. 15° b. 30° c. 45° d. 75°
a. It increases by 10% b. It decreases by 10% 36. If the measures of the sides of a triangle are 5,
c. It increases by 8% d. It decreases by 8% 12, and 13, what is the length of the longest altitude
25. The perimeters of regular triangle, pentagon, of the triangle?
hexagon, and octagon are respectively equal to 57 cm, a. 5 b. 10 c. 12 d. 13
70 cm, 105 cm and 112 cm. Of the mentioned 37. The distance from the moon to the earth is 238
polygons, which one has the longest side? 857 miles and from the sun to the earth is 92 887
a. Triangle b. Pentagon c. Hexagon d. Octagon 416 miles. How much farther away is the sun from the
26. The ages of three sisters are consecutive even earth than the moon?
integers. Their brother is 8 years older than the a. 92,658,559 b. 92,661,441
middle sister. If the sum of the ages of the four kids c. 92,658,551 d. 92,569,559
is 48, how old is the brother? 38. MSA Math and Science Academy for Kids has 8
a. 8 b. 12 c. 18 d. 20 classes for Mental Math with 23 students per class,
27. Daniel has pigs and cows on his farm. If he had 7 15 classes for Science with 18 students in each class
more pigs and 20 more cows, the ratio of pigs to cows and 16 classes for Advanced Math with 17 students in
on his farm would be 1:2. If, on the other hand, he one class. What is the total enrolment of the school?
had 7 more pigs but the same number of cows, the a. 57 b. 96 c. 726 d. 5472
ratio of pigs to cows on his farm would be 3:2. How 39. What was the total attendance at the recent 7-
many pigs does Daniel have? game World Series if 68,876 saw the first game,
a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d. 30 71,879 the second, 56,786 the third, 82,896 the
28. Find the sum Debbie Mae has a number. She fourth, 56,435 the fifth, 93,646 the sixth, and
added 8 to the number and then divided the answer 95,893 the seventh game?
by 3. She then again multiplied the result by 6 and a. 426,411 b. 526,411 c. 516,401 d. 525,411
gets a final answer of 20. What is Debbie Mae's 40. A farmer has 87 rows of mango trees with 48
number? trees in a row. He expects each tree to product on an
a. 2 b. 18 c. 48 d. 68 average of 29 crates. How many crates of mangoes
29. Find the sum of all counting numbers from 1 to does the farmer expect from his trees?
10,000. a. 90,204 b. 121,108 c. 121,104 d. 121,112
a. 9,000,000 b. 500,000 41. If light travels at a speed of 186,324 miles per
c. 100,000,000 d. 50,005,000 second, how far does light travel in 11 hours?
30. The integers from 1 to 1000 are printed on a list. a. 7,378,430,400 miles b. 8,378,420,400 miles
How many times does the digit 8 appear? c. 8,278,430,400 miles d. 7,388,420,400 miles
a. 100 b. 197 c. 200 d. 300 42. After flying for 3 1/4 hour, a pilot was forced to
31. What is the greatest number of bags that can be land at an alternate airport, 784 km from his
used to hold 55 marbles if each bag must contain at destination. Following a delay of 1/2 hour, the pilot
least 1 marble but no two bags contain the same took off. If the pilot wishes to arrive on schedule, 5
number of marbles? 3/4 hour after his original take-off, how fast must
a. 55 b. 10 c. 25 d. 50 he fly?
32. The number that is less than 94 is 19 times a. 392 kph b. 150 kph c. 196 kph d. 313.6 kph
_____. 43. A number of Italian tiles were purchased for the
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 flooring of MSA Environmental ART House (the art
33. Find half the difference between 7 1/8 and 4 school of MSA), at a cost of P68 per tile, but only
5/7. 7/8 of them were needed. Find the actual cost of the
a. 1 23/112 b. 1 35/112 c. 2 23/56 d. 2 23/112
tiles used for the MSA E.Art H., if the unused 224
tiles were returned and their cost refunded?
a. 32,928 b. 37,632 c. 106,624 d. 301,056
44. MSA Publishing House stores 80,000 books in
warehouse, of which 15% are Preschool Books. If
50,000 of the non-Preschool books were delivered to
the bookstores, what percent of the remaining books
are Preschool books?
a. 4% b. 25% c. 30% d. 40%
45. At an international conference 1/8 of the people
attending were Asian men. If the number of Asian
women in the conference was 2/3 greater than the
number of Asian men, and there were no other Asians
at the conference, what fraction of the people at the
conference were not Asians?
a. 1/12 b. 1/8 c. 2/3 d. 11/12
46. If the circumference of a circle is less than 16 pi,
which of the following could be the area of the
a. 63𝜋 b. 64𝜋 c. 81𝜋 d. 100𝜋
47. Of the 150 students of MSA High School
Entrance Test Review Program, 3/5 are boys. If 2/3
of the enrollees are candidates for valedictorian in
their respective schools, what is the maximum
number of boys enrolled in the MSA High School
Entrance Test Review Program who are not
candidates for valedictorian?
a. 40 b. 50 c. 90 d. 100
48. A jar contains white and blue marbles. If there
are 15 marbles in the jar, which of the following
cannot be the ratio of white to blue marbles?
a. 7:8 b. 2:3 c. 1:4 d. 5:6
49. If 1/3 of the male employees of Gerpress Printing
equals 1/8 of the total number of employees, then
what is the ratio of male to female employees in the
a. 5:8 b. 3:5 c. 3:8 d. None of these
50. On the main street of Filinvest Homes East
Subdivision, the house numbers on the west side are
consecutive odd integers, and on the east side are
consecutive even integers. If only the houses on the
east side with numbers 168 to 358 are painted blue,
how many houses on the street are painted blue?
a. 95 b. 96 c. 190 d. 192

God Bless You!

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