Supplications For Al-Aqsa Official Booklet

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For Al-Aqsa
`Do you think you will be admitted into Paradise
without being tested like those before you? They
were afflicted with suffering and adversity and
were so violently shaken that even the Messenger
and the believers with him cried out, "When is the
help of Allah?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah
is near. ‘


‫رباناِافريج ِعليه صبران وثابت قدامهم‬
‫ونسورهم عىل قوم الكافرين‬

Rabbana afrigh ‘alayhim sabran wa

thabbit aqdaamahum wansurhum
‘ala al-qawm al-kafireen

Our Lord! Shower them with patience,

make their steps firm, and give them
victory over the disbelieving people.

‫ اَألَحُد الَّص َم ُد اَّلذي َلْم‬، ‫َنَس َأُلَك ِبَأَّننا َنْش َه ُد َأَّنَك َأْنَت ُهللا ال ِإلَه إال َأْنَت‬
‫ َأْن َتْن ُص َر اِإلْس الَم َو َأْه َلُه ِفي ُكِّل‬،‫َيِلْد َو َلْم ُيوَلْد َو َلْم َيُكْن َلُه ُكُف وًا َأَحد‬
‫ اللُه َّم اْنُص ِراِإلْس الَم‬، ‫ اللُه ُّم َاْنُص ِر اِإلْس الَم َو َأْه َلُه ِفي ُكِّل َم َكاٍن‬، ‫َم َكاٍن‬
‫َو ْه َلُه ِفي ُكِّل َم َكاٍن‬

Nas’aluka bi ananaa nash-hadu annaka ِ la

ِ antallah,
ilaha illa ant, al-ahadus-samadu-ladhdhi lam yalid wa
lam yu-lad wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad. An
tansural-Islama wa ahlahu fi kulli makaan. Allahumma-
nsuril-Islama wa ahlahu fi kulli makaan. Allahumma-
nsuril-Islama wa ahlahu fi kulli makaan.

“O Allah! Raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims.

O Allah! Raise the standing and the Muslims, and
degrade the standing of Kufr and the Kaafireen, and
Shirk and the Mushrikeen. Destroy the enemies of the
Deen, and protect the lands of Islam, O Lord of the

‫ َو َأْنَت َتْجَع ُل اْلَحْز َن ِإَذ ا‬، ‫لّٰلُه َّم اَل َس ْه َل ِإاَّل َم ا َجَع ْلَت ُه َس ْه اًل‬
‫ِش ْئ َت َس ْه اًل‬

ِ ِ
Allāhumma lā sahla illā mā jaʿaltahū sahlā, wa
anta tajʿalu-l-ḥazna idhā shi’ta sahlā.

O Allah, there is no ease except in that which

You have made easy, and You make the
difficulty easy when You wish.

‫َرَّبَنآ َأْف ِرْغ َع َلْي ِه م َص ْب رًا َو َثِّبْت َأْق َداَم ُه م َو ٱنُص ْر ُهم َع ىَل ٱْلَق ْو ِم‬
‫ٱْلَكٰـ ِف ِريَن‬

Rabbana afrigh ‘alayhim sabran

ِ wa thabbit
aqdaamahum wansurhum ‘ala al-qawm al-

Our Lord! Shower them with perseverance,

make their steps firm, and give them victory
over the disbelieving people.

‫َرَّبَنآ َءاِتِه م ِفى ٱلُّد ْنَي ا َحَس َنًة َو ِفى ٱألِخ َرِة َحَس َنًة َو ِق ِه م َع َذ اَب‬
‫ٱلَّنا‬ ِ ِ

Rabbana aatihim fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-

akhirati hasanatan waqihim ‘adhaab an-nar

Our Lord! Grant them the good of this world

and the Hereafter, and protect them from
the torment of the Fire.

‫الَّلُه َّم اْس ُتْر َع ْو َراِتِه م َو آِم ْن َرْو َع اِتِه م َو اْح َف ْظ ُه م ِم ْن َبْي ِن‬
‫َأْيِديِه م َو ِم ْن َخْلِف ِه م َو َع ْن َأيَم اِنِه م َو َع ْن َش َم ائِلِه م َو ِم ْن‬
‫َف ْو ِق ِه م‬

Allahumma ustur ‘awraatihim wa-aamin

ِ ِ
raw’aatihim wahfadhhum min bayni
aydeehim wa min khalfihim wa ‘an
aymaanihim wa ‘an shamaa’ilihim wa min

O Allah, conceal their faults, calm their fears,

and protect them from before them and
behind them, from their right and from their
.left, and from above them

‫الَّلُه َّم ُم ْن ِزَل اْلِكَتاِب َس ِريَع اْلِح َس اِب ُم ْجِرَي الَّس َحاِب َهاِزَم‬
‫اَألْح َزاِب اْه ِزْم ُه ْم َو َزْلِزْلُه م َو اْنُص ْر َنا َع َلْي ِه ْم‬

Allahumma munzil al-kitabi saree’ al-hisabi

mujriya as-sahaabi hazim al-ahzaabi
ِ ِ
ihzimhum wa-zalzilhum wansurna ‘alayhim

O Allah, the revealer of the Holy Book, and

the swift in reckoning, and the mover of the
clouds, and the defeater of the clans; defeat
them, and shake them, and grant us victory
.over them

‫الَّلُه َّم اْر ُزقُه م ِص ْد َق الَت َو ُّكِل َع َليَك وُحْس ُن الَظ ِّن ِبك‬

ِ ِ
Allahumma urzuqhum sidq at-tawakkuli
‘alayka wa husn ad-dhanni bik

O Allah grant them true reliance upon

You, and good thoughts about You

‫َرَّبَنآ َأْف ِرْغ َع َلْي ِه م َص ْب رًا َو َثِّبْت َأْق َداَم ُه م َو ٱنُص ْر ُهم َع ىَل‬
‫ٱْلَق ْو ِم ٱْلَكٰـ ِف ِريَن‬
ِ ِ

Rabbana afrigh ‘alayhim sabran wa

thabbit aqdaamahum wansurhum ‘ala
al-qawm al-kafireen

Our Lord! Shower them with

perseverance, make their steps firm,
and give them victory over the
disbelieving people.

This booklet hasِ been

written, for the use of

making supplications (Du’a)
for our fellow muslim
brothers & sisters in


For Al-Aqsa

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