11 Sociology SP 01
11 Sociology SP 01
11 Sociology SP 01
Sociology Sample
Paper 01
General Instructions
i. Question No. 1-14 are of 2 marks each and are to be answered in about 30 words each.
ii. Question No. 15-21 are of 4 marks each and are to be answered in about 80 Words each.
iii. Question No. 22-25 are of 6 marks each and are to be answered in about 200 Words each.
iv. Question No.25 carries 6 marks, and is to be answered with the help of the passage given
Explain how transformation of work took place from pre-industrial to industrial society.
17. Explain how social change and social order differs in rural and urban areas?
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18. Describe the two way process by which the "social environments" emerge.
19. Define Bureaucracy. Explain the chief characteristic of bureaucratic authority.
20. Give a brief bio sketch of Sarat Chandra Roy.
Explain in detail the debate between protectionists and nationalists on tribal Culture.
21. "Environmental problems are considered as social problem." Comment.
22. "Religion affects the economic development of a country." Justify the statement.
23. What do you understand by socialization? Explain any four agencies of socialization?
24. "Competition, cooperation and conflict co-exist in modern society." Justify
servants, missionaries and western scholars during 18th and 19th century.
c. Wanted to know more about Indian culture so that they could easily rule over
d. Christian missionaries were interested in learning local languages, folk lores and
culture to carry out their activities.(any 2)
Mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially accepted forms of behavior.
Modes of action, which don't conform to the norms and values held by most members of
the society.
3. Positive effects of intermixing of cultural groups are
a. leads to homogeneous Culture
b. Leads to respect and tolerance towards other cultures.
Two negative effects of intermixing of cultural groups are
c. Creates friction between two groups disturbing harmony and peace in society
d. erosion of unique Cultural identity
4. Ideology of competition is considered as a dominant ideology in capitalism
a. It brings efficiency
b. Maximizes profit
c. Gives birth to invention and innovation (any 2)
5. According to Max Weber power is exercised through authority. Authority is that form of
power which is accepted as legitimate.
6. Environmental management is a complex and huge task for society
a. As we do not know enough about bio physical processes to predict and control them.
b. Human relation with environment has become increasingly Complex.
c. With the spread of industrialization, resource extraction has expanded and
British anthropologist were interested in studying the tribal culture of India
They believe that assimilation of tribal culture with main stream Hinduism will
lead to exploitation of tribal people by Hindus and thus their culture should be
protected and preserved.
Believe in unity of India and the need for modernizing Indian society and culture
a. Collection of continuously interacting people.
b. They share common culture, value, normand interest.
Different types of social groups are:-
a. Primary and secondary group
b. Community and society group
c. Peer group
d. Reference group
e. In-group and out-group
25. A world to convince: why a woman can't have it all
Every woman who has battled societal prejudice, peer pressure, male insecurity and
internal conflict in pursuit of her professional ambition knows exactly what PepsiCo CEO
Indralooyi meant when she proclaimed with disarming candour that "women can't have
it all". Growing up as the daughter of a working mother-one who belonged to a