EXAM - FINALS - Strategic Management
EXAM - FINALS - Strategic Management
EXAM - FINALS - Strategic Management
Midsayap, Cotabato
S.Y. 2023-2024, 2nd Semester
FINALS Examination
MGMT 202
TRUE 1. Implementation connotes action. It involves a series of processes to achieve a particular goal.
TRUE 2. Strategy implementation refers to activities or processes which ensure that comprehensive plans
formulated at the three levels of management are efficiently executed to achieve the goals and
objectives of a company.
TRUE 3. Flat structure exists when there are only few or no layers of management between the managers and
TRUE 4. Matric structure is a hybrid of the functional and divisional structures. Employees of a company are
reporting to two superiors to effectively achieve the goals and objectives of their company.
TRUE 5. Leadership style greatly influences the degree and seriousness of strategic management
TRUE 6. Leadership is exercised by the chief executive officer who works closely with the board of directors
and top-level management.
TRUE 7. Reward and career system is a critical factor in the effective implementation of strategic management.
TRUE 8. An effective reward and career system motivates employees to perform outstandingly.
TRUE 9. Corporate governance refers to the relationships among shareholders, the board of directors, and the
management in terms of functions, roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
TRUE 10. The corporate level strategy is implemented by the top-level management.
TRUE 11. The business and functional level strategies must be efficiently implemented in order to achieve a
company’s objectives.
TRUE 12. Procedures specify the detailed or step-by-step process to be carried out to achieve the completion of
a program.
TRUE 13. The role and responsibilities of a CEO significantly influence the implementation of a strategy and
contribute to the success or failure of an entire company.
TRUE 14. The organizational performance directly related to the implementation of the corporate level strategy
and involves the growth of a company in terms of resources, profitability, market share, customer
value, and competitive advantage.
TRUE 15. A company must define its predetermined standards that will serve as the benchmark when evaluating
the performance of corporate level managers.
TRUE 16. Measure the actual performance using a performance evaluation tool which differ across business and
TRUE 17. A reliable and valid tool produces results that can be used as bases in making sound judgments.
TRUE 18. Traditional approach involves the use of accounting data presented in the financial statements of a
company and known as the financial ratio analysis because it involves ratio computation with the aid
of a standard formula.
TRUE 19. Total perspective approach – does not only evaluate the performance of a company in terms of its
financial areas but also considers the non-financial areas and intends to align business activities with
the vision, mission, goals, objectives, and strategies of a company; improve internal and external
communication; and monitor business performance against strategic goals.
TRUE 20. Compare the actual performance with the predetermined standards – must be systematically and
logically conducted and it is highly emphasized that the performance of managers is the final product
of their activities.
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PART II: ENUMERATION – List down what is asked.
1 to 5 The role and responsibilities of managers at various levels are broadly classified under the following
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling
6 to 8 Financial ratio analysis used in the traditional approach in the measure of the actual
performance evaluation tool:
6. Liquidity or short-term solvency
7. Stability or long-term solvency
8. Asset utilization
9. Profitability
10. Growth or market value
11 to 15 Take corrective measures – only performed when a company fails to implement its strategy properly and
can still improve its performance by taking corrective actions. This is a remedial approach to address the
root cause of the strategy’s failure. Taking corrective actions may appear in the following forms:
11. Revising the objective.
12. Revising the standards.
13. Revising the procedures.
14. Revising the support structures.
15. Revising the activity of a program.
16 to 19 Responsibility center approach is a unit in a company that is controlled by a manager who is accountable
based on an entrusted responsibility, as follows:
16. Revenue center
17. Profit center
18. Cost center
19. Investment center
20 to 23 Management audit approach is a systematic process of evaluating the performance, competence, and
capabilities of functional level managers and usually conducted by the internal audit staff of a company
under the supervision of the audit committee of the board of directors, as follows:
20. Financial audit
21. Operation audit
22. Human resources audit
23. Marketing audit
24 to 25 BONUS
PART III: FILL IN THE BLANKS – Choose the correct answer from the given words.
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