Os25368633 Ebi

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Features of ICICI Pru Future Perfect

ICICI Pru Future Perfect is designed to grow your wealth and provide a
lump sum amount at maturity. It also provides a life cover to take care
of your loved ones in your absence. Read on to know more about the
benefits of this policy.

What are the benefits of this policy?

a) Maturity Benefit: You will receive a lump sum at the end of the policy term i.e. in Jul 2035 . This lump sum is referred to as
‘Maturity Benefit’ in the EBI, which comprises of:
1. Guaranteed Maturity Benefit: You will receive a guaranteed lump sum of ` 4,78,800/-
10,00,000/- at the end of the policy term
i.e. in Jul
2. Guaranteed Additions:From Jul
2021 Augto Jul 2036 total amount
2026 of ` 1,14,000/-
5,00,000/- will be added to your policy.
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit + Guaranteed Additions = Total Guaranteed Benefit
3. Bonuses: Depending on the performance of the company, you may receive bonuses though-out the policy term.
For more details on this, please refer to the EBI (Electronic Benefit Illustration, which is a part of your Policy Document).
The below table shows the lump sum that you are likely to receive at two different scenarios:

Bonuses (B)
Total Guaranteed You will
Benefit (A) Assumed rate receive (A+B)
Bonus Amount
of return#
8% ` 4,27,744/- ` 10,20,544/-
` 5,92,800/-
4% 12,00,000/-
` 1,80,156/- 12,00,000/-
` 7,72,956/-
This maturity amount as well as the income mentioned above12,00,000/- 12,00,000/-
will be credited to your bank account no.
XX6622 registered with us.
b) Life Insurance Benefit: If the person whose life is covered under this policy passes away during the policy term, a
lump-sum amount will be paid out to the person specified by you (known as the Nominee) in your policy.
The amount which will be paid will be higher of the following:
1.Sum Assured on Death of ` 10,00,000/- + guaranteed additions along with any bonuses that have been
added to the policy;
2.105% of total premium paid as on the date of death.
For more details, please refer to the Policy Document.

The nominee can initiate the process of receiving this amount by visiting www.iciciprulife.com/claims.

The nominee details have been mentioned in the Policy Schedule in the upcoming pages.

c) Tax benefits: You can avail tax benefits on the premiums you pay towards this plan and the benefits you receive,
subject to conditions under section 80C,10(10D), 115BAC & other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax
laws are subject to amendments from time to time
10,00,000/- 6 months 10
<July 2040>.

Aug 2030 July 2080

How much premium do you need to pay?

Pay your premium of ` 1,00,000/- every year for 7 years. Stay invested till the end of policy term,
i.e. Jul 2036
What happens if you don’t pay premiums for the complete premium payment term?
It is in your best interest that you pay premiums till Jul 2030 and stay invested till Jul 2036 in this policy so that
you enjoy all the benefits of this policy. `

If you stop paying premiums after paying for at least two full years, your policy will continue with reduced benefits.
For more details, please refer to Part C Clause 4 of your Policy Document. If you stop paying premiums in the first
two years, no benefits will be payable.

For the purpose of illustration, the Company has assumed 8% and 4% as rates of investment returns. The returns shown in the illustration are not guaranteed and

they are not the upper or lower limits that you may get, as the value of the policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance.
“The values appearing in this feature document are based on the information provided and the type of cover sought by you in the duly filed proposal form. It is
pertinent to note that any change affected by you in the details provided in the proposal form may lead to a change in the benefits or premium payable under
this policy.”
IRDAI Reg No: 105. CIN: L66010MH2000PLC127837. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Registered Address: 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai-400025. UIN: 105N153V02. COMP/DOC/Sep/2023/189/4106.
Benefit Illustration for ICICI Pru Future Perfect

Proposal No : OS25368633
Name of the Prospect / Policyholder : Mrs. PARVATI JIGAR LIMBANI Name of the Product : ICICI Pru Future Perfect
Tag Line : Non Linked Participating Life
Individual Savings Product
Date of Birth(Age) : 14-Sep-1985 (38 Years) Gender of the Prospect / : FEMALE
Name of the Life Assured : Mrs. PARVATI JIGAR LIMBANI Unique Identification No. : 105N153V02
Date of Birth(Age) : 14-Sep-1985 (38 Years) GST and Cesses, if any, for : 4.5%
Year 1
Gender of the Life Assured : FEMALE
Policy Term : 12 Years GST and Cesses, if any, for : 2.25%
Year 2 Onwards
Premium Payment Term : 7 years Sales Channel : Corporate Agent
Amount of Instalment Premium : Rs 100,000/-
Mode of payment of Premium : Yearly

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of interest i.e., 8% p.a.
and 4% p.a.

Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life
insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits these will be clearly marked guaranteed in the illustration table on this page. If your
policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and
4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of
your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.

Policy Details
Policy Option - Sum Assured on Maturity (Guaranteed Maturity Benefit) Rs. Rs 478,800/-
Bonus Type Compound Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the policy) Rs. Rs 1,000,000/-

Premium Summary
Base Plan ICICI Pru Non-Linked ICICI Pru Non-Linked Total Instalment Premium
Accidental Death and Accidental Death and
Disability Rider (Accidental Disability Rider (Accidental
Death Benefit option) Total & Permanent Disability
Benefit option)
Instalment Premium without GST and Cesses, if any Rs 100,000/- - - Rs. 100,000/-
Instalment Premium with First Year GST and Cesses, if any Rs. 104,501/- - - Rs. 104,501/-
Instalment Premium with GST and Cesses, if any 2nd Year Onwards Rs. 102,251/- - - Rs. 102,251/-

Statement of various benefits over the duration of the policy with assumed gross interest rate as mentioned

Benefit summary Benefits @ 4% Benefits @ 8%

Total Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (A)=(i)+(ii) 592,800 592,800

Guaranteed Maturity Benefit(i) 478,800 478,800

Guaranteed Additions (ii) 114,000 114,000

Estimated Accumulated Reversionary Bonus 0 146,537

Estimated Terminal Bonus 180,156 281,207

Estimated Total Maturity Amount 772,956 1,020,544

(All charges are in Rupees)

Benefit Details
Guaranteed Benefits Non-Guaranteed Benefits @ Non-Guaranteed Benefits @ 8% p.a. Total Benefits including guaranteed and non-
4% p.a. guaranteed benefits
Maturity Benefit Death Benefit
Pol Single / GA Acc. GA Sur Surrender Death Maturity Re Ac Cas Surrender Rev. Bonus Acc. Rev. Ca Surrender Total Total Total Death Total Death
. Annualiz viv Benefit Benefit Benefit, v. c. h Benefit Bonus sh Benefit Maturity Maturity Benefit @ Benefit @
Ye ed al including Bo Re Bon Bo Benefit @ Benefit @ 4% 8%
ar Premium Be GA nus v. us nus 4% 8% (7+10+Termi (7+14+Termi
nefi Bo (8+10+Termi (8+14+Termi nal Bonus, if nal Bonus, if
t nus nal Bonus, if nal Bonus, if any) any)
any) any)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 100000 8000 8000 NA 0 1,008,000 NA 0 0 NA 0 10,773 10,773 NA 0 NA NA 1,008,000 1,018,773
2 100000 8000 16000 NA 70,400 1,016,000 NA 0 0 NA 70,400 11,015 21,788 NA 73,108 NA NA 1,016,000 1,037,788
3 100000 8000 24000 NA 120,720 1,024,000 NA 0 0 NA 120,720 11,264 33,052 NA 126,999 NA NA 1,024,000 1,057,052
4 100000 8000 32000 NA 253,120 1,032,000 NA 0 0 NA 253,120 11,516 44,568 NA 264,047 NA NA 1,032,000 1,076,568
5 100000 8000 40000 NA 329,100 1,040,000 NA 0 0 NA 409,314 11,776 56,344 NA 441,885 NA NA 1,040,000 1,096,344
6 100000 10000 50000 NA 410,500 1,050,000 NA 0 0 NA 523,478 12,041 68,385 NA 576,701 NA NA 1,050,000 1,118,385
7 100000 10000 60000 NA 497,000 1,060,000 NA 0 0 NA 642,251 12,311 80,696 NA 721,611 NA NA 1,060,000 1,140,696
8 0 10000 70000 NA 516,600 1,070,000 NA 0 0 NA 665,946 12,589 93,285 NA 774,300 NA NA 1,070,000 1,163,285
9 0 10000 80000 NA 525,800 1,080,000 NA 0 0 NA 690,489 12,872 106,157 NA 830,962 NA NA 1,080,000 1,186,157
10 0 10000 90000 NA 577,100 1,090,000 NA 0 0 NA 715,913 13,162 119,319 NA 891,919 NA NA 1,090,000 1,209,319
11 0 12000 102000 NA 649,890 1,102,000 NA 0 0 NA 742,247 13,457 132,776 NA 957,519 NA NA 1,102,000 1,234,776
12 0 12000 114000 NA 652,800 1,114,000 592,800 0 0 NA 772,956 13,761 146,537 NA 1,020,544 772,956 1,020,544 1,114,000 1,260,537

Pol. Yr - Policy Year, GA - Guaranteed Additions, Acc. GA - Accumulated Guaranteed Additions, Rev. Bonus - Reversionary Bonus, Acc. Rev. Bonus -
Accumulated Reversionary Bonus

Notes: Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders,
if any, and Applicable taxes


1. ICICI Pru Future Perfect is a savings and protection oriented plan.

2. ICICI Pru Future Perfect is only the name of the policy and does not in any way indicate the quality of the policy, its
future prospects or returns.
3. The above illustration is applicable to a standard life (from medical, life style and occupation point of view).
4. The main objective of the illustration is that the policyholder is able to understand the features of the product and the
nature of benefits under different circumstances with some level of quantification.
5. Once reversionary bonus is declared in any year and added to the policy, the bonus so added is guaranteed.
6. The Guaranteed surrender benefit shown above reflects the guaranteed surrender value excluding the guaranteed
surrender value of accrued reversionary bonuses. The Non guaranteed surrender benefit shown above reflects the
special surrender value.
7. The policy will acquire a surrender value after payment of two full years' premium. The surrender value payable will be
Guaranteed Surrender Value plus guaranteed surrender value of accrued reversionary bonuses, if any, plus
guaranteed surrender value of accrued GAs, at the point of surrender or Special Surrender Value, whichever is
higher.The displayed Special Surrender Values are not guaranteed and only indicative. These may change from time
to time subject to approval from IRDAI. The policyholder is advised to check the Special surrender value payable with
the company before surrendering.
8. The surrender values are illustrated assuming that all the instalment premiums payable in a policy year are paid and
that the event occurs at the end of the policy year. The surrender values will be lower than those illustrated above if
surrender takes place before the end of the policy year or if all the instalment premiums payable in that policy year
have not been paid.
9. Bonuses are indicative given gross returns of 4% and 8% and are at the discretion of the Company. Bonuses will vary
depending on the performance of the participating fund. They may also vary at a policy level and reflect your sum
assured, premium payment term, policy term and age.
10. For the purpose of illustrations, we have assumed 4% and 8% as the lower and the higher rates of investment returns
respectively, in the calculations. These are in accordance with the guidelines issued by IRDAI and in no way signify
our expectations of investment returns. The actual investment return may be higher or lower than the above rates.
11. The investment returns assumed should not be construed to be the range within which investment returns will fall.
12. The death benefit illustrated assume that the event occurs at the end of the policy year.
13. In case of non standard age proof, an additional charge of Rs. 2.50 per Rs. 1000 of Sum Assured on death will be
levied on an annual basis.
14. The loan amount available will be 80% of the surrender value.
15. In case of any conflict between this benefit illustration and your policy document, the latter shall prevail.
16. The above information must be read in conjunction with the sales brochure and policy document.
17. As per the Finance Act 2012, all policies issued from April 1, 2012, with premium to sum assured ratio of less than
1:10 and where death benefit at any time is less than 10 times premium, will not be eligible for tax benefit under
section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act. Further tax benefit u/s 80C for such policy will be limited only up to 10% of
Sum Assured. Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sec. 10 (10D) and Sec. 80C of the
Income Tax Act, 1961.
18. GST and Cesses, if any, shown above will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to
amendments from time to time.
19. For any further clarifications, policyholder can contact the advisor / FSC or e-mail us on lifeline@iciciprulife.com

I __________________________________, having received the information I _______________________________, have explained the

with respect to the above,have understood the above illustration before above illustration and the terms and conditions of this product to
entering into the contract. the Policyholder.

Policyholder's Signature :______________________________ Marketing official's Signature :______________________________

Place : Company Seal :
Date : Place :
Date :
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited.
1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400025
Email: lifeline@iciciprulife.com

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