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3900 Dr. Greaves Rd. • Kansas City, MO 64030 • (816) 761-7476 • FAX (816) 765-8955

The FSD60-3 is a combination fire and smoke damper designed with
airfoil blades for the lowest pressure drop that provides point-of-ori-
gin fire containment and operational flexibility in static and dynamic
smoke management systems. The FSD60-3 may be installed verti-
cally in walls or horizontally in concrete floors and has been qualified
to 2,000 fpm and 4" w.g. on all sizes and 4,000 fpm and 8" w.g. on
select sizes (consult Ruskin for size information).


Description FSD60-3
5" x 16 gauge (127 x 1.6) MAXIMUM OPERATIONAL RATINGS
galvanized, single piece, hat-
Frame shaped channel, structurally Description FSD60-3
superior to 13 (2.4) gauge channel
frame. UL555S Leakage
Class I
One-piece airfoil, nominal 6"
(152) wide and 14 (2.0) gauge UL555 Hourly
galvanized steel equivalent Hour
Blades Rating
strength. Blades are
approximately 6" (152) on center. Maximum Velocity 4000 FPM (20.3 m/s)
Stainless steel sleeve type,
Bearings pressed into frame. Maximum Pressure 8 in. wg (2kPa)

Stainless steel, flexible metal 350°F (177°C)

Jamb Seals compression type.

Silicone edge type for smoke OPTIONS

seal to 450°F (232°C) and • FM Approvals as Specification Tested Product.
Blade Seals galvanized steel for flame seal to • DTS (Damper Test Switch) test switch for cycle testing.
• TS150 for reopenable operation in dynamic smoke management
1900°F (1038°C) mechanically
fastened to the blade edge.
• DSDF/DSDN Duct Smoke Detector (Flow rated or No-Flow).
• SP100 Switch Package to allow remote indication of damper
Linkage Concealed in frame.
blade position.
• MCP control panels for testing or monitoring purposes or smoke
DAMPEr SIzES management systems.
Sizes indicated below are for ratings of • Factory Sleeves of various lengths and gauges to ensure field
2000 FPM (10.2 m/s) and 4 in. w.g. (1 kPa). compliance with UL installation requirements.
MINIMUM SIzE • PFMA Angles factory supplied for labor saving angles two-side
8"w x 6"h (203 x 152). installation. Other angles of various sizes and gauges also
MAXIMUM SIzE available for two-side installation.
Single Section • Stainless Steel Linkage – 304 stainless steel.
30"w x 48"h (762 x 1219)
Multiple Section
Vertical Installation – 120"w x 96"h (3048 x 2438) UL CLASSIFIED
Horizontal Installation – 144"w x 96"h (3658 x 2438) UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Listing R5531
EFL (Electric Fuse Link) - 165°F (74°C) standard. 212°F (100°C), Model FSD60-3 meets the requirements for fire, smoke and
250°F (121°C), 350°F (177°C) available. combination fire and smoke dampers established by:
PFL (Pneumatic Fuse Link) - 165°F (74°C) standard. 212°F (100°C), • National Fire Protection Association NFPA Standards
285°F (141°C) available. 90A, 92A, 92B, 101 and 105.
NOTES • ICC International Building Codes
1. Damper are furnished approximately 1/4" (6) smaller than given • CSFM California State Fire Marshal
opening dimensions. Listing (#3225-245:1026)
• New York City (MEA 252-05-3)
2. Dimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters


Ruskin Company certifies that the

FSD60-3 shown hereon is licensed
to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings
shown are based on tests and pro-
cedures performed in accordance
with AMCA Publication 511 and
comply with the requirements of the
AMCA Certified Ratings Program.
The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal
applies to air performance for the

To determine the AMCA Licensed air performance:

Locate the applicable feet per minute face velocity on the bottom of the velocity vs. pressure drop chart below. Move up the chart to the most
appropriate size damper line. From the intersection point, move left to determine the pressure drop on the left side of the chart.
For other damper sizes refer to Air Performance Data For All Fire and Smoke Dampers spec sheet.




AMCA Fig. 5.3
The ʻLʼ dimension is the distance from the end of the sleeve to the damper. The
standard damper location in the sleeve provides enough space for the actuator,
controls, mounting angles and duct connection. The standard sleeve length for
FSDʼs is 20" (508) long and the standard ʻLʼ dimension is 105/8" (270). The standard
‘L’ dimension allows the end of the sleeve to be a minimum of 105/8" (270) to the
wall/floor and up to a maximum of 121/2" (318) to the wall/floor.
*The EFL, PFL, SP100 or TS150 location may be located above, below or on the side of
the actuator depending upon the dampers height.
Optional 17" (432) long sleeve length available. Due to space limitations for actuators
and controls with 17" (432) long sleeves, the damper height (‘B’ dimension) is restricted
to the dimensions shown on the chart below. Consult Ruskin for other sleeve lengths.

Note: The 21" (4533) dimension becomes 32" (813) when the MS4120, FSNF, FSAF
and GGD series are utilized.


Combination fire smoke dampers are required by

the UL listing to have all actuators and acces-
sories factory mounted, wired and/or piped. The
Ruskin standard is for the actuator to be located
on the right hand side of the damper (onto a fac-
tory installed sleeve or side plate) as viewed from
the jackshaft face of the unit. Larger units may
require multiple actuators which are located on
the right, left and maybe internal mount locations.
See the “Multiple Section Detail” specification
sheet for details. Ruskin’s fire smoke dampers
are not air flow directional, so the dampers may NOTES
be rotated 180° or turned over as long as the 1. The dimensions shown in the chart above are for dampers 14" (356)
blades are running horizontally in a position to tall.
accommodate installation obstructions. 2. Dampers shorter than 14" (356) tall, increase the "T" dimension by
The adjacent chart indicates an “S” and a “T” 1" (25) for every 1" (25) the damper is less than 14" (356).
dimension for the space envelope that each actu- Ruskin recommends 6" (152) of 3. Dampers taller than 14" (356) high reduce the "T" dimension by 1"
ator requires for installation. The “S” dimension is additional space beyond the “S” (25) for every 1" (25) the damper height is greater than 14" (356).
the “side” clearance, the “T” dimension is the dimension for ease of mainte- Example:
“top” clearance required for the various actuators nance. a) 12" (305) tall damper with a FSLF actuator, “T” = 2" (52) and “S” = 4"
approved for use with Ruskin fire smoke (102).
dampers. b) 18" (457) tall damper with a FSNF actuator, “T” = 1" (25) and “S” =
5" (127).


Ruskin model FSD60-3 has been tested for internal mount

actuators and accessories. These applications may be
preferred where space is limited on the outside of the
damper. Internally mounted actuators do not require the
damper to have a factory installed sleeve or side plate.


FSD60-3 Series dampers may be supplied with Round, Oval and MINIMUM and MAXIMUM SIzES
Rectangular duct connections. round Transitions
Style Description Minimum 4" (102) diameter
B Units Under 6" (152) Tall Maximum 94" (2388) diameter
r Round Non-Sealed (Low Pressure) rectangular and Oval Transitions
Cr Round Sealed (Medium Pressure) Minimum 6"w x 4"h (152 x 102)
Maximum 118"w x 94"h (2997 x 2388) in diameter
Wr Round Welded (High Pressure)
C Rectangular Sealed (Low and Medium Pressure) ʻBʼ Style Transitions
Minimum height 4" (102) ‘B’ style transitions are utilized on units
WC Rectangular Welded (High Pressure)
where the damper height is less than 6" (152).
LO Oval Non-Sealed (Low Pressure)
Consult Ruskin for other available styles and sizes.
CO Oval Sealed (Medium Pressure)
WO Oval Welded (High Pressure) Note: For low and medium pressure units (Styles R, CR, C and
The square damper size will be 2" (51) larger in width and height CO) the collar extends 11/2" (38) beyond the sleeve length and for
than the round, oval or rectangular duct size ordered. high pressure units (Styles WR, WC and WO) the collar extends
21/2" (64) beyond the sleeve length.

Approximate damper assembly weight: 17 lbs. per sq. ft. for Style A

Combination fire smoke dampers meeting or exceeding the following Combination fire smoke dampers and their actuators shall be quali-
specifications shall be furnished and installed at locations shown on fied in accordance with UL555S to an elevated temperature of 250°F
plans or as described in schedules. Combination fire smoke dampers (121°C) or 350°F (177°C) depending upon the actuator. Appropriate
shall be produced in an ISO 9001 certified factory and shall be war- electric or pneumatic actuators (specifier select one) shall be
ranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a installed by the damper manufacturer at time of damper fabrication.
period of 5 years after date of shipment. Dampers shall meet the Electric actuators, factory installed on dampers, shall have been
requirements of NFPA80, 90A, 92A, 92B, 101 and 105 and shall tested for prolonged periods of holding (minimum 1 year) with no evi-
have a fire rating of 3 hours in accordance with the latest edition of dence of reduced spring return performance. Each damper shall be
UL555 and shall be classified as Leakage Class I Smoke Dampers in rated for leakage and airflow in either direction through the damper.
accordance with the latest version of UL555S. Dampers shall be In addition to the leakage ratings already specified, the dampers
AMCA Licensed and the product literature shall bear the AMCA certi- shall be AMCA licensed for Air Performance.
fied rating seal for air performance. AMCA certified testing shall verify Optional FM Approvals Specification
pressure drop does not exceed .03" w.g. on a 24" x 24" (305 x 305)
damper at a face velocity of 1000 fpm. Each combination fire smoke damper shall be listed in Factory
Mutual (FM) approvals Specification Tested Product and labeled
Damper frame (when size permits) shall be constructed using the accordingly.
UniFrame Design Concept (UDC) and shall be minimum 16 gauge
(1.6) galvanized steel formed into a structural hat channel superior to Combination fire smoke dampers shall be Ruskin FSD60-3.
13 gauge (2.4) channel frame. Damper blades shall be single piece (Consult www.ruskin.com for electronic version of this “Quick” spec
airfoil shaped with 14 (2.0) gauge equivalent strength. Blade edge as well as for complete 3-part CSI MasterFormat Specifications)
seals shall be inflatable silicone mechanically locked into blade edge.
Jamb seals shall be stainless steel compression type. Bearings shall
be stainless steel, permanently lubricated sleeve type turning in an
extruded hole in the frame for maximum life.

3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.

Kansas City, MO 64030
(816) 761-7476
FAX (816) 765-8955

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