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DSS-I - ANPC Syllabus - 240426 - 230220

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Design of Steel Structures-I

Sem -VI
General Course Information:
Course Code: PEC-CVE308-T Course Assessment Methods (Internal: 30; External: 70) Two
minor test
Course Credits: 3 cach of 20marks- class performance measurcd through
percentage of lecture
Mode: Lecture (L) attended (4 marks)- assignments and quiz etc. (6 marks) and end semester
Type: PCC examination of 70 marks.
Contact Hours: 3 hours (L)
Examination Duration: 03 hours. For the end semester examination- nine questions are to be set by the examiner.
Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It
will contain seven short answer type questions. Rest of the eight questions is to
be given by setting two questions from cach of the four units of the syllabus. A
candidate is required to attempt any other four questions selecting one from
each of the four units. All questions carry equal marks.

Course outcomes
S. No. Course outcomnes RBT* Level

Atthe end of the course students will be able to:

CO1 Understandvarious aspects of the designs of steel structures L2 (Understanding)
CO2 Apply the IS codes of practice for the design of steel structural elements. L3(Applying)

CO3 Analyze and design the behavior of various connections for both axial and L4 (Analyzing)
eccentric forces.

CO4 Examine and differentiate between gantry and plate girders L4 (Analyzing)
COS Design of compression and flexural members using simple and built-up L6(Creating)

*Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Course Contents


Introduction: Properties of structural steel. I.S.Rolled sections and I.S. specification.

Connections: Importnce- various types of connections- simple and moment resistant- riveted- bolted and welded

Design of Tension Members;htroduction- types of tension members- net sectional areas- design of tension
members- lug angles and splices.

Design of Compression Members: Introduction- effective length and slenderness ratio- various types of sections
used for columns- built up columns- necessity- design of built up columns- laced and battened columns including
the design of lacing and battens- design of eccentrically loaded compression mnembers.

Column Bases and Footings: Introduction- types of column bases- design of slab base and gusseted base- design of
gusseted base subjected to eccentrically loading- design of grillage foundations.


Design of Beams: Introduction- types of sections- general design criteria for beams- design of laterallysupported
and unsupported beams- design of built up beams- web buckling- web crippling and diagonal buckling.

Gantry Girders: Introduction- various loads- specifications- design of gantry girder.

PlateGirder: Introduction- clements of plate girder- design steps of a plate girder- necessity of stiffeners in plate
girder- various types of stiffeners- web and flange splices (brief introduction)- Curtailment of flange plates- design
beam to coiumn connections: Introduction- design of framed and seat connection.


1. Duggal- S.K. Limit State Design of Steel structures- McGraw Hill (2009.)
2. Ajmani- A. L. and Arya- A. S.- Design of Steel Structures- Nem Chand and Brothers (2000).
3. Subramanya- N- Design of Steel Structures- N. Subramanian- Oxford University Press(2008).
4. Design of steel structures, A.S.Arya &J.LAjmani, Nem chand &Bros., Roorkee.
5. Design of steel structures, M.Raghupati, TMH Pub., New Delhi.
6. Design of steel structures, S.M.A.Kazmi &S.K.Jindal, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
7. Design of steel structures, S.K.Duggal, TMH Pub.,New Delhi.

Air andNoise Pollution Control

Sem VI

General Course Information:

Course Code: PEC-CVE350.T Course Assessment Methods (nternal: 30; External: 70) Two minor test each of
CourscChdits: 3 20marks, class performance measured through percentage of lecture attended (4 marks).
Mode: Leture(L) assignments and quiz etc. (6 marks) and end semester examination of 70 marks.
Type: PE For the end semcster cxamination, nine qucstions are to be set by the examiner. Question
Contact Hours: 3 hours (L) number one will bc compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It will contain seven short
Examination Duration: 03 hours.
answer type questions. Rest of the cight questions is to be given by setting two questions
from cach of thefour units of the syllabus. A candidate is rcquired to attempt any other four
questions sclccting onc from cach of the four units. Allquestions carry equal marks.

Course outcomes

RBT Level
Sr. No. Course outcomes
Atthe endof the course students willbe able to:
Understand sources of air pollution ,air pollution problems LI(Remembering)
Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of study the effect of meteorological parameters in L3(Applying))
the dispersion of air pollutants
CO3 Analyze Environment legislation and regulations for air and noise pollution LA(Analyzing)

C04 Evaluate efficiency of various air pollution controldevices used for particulate LS(Evaluating)
Design, operate and control the devices used for gaseous emission control and noise Ló(Creating)
emission control

Course Contents
Air pollutants, Sources, classification, Combustion Processes and pollutant emission, Effects on Health, vegetation,
materials and atmosphere, Reactions of pollutants in the atmosphere and their effects,Smoke, smog and ozone layer
disturbance, Greenhouse effect.

Air sampling and pollution measurement methods, principles and instruments, ambient air quality and emission
standards, Air pollution indices, Air Act, legislation and regulations

Control principles, Removal of gaseous pollutants by adsorption, absorption, reaction and other methods. Particulate
emission control, settling chambers, cyclone separation, Wet collectors, fabric filters, clectrostatic precipitators and
other removal methods likeabsorption, adsorption, precipitation etc. Biological ait pollution controltechnologies,
Indoor air quality.

Noise pollution: Basics of acoustics and specification of sound, sound power, sound intensity and sound
ls plane. point and line sources, multiple sources; outdoor and indoor noise
propagation; psychoacoustics and
aise criteria. effects of noise on health, annoyance rating schemes; special noise environments: Infrasound,
lrasound. impulsive sound and sonic boom; noise standards and limit values; noise instrumentation and monitoring
procedure. Noise indices. Noise control methods

1.C. S.Rao, "Environmental Pollution Control Engineering'", Wiley

Eastern Limited, 2000.
2. M. N. Rao, H. V. N. Rao, Air pollution, Tata
McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1993.
3. G.K. Nagi, M.K. Dhillon, G.S. Dhaliwal, Commonwealth Publishers, Noise Pollution.
4. S.K.Garg, Khanna publishers, Sewage
Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering.
5. S.M. Khopkar, Environmental pollution analysis, New Age
International Publications

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