ML Refresher Exam Paper

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ML Refresher Exam

Machine Learning Refresher [Time: 2 hrs.]

[Total Marks: 50]

Perform the following tasks: Marks

Q.1 Perform Feature Engineering [10]
a) Perform basic exploration like checking for top 5
records, shape, statistical info, duplicates, Null values
b) Extract Date, Month, Year from Date of Journey
Q.2 Perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) tasks [6]
a) Which airline is most preferred airline
c) Find the majority of the flights take off from which
d) Find maximum flights land in which destination
Q.3 Compare independent features with Target feature to
check the impact on price [4]
a) Which airline has the highest price
b) Check if the business class flights are high price or
low and find only those flights which price is higher
than 50k
Q.4 Perform encoding for the required features according to
the data [5]
Q.5 Build multiple model by using different algorithm such
as Linear Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest [10]
etc. and check the performance of your model.
Q.6 Compare all of the models and justify your choice about
the optimum model by using different evaluation [8]
technique and tune the models as per the requirement.
Q.7 Write a conclusion from the business point of view.
Finally perform the same preprocessing technique for [7]
test data best practice using pipeline.
ML Refresher Exam

Visualization Exam Paper [Time: 2 hrs.]

[Total Marks: 50]

Perform the following tasks: Marks

The data given contains the information about Ice-Cream Sales [5]

1. Data Gathering / Requirement:

Assemble a sales report with different visuals to best show the
Sales Insights in one page Dashboard. Feel free to use your
imagination to best represent the data you have available.

1. Categories (Excel)
2. Geography (Excel)
3. SalesRep (Excel)
4. Product (CSV)
5. SubCategories (Excel)
6. Sales (folder by year)

Create a mechanism to load all the files from the sales folder in
a single Sales fact table.
2. Data Modeling:
Do the respective transformations to the Sales fact table in
order to split the Country form the City in field “Location”.
Make sure you set up the correct Data Type to allow Geo maps.
Do the necessary updates in the Date field to make sure you can
setup the Date format.
Create unique key (GeoKey) in Sales and Geography table

3. DAX calculations (Data Analysis Expression)

Calculate Total Revenue in Sales table, using the Product’s
Retail Price, and multiplying it by the Units.
Calculate Total Cost in Sales table, using the Product’s Standard
Cost, and multiplying it by the Units.
ML Refresher Exam

Calculate Gross Profit in Sales: Total Revenue – Total Cost

4. Dashboard Details [35]

1. Create a slicer for Country, Year, Month Name

2. Create a card for Total Revenue, Gross Profit, Unit Sold
3. Create a Pie Chart on Total Revenue by Subcategory
4. Create a Donut Chart on Total Revenue by Category
5. Breakdown Analysis by Product over the year by Total
6. Total Revenue by Product name and Subcategory Name
using stacked column chart
7. Place all the graphs together to create an effective

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