Data Transmission Chapter 2 (Computer Science) (IGCSE)

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Prepared for King Lol for personal use only.

Serial Parallel

1. Data Transmission Better for longer distances

(Telephone Lines)
Better for short distances
(Internal circuits)
Expensive (More hardware
1.1. Types and Methods of Data Cheaper Option
Transmission Used when the size of data Used when speed is
transmitted is small necessary
Data Packets Slower Option Faster than Serial

Packet Structure -
1.2. Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Contains the IP address of the sender and the
USB is an asynchronous serial data transmission method
USB consists of:
The sequence number of the packet
Four-wire shielded cable
Size of the packet
Two wires are used for power and earth
Two wires are used in data transmission
Contains the actual data
Advantages Disadvantages
Includes a method of identifying the end of the
Transmission rate is less than
packet Automatically detected
120 MB/sec
Error-Checking methods
Packet Switching - Method of data transmission where the Only fit one way, prevents Maximum cable length is
data is broken into multiple packets. Packets are then sent incorrect connections about 5 metres
independently from start to end and reassembled at the Different data transmission
receiver’s computer. rates
Backwards compatible
Advantages Disadvantages
There is no need to create a
Packets may be lost
single line of communication
Possible to overcome failed or More prone to errors in real- 1.3. Methods of Error Detection
busy nodes time streaming
Delay at the receiver while
Parity Checks
High data transmission speed the packets are being re-
It uses the number of 1-bits in a byte
Type Types -
Easy to expand package Even - Even number of 1-bits
usage Odd - Odd numbers of 1-bits
Example (Even Parity) -
Data Transmission
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Simplex data transmission is in one direction only (e.g.
computer to printer) The LMB (Left-Most Bit) is the parity bit. As the number of
Half-duplex data transmission is in both directions but not 1s is even, the parity bit would be set to even.
at the same time (e.g., in a phone conversation where Limitations with Parity Checks
only one person speaks) Two bits may change during transmission; therefore error
Full-duplex data transmission is in both directions is not found
simultaneously (e.g. broadband connection on the phone Even though the parity checks would reveal the errors, the
line) bit(s) changed wouldn’t be identified
Serial data transmission is when data is sent one bit at a
time over a single wire Parity Blocks
Parallel data transmission is when data of several bits (1
byte) are sent down several wires at the same time. To overcome the limitations of parity bits, Parity blocks
would be used.
Comparison of Serial and Parallel Data Transmission

Serial Parallel

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authoris
for personal use only by King Lol at Drv on 17/05/24.

Automatic Repeat Requests (ARQs)

Uses acknowledgements and timeouts to make sure the

user received the data
The receiver would check the data for any errors; if none
are found, a positive acknowledgement is sent to the
sender. However, if errors are found, a negative
acknowledgement will be sent, and the data will be sent
The sender uses timeouts to wait for a pre-determined
Any changes in bits would be identified through the rows amount for the acknowledgement.
and columns If no acknowledgements are received after the timeout,
the data will be sent again to the receiver.

Whenever a block of data needs to be sent, the sender

1.4. Encryption
would calculate the checksum value using a specific
Encryption is a process of turning the data into an
unreadable form so it doesn’t make sense to hackers and
Once the data has been sent, The receiver would
other attackers.
calculate the checksum again with the same set of data
and the same algorithm used before.
Plaintext and Ciphertext
The receiver would then compare the value received and
the newly calculated value. If they aren’t matched, A
Plaintext is the original data that is being sent
request is made to re-send the data. Ciphertext is the text produced after encryption

Echo Check Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

Once the data has been sent, The receiver will send the Symmetric Encryption:
data back to the sender for verification.
It uses an encryption key for the encryption process;
The sender would compare the received and original data the same key is used for encrypting and decrypting
for errors. the data.
The only downside is that we wouldn’t know if the error Asymmetric Encryption:
occurred when sending the data or sending the data back Uses a public key and a private key. The public key is
for verification.
available to everyone, whereas the private key is only
available to the user.
Check Digits The receiver would have the private key, and they
would send the public key to the sender. The sender
Check digits are calculated from all the other digits in the
can encrypt the message with the public key, and the
data (ex-codes). The check digit would be the last digit of
data can be decrypted using the private key.
the code.
These are used to identify mistyping errors such as -
6372 typed as 6379
8432 typed as 842

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authoris
for personal use only by King Lol at Drv on 17/05/24.
Computer Science

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