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Himachal Pradesh Public

Service Commission

No. 3-21/2023-PSC (Exam) Dated: 23-07-2024



On the basis of the performance in Preliminary

Examination conducted on 30/06/2024, the Candidates with the following Roll
Numbers have qualified for admission to the HPAS (Main) Examination, 2024.
The Candidature of these candidates is provisional.
30600054 30600137 30600526 30600540 30600550 30600593
30600611 30600627 30600668 30600686 30600708 30600782
30600874 30600967 30601056 30601104 30601116 30601276
30601305 30601416 30601437 30601555 30601578 30601609
30601637 30601642 30601701 30601919 30602049 30602057
30602065 30602066 30602131 30602145 30602156 30602254
30602298 30602479 30602619 30602632 30602680 30602695
30602775 30602793 30602812 30602893 30602919 30603117
30603256 30603304 30603313 30603567 30603607 30603724
30603738 30603748 30603764 30603997 30604097 30604127
30604143 30604273 30604276 30604305 30604316 30604353
30604359 30604376 30604384 30604419 30604422 30604493
30604500 30604504 30604549 30604584 30604599 30604606
30604743 30604766 30604773 30604901 30605009 30605030
30605038 30605166 30605259 30605261 30605276 30605347
30605438 30605513 30605525 30605535 30605579 30605625
30605671 30605715 30605722 30605784 30605972 30605975
30606005 30606061 30606076 30606122 30606179 30606236
30606271 30606309 30606397 30606693 30606789 30606869
30606953 30607022 30607033 30607097 30607201 30607381
30607498 30607560 30607610 30607646 30607682 30607707
30607722 30607729 30607770 30607845 30607981 30607994
30608027 30608070 30608227 30608267 30608334 30608402
30608410 30608417 30608419 30608429 30608477 30608536
30608600 30608670 30608759 30608890 30608991 30609093
30609114 30609233 30609406 30609555 30609617 30609781
30609793 30609853 30609860 30609899 30609938 30609953
30610082 30610083 30610090 30610294 30610309 30610483
30610498 30610553 30610603 30610645 30610677 30610744
30610791 30610925 30610959 30610976 30610992 30611060
30611125 30611143 30611245 30611329 30611368 30611697
30611716 30611719 30611756 30611853 30611866 30611893
30611989 30612036 30612092 30612122 30612243 30612467
30612489 30612516 30612595 30612597 30612614 30612708
30612761 30612769 30612956 30613096 30613291 30613396
30613417 30613738 30613787 30613908 30613931 30613994
30614001 30614266 30614552 30614898 30614923 30614942
30614978 30615048 30615074 30615088 30615114 30615139
30615341 30615354 30615455 30615479 30615517 30615642
30615683 30615719 30615805 30615839 30615845 30615934
30615944 30615948 30615962 30616021 30616047 30616060
30616089 30616159 30616338 30616366 30616384 30616464
30616561 30616626 30616712 30616766 30616877 30616941
30617215 30617344 30617426 30617682 30617818 30617869
30617913 30618007 30618021 30618023 30618035 30618082
30618241 30618295 30618346 30618393 30618424 30618454
30618468 30618621 30618626 30618756 30618856 30618886
30618893 30619008 30619080 30619121 30619148 30619187
30619285 30619289 30619362 30619427 30619440 30619475
30619510 30619613 30619754 30619775 30619796 30619856
30619894 30619928 30620151 30620195 30620219 30620241
30620310 30620367 30620368 30620377 30620435 30620496
30620600 30620681 30620823 30620824 30620870 30620893
30620905 30621003 30621063 30621098 30621140 30621151
30621166 30621228 30621267 30621299 30621320 30621419
30621502 30621522 30621556 30621596 30621629 30621635
30621742 30621830 30621878 30621903 30621933 30621948
30621949 30621996 30622038 30622067 30622124 30622130
30622193 30622195 30622199 30622217 30622459 30622557
30622578 30622697 30622811 30622814 30622818 30622820
30622850 30622853 30622854 30622943 30623040 30623136
30623150 30623255 30623260 30623330 30623333 30623386
30623402 30623473 30623477 30623618 30623640 30623695
30623698 30623734 30623742 30623761 30623819 30623843
30623932 30624011 30624026 30624035 30624081 30624104
30624147 30624169 30624208 30624239 30624286 30624389
30624423 30624493 30624494 30624520 30624589 30624668
30624685 30624699 30624999 30625084 30625318 30625331
30625366 30625422 30625468 30625519 30625556 30625628
30625665 30625747 30625801 30625845 30625873 30625909
30626023 30626035 30626211 30626282 30626331 30626340
30626341 30626355 30626368 30626423 30626429 30626446
30626455 30626483 30626506 30626570 30626645 30626667
30626722 30626793 30626948 30626998 30627076 30627103
30627122 30627267 30627319 30627322 30627338 30627367
30627394 30627664 30627681 30627719 30627951 30628042
30628257 30628445 30628534 30628560 30628800 30628829
30628854 30628906 30628943 30628952 30628967 30629006
30629018 30629112 30629117 30629135 30629175 30629227
30629250 30629269 30629326 30629332 30629408 30629491
30629514 30629826 30630023 30630034 30630258 30630294
30630331 30630332 30630515 30630537 30630559 30630701
30630751 30630816 30630912 30630952 30630986 30631066
30631126 30631165 30631168 30631228 30631236 30631299
30631318 30631345 30631371 30631420 30631521 30631522
30631527 30631543 30631635 30631655 30631690 30631696
30631739 30631763 30631766 30631785 30631801 30631829
30631857 30631965 30632011 30632113 30632138 30632140
30632153 30632190 30632236 30632269 30632271 30632332

In accordance with the provisions of Rules, all qualified

candidates have to apply afresh for the HPAS (Main) Examination, 2024 for which
the link will be activated by 27/07/2024. The closing date for submitting online
applications for the Main Examination has been fixed as 16/08/2024. Important
instructions for filling up of the online application forms will be uploaded on the
website of the Commission shortly.

It is also for the information of all concerned that the
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has decided to modify/change the
pattern/format of questions in General Studies Paper-I, II and III from H.P.
Administrative Service Competitive (Main) Examination-2024 onwards as under:-

Sr. Nature of Total number Maximum Word limit

No. question to be of questions marks
1 Medium answer 10 questions 08 150 words
type questions
2 Long answer 10 questions 12 225 words
Total 20 questions 200 marks 3750 words

The Candidates are also informed that marks, Cut-off

marks of HPAS Examination-2024 will be uploaded on the Commission’s
website, only after the entire process of the Examination is over, i.e. after the
declaration of final result.
The result is also available on the website of the
Commission i.e. http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc.
Although every care has been taken in preparing the
result, possibility of inadvertent/ technical error cannot be ruled out. The
commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.

In case of any query, the candidates may contact on

telephone No. 0177-2629738, 2624313 and Toll free No. 1800-180-8004.

(Sushma Watts) HAS,
Additional Secretary,
H.P. Public Service Commission
Tel. Phone No. 0177-2624313

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