CSA13 List of Experiments - 40
CSA13 List of Experiments - 40
CSA13 List of Experiments - 40
1. Write a C program to simulate a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) for the given
language representing strings that start with a and end with a
2. Write a C program to simulate a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) for the given
language representing strings that start with 0 and end with 1
3. Write a C program to check whether a given string belongs to the language defined
by a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
S → 0A1 A → 0A | 1A | ε
4. Write a C program to check whether a given string belongs to the language defined
by a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
S → 0S0 | 1S1 | 0 | 1 | ε
5. Write a C program to check whether a given string belongs to the language defined
by a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
S → 0S0 | A A → 1A | ε
6. Write a C program to check whether a given string belongs to the language defined
by a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
S → 0S1 | ε
7. Write a C program to check whether a given string belongs to the language defined
by a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
S → A101A, A → 0A | 1A | ε
8. Write a C program to simulate a Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) for the
given languagerepresenting strings that start with b and end with a
9. Write a C program to simulate a Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) for the
given languagerepresenting strings that start with o and end with 1
10. Write a C program to find ε -closure for all the states in a Non-Deterministic Finite
Automata (NFA) with ε -moves.
11. Write a C program to find ε -closure for all the states in a Non-Deterministic Finite
Automata (NFA) with ε -moves.
12. Design DFA using simulator to accept the input string “a” ,”ac”,and ”bac”.
13. Design PDA using simulator to accept the input string aabb
14. Design PDA using simulator to accept the input string anb2n
15. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string anbn
16. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string anb2n
17. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string Palindrome ababa
18. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string ww
19. Design TM using simulator to perform addition of ‘aa’ and ‘aaa’
20. Design TM using simulator to perform subtraction of aaa-aa
21. Design DFA using simulator to accept even number of a’s.
22. Design DFA using simulator to accept odd number of a’s
23. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string the end with ab over set {a,b)
W= aaabab
24. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string having ‘ab’ as substring over the set
25. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string start with a or b over the set {a,b}
26. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string Palindrome bbabb
27. Design TM using simulator to accept the input string wcw
28. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string the end with ab over set {a,b)
W= abbaabab
29. Design DFA using simulator to accept the input string “bc” ,”c”,and ”bcaaa”.
30. Design NFA to accept any number of a’s where input={a,b}.
31. Design PDA using simulator to accept the input string anbn
32. Design TM using simulator to perform string comparison where w={aba aba}
33. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string having ‘abc’ as substring over the
set {a,b,c}
34. Design DFA using simulator to accept even number of c’s over the set {a,b,c}
35. Design DFA using simulator to accept strings in which a’s always appear tripled
over input {a,b}
36. Design NFA using simulator to accept the string the start with a and end with b over
set {a,b} and check W= abaab is accepted or not.
37. Design NFA using simulator to accept the string that start and end with different
symbols over the input {a,b}.
38. Design NFA using simulator to accept the input string “bbc” ,”c”,and ”bcaaa”.
39. Design DFA using simulator to accept the string the end with abc over set {a,b,c)
W= abbaababc
40. Design NFA to accept any number of b’s where input={a,b}.