Gunsmith Draft
Gunsmith Draft
Gunsmith Draft
Class Features
As a Gunsmith, you gain the following class features:
Quick Fix
Gained at: Gunsmith level 1
Cost: Reaction, 1 Grit
You can spend 1 Grit to repair a misfired weapon of any willing creature within 5ft as a
reaction. Additionally, all firearms have a misfire score of 0 while you wield them.
Scout's Dishonor
Gained at: Gunsmith level 2
Cost: Action, 1 Grit
Beginning at 2nd level, you know how to craft and employ various items to your
advantage. Provided you have the materials, you can craft the following items:
Smoke Dynamite
Bottled Fire
Bear Trap
Rattler Nectar
Throwing Knife
These items can be crafted over the course of a short or long rest. Additionally, you can
spend 1 Grit to quickly craft one of these items as an action.
Frontier Modifications
Gained at: Gunsmith level 3
Cost: Long Rest per modification
Duration: Until replaced
Limit: 3 modifications known
At higher levels: +2 known modifications at Gunsmith level 6 and 9
Beginning at 3rd level, you can modify the gear of yourself and your allies. You learn three
modifications of your choice, which are detailed under “Modifications” below.
Each time you long rest, you can apply one modification to an item. Modifications need
maintenance to keep their benefits, meaning each modification can only apply to one
item at a time. If the modification is applied to a new item, the previous item loses the
You learn two additional modifications of your choice at 6th level, and two more at 9th
Improved Rifling:
Requires: Any firearm
The weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. This bonus
increases to +2 when you reach Gunsmith level 10.
Longer Barrel:
Requires: Any firearm
The weapon gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with it, and its normal range
increases by 10 feet. These bonuses increases to +2 and 20 feet when you reach
Gunsmith level 10.
Requires: Any firearm
The weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with it, and its normal range
increases by 10 feet. These bonuses increases to +2 and 20 feet when you reach
Gunsmith level 10.
Efficient Loading:
Requires: Any firearm
The weapon gains a +1 bonus to its reload score. This bonus increases to +2 when
you reach Gunsmith level 10.
Advanced Lubricant:
Requires: Any firearm
The weapon gains a -2 reduction to its misfire score (minimum 1). At Gunsmith level
10, the weapon's misfire score becomes 0.
Polished Steel:
Requires: Any knife, hatchet or dusters
The weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. This bonus
increases to +2 when you reach Gunsmith level 10.
Padded Clothing:
Requires: Any light or medium armor
The clothing gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class granted to creatures wearing it. This
bonus increases to +2 when you reach Gunsmith level 10.
Reinforced Plates:
Requires: Any heavy armor
The armor gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class granted to creatures wearing it. This
bonus increases to +2 when you reach Gunsmith level 10.
Trick Hat:
Requires: Any hat
While wearing this hat, a critical hit attack against the creature becomes a miss. This
can happen once per long rest.
Grit Whisky:
Requires: Any flask
When a creature takes a swig from this flask, they regain 1 Grit. The creature must
make a DC10 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned. The flask holds three swigs
per long rest. At Gunsmith level 10, the creature has advantage on the Constitution
saving throw.
Polished Spectacles:
Requires: Any eyewear
This item grants a +2 bonus to Perception and Passive Perception to creatures
wearing it. Additionally, the creature is immune to being Surprised. At Gunsmith level
10, the creature gains advantage to Initiative rolls.
Gained at: Gunsmith level 4
At higher levels: +1 feat at Gunsmith level 8 and 12
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th level, you can take a feat of your
Additional Attack
Gained at: Gunsmith level 5
Cost: Attack Action
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the
Attack action on your turn.
Gained at: Gunsmith level 6
Cost: 1 Grit
When you hit a creature with an attack, you can spend 1 Grit to increase the misfire score
of the creature's firearm by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
Craftsman's Cunning
Gained at: Gunsmith level 7
Beginning at 7th level, when crafting special ammunition produce twice the yield for the
same amount of material components.
Master Gunsmith
Gained at: Enforcer level 12
Limit: 1 per campaign
At 12th level, you gain the ability to make your own custom firearm, only once. Discuss
with your DM the firearm you wish to make, and they will help decide the stats and
material cost.