New Rosabon Personal Loan Form
New Rosabon Personal Loan Form
New Rosabon Personal Loan Form
RC N0: 142832
Personal Details
Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Chief
First Name:
Phone Number 1:
Loan Details
Phone Number 2: Loan Amount Requested:
Loan Purpose:
Moved Here In M M Y Y
(Please attach Utility Bill) REMITA Post-Dated Cheque
have fully read and understood the terms and conditions in this
Rosabon Financial Services application form.
Official Email:
Therefore, I accept the terms and conditions as evident by my
Employment / Business Start Date: M M Y Y signature below.
Position / Designation: Kindly Note that all details of this transaction, including mails of the client, transaction
amount and transaction performance, including arrears shall be made available to our
Net Monthly Income: third party partners, credit registry bureau, and CRC Credit Bureau who share this
information with other financial institutions.
Salary Payday: D D M M
Signature of borrower:
For Self Employed and Business Owners only
Date (DD/MM/YY): D D M M Y Y
Number of Employees: