Axis NOC
Axis NOC
Axis NOC
Agreement Number :
ANX339060424 Date :June 24 2024
Dear Customer,
You have successfully completed the repayment of your entire Axis Bank PERSONAL LOAN and your above
mentioned account is, therefore, closed.
If you require the unused security post dated cheques, to be returned, we request you to visit the nearest
Loan Center and place a request within 45 days from the date of loan closure. If no request is received
within the said period, the unused security post dated cheques, will be defaced and shredded.
Please note your Loan account no. mentioned above and include it in any correspondence with the Bank.
This will help us to serve you better.
Thank you for partnering with Axis Bank for your financial needs. We look forward to serving you again.
Corporate Office- :
Axis Bank Limited, ‘Axis House’, C-2, Wadia International Centre, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 025
www.axis b ank .co m