LAB 1 Heat of Combustion
LAB 1 Heat of Combustion
LAB 1 Heat of Combustion
1.2. To get familiar with the principle and assembly of a bomb calorimeter, and to learn the
1.3. To measure the heats of combustion of sucrose and benzoic acid using a bomb calorimeter.
2. Introduction
2.1. Combustion and calorimetry
In thermochemistry, the heat of combustion is defined as the heat released from the total
oxidation of 1 mole compound, where total oxidation refers to the formation of specified
combustion products such as CO2(g), H2O(l), and N2(g). Besides its importance in practice, the
heats of combustion are also of great use for calculation or estimation of the formation enthalpy
the rise in temperature, the heats of combustion at constant volume ( Qv ) and at constant pressure
thermodynamics, Qv equals to the change in internal energy , and Qp equals to the change in
enthalpy . If all gaseous reactants and products are considered as ideal gases, the following
where is the change in the number of moles of moles of gas during the combustion; R is the
There are different types of calorimeters. The bomb calorimeter used in this experiment is an
adiabatic calorimeter in which the temperature of the outer jacket keeps constant.
The main parts of the bomb calorimeter are illustrated in Fig. 2-4-1, and Fig. 2-4-2 gives a
The basic principle of the oxygen bomb calorimeter is the law of energy conservation. The heat
of combustion at constant volume can be determined by burning a certain amount of the sample in
a bomb calorimeter and measuring the rise in temperature of the calorimeter system. Qv is
obtained from
where Wsample and M are the mass and the molar mass of the sample respectively; Qv is the heat of
combustion of the sample at constant volume; l and Ql are the length of the fuse and the heat of
combustion per unit of the fuse, respectively; W water and Cwater are the mass and the mass and heat
capacity of water when using water as the measuring medium; C calorimeter is the heat capacity of the
calorimeter, i. e. , the heat needed for a temperature increase by 1 ℃ in the bomb calorimeter
exclusive of the water; is the temperature rise of the water after the burning of the sample.
To ensure the total combustion of the sample, high-pressure oxygen or other oxidants is filled
into the bomb calorimeter. Hence, the bomb calorimeter should be airtight and can withstand high
pressure and corrosion. The bomb is placed in a room temperature thermostatic water jacket. A
highly polished baffle-board is put between the outer water jacket and the bucket to reduce heat
Actually, the heat transfer between the bomb calorimeter and the corresponding surroundings
cannot be fully avoided. The variation in temperature caused by this effect can be calibrated by the
Weigh an appropriate amount of sample whose combustion can bring a temperature rise of the
water by 1.5~2.0 ℃. Pre-adjust the temperature of the water to about 1.0 ℃ lower than the room
temperature. Do the experiment according to the procedures. Plot the recorded value of the water
temperature against time. A plot as shown in Fig. 2-4-3 can be obtained. Point H stands for the
starting of the burning reaction and the heat is transferred into the water; and point D is the
maximum temperature value observed during the burning process. Draw a horizontal line through
the room temperature point J to point I on the curve, and draw a vertical line ab through point I.
Then, points A and C can be obtained by extending FH and GD lines to line ab. The temperature
difference between point C and A is the calibrated . The AA' part in the correction curve is the
rise of temperature caused by the surrounding irradiation and the stirring during , the time
period from the ignition of the sample to the reach of room temperature for the system, which
should be eliminated. The CC' part is the temperature decrease due to the heat releasing from the
bomb calorimeter to the surroundings during , the time period from room temperature to the
temperature maximum at point D, which should however be considered for calculation. Therefore,
the temperature difference between point C and A reflects the actual temperature rise value due to
In some circumstances, the good heat insulation of the bomb calorimeter, the slight heat loss
and the large power of the stirrer ( which would introduce large amount of energy continuously )
will make the temperature maximum disappear in the correction curve, as shown in Fig. 2-4-4.
In the present experiment, the temperature differences are measured by a precise thermometer
cylinder with regulator; Pellet press; Electric heater (500 W); Plastic bucket; Ruler; scissors;
Multimeter; Scale (10 kg); Thermometer (0~50℃); Clock; 1000 ml Beaker; Medical balance; Iron
4. Procedure
4.1. Measurement of heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter
Roughly weigh out 0.95 g of benzoic acid using the medical balance, and make it into a round
pellet with the press. Get rid of the powder on the surface by gently knocking the pellet on a piece
of clean weighing-paper using a pair of tweezers, and then weigh the sample precisely to 0.1 mg
4.1.2. Assembly the sample and fill the calorimeter with oxygen gas
Open the bomb, and clean and dry all inner parts of the bomb, especially the stainless steel wire
on the electrode. Check that the metal sample pan is in position, and then place the sample pellet
in its center. Cut a piece of iron fuse wire of about 18 cm in length, wind the center part of the fuse
wire in to a coil with about 5~6 circles utilizing an iron nail with a diameter of about 3 mm. Fix
the two ends of the wire coil onto the electrodes as illustrated in Fig. 2-4-2 and let the coil keep
good contact with the sample. Check that the fuse wire does not contact with the metal sample
pan. Measure the resistance between the two electrodes using a multimeter which should be
generally less than 20 Ω. Assemble the bomb, and replace the bolt at the gas inlet by the connector
of the oxygen-filling pipe. The other end of the oxygen-filling pipe is connected to the pressure
regulator on the oxygen cylinder. Open the main cylinder valve and fill the bomb to a pressure of
2 MPa controlling the flow of gas with the small control valve on the cylinder.
Close the main cylinder valve. Disconnect the sealed bomb. Release the residual oxygen in the
regulator. Screw on the bolt at the inlet. Check the resistance between the two electrodes with the
multimeter again. If the resistance is too high or there is a shortcut between the electrode and the
wall of the bomb, depressurize the oxygen and open the bomb to check over.
Weigh accurately 2.5 kg of water with the temperature adjusted to about 1℃ below the room
temperature in the water bucket. Immerse the bomb in the water bucket, assemble the stirrer, and
connect the two electrodes of the bomb to the ignition voltage supplier using a conducting wire.
After putting on the lid, determine the surrounding temperature (the J point in the Renolds
correction curve) by placing the probe of the precise thermometer with digital output into the outer
jacket, and then place the probe into the bomb system. Turn on the stirrer, and record the
temperature of the inner bucket every minute as precise as possible (with a precision up to
0.001℃) when it starts to increase steadily. After 10~12 min, press the ignition button on the
transformer for 4~5 s. Then, record the temperature every 15 s till the difference between two
consecutive readings is within 0.005℃, then continue to record the temperature every minute
Switch off all electrical circuits, take out the probe of the digital precise thermometer and the
bomb, open the outlet of the bomb to depressurize the residual gas. Open the bomb and check the
completion of the combustion reaction. If all of the sample has been burnt, there should be no
obvious black carbon residue in the bomb. The experiment must be repeated, if carbon residue has
been observed. Calculate the actual length of the burnt iron fuse wire by measuring the length of
the residual fuse wire. Clean and dry all parts of the bomb finally.
The most important steps of this experiment are the successful ignition and the total combustion
of the sample.
Roughly weigh out 1.5 g of sucrose and then repeat the procedure described above.
5. Data Analysis
5.1. The heats of combustion for benzoic acid and the iron fuse wire are -26460 J·g -1 and -2.9
J·cm-1, respectively.
5.2. Plot the graph of Renolds correction curves for benzoic acid and sucrose, calculate the heat
capacity of the bomb calorimeter and heat of combustion at constant volume of sucrose ( Qv) from
T, and then calculate the heat of combustion at constant pressure of sucrose (Qp).
5.3. Present the measured data accurately based on the precision of the instruments associated with
this experiment, and point out the greatest inherent source of inaccuracy.
Enthalpy of combustion at
Measuring conditions
constant pressure
, 20℃
Benzoic acid -771.24 -3226.9 -26460
6.2. In calorimetry, what are the other cases in which Renolds correction curve should be
6.3. How to calculate the formation enthalpy of sucrose based on its heats of combustion data?