MT Cse Ai
MT Cse Ai
MT Cse Ai
Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
1. Professional Elective Course is an elective course offered or prescribed by the parent department.
2. 3 Months internship is mandatory, however, the curriculum offers the flexibility to carry out 3-12 Months
internship with the approval of the parent department.
3. In line with the guidelines approved by the Senate (Senate 46-07), an M.Tech student can earn a maximum
of 6 credits from NPTEL Courses. For all successfully completed NPTEL Courses, the letter grade “H” (Pass)
will be awarded and credits of such courses will not be accounted for CGPA calculation.
Semester wise Credit Distribution
Category S1 S2 S3 S4 Total %
Professional Core Course (PCC) 16 0 0 0 16 18.6
Professional Elective Course (PEC) 8 20 0 0 28 32.6
Professional Career Development (PCD) 0 0 26 16 42 48.8
Total 24.0 20.0 26.0 16.0 86.0 100.0
24.0 44.0 70.0 86.0
Mathematical Foundations of CS5000
Course Name Course Code
Computer Science
To learn to reason out logical arguments, proving logical arguments and identifying
Learning Objectives inconsistencies in arguments. To introduce proof techniques and study
mathematical/algebraic structures.
Logic: Propositional Logic, Predicate and First Order Logic, Second Order Logic,
Monadic Second Order Logic. (7L, 2T)
Proof Techniques: Discussion on proof techniques for problems that arise in CS. Proof
by contradiction, Mathematical Induction, Loop in-variants in proving correctness of
algorithms, Pigeon hole principle and its applications in Ramsey theorem, design of
Course Contents (with fault-tolerant networks, Principle of inclusion and exclusion, derangements, counting
onto functions. (10L, 3T)
approximate breakup of
Introduction to algebraic structures; groups, subgroups, posets, lattices, fields, vector
hours for lecture/tutorial/
spaces, eigen values/vectors, Orthogonality: Inner Product, Orthogonality, Gram-
practice) Schmidt Orthogonalization, Vector and Matrix Norms (12L, 3T)
Counting sets, countable and uncountable sets, the role of graph theory in computing;
bipartite graphs, planar graphs, matching, colouring. Modelling CS case studies as
graph theoretic problems (10L, 3T)
Introduction to Probability - Random variables, Distribution - Conditional, Joint
probability distributions (6L, 2T)
The ability to design and analyse algorithms for computational problems that
arise in CS.
Learning Outcomes
To understand and appreciate the notion of solvability and insolvability.
The ability to gauge easy vs hard instances of a computational problem.
1. Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullmann, “Data Structures & Algorithms,” Addison Wesley, 1983.
Supplementary Reading ISBN13: 9780201000238
2. 2. Algorithm Design , Eva Tardos and Kleinberg, Pearson, 2006, ISBN-13 : 978-
Course Name Analytics & Systems of Big Data Course Code CS5002
The course intends to expose computer engineering students to recent advances in storage
and analytics involved with big data. Topics related to Map reduce, globally distributed
Learning Objectives
storage systems and analytics such as feature extraction, learning, similarity, etc. are dealt
with to expose the students to current trends in data storage & analytics.
● The course shall equip students with required storage mechanisms / analytics
algorithms for large distributed data intensive applications
Learning Outcomes ● Ability to understand, visualize and perform analytics of huge data
● Ability to design and test drive big data and descriptive cum predictive analytics
solutions for real life scenarios.
1. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman, “Mining of Massive Datasets”,
Essential Reading
Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2014, ISBN 978-1316638491
2. J Han, M Kamber, Data Mining Concepts & Techniques, Elsevier, 3 rd Edition, 2007,
ISBN: 9780123814791
3. Raj Kamal, Big Data Analytics, Introduction to Hadoop, Spark, and Machine-Learning,
Supplementary Reading
McGraw Hill, 2019, ISBN 9789353164973
4. - Princeton
University Course Webpage.
Analytics & Systems of Big Data
Course Title Course No CS5004
The course intends to expose computer engineering students to recent advances in storage
and analytics involved with big data. Topics related to Map reduce, globally distributed
Learning Objectives
storage systems and analytics such as feature extraction, learning, similarity, etc. are dealt
with to expose the students to current trends in data storage & analytics.
Course Contents (with mining, classification, clustering where in various existing algorithms are tested over
approximate breakup of benchmark datasets –
hours for lecture/ Exercises on Map Reduce Frame work – Hadoop / Pyspark - Selected algorithms of
Predictive analytics using Map Reduce Framework for Big Data - Similarity Measures –
LSH Implementation – Link Analysis - Page Rank computation
1. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman, “Mining of Massive Datasets”,
Essential Reading
Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2014, SBN 978-1316638491
2. J Han, M Kamber, Data Mining Concepts & Techniques, Elsevier, 3 rd Edition, 2007,
ISBN: 9780123814791
Supplementary Reading 3. Raj Kamal, Big Data Analytics, Introduction to Hadoop, Spark, and Machine-Learning,
McGraw Hill, 2019, ISBN: 9789353164973
4. - Princeton
University Course Webpage.
Advanced Data Structures and
Course Title Course No CS5003
Algorithms Practice
Learning Objectives To design time or space efficient algorithms using well known paradigms. To get practical
exposure on design and analysis of algorithms
Students are expected to design efficient algorithms using paradigms such as divide
Learning Outcomes and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method etc.
To be able to implement advanced data structures and revisit classical algorithms
using these data structures
The laboratory component will require the student to write computer programs using
Course Contents (with a careful choice of data structures and algorithmic paradigms (in C++/Java language)
approximate breakup of from scratch, based on the concepts learnt in the theory course.
Case studies in respect of different paradigms discussed in theory shall be
hours for
implemented in C++/Java
lecture/tutorial/practice) Paradigms – Divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy, backtracking.
Order Statistics, Probabilistic Algorithms
1. Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullmann, “Data Structures & Algorithms,” Addison Wesley, 1983.
Supplementary Reading ISBN13: 9780201000238
2. Algorithm Design , Eva Tardos and Kleinberg, Pearson, 2006, ISBN-13 : 978-