Boltzmann Machine and QMP
Boltzmann Machine and QMP
Boltzmann Machine and QMP
Yusuke Nomura
Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Keio University, 3-14-1
Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8522, Japan
arXiv:2306.16877v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 1 Nov 2023
January 2023
network methods are being applied to the analysis of (a) (c) d1 d2 … dM 0 deep layer
unsolved problems, such as the physics of frustrated hidden layer
quantum spin systems [16, 17] (note that the sign h1 h2 h3 … hM
by introducing an exponentially large number of where ψ(x) is quantum many-body wave function.
hidden spins (M ∼ 2N ) comparable to the number of As seen in the previous section (Sec. 2), Boltzmann
visible spin configuration patterns 2N [53, 54]. machines give a probability (positive real number) p̃(v)
for a visible spin configuration v. On the other hand,
2.2. Deep Boltzmann machines the amplitude of quantum many-body wave function
ψ(x) can be negative or complex in general.
The DBM has an additional hidden layer compared Therefore, we can apply Boltzmann machines
to the RBM [Fig. 1(c)]. The structure with two to quantum state representations by satisfying the
hidden layers is general, encompassing structures following conditions:
with an arbitrary number of hidden layers with only
neighboring interlayer couplings [Fig. 1(d)]. In this (i) One-to-one correspondence between the configura-
paper, the two hidden layers are referred to as the tion of physical degrees of freedom x and visible-
hidden layer and the deep layer for the sake of spin configuration v.
distinction. In the case of DBM, the artificial energy (ii) Extension to complex amplitude.
E(v, h, d) with respect to the spin configurations v = (iii) (For fermion systems) Incorporation of fermionic
(v1 , . . . , vN ), h = (h1 , . . . , hM ), and d = (d1 , . . . , dM ′ ) anti-commutation relations.
X X X For condition (i), one needs to define the mapping
E(v, h, d) = − ai vi − bj hj − b′k dk depending on the nature of the physical degrees of
i j k freedom. For S = 1/2 quantum spin systems, the most
′ natural mapping between x and v is to identify the z
− Wij vi hj − Wjk hj dk . (5)
i,j j,k component of i-th quantum spin σiz with vi .
Condition (ii) can be satisfied, e.g., by extending
In addition to the parameters in the RBM, the DBM
the parameters of Boltzmann machines to complex
has parameters for the magnetic field on the deep spins
variables or by decomposing the wave function as
b′k and the interaction between the hidden and deep
′ ψ(x) = |ψ(x)|eiϕ(x) and expressing |ψ(x)| and ϕ(x)
spins Wjk . As with the RBM, using the partition
P −E(v,h,d)
using independent Boltzmann machines with real
function Z = v,h,d e and the Boltzmann parameters. For example, when approximating the
weight p(v, h, d) = e Z , the marginal probability quantum states of the one-dimensional Heisenberg
distribution p̃(v) is given by model by the RBM, the former appears to perform
X X better [55]. We note however that, for other general
p̃(v) = p(v, h, d) p̃(v) = 1 . (6) Hamiltonians, it is unclear whether the former is
h,d v
always better. Hereafter, we will focus on the former
Compared to the RBM, the DBM has the advantage of approach.
having deep degrees of freedom, which greatly improves For condition (iii), for example, one can take
the ability to represent the probability distribution, an approach to make the wave function itself anti-
but since there is no efficient analytical formula for symmetric. Alternatively, one can consider an
p̃(v) ‡, numerical methods such as the Monte Carlo approach that maps fermionic systems into spin
method are required to obtain the p̃(v) value. systems using, e.g., Jordan-Wigner [56] or Bravyi-
Kitaev [57] transformations. This issue will be
3. Wave function based on Boltzmann discussed in more detail in Sec. 4.3.1.
3.2. Property of Boltzmann machine wave functions
3.1. Application of Boltzmann machines to quantum and comparison to tensor networks
state representation
Here, we discuss several properties of Boltzmann ma-
Here, we introduce how Boltzmann machines can be chine wave functions using S = 1/2 quantum spin sys-
used to represent quantum states. A quantum state tems. By (i) identifying σiz with vi and (ii) extend-
|ψ⟩ can be expanded using a certain basis {|x⟩} as ing the parameters to complex variables, Boltzmann
|ψ⟩ =
|x⟩ψ(x), (7) machines can be applied to the representation of the
quantum states of quantum spin systems (Fig. 2). In
this case, the amplitude of the RBM wave function for
‡ Either hidden or deep spin degrees of freedom can be traced a spin configuration σ = (σiz , . . . σN
) is given by
out analytically, but tracing out spins of one layer will introduce X
effective interactions between the spins of the other layer. This
ψ(σ) = exp ai σiz + Wij σiz hj + bj hj
makes it difficult to analytically trace out the spin degrees of
freedom of the other layer. h i i,j j
ψ(σ) =
Figure 2.
= exp
function reads
ai σiz ×
ai σiz +
tence of the deep layer [58, 59].
Wij σiz hj
bj hj +
2 cosh bj +
b′k dk
hj dk .
limit of a large number of hidden spins. On the DBM method has the advantage of being exact except
other hand, in the case of the DBM having a higher for the Suzuki-Trotter error; however, its applicability
representation power than the RBM, the number of is limited by the negative sign problem as in the QMC
hidden spins required for the transformation has been method. Therefore, for systems where the sign problem
discussed [6, 58]. In Ref. [6], it was shown that MPS cannot be avoided, the former variational approach,
with bond dimension χ for N qubit systems has a DBM which can avoid the explicit sign problem, will work
representation with O(N χ2 ) hidden degrees of freedom better. Finally, we discuss an extension to finite-
(hidden and deep spins). temperature simulations in Sec. 6.
method [71, 72] in the machine learning community. The move in Eq. (15) can also be interpreted as the
Both were developed independently, and their relation- steepest descent direction with respect to the quantum
ship has only recently been recognized. information geometry [73].
The SR method makes use of information about The quantities used in the SR method can
the geometry of quantum states (Fubini-Study metric). be estimated using the Monte Carlo method (see
Hence, we first introduce the Fubini-Study metric and Appendix A.2 for details). Efficient techniques to
move on to the explanation of the update rule of the compute the gradient with respect to the variational
SR method. The Fubini-Study metric is a metric on parameters, such as backpropagation [74] (reverse
the space of quantum states, whose form is given by mode of automatic differentiation), can also be
s combined.
⟨ψ|ϕ⟩ ⟨ϕ|ψ⟩
F[|ψ⟩ , |ϕ⟩] := arccos . (10)
⟨ψ|ψ⟩ ⟨ϕ|ϕ⟩
4.1.3. Calculation procedure
|ψ⟩ Here, we summarize the calculation procedure by
For normalized quantum states |ψ̄⟩ = √ and
focusing on the variational approach for ground-state
|ϕ̄⟩ = √|ϕ⟩ , the Fubini-Study metric reads calculations.
F |ψ̄⟩ , |ϕ̄⟩ = arccos |⟨ψ̄|ϕ̄⟩| . (11) (i) Initialization: Construct a variational ansatz
based on the RBM and initialize RBM variational
This can be interpreted as the angle between the two parameters. We often put small random numbers.
complex vectors. Therefore, the Fubini-Study metric
is occasionally called the quantum angle. Now, we (ii) Optimization: Optimize the RBM parameters to
consider the infinitesimal form of this metric; for a minimize the loss function (total energy). In this
variational quantum state |ψθ ⟩ characterized by the paper, we employ the SR scheme for this purpose.
parameter set θ, it is given by (iii) Post-process: Once we obtain the optimized
X wave function, we can compute various physical
F 2 [|ψθ+δθ ⟩ , |ψθ ⟩] = Skl (θ)δθk δθl . (12) quantities such as the correlation function, as well
as the total energy.
Skl (θ) = Re Qkl (θ) is the Fubini-Study metric tensor
and is given as the real part of so called quantum When random numbers are used for the initialization
geometric tensor Qkl (θ): of the parameters, multiple optimization calculations
are often performed using different sets of initial
⟨∂k ψθ |∂l ψθ ⟩ ⟨∂k ψθ |ψθ ⟩ ⟨ψθ |∂l ψθ ⟩ parameters. Then, for the calculation of physical
Qkl (θ) = − . (13)
⟨ψθ |ψθ ⟩ ⟨ψθ |ψθ ⟩ ⟨ψθ |ψθ ⟩ quantities in step (iii), we employ the lowest-energy
The Fubini-Study metric can be regarded as a quantum state among the optimized variational states.
version of the Fisher information metric and thus has
a close relationship with information geometry [73]. 4.1.4. Demonstration
As described above, the SR optimization is closely Here, we demonstrate the application of the RBM
related to the imaginary-time evolution of quantum wave function following the procedure described above.
states. The update rule can be derived by trying to As an example, we consider the one-dimensional
reproduce the infinitesimal imaginary-time evolution Heisenberg model on the 8-site spin chain with the
e−2δτ H |ψθ ⟩ by the variational state with updated periodic boundary condition. The Hamiltonian reads
parameters |ψθ+δθ ⟩: 8
− σiy σi+1
δ θe = arg min F[e−2δτ H |ψθ ⟩ , |ψθ+δθ ⟩] (14) H= (−σix σi+1
+ σiz σi+1
). (17)
δθ i=1
After some algebra (see Appendix A.1 for details), we This form is obtained by rotating the spin quantization
obtain the following update rule: axis by 180 degrees about the z axis for one of the
−1 (t) two sublattices
P (gauge transformation) from the usual
δθk = −δτ S (t) kl gl , (15)
form H = i (σix σi+1x
+ σiy σi+1
+ σiz σi+1
). With this
where t indicates the iteration number of optimiza- form, the amplitude of the ground-state wave function
(t) becomes positive ψ(σ) > 0 for all σ in the sector with
tion ¶. gl is the gradient of the total energy (loss P z
function) with respect to the variational parameters i σi = 0.
First, we construct a variational ansatz based on
(t) ∂Eθ the RBM. The system has translational symmetry;
gk = . (16)
∂θk θ=θ (t) therefore, we impose translational symmetry in the
¶ Replacing the S matrix with the identity matrix (Hessian
variational ansatz. For this purpose, we impose
matrix) results in an update corresponding to the stochastic translational symmetry on Wij parameters. In
gradient descent method (Newton’s method). addition, one way to preserve the symmetry between
Boltzmann machines and quantum many-body problems 8
0.8 −10
(a) (b) 0.4
(c) (↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓) (↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑)
0.4 −11
Total energy
0 −12 Initial RBM
0.2 RBM
−0.4 −13
−0.8 Optimized −14 0.1
−1.2 −15 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 100 200 300 400
(↑↑↑↑↓↓↓↓) (↓↓↓↓↑↑↑↑)
i−j Optimization loop σ
Figure 3. Demonstration of the variational method based on the RBM wave function. The method is applied to the one-
dimensional Heisenberg model on the 8-site spin chain with the periodic boundary condition. (a) Initial and optimized RBM
variational parameters in Eq. (18). Because of the translational symmetry, the origin of i − j is arbitrary. We set the origin of i − j
so that |W0 | is the largest among |Wi−j |. (b) Total energy (= loss function) as a function of the optimization loop. (c) Initial and
optimized RBM wave functions and comparison to the exact diagonalization result.
the up and down spins is to set the bias terms to zero, 4.2. Results by Carleo and Troyer
i.e., ai = 0 and bj = 0. When the number of hidden
The variational method based on the RBM was first
spins is equal to the number of physical spins, the RBM
introduced by Carleo and Troyer [7]. They applied the
wave function reads
RBM wave function to the one-dimensional transverse-
8 8
field Ising model, the one-dimensional Heisenberg
ψ(σ) = 2 cosh Wi−j σiz . (18)
model, and the two-dimensional Heisenberg model
j=1 i=1
on a square lattice [7]. Since these models have
In the present case, the wave function is real and no geometrical frustration, the values of the ground-
positive ψ(σ) > 0; thus, the Wi−j parameters are taken state wave function can be made positive and
to be real. In this setup, the number of independent real by a proper gauge transformation (the gauge
parameters is 8 (Wi−j with i − j = 0, . . . , 7). transformation was also used in Sec. 4.1.4). Using
As the initialization of the variational parameters, this fact, Carleo and Troyer also set the variational
we put small random numbers [Fig. 3(a)]. We then parameters to real numbers, as in Sec. 4.1.4. They
optimize the variational parameters using the SR also imposed the same translational symmetry on W
method to minimize the total energy (loss function) parameters (so that the number of hidden spins M is
[Fig. 3(b)]. The optimized Wi−j parameters show a an integer multiple of the number of visible spins N ).
sign change between W0 where |Wi−j | is largest and Defining α = M/N , α is the parameter that controls
W1 where |Wi−j | is second largest, which indicates the accuracy of the RBM wave function (α = 1 was
that the RBM learns the antiferromagnetic correlation used in the demonstration in Sec. 4.1.4).
[Fig. 3(a)]. For the present system size (8-site spin When introducing a new method, it is essential
chain), we can easily perform exact diagonalization and to verify its accuracy. Fig. 4 shows the benchmark
P all wave function amplitudes in the sector with results comparing the RBM variational energies and
i σi = 0. While the initial RBM wave function numerically exact energies. We see that, for all
has no recognizable features, the optimized RBM Hamiltonians, increasing α improves the accuracy of
wave function reproduces the exact result quite well the RBM variational state and reduces the relative
[Fig. 3(c)]. Once we obtain the optimized RBM wave error in energy, as expected. The results for the
function, we can compute, for example, the spin-spin two-dimensional Heisenberg model shown in Fig. 4(c)
correlation function (not shown). show that the RBM can achieve better accuracy
When the system size becomes large, it is not than those obtained from tensor networks such
possible to compute the wave function amplitudes for as entangled-plaquette states (EPSs) [75, 77] and
all the spin configurations. In this case, physical projected entangled pair states (PEPSs) [78]+ .
quantities are estimated numerically using the Monte
+ The comparison was made under the periodic boundary
Carlo method (see Appendix A.2). If the number of
condition. We note that the performance of tensor networks
hidden spins is polynomial with respect to N , the is much better under the open boundary condition.
computational cost scales polynomially with respect to
Boltzmann machines and quantum many-body problems 9
10−5 10
10−3 PEPS
10 Γ = 1/2
10−7 Γ=2
10−8 10−6 10−4
1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 8 16 32
α α α
Figure 4. Results of variational calculations using RBM by Carleo andPTroyer [7]. Relative error ϵrel of the RBM variational
energy for (a) one-dimensional transverse-field Ising (TFI) model H = − i σiz σi+1 z − Γ i σix (periodic boundary condition, 80
P x x y y z z
sites) (b) one-dimensional Heisenberg model H = i (−σi σi+1 − σi σi+1 + σi σi+1 ) (periodic boundary condition, 80 sites), and
P x x y y z z
(c) two-dimensional Heisenberg model H = ⟨i,j⟩ (−σi σj − σi σj + σi σj ) (periodic boundary condition, 10 × 10 square lattice). α
(= M/N ) is a parameter that controls the accuracy of the RBM. ϵrel is given by ϵrel = (ERBM (α) − Eexact )/|Eexact |. “Jastrow” in
(b) shows the result of Jastrow ansatz, and EPS and PEPS in (c) are the results of tensor networks taken from Refs. [75] and [76],
relative error
relative error
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Table 1. Applications to fermion systems. ANN stands for artificial neural network. When referring to molecules as a target, the
target also includes, e.g., atoms, diatoms, and hydrogen chains.
−3 S+
10 ΨK=0 (σ) 5. DBM for zero-temperature calculations
Table 3. Comparison between the RBM and DBM methods described in Sec. 4 ad Sec. 5, respectively.
0 0 … 0 −0.2
d1 d2 … dM0
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J2 = 0.0
−0.6 J2 = 0.5
h1 h2 h3 … hM
<latexit sha1_base64="tJh5Y4EOy0khgpdHA8GfC+C5xxw=">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</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="xjZw70dzhBvlMJQHTJCdyj8n8zk=">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</latexit>
… 0.6
J2 = 0.0
1 2 … N 0.4 J2 = 0.5
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… ⌧
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