Grim Hollow Campaign Guide-20

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Character Options

A weapon’s Scatter range and shape are mentioned Blessed (A). When a creature that is a fiend,
in its statistics. For example, a Flame Bellows has a fey, or undead is hit with a Blessed weapon or
range of 15 feet and a Scatter range of 15 feet. This ammunition, that creature’s speed is reduced
means the weapon can hit a target within 15 feet, by 10 feet until the end of their next turn.
and upon a hit, a 15-foot cone extending beyond Additionally, they cannot take reactions until the
the target will determine those hit by the Scatter end of their next turn.
effect, up to a total distance of 30 feet. Incendiary (A). When you hit a creature with an
Specialised ammunition can have one weapon Incendiary weapon or ammunition, the target
property with (A) next to its name. This property takes an additional 1d4 fire damage.
is applied when the ammunition is purchased or Silvered (A). Attacks you make with silvered
crafted, and cannot be changed. weapons or ammunition count as magical for the
Armour Piercing (A). When you roll to hit a creature purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity
with an Armour Piercing weapon or ammunition, to non-magical attacks.
if the target is wearing heavy armour or natural
armour that exceeds 17, then you receive +2 on
your attack roll to hit that target.

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Advanced Melee weapons

Cavalry Hammer 500gp 1d8 3lb. Versatile (1d10), Momentum (1d12)

Bludgeoning Armour Piercing

Sabre 500gp 1d8 Slashing 2lb. Swift, Finesse

Claymore 500gp 2d6 Slashing 7lb. Brutal, Heavy, Two Handed

Polearm 500gp 1d12 Piercing 12lb. Guard, Heavy, Reach, Two Handed

Advanced Ranged Weapons

Blackpowder Pistol 200gp 2d4 Piercing 4lb. Ammunition (range 25/100), Blackpowder,
Loading, Light

Blackpowder Rifle 500gp 2d6 Piercing 10lb. Ammunition (range 80/300), Blackpowder,
Loading, Two Handed

Repeater Crossbow 750gp 1d8 Piercing 7lb. Ammunition (range 80/300), Loading,
Two Handed, Repeater

Blunderbuss 750gp 2d6 Piercing 10lb. Ammunition (range 20/30), Scatter (line 10),
Blackpowder, Loading, Two Handed, Cumbersome

Flame Bellows 750gp 2d6 Fire 11lb. Ammunition (range 15), Scatter (cone 15),
Loading, Two Handed, Cumbersome


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