GB 15196 - 2015 (RRC Edible Oil Standard)
GB 15196 - 2015 (RRC Edible Oil Standard)
GB 15196 - 2015 (RRC Edible Oil Standard)
Voluntary - Public
Date: 2/29/2016
GAIN Report Number: CH16012
Approved By:
Jennifer Clever
Prepared By:
Jennifer Clever and Ma Jie
Report Highlights:
On November 13, 2015, China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) released
the National Food Safety Standard for Edible Oil Products (GB 15196-2015). This standard will be
implemented on November 13, 2016. It prescribes edible oil products, including hydrogenated oil,
margarine, shortening and cocoa butter substitute etc. A draft of the standard was notified to the WTO
as SPS CHN 647 in March 2014. Please note that the comment process has ended and that this standard
is considered final. The following report contains an unofficial translation of the final standard.
General Information:
This standard replaces GB 17402-2003 "Hygiene Standard for Edible Hydrogenated Oil" and GB
15196-2003 "Hygiene Standard for Butterine".
In comparison with GB 17402-2003 and GB 15196-2003, the standard present the following major
changes: changes of this standard are as follows:
‒ Name of this standard was changed to "National Food Safety Standard - Edible Oils and Fats
Products ";
‒ Modified the scope;
‒ Modified the terms and definitions;
‒ Modified the sensory requirements;
‒ Modified the physical and chemical indexes;
‒ Added requirements for use of fortifier;
‒ Added provisions for labeling of trans fatty acids.
1 Scope
This standard applies to edible hydrogenated oil, margarine (butterine), shortening, cocoa butter
replacer, whipped cream, powdered oil and other edible oils and fats products.
Solid, semi-solid or flowing oil or fat products having some performances with (or without)
emulsified quenching and kneading manufacturing made from pure product or mixtures of animal fats or
vegetable oils produced by one or several processing methods of refining, hydrogenation,
transesterification, fractionation, with (or without) water or other supplementing materials, including
edible hydrogenated oil, butterine (margarine), shortening, cocoa butter replacer, whipped cream,
powdered oils and fats.
Raw oil in food industry produced by hydrogenation and refining and other processes with edible
animal fats and vegetable oils as raw materials
Plastic or fluid edible oil and fat products with natural cream like characteristics with or without
water and other supplementing materials produced by emulsifying, quenching or kneading without
quenching with mixtures of one or several kinds of edible animal fats or vegetable oils and
hydrogenated, fractionated, transesterificated fats and oils as the raw materials.
3 Technical Requirements
3.1.1 Edible vegetable oil shall comply with the provisions of GB 2716.
3.1.2 Edible animal fats shall comply with the provisions of GB 10146.
3.1.3 Others shall comply with the relevant food standards and regulations.
Table 2 Physical and Chemical Indexes
Microbial limit in margarine (butterine) shall comply with the provisions in Table 3.
3.6.1 The food additives shall be used in accordance with the regulations as specified in GB 2760.
3.6.2 The food nutrition fortifier shall be used in accordance with the provisions in GB 14880.
4 Others
Edible oil products produced by hydrogenation processing technology shall be marked with content
of trans fatty acids, and the test method shall be in accordance with GB/T 22507.