Oltc MR M-1

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IX ỉ rl 1 7 Maintenance

The scope and execution of maintenance are determined by the mainte- nance
manual forthe corresponding on-load tap-changer. If the appropriate preparations
are made, proper maintenance can be carried out within one day per on-load tap-
changer column.

Technical Service
We strongly recommend having maintenance carried out by our Technical
Service department. If this route is taken, in addition to the correct perform- ance
of all work, certain components will be upgraded to the latest State of technology
and manuỉacturing status.

If maintenance is not carried out by our Technical Service department, please

ensure that the personnel who carry out the maintenance are trained by MR or
are otherwise suitably qualified to carry out the work. In such cas- es, we would
ask you to forward to us a report on the maintenance per- íormed so we can
update our maintenance íiles. For inquiries about spare parts, please provide the
serial number (see name plate on on-load tap- changer and motor-drive unit) and
the number of tap-change operations.

7.1Maintenance intervals

Damage to on-load tap-changer and transtormer!

Damage to on-load tap-changer and transformer from non-observance of
maintenance intervals and improper maintenance!
► Observe maintenance intervals.
► Ensure complete and proper maintenance.

A label on the inside of the door of the ED motor-drive unit clearly speciíies the
relevant maintenance interval.

When using the TAPGUARD® 260 device, the maintenance intervals stated on
the TAPGUARD® 260 device display apply. More information can be found in the
operating instructions for the TAPGUARD® 260.

46 OILTAP® M 4427221/00 EN Maschineníabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2015


Figure 19: Label showing maintenance intervals

The maintenance intervals of the selector, diverter switch insert, and the
complete on-load tap-changer are described below.

Maintenance interval of selector

Carry out maintenance on the selector after 1.2 million switching operations
(motor-drive unit counter reading).

Maintenance interval of diverter switch insert

The diverter switch insert must be replaced after 800,000 tap change opera-

Maintenance intervals for OILTAP® M on-load tap-changer in neutral

point application or with Um < 245 kV
Both the neutral point application and also um of the on-load tap-changer can be
identiíied from the type designation of the on-load tap-changer.

OILTAP® M I 351 - 123/C - 14 27 1 W; um=123 kV

OILTAP® M III 350 Y - 72.5/B - 10 19 1 G; Y=neutral point application

1. Maintenance After 7 years, or after the number of tap-change operations stated in the fol-
lowing table, whichever is reached first.

47 OILTAP® M 4427221/00 EN Maschineníabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2015


Further maintenance After 7 years, or after the number of tap-change operations stated in the fol-
lowing table, whichever is reached first.
On-load tap-changer Rated trans-
Number of tap-change operations
tormer current
VVithout MR oil Filter unit VVĩth MR oil Filter unit
M III 350 Y up to 350 A 100,000 150,000
M III 500 Y up to 350 A 100,000 150,000
up to 500 A 80,000 150,000
M III 600 Y up to 350 A 100,000 150,000
up to 600 A 80,000 150,000
M III K(M I 351+M II 352) up to 350 A 100,000 150,000
M III K(M I 501+M II 502) up to 500 A 100,000 150,000
M III K(M I 601+M II 602) up to 600 A 100,000 150,000
M I 802 up to 500 A 100,000 150,000
up to 800 A 80,000 150,000
M I 1203 up to 800 A 80,000 150,000
up to 1,200 A 70,000 140,000
M I 1503 up to 1,200 A 70,000 140,000
up to 1,500 A 60,000 120,000
Table 7: Maintenance intervals

Maintenance intervals for OILTAP® M on-load tap-changer with Um >

245 kv or for M III 350D/M III 600D
The um of the on-load tap-changer can be identified from the on-load tap-
changer type designation.

OILTAP® M I 1200 - 245/D - 10 19 1 G; Um=245 kV

1. Maintenance After 2 years or 20,000 tap-change operations, whichever is reached first.

Further maintenance After every 4 years without MR oil filter unit, after every 7 years with MR oil filter
unit, or after the number of tap-change operations indicated in the fol- lowing
table - whichever is reached first.
On-load tap-changer Rated trans-
Number of tap-change operations
tormer current
Without MR oil filter unit With MR oil filter unit

M III K(M I 351+M II 352) up to 350 A 50,000 75,000

M III K(M I 501+M II 502) up to 500 A 50,000 75,000
M I 601 up to 600 A 50,000 75,000
M I 802 up to 500 A 50,000 75,000
up to 800 A 40,000 75,000
M I 1203 up to 800 A 40,000 75,000
up to 1,200 A 35,000 70,000
On-load tap-changer Rated trans-
Number of tap-change operations
tormer current
Without MR oil filter unit With MR oil filter unit

MI1503 up to 1,200 A 35,000 70,000

up to 1,500 A 30,000 60,000
Table 8: Maintenance intervals

Maschineníabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2015 4427221/00 EN OILTAP® M 48

7.2 Oil change Maintenance

NOTICE I Damage to the on-load tap-changer!

Damage to the on-load tap-changer resulting from switching the on-load tap-
changer at impermissible oil temperatures!
► The on-load tap-changer can be operated in the temperature range of the
surrounding transformer oil of between -25 0 and +105 °c and with overload
up to +115 °c in accordance with IEC 60214-1.

When filling the oil compartment and its oil conservator, use only new miner- al
insulating oil for transtormers in accordance with IEC 60296 (Specification for
unused mineral insulating oils for transtormers and switchgear).

Peforming oil change

Carry out the oil change in accordance with the maintenance instructions for the
corresponding on-load tap-changer (available on request).

Determining the dielectric strength and water content

The dielectric strength and water content of the diverter switch oil must be
determined after filling with oil. Proceed as follows:
1. Take oil sample from oil compartment.
2. Record temperature of oil sample just after sample is taken.

Determine dielectric strength and water content at a diverter switch oil tem-
perature of 20 °c ± 5 °c. The dielectric strength and water content must comply
with the limit values provided in the technical data (see page [► 53]).

49 OILTAP® M 4427221/00 EN Maschineníabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2015

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