15. All potential candidates applying for this position 22. In a interview, The Jamaica Observer spoke
must have at least six years of experience in the with an anonymous manufacturer who was forced to
automobile industry. retire.
(A) apply (A) fascinate
(B) applies (B) fascinating
(C) applicable (C) fascination
(D) applicability (D) fascinated
16. The information below is being provided in response 23. This will assist ABC in the settlement of your
to requests for teleconference referrals. new mortgage.
(A) frequent (A) time
(B) frequented (B) timely
(C) frequenting (C) timing
(D) frequently (D) timelier
17. Thank you for showing an interest in us 24. A new schedule has been proposed as an to
(A) assist existing one in order to meet the deadline.
(B) assisted (A) alternative
(C) assistance (B) alternatives
(D) assisting (C) alternatively
(D) alternativeness
18. Corsica is an undeniable paradise for of sea
and water sports, as well as for hiking. 25. 25. Online Shop gives you the chance buy your tickets at
(A) enthusiasts a rate.
(B) enthusiastically (A) reduction
(C) enthusiastic (B) reducing
(D) enthused (C) reduce
(D) reduced
19. Factory officials reported that with the installation of
the new machinery, errors during have decreased 26. Please send my greetings to your staff for my
by 15 percent. visit.
(A) assemble (A) organizes
(B) assembly (B) organization
(C) assembles (C) organizing
(D) assembled (D) to organize
20. Security directors must monitor the performance of 27. A high sense of often means individuals go
security staff, conduct survey and make well above the normal standard in various business
recommendations for hiring staff. situations.
(A) additionally (A) professionalism
(B) additions (B) professional
(C) additional (C) profession
(D) addition (D) professionally
21. You can find whatever office you need in the 28. AT&T Wireless announced a small but
storage area. increase in revenue in the third quarter, largely due to its
(A) supply new wireless models.
(B) supplies (A) significant
(C) supplied (B) signify
(D) supplier (C) signifying
(D) significantly
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)
43. The discount for students only to those who 51. Derek now has over 400 stores located in
attend a local public school. more than 40 states.
(A) apply (A) convenience
(B) applies (B) convenient
(C) application (C) conveniently
(D) applications (D) conveniences
44. The Sanderson Company uses premium shipping 52. Most of the companies surveyed their growth
that can be modified to meet the diverse needs of to marketing and sales strategies.
customers. (A) attributes
(A) contains (B) attributed
(B) contained (C) attributing
(C) containing (D) attribution
(D) containers
53. Personel information gathered about customers
45. Arcosa Design Ltd. offers digital and print design _______in leasing a solar panel system is confidential
that fit the individual client's requirements. (A) interested
(A) to service (B) interests
(B) service (C) interesting
(C) serviced (D) interest
(D) services
54. Audiences have high expectations for the new film
46. Harrier Construction employs a group of contractors by JSB Entertainment in late March.
whose knowledge and experience translate into (A) open
quality workmanship. (B) will be opening
(A) collect (B) collectively (C) opening
(C) collective (D) collection (D) have been opening
47. Recent research on battery life shows that the battery 55. Students for an overseas exchange program
in our newest mobile phone better than those in should visit the administration office for further details.
similar products. (A) searching (B) searched
(A) perform (B) performing (C) to search (D) search
(C) performs (D) performance
56. Homes suggested that we request reference letters
******************************************** from applicants for the new position.
(A) consideration
48. Most of the companies surveyed hiring more (B) being considered
employees (C) considering
(A) considering (B) consideration (D) consider
(C) considered (D) considers
57. Nevada Jobfind Inc. is planning to host a career fair
49. Please complete all the questions contained on the for college graduates employment in the
claim form and a signature where requested. healthcare sector.
(A) provide (A) seeks (B) seek
(B) provision (C) seeking (D) to seek
(C) provides
(D) providing 58. Although most of the consumers said they
understood the importance of the new healthcare reform
50. Customers having table reserved in advance. policy, many were unfamiliar with the details
A. pay B. payment (A) asked (B) asking
C. payable D. paying (C) asks (D) is asked
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)
62. The company’s management has a firm belief that 69. The bill for the power and electricity in our building
its strategic direction is sound and will continue to can now be paid through the Internet.
exceed shareholder (A) electronics
(A) expect (B) electricity
(B) expected (C) electronic
(C) expectations (D) electronically
(D) expectedly
70. The ultimate goal at our call center is to all
63. If you participate in online forums or attend events customer complaints in a punctual and customer-
, you will get to know other members a lot better. oriented manner.
(A) regularly (A) resolve
(B) regular (B) is resolve
(C) regulars (C) is to resolve
(D) regularity (D) had resolved
64. Provisions of the new national health reform law 71. The manager recognized the importance of this
could reduce patient on emergency departments decision and reorganized operational procedures.
(A) reliant (A) prompt
(B) relied (B) promptness
(C) relies (C) promptly
(D) reliance (D) prompter
65. According to a student at Smith School, you have 72. Marc Ecko is rumored to be to signing a deal
been meeting with them for several months now with the licensing firm, Iconix.
to research the issue. (A) closeness
(A) regular (B) closing
(B) regularly (C) closely
(C) regulated (D) close
(D) regularity
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)
86. Ivanlcoff Industries' venture into experimental 93. Upgrades to the order-tracking database will allow
technologies will be accomplished by utilizing staff to process customer purchases more
already available within the company. (A) totally
(A) purposes (B) efficiently
(B) expenses (C) recently
(C) resources (D) shortly
(D) salaries
94. To schedule for an Estelfis washing
87. Ms. Borgen changed jobs because her machine, please contact the customer service
former position provided little flexibility. department.
(A) partly (A) processes
(B) financially (B) actions
(C) widely (C) developments
(D) relatively (D) repairs
88. rigorous coursework, the certificate program 95. Passengers should be when opening the
also includes hands- on training with a mentor. overhead luggage bins as contents may have shifted
(A) Since during travel.
(B) Along (A) enjoyable
(C) Besides (B) upward
(D) Resulting (C) late
(D) careful
89. To for the local-shopper discount,
customers must show proof of residency. 96. Profits are expected to rise over the next 10
(A) qualify years
(B) award (A) closely
(C) experience (B) lately
(D) certify (C) cheaply
(D) steadily
90. In yesterday's third-quarter financial statement,
Varcas Industries reported a 15 percent in value.
(A) gain
(B) progress
(C) advantage
(D) benefit
121. Since employees often have to meet with clients, 131. Neither Kato Business Service nor any of its
Park Design enforces dress code at all times are responsible for the accuracy of this brochure.
(A) compliant (B) compliance (A) affiliate (B) affiliated
(C) compliantly (D) complies (C) affiliating (D) affiliates
122. These copy machines are the property of Drittel 132. Had negotiations not broken down at the last
Manufacturing and are intended for business only minute, Laureano with its main competitor,
(A) use (B) useful Trevino-Martin.
(C) used (D) usefully (A) has merged (B) would have merged
(C) had merged (D) will have merged
123. Fletcher will discuss the advertising budget with
the board of directors when they meet next month 133. While he is away from the office, we can reach
(A) formal (B) formalize Mr. Cho by calling home phone number.
(C) formally (D) formalities (A) himself (B) him
(C) he (D) his
124. The to Eland Motors' new compact car has
been positive 134. Employees should submit of completed
(A) response (B) respond expense vouchers by the fifteenth of each month.
(C) responds (D) responded (A) copies (B) copied
(C) copying (D) copy
125. This week only, spend $200 and your order
for free overnight shipping. 135. Knitwear Corporation's board of directors
(A) Qualification (B) qualifies for two hours yesterday to review the annual report
(C) qualify (D) qualifying (A) met (B) meet
(C) meets (D) meeting
126. Tough stains can be removed more with
Pearl Glow's extra-strength laundry 136. We are pleased that you have accepted a full-time
(A) ease (B) easier position as a financial adviser in our Laos office.
(C) easiest (D) easily (A) basing (B) base
(C) based (D) bases
127. Critics of the recent movie with Michelle Zhao
have called the plot too 137. Evelyn Chu's Web site provides consumers with
(A) predicting (B) predicted reviews and price of electronic devices.
(C) predictable (D) predictably (A) Compare (B) comparisons
(C) have compared (D) compares
128. Please use the color printer sparingly, since the ink
cartridges it requires currently unavailable. 138. Mew software that should reduce employees
(A) are (B) is training time
(C) been (D) being (A) to develop (B) developing
(C) is being developed (D) to be developed
129. Please accept the coupon book as thanks for
opening your savings account with South Branch Bank. 139. The coffee makers we compared in te rms of
(A) enclose (B) enclosed prices, size, and durability.
(C) enclosing (D) enclosure (A) varies (B) vary
(C) variable (D) varying
130. Mr. Adams will not be able to complete the report
by himself and would appreciate it if someone would 140. There are many game shows that are hosted
volunteer to help . by celebrities
(A) he (B) him (A) impressive (B) impressed
(C) himself (D) his (C) impressing (D) impression