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Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms.

Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

7. Tiffany Rings offers a complimentary service

NGỮ PHÁP 1 to keep your ring as beautiful as it was the day you
1. Customers must contact the directly for all received it.
warranty and repair issues. (A) clean
(A) manufacturer (B) cleaning
(B) manufacturing (C) cleanest
(C) manufactures (D) cleaned
(D) manufactured
9. picture ID is required to purchase any
2. Our new manager, has a particularly work alcoholic beverage.
style and brings a vibrant and exciting new perspective (A) Validated
to our workplace. (B) Valid
(A) distinctive (C) Validate
(B) distinctively (D) Validity
(C) distinctiveness
(D) distinction 10. The food industry has undergone changes
(A) considerate
3. Mr. Forbes has yet to make his official school- (B) considerable
sponsored to California, though he is planning (C) consideration
to make it the first week of May. (D) considering
(A) visiting
(B) visit 11. Careful planning and pave the way for a
(C) visitor successful meeting.
(D) visited (A) coordination
(B) coordinated
4. The bids must be reviewed by the engineers to make (C) coordinate
sure all engineering for the project are met. (D) coordinator
(A) specific
(B) to specify 12. A more effective procedure was
(C) specifically implemented as an alternative for the former one.
(D) specifications (A) significantly
(B) signify
5. We are pleased to announce that the (C) significant
anticipated tablet computer brochure has now been (D) significance
launched on our website.
(A) most eager 13. As demand for wheat-based products falls,
(B) eagerness local producers earn less and the total income of the
(C) eagerly country declines.
(D) eager (A) they
(B) their
6. It is common practice for a firm to seek a (C) themselves
advantage in order to maintain its position in the (D) theirs
(A) compete 14. For further on completing a project, visit our
(B) competition webpage.
(C) competitive (A) information
(D) competitively (B) inform
(C) informational
(D) informed
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

15. All potential candidates applying for this position 22. In a interview, The Jamaica Observer spoke
must have at least six years of experience in the with an anonymous manufacturer who was forced to
automobile industry. retire.
(A) apply (A) fascinate
(B) applies (B) fascinating
(C) applicable (C) fascination
(D) applicability (D) fascinated

16. The information below is being provided in response 23. This will assist ABC in the settlement of your
to requests for teleconference referrals. new mortgage.
(A) frequent (A) time
(B) frequented (B) timely
(C) frequenting (C) timing
(D) frequently (D) timelier

17. Thank you for showing an interest in us 24. A new schedule has been proposed as an to
(A) assist existing one in order to meet the deadline.
(B) assisted (A) alternative
(C) assistance (B) alternatives
(D) assisting (C) alternatively
(D) alternativeness
18. Corsica is an undeniable paradise for of sea
and water sports, as well as for hiking. 25. 25. Online Shop gives you the chance buy your tickets at
(A) enthusiasts a rate.
(B) enthusiastically (A) reduction
(C) enthusiastic (B) reducing
(D) enthused (C) reduce
(D) reduced
19. Factory officials reported that with the installation of
the new machinery, errors during have decreased 26. Please send my greetings to your staff for my
by 15 percent. visit.
(A) assemble (A) organizes
(B) assembly (B) organization
(C) assembles (C) organizing
(D) assembled (D) to organize

20. Security directors must monitor the performance of 27. A high sense of often means individuals go
security staff, conduct survey and make well above the normal standard in various business
recommendations for hiring staff. situations.
(A) additionally (A) professionalism
(B) additions (B) professional
(C) additional (C) profession
(D) addition (D) professionally

21. You can find whatever office you need in the 28. AT&T Wireless announced a small but
storage area. increase in revenue in the third quarter, largely due to its
(A) supply new wireless models.
(B) supplies (A) significant
(C) supplied (B) signify
(D) supplier (C) signifying
(D) significantly
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

29. Many recruiters will be attending this year’s

job fair, which is being held at the Marshall Center. NGỮ PHÁP 2
(A) week 36. According to a student at Smith Elementary School,
(B) weeks you have been meeting with them for several
(C) weekly months now to research the issue.
(D) weeklong (A) regular
(B) regularly
30. Love Cruise has become the industry standard for (C) regulated
on cruise ships due to their famous theatric (D) regularity
(A) entertained 37. The supervisor of the marketing department, Ms.
(B) to entertain Smith, all the statistics that were needed for the
(C) entertainment report.
(D) entertainer (A) to provide
(B) provided
31. Please contact Julian Bellz if you need to get a copy (C) provide
of the meeting minutes from last week’s call. (D) providing
(A) conference
(B) conferencing 38. All employees at Hospice Hospital should enroll in
(C) has conference the upcoming training session to ensure with the
(D) had conference new government guidelines regarding continuing
32. Customers often turn to magazine articles or reviews (A) comply
for product test results when purchasing an item. (B) complied
(A) relying (C) compliant
(B) relied (D) compliance
(C) reliable
(D) reliant 39. The seminar with discussions on research
topics that need to be addressed further.
33. I’ve read a couple of different articles on Franklin (A) concluded
Roosevelt, who was a much president than (B) to conclude
Barack Obama has been so far. (C) concluding
(A) boldness (D) conclusion
(B) bolder
(C) boldest 40. Stormy weather in Lorraine led to power outages
(D) boldly last night, some residents without electricity.
(A) will leave
34. All interoffice must first be delivered to a (B) leaving
central mailbox before being sent to each employee (C) have left
(A) corresponds (D) leaves
(B) corresponding
(C) correspondence 41. The quality-control process will be revised due to
(D) correspondent the large number of product flaws reported.
(A) is (B) are
35. There are many signs that the quality of (C) were (D) being
education is improving in this country.
(A) encourage 42. 42. Please note that dinner for the entire staff on the
(B) encouraged recording night by our band members.
(C) encouraging (A) covered (B) was covered
(D) encouragement (C) have been covered (D) will be covered
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

43. The discount for students only to those who 51. Derek now has over 400 stores located in
attend a local public school. more than 40 states.
(A) apply (A) convenience
(B) applies (B) convenient
(C) application (C) conveniently
(D) applications (D) conveniences

44. The Sanderson Company uses premium shipping 52. Most of the companies surveyed their growth
that can be modified to meet the diverse needs of to marketing and sales strategies.
customers. (A) attributes
(A) contains (B) attributed
(B) contained (C) attributing
(C) containing (D) attribution
(D) containers
53. Personel information gathered about customers
45. Arcosa Design Ltd. offers digital and print design _______in leasing a solar panel system is confidential
that fit the individual client's requirements. (A) interested
(A) to service (B) interests
(B) service (C) interesting
(C) serviced (D) interest
(D) services
54. Audiences have high expectations for the new film
46. Harrier Construction employs a group of contractors by JSB Entertainment in late March.
whose knowledge and experience translate into (A) open
quality workmanship. (B) will be opening
(A) collect (B) collectively (C) opening
(C) collective (D) collection (D) have been opening

47. Recent research on battery life shows that the battery 55. Students for an overseas exchange program
in our newest mobile phone better than those in should visit the administration office for further details.
similar products. (A) searching (B) searched
(A) perform (B) performing (C) to search (D) search
(C) performs (D) performance
56. Homes suggested that we request reference letters
******************************************** from applicants for the new position.
(A) consideration
48. Most of the companies surveyed hiring more (B) being considered
employees (C) considering
(A) considering (B) consideration (D) consider
(C) considered (D) considers
57. Nevada Jobfind Inc. is planning to host a career fair
49. Please complete all the questions contained on the for college graduates employment in the
claim form and a signature where requested. healthcare sector.
(A) provide (A) seeks (B) seek
(B) provision (C) seeking (D) to seek
(C) provides
(D) providing 58. Although most of the consumers said they
understood the importance of the new healthcare reform
50. Customers having table reserved in advance. policy, many were unfamiliar with the details
A. pay B. payment (A) asked (B) asking
C. payable D. paying (C) asks (D) is asked
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

66. Ms. Itoh was in getting everyone familiar

Công thức: SaVaOa with new system.
59. He delivers workshops on customer (A) help
satisfaction strategy (B) helper
(A) regularize (C) helpful
(B) regularity (D) helpfully
(C) regularities
(D) regularly 67. The application process is highly with only
5% of applicants ultimately selected for positions.
60. The financial analyst recommended that the JC (A) competition
Group proceed with its M&A plans due to the (B) competitive
high risk of the project's nature. (C) competitors
(A) cautious (B) cautiously (D) competitively
(C) cautioned (D) cautioning
68. The professors retained their conservative stance,
61. Sign up and you will receive update arguing that the existing data must be interpreted very
notifications via e-mail .
(A) automatically (A) caution
(B) automaticity (B) cautious
(C) automated (C) cautiously
(D) automatic (D) cautionary

62. The company’s management has a firm belief that 69. The bill for the power and electricity in our building
its strategic direction is sound and will continue to can now be paid through the Internet.
exceed shareholder (A) electronics
(A) expect (B) electricity
(B) expected (C) electronic
(C) expectations (D) electronically
(D) expectedly
70. The ultimate goal at our call center is to all
63. If you participate in online forums or attend events customer complaints in a punctual and customer-
, you will get to know other members a lot better. oriented manner.
(A) regularly (A) resolve
(B) regular (B) is resolve
(C) regulars (C) is to resolve
(D) regularity (D) had resolved

64. Provisions of the new national health reform law 71. The manager recognized the importance of this
could reduce patient on emergency departments decision and reorganized operational procedures.
(A) reliant (A) prompt
(B) relied (B) promptness
(C) relies (C) promptly
(D) reliance (D) prompter

65. According to a student at Smith School, you have 72. Marc Ecko is rumored to be to signing a deal
been meeting with them for several months now with the licensing firm, Iconix.
to research the issue. (A) closeness
(A) regular (B) closing
(B) regularly (C) closely
(C) regulated (D) close
(D) regularity
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

73. When compared with the traditional method of

cleaning by wet mopping, the new method was CÂU TỪ VỰNG
more effective in removal of microbial contamination.
(A) signify 80. The Kiruna Corporation has announced the
(B) significant of its long-serving senior vice president, Mr. Ljndgren
(C) significantly (A) facility
(D) significance (B) retirement
(C) repetition
74. The sales force has expanded so rapidly this year (D) competition
that it will be split into different teams next year.
(A) inevitable (B) inevitability 81. The advertising campaign should the
(C) inevitably (D) inevitable that public's awareness of the new recycling bins in the city
75. Available in laminated engineered wood in aged (A) raise
tobacco finish, this desk and hutch set is and (B) reply
packaged for efficient shipping. (C) inquire
(A) assemble (D) react
(B) assembles
(C) assembled 82. Chemical companies in Avondale have spent
(D) assembly considerable sums of on agricultural
76. Needs assessment can help you identify areas for (A) laboratory
improvement and ultimately help you realize your goals (B) Investigation
more . (C) money
(A) efficient (D) land
(B) efficiency
(C) efficiencies 83. The Mirkls Corporation fifteen different
(D) efficiently magazines about health and travel to subscribers across
the nation
77. Once you have opened the package, please carefully (A) produces
look through the box to make sure that it contains (B) distributes
fifteen metal panels. (C) orders
(A) exact (D) notes
(B) exacted
(C) exactly 84. The owner of Pergjni Builders estimates that the
(D) exacting construction in downtown Eriton will take
eighteen months to complete.
78. The price reform bill has been proceeding (A) approximately
through Congress, resulting in a substantial increase in (B) slowly
real energy prices. (C) eagerly
(A) steadiness (D) spaciously
(B) steadiest
(C) steadily 85. The Joseph Wellington Library would like to thank
(D) steadies all donors for their during the recent fundraising
79. Since distance learners cannot meet with their (A) account
supervisors due to logistical problems, so it is (B) privilege
necessary for the educational institution to facilitate (C) ceremony
two-way communication channels. (D) generosity
(A) frequents (B) frequent
(C) frequently (D) frequency
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

86. Ivanlcoff Industries' venture into experimental 93. Upgrades to the order-tracking database will allow
technologies will be accomplished by utilizing staff to process customer purchases more
already available within the company. (A) totally
(A) purposes (B) efficiently
(B) expenses (C) recently
(C) resources (D) shortly
(D) salaries
94. To schedule for an Estelfis washing
87. Ms. Borgen changed jobs because her machine, please contact the customer service
former position provided little flexibility. department.
(A) partly (A) processes
(B) financially (B) actions
(C) widely (C) developments
(D) relatively (D) repairs

88. rigorous coursework, the certificate program 95. Passengers should be when opening the
also includes hands- on training with a mentor. overhead luggage bins as contents may have shifted
(A) Since during travel.
(B) Along (A) enjoyable
(C) Besides (B) upward
(D) Resulting (C) late
(D) careful
89. To for the local-shopper discount,
customers must show proof of residency. 96. Profits are expected to rise over the next 10
(A) qualify years
(B) award (A) closely
(C) experience (B) lately
(D) certify (C) cheaply
(D) steadily
90. In yesterday's third-quarter financial statement,
Varcas Industries reported a 15 percent in value.
(A) gain
(B) progress
(C) advantage
(D) benefit

91. According to Lederer Financial Consultants, a

strategy to minimize borrowing is part of good
debt .
(A) registration
(B) management
(C) signature
(D) invoice

92. Lawton Airways has announced that it will

increase its nonstop service from Cransen to Hoplay
(A) exactly
(B) finely
(C) importantly
(D) substantially
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

111. Employees in joining the company's sports

ĐỀ REVIEW NGỮ PHÁP teams should contact Meredith Lo by May 1
(các dạng hay gặp, nên làm trước khi thi) (A) interesting (B) interests
101. Fred's superb to detail is his best attribute (C) interest (D) interested
as a graphic artist.
(A) attend (B) attended 112. The menu at Minara Cafe changes weekly
(C) attendant (D) attention on the availability of seasonal ingredients.
(A) depend (B) depends
102. The decision to hire help was based largely (C) depended (D) depending
on the concerns expressed by the employees.
(A) addition (B) additions 113. The Domino line of ergonomic chairs,
(C) additional (D) additionally exclusively by A-Furniture, is of unsurpassed quality.
(A) manufacture (B) manufactured
103. The management of Muroto is in the process (C) are manufactured (D) to be manufacturing
of a new set of guidelines for customer service.
(A) establish (B) establishes 114. Anisk makes every effort the confidentiality
(C) established (D) establishing of all participants in the clinical study.
(A) to maintain (B) maintains
104. Although Brawley Manufacturing is struggling, its (C) will maintain (D) is maintaining
international ventures have become
(A) success (B) more successful 115. you experience any difficulties accessing
(C) successfulness (D) most successfully your online Airway Bank account, just tell me.
(A) Than (B) Should
105. The Manila has part-time and temporary (C) What (D) Having
employment for certified nursing attendants
(A) opens (B) openings 116. Berne has recommended that its clients the
(C) openness (D) opener invoices from the last quarter for pricing mistakes.
(A) to review (B) reviewed
106. While remaining to customers who have (C) review (D) reviewing
supported it for decades, McGill Electronics will
diversify in all areas of its business. 117. Adequate storage -space is very important to
(A) loyalty (B) loyalties companies large quantities of materials
(C) loyally (D) loyal (A) produced (B) produces
(C) produce (D) producing
107. Answering customer questions is sometimes
difficult to do on 118. The author of this book has researched the hotels
(A) yours (B) yourself and has also stayed at all of them .
(C) your own (D) you (A) his own (B) him
(C) himself (D) his
108. Travelers the local airport in Hopkins
complain that there is an urgent need for more parking 119. Hibernia management asks that cameras and
(A) use (B) using mobile phones at the security desk
(C) used (D) will use (A) left (B) were left
(C) will be leaving (D) be left
109. The head chef has been commended for
introducing dishes that are both creative and delicious. 120. Although the assistant manager will be transferred
(A) continue (B) continues next week, the personnel office has not yet found a
(C) continually (D) continual replacement for .
(A) she (B) herself
110. We can assist clients in accurately expenses. (C) her (D) hers
(A) predict (B) predicting
(C) prediction (D) predicts
Fanpage: Toeic Ielts cho nguoi mat goc – Ms. Van (Zalo: 0357759517)

121. Since employees often have to meet with clients, 131. Neither Kato Business Service nor any of its
Park Design enforces dress code at all times are responsible for the accuracy of this brochure.
(A) compliant (B) compliance (A) affiliate (B) affiliated
(C) compliantly (D) complies (C) affiliating (D) affiliates

122. These copy machines are the property of Drittel 132. Had negotiations not broken down at the last
Manufacturing and are intended for business only minute, Laureano with its main competitor,
(A) use (B) useful Trevino-Martin.
(C) used (D) usefully (A) has merged (B) would have merged
(C) had merged (D) will have merged
123. Fletcher will discuss the advertising budget with
the board of directors when they meet next month 133. While he is away from the office, we can reach
(A) formal (B) formalize Mr. Cho by calling home phone number.
(C) formally (D) formalities (A) himself (B) him
(C) he (D) his
124. The to Eland Motors' new compact car has
been positive 134. Employees should submit of completed
(A) response (B) respond expense vouchers by the fifteenth of each month.
(C) responds (D) responded (A) copies (B) copied
(C) copying (D) copy
125. This week only, spend $200 and your order
for free overnight shipping. 135. Knitwear Corporation's board of directors
(A) Qualification (B) qualifies for two hours yesterday to review the annual report
(C) qualify (D) qualifying (A) met (B) meet
(C) meets (D) meeting
126. Tough stains can be removed more with
Pearl Glow's extra-strength laundry 136. We are pleased that you have accepted a full-time
(A) ease (B) easier position as a financial adviser in our Laos office.
(C) easiest (D) easily (A) basing (B) base
(C) based (D) bases
127. Critics of the recent movie with Michelle Zhao
have called the plot too 137. Evelyn Chu's Web site provides consumers with
(A) predicting (B) predicted reviews and price of electronic devices.
(C) predictable (D) predictably (A) Compare (B) comparisons
(C) have compared (D) compares
128. Please use the color printer sparingly, since the ink
cartridges it requires currently unavailable. 138. Mew software that should reduce employees
(A) are (B) is training time
(C) been (D) being (A) to develop (B) developing
(C) is being developed (D) to be developed
129. Please accept the coupon book as thanks for
opening your savings account with South Branch Bank. 139. The coffee makers we compared in te rms of
(A) enclose (B) enclosed prices, size, and durability.
(C) enclosing (D) enclosure (A) varies (B) vary
(C) variable (D) varying
130. Mr. Adams will not be able to complete the report
by himself and would appreciate it if someone would 140. There are many game shows that are hosted
volunteer to help . by celebrities
(A) he (B) him (A) impressive (B) impressed
(C) himself (D) his (C) impressing (D) impression

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