Mingyi He, Bo Li, Huahui Chen: Al. (11) Proposed A Modified Deep Stacking Network (DSN) For
Mingyi He, Bo Li, Huahui Chen: Al. (11) Proposed A Modified Deep Stacking Network (DSN) For
Mingyi He, Bo Li, Huahui Chen: Al. (11) Proposed A Modified Deep Stacking Network (DSN) For
Table 1. Parameters of convolutional layers
kernel kernel kernel size kernel stride
name number H, W, B Δ(H, W, B)
conv1 16 3,3,11 1,1,3
conv2 1 1,1,1
conv2 2 1,1,3
16 1,1,1
conv2 3 1,1,5
Fig. 2. Illustration of multi-scale 3D convolution block. m1 , conv2 4 1,1,11
m2 and m3 denote the kernel sizes in the 2 spatial and 1 spec- conv3 1 1,1,1
tral dimensions, respectively. conv3 2 1,1,3
16 1,1,1
conv3 3 1,1,5
conv3 4 1,1,11
conv4 16 2,2,3 1,1,1
pooling – 2,2,3 2,2,3
E=− log(pnk ) (5)
N n=1
classification. Considering the spatial resolution of the data The Indian Pines dataset gathered by Airborne Visible/Infrared
and the target sizes for each classes to be classified, a relative Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor in North-western In-
small kernel size in the 2 spatial dimensions is suit for our diana consists of 145 × 145 pixels with a ground resolution
experiments. of 17 m and 220 spectral reflectance bands in the wavelength
rang 0.4-2.5 μm. We reduce the number of bands to 200
The detailed hyper-parameter setting of this model is pre-
by removing bands covering the region of water absorption.
sented in Table 1. The hyper-parameters are chosen for val-
It includes 16 classes, and we select 8 classes due to some
idation on the training data. In other words, we used 80%
classes having too few labeled samples.
of the training samples to learn weights and the remaining
The University of Pavia dataset acquired by the Reflective
20% to choose the proper hyper-parameters. We used the
Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) sensor during
same model setting for all the three datasets. In other words,
a flight campaign over Pavia University consists of 610 × 340
we don’t deliberately tune the hyper-parameters to pursue a
pixels with ground resolution of 1.3 m and 103 bands.
higher performance.
The Salinas dataset was collected by the 224-band AVIRIS
We train our network with the multinomial logistic loss: sensor over Salinas Valley, California, comprising 512 × 217
pixels with a ground resolution of 3.7 m. We reduce the num-
ber of bands to 204 by removing bands covering the region of
water absorption.
In all the 3 datasets, we randomly select 200 labeled pixels
per class for training and the rest for testing. The input of our
network is the HSI 3D patch in the size of 7 × 7 × Band,
where Band denotes the total number of spectral bands. The
size of the output is the number of the classes. For paper space (a) Ground truth (b) RBF-SVM (c) Hu’s CNN
limit, only the training number and test number for each lass
of the Indian Pines dataset are presented in Table 2.
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