DLL Week 2
DLL Week 2
DLL Week 2
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Resources https://www.slideshare.net/ https://www.slideshare.net/
admecinstitute/elements-and-principles- admecinstitute/elements-and-principles-
of-design-updated?from_search=0 of-design-updated?from_search=0
Preliminary Activity Preliminary Activity Preliminary Activity
Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer 1. Prayer 1. Prayer
1. Prayer
2. Picking up litter and arranging of 2. Picking up litter and arranging of 2. Picking up litter and arranging of
IV. PROCEDURE 2. Picking up litter and arranging
the chairs property. the chairs property. the chairs property.
of the chairs property.
3. Checking of attendance. 3. Checking of attendance. 3. Checking of attendance.
3. Checking of attendance.
A. Reviewing
Ask the students about the multimedia Ask the students about the elements of Ask the students about the principles of
Lesson or Ask students about the previous lesson.
and its elements. design. design.
presenting new
B. Establishing a Short Game (Memory Game)
Short Game (This or That)
purpose for the Students will match the set of images
Students will select images from a
lesson that is presented in the screen. Present the lesson Objectives Present the lesson Objectives
presented set based on their preferences
or interests.
C. Presenting Teacher will Present the Directions of
examples/ the Performance Task.
instances of the Present the Directions of Group Activity 1. Create a video content, or video
new lesson 1. Using the different elements of presentation using your pictures
design, create a poster that will using any video editing software
Group Activity (10 minutes)
show your creativity. Answer the question: or application.
What do you consider when buying 2. Use the different multimedia
Each group will create a visual
This art activity allows learners to create clothes? elements like text, Audio
representation of their assigned design
personalized posters while applying the graphics, animation, and video.
element using the provided materials.
principles of design. It encourages 3. Apply any of the principles of
creativity, visual communication, and a design to make your output
deeper understanding of how design creative.
elements impact the overall composition.
The Students will do their Performance
Task # 1 in ICT and ESP.
D. Discussing Presentation of Group Activity By pair Activity (10 mins_
new concepts Each pair will be given a piece of paper
and practicing Discussion of element of design and they will design their own shirt using
new skills #1 1. Mark the pencil, marker, and coloring material.
2. Line
3. Shape
4. Space
5. Form
6. Color
7. Texture
E. Discussing Discuss the Principles of design.
new concepts
and practicing 1. Balance
new skills #2 2. Rhythm
3. Contrast
4. Pattern
5. Emphasis
6. Unity
F. Developing
mastery (Leads The students will present and discuss
to Formative The students will present and discuss their Presentation of Output their output.
Assessment #3) artwork.
The students will present and check their
output to see if they have applied the
different principles of design.
G. Finding
Answer the question: Answer the question: Answer the question: Answer the question:
applications of
How can you use element of design to How can you apply the elements of design How can design principles be used in How can you apply the principles of
concepts and
improve your presentations or reports? in real-world scenarios? different areas? design in real-world scenarios?
skills in daily
H. Making
Complete the statement: Complete the statement: Complete the statement: Complete the statement:
I have learned that… I have learned that… I have learned that… I have learned that…
Now I Can…. Now I Can…. Now I Can…. Now I Can….
about the
I. Evaluating Answer the following questions: There is no written evaluation; instead, the Answer the following questions: There is no written evaluation;
learning 1. A design element that refers to evaluation is included as part of the 1. What type of balance is: (informal) instead, the evaluation is included
the lightness and darkness of a presentation. a balance of unlike objects? as part of the presentation.
2. The empty or open area 2. What refers to a way of combining
between, around, above, below similar elements of art to create an
and within objects. uncomplicated look to an overall
composition? HARMONY
3. The surface quality or the way
3. Point of interest in a work of art -
something feels such as rough-
attracts more attention than
anything else in composition.
4. An element of design that refers EMPHASIS
to the volume and mass of an 4. This principle of design refers to
object. the use of repetition to create a
5. The smallest and most basic sense of movement. RHYTHM
5. This principle of design refers to
the use of different elements to
create a sense of stability and
harmony? BALANCE
J. Additional
activities for
application or
No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
No. of learners
who continue to
Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other